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Show THE BOXIELDER NWS, THURSDAY APRIL 13. 1905 WILLARD. La Grecque Corsets. Lattice Ribbon Model. For Medium or Slender figures The lightest Weight and Most Oomfortable Durable Corset made. The bodies are of fine sheer material. The ribbons give firmness and a delicate dressy appearance. They allow perfect freedom in breathing and motion and round the thin figure into artistic outlines. Waist line is brought low and hip curves decided. Colors are black and white. Sites from 18 to 25. Price $1.50. About more For sale by W. H. WRIGHT & SONS CO. OGDEN, UTAfi. 7: An actors union l oeing iormed. There is no class of 'abor that could be as cheerfully spared in a strike. y A Tried and True Friend. Minute Cough Cure contains atom of any harmful drug, and been curing coughs, colds, and whooping Cough so long that it has proven Itself to be a tried and true friend to the many who use It Sold by the Eddy drug store. Ohe not an it has croups Call on Joseph N . Stohl for tf your Farm Loans. If you buy tinware, gr&nite-Wafwoodenware of us, you buy it right. Christensen & Knurl tf son. e, Rheumatism-Ther- are few diseases that inflict torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies have been suggested. To say that it can be cured is, therefore, a bold ' statement to maket but Cham, berlains Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, has met with great success in the treatment cf this disease , One application of Pain Balm will relieve the pain, and hundreds of have testified to permanent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief and costs but a trifle, For sale by the. Eddy drug store. sui-fere- Royal Daynes Dies While YOST. THATCHER. Monday evening April 3rd a missionary farewell party was given in honor of Joseph A. Harding, who will shortly take his departure to California. A purse of $26 was given him. Sunday afternoon Mrs. John Taylor, her daughter, and little sou and babe while driving to town bad a very uar-ro- w escape from severe Injury. The neck-yok- e broke and let the tongue down, frightening the horses so that they became unmanageable. They ran away throwing all the occupants out of the buggy, but with no serious results. Mr. Bert Nicholas and wife, formally Miss Hannah E. Brunker, took their departure for Promontory last Friday where they will make their borne the coming summer. Mrs Nicholas has been the organist for the Willard choir ten years, and its leader the last year. She was also a worker in the Y. L. M., the Primary association and the Sunday School. James M. White was appointed choir leader In her place. T. M. April II, 1905. Vi Services For His Grandfather Are in Progress. While the funeral services were being held over the remains of Johib Baynes yesterday afternoon, a grandson of the deceased, Royal Daynes, died of diphtheria at the home of his parents, Royal W. and Ann Rich Daynes, 16 Last Friday evening a number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs, P. N. Pierce met at the family lesidence to celebrate the 40th anniversary cf tr.e birth of Mr. Pierce. Mrs. Pierce had prepared a fine oyster supper and an elegant birthday cake. The cake was v ery artistic. It was set with wax candles which, when lighted presented a pleasing appearance. After supper, games, music, speeches and soolal talk were enjoyed the ba ance of the evening. If you happen to see John H. Watt ask him how lie likes a "Yankee kiss. This was one of the best jokes of the evening. AU pres-ebad a most enjoyable time and pronounced Mr. and Mrs Pierce capital entertainers. Ward conference was held here on Hade from pure cream eff the 3rd Inst. The visitors were S. N. Lee, Wllford Reeder, Hattie Wight, tartar derived from grspes Alice M. Johnson, and Lottie Cozier of Brigham City. There was not a Mioe feAKiNQ eowoie co. great deal of preaching done, but CMICAOO what there was was good. Quite a number of songs were sung and it is needless to say they were thoroughly Curtains cleaned and stretched appreciated. The people of Thatcher from 25 to 40 cents a pair at the will always make such visitors wcl- come. B. C. 3 Laundry, Everybody in our neighborhood were so busy with beets that they hadn't time to go to Conference this year. Virgil, the two year old babe of Mr. and Mrs- P. N. Pierce is quite sick. Old subscriber. ut Colds It should be borne in mind every cold weakens the lungs, the vitality and prepare system for the more serious eases, among which are the greatest destroyers of human pneumonia ana consumption. THE r NEW TRADE MARK LAW. A copy of the New Law of Trade Marks will be sent free to any one in Trade Marks Prointerested the dis- two life, tection, by C. A. Snow & Co, opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Chamberlains Cough Remedy Sons have choice cherry, apricot and peach trees tf for sale. If you ant to buy a home and havent enough ready cash, Let A Dunn will buy it for you and let you pay for it on the installtf ment plan. Sackett has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It aids expectoration, relieve the lung and opens the secretions, effecting a speedy and It counteract permanent cure. any tendency toward pneumonia. V Friday night, March 3lst we had a farewell social in honor of Gustave Anderson of Junction, who leaves April 4th lor a mission to Sweden, his native land. It was the largest party of the season. A very pleasant time was had, and the neat sum or $50.00 was presented to hiru to help him on his way. He is a fine young man and will oe a good soldier for the Cross. Among the many visitors ipresent were John Eckersley and wife. Will Eckersley and wife, Ellie James and family, Elisha Whittaker and wife, Charles Hastings and wife, Will Newman, the architect and contractor of he west, and wife, Walt James, the d boy, Walter Ashment and his sisters Stella and Jennie, Alfred Peterson, "The Terrible Swede, Frank Carter, James Yates and his be wife, and the following beautiful daughters of some of the rnnst progressive citizens of Park Valley and Rosette; Julia and Eva Campbell, Mary Yates, Mary Keuzler, Isabelle Chadwick, and Lot- - that low-e- & vv Price 25c. Large Size 50c. For sale at the Eddy Drug Store. held at the residence on J street The First National bank pays and the in terment took place five per cent on time deposits, last at the City cemetery night compounded quarterly, if desired. near the grandfathers grave. 8. L. Herald Apr. 4th. This litA Chance of a lifetime Ali the property of the Brigham tle boy is a nephew of Homer J. Rich of this city. City Woolen Mills Company is chance is at for sale. This your HEALTH IS YOUTH. the best bargain ever offered m Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age. Box Elder County. The price Herbine, taken every morning before will keep you io robust its actual breakfast, asked is about health, fit you to ward off disease. It N Stohl Lorenzo Value. Call on cures coustipatiOD, biliousness, dysIn th First National Bank Blgd. pepsia. fever, skin lives and kidney complaints. It purities the blood and Wanted Alfalfa seed. Wm. clears the complexion. Mrs. D. W. tf Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes April Horsley & Sons. 3, 1902: I have used Herbine. and ttDd it the best medicine for constipation Dissolution of Partnership. d and liver troubles. Notice is hereby given 50c ts a bottle. existing be It. partnership heretofore tween Heber C. Boden and Geo. L. gists. Graebl, partners under the firm name or Boden A Graehl. doing business at Brigham City, Box Elder County, State of Utah, has been dissolved by mutual consent, all debts owing to l be said partnership are to be received by Geo. L. Graehl, and ail demands on the said partnership are to be presented to him for payment Dated at Brigham City, Box Elder County, State of Utah, this 10th day of March A. D. 1905. IIeberC. Boden, Geo. L. Graehl, Partners. m 16-- a 13 . Early Risarft The famous little pills. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OS' BBI9HRM CITY. V I MllS4frW DOES STRICTLY A BANKING BUSINESS Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent directors: John I. Edwaras Norman Lee, Alma Nelson, Peter M. Hansen. Lorenzo N. stohl, John D. Peters Cashier President. Lucius A. Snow, Oleen N. Stohl, Nels Jenson, foieyshokhmcah top! the oeogh eaE heele toet W- - H. -P- Glover ROPRIETOR The j I f u At All Return, ma of the Opera The management concluded House has arrangements whereby Brigham City has been added to a circuit of houses in Utah and Idaho known as the "Utah-n- a Circuit to be played once a month and being so well pleased with Utah-n- a Stock Company rendition or "Tbel ma" feels that the theatre going public will appreciate and support something that Is better at prices that are within the reach of all than the majority of the Companys that come here at advanced prices. The arrangement makes it possible for this Company to alwajs have something good In preparation, and will produce only complete scenic productions of the best Standard Dramas. Fere Weak Dieestlon. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest you food. It is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the amount digested and assimilated. If troubled with weak digestion, don't fail to give these tablets a trial. Thousands have been benefited by their use They only cost a quarter. For sale by the Eddy drugstore. Thin Is a Place For You. you don't cut out your knocklo, And your fellin' 'round of lies, If you dont quid startin rumors All the folk to scandalize, If vou don't quit sinful livin You will find out when you're dead And you try to get to heaven well, you heard what Ben Rich said, S. L. Herald. If O- F- A Dandy for Burnt. Dr. Bergln, Pana, Ills , writes: "I have used Ballards Snow Liniment: friends, always recommended it to my as I am confident there is no better made. It is a dandy for burns Rigs, Those who live on farms are especially Hours.... liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballards Snow Liniment is applied. It should always be kept in the house 25c, 50c, $1 of emergency. Utah for cases Sold bv all Druggists bottle. at Depot. Oise KlSnute Gough Gam For Coughs Colds and CrousN fOLEYSHOKEMM Pneumonia Owes Wttl front 1 fair-haire- tie Morris During the dance the silver throat daughters of Jonathan Campbell, delighted us with the rendition of two gongs, "Stars of the East, and "Dear Old Girl, la their most charming manner. The next day "All Fools Day a baseball game was played between the "Cracker Jacks of Yost aud the "Steadies of Paik Valley. After a hotly contested game the Yost boys were declared victors. The winners would have been carried on the shoulders of the home people if our Bishop had not belonged to that team. Any om who knows him can easily guess w hy he wasnt carried in that manner. The grand stand was well filled with the beautiful ladies and charming gentlemen of Park Valley, Lynn. Alrno, Standrod, and Yost. Out of respect for tue feelings of the Park Valley boss, and also at the request of one of their team we do not publish the score of the game, but we may venture to say tbe Yost boys were far enough ahead 0 that there was no chance for a contest It is expected that a return game will be played at Park Valley some time in the future. The Yost boys gave a dance Saturday night in honor of their visitors. Wo were pleased to see them over and find the young people of the Park are such genial and We trust they pleasant comrades. will come again. The only thing that marred the pleasure of the occasion was the illness of Miss Lottie Morris. She was taken sick with the la grippe and was quite poorly all the time of their stay. She was able to return home Monday, feeling much better. The school ai. Junction closed last Friday and lost night the teacher. Miss Ehina Hailing of Geneva, gave a dance, at which a large crowd was present and an enjoyable time was had. She has given good satisfaction as a teacher and we are in hopes she may come back again and remain "forever and a day with us. e Letters teceived from John H. MANTUA. AVOIDED Mantua is full of spring cheer, and one need only breathe a half dozen breaths of our delighiful air to say 8he Was Told That an Operation Was is good to live." "It Sbe Escaped It Inevitable. How We are beginning to think of farmWhen physician tells a woman suf-t- ing and harvests, getting ready for ovarian or womb trouble the serious summer work. faring that an operation is neoessary, the very All fools day slipped by without thought of th knife and the operating table strikes terror to her heart, and making a great many new fools, only our hospit&la are full of women coming one event being recorded in its honor. for ovarian or womb operations That was a very pleasant evening spent at tbe home of Hans Keller, Games and music helped fill the even lug's enjoyment, tbo no fools games were in evidence. Later dainty refreshments were served. Those present were as follows! Mr. and Mrs. Hans Keller, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Jeppson, Mrs. Anton Jeppson and the Misses La Via bornson, Maud Jenson, Elvira Peterson, Messrs, Martin Rasmussen, Cy us Hansen, Clateuce Jensen and Lucius Hansen. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jensen were entertainiug a host of Brigham JtfffAfargret Aferkey guests. All tbe family of "Miller" Jensen meeting at their home to There are eases where an operation the birthday of their father. Is the only resource, but when one conThis Is a yearly family reunion, and siders the great number of cases of ovarian and womb trouble cured hy is the occasion on which ramily ties Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable Com- are more tii m,y bound and love for one pound after physicians nave advised another cemented. operations, no woman should submit to one without first trying the Vegetable Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Jeppesen are Compound and writing Mrs. Plskham, made happy over the arrival of a fine ' Lynn, Mass., for advice, which ie free. new baby boy, Misa Margret Merkley of 87S Third Miss Eliza Peterson, one of ManStreet, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: tuas most chaimiug young ladies, Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Loss of strength, extreme nervommese left us to be married in the Sait Lake ehootmg pains through the pelvic organs, Temple this week. She will change bearing down pains and erampa eomiielled her name to Moore. We heartly wish me to seek medical advice. The doctor, after making an examination, said I had ovarian Mr. and Mrs Moore a whole liie full and advised and ulceration an trouble operaM, tion. To this 1st ronglv objected and decided of happiness. to trv Lydia E. Finkhams Vegetable Com,905. April 4, The ulceration quickly healed, all pound l EXPERIENCE OF MISS MERKLEY h J the bad symptoms dwippeared and I am strong, vigorous aud well. Ovarian and womb troubles are steadily on the increase among women. If the monthly period are very painful, or too frequent and excessive if you have pain or swelling low down in the left aide, bearing down pains, leucor-rhredont neglect yourself : try Lvdia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. Once more a, The President is not the only man will go hunting this month, Many private citizens are out hunting-- who flats, Keep your bowels regular by the use of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets, There is nothing be j For sale by the Eddy drug ter. store. I k ie 4 hi M 5. I Our "vale in the hills is at. present with a very earthly (?) bliWd blessing, au overdose of measles. Last Saturday the afternoon was pent, witnessing a horse race. We guess tbe victor Is proud of bis mount and the vanquished need "never say ? die. Mr. and Mrs. Alouto Moore returd ed Sat ui day from Salt Lake aud that evemug a crowd of towns folk quickly gaiheied together, and went to the home of the brides parents to welcome them with a "kttckeu shower. Everybody bad a jolly good time aud alt the girls, especially wished for Moore. Ice cream, cakeand oranges were served while music and games made the evening fairly fly. The new Arctic exploring vessel has been named the Roosevelt. I( theres anything in a name she ought Five to ten acres good meadow land to reach the North Pole, southwest of city 10 acres good hay land 0 1 pasture A DarsdtYil Rid close iu north. often ends Id a sad accident. To heal LEE & DUNN, accidental injuries, use Bucklen s ArReal Estate Agents. nica Salve. "A deep wound in my font from an accident," writes Theo- Room 25, First Nu tonal Bank builddore Schuele of Columbus, O., "caused ing, Btigham, Utah. Tel. 39 4. me great pain. Physicians were he! t5 : less, but Bucklen s Arnica Salve aulc y healed it." Soothes and heals Durns like magic. 25c at the Eddy diug store U acre lot iu 4th ward; orchard and barn and sheds. beAndrew he that Carnegie Gerlays of this place, who is in Half acre orchard iu Second ward, lieves tn the small college but he i information the that convey many, old Elberta peach trees. all in be is well but Is meeting with much paying two thousand dollars a week 4 acres orchard; house and sheds; them to make to try large. opposition in his work, from the pogood water right; immediately south of Brigham. A Night Attack. lice, who are determined to drive the Mormons from the Fatherland. Last night the little daughter of Ten acres excellent pasture and Mrs. Brown, as she sweetly and peace- meadow, enclosed with good senca With kind regards I am of O. S. L. depot. fully slept in her little bed near the west Your Uncle Sam. Acre lot with 4 room house and window, was attacked by a deathdealing demon known as croup whoopWon a Nam of Fame 200' acres iiorderlng east side of -15688.ing cough, and but for tbe timely use De Witts Little Early Risers, the of Kennedys Laxative Honey and Tar, Bear river about 4 miles west of for and discount the cash, $10 Season; less the usual famous little pills, have been made fa- which she always keeps handy, tbe Brigham. 25 acres good hay land in "Big mous by their certain yet harmless life of the little one m ight not have and gentle action upon the bowels been saved. Kennedys Laxative Hon Fields. s 127 feet of business propand liver. They have no equal for ey and Tar is different from all the on Main street. e cough syrups and is best for erty biliousness, constipation, etc. They 1 acre city lot on South Main St. in do not weaken the stomach, gripe, or children because it acts on the bowels, Con 2nd ward; 5 room house with baru; make you feel sick. Once used always is harmless, safe and certain. water-work- s and electric light la referred. They strengthen, bold tains no opiates. Bold by the Eddy house; good location. A bargain. drug store. y the Eddy drugstore. 20.34 acres pasture with independent water right near O. S. L. depot. Ye FARMBitbl ! Get Into line for The great rule of health Here is a golden your summer work. Keep the bowels regular. opportunity. We have 120 acres of s choice land three miles north of town And the great medlcine--Ayertruct piece out tn Pills. Ll.T?..' thrf. we canThis will go at the grab an(1nver. culUYE figure of $30 per acre.PartH8,.1'1, Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAMS ln tivated for years. abeautifultrowu or rich black? use nmm.01 oa..u.co..mvi. Cloe to Hammond Canal. w ble it value in two years, aermseasyi If vnu wish to buy a home and have not the means at hand, call on Lee k Dunn, they will buy it for you. THE Good Orchard, U acre, 2nd West and 4th North. 20 acres splendid beet land neaf yU,age 2 years, 10 months; weight 1,700 pounds. ' Garland. Full water right. $15 Season; less the usual discount for cash. AND THE 30 arte farm at, Penrose. Finest At J, 1. Duke Stables on corner 2nd South and 1st East Sts,, opposite 1$ Well cultivated. kind of soil one of the best bargains on our list. Tabernacle, Brigham City, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of each week, at other times at my residence at Mantua. Utah. Young I acre orchard, 2nd East, A snap. 5 and 6 North. bet It costs do more to raise a good hore than a scrub isand no more to shelA splendid lot on 1st West and 3r of In cost tbe compared difference breeding and THE nothing LINE TO the ter him, SCENIC North. A good buy. What does $5 or with what vou get when you come to sell vour horses 4x10 rods on 2nd West. The lowest to sell? wish to when horse a It you pays if liave to good $10 amount you Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs close in property In the city. tn one the look horse priced that the best Utah, We have bought raise the bet Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east Denver, in Lake Omaha, fall last Salt State tbe Fair breeds house and 4 acre orchard on Small all at over the sweepstakes main street. W III sell on Installment Respectfully yours. ' Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all City, at 2 years old. plan If desired. A splendid opportunPACIFIC and ORECON SHORT LINE TRAINS SOUTHERN ity for a little home at co more than your tent costs. The only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City H acre orchard altcholce young tree UTAll.- -MANTUA, at 3rd North aud Main. Splendidly Equipped Fast Trains Daily between Good residence and t acre young orchard. very desirable location, within OGDEN and DENVER Wrods of county court house. Will Via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes sell at exceptionally low figure considering the value, Yield of orchard last season was 000 cases choice irutt. Can THROUGH exchange this property for part payTo Denver, Omaha, Kansas City ment on good farm In Bear River ValPULLMAN MONUMENTS ley. St. Louis and Chicago withLEE & DUNN, AND out change. Free reclining Order NOW Real Estate Agents. ORDINARY TO INSURE DELIVERY FOR Room 25, First National Bank buildchair cars. 39-- 4. ing, Brigham, Utah. TeL SLEEPING 1, s ' k 3, i WANTED, Real Estate Bargains Kro-enck- JS.BERCORN, English Shire first-clas- old-tim- AyersPills ja . Governor Wells, Denver & Rio Grande Rio Grande Western. Charles N. Jeppesen, 8 3 ecoratlon CARS We also manufacture Hack meets all Trains I BrighamCity 1 Sold by all Drug- Thursday evening April 13th, the "Silver King will be presented by Stock Company who the Utah-D- a were here in March playing "Thel- read x stables,' x Up-To-D- does all you Utahna Stock Company's Llvery and . It that the claim for it. I can highly recommend OPERATION - An eighty acre farm with full watstreet. er fight, located in Garland can be J The child was 8 years of age Cannot bought for but little money and contracted the disease about be excelled in either location, quality ten ago, days Of price. Call on Stohl Bros, , First funeral services were Private tf Bank Natl Bldg. one-thir- PAGE FIVE -I- RON FENCES - of all kinds 5P rv. JOHN H e BOTT & Sons. Personally Conducted Excursions. Hou-irrtR- 's Rocky Mountain Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rales, folders, fret Illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your nearest tloket stent specifying the Rto Grande route, or address DINING CARS A BENTON A cu u, Tea ilftUoln fcr Buy Briags QoUtu Health tad A Buy Nusts fople. &&! Yifor A for Onti.Mnttloa, Indlpedloe, Mv and Kidney Trouble- -, Pimple Eciem Impure Headwb Blood, Bad Breath, monish Bowel and Backache. tuR wly Mountain Tea In tabmad eg bo Genuine let form, 83 cent a Boiunti Dvo rioupaar, Madison, wla, 00L0EN IDUQQtTO FOB MU Of i |