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Show S the 5,JU 1S-S- i! . A A Kind oti Jesdjj 3m, toj ank i. le id Act Brings Kindness. Back Christ-whe- n just four weeks till five little children sat around d thelrold grandmother in hich there old broken 8tove It umbe 'o Christinas Story, W,1S is but lutlewasfire.built out of logs, betwide open cracks wind blew madly through, where the had only a few thin children The The poor w hicb were torn. ,iotbes on from crying could keep hardly children the cold. May, the oldest child Zke up and said. Johnny let us go wood so the little ones can getsorne , warm They were off In a second were soon out in the cold gatheriThe bouse ween toe logs were jnd ng wood. hour the children were jn a half an arm full of wood and an with hack tire. made a good hot lived a very rich one little girl, manufac-tmin- g a owned large whose father establishment. The little girl Her Dame had anything she wanted. Jennie. She was a friend of wgg for they both went to the same achool'. May always said kind words her with to Jennie, and always helped a study her arithmetic for that was that she could not get. When May was not near, Jennie told all the girls about how she was at home aDd all the lies she could about her. Then when May came near they This made her get away from them. made May feel very sorry to think that Jennie would tell this about her. when she always helped her in many Across the yard family who had only le and things. Jennie did not like May because she had to hurry home every day and help her grandma Cme with the children. winter when May day in the r,L $ core of 0D stor Dont forget the old man the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is Still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich ana strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he giyes new firm flesh and with If ttlDg gk iriog the elec- :yle! ice! its and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish grown up and have are now children ng n, i,.. . M.l fell ( n it,e i; j., : fehe cued and sal, I -I .aaii be late and the teacher will be So said Jennie, Ethel aispiea,ed and I win make a chair for you and carry you to school.soon Ethel and Jennie had the chair made and sat May upon it. When they got to school the teacher asked what had happened to May. They told the teacher all about it. The teacher told the girls to take her to the Doctor. Ethel and Jennie made the chair again and put May on it and started off again. On the way to the Doctors they saw him comiog up the road In his buggy. Docter," they cried, we were Just going up to your place with this little girl, she fell on the ice and broke her leg or hurt it in some way; she can not walk on it. (jorae my children, put her in the seat and jou two jump lu and e will take her home. The Doctor told May not to step on her foot for three weeks. After the Doctor had gone Jennie was left alone with May for Ethel had gone with the Doctor to her home. Jennie asked May where her papa was. Oh! Xmas, through her kindness, kiud acts were shown to the whole family, and they got a new house and both families lived happy ever after. Louise St eierman, Biigham. Aged thirteen years. Tor The Home Dramatic Co. Agreeable to our threat iu last ..SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, NewYorK. Pearl Street, 60c. and Si. 00 ( all druggists. OHIOAOCS cried May he was work- to come, Jeunie was in her while silk ing In a large store that your papa dress, and wten May and Florence owned, and when my mamma wassick came, they thought it was au angel papa had to stay home with her so in the door. At once May much that he lost his job. Now we standing ran and put her arms around Jenuies want him home for Xmas, bus, the neck and cried like a little baby. money wo saved to get him home, Jennie asked what she was crying went for the Doctor's bill, so we can for. Oh! Dear Jennie she cried, 1 not get him home. At this Jennie can not but think of mamma ran home and asked for the money when I seehelp your mamma and how nice she was goiDg to buy the big doll with. and clean she keeps you, I remember Her father asked her what she how my mamma used to keep me wanted the money for. She told him when I was a little girl about your that Mays papa was off hunting for a age. job because the man that runs your Well," Jennie sa'd never mind May store expelled him becau-- e he stayed let us go in where mamma is for she borne so much when May's mamma wants to tell Jennie you something. was sick. May's mamma died and left took Mays hand and led her in the fivechlldren, Now May has broken her kitchen where her mamma was sitleg and all the money the, had saved ting. Good morning May. Good to get their papa home has weut for morning said May. Mrs. Call said, the doctor bill, so I want to get the 1 have another Xmas present to give money and give to them to get their to you so come with me. papa home for Xmas, for I have my Jennie ran to Florence to show her papa home. a good time. In about an hour afterJennies papa paused a little aud wards May came out where Jennie said, 'so that was Mays papa and and Florence were playing. that Is the way he lost his job." Well She was no longer in her old dress dear little Jennie you cao run over but in a sweet pink silk that: looked and tell May that she shall have her so beautiful that Jennie told her ma papa home for Xmas and shall keep ma that May was her sister. May him home for he shall work In mv cuuld not help looking at her new store again, and the man that dis- dress and how her underskirts made it look so full at the bottom. missed him shall lose his job. Jennie led Florence and May into Soon Jennie was over and told May her playroom, tbere in the middle of all that her papa bad said. May room stood a large bundle for the clapped her bands with happiness to Florence. Jennie handed the bundle thiDk that her papa was coming home to Florence and all the children were and work in the large store again. eager to see what was in the bundle. Christmas night came at last, Jen- Florence opened It and there lay a nies papa had a large load of wood red silk dress trimmed with wide lace and coal sent over to Mays home, and three underskirts and a red coat and also a large basket of food, pies, cakes, hood. Florence ran to Mrs Call to bread, butter and everything that help her on with ner new dress. When they would be glad to get, aud also she was dressed the three girls looked Mays papa came home and got the like they were sisters and not like two the best job in tbe whole establish- poor gills. ment. AUtbe day they had a very nice tut Ethel Denver did not come. time told Christmas eve came and May was the her brothers, sisters, grandmother May ran over to see what the door she when opened matter, to and also her father were invited mamma told May that Ethel come over to Jeunies home and spend Ethels sick. was a Xmas eve with them, They had May ran over aod told the other very nice supper and after supper, two girls and when Jennie heard that games were played. At last the large Ethel was sick, the three girls all doors were opeued Into the parlor and took their dolls and weut and played there was a large tree filled with canall the rest of tha day so dles and presents. First there were with iihel two laigc dulls about three tecs tall, she could have a good time on Xmas the one that had black La.r and brown day. eyes was for May and the light one At night the three children went was for Jennie, then there was one at what they had about two feet tall for Mays sister home very happy So for smaller the done one that they always tried day. and baby. Florence because they that after be good to were rock' For tbe two boys there bad beeusogood to May aud all her inghorses, guns, trains and wagons, but for old grandma tbere was a lovely folks. it. Christmas holidays were over and rocking chair with pillows all over litBut for Mays father there was a doltle box which contained twenty lars and a little book with a note written like this: T A BANKING BUSINESS Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent DIRBCTOKS: Lucius A. Snow, Oleen N. Stohl, John . Edwaras Norman Lee, "l8 Jenson, Alma Nelson, Peter M. Hansen. Louknzo N. Stohl, John D. Peters President Cashier, I-- recommended. highly they may be can There is one (,ien.iraliuii that It has upon. be depended always and has been in use tor many years Chamber never known to fail, viz: M. Iains Cough Remedy. Mr. Texas, says of Market, of Compton s Cougn it " I have used Chamberlain of croup with cases severe in Remedy and can truthfully say my children, prompt relief, gives jt always sale at the Eddy Drug Store, The President of inauguration Diaz of Mexico for his seventh four-ye- ar term took place on the 1st. It does not seem exactly republican to have a president hold office for thirty years, but it is not to be disputed that the Diaz regime has been highly beneficial in training our neighbors in He is one of art of the ablest of the world's rulers. Tht Key that Unlocks the Door to Long Living The men of eighty five and ninety years of age are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spare men who live on a slender diet. Be as careful as he will, however, a roan past middle age, will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suited to his constition, and will need a dose of Ghamberlaine Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse and invigorate his stomach and regulate his liver and bowels. When this is done there is no reason why the average man should not live to old age. For sale by the Eddy Drug Store. Delinquent Notice. H.iin j o. of Odco was visiting friends and relatives in William Herold, Mail Robber, El- this city Monday. uded The Officers for Eighteen Perhaps the president went out of CAUGHT AT LAST. bia way to air some pet theories in his but hts recommendation of message, William nerold, a year and a half the whipping post for took a letter addressed toaoother seems ts meet with warm ago, public apman from tbe postoffice, at Stuart, n that it tends proval, The Moot., forged his signature to a to brutalize no more holds in the money order contained in it, got the case of an inhuman husband than in money, and then for 18 months eluded tbe case of an unruly boy. It is the persistent efforts of the postoffice obvious that a is brutaliz. Months- - wife-beat- ers olj-ctio- detectives to locate him. Yesterday afternoon he was arraign ed before United States Commissioner Twomey and pleaded guilty to all the charges of tbe complaint, except that of forgery wblob was not pressed. Upon this pleadtog he was turned over to the county Jail for safe keeping pending an order from Judge Marshall tranferring him to the district of Montana, wbcie the crime was committed. The story of his capture is an interesting one, aud seems to have been effected easily because of a genuine case of repentance. After 18 months of vain searching Postofflce Inspector 0. M. Perkins, a few days ago, received clues Indicating that Herold was la Utah, and Moaday be arrived In Salt Lake to investigate. After a brief search for Herold here, by Now is the time of the year to United States Marshall Heywood, it enjoy a quiet evening at a bowling as ascertained that he was in Willard, and Deputy Marshall Smyth alley everything up-t- o date. Try left at once for that town. lie found your skill at one of the most pop- Ills man yesterday morning at his ular and refined games for ladies mothers home, and served him with and gentlemen. Prizes given the warrant for his arrest. Herold, who for the best scores. A $6.50 Ham- sionalhas a bad reputation as a profesbronco buster and cowboy, took merless revolver for the best the service quietly, and offered to acscore; a $1.50 pocket knife for company the marshal without tbe second score; a $1,25 pearl knife slightest hesitation, Rsklng only to be allowed to say goodby to bis mother. for ladies best score; basement of They arrived at Salt Lake yesterday Ghristenson & Knudsons store. J afternoon, and proceeded at once to the office of Commissioner Twomey, where a warrant was la waiting for Not A Sick Day Sine. jtbe prisoner, I was taken severely sick with kidUpon arraignment Here Id abmitted ney trouble. I tried all sorts of med- bis identity, confessed that he had me. ODe of relieved nune which icines, taken the letter, and Bald that he was saw ad. Bitan of your Electric day I ters aud determined to try that. Af- willing to pay the penalty for it, and ter taking a few doses I felt relieved, that he bad regretted the act ever and Boou there after was entirety cur- since doing It.- - His ball was fixed at ed, and have not seen a sick day since. in d efault of which he went to $1,000, of been cured have of Neighbors mine Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and jail to await trial under an indictment Kidney troubles and General by the grand jury of tbe Montana bllity." This la what B. F. Bass, of district. Desert News. N. 0. writes. Only 60c, at Fremont, The Eddy Drug Store. "I was much afflicted with sciatica, Ed 0. Nud, lowavllle, Sedgwrites Old papers for sale at this wick Co., Kan., going about on crutoffice better to nothing put ches and suffering a deal of pain. under your carpets only 25 cts 1 was Induced to try Ballard's Snow per hundred. Liniment, which relieved me. I used three 50o bottles. It Is tbe greatest Services at Presbyterian Chapel liniment I ever used; have recommended it to a number of persons; all exSunday school at 10 oclock a. m. press themselves as being benefited Preaching at 8:00 p ,m. by it. I now walk without my crutchChristian Endeavor Wednesday at es, able to perform a great deal of 8:00 p.m. A. T, Rankin, light labor on the farm. 25c, 50c, $1,00 Pastor. Sold by all Druggists. Bowling! Bowling! Notice is hereby given that the following stock la the Curlew Irrigation and Reservoir company Is delinquent of Oct 24, 1904, under the in the amounts hereinafter set forth and will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Dec 30, 1904, unless fully paid together with costs Want your moustache or beard of advertising up to that date. a beautiful brown or rich black? Use Ayers Pills Keep them in the house. T ake one when you feel bilious or dizzy. They act on the liver. Lw&mST;: tly BUCKINGHAM 'S DYE 01 a. r. uu aco., iuuus. a. a. imt ns. or tm THE By order of the Board Thob. DeWitt's ot Directors, Roe, Secy, W. S Salvo For Pile Burns, Soros, very BoU Denver & Rio Grande Rio Grande Western. Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east Connecting at Ogden Union Dopot with all SOUTHERN PACIFIC and OREGON SHORT LINE TRAINS The only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City mi. s Kfi. imn interne WHOOPING COUCH. HOARSENESS, bronchitis, t' ' ' H 'slli . (4 Muotactond only by Ctamterlaii MeSicins IOWA, VeBrle AMD TORONTO, OAIfAUA lOapP'-S-w- t TWENTT-F1Y- b E DINING CARS Service through trains. For rates, folder, tree Illustrated booklets, etc., lugaire ol your nearest ticket agent specifying tbe Rio Grarnle route, or address P. D Salt Lake City, Ut CEKTM& atukrU . For Sale at the Eddy Drug Store, Nettie the Newigirl," is a winner. From pit to dome she thoroughly captured the large crowd at the Grand theatre Thursday night. The play e is one of the screaming melodramas, where virtue triumphs after many adversities and the abducted baby is restored to loving arms and as the final comes out a real lady curtain falls. Many scenic novelties are introduced, including a view of the tunnel under North river, New York, Biooklyn bridge and other metropolitan features. Miss Wanda Ludlow as Nettie is all that could be desired, and the supporting company is fully equal to the occasion. "Nettie, the Newsgirl, will be presented in this city December 28th. ADVERTISED LETTERS Deo 1904 13, - Tbe following letter U not called for la two wnt to the Deed Letter offloe. wcelm, will bo Bradley M T Copillupo Francisco Crompton Mrs Nora Feilong Lyman Hunsaker Robert Jensen E M Jensen Mrs Selina Johnston Mrs Zina jant Mrs John Landers E 0 Larkins Mrs Charles Nelson John F Obary Tom Osburn B W Rogers Dot When calling for the above letters state when advertised. B. F. Booth, Postmaster. -P- GLover, ROPRIETOR O-F- . Livery and Pood x stables, Rigs, At All Hours sf Hack meets all Trains at Depot. Utah Brigham City We promptly oouun D. a and Foreign Send model, iketcb or photo of lnrentlon foe free report on patentability. For tree book, TRrE-WRK- S. mmM it contains no opium or other harmful substance, and it as to an adult. a .y be given as confidently to baby uiu self contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptons," says Mr, J. S. Egleston of Knees and Maple Landing, Iowa, joints aching, muscles sore head stop, ed up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlains Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal use soon completely knocked out the grip. These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys which is always beneficial when the system is congested by a cold or attack of the grip. For sale at the Eddy Drug Store. te Whooping cough is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and expectora-f- r tion by the use of this remedy. Manufacturing Phermaoists, PCI MOTm PEICE. lj Co. Crip Quickly Knooksd Cut "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and my- W- - II. has never been known to fail. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. THROAT and LUNGS. i Senator Dietrich of Nebraika takes strong ground in favor of the employment of convict labor from the United States to construct the Panama Canal. The most depraved offenders could be sent there and kept at work, thus helping to solve both the penal and labor question. For Coughs, Cold and Croup -- cmmsA, p;i:i iMcintitT coxttmmo tmutuuuiMTtl Pioasant Pill. Quo L! ir.atc Gough Cure This remedy is also s certain cure for croup, an I SORE THROAT, A No Pill ts as pleasant and positive as DeWitt's Little Early Risers DeWitts Little Early Risers are so mild and effective that children, delicate ladles and weak people enjoy their cleansing effect, while strong people say they are the best liver pills sold. Bold by the Eddy Drug Store. - The many remarkable cures of colds and grip effected by this preparation have made it famous over a large part of the civilized world. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only cures colds and grip, counteracts any tendency towards pneumonia. wasted on the beastly ruffian for whom any kind of imprisonment is far too good, but should be reserved for the bruised and tortured woman who gioans in anguish not only on accouut of her physical lacerations, but be. cause she is chained to such a hus nd. It is by no means just that such a creature as he should be nursed and coddled and fatted in transL ent imprisonment. AND THE THE SCENIC LINE TO 1 wife-beat- ed already and will be benefited rather than injured or degraded by carrying a few exemplary welts upon his bare back. It is time that the Blue Hens Chicken received reinforcement. If there is any sympathy to be distributed it should not be old-tim- anyone who is not satisfied after using it Chadwick fooledthe How Caasie burst her bub Before they banksl and confidence borrowed ble sne cash and everything but trouble. When a chilJ snows symptoms ot to experiment croup there is no time how with new remedies, no matter u, Smooth Crook. A man giving the namo of Thomas M. Forbis presented himself at the window of the First National Bank of this city one day this week and said he wanted to draw on tbe First National of Kemmerer for $100.00. Mr. Watkins gave him the necessary blanks, informing him, however, that be could not hare checks on this bank honored until draft was returned from Kemmerer- - As evldenoe of good faith, he showed a deposit slip from the Kemmerer Bank which showed that he bad had money tbere, but it was not regarded as evidence that he still possessed It. Still, with this slip and his receipt for the draft he proceeded to bouuoo some of our best business men. The saloons were the heaviest loosers, although the money that they advanced to him he spent forthwith for drink, so they were out only tbe liquor. The mao learned someway that inquiry was being made about him and be promptly-decampehut didnt get farther than Willard where he was overhauled by the officers. He is In jail awaiting further developments. A Every bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy is guaranteed, and the dealer from whom it is purchased will refund the money to Store. Certain Cure for Croup. y, Warranted5 your Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Call. A lie (ailed to forget bis lines at any bis part weut through very smoothly indeed. John E. Baird as Coionel Handail sustained bis reputation as one of the cleverest impersonates iu our city J. Franka Bowring, as Sandy, the hobo, was decided success. Frank should have teeu a tramp rather than a harness maker. Bichard certainly was himself that night. It goes without saying that Victor Madson as Bob Chum-leand Phobe Madson, as Ethel Jor-dawere favorites as usual. Cleo Forsgren, as Alice Randall with a will of her own, showed that she appreciated the part and gave a very pleasing rendition of it; while Ilyrum J. Hausen, as Dick Holland, aoted as if he really loved her. The part of Mildred Jordan was unusually well sustained by Mrs. Olga K. Lee. The play went off with d.sp itch and not a hitch occured anywhete that we were able to detect. point, and saioc iakino rowoia oo. In his" eyes Mays father with tears thanked Mr. and Mrs. Call for their That night Mr. Woods kindness. was the happiest around the family The Pit'lourg man who gave his neighborhood. wife only twenty- cents in thirtBut little Florence only ten yeari eght een monihs was probably tired of old said, last Xmas mamma was Is six months since she extravagance and trying to teach her with us, and It all went to bed that died. They to live the simple life. had night and In the morning Jennie invited May, Florence and Ethel NEURALGIA PAINS- and play with Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic Denver to come over for curist-ma- s' pains yield to the penetrating influ the the thlogs sue had got enee of Ballards Snow Liniment. It penetrates to the nerves and bone and At ten oclock Jennie's friends were being absorbed into the blood, its healing properties are conveyed t Medicine. every part of the body, and effect An Emergency some wonderful cures, 25c, 50c, $1.00. burns, scalds biuises, For sprains, Sold by all druggists. is nothing there and similar injuries, Pain Balm. Chamberlains as so good THE It soothes the wound and not only from pain, but FIRST NATIONAL BANK gives instant relief heal in about one causes the parts to the usual by required time the third Or BBI9HRM CITY. the Eddy Drug treatment. Sold by DOtS STRICTLY weeks issue, we nave something to say of the Individual members of the Home Dramatic Company, In Its presentation of A Vagabond's Honor. Lawrence Berg, as a hero In rags, received an ovation as he come on the stage. The applause bad its effect, Hade from pure cream of tartar derived from grapes the wish strength. school had started agalu. May's papi got the bese job iu the facloiy and May, Jennie and Ethel were the best of friends and never did anything that would make any one sad. A kiud act always brings back kindness, fur if May would have gotten mad at Jennie for telling the lies May would not have got btr father home Yers tha Standard Fifty their own. He stands for Scotts EmulMr. Wood. sion of pure cod liver oil a Accept this little present from your delightful food and a natural friend and come to my store totonic for children, for old folks morrowA Merry Christmas to you all, is and for all who need flesh and friends. of of PAGE FIVE DEC 22, 19045 THURSDAY B0X;ELDER NEWS, V ir JOHN H BOTT & Sons. JMO ' uzJaacm&uLL .wwwvvv |