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Show 0 he W "Ur sL.ii I , , h iiun.i,, heui1'hVr',''i'lUtf Of , o - Let oJv,aohm7,i;ill-1,1- A mole lull Ve it ( ' At il Jh ihi 'I I c, 1 nd Tfp s ilh D - s and pain, says Miss Alma Pratt, if they will only have faith in the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I feel it my duty to tell all young women Deab 3Ihs. Ptntkham: how much Lydia E. Pinkhams wondeiful A egetahle Compound has done for me. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and did not care for any kind of society, but now I feel like a new person, and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months. I recommend it to all young women w ho sufler from female weakShs3 Alma Pkatt, Holly, Mich. ness. f FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO YOUNG GIRLS. All young girls at this period ot life are earnestly invited to write Mrs. Piakham for advice; she has guided in a motherly way and cheerfully Judging from the letters she is receiving from so many voung girls Mrs. that our girls are often pushed altogithir too near the Umit of their endurance nowadays in ottr public sohoola and semin.it Nothing is allowed to interfere with studies, the girl must be pushed to the front and graduated with honor; often pin steal collapse follows, and it take years to recover the lost vitality, often it is never recovered. Pmkham believes r iif ip fou t u ii ,rk ,, h. u ther le id j lp rm Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is the one sure remedy to be relied upon at this important period in a young girl s work life; with It she can go through with courage and safety the he must accomplish, and fortify her physical welt ieiug so that her future life may be insured against sickness and suffering. - M lljdi HULLS CANKER SOS VMS MOUTH, THROAT. TOMAOH AND IOWIL, -- AND B. Flnkham llediciue ot to., Lyu, Mm, Judson Drug Co., General Agents. tAlt Salt Lake City, Utah, ....WE.... TREAT and CURE CATARRH and all curable diseases f the eye, ear, nose, throat, funjs, atom ach, liver, bowele, kidneys, bladder And all chronic, nervoueand private diseases of children. of both seses. and diseo-ee- it: DR. A. J. Home Treatment tores. Write for free symptom list If you cannot call. Consultation Free. Special Offer in Private Diseases SHORES. Expert WESTERN CANADAS Magnificent Crops for 1904. Specialists, 249 MK'&W- - Revolutions of Liner's Screws. The screw of an Atlantic liner revolves something like 630,000 times between Liverpool and New York. TEA 01 and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abundant!;. Splendid prices for all kinds of grata, cattle Sjj the I krm produce for the growing of cl,lDat unsurpassed. iv 1W ik kl Arncricaire have nettled In West during the past t hrec year. rhiatt Thousands of free homesteads of IflO acres A'Allable in the best agrteultural dis- It has been said that the Untied State will J: forced to Import whent within a very few ir of Secure a farm in Canada and become those who w ill produce it. to Superintendent of Ottawa Canada or to authorised rT,miuraon' vanatllan Government Agent Denj. Davies SJj1.11 ? D,mri Block, Central Avenue, Great 'alls, Montana. Apply for information free To Introduce the latest and simplest home dyes.wewlll send free a package of Laundry Bluing to anyone sending Ten Lents for a package of Lambs Persian Dyes They color anything any cold Garments. Dresses, Carpet Rags, etc. State color wanted. For sale By all dealers. Address Lamb's Persian Dye Co., Salt Lake City. N.,U.. Balt Ltko-N- o. 45. 1904, Can it be that anyone else can serve you as well? Can it be that anyone else is disposed to serve you as well ? Uhe Your grocer relume jour non Schilling Best. , It joo don Tobacco a Legal Tender. Tobacco was legal tender In the American states when they were still colonies of Great Britain. SALT LAKE CITY'9 NEW HOTEL THE ST. NICHOLAS ,s EUROPEAN SATIS. TSO SSB DAY US OPSN Sto. Cor. ini South and Weil Templo Ow F f Hill Drug Co.' NOW was the youngest Mi dancing school daws were em bittered bv having (o dance wilh boys half mv sie, and since I ve stopped glowing hats have been my pet grievance I ve alwavs bad to choose something low anil flaring when my soul earned for militatv effects and tall cockades Last week I bought a dream of a hat. It was almost peifeetly fiat, and made of rows of plaited lace On the top was a trim little garden pot of tiny forget me rots, pink button loses, and the loveliest arrangement of ribbon. I put the hat on and went to a luncheon. Everybody spoke of mv hat I Vn' x I vV' ? v'Sv a Y ) , Bailie OVB of tlit RTeatest na Off Santi 1 1 f all evi ' i t ' v U 3k v -- y f jr a? r 'I y. i , $ Santiago, Where Admiral Schey Hade HsJory. - i m . ' t do M n s uU is il LutiomU Sna1 1 1 t Mimt 'm tl '1 c m imo i i i hi I twim e t j i it i x v i im i, i iM.m i Wit'nm ,i hesitation, Spanish I i Din r vt N i) b t e ii ,i im j i v li tk v ha fti tin t Mi haa there I m. V i ml Am t urn moi e op s u tnitfo tu t m nj.ht x ns sprung pom tue Fa! ll.iit ui t tun in I u I vietoi in tho onw ml w.tn h t it ueit a v eh ut 1 te it l.m o Ii tin f it with 1h notnUta event of July aitmy ami he A i mu 'dill" nil ho c.d u ith tlu punish fleet ledl AtlmiiHl Stiller, took a leatlinr pait .. i t x ll ON I. 10 Ii'l M ill vuil a n meut nmj, It u as a jfre.it naval battle d it t It s x u lent worbl tnrili.itt yime out into the itbeau. Juu k decision, umlauiit xou'ape e ! r Jo ,A.,sai. ix t. t l0i,;'U(N bii.uive he Iuvh eiplme, resolute self eonhdenee - th m omlnh ett inI i imu.u of isl hem t ie s i ti k e that dash ami in, j. Schley to prodm .1 e t h' re v t h is u to bis words coo ore the Amcriean-fcohlier- . is no M II oas Mlteie horn maa must think quhkly in AKiiiTiWOSLS nn be an a CARRY in use time for slow action hew enteipnxes VIlGHTj the by Old ones pass aw ay in a moment. irmltit.udej man and parsed fi m mt tilh to mouth, luross upmon and A multitude of preat tlienu s l.iimu for notice man must 1 tkp suite for or against b mt intion, lather han linents IXeept fot ij?i n Iki-- m i ily inorpvndet ee in a country of logical deduction One day this flighting admiral St Ulex . happemsl to he in fieekpiexh Hum a run uvei x ouhi haxe Wen uttered by an XMtll ot II ofln t r in mu Ii a n u hie Mtioti as i hat of 4dndral Schley. company x e r v for a a oi id x me notv lx and popularity, aneh as ers who IaDMIRALS OPINION CF i:eept n on ions IVi min ei jo s, no m lin'd v umld ever haxe received such oub talkingof I as hfKiken public emimsement by mu h a tuau. topics popular interest. 1 he subject of reiuuu 1 -o.. 1 ty I i K t , i d nx tue I 11 iXb?P m i L x KNEW IT WAS THE POPE. Handicap Rights " We found ourselves, therefore, with Duroveral, Claviere and himself disputing adding a word here, effacing out some there, wearing ourselves with this absurd task and at last producing a piece of patchwork of supposed natural rights which nsver hat had any existence. During the course of this melancholy composition I reflected on many things for the first time. I felt the futility and abonly a surdity of the work; It puerile pretense. The declaration of rights, I said, nray be made after the constitution has been established but not before, for rights exist only by virtue of the laws and cannot precede them; besides this, these maxims are dangerous. Lawgivers must not be bound by general propositions that may be modified. Perhaps. Syracuse woman who had bro writing verses feared she was going insane and took poison. Is writing verses a sure sign Buffalo Express A TEA How little it is! How little it adds to the weight of the cup! It has covered the sea with ships for a hundred s years. j i His Own Boss, But of Mayor McClellan tells this story a prominent M. D , a friend of his. It seems the doctor failed to attend a medica1 very important meeting of his on being and one evening, society asked by a brother M. D. the cause of his absence replied that his wife had kept him at home "Thats strange said the friend. "I of your thought you were the head house " Oh, Im the head of my house ail every right, he replied, but, you see, move head has a neck to control its ments. and my wife is the neck. New Tork Times. In Pun, i Atrocity Joseph C. Hendrix, president of the National Bank of Commerce, at the bankers convention the other day told the story of a lady who was so crosseyed that when she cried the tears rolled down her back. A friend sug- gested that she visit a noted special-- ' is! for the eyes She followed the suggestion, but said to the physician: "Doctor, I ni sure you wont be able to cure me!" Oh, yes, I can, replied the specialist. I shall treat you for bacteria. (Back Tearia ) New York Tunes California s Niches Are Empty. Californias space in Statuary hall, Financially Speaking. has not been filled, but, ou don't mean to say that your Washington, said the intimate at the suggestion of United States Wlfe W fickle Senator Perkins, the Pioneer Women friend of the state arc going to take the -the not rep.ied exactly, Will, matter up and decide whose statues newly married man, as he jingled the are most wrrihy for niches In the in his othefwise empty pockets, migbty fond of change. . r v xr r: Hrtt Harte. Mans Vp a - of in J V.C TEA Mira-beau'- shes A 1 Etienne Dumont, the Genevese who s wa? the real author of many of an has interesting speeches, story of how the famous declaration of the rights of man was composed He during the French revolution It was an American idea and wrote: there was hardly any one who did not consider such a declaration an indis I well recall pensable preliminary. this long debate, which lasted foi weeks, as a time of appalling dullness, useless discussions over words, meta overwhelming garphysical clap-trarulity. - After rejecting several sugof five was gestions a committee charged to draw up a new project. Mirabeau, one of the five, with his usual generosity, undertook the work and then gave the job to one of hia friends. , keys but Vis A' Dead Nerves Life Given Drew Nx 1 1 Two childien victims of birth palsy nie,. & SHORES, neier rerve DR. O. W SHORES. 'S1''- Unfortunates, of both sexes who are suffering from Private Diseases- Whether rB1Wy ana tnoe excess or contagion-ba- re always been looked upon as legitimate prey hr TJV,e,VTn. Charlatans wbo pose as Hpectallatc iriL and rob the sufferer for worth ess SHOW'S DO NOT A8K YOU TO PAY THEH ONB HOLLAR LNUL CURKII UInLEjKJ J()(J WISH nyi VniRMRI p BOTH I'KS SHORES KNOW THEV CAN CURB AND DO CURB PRIVATE DISEASES IN SEXES PERMANENTLY, end to PROVB their skill In this -Siam of ailment, the. treat ana enre luck can., before tb patient Is required to pa. Dm Shore,- one dollar Or those -- ho prefer 1 HIS HN a t nay pa, lb. fee In email week, or monthl. Ineiallinente ee the cure prunreeaes -PLAN OF IlFALlNli Win! II Cell!, adeatb blow to the Vnack and keair no l THB a refundin a E.alr ever of demende all Caeb In exchange OKI bear you for.mptr promieea cannot lose enn, to a duped patient! 'I ake no ehance,-,- ou jour moner If ou lon arced or Nine tenth, of so called WEAKNESSES OF MEN" are simp), the remit otto IN V ARI Inflamed PR08TA1 B GLAND lire. Shore, new IAK A L TRBA1 M BN I for such ea loan oi Cl RBS-- ak ably other Doctor, how man, etwee they cure under the old and treatment for this trouble We cure LOST MANHOOD Semina VV eaknee. 8rmaU)rrniea In leea time and for lea. GONORRHOEA, SYPHILIS, VARK 01 F.LE and kindred trouble. nereruie a name or belraj none, than an, Inatltutlon In the went-- ever, caee le confldemlal-- we h RPB by mall or at the omre . Aseoret Advice and Examt nation onsultation, OFUCK HOLItS. Pa m to 6 pm; F.enlnga I to 8. similar and bolldaj. 10 a m to It DRS. SHORES 1 Nerve splicing, or restoring dead nerves to life, is one of the latest achievements of surgiry. And though the process is still in its infancy, it is believed in medical circles that the operation will one day become as comThree eases have mon as trepanning. already resulted in perfect success. The cure of paralysis and palsy is brought about by means of this process In the case of young childien palsy is brought about by some acci dent of birth which compresses the nerves which radiate from the spinal cord, and if in the upper pait of the body produces paralysis in the arms. The technical name for this disease is birth palsy adParalysis in old people or those due to vancing in years is sometimes this accident, though it more usually comes from the decay of the principal BY ALL DBUQBtBTB PON ANO OSNIAAL !" . 7 -- "Its got any credit for mtelligi nee in school when I was a child, because I was alwais the luggesi gnl in the 1 v Titled Woman Not Strong on Points of Hiatorical Accuracy. The duchess of Bedford, who died in 1S59, was rather weakminded, and un grand, said a wee little woman, 'but I thought all this springs happily her education did little to dis Yours hasn't a guise the defects which nature had in Hats were trimmed posed upon her. Her great dread was tluug on it.' " Oh, yes, it has, I said, and I bent to have a visitor at Woburn abbey down so she could see the $20 worth who would ask her hard question11 about the foundation and history of of trimming on top, the abbey So if she had a savant in "Well, nobody will ever see it up party she always asked a man ot thoie' said she U looks like a per- the higher rank to mod him, so that sfe hat fectly plain might not be taken in to dinner y Anil everybody agreed with her the savant. Once, as bad luck would I I was heartbroken that it did have it. she got Lord Sianhope, the took the hat bark to the milliner net historian, who, though he had to take day and had all that lovely trimming her In to dinner, was none the less a taken off al put under the brim The savant. As soon as he sat down to hat is spoiled, but I was bound the dinner ho began the dreaded inquiries about the date of the abbey. The poor tr'inming should show somehow. ' Nobody ever bees the top of my duchess, much flustrated said: I have a very poor head for these hat and I might as well have none at all I wish to goodness I had lived historical things, but I will tell vou all wheie there were giants in the lanu. know. The founder was a Crusader There is nothing in tow-- can sympa- who, finding himself in great dangci thize understandingly with me but the in battle, vowed that if he got home tn monument, and the monument doesn t Europe safe he would do anything the wear hats. Pope told him. He got back safe and went to Rome, and the Pope told him to build a Cistercian abbey and he built Woburn abbey. Thats all I know. lord Stanhope said: That's exart with have been experimented upon ly what I wanted, for if you can tdl n.e such success that the patients are as which Pope It was I can approximate1? well as the most anxious mother could fix the date. vv ish Dr Clark, one of the operating Ob! said the duchess, 1 always e has physicians, recently explained " an audience of medical men ex- understood It was the Pope of Rome Guardian Manchester actly how the operation is performed. Hie nerves which supply motion to Man Mistaken for Tiger and Shot. the affected limbs are severed from Near Manantoddy a man, while Bias close to the spinal cord as possible In his compound with a striped tting to nearest the trunk and then grafted blanket wrapped around bis body, wra line. If the delicate threads unite and for a tiger by another man, mistaken tlie paralyzed parts take on fresh life. an inmate of his own house, and shot Naturally the operation Is exceedingly dead on the spot Malabar News difficult, because the nerves which raof the from the upper part diate spinal cord are so great in number and cioss and recross each other In The moneylnck tea Schilo complex a manner Another diffiin lies that anaesthetics the fact culty lings Best is safe; you'll must be used sparingly, for the longer the patient is under their Influence the like it. harder it is to follow the nerve Yoorgrocor returns your money If you don't IlkelL threads New York Herald. a J DIPHTHERIA REMEDY NEVER FAILS Flo-na- whin drop He saluted in a most Inunlilo manmr and then told why lie had come Hate you it in writing? No, stam inquired Adam, severely. mered the visitor, and, frightened, bo ut lined to his heavenly abode Then the ixird sent Michael, the Gt rman angel. Adam and lCe at once set to woik preparing eien a richer meal than had been sened-Gbnel. thinking they might induce Mi eliael to be lenient. So the very best things were scried, and there was no scarcity of beer and good satmagis M'ehael ate until he could hardly eou wheeze. Then he arose and, drawing his sword, said, Now you get out of this Adam and Eve tried all their little tricks to stay; they appealed to his mercy and Implored him to consider how nicely they had treated him, but all in vam. Michael remained firm, merely saying, It must be And he drove them out. I een A iskv bad Hung tight heit -- supped I class, down JS lean cheerfully stste that Mrs. Schley has taken Pcruna and I be eve with good effect. IV. S. SCfiLEV. K V' Slorv of Eden l'e I suddenly seemed to hue my usual good health and vitality. Father said I studied too hard, but the doctor thought dilierent and prescribed toni , w hit h I took by the quart vilhout relief 1 le admg one day in the paper of Mrs. 1inklianis great cures, and Hading the symptoms described an-s wered mme, I decided I w ould give Ly dia E. Pinklia ill's Vegetable Compound a J trial. I did not say a word to the doctor; I bought it myself, and took it according to dneetions regnlaily for two months, and I found that I gradually improved, and that all pains left me, and I was my Lillie E. .Sinclair, old self once more. 17 E. 22d St., Chicago I1L H.kmg Ant a - want to be one of the little kind. aid the tall gnl 'The things Miffen ii on aiiouni nt bung a bead taller than am body i Ke aie too har years old If w.iMumot forthwith produce th ongin.l letter, and elgnatnree their absolute genuinenwa. twtuaonisls, Which will I ds.e- Hire is a bit t Hung, mail folk'ore After the mil had di ruled to txiul Ad mi and K't from iaradi'-He sent Gabriel the Hungarian anui to cany out hi order No froni the ef tne ft mt of the toibiddou eating tree Oam and Fu had become quite shiewd and tin . were eniiiawirmg to get oul ot tiie h as best they could th' 5 l'rt pare d a big hast iceemd Gabriel with the utmost Kindness and sought to win Ins h ait li a lot of affectionate words Tiiej succeeded It grimed Gahrttl to expel these kind hosts from tlmr limm He then fore returned to the Jaird with the reqmst that somebods else be charged with this unphasant mission Then upon the I on! ant Florian, lie Hoiimanian angil, because the I oid knew Honan to be more oliedi- nt ami less magnanimous Adam al'd Ee were just dining when hat and large cane in hand. lowing to be put into words di w iw 1 A Young Chicago Girl Sated from Despair. Deab Mrs. Pinktiasi : I wish to thank you for the help and benefit I have received through the use of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills. When I was about seventeen FORFEIT And Her Size u-- s IHf-- l'P 1 ness hundreds of young women; her advice is freely given, and her address is Lynn, Mass. ni 'VN Co., Columbus, Ohio. : N howbd and gn tilled its snouted Ti "inok' and Uimi ami uth n th u m? into the depths vbont it mm but game' triiyxy ll.its il Well xis it does look mthti rtskv Ami kimki mtkis one queer Hi m- - 1 S S itbm tbit tt t th ami " hi i F olklorc . Young women may avoid much sick- - Dole w P1 ' up In con A t "Wp s V g Gentlemen wm In His Home. Pe-ru-- na Pcruna Drug Hi the v.c t Vi Ail it r b - acat-tr- d Aultl fnr look in SM, HM it m itht m bl A M -lima 7- 111111 rowel Twas tSHiidtiiK, some a emlier hr.s on the ground. But in one minute all the hill below him t is out heet of flume Gu.iriiln jiittin rest Sam v lark and t t l ,il Km ' the dog was game! Tie Rmde no man, the flies of hell were round him h 11 b low Iht im e it and waiud but we neser found him Am tinned to go And thtn ou Uuu rock that's ti isllx uiikUi With thnpjui.U and tan Sml m t . i out It nul t hev been a irzlv It mifjit In lten a man, "" mtut 'lns.de H sy From the bW 0r A im rnlor Jrsi how the thine: kem round, &tRif ; titIiLs of pines souiiiJing A thousand I Hawks Nesi Admiral Schley Uses hall of fame. , Prince Herbert Bismarck. In his prime he was noted for his overbearing temper and Insolent man ner. The story is told of him that be once ran Into and nearly upset a distinguished diplomat, wbo angrily asked what he meant by It. I am Count Bismarck," was the reply. The explanation Is ample, said the other, but the excuse IsInsufflcienL New York Times. Sailors Spend Liberally. When the British Mediterranean squadron, of forty three warships, visited Smyrna at the end of last March the sailors got a day ashore, and squandered $150,000 In the town. One sailor, at the end of his day, found he had $2 50 left So be hired ten boat men at 25 cents each to row him oul to his ship, and arrived there In stjl" UE WANT YOUR RAISE and full particular of NINE COLD, SILVER, COPPER, LEAD, ZINC AND QUICKSILVER Companies, if you will send us your name and address. Mining Maps Frees ARBUCk-LE-tiOODCOMMISSION CO., 321 Oliva Street, St Leula, Ma, Strawberry and THE FISH BRAND SLICKER A VALUED FRIEND Vegetable Realers A good many y?rt ago I bought a OSH BRAND Slkkrr, and It has proven Th PuNHeoijer peparlment of tba II Hunts Central Hnilroiul OtujwDy have rooently lanu put iroular No, 12, is wblotl known apubliisihon iMiieHcnbcd Ibo at valued friend for many a rormy day, but it getting old and I must have Plrave tend me a price-lis- t. now it another. best territory in this country airawberrioeand for the growing of early early ifehtblru. Lwry dealer in mob product Ahonid h fid re a poMal vard to the uoderalgnedl et Dubuque, Iowa, requesting a eupy of Clruii tr vNu J l . MhhKY, AfL Oen'l Pasa'r Agrai onV dorter, obliged (The ntmc of tb out In all aorta of wraibcr, vUt le be giro on appUcaliooJ 1 TOWER CANADIAN COMPANY, Limited Toronto, Canada Wet Weather Clothing, Suita, and Hata for idl kinda of wet work or sport u.owre (Thompson's assay oi.dk JOII Gold Stiver loriwr tlI.us .. erlad,. Sumpie b n nil iweiro Placer i.o rt 1?K5 Arapahoe M Eye Water Interrupted Description. There is uni- - vming woman with two bright nephews who has learned the unwisdom of taking joungsters riding on open and crowded trolley cars, vhere their guileless conversation can be overheard easily. She did this the Can jou tobog other da however gan, auntie?" asked one little cherub with well developed lungs. Auntie murmured that she had done so one winter In Minneapolis. But the Bmall boy did not have In mind that kind "Why, we mean in jour bath tub, of All you You try it, auntie. course have to do Is to soap yourself ail said over "Stop here, please, auntie to the cordnelo1- - iA CO. W-- jny three M prompt aUeoilow wr.rt HiehOret HoufM. IUNVKR. COlA When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thie Paper Consumption of Cranberries. New York. New Jersey, Pennsylconsume vania and New England about one fourth of the nation's cranberry yield The remainder goes west and south, to Canada, and a little to Eui ope. TEA How different tea and coffee fed! even good tea and coffee. In booklet p Stag 4 Pt)l1ling to Mfcko Oood Tn. Nrt To Ii A Mow British Emergency Ration. An emergency ration, paoked 1 small two compartment cylinder of tin, It is charm; but pray, is carried In the haversack of very British soldier. At its name suggests, what is charm? It is somethe ration la not to be used except la cases of the direst necessity. On know thing that makes you compartment holds four ounces of cocoa paste and the other a similar you are strong! quantity of concentrated beef. If consumed In small quantities it will malm-taiA Financial Misfit. strength for msnv hours, We have been askeu if marriage Is a failure We have not found it so We dont know what our belter bait thinks of It. Our opinion Is that omy It wouldn t cost much when a man marries a sralskln worn an on a roonskin Income docs he find burn all the money our gromarriage a failure. Lewiston (Pa Free Pre-- s cers pay-bac- TEA n tea to Your irwF ratlin jvut ao&7 If jtm Benefits of Irrigat on. UlM hlll.ng Bert. Ten years ago the desert of Rrchna To Regulate Scorching. j Doab, in India, had not a sirgla Inhabi A French suggestion for preventing taut, but now there are Si'O.fiOO living from "scorching Is t in comfort there Irrigat on Is re spoil aulcmobilists and goggles. foibid the u'c ,,( ri-slide St. Jacobs Oil Rheumatism and Neuralgia I |