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Show tm BOX Miss Louise Speierman of his Chris Funk of Ogden and A. Tunn, the architect of this city, city is spending the week with on their way to St. Louis to relatives in Logan. are STANDING & WIXOM, the great fair. visit Great Bargains at Holsts, tf Publishers and Proprietors. TELEPHONE NO. 392. Gjrl wanted for housekeeping; There was quite a cold snap good wages. Mrs. Rosenbaum. and again Sunday THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1904. Warren S. Taylor, who re- Saturday night No night. damage particular ceived a shock of about 600 volts is reported in this city but it is SUBSCRIPTION. at the power plant early last week, In Advance, SI 23 Otherwise, $1 30 stated that a heavy frost injured A TEAR. has about recovered. potatoes and grain in Mantua. It I. E. Pribble, Agent for Smith ITEMS OF INTEREST. Bros. (Centerville) Nursery, tf was also quite severe in portions of Cache county. Richard Christiansen returnee N L Hansens shoes are better last Saturday from Kemmerer, Snaps, snaps, snaps at Holsts. Treasurer J. A. EdCounty Wyo., where he has been en- wards went to Salt Lake Satur The canning factory will start business. in fruit the to can tomatoes some time next gaged day to attend the funeral of the Stone jars at Christensen & child of his sister Mrs. Gwendolin week or as soon as enough tomatf Knudson. toes can be secured to make a Anderson. Weber county will have anshave and a start. The tomato crop is very For a this year and the canning other big fair this year the dates face massage call good good being Sept. 2b, 29, 30 and Oct- on Chas. Cederstrom at the Han- people expect to put Up fully as many cases as last year, ober 1. There will be prizes for sen barber shop. all exhibits and for racing events A big shirt sale at Holsts, tf. Joseph H. Wallis of Mt. Pleaswin fall for and skirts Ladies Dr, E. A. Rich left Monday ant, Utah, and Misss Jennie Carter just received at Boothe & ter of this city were granted a for St. Paul, Minn., to be present Peirces. f license to wed last week by at the wedding of his sister, Miss C, W. Lawrence and wife County Clerk Jensen. Lucy Rich, which event takes Corinne left Tuesday morning Christenplace to day. The bride was Bicycles repaired at for a visit east and will spend visiting with Dr. Rich in this city & Knuds ons. sen considerable time at the Worlds about two years ago and made Mrs. Hanna 0. Pratt, formerly Fair in St. Louts, They will be friends here. Dr, Frank is of this city, has furnished a large many six weeks, about away to Dr. Richs patients residence for Utah visitors attending N L Hansens shoes are better private the latters absence. during to the Worlds Fair at 1623, Misfire A volunteer department souri d Lost china butAve., where she is furnishhas been organized at Garland, office Return and this to accommodations at ton. ing the Sugar company furnishing tail reasonable it rates. Prospective receive a reward. the necessary apparatus and a write to her. 12538 visitors should N L Hansens shoes are better Garland building to keep it in. New fall goods arriving daily Dont miss Dunbar Robinson has about all the modern improveSt tf Cos, big sale, clothing, shoes ments and is starting out ail right. at Holsts. For Sale Work harness. jO. No. 2, Vol. t, of the Deseret and hats, ladies dress goods remnants, shirt waists, white and W. Snow. it Farmer has been received at this colored skirts.' Next door south E. A. White and wife of this office. It is published at Provo of Larsen St Reeders store. city left Tuesday morning to at- under the supervision of Dr. John tend the big fair at St . Louis. Mr. A. Widtsoe, director of the ExHOTEL UTAHNA. White is traveling agent for the periment Station at Logan, and Peters Shoe company and Fri- Prof. L. A. Merrell of the AgriBrighams model hotel. Caters to the day of this week the employees cultural Oollege. It is an eight traveling public. Meals 25c and 50c; of that company have a gathering page weekly and U filled with rooms 60c and SI. P. J. Koford, Prop. at the fair grounds. articles for the farmer Fruit jars at Christensen & and fruit raiser, . Notice to Contractors. Knudson. tf Stone jars at Christensen St Sealed proposals from contf The Malad correspondent of Knudson. tractors and builders will be re1 the Deseret News states that Mr. The excursion which has be an ceived up to 2 oclock noon on Grant and soo of Honeyville and advertised by the Military Banc Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1904, by the Geo. Petit of Mendoo'were struck to Saltair tor next week has been by lightning Sunday afternoon of cut out for a very good reason trustees of Bear River school last week while standing in the After full consideration it was de district No. 13, for furnishing all open doorway of Ben Waldroni cided by the band that in order material and building one school house on the S. E. conr.-- of S. W. barn at Samaria. Mr. Grant1 for them to make flxoo, it woulr of section 26, Tp. 11 N. R. . shirt was torn from his arm while be necessary for the residents 0 W. ran down 3 the lightning his right the county to pay out 1,000 tor leg, but he is able to be arounc, train fares and that much more The Board of Trustees reserves His son was not hurt much but incidentally on the trip. It didn the right to reject any or all bids. Mr. Petit is very low from hi look good to them to take that For further particulars and for injuries. mhch money out of the county, plans and specifications ot said Paris is rejoicing over the tallest Ladies coats for winter wi school house, call at residence of leaning tower in the world the Eiffe be open for inspection the first Moroni Mortensenr Bear River It is now so far out of plumb that its of next week at Boothe & Peirces, City. center of gravity Is outside its bate. styles the latest and all new goods, Dated August 8th, 1904. It is to be removed, Nothing carried over from last A. R. Gapener, There are men in this country season. We have an immense Moroni Mortensen, with large feet; should they get line, larger than we ever carriec them wet in December they P. M. Hansen, before, and with prices as usua in would not have a cold their axx si Trustees. We invite com at bedrock. head till February. Better use those feet on tree agents that sei parison both in price and style with any house in the state. k Notice to you poor trees every year at high price that dont grow. You The First National Bank build Tomato Growers. know Gorinnb Nursery Trees is and other Grow. Please give me your or- ing being repainted The cannery will commence to wise improved on the outside this der by mail or call and see me, pack tomatoes Tuesday, Aug, am on the sick list this summer week. It has been decided not 30, and will receive the same on and cant see you. D. S. Lohr, to on a new roof but to re and after put Monday, Aug. 29. Cal tf Corinne, Utah. paint it as it is still in good con and get your boxes. P. J. Larsih Daniel Rxedeb dition. Brigham City Canning Co. A good wickless blue flame xt J. L. Pierce, Mngr. oil stove for sale at ft price Guaranteed Jos. F, Did you see that big dray load Hansen. tf of goods that Pulsipher had Box Elder News, StBSB irarwa 1 first-cla- old-tim- Our New Fall Goods Are Arriving Almost Daily We wish to call your attention this week particularly to the New Arrivals in our Clothing and Shoe Depts. .The beginning of school will soon be here, which means new school shoes. Suits are Here FOR- - We have made extensive preparations for this trade and desire to announce that we have full lines of the Men Boys and ss Children e celebrated Better values than we have been able to offer you before. Red School House Shoes Values that simply cant be duplicated elsewhere. Quite a broad assertion isnt it? But we are here with the merchandise ready to make good anything we say. When can we have the pleasure of showing them R. 1. ONK PRIOR TO ALL. v for boys and girls. Style and wear are combined in these childrens shoes, and they cost no more than much more inferior kinds. I f,o VoU. Hand-painte- first-cla- School Shoes. Our New Fall FISH BURN Our readers should again be re minded that there are now 476 Presi. dentlal Electors, and to gain the Presidency a nominee must seenre 239 or more than half. Thirteen stales are deemed secure for the Democratic candidate, and seventeen for the Republican, which leaves fifteen doubtful. Whether New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Indiana and Wisconsin belong in the list of doubtful states every reader must decide for himself. The leaders of both parties claim them all. ' Rargains BARGAINS BaRil18 We want to impress you with the long established fact that we still lead in Bargains. lot lot lot lot lot 1 35c $1.25 Silk at- - $1 25 2,00 Underskirts at 1.00 2.25 Mens Felt Hats at. 1.25 Dress Shirts at ,60 .85 1.35 Umbrellas at 1 lot 1.50 Shoes, sizes 12 12 to U2 .85 lot Child's and Youths Suits at Cost 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wc can mention only a few of Old papers tor sale at this nothing better to put under your carpets only 25 cts per hundred. . office tht bargains we have to offer. We have some snaps in dress goods and outing flannels; also plenty of those staple 63 cent' cashmeres at 25 cents. If you dont buy you , . first-clas- s, dry Postmaster B. F. Boothe Brigham City came to town yesterday and opened headquarters for J. A, Edwards, the Box Elder candidate for State Auditor, The headquarters is in room Kenycn hotel, where the dele gates and party men are already dropping m and sampling the It is prom good things on tap, ised that the famous Brigham City Military band will be here on convention day to help boom the cause of Edwards. Tribune, on the other day! They were for Boothe St shipment of their fall and winter Peirce, the first goods, comprising dress goods, outing flannels, blankets, yarns, shirting, etc. - Notice for Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned at the county court house in Brigham City, Utah, until 12 oclock 24. Aug. noon, bept. 19th, 1904, for the Dr. O. W. Snow, Dentist, Construction of a county jail as room 32, First Natl Bank bldg, f )er plans and specifications on is right here. Our prices are a strong N L Hansens shoes are better file in the clerks office. Inducement to buy, and our goods The right to reject any and all All persons wishing to make are a continual source of satisor close up contracts for water lds is hereby reserved. faction from the time you rom Hammonds canal are direcget them till theyre By order of the Board of Counted to call on Lorenzo N. Stohl gone. Commissioners. at Brigham City who is author- ty Jos. Jensen, ized to us in the busi LARSEII REEDER ness. represent Hammond Canal Co. tf aa$ S15 Clerk. In the Grocery Line & 7. Sunday, Aug. AFTERNOON 26, and EVENING, Christensens Orchestra. Popular Program, BROWN N. L. HANSEN sea. We Guarantee & Academy of Music, dont buy shoes right. SOLD BY C. Holst & Son. f Free Sacred Concert moos made by HAMILTON When you want Real Bargains, Come to. us! Come to us! r How Is your pantry these days? Draw1 era and shelves all full? Or afe there some spaces vacant? Tf So, better begin filling things up before you run entirely out. Whatever you need NEVER UNDERSOLD. ss X JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING. That la the feeling of Croasatt com You will never reach for your Uppers at night to rellave your leal If you wear Croaaett Show. fort SONS. & PLAIN FIGURES. A Daily Home for the Foot, Every Pair K. DEALER IN NOTICE FOR BIDS. TEACHERS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk, at Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah, until :2 oclock noon September 19th, 1904, for the Constructing of a grade ott Malad Bottom near Alan Hunsakers place, according to specifications now on file in the Clerks office. The Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. All those teachers who are not holders of lawful certificates, but expect to teach in Box Elder county the present school year, are hereby notified that the regular County tedchers uniiorm examination will be held August 29th, 30th and 31st, in Central School building, Brigham City, at 9 a. m. Sept. 1st, 2nd and 3rd are the dates set for the examination of applicants for state certificates and diplomas. This examination will be held simultaneously in Salt Lake City, Logan and Manti. josEPH a25 Jensen, House Wlrelng a Specialty. -- One door north of Boden House. Underaear. Factory at Third South and Main Streets. to fufnidh relief to sweltering mta aft ready 1 We hate cool, smart looking clothes that catch every . from 90c up to $8. its hotl 1 We against their attacks L. D. S. Garments Outing Suits! Whw,H but Good Protection X X reasonable. 1 The mosquitoes and files will boos begin their war-iik- e operations. Tod are familiar wtth the man annoyances and troubles the little pests give you, and you want to be prepared to battle them successfully. is to have your doors and windows We WELL SCREENED. full blast and those desiring have on hand screen doors aDd underwear can call at the can make doors and wire to order, and we will be pleased to and make selectheir factory fill your wants. tions. We have all the styles and qualities desired, Prices All kinds of . - Dep. Co. Supt. ai8-2- 5 Screen Doors tSasI A The Brigham City Knitting Factory is now running in Angus Vance, County Clerk. S15 x CLBQTRIAL OUPPUBO. for any purpose ; quickly. MASTER X X furnished FORSGREN tf you dont buy shoes of N. L. HANSEN John Anderson, breeze. LUMBER Proprietor. 0"We you dont buy shoes Guarantee Every Pair. right 1 We never before sold so many hot weather clothes 1 No matter what your shape or "heft," here are clothes that will fit you and the season. 1 Cool Outing Suits, Cedar Posts, 00 to 00. 1 Cool business and traveling Suits. 1 Blue and Black Serges, new Homespuns. 1 Wool, Crashes, OTerplaid Cheviots, etc, BarbWlre, Picket Fencing, The best 00, 00 to SI 5. among them silk lined 1 Whatever we ought to have is here. I Our stock is complete; ... Cash Store, The Popular One Price Clothiers and Brigham City, Mens Outfitters, Utah. our prices right! Let us figure with you before you build. We can save you money. SjrMone? bock If you want it is the way It goes here.. Rosenbaums v : : r A Merrell Lumber & Salt Co. phone tf 0i 8 : |