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Show THE BOX ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 7. 1904 Page 4. tj ttcr QX STANDING The Brigham baseball team went Oae Yer, In wUmce over to Tremont last Satuiday to have m friendly game with the boys over .... Three Month-.- .there and were accompanied by a large m Oltr number of fans from this city Intertend et the Poet OBoe et Brtghstn -- I m'tter. ested In the success of the home team and also In seeing the progress of the BYBUM STANDING, EDIICB. flourishing little town on the banks of the Malad. The latter was much more interesting than the ball game but ( (Oregon the most fuss was made over the game Line in which the Brigham team were R. victors by a score of 21 to 11. Then Monday, the day of the big -- In Effect Nov, 22nd, 1903.- celebration, the Tremont team came and a game was played at TtWm arrive end depart at looal etatlone to Brigham I wa aa folio the Academy square with about the dally NORTH BOUND. same result, the score being 24 to 12 in favor of Brigham. There was a big attendance and considerable enthusiasm in spite of the many errors made. tirmi or auBSOKimov: i.i.-.- I time; (Short CARD I SOUTH BOUND. 4 H s ft SA $ol0 Net foil Collinston, 9 15 am 5 42 am 4 00pm 925am 550am 412pm Dewey Honeyville 935 a m 668am 4 22pm Brigham - 9 65 a m 015am 445 p m 1001am 0 24am 451pm Perry. Willard 10 05 a m 0 30am 459pm OT?os. 11 and 12 can be flagged for passengers at all stations; No. 8 can only be flagged at Honeyville and Hot Springs, Brlghamds the regular stop) No. 10 can be flagged at all stations except Perry; No. 1 can be flagged at all stations except Perry and Honey vllle; No. 9 can be flagged at all stations except Perry end Honeyville. Th ranch PoIIbm Ftteee Bleepers, Latest Tourist Slespers, Improved ff. W. Baownon. D. I. Bvaur, fn RMliniac mmm. limn chair can, Agent. Brigham Oaa'l Fas. A TVs. Agent, Salt Laha City. ' Sunday afternoon special serat the tabernacle at which Apostle Lyman and Elder Thomas Hull of bait Lake made interesting addresses. The regular ward fast-da- y exercises were att nded to a number of babies being blessed and older children confirmed members of the church. Services were also held In the evening under the auspices of the M. I. associations. The speakers were the same as in the afternoon. Mrs. Thomas Hull sang a beautiful solo and Martin Lee and Victor Madsen a duet. La-- feats Tremont. Proprietor. WIXOM, i Un0 Brigham Notice to Contractors. Tabernacle Services. De- t vices were held Ayers You can depend on Ayers Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and It never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fallingofthe hair, also. Theres great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disappointed. Isnt that so? The Nichols Concert Co Tbe Nichols concert company gave Mr hair faded until it waa about white. It took Just one bottle of Ayer'e Hair Vigo to restore it to its former dark, rich oolor. Tour very successful entertainment at Bair Vigor certainly doee what you claim for UM A. & HoooaVi Rockingham, R. C Tremont last Saturday evening and CO. r.ae a bottle. 9, O. AT will repeat the program at Garlaad Lowell Maae AJldriiaiflats. q next Saturday night. Tomorrow In with his connection class in night, vocal music at Perry, Prof. Nichols will give an entertainment at that place. All those taking part are wall A man named Netcher, a Chicago BOSTON BEANS IN LONDON. known artists and should draw a storekeeper, got his life insured last crowded bouse. A Recipe That Would Oiv Any Ota December for $300, QOC, and bow he A CONTINUAL STRAIN, ulna Yaw Englander FaralyalS is dead. It is wonderful how lucky to Try to Follow. Many men and women are constantHe only paid one ly subjected to what they commonly some men afe. One might persuade an Italian that a term "a continual strain because of premium, of $19,940, ar.d in six digger Indian could learn to cook It spaghetti, and one might convince a some financial or family trouble. he received half a million cash, Cii.iiRnqn that It doe not need au orl-e- n wears and distresses them both men months no chef but to al prepare chop suey, one will ever make a Yankee believe tally auJ physically, affecting their Tha Eddy Drug Store that bean can be proparly bavodmiteldt nerves badly and bringing on liver and readers of this paper who the asks of New England, or at leasi by ucj bouj kidney ailments, with the attendant but a New Englander. That lonvictioi evils of constipation, loss of appetite, j are suffering with indigestion or dyswill probably strengthen when eastern, low vitality and pepsia to call on them at once and get ere review a recent pitiable attempt t sleeplessness, They cannot, as a rule, l a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. If Impart the secret of "Boston Peane" to tbe people of the mother country. get rid of this continual strain, but I you knew tbe value of this remedy as The recipe for the delectable dish It they can remedy Us ( we know It, you would not sutler anfound in the house ivee column of Pear- effects by taking frequent doses of son t a London publ'cation Greens August Flower. It tones up other day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a Soa.i half a pint of amall laiirour. the thorough digestant and tissue-buildiliver, stimulates the kidneys, beans over night, it directs; "drain ncxi tonic as well. It Is endorsed personsoles healthy bodily functions, gives' Cover with boiling water, morning. and cook slowly for about two hours. Tc vim and spirit to ones whole being ally by hundreds of people whom It test if they are dohe, take Up one or twe and eventually dispels the physical or has cured of indigestion, dyspepsia, on a spoon, blow on them, and If they art mental distress caused by that "conof the heart and stomach done the skins track. tinual Btraln." Trial bottle of Aug- -' palpitation troubles generally. Kodol Dyspepsia "Drain the beahe When cooked,1 tht UBt Flower, 25c; regular size, 75c, At ' recipe goes on blithely, "turn intoadeei The Eddy Drug Store. G. G. Green, Cure digests what you eat. It Is buttered dlth. Add t tablespoonful o! i and New Woodbury, Jersey. pleasant, palatable strengthening. finely chopped onion as well as salt, pep per. and half a pint cf tomato pulp Cover closely and bake In a alow oven tor tour hour. "About a quarter of an hour before serving, remove the lid and put in an ounce of butter. Serve in the pot in I Fading Hair health-destroyin- g ng . which the beans were cooked." Haricot beans, soaked and parboiled THE TRUSTEES MEETING. to the vanlehing point, but baked onij four hour and without pork, at that! of more than ordinA This is bad enough, but the loyal New Englander will most bitterly resent the ary importance, yet one which insinuation that half a pint would sufinfice if "Heston beans" were passed by with considerable really ir 'll si i.r, Paul did not probt difference each year, is the very .ieepiy intoBourget the domestic institu-- t on of it if country, but even be learned trustees' annual meeting which buter than that. will be held this year at the "At Marblehead." Bourget wrote ins series of random Jotting printed in county court house next Monday Par! newsuper, "a curious earthen vessel called a beans-po- t, it and simlla at 2 p. m. being used, I am informed, to prepare is full the Sunday breakfast of families; caAt this meeting a report pacity of the beans-po- t, about two galfinanof the trustees the made by lons." cial condition of the school eight and precaution that characterize selves in this matter. The trus- the preparation! of the Japanese for th present war. iSyi the Philadelphia Press tees would be pleased to see more Seme year a?8 a Japanese agent earn! io with a letter of introducinterest shown than has beer tionPhiladelphia to a - other similar meet The compenoaticn cf the ings. trustees for their services the past year is fixed by the tax payers at this meeting. At the close of the meeting the voting will begin for a trustee. Thete should be a good attendance. Mias Upon Top of Piles- - prominent Philadelphian who had traveled in J&paa. This Phlladel tell the etory. phi The letter was written by a Japarea official who knew the Philadelphian, and It stated that if h would help the bearer In what he deelred the favor would be greatly appreciated. The favor waa for the Philadelphian to simply lntrodoc the agent to a ftrst-ciafirm of dtc fives. This was done and the agent described as a responsible person. He had plenty of money, end a bargain waa made with the grm, the latter to receive large gum of mosey. The deteetivea were required to dree in the ciothee of laborers and secure work in Cramp's shipyard and then to gather full information about the Russian battleship Variag, then in early course of construction. This they did, and the Japaneae government waa supplied with every detail in the construction and armament of the Variag. The officials at Cramps do not yet know exactly how the Jape obtained it Tisdale of Summerton, S. C , says, had piles zO years and DeWitts Salve cured me after everything else failed, . Sold by the Eddy Drug Store. ON CANAL Sealed proposals from contractors and builders will be received up to noon, July 23, 1904, by the trustees of School District No. 13, for furnishing all material and constructing four school houses, viz.. One at Bear River City, one at 1 remont, one at Garland, and one at East Garland. Proposals may be made for the construction of one or more of said school buildings and the Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For further particulars and tor plans and specifications, call at residence of Moroni Mortensen, Bear River City. Dated June 21, 1904. Arthur R. Capener, Moroni Mortensen, P. M. HansHN. Trustees. J23jy2t A0VER TlftED LETTERS June 27, 1904. the following lettemi weeks, will be not called tor la two offloe. lent to the Dead Brigham City Lttr Co-o- Robert Byram, Mrs. Hell DIRECTORY. It Is stated that the local species of rssd with which the experiment ha The busiest and mightiest little been eo far made will not live in salt brackleh water is the earlv thing that ever was made is Dr. King or very stages of it growth, though It will New Life Pills. These pills change bear transplantation later, and that a' weakness into strength, listlcisness present the serviceablenesa of the natural mean of protection is conseinto mental quently limited. into energy, brain-f- ag Where the water le sufficiently fre power. Theyre wonderful in buildfrom brine, however, the network ot is found to put a facing on th ing up the health. Only 25c per box. soil ot the banka more successfu !oee Sold by The Eddy Drug Store. and permanent than a wall of brick o ro-it- Oalva term BRIGHAM CITY. C. Holst Councilman C Sunonsrti Andiew Funk B P Newman Recorder Treasurer Mary Johnson Marshal Samuel Carter -- B H Jones Aito. ney the of Pece..Wm. Justice Horsley Anderson Supt, Waterworks-Loren- zo Chief fire Dept...- - William Forsgren Street Supervisor O.'C. Jensen C F Nelsen watch ft Jailor Night .C J Nelson Sexton BOARD OF HEALTH. Dr. E. A. Rich F W hishbum Justice ot the Peace COUNTY stone, and It would probably not he difficult to discover and establish some coarse sedge Ot Other plant of the see ptarihe. Route Through Salt Lake City s Scenic Colorado TO THE WORLDS Fast Flyers FAIR. between Ogden Choice of routes, Dally and Denver. .... ...Chair min Secretary Dr. L. Berg. The city council meets the seeonc and ft urth Tuesdays of each month. FRECINC1 The Tourist's favorite 3 OFFICERS. t j OFFICERS Andrew Funk, Judge i st Judicial Dist...Chas H Ha-- t F K Nebekr Dist, Atty W Valentine Chairman Co Cora...-...- A Co Commis., Iowa Suing M B Han " " E H one? Kelton Jos Jensen County Clerk J S Perry Prosecuting Attorney Treasurer J A Edwards Sheriff Jos Josephson Meltrude H unsake! Recorder L A Snow Assessor Co Supt of SchoolsNephi Anderson Surveyor, Dewey vill- e- J N Holdaway Fisn & Game Warden,. -- J P Larsen Dr. E. A. Rich County Physician. Water Comtn!ssioner.,N P Anderson A W PULLMAN. AND TOURIST SLEEPERS From Ugden aud Salt Lake To St. Louis without change ot Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cara, Dining Car Service e la carte on all through trains. For folders, illustrated bookie's, etc., address I. A, BENTON, G. A, P, D., Salt Lake City, Utah. Southbound No 8 Southbound Nolo Southbound, Local Valley No 12 & Cache MAILS ARRIVE. Valentins Dr. E. A. Rich a M. B. Hart and E. - Chairman .Secretary H. Jones. members of board TERMS OF COURT, 1904. First Tuesday in February, May, September and November. County commissioners meet the first and third Mondays of each month District court pta a m a ta a tn a am MALAD VALLEY R. R. MAIL CL08ESI No North bound Corinne, Tremont, Garland - 17 10:10 a.m where cannibalism flourishes. Scattered about the Pacific ocean are many cannibal island, where the natives eat human flesh because they like it for food. In others cannibalism is practiced a sort of religious rite, sayi the New Tork Sun. Tbe natives of New Guinea ere confirmed cannibals, and not long age they killed and ate the members ot an exploring party led by the well known missionary and explorer, Dr. Chalmers. Dr. Chalmers was one of the founders of Port Moresby, the principal town in the British part of the island, and had dons more in the way of exploring New Guinea, that any other man. On hie last expedition up the Fly river, the largest in New Guinea, he was at refirst received with all the old-tispect which the natives were wont to show him, but one night they killed the whole party and ate their bodies, Including that of their friend the u doe-to- r. Seven Spanish eallore, who were wrecked near the mouth of the Murt river, In West Africa, were captured Sow Much I a Billion! and eaten by the natlvee recently. To an Englishman th blillon-dollthere are cannibal tribe livsteal corporation waa impossible, tor in ing many parte of South Africa. to him a billion meant a million milwillion. That was the orimil meaning Such tribe inhabit that region of derness belonging to Colombia known of the word, and still pie ails in Gen. TrU-ind- , A billion was a ..illlon as Cacaqtieta, and the brother of of Rafael the envoy special Reyes, In the dajs numsquared, and PanaColombia to in the this country ber ..fie tainted off in period- o: six, ma matter, was killed and eaten by was wr.t en ),000o uiiilon some of them while attempting to was to the tbiul .1 u--r with ii cross to the head waters of the AmaWhen it de, !. tush-- - zon. it mu. here in.o , H3 of Some of the tribes of northern Lu?.on 3 he word hii uu i. to are suspected of beihg addicted to can1. which It n nibalism. Grswsome tales of cannibalon the cot.Aroer iu- - istic are told of the voodoo practices ;e English, re, 3 UO worshipers of th Interior of Hayti. ebur u, and necesarj - 1 i.- ' thii - ' . di . . wo nations for man should oiuc whether 01 m.. nt nu a right .0 aU ii.mself a billionaire when tn; v, : p ' , n New Mock of he viRim London. H el CELEBRATED ied with Gold. r, One of the ent "strihes" of gold quart? in jid .ish Columbia is known as :hi- - Luc Some of he ore, it !b us .ed, will jisid thoiwnrs of c . : ? 'on. I nued S.a.tj Jou, oar ,hrra at Uosaiand. su;.s ;hat he h,' imples ts larg- as u hu. 0.0 m up, but held toucher by the m r. of pod tUnn'n? hrmeh-- u tae rock. The pfOspeCoi. ho h'l .cln also deme that ,ue, Upon bioi.e a p.e.e of lock troia a led0e at ue 100. of a hill on Toplar creeC and ouud that tne gold nearly held the particle together as ill a chain. Carson Cloves i.Tus. doi-le- rs For Gents Ladies and Boye Every Pair Guaranteed m to'-oa- i;s A Cttrieua Theory, The curious theory o Al. Boyn ll that keep marine animals id Uieir hahitat. These rays ente.' salt water readily, but are compleieiv stopped by fresh water, and the havt tne remarkable property of increasing Visual power, other effects being probable. BROWN'S Pretty Slippers, Shoes, Gloves, Custom our Specialty Work done while you ys Macaroni Factories. There are in Italy about 5,500 macaroni facto. its. which give employment to 25.0G0 Shoes-Repair- s wait. Services at Presbyterian Cna Sunday school at 10 o'clock a. m. Preaching at 8:00 p .m. Christian Endeavor Wednesday 8:00 p.m. A, T. Rankin, Pas to hands. BOX ELDER CO. COUNTY BOARD OE HEALTH THROUGH Cache - to-d- The opening of The Chicago & Alton's new line between St. Louis and Kansas City fittingly and permanently commemorates the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. In time of completion, and also In other ways, tbe Altons new line is typical of the fair. The St. Louis Exposition will show the highest example of every product of all kinds in the world, as will The Chicago k Alton new line show the highest standard to which the worlds railways can be brought. As the World's Fair will illustrate the processes which make American goods preferred in the markets of the world, so the Chicago & Alton will illustrate in all details construction, equipment and operation the accepted standards, which serve as models for the worlds common carriers. A. Jer.sen ac . Going for Chamberlains Cholic, Cholera and e & To-d- ay .N, E. Moitensen N. J. NVisen Recent Experiments Prevents tbe Washing Away of the Earth. Working Night and Day. O Notice to Contractors. Mayor Show That Zt of the canal. F-n-u, jo30 Jy21 CITY OFFICERS BANKS. The engineer! la charge of the work bf maintaining the Sues canal have disSantos Dumont, the covered that thi beet of all methods of expert, has got to St. Louis with his protecting the banks from crumbling steerable airship "No. 7 to compete and decay is provided by the natural growth of reeds which fringe the chan-ne- t The first for the $100,000 prize. for some distance below tsm&lll on the African side, and some rather trial will be made in July. Langleys Interesting attempts havs bsen lately mads to plant nsw beds in other parts buzzard sleeps, CaVUtfc ft Pin T. W. Clancy, H. A. Bancroft, J. A. Woodworth, Clerk, OFFICIAL For Sale at the Eddy )Jrug Store. ... the road, which Is magmhcently built, mail arrives: is ballasted with rock. The tracks No 18 South bound Garland, 3:50 p.m. Tremont, Coriune are eighty-fiv- e pound steel rails one P. O. opens Sunday from lo.Od to feet long. hundred and thirty-thre- e 11.00 a. m. There are thirteen passing tracks of Office hours from 8.00 a. m. to 6.00 seven three thousand feet each-o- ver p. m. miles of passing tracks, which, owing 3. F. Boothe, . Postmaster. to their great length, might be called double track. There are no grade crossings for railroads and very few grade crossings for country roads. THEY LIKE HUMAN FLESH. Four daily trains in each direction will Cannibalism Still Exists in Different be operated, and tbe time tables and Parts of tha World Soznetimra s jtsligioua Rita. equipment will equal in every way the Chicago-St-Lou- ls & noted Altons Chicago There ere many placet In the world service. - ) 1 Noll Valley ff The Board of Trustees reserves properly be called a straight track for the right to reject any or all bids. thirty-tw- o m'les. The bridges are of Dated June 25, 1904. steel, the culverts are of concrete, and Rose, Dont put yourself in this mans place, but keep a bottle of thi remedy In yonr home. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it badly, yon will need it quickly. Buy U now. It may aave lilt. Price, 35 cents; laigi sue, go cents. tuimUi.U .No City lioe 1:10 ens the St. From south No 7.,.. T 9 N. R. 3 W. 9 No 8:30 south maximum From grade the level and straight, & For furthur particulars and for being only twenty-si- x feet to the mile From south, Local Cache No 8:30 II Valley half of one per cent; the maximum From south No. 17 carries plans and specifications call on curvative is only one per cent; the Salt Lake morning papers 10:30 H. A. Bancroft, Corinne, Utah. 8:30 From north No 8 road is properly called an air line No 10 5:23 north From Bids will be opened at the nioety-tw- o cent perfectly being per From north Local & Cache school house in Corinne Satur- straight track. There is one tangent 10:15 Valley No 12., of eighteen miles and another of fourday, July 23, at i:3op. m. teen miles, but these tangents could Shields, John S. Williams, P. S., Jr. When calling for the aboye letters state when advertised. B. F. Booths, Postmaster. ' ,1 cut-of- James M. Mrs. John , Jeusen, J. F. Johnson, J. S. Miller, Abhle Norman, Ramey Phillips, Robert H. Diarrhoea Remedy. X Northbound No 9 Northbound, Local Louis-Kans-as se Pilei Upon top of piles of people have the piles, and DeWltta Witch Hazel There are many Salve cures them. different kinds of piles, but if you get the genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve trade by E. C. Dewitt & Co., Chicago, a cure Is certain. H. A. GRASS flying-machin- cut-o- dis- HOW THE JAPANESE KNEW trict, showiug the funds received Had Spies to Watch the Building of and the money paid out. The A Russian Battleship at the ate auditing only Philadelphia. taxpajets committee in ronnet'Hoo with the A etory la being told which sheds ar Interesting light on the marvelous forr theminterest should and report manifested s "The Only Way. All ihe .vay Sealed proposals w ill be receivThe Chicago & A iton is soon 10 have ed up to 1:30 p.m.,July 23, 1904, a new short line between St. Louis by the trustees of School District and Kansas City. The new No. 14, tor furnishing all mater- is to be opened in June. Then the ial and consiiuaiug on. school distance, bt. Louis to Kansas City, house to be located on or near will be only 279 miles. which short the northeast corner of Sec. 5 The new Is Haggle, Green, matter LOCAL MAILS. m 'T.- - n ALTONS NEW LINE. Si CHICAGO The News his received samples of elegant wearimg cards, invitation cards pud programs, and can fill all orders on short notice. Call and see them and you are sure to be pleased with the price and quality. 4 J od model, dketca or pbofto of ifiYetktton t freft report on ol teStSTTBineAiiDif '44561 One Minute Gough Gun Fop Coughs, Colds and Croup MONUMENTS ONow is the tune to order your Monuments and Headstones forz: Fall We guarantee Delivery the best ot stock and workmanship at Lowest Price, JOHN H BOTT to. Son |