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Show TOR BOX ELDER HEW& Box Elder News, STANP'N - W1XOM & uuhmci aiiu Hicpritttcn 39-NO. TELEPHONE MARCH 31, 1904. THURSDAY, It I PT ION l Otherwise, SI 50 in Advance, SI 25 A YKAU. F. I,. Walter of Garland was'j Miss Benson, sister of Isaacl in was Biigham Tuesday on a return Benson of the Fourth ward, tu Syracuse, Weber county. mP Tues-x small-po! qua, ,.lined for 25 new styles of Iron Beds to day. Remember Our Goblins at fro;Lo. Jos. F. Hansen, . r urnit ure the opera house tonight. Mrs. Harding was up from Rooms to rent Enquire of last Saturday Willard oil a Mrs. A. Snow Rosenbaum, f - Mens Clothing, Mens, Boys and Childrens Hats, Ladies Waists and Skirts, Ribbons and Notions wiih more still coming Nicer and finer than ever are this season's models. Call and see them . For Sale Acre lot all in fruit trees and beiries 2nd West between 2nd and 3rd North Sts. Inquire at this office or write Mrs. Hulda Olson, 210 Paxton ave, Salt Lake City, Utah. CHURCH NOTICES. The First quorum of Elders The grand ball at the Academy will meet at the usual place, Friof Music last for the bene night night, April 1st, at 7:30 p. fit of the Military Band was a big day m. As this is the last meeting of success both financially and social- the season, a good attendance is It nearly equalled the opening night in point of attendance and the committee reports over three hundred tickets sold. The band attended and played a num her of its best selections and the music was greatly appreciated. Wanted A man and wife who understands general ranch work; everything furnished. Large famWrite me at ily not wanted. Rock Springs, Wyo., or Brigham City, Utah. C. H, Davis, tf ly. P. J. Larsen Daniel Reeder desired. The Second quorum of Elders meet tomorrow (Friday) night at the usual place. This is the last meeting of the season and a good attendance is desired. Elder Fred J. Holton will deliver a lecture. will Stake Presidency. Notice- - Easter services will beheld at the M. E. church Sunday, April 3rd, at Ham. The chtldreu will take part. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend. II. I. Hansen, Pastor. Probate From The Butcher. be sure yon get the best. Our Pork, Mutton, Lamb, Beef and Veal ail represent healthy, well-fe- d stock. Come in and take a look at our shop. Wed like to have you see how clean we keep everything. LARSEN & REEDER just received. J They are hummers. grocery dept., ask your neighs I t who buys all his from us. We money on every purchase 2 A A -- J ur ,in CLOTHING & Specials in Dry Goods Department. DEPARTMENT. This spring's stock Is bright, seasonable and honestly good. The prices are based upon the eeouomic question of giving the most value for the least outlay to you There area gi eat lot of fashionable aim good things here boih in suits and furnishings that we want you to ee. It is unnecessary to sav Danish Cloth, (voile weave) a very popular fabric this season, comes in all desirable colors, worth regularly from 20c to 23c. Special price this week, IvJL per yard, only that satisfaction'1 means the leturn of your money if you want It But Walking and Dress Skirts, wont want it. Yob A large assortment to select from. special ko. 1 : A well made walking skirt, d good weight, neatly made, in A $2.25 regular gray only. Ox-for- value. Special at only Notice of Sale- of Estate James Forrest, deceased. The undersigned will sell at public auctiou all of lot five (5,) In block seventy-fou- r (74,) plat B", Brigham City survey, containing I acre, situate In Box Elder county, state of Utah, at 12 oclock noon, on the 10th day of April, 1904, at the front door of the county court house, In Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah, fojush, gold coin of the Cnited States, ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance on confirmation of sale by the district court. Deed at expense of purchaser. m31 a!4 J. B. McMasteii, Administer. Dated March 31, 1904. We are exclusive selling agents In Brigham of the celebrated p, p Fords fine shoes for ladies ever? pair sold on a strict guarantee. The new stylus for prlng are now here in TCrns and Welu 50. 2. SPECIAL A regular $3.50 Walking Skirt in fancy stripe effects, all lengths. A verv attractive well made Efl (CO skirt. Special at only Other equally as good values that must he seen to be appreciated. R. L. ONE PRICE TO ALL. at 92.73, 93, 93.25, $3.tQ Good Fitters, Good Lookers. Good Wearers. FISHBURN PLAIN SONS. & FIGURES. NEVER UNDERSOLD. Wall Paper and Linoleum Gentlemen: Please bear in mind that we Carry the famous line Douglas fine shoes for men. An just received. We are fast getting in a position to all your wants in both staple and fancy furnishings. Fine Patterns and Good Qualities. We have a large stock of Carpets, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Etc. Gran-itewaf- bar-gai- M. -- FREE DELIVERY- HANSON 1 Block North N L Hansens shoes are better ! FOR SALE at 20 cents. at 25 cents. 1 lot 7$ cent Outing Flannel at 05 cents. 1 lot 85 cent Suspenders at 15 cents. 1 lot $1.25 Misses Corsets at 15 cents. 1 lot 1.50 Ladies' Spring Skirts at $1.00. 1 lot 2.50 Ladies Spring Skirts at 1.75. 1 lot Ladies Faucy Neckwear at half price. 1 lot Mens, Ladies and Misses Shoes at half price. We have plenty of those 85c Cashmeres at 25 cents. GHEAP-Seco- of If & Court you Willie Pett, the old sqai 1 of Henry Peet, was operated Tuesday at Dr. Rich s hospital t tor appendicitis. Dr. Rich was for 14-ve- ar P T1 pm House. dont buy shoes made HAMILTON you dont BROW!) buy shoes right solHy n. bj l - iiam 3,We Guarantee Every Pa!rU CONTRACTOR M. E PORTER TELEPHONE NO. P.O.Box Bit - 38-- 3 Brigham City, tut T cI0thes vou nee(j a slJjt SPRING or SUMMER, call assisted by Dr. Pearse and Dr.land examine my FINE LINE Berg. The disease was far ad- - OF SAMPLES and make your vanced but the prospects are choice for a suit, codt or pants. favorable for the boys recovery. GOOD FIT AND acre land, 3rd For Sale. SATISFACTION j W ., 4th N ., planted with trees and berries, also corral and stable, tf James H. H. P. Heninger of Ogden, head deputy for the Modern YotinLADIES need a Woodman of America, spent if most of the past week in this city Good Sewing Machine trying to secure more members for that society. He took six I ciih get one for yeti for from applications and has the promise to $36, Twenty of a number more. He expects $20 Years Guarantee. to return in about two weeks. When the sun shines see Hors NIELSEN, leys large line of muslin under wear. WE STILL LEAD IN BARGAINS. j Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Hats, j Men's Neckwear. A. F. C. Ginghams. Dress and Waist Goods. Goods Arriving Daily. you want lowest prices and best service, come to us. HOLST & SON, P. A large shipment of those old reliable F. Shoes has just arrived. GUARANTEED. i Remember the place, I block south of the tabernacle. e, SONS nd hand wagon, set of harness and pair of 3000 lb. springs. Enquire at store cn corner of Main and S'h South Sts. Brigham. 11231 N L Hansen's shoes are tetlerj ! Vhn suppl? Again. 800 yards 40 cent Fancy Dress Goods 500 yards 45 cent Fancy Dress Goods New New New New New S has We are headquarters for Cushion tops, Knen dciim and embroidery silks; also fancy and staple dry goods notions. Remember you can always get what you m at our store. Our prices are right. tarUandidly yours for business, ns B. JBNSEN & CO. .- We W. of Ladies: e, Tinware, Poultry Netting, Garden Tools. We also have some special in Remnants of Linoleum. X J. Kirkendall i. 3rd 8. & 4th W. Sts., Brigham City THE WORKMAN ,s SUSTAINED d By good tools. .The quality u bis work depends largely his skill and also upon the quality of the tools. The one would useless without the other. Few factories ' in the United the States turn out tools exactly of same grade, yet the prices art about the same each kind. Sow are of better material, some better finish. We buy from jobbers combine as nearly as possible the good features and produce of The Best Tools These are not hih priced can be seen by comparing price" McM ASTERN FI Undernear. Guardianship Notices Consult County Clerk or tho Respective Signers for Further Information. Shoe Section. n I 1 High council meeting Saturday, April 2nd, 1904, at 10 a. m ; Stake priesthood meeting on same day at 1 p. m. Both meetings will b held In the usual places. Good alteudaucc Is desired. Lucius A. Snow, generally includes either ham or Bacon. They are most acceptable In the morning. Served with eggs they give zest and relish to the meal. But when youre buying ELK HATS It you want to know whv business is steadily a of the buying Through the medium of the newspapers we call attention values. public, from week to week, to what we consider exceptional good come and -tnote the hen below prices Glance over the few specials listed value. to the as with us examine the goods youll agree Notice. Oleen N. Stoiil, Breakfast f AND LONGLEY Grocery Dept Fishisorns Weekly Store News. in A merry crowd enjoyed a CONFERENCE REDUCED RATES home of Mr. hobo the at parly Via the Oragon Short Lins Railroad. A good Jersey cow for sale and Mrs. Orson Hudson last rates will be made The following cheap. Enquire at this office, if 1 from the stations named below to hursday night. Capital. Salt Lake City for the above event. Rooms to rent. Apply to Mrs. The latest styles in Ladies suit- Tickets on sale April I to 6; good re If ycu don't buy shoes of turning to April IQ: Rosetta S. Loveland. tf $2.73 ings at Horsleys. tolllnijton 2.50 Dewe.v Dont buy your Linoleum unHANSEN N. L. Just received A complete line llonvville 2.25 til you see the elegant stock 290 of dry goods at A M Nelsons. a2 Garland 2 73 Tremont carried by the Siohl Furniture you don't buy shoes right. 2.00 Abraham Rose, R. iV. Roe, Co. , TWe Guarantee Every Pair.gS m3i 1,75 1.50 .. James Cottom, W. W. Hickman j Hut Springs w and Martin Jensen of Snowville Locaigent were in attendance at the district court Monday and Tuesday of FLOWERS & SHRUBS. Are Now .At It this week. Charles Kelly, A Model See the new things visit." Carlos Holst, tlie hustling salesNew anivals in Missis ai.d of Blackman & Gtiffin of man ITEMS OF INTEREST. Ladies skirts at Horsleys. Ogden, is in Biigham on busiata C. Wallers, J prominent Miss Hannah Edwards was up ness today. from Willard lasc Saturday tisi'-in- g torney of Logan, was in Brigham IOC Outing Fldnnels at 3 yds. on business Tuesday. her brother, the cunt for 25c at Holsts. t treasurer and family. Gel your eastei hats and suits Miss Minnie Crockett of Logan f C'itinese A tine line and ai Boothe & Pierces Spring has bten visiting in this city for Japanese Malting aini Linoleums slock just in. f the past ten days the gust of at Jos. F. Hansen Furniture Co. For Rent House and lot cor Miss Minnie Thompson. For Kent or Lease. 2 acres ner 3rd East and 2nd South. ApM. Nelson's you get tile orchard in Third ward with 6 room At A, tf ply at once at this ofllce. best shoes. Every pair guaran- house, etc., and 10 acres good B. U. S. Marshal B. Hey wood meadow hay land near by. Apa2t was in Brigham last Saturday teed. ply to A. i Forsgren, city, or of the this office. cashier W. W. for Prichard, if the Federal summoning jurors court. First National bank of Thief Judge Hart was unable to get River Falls, Minn., has been visit- to Randolph, Rich county, last See the new stock o! waistitigs at Horsleys. ing relatives in this city this week, weeK to hold hold court as the fine born A to the the guest of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. roads from Evanston, Wyo., to boy was that place were impassible. Other wife of Dr. Geo. F. Harding Knudson. than ours have their Counties Wednesday of last week. All Four agents for the troubles on account of mud. Wanted are doing well. Brigham City Knitting Factory. Before buying skirts cull and tf Big dance at the big academy Apply to John Anderson. see cur fine line. A M Nelson. a2i Christensens Saturday night. Mr. and Mr. James Ryan of fine orchestra in attendance. I F. P. Kirkendalls shoes are Corinne lost their only son, Jas. the oldest in the west while N L Hansens shoes are better Allen Ryan, last Thursday of others have failed they have stood Get your gloves at A. M. Nel pneumonia We sell them. C. aged 2 years and t the test. sons. a2i month. The boy was the grand- Holst & Son. f M. M. Jensen of Mantua re, son of Dr. and Mrs, F. E. Roche. Mr. and Mis. J. F. Erdmann turned last week from MounUin from last Thursday sumreturned of line and General spring Home, Idaho, where he has been at where arrived mer Sebewa, Michigan, they dry goods just spending the winter looking after been visiting relatives about have Horsley's. some large stock interests. Peter N. Wilson came In from two months past. They report Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fishburn, in Michigan his herd at the head of Very severe weather Jr., and Mrs. F. W. Fishburn re- Bluesheep this thermometer the winter, Greek the first of the week. turned the fore part of the week He has been feeding them all usually being 20 or more degrees in visit a Cache troir county. winter but says the weather has below aero. When you see our immense been hard on the sheep Wanted A woman cook. Enline of spring beods this spring herds pretty R. C. Fryer, Dewey vtlle, f generally. quire you will say at a glance that Rooms Furnished or Rent to Choice Apricot and Peach trees Boothe & Pierces is the store for office. this unfurnished. S. A. Sackett & Sons, for sale. Inquire quantity, quality and price in Box tf In the ad of the stake amuse- Brigham City, Elder county. ment committee announcing a which Our Goblins, opened The Republican primary for in the early a three the Brighaul piecioct will be held strawberry festival nights engagement at the of June, there is a blessed Grand last night, is really a high-cla- ss in the court house tonight and part of a change in weather conhope musical extravaganza. It is the county convention will be if held Saturday in this city. Con- ditions which must come soon presented by a clever company are and strawberries to blossom On and is adequately staged. siderable interest is being maniripen by that time. the whole, it is one of the best atfested in both events. The new goods received this tractions seen at the Grand this Dry land lucern hay for sale. J. Des Moines (Iow'a) week at Boothe & Peirces ares season. C. FredericKsen, Brigham City. Dr. L. H. Berg, dentist, Utah na hotelif County Tieasurer John A. Ed wards and wife entertained a few of their friends at their home in the First ward last Thursday night. A fine supper was served and the evening was pleasantly spent in social games and amuse meats, Dont buy your Linoleum until you see the elegant stock earned by the Stohl Furniture Co. 11131 WWE Cedar Posts, Barb Wire, The Brigham City Knitting Factory is now running in full blast and those desiring underwear can call at the factory and make their selections. We have all the styles and Everything in the Building Line, Picket Fencing, Our stock is complete; our prices right. JUt us figure with you before you build. We can save you money, and qualities desired, Prices reasonable. 9 L. D. S. Garments 4j from 90c up to $8. i Merrell Lumber & Salt Go. $M$M$M3i$$4Mi44il4Mi Factory at Third South and Main Streets. iI'John S4I4mII$44,I Anderson, Proprietor. SEETIMEKHEREjn Wm. Horsley & Sons Will Open Up March a Full and Complete Line of the well known W. ATLEE BURPEE h Choice Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. (tit? f! g eg We are the largest seed distributors in the county and carry only tjie f FIRST QUALITY of Best Vane' ties for table and market use. tfiTCome and sec the display |