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Show THE BOXtELDER NEWS, THURSDAY JANUARY 21, 1904 Denies the Report niTOii Box Eld THE News: FARM-RAISE- His Superior ot'eed tn ihe News .f LVeem-L.- i 17, a statement to the effect that ur child had died ot diphtheria. If jw this is misleading and an injustice e respectfully ask that you publish ur denial in regards to the statement bove referred to as follows: We, the undersigned, hereby publicly ,ny the statement in the Box Elder Cfes of Dec. 17th, 1903, to the effect that uur baby died of diphtheria, and further assert that the child died ith spinal trouble; that we have not bad the diphtheria or any contagious disease in our family, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. We feel we have been unjustly treated both in the reports referred to and in the course pursued by the doctors who quarantined us without cause. BOY. D DRYING OUT ZUYDER ZEE. Qual fications Over h $ Ve ' Edward Richards. Martha Richards. Collinston, Utah. Jan. 12. . Ciy ilnlla.drra Couiutl, et neclalmtnc Lend If a fuircuuipansun it, made between the farm boy aud the boy raised iu the city it will be found that the for- statement on good authority. Editor. When you cant eat breakfast, take Scotts Emulsion. When you cant eat bread and butter, take Scotts Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more take Scotts nourishing, Emulsion. To get fat you must cat fat. Scotts Emulsion is a great fattener, a great mer is inspired by a more lefty ambition than the latter. This is shown in the very large number of our great meii whose boj hood and young manhood was spent on alie farm. And after all it is not strange that such a condition of affairs should be- exist, cause, unquestionably, the boy on the farm is surrounded by a more wholesome environment than the boy in the City. However, something more tbam ambition Is necessary if any marked degree of success is to be attained. There are certain virtues, certain habits or characteristics that lend themselves to high attainmenls. Someone lias said that a boy should have a clean face, clean habits, a clean record and a clean heart if bisairu is lofty and he expects to attain itIt matters not whether it Is the boy's ambition to be a farmer, doctor lawyer or merchant tliesame qualities must be brought into play. First and foremost, one who expects to attain success iu any field of activity must cultivate a love for hard work. There Is no place in the front rank for the shirk, next in importance to being in love with work is the ability to perform well every task to which we are assigned. To do it just a little better than tlie other fellow means the grasping of a higher round in the ladder, Skill is never the result of strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scotts Emulsion increases them all, blood and flesh, bone, nerve. For invalids, for convalescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scotts Emulsion is a rich and comfortable food, and a natural tonic. Scotts Emulsion for bone, fiesh, blood and nerve. that of the presi- dent of the United States, and in n'ne that cases out of ten the quality has broupdit about the promotion of such persons is nothing hlore nor less than the capacity for intelligent and hard woik. wrapper of Emuiiion you buy. scon The world needs more men who can 409 PearlSt, N. 50c. and $1 Y. all druggist 1 It is now announced that, by of the efforts of Ambassador son rea- view of tli is tlie lesson Should ed early little school house at the crossroads efforts of one whose mind is trained will count more for progress, no mat- The Supreme court of Ohio has cided that a clause vitiating a de- policy in case of suicide Now you can go ahead. void. is According to cable dispatches the Czar has sent the Chinese governaids ment a threat that if China pan in any way Russia A Vest-Pock- will Ja- immedi- Result, a prom- Doctor. Never in the way, no trouble to carry, easy to take, pleasant and never railing in results are DeWitts Little Early Risers. A vial of these little Is a certain et pills in the guarantee against headache, biliousness, torpid liver and all the ills resulting from constipation. They tonic Sold by and strengthen the liver. The Eddy Drug Store. vest-iock- City Bell Express Tliere's no Belter Servicf Delivers Freight and Express to All Parts of the City Than that via the nail. Form OF DR IS HAM CITY. tn a recent memoir on the human brain, Dr. Matlagta, of Prague, one of the most eminent specialists of Europe, records the fact that the heaviest brain he has found is that of a young man of 22 years and 1 80 meters in height, which weighs 1,820 grams. The female brain does not seem to rise over 1,000 grams, and the lightest he knows about (excluding the very aged) wat 1,020 grams, that of a woman of 25 years, 1.50 meters in height. There is one of 1,000 grams belonging to a woman of 89 years. The average male brain weighs 1,400 grams, and the female 1,200 grams, between 20 and 59 years. 01 remarkable brains that of Korstantinoff a Bulgarian novelist, weighed 1,595 grams, ar.d that of Smetana, a composer only 1,250 grams. The average weight of the brain of different occupations he gives as from 1,410 to 1,440 for workmen, 1,408 for business men, professional musicians and photographers, and 1.50C for medical men and persons whose calling supposes a university education. DOkS STRICTLY A BANKING BUSINESS Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent directors: Lucius A. Snow, James Nelsen, John Edwaras L. S. N, Lee, Nels Jenson, Alma Nelson, Peter M. Hansen, Lorenzo N. Stohl, John D. Peters President Cashier. tine Sftinute Gough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. TRIP TO THE DENTISTS. Western Woman Rode Her Pony Sixty Miles to Have Her Teeth Fixed. 'The experiences of a city bred girl railroad advertising. to Chicago and the East over the only double-tra- ck railway between the M issourl River and Chicago. Excellent service In every particular. One of these trains, the Overland I Limited, is the most luxurious train I in the world. Electric lighted throughout. Direct connections at Omaha via ! The North-Weste- rn Line to St. Paul j and Minneapolis. buzz-siwin- THIRTY-TWO-WHEE- CAR. L Tickets, reservations, and full Information can be obtained from C. A. Walker, General Agent, I 40-t- open-hear- Harness rn Ry, I Nwt.t South Main Street, Silt Lake City, Utah. Beaa-ti- e America. When the passenger departments of the railroads began to advertise the advauijccs of their respective lines nc! iciuiies and points of interest alc.iG me riht of way, the uni.erva-ti- ' to I nod aha3t at the .duo a Ion. sty: i'ic io!cdo Tomes, it as ntely prt ... u hut the; would tel tl.J of vj-- .i ,i,r moucy or thw their employ.'.-, i.i.uid call them down aad refuse .0 co iiuenance auch -i end Imres. Yet how d.ffercnt has been the The pioneers in the business have ii't.i followed by lmli uo.--s and corai e ; rs, until some of tie m.a. insaU7Hui..p and interesting i(.. tive r.c,mi3ing of the e by the r 11. roads. It is. o .oursc im t to i now the fuU oi the inll ioncp of this advertising but the result ha been to lmmens' ';'n.iiato travel. Vj Arjierlonns are j -t learning to appreciate leisure and to now that one doesnt have to go a thousand miles from home to get genuine recreation aad an education that 13 a pleasure to acquire. The throry that everything worth seeing Is In Europe has teen ovp.oded and the railroads, with their perdst-en- t. artistic and well conrtrro'ed have lighted the that led to the explosion. Everyone with a spark of ambition desires to see different from his own. He wants to travel. But he Oreads going into strange scenes and conditions. oa the A NEW FOOD PLANT. Carloae Growth of Uganda Reeeatlr Dlaeovarad by a Coflea Grower, There have recently been Imported Into England specimens of the glycine subtairanea," a plant which is in tome respects the most curious in the world, it port, a London paper. Mr. Ballaud, who lias reported on it, saye that ita roots contain every principle necessary tor human food. The plant waa discovered by a coffee grower In Uganda. IU bulb la shaped like an egg, and is ot a dark red hue with black stripe It la ground into a flour which taates like chestnuts. Two pounds of this flour )3 sufficient to keep a man for a day, r.nd will supply the place of breadl meat, butter and vegetables. Unfortunately, the glycine will not flourish in cold climates. It U. however, to be introduce, in India and Brazil, where it should prove an enormous addition to ths food plants there available. No doubt its finder will make a very good thing of Ms discovery. 1 A NEW BUILDING Makes Kidneys and Bliidder Right dwositeBCSJa KP WA SHI N CTO N7D MATERIAL. Great Tklacs Are Expected at Vr mill, th lavaatloB of a kw. laa OSicer, e- - foieysiodkeycdre OIL Dr. O. Howard, the government's chief expert on the mosquito question, frankly admits that one variety of the pestiferous insect has turned up in New Jersey and on the islands around the harbor of New York with which he and ml the governmest forces cannot This species has been named cope. and classified as the Aedes Smithil. A member of Dr. Howard's staff named Smith discovered this most tormenting species of the entire family and that accounts for the latter part of the terror'e name. The Aedes Smithil is the smallest mosquito known, as well as the moat ravenous and the hardest to kill. Every other species ot the tribe succumbs to kerosene oil when that fluid Is poured on water in which the young mosquitoea are maturing. Bat not so the Aedes SmlthlL This little vixen thrives and grows fat on kerosene. Dr. Howard's experts hint that thoy have found a poison that will kill Smiths terror, as it is called among the scientists of the agricultural department, but until they satisfy themselves by further tests they will make no public announcement o- th and Saddle Exhibit C. North-Weste- 20 Con- A perfect car has recently been built by the Bethlehem Steel company for Its own use. The company is supplying .gome very large castings for a 12,000 ton forging press for the Carnegie Steel company, and this car Is for their transportation, says the Engineering Record. Both iron and steel castings are being supplied, some of the latter being oi extraordinary size. One of them requires about 325,000 pounds of steel and 60 furnaces are emTHE ployed to provide the metal for it, Ths car has trucks, connected by bridge trusses, 6G feet 10 inchei and ( feet deep at the center In the city will be found at long The distance between the king bolts ll 64 feet. The car Is 103 feet 10i Inchei long, over the couplers, 10 feet 214 inches high, and 9 feet 9 Inches wide. It weighs 196,420 pounds, and has s rated capacity ot 800,000 pounds. Th( largest car hitherto constructed wat that used by the Pennsylvanis Repairing of all kinds In my line probably railroad for transporting a Krupp gur promptly attended to. Mall orders to the Columbian exposition. It alsc had 32 wheels, but Its rated capacity wai have my personal attention. somewhat less than that of ths new car. First Door North of First Nst'l Dank Bldg. FINEST Chicago & I ' One Ever structed. lie Done Slash to Reveal th ot Travel la Saintlnot Moaqatto of It Class ?i-roaad Grow Fat oat-com- e. Sixteen Steel Tracks and le the Lorseat A singular personage In Paris social life has disappeared in the person ot Bauer, who was formerly the Lnliiant chaplain of the Tulleriei, sa;. s the Paris correspondent of tfcJ LonJon Chronicle. Mgr. Bauer, who was oi Jewish extraction, began Ufe as a stout broker's clerk, but suddenly abandoned that calling and entered the .culinary of St. Sulpice. Alter uia it orik.utioa his eloquence attracted m UL, who offered him a cjurt chap unity, with the special tas,c of teaching (he prince imperial elocution. M. Bauer drew large conjugations and on several occasions he occupied lh3 pulpit of Notre Dame. He accompanied Empress EuGenie to Egypt and delivered a magnificent discourse at the inaugural ceremony ot the Suez canal. During the war of 1870 M. Bauer attended the sick and wounded outside the walls of Paris, In 1872 he wrote to Cardinal Gulbert informing him that tor personal reasons he could no longer support the Since then yoke of the priesthood. the has been e constant frequenter ot ths opera and the affabla Hil patron of art and literature. means were considerable and he gave away a good deal In charity. He was very popular among his former Imperialist friends end enjoyed a joke over his former career. On one occasion he met Gen. do Galllffet on the staircase ot the opera and gave him a punctilious military salute. The general smiled benlgnantly and, raising hl3 hand, solemnly blessed the exmonsignore. Expert Forcers Wanted. Constant emplojir.eat, according to an advertisement in an Italian newspaper, can be obtained by experts capable of Imitating the handwriting of old manuscripts. Seldom, perhaps, has a forger been advertised tor so openly. on a western ranch are positively thrilling to me. remarked the woman who was reading a letter from a friend of her youth, to the Philadelphia Record. "Now this friend of mine, so she writes, found herself in need of the attention of a dentist. Did she call a cab or hail a trolley car? She did not. Rather, she had her pony saddled early In the morning and rode 25 miles to the nearest doctor of dentistry only It was 30 miles, because she had to go five miles out of her way on account of the freshets. Instead of resting at her destination she barely nad time to eat a bite when she resigned herself g to the filing, scraping, and hammering which is the lot of the victim of ailing molars. A few hours ot this modern mode of torture and she was again in the saddle, with the The News his received samp- refreshed pony setting out gallantly les of elegant wedding cards, in to complete his CO miles. Equities d when vitationcards ?nd programs, and have a way of being can fill all orders on short notice. their heads are turned homeward. At his nder, a husband and three Call and see them and you are for babies anxiously awaited her in the sure to be pleased with the price cool, mysterious moonlight" f Notable In Faria Social Life Who Baa Abandoned His Odd Calling. Na-po- Laborers, I A new building Material which promises much frr the future Is called uralite. It Vs the invention of a Rus-eiu- n hrilllery officer and chemist Duied Imschentezky. Uralite la composed of asbcstoc fiber, with a proper proportion of silicate, bicarbonate of soda and chalk, and le absolutely fireproof. Iu a soft form a sheet of nral-it- e la like au asbestos board; when hard it resembles finely sawn atone and has a metallic ring. Besides beot heat and elecing a tricity.' It Is practically waterproof (and may be made entirely so by paint), and It Is not affecUd either by atmospheric Influences or by the acids contained in smoke, which rapidly destroy galvanized iron. It can be cut by the usual carpenters ot woodworkers tools; it can be veneered to form paneling for walls or parti dons; it can be painted, grained, polished and glued together like wood; It 13 not affected when exposed to moisture cr great changes of temper-- 1 ature, and it can be given any de- -t sired color either during the process of manufacture or afterward. 0. ANDERSONS HARNESS STORE West side Main St. Brigham city THE Denver & Rio Grande AND THE Rio Grande DO YOU TAKE HE NEWS? That is, are you a subscriber the Box Elder News? Western. THE SCENIC LINE TO Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and ail points east Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all SOUTHERN Orders Filled Promptly. Charges Reasonable Have Far MJTEV'I.! Action. Matter Than in the proved, because, even though life is to be spenttoiling with our hands, the year. Wonderful Nerve. Men Said to Kkr Eu should not be allowed to pass unim- Pekin. Maybrick will be re- ately occupy strict of neutrality. ise from prison some time this I displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts, WoundF, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But theres no need for It. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill tlie pain and cure tlie trouble Its the bet Salve on earth for Piles, too 25c, at The Eddy Drug Store. Mora te learn- that the opportunities Choate, Mrs. leased Professional lor The causes which control the ebb and flow of humanity between city and country are among the most subtile and obscure of social phenomena, says th? Sun Krr.ccifco Chronicle. The characteristic of the people of all new countries is icor. it is due to the abundance of land for all the people, and the action and reaction between land and man. The life of new countries is rude, but the nourishment Is abundant, and the pure air sends pure blood coursing through the veins. The result is a race of strong men. When class distinctions are marked the gentry gain culture without losing strength. That is the highest type of manhood. It was seen Jn the age of Rome, in the chivalry of medieval western Europe, in the planters of our own southern states in the first half of the nineteenth century. The development of the highest type of manhood involves the condemnation of the majority to a rude and laborious life. But such men can be propagated from generation to generation only so long as they remain in their rural environment In the cities degeneration occurs. Here and there vigor Is transmitted through several generations of city bred men, at least tn Individuals, who maintain the family name and standing. The tendency Is to degeneration, and the mass yields to the tendency. The result Is seen In the slums and the potter's field. The new men who dominate the cities at least in America ar country bred. 1IGHT AND HEAVY BRAINS. earn large salaries, and it is looking to the farm raised boy for thm new and quality. material. In a sense, the eyes of the world are on every farm boy, and in & BOWNE, OlEMiVTS, Know light-foote- We will send you ter in what field of activity the hand a free sample. labors. Richfield Reaper. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label Is on of every bottle the Kllthrst T) ire o( Manhood Como, from the Country Where There Is Work The Chicago drainage canal Is a mere plaything compared with the engineering feat of draining Haarlem lake in Holland, says a writer in the New York Tribune. The Dutch built a dike around a piece of the sea and then pumped the lake they had made entirely dry. This was so successful that other portions of the sea have been reclaimed in the same way. Now the Netherlander have set out to dry up a sea, the Zuyder Zee, and reclaim about 600 square miles. The cost of this undertaking Is estimated to be $41,000,000 cr $5,000,000 more than the cost of the New York subway. The Dutch government, however, expects to get Its money back, as It will have 450,000 acres of land, from which it expects to get a rental of $4,500,000 a year. One might think that such a marshy tract of land, even after it had been reclaimed and drained, would be malarial. Not so. The draining of the land will be done a little at a time, so as to shorten the marshy stage as much as Coast land, even If low, possible. when past the marshy stage. Is espehealthful. cially Furthermore, the people of that country are used to low land. At any rate, they succeeded In drying up Haarlem. perfunctory labor, and only by doing our level best in everything is our capacity for skillful performance Increased. A very large percentage of our test business men were once farm boys who believed in the doctrine expressed above. In some cases salaries are paid greater than Iron the See. - The above letter was received too late' for publication last week. The Sews had no desire in the article referred to to do Sir. and Mrs. Richards any injustice but published the Are PACIFIC and OREGON S'HORT LINE TRAINS The only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City of NOT, look this copv over carefullv and see if it is not worth 2l-2- c, the price charged by the year From Kansas City, 3aint Louis and SouthMemphis to points in the South, east and Southwest Henry Pulsipher, TER RELIABLE OLD mi in hi 11 DRAYMAN mi mu 7 it. Nothing has ever equalled it. ever surpass can Nothing Dr. Kings TSia Lee ring Kansas City at i30 9. Mem' daily, will take you to Springfield, Jacksonville phis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Southeast the in and all point For detailed information apply (O A Perfect Cure : prire 9Qc a S1.G0 For All Throat and Lung Troubles. Monty back if It fails. Trial Bottles free. We havent had a dissatisfied subscriber yet G. W. MARTIN ENEHA4. WESTERN Mtisrumos "ygy8"' It gives you the local anil state news; It is filled with other reading matter of interest; Southeastern Limited I ASSAT 1106, 17 YH ST. DENVER COLO. DINING CARS 1 BeWftis JKJSJ Salve Far Plies. Burns, Sorsa Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rates, folder, free Illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your nearest ticket agent specifying the Rio Grande route, or address A BENTON A' s,i? L,kt Ci.r, u. Give it a Trial; Only $1.25 a Year. r |