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Show rage 'THE BOX ELDER NEWS, LAKE HAS NO BOTTOM. Train-Loa- 7S2ZOLD REUAC1E of Dirt and ds County CommissionersThe full board was present Long Poles. Near the mouth of Bear River where cut-of- f crosses Great Salt a is mysterious quagmire which lake, Pacific has Southern beqn trying the to as treachis but fill, it mouths or of a as the qulcKsands erous fairy tale. Every method .known to engineering s. (kill has been resorted to without as eutward appearances So far is no nearer being filled go the mire up today than when the first carload of earth was dumped into it. The treacherous place is only a few across, but into this hungry 'mountain of earth has whole a jnaw been dumped, yet it has been already awallowed up and the quag1 is still Insatiable. The place was discovered about three months ago. Piles were driven Into it and they disappeared. The eurprised engineers tried the plan of driving in two long piles one on top of the other, but if they bad been driving them toward the sky the result would have been no different so far as striking bottom is concerned. Three piles, one on top of the other, were tried, but it was only necessary to give them a little tap of the hammer and they were gene. The engineers lost patience. They made up to or poke bottom mind reach tijelr out on the other some Cliinamau's eye side of the earth. The engineers built a cradle of piles arouud the quagmire and dumped in several carloads of earth. By night it looked firm and a nice mound was the Lucia suc-cos- IT'S JUST A COUGH - at the that gets your lunge sore and weak and regular sessipn held iast Monday. On petition of residents of Yost, J. paves the way for pneumonia or conENGE. Montgomery was appointed road sumption, er both. ACKERS LISH EEMEDY will stop tho cough supervisor of that district. Charles in a day and heal yeur lungs. It will Vicks was also appointed road super- cure Consumption, Asthma, Bronchivisor of Kelton road district. tis, and all throat ana lung troubles. reA request for certain tools and for Positively guaranteed, and money are not satisfied. Write funded it you an appropriation of $400 or $500 for reto u fer free sample. W. H. Hooker pairing roads in Calls Fort district A Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. D. L. Eddy A was granted as to tools. Action de- San, druggists. ferred on appropriation. fence law in the Mantua precinct. C. M. Bowen, road supervisor of Mrs. Roberts of Willard was allowed district, stated that there Is a $10 and Mrs. Cox of Elwood $3 per dangerous gulch in that district needmonth for two months for their relief. ing fencing. Also stated that parties Dr. Edward A. Rich was appointed owning land through which the road physician to succeed Dr. C, L. county now runs, on account of the washing Olson. out of Cottonwood bridge, think they The auditors and treasurers finanare entitled to reasonable damages. cial repot t was audited and approved. The sum of $75 was appropriated for fixing fence and repairing road. The best pill neath tho stars and On petition, W. P. Cozier was apstripes; It cleanses the system and never pointed road supervisor of Elwood gripes. district. Little Early Risers of worldly repute A petition was considered signed by Aek for DeWitts and take no subnumerous residents of Box Elder stitute. county asking the commissioners to A small pill, easy to buy, easy to never failprovide suitable employment or to al- take and easy to act, but Little Early DeWitts In results. low a pension to S. I'. Thompson in ing Risers arouse the secretions and act as consideration of the fact that be was a tonic to the liver, curing permai disabled by being shot by desperadoes ently. Wynn L. Eddy, perscription while acting as deputy-sheriof this druggist. county, and has a family dependent Senator Morgan once talked an Action deupon him for support. hour and a haif on a ferred until next meeting. Commr. Jones reported adversely on This augurs badly for the Pfihama the opening of a road over the mount- treaty. ain between Terraee and Grouse Danger of Colds and Crip, Creek. Also stated that peddlers are The greatest danger from colds and very numerous in western part of grip is their resulting in pneumonia, county and relief was needed at once. If reasonable care is used, however, Clerk instructed to investigate. and Chamberlains Cough Remedy E.A.Box wav author- taken, all danger will be avoided. ized to secure all necessary assistants. the tens of thousands who havo used this remedy for these diseases Chaa. Wight, Jr., was appointed to learn of 'a single case we have yet deputy-sheriat a salary of $45 a resulted in pneumonia, which having menth from March 20, 1903. shows conclusively that It is a certain Fred Elliott reported bridge on preventiye of that dangerous disease. an attack ef the Sulphur creek in bad condition also It will cure a cold or less than iu time any other treatgrip that road in that vicinity needed re- ment. is pleasant and safe to take. It pairs. Instructed to put in rock to For sale by Wynn L.' Eddy, prescripsave the bridge. a 30 tion druggist. Col-linst- L?rar?i n car-lengt- Absolute! y"Puro 7JJEZJS AZ7 SUBSTITUTE and other substances away as soon as it goes through the crust over head. Others believe that it is a d of spot exceeding depth and that it can eventually he filled up. The action of the quag is like that of a quicksand. It was supposed at one time that the place would have to be bridged, but the engineers do not lose hope that the place has bottom and that it can he filled up iu time. They dont seem to know what time, but they hope sometime Herald. semi-flui- A GOOD COM- PLEXION USE MOKI TEA, a pure herb drink. It aets on the liver and makes the skin smooth and clear Cures sick headache. 25 cts. and 50 cts. ' Money refunded if it does not satisfy you. Write to W, H. HOOK started. The engineers smiled. At ERA 00., Buffalo, N Y for freersam-plD. L. Eddy & Son, druggists last they saw a hope of filling up this hungry monster of the earth. The Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt says next morning they weredumbfouoded to discover that the quag had she has in her pocket evidence which e. swallowed not only the earth, but the whole cradle, and had come near tak- would send io,ooo New Hampshire men to jail. But no one ever finds a ing with it a whole train of cars that womens pocket. had been left there over night. All the cam but one were recovered. TO CURE A COLD IN OND DAY . Taka Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All ment over the tried expert again They irugglsts refund the money If It falls to cure have with the aarne result. They E. W. Grovo'a signature on each box. Sic been repeating it ever since, but the quag" does not fill. Sometime ago Missionary in Norway. it looked as if the earth was beginning If you have room in your valuable to make an impression, for a roadbed paper, a few lines from one of your was beginning to appear ever the former residents may be of Interest to treacherous place. your readers. The engineers then laid tracks part On the 11th of December, 1902, 1 way across. The next day they start- left Brigham City for Salt Lake to be ed a trainload of earth for the place, set apart for a mission to Scandinavia. and this time they again had a nar- On the 13th, In company with twenty-si- x row escape of losing not only the elders and three lady passengers, I train, but the engine as well. The left Salt Lake bound for Europe. We quag" had recovered its appetite had a pleasant trip by rail as far as and was swallowing everything in Boston, Mass., going via Chicago, Bufsight. Since then the engineers have falo, Albany, N. Y., then down to been more cautious, hut they have Boston, at which place we arrived on been dumping tons and tons of earth the 17th of December, 1902. We reinto the place without any apparent mained In Boston until Dec. 24th, effect. and on that day took the steamer Steel of no matter what length dis- Wlnefredian to cross the Atlantic. appears with a tap of the hammer. Our voyage was pleasant although Some believe there is a subterranean a number of our company were not Btream there which carries the earth very spry for a few dayst After a ten-daJourney we arrived at Liverpool on January 3, 1903, and met Elders I Andrew Jensen and Eckersley who took us to mission headquarters where we met and talked with Prest. Lyman ' what of the Europeian mission. We were sick, walking crowd of them there are: happy until the elders who were to in England left for their Persons who are thin and remainfields ot labor. During our assick enough sociation weak together we had learned to bed. go think much of one another aDd felt Chronic cases low spirited after this separation. what the doctors call them, I left Liverpool on Jao. 5, 1903, for which in common Copenhagen, Denmark, at which place I arrived on Jan. 14, and was ap means long sickness. to labor in the Christiania stop the continued pointed conference, Norway, which plaee a to thats loss of flesh they need Scotts Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they eed Scotts Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak . system. Scotts Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scotts Emulsion can be taken, as long as sickness lasts and do good all the arrived on the 17th, and met Elder Lorenzo Anderson, one of Brighams bustling young men. After remaining there a short time I was sent, in comg, pany with Elder Anderson, to the oldest city In Norway, being 1,030 years old with a population of about 10,000. It Is a beautifully located city with a harbor on the south where the boats come in laden with merchandise from all parts of the country and on the north is a small mountain where an excellent view of the surrounding country is obtained. The people are indifferent toward the elders on account of our belief saying they have religion and dont want any more; theres Is the religion of their fathers and whats good enough time. for them is good enough for us. new Theres strength There hasnt been any elders in this and flesh in every dose. place for a great many years, but and distributing of We will be glad since enr arrival to send you a few tracts, holding meetings, etc., some of them are beginning to study the doses free. and they dont Be tur that this picture la gospel we' advocate the form of a label it oa the so are we think unpopular as they did wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. .ajar SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $1 1 all druggists CmnsTiAN Olson, Jr., Mollergaden, No. 38,- Christiania1, Norway, Europe:-Feb- 24, i90:. . DiIn the District Court, Probate the in District, Judicial vision, First of Utah. County of Box Elder, State In the matter of the estate of Julia chance for handling, or dirt or things to Fwrnl Claw, Fmfc sod A. Wells, deceased. The undersigned will sell at private Si sale, the SWi of the NEi and the 14 4, Township Section of the NWi of N., R 3 W., and the SEi of the NEi R- 3 of Section 5, Township 14 N. Of Elder County, Box situate in, W., Utah, on or after Saturday, the 11th dqy of April, 1903, at 2 oclock p. m., and ofwritten bids will be received at the City, fice of Nels Jenson, Brigham Utah, up to the said Uth day of April; terms of sale, cash, ten per cent of the purchase price to be paid down, balance on confirmation of sale. ker, and ker, BarByron Bar- ALIAS j SUMMONS, THE FINEST Harness and Saddle Exhibit Nels Jenson, Administrator of Estate. ml9 a2 J. D. Call, Attorney. de- C. 0. ANDERSON'S City Bell Express Delivers Freight and Express to All Parts ,ot the City. Orders Filled Promptly. Charges Reasonable, Deputy-assess- M. E. PORTER. ff 369-24- tb of whom is over Working Overtime. loo years old. Eight hour laws are Ignored by those tireless, little workers Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick neadache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, P. A. Danforth of LaGrande, Ga., suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Bueklens Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, Its the best salve iu the world. Cure guaranteed. Only pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25e at 25 cts. Sold by Wynn L. Eddy, preWynn L. Eddy, prescription druggist. scription druggist. The First Bank National OF BRIQHAM OITY. X Simms, Mr. Willard Sorensen, nans Sorensen, Christian Willey, Mr, Vosco Wetberston, Mr. C. W. Yosh, Mr. Wm. When calling for the above please state when advertised. B. F. Boothe, R)IET3H0irETmTAR Ma far cMUrtsi X ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Northbound Ne 7 Northbound No French, Miss Jennie (2 letters) Fenkell, Mr. Henry (care Wm. Craig) Northbound, Local Hunter. Mr. D. F. Valley Noll McEnery, Mr. Tone No I Southbound Pomeroy, Edward S. (4 letters) No 10. Southbound Parry, Frank G. Mrs. Lula Southbound, Local Roberts, Postmaster. DOES STRICTLY A BANKING BUSINESS. THE RELIABLE OLD DRAYMAN Nothing has ever equalled Nothing can ever surpass ms, aora, Dr. mplmtaa Valley No 11:45 a m 7:40 p ra & Cache 7:40 lor I OKrifPTIOIf u & Cache 9:30 prie 5$c4Jl.W For All Throat and Lung Troubles. A Perfect Cure ; Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. pm 7:40 p m 6:05 p m 12 Kings W-- GLover, H. am MAILS ARRIVE. 12:26 p m From south No 7.... 8:30 a m From south No 9 From south, Local & Cache 8:30 a m Valley No 11 8:30 a m From north No 8 From north No 10 pm From north, Local & Cache 10:10 a m Valley No 12 Office hoprs frem 8:30 a m to 5.30 p m P. O. opens Sunday frem 10:00 to 11:00 a. m B. F. Boothe, P. M. PROPRIETOR O-F- Llvery 2nd Feed Stables x Rigs, Up-To-D- At All J Hours.... Hack meets all Trains at Depot. Utah Brigham City SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT- - JOHN D. PETERS, DO YOU TAKE Cashier, LORENZO N. STOHL, Prest. LUCIUS. A. SNOW, Vice-Pres- t, directors: Lucius A. Snow, JohnjL. Edwards,! Nels Jenson, Alma Nelson, S. N. Lee, James Nelsen, Peter M. Hansen. THE Denver & Rio Grande 1 AND THE THE HEWS? That is, are you a subscriber of the Sox Slder Mews? iIF carefullv Grande Western, THE SCENIC LINE TO Glenwood Spring!, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all SOUTHERN PACIFIC and OREGON SHORT LINE TRAINS The only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City NOT, look this copy over and see if it is not worth 2l-2- c, thollprlco charged by tho year. St It gives you the local and state - news; is tilled with other reading matter of interest; We havent had a dissatisfied subscriber C DINING CARS Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rates, folder, free Illustrated booklets, etc., Inquire of yonr nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rfo Granae route, or address1 G. A. P. D Salt Lake City, Ut nwaritcnil it it Hew Discovery MAILS Delmar, Mr. Romey. Daly, Mr. Ilarry E. (4 letters) It Saved His Leg. John Funk, - ed. Tors-ber- before we came. tight packages; no getie. a Attorney. air- In the city will be found at fendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which HARNESS STORE this action is brought, otherwise, and after service, within thirty days Repairing of all kinds in my line defend the above entitled action; and Mail orders so to do, judg promptly attended to. in case of your failure ment will be rendered against you ac- have my personal attention. cording to the demand of the comNews Offlse plaint, which, within ten days after First Door Nerth of Box Elder Brigham Main St. city summons side Weal of this you, upon service the will be filed with the clerk ot said court. ml2 a9 HeYWOOD & McCormick, ARCHITECT,' CONTRACTER A BUILDER. Plaintiffs Attorneys. P. O. Address: St., Ogden Flans and typewritten specifications City, Utah. Date of first publication March 12, free with all contracts taken. Between 1903. 2,000 and 3,000 plans and sketches on hand, free for perusal to those conADVERTISED LETTERS Mar. 9th, 1903templating building. Office at residence across the road Th following letters U not sailed for la two N. E. of 2nd ward school house be sent to the Dead Letter office. will weeks, Resignation of L. F. C. NeUen as Utah. Brigham City, A Mrs. Rah of Baltimore, who Andersen, Mrs. Alice, constable of Mantua precluct was confesses to having seen 78 summers, Bridgman, Mrs. Mary T. LOCAL MAILS. Craig, Miss Violette. (3 letters) boasts of three elderly frieads" each An ordinance was passed declaring a no Cole, Mrs. Helena. (Foreign) CLOSE. English To comes in sealed, i Defendants. The State of Utah to the said diff-fere- nt but not. to Administrator. F. J. Holton, M. King, deceased, Julia Ilubbard de- - ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at his or office in Brigham City, Utah, on 1903. D. A. before the 31st day of July, J. D. Call, In the District Court of the First Judicial district of the State of Utah, in and for the County of Box Elder. Charles J. King, as administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Nathan and Elleu King, Plaintiffs, Brewerton, W. Estate of T. ff o The Consult County Clerk or the Respective Information. Signers for Further Forest St. jack-knif- IF TOO DESIRE Probate & Guardianship Notices Elected New Officers At a meeting of the board of directors of the Brigham City Woolen Mills Co. held last week the following officers were elected for the ensuing jear: James Nelsen, president; L. N. gtohl, vice president; S. N. Lee, secretary and treasurer. These with Jj. Edwards, Jonah Mathias, nenry C. Jensen and Geo. B. Reeder form the board of directors. The companys plant Is now idle since John Anderson moved to Balt Lake and the company would like to ' sell or lease the building and machinery If some suitable offers were made. Tne stock has all been sold so the only income in the business is from the rental of the propertyen Give it a Trial; yet Only $1.25 a Tear. |