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Show (Dl&sr STANDING A WIXOM, NEGOTIATIONS ycnu Bat Thera Is no Doubt a Satisfactory Settle went of Venezuelan Matter Will be Reached. lro)ritor. 4 Tmi of Bubscriptloat Cos Year, la advance BULonths Bi.z t. Cfcree Months S Oatared at the Postofflce at Brigham City a second-clas- s mall matter. HYKUM STANDING, Editor. Instructions to Correspondents. Items of news are solicited from all parts c country. dWrite upon one side of the paper only. Write proper names plainly In order to protect tne publisher from tm from irrespt nsible persons, tne fu, Klilions the author should be signed to all corn OUnioatlons The Identity of correspondent trill be withheld whenever desired. PUBLISHED ARE SECRET. EVERY THURSDAY. NEWS SUMMARY. The plague at Mazatlan, Mexico, 1$ Jabating. Conferences between the Japanese political parties have commenced. Morocco has accepted the invitation for an exhibit at the St Louis fair. The will of Mrs. U. S. Grant divides feer properly equally among her foua phlldren. Hadda Mullah, who caused so many (outbreaks on the northwest frontier of ndla, died Dec. 22. One hundred miners were caught in pi mine fire in a Russian colliery and but twenty escaped. The finances of Guam are in a serious condition, as reported by the governor of the island. Thirty persons were killed in the (wreck on the Colorado & Southern pear Trinidad, Colo, t Nine people were injured in a trolley car accident at Pittsburg, Pa., caused foy the car running away. The strike of Illinois Central freight-fiandlerhas been declared oil and the. pnen have gone back to work. Notification of the conclusion of an arbitration treaty between Spain and Uruguay is gazetted in Madrid. Fire in the factory of the Standard Rock Candy company in Brooklyn did, damage to the amount of $100,000. While coasting in St Louis two 15 and 17, were plunged aged girls, Jnto the Mississippi river and drowned. In a head-ocollision on the Grand Trunk railway at Wanstead, Ontario, five persons were killed and sixteen s n injured. g The Greek steamer Parthenon, on board a crew of twenty-twimen and six passengers. Is reported to have been lost. A severe earthquake was experienced at Syracuse, Sicily, Sunday evening. It was preceded by subterranean rumblings. The Association of Boot and Shoe Manufacturers of France has decided to immediately advance the scale of prices for footwear. The secretary of state Is preparing la suitable response to a special message to the president from the dowager empress of China. At Springville, Ala., Professor Jacob Rorney of the state university was accidentally killed while shooting with a parlor rifle, i John D. Rockefeller is said to be one pf the chief stockholders of the billion (dollar gas' company that has secured the contract to light Paris, i The warships of the allied powers are using searchlights to watch the coasts of Venezuela. Forty vessels are 4 hav-jlno There is now in progress an active exchange of notes between the allied powers, Venezuela and the United States respecting the method of submitting to arbitration the issues which and have arisen between Venezuela the allies. Questions are being put and answers are forthcoming, but it is said that the negotiations are in such shape that it would be extremely injudicious and indiscreet to make each phase public if there really existed a desire to reach a satisfactory settlement. It is explained at the state department that the part of the United States government just now is that of good friend to all parties; that protoIt is not undertaking to draw-u- p cols or impose limitations upon the parties, but is confining its efforts to getting themjtogethor and keeping them so. Intjiis view it will not be necessary for our government to prescribe how fee Monroe doctine shall or shall not figure in the protocols; it will 'judge for itself by results how our interests are affected, and will not indulge In premature or uncalled-fo- r protests. As for the terms of the arbitration, It Is stated that they gre In a fair way to be speedily adjusted, but lothing can he saia of the details. It is presumed that the allies will agree to terminate the blockade, though no stipulation- has yet been entered into on that point. MAN AND WIFE LYNCHED. South Carolina Mob Avenges the Cruel Mnrder of Prominent Farmer. W. C. Jay, a prominent young fanner living near Greenwood, S. C., was murdered in his own 'yard by a negro, Oliver Wiedeman, or Wiedemans wife, both of whom live on the place, and a few hours after both of the negroes were lynched by Jays lnfurited neighbors. Mr. Jay, on returning home Friday afternoon, heard Wiedeman abusing or fighting his (Wiedemans) wife. He went to the cabin and ordered the negro to be quiet. Immediately afterward Mrs. Jay heard the report of a gun and saw the two negroes running away. Calling for her husband, she received no reply, and, on looking around the yard, found him dead in a pool of blood. The warning was quickly given and parties were soon scouring the country in pursuit of the negroes. They Were captured, and before the coroners jury, both acknowledged the said the deed. . The man, however, woman did it. and the woman accused the man. While in the custody of a constable on the way to jail they were stopped at the Winterseat bridge by a and neighbors crowd of infuriated friends of Jay. and both were lynched, each accusing the other of the crime. Seven Frozen to Death In Twenty-fou- r Hour. Seven men frozen to death is Pennsylvanias record for twenty-fou- r hours. The victims are: James H. Coates, 50. years old, Pittsburg, found in the snow. Mathew Zeinett, 45 years old, Sharpshurg, found near his Some. Philip Sohn, 50 years old, Harmars-ville- , ROOSEVELT WILL NOT ACT. VENEZUELAN QCE8TION WILL GO TO THE HAGUE TRIBUNAL. No Fear la Ezpreased by the Administration That the Monroe Doctrlue Will be Brought Into the Controversy. President Roosevelt will not be the arbitrator of the Venezuelan controversy. The whole vexatious subject will be referred for adjudication to The Hague tribunal. Epitomized, this was the situation as it had resolved Itself at the conclusion of the cabinet meeting Friday. The meeting was not so long as the sessions usually are. No intimation is given of the conditions which may have been imposed by the European powers or by President Castro precedent to arbitration. It is known that Great Britain was willing to submit the subject to the arbitration of President Roosevelt practically without conditions, but the suggestion is made that one, and perhaps two, of the other powers involved proposed ' ijome conditions which might have proved embarrassing .to the president had he undertaken the responsibility of determining the question. The European powers not only consented to submit the controversy to arbitration, but, while they bad expressed a preference for an arbitration to be conducted by President Roosevelt, they had assented to his suggestion that the matter be referred to The Hague. The presentation of the case met the hearty approval of the cabi- net. No fear la expressed by the administration that the Monroe doctrine will be brought into the controversy in any manner that might result in an embarrassing situation for the United States. Secretary Hay is preparing a note to the powers in which the gratiis exfication of this government course for the agreed upon. pressed DENMARK STORM SWEPT. Persons Killed and Iujored In tha Streets of Copenhagen The worst gale of many- years visited Denmark Christmas night and the following morning and did enormous damage to property and shipping. The telegraphic and railroad services have been interrupted. It is not safe . to walk the streets of Copenhagen, owing to the falling lines, etc. Some streets were closed to traffic to avert this danger. The hospital reports show killed and that several persons many sustained injuries in the .city. The pillars holding up the overhead trolley lines were blown down and the street car service was stopped. Many houses have been unroofed and some mills and factories have been partly destroyed. The water in the sound rose suddenly nearly "as high as it did In the great flood , of 1872. Several ships dragged their anenors and collided or were sunk in the outer harbor. The ferry service between the Danish islands and Sweden has been forced to stop. The gale was accompanied by thunder and lightning. Telegrams received here from the provinces report to property enormous damage There were throughout Denmark. severe gales In the south of Sweden. Maotjr - s .... 9-- y d r was-take- -- . long-distanc- 1 . WAS COLD-BLOODE- MURDER D fnrf Exchange found In the snow. Richard McCann, 66 years old, Sygan station. Lucius Faller, 44 years old, Allentown, found in the ice in Little Lehigh river. He had lost his way in the darkness and fell into the river. James H. Han-nigaYork, lost in the snow. Thomas Flza Persona Killed and Fifteen Wounded Monoghan, 70 years old, Lancaster, fell In Tmnl Wreck In snowbank and was too feeble to spar-rowA head-o- n collision occurred Friday rise. 4 at night twenty miles east Wanstead, Governor of MlMinlppI Jusnea Warning to of London, Ont, between train No. 5, Whltecappem. ' Governor Longino of Mississippi has known as the Pacific express, and a Issued a proclaim ationoffering $50 re- fast eastbound freight train on the ward for the arrest and conviction of Sarnia division of the Grand Trunk railroad. From meager reports at any person who shall force a negro to hand, it Is learned that five. persons Linof leave either of the countips coln, Amite, Franklin or Pike. Hun- were killed and fifteen or sixteen Indreds of negro residents have been jured. Engineer Gillies of the freight jnow detained at La Guayra. ordered to leave these counties during and the fireman of the express train RobRobbers dynamited the hom of the past few months, being served with are among the killed. The other three ert Floyd of Mannington, W. Va. Mr. notices, supposed to emanate from dead were passengers on the express train. Floyd was Instantly killed and Mrs. "whitecap organizations. Starve Than Suicides Rather Thought the Gun Was Empty. Floyd and a servant girl seriously ear-olson of James UnderThe Lottie Du Pell, a pretty French girl, Jured. - Secretary Root has decided that It 17 years old, committed suicide at wood OfMisaoUla, Mont., was instantwas impracticable for General Chaffee, Victor, Colo,, by taking carbolic acid ly killed by a bulleUfrom a General Smith and others to go to the At the hospital, before- dying, she said rifle in the hands of.his little sister. since Christmas, The gun was notthought to be loaded. Philippines to testify at the Glenn she had eaten nothingand she preferred death to starvation The children, with Guy, Toombs, a courtmartial. and freezing. 'Her father Is a miner neighbors "hoy, were playing in the Judge Samuel J. Clarke," who led an at Silverton. She had been living with room; where Mrs .Underwood was sewoverland expedition to Colorado in an went east to ing. The baby got the gun, and as uncle and aunt, who ' 1849, and said to be the last survivor one of the boys stepped on her hand the They holidays. spend of the first legislature of that state. that he father fould. send her,expected money, she pulled the trigger. The bullet enIs dead in Geneva, N. Y. and her father, she said, evidently tered her brothers head and he fell she was being cared for by a widower, aged thought : James Peterson, dead in his mothers arms. uncle. her 62, and his daughter, aged 15, were Widow of General Fremont Dead, Froipeotor Frozen to Death mod Body found dead at their home in Racine, Mutilated by Coyotes widow Benton Mrs. Jessie Fremont, Wis-- having been asphyxiated by coal Joseph Harlton, an old prospector, of General Fremdnt, died Friday at her gas escaping from a stove. for the past three weeks, has 78 missing Los In home Cal., aged Angeles, Several alleged anarchists who were illness which had preceded been found dead within 300 yards of The years. refused admission into the United her death was of short duration. Mrs. his cabin, pear Ilse, Colo. The body, JStates have arrived at Genoa on 'the ill on Christmas frozen stiff and gnawed and eaten by Fremont way to their homes.'" They have been She grew rapidly worse, the coyotes and magpies beyond recogmorning. , placed under police surveillance. after being stricken down, and soon nition, was identified by his clothing. ' mob which the said is that It from Harlton was a confederate soldier, lapsed Into unconsciousness, lynched (Montgomery .Godley at. Pitts- which she never rallied. Mrs, Fre- and it is said he was at one , time burg, Kan., for the murder of a police- mont was the daughter of Thomas A. mayor of Atlanta. It is supposeu that man, hanged the wrong man, as it was Benton, for thirty years In the United he perished in a storm in an attempt 8 to seek shelter and food. the States senate. Godleys brother who committed, - ) crime. Men Killed Snowillde. , Fight bj Merchant Murdered and Hla . Fisc ,of . ,i; Business Destroyed by Fire. , A destructive snow slide struck the , . After spending Christmas pleasantly Edward Gay, a merchant running a with her family, Mrs. Ella Sweetland hunk house of the Mollie Gibson mine, pf St. Louis killed herself by shooting. ten miles from Lake Kootenai, Christ- store six miles from Matthews, Ga., She had expressed a fear pf paralysis, mas night, razing the building. It is was murdered early Christmas mornand it is believed brooding over this believed to have killed eight men and ing and his store burned. His safe, maimed several others. A rescuing which contained $1,200, was found prompted the deed. v , ' party has gone to the mine. The men open and the money was missing. Mr. ' 'The funeral of Aaron Burton, the col- Lad retired after holding an impromptu Gay was killed in his home by an .unored bodyguard of Colonel John concert .. The snow slide came down, known man who asked him to change the well known confederate crushing- - in the roof and sweeping a bill. Not having the money, Gay , cavalry leader, has been held at the them down the mountain side. They walked with the man to tne store and home of his daughter i in Brooklyn. were carried from 300 feet to half a did not return. His skull was found i , Burton was 90 years old, fractured in the ruins of the store. mile from the site of the cabin. When Mr. Marconi lectured at DunMurder of Strike Commission Witness. Building Railroad by Electric light. the' Scotch dee he gave full credit to' A railroad by electric light of the The body decapitated finding Building Inventor, James Bowman- Lindsay, for of John Wax of Pittson, Pa.,, on the is a novelty which will be Introduced being the first man who thoroughly Lehigh Valley tracks points to a mur- bjr the Santa Fe company when.-- it bebelieved in the possibility and utility der, there being no marks on the body gins the construction of the cut-of- f to e wireless of such as would have been evident had connect the Pecos Valley line with its' . . Wax been killed by the cars. Wax main line In Mexico. In the construcfifty years ago. st Ike, and had tion of the line, which will begin, Later .advices from Askabad, Rus- dorlced during the sian Turkestan, say that in the coun- been repeatedly threatened with bodily within two months, bOO men will be try around Andipan eleven villages are harm, and his house was one of the put to work in Abo Pass canyon, and a n ruins as a result of the recent many dynamited. He was a witness large electric light plant will be inearthquake, and that fully 6,000 houses before the strike, commission. - For stalled at the mouth of the canyo so have been destroyed In these scattered these reasons suspicions have been that men can work at night as wel asf ' Jay. pettlements. . i , . aroused- k THIRTY INJURED BY EXPLOSION Club House at Hot Spring., Arkansas Blown up. BEAUTIFUL By an explosion of gas or gasoline b the cellar of the Turf Exchange, a 5lub house and pool room In Hot Springs, Ark., the building was badly Wrecked, two people were killed and thirty Injured, sixteen of whom are in serious condition. When the explosion occurred, about 4 oclock in the afternoon, the pool room was crowded with more than 100 people. Just as a race at New Orleans was being called by the operator, the Boor of the building seemed to rise and in an instant a report that shook the entire building rang out The upper floor and the hack walls of the building fell on the mass of struggling tnen, who were wildlv scrambling to escape to the street. The entire house looked as if a tornado had plowed through its center. The, front glass Windows were broken and both sides Df the structure were shattered by the concussion. The exact cause of the explosion has not yet been determined. It is said by some that gas which had escaped in the cellar of the building Was ignited in some manner, causing the terrible accident. Another report. Which is probably correct, says a driver of a gasoline wagon was filling a tank in the cellar when the explosion occurred. The police have made a full investigation, and have held Ben Murray, who is alleged to be responsible for the disaster In carelessly handling the hfgh combustible. The-- bank roll of the pool room, consisting of $55,-00was) blown away in the explosion, but the greater part of it has been re--' . covered. TOaa e . - SAD PLIGHT OF SARTS. Left Homelesa Freezing Weather v Waylaid aa SUe Was Returning Horn From a Ball and stricken Down by an Insanely Jealous Man Handy Electric Time Switch. For automatically turning off nnl on at predetermined times one or more electric lights in a building without Minnie Ensminger, the handsome the aid of an attendant, a new daughter of Jacob Ensminger, a weal- mechanism has been designed. There arthy poineer rancher living near is a dial on the face of a clock-likHaines, Oregon, Vas shot and mortally rangement, and on an extension of the wounded Christmas morning at 3 shaft which carries the single hand oclock by Plez Armstrong, a farm two disks are mounted, with sloto cut from the center of the circumference. hand, who afterwards attempted suiThese disks are held In place by friccide. Armstrong is of Spanish descent, tion and can be set to throw the switch 85 years old, and for a year or more at any desired hour by simply turning has been paying attention to the lady, them with the hand. As the skait rewho Is a teacher of the Muddy Creek volves It carries the disks with it, anfd' ichoolf Her family objected to hia when the slot In the first disk reahes luit and .made her break off the en- i vertical position below the shaft It a pin which has been traveling gagement. Armstrong wrote the girl allows on the circumference (o rise to the I few days ago, threatening to "make it hot for her-i-f she broke with him. Christmas eve there was a dance at Redding's ranch, near North Powder. The girl went In company with man. Armstrong was there, and became insanely jealous. At 3 oclock Christmas morning, when the dance broke up, Armstrong lay In wait at the gate of a neighboring ranch, where Miss Ensminger was to sleep. As she entered the gate Armstrong shot her in the back with a revolver, and as she he sent a second shot Into hei Sell breast He then took a shot al the bullet bandy grazing his left temple. He was oon arrested and taken In charge by the town marshal, A mob watched over him, ready to Turns the light .off and on automat!cally. lynch him as soon as the girl died. Sheriff Brown brought Armstrong to center, with the result that a plvo'ed Baker City and locked him In the coun- lever on which the pin Is mouned ty jail. The young woman is still tilts and drops a weight to pull (he alive, but cannot recover. It is said a switch open. When the second d.$k mob will yet Attempt 'to lynch him has reached the same position a sechere if the young woman dies. ond weight JropS with a reverse ' . AWFUL TALE OF THE SEA. 0, la Earthquake Survivor OREGON GIRL SHOT BY REJECTED SUITOR. , details of the recent earthquake disaster at Andijan, Russian Central Asia are not obtainable, Dwing to 'lack of communication, the brief dispatched received describe the situation as horrible. The temperature has fallen to the freezing point, and thousands of persons are homeless. Terrible Privation of the Survivors of the Wrecked Steamer Klingaualte. One section of the city has been comAustralian papers tell of the terrible pletely destroyed. Only one church and cotton gin are standing. The first privations of the survivors of the shock drove the Inhabitants generally wrecked stamer Elingamite, lost on out of doors, otherwise the loss of life , the Three Kings, a trio of towering would have been much greater. Andijan is a cotton center and ex- heights off the northern extremity of cotton New Zealand, The blood of the unports forty million pounds-oannually. The people, who are mainly fortunates was suckfed while they Barts, were engaged in cotton raising and ginning. Of twenty gins', nineteen slept. The stewardess, Miss McGuirk, have been destroyed. The Sarts are was so weakened that she died. On hot like Russians. They are private this raft sixteen people leu 'the vesowners of land, but live in cities and sel, and were four days with nothing towns. The houses lu Andijan are two apples and no water. One hut built are one and story high, principal of unburned brick.apple was divided the first day, and tha second they indulged in a desperate OFFICERS HELPED LOOT'STORE', fight for possession of the other' apple. Con Three deaths occurred from, exhausChicago Policeman Convicted Upon vlcts Testimony. tion on the second day, the bodies bePoliceman Patrick Mahoney was ing left until purification, set in befound guilty ,and Daniel Curran, co- fore the survivors pushed them, into defendant, not guilty, of burglary by a the sea. Several started to driAk salt jury which returned its verdict of a water, and, maddened by this, four of On sensational case in Judge McEwans the number jumped overboard. court in Chicago. The burglary of the third night a steajner was sighted Hawemanns jewelry store, with which and the, shipwrecked people shouted. the defendants were charged, netted The vessel lowered a boat, but it did the robbers $10,000, of which $7,000 not find: the raft in the darkness, and leaving the was recovered by the. police. .James the to their fate. It was that Clark and an accomplice were con- - , comvlcted and served terms in the peniten- - night that the menced. After weakstewardess, a the, told Clark his ; release tiary. Upon ened from loss of blood, had died in story to the states attorney which re- the arms of the second steward, he besulted In the arrest of Curran, a saloon gan to rave and a few minutes later keeper, and Mahoney, a policeman lowered himself from the raft, singing well known and respected among his fellows. Clark testified that Mahoney, a hymn as he went down. Finally, In full uniform, stood guard while the four days after they left the wreck, H. M. S. Ponguin found the drifting raft Jewelry store was being looted. and saved the few remaining CASTRO HAS ACCEPTED. OFFERED TO CHILE. Agrees to proposal to Sabmit Qneatlon , While full - f - steamer-proceede- blood-lettin- g i Alabaman Killed by Accidental Discharge ' of a Parlor Rifle. J j Professor Jacob Forney of the state university was accidentally skilled at Alabama, Springville, Wednesday', while shooting sparrows with, a parlor rifle. Professor Forney had rested the gun by a seat in the garden) and was About to sit down when the .weapon tell and was discharged. The bullet entered hismoutji and. ranged upward through the braiji. Professor Iforney was eon of. the late Major Forney of the confederate army. -- Ochiltree McDonald, who has bonded "coal areas near 'Port '"Morien. . The coal areas which he controls are wholly submarine, aqd he is planning to sink a shaft on a rocky islet, known a? Flint- Rock, mining his coal from under the Ocean bed. There seems to be .no doubt that during succeeding generations submarine mining will be carried on extensively In Cape Breton, which has large fields of submerged coal beds. - " The State bank at Webber, Kan., seven miles south ef Superior, Neb., was dynamited Wednesday night and robbed of $1,500 in cash.. The day beholiday, he .rob.bery , wag, not ingdiscovered until late in the day. Thd Vobbbra dug a hold through the stone vault large enoughs $o admit .a map, And then blew open the steel chest which contained the money. The bank, which was started 'a 'month ago, ca ose nothing. Ties insurance, and-wi- p There Is no clue to', the Identity of the robbers.: -- Itt til Pump Noxious Gas Into ."the Holes, can be dispatched with a gun, dog or other method, as preferred. The Inventor is Lorenz N. Cornett of Natlvi-da- Cal. Pollution of Air in Cities. The question of the pollution of the air in large centers of population js coming to le considered as seriously as 'is that of pure water supply and the removal of sewage. So much of the pollution as is due to dust and smoke which is practically all of it may to a large extent be done away with, In the opinion of N. W. Shaw of London, with means already at our command. For the abatement of the smoke Nuisance Mr, Shaw suggests precipitation chambers for each block of houqes, provided by the municipality, ixiv which The may be treated before passing Into the outer air. Mr. Shaw thinks that something like 7,000,000 tons of solid matter are thrown out by the chimneys of London every day. The abatement of the dust can only be accomplished at present v by the abatement ' of its causes. Chief aniong these. Is the attrition of pavements by (he hoofs ' T,f ' God . Special Scale Jor Stores., turn Quick serv'ce in a' grocery itt ficc has come to be demanded, and la jJ of therance this dqmanfl It 8 custom ary to put up in advance packages) o ... the commodities, ft) for this work that a special stalf k1 oft most-neede- d He Electrical Mechanism stops ths Flow ' magnet In the feeding bojipdf and closes a gate, shutting off the an$ instantly. . I , I P How to Gain Flesh. Eat a hearty breakfaat and and a light Jilncheon. t , 1 .Bread, butter 'and stewed frrnl hi milk are necessary articles ol dish Let the bread be brown pr glita loaf; 'and hate the milk hoCbot sbt scalded-taksome ofteri durfcg $ .day, but ppt uq solids between metli Olive oil "on fresh green salad laai cream With baked Cabanas are lattt ' ing foods. efore retiring take a warm tail to Induce sleep, which aids iah creasing flesh. Devote 'ten hours to sleep, and if possible rest,' ten every afternoon. Spend one whole day' in Mdd month, sleeping as much of, to! iff1 aa possible. The only true p ay to w is to lie down in a darkened room-ssthink of nothing, ( Take time to eat your meals. II leyopr have not time to get a mel sot will as It without lt, go isurely, injure you a quarter as mqqh u $ will to eat In a hury. Buffalo- hen s- 4 s . i ff.. j - v t Magazine,;, propouds and ausweri tt test tw question wuether cast-irotruly indicate the (strength ol the cut' Inge they represent.- - 3y altering ttt cooling, the strength of (S ratq can be greatly changed, and test ton are oitelx run separately from ft casting" and cooled quic ker, so tW they usually shave greater strength8ometinfes more than twice M ma Separately casVtest bars arealW stronger than those cast on the tfig itself, and of the latter the nearest the heaviest part of till toting is always the weakest Iji R3' edy, as above indicated,, Is. - CTl when the false witness has odx pointed outn -- Dug Through Bank Vnnlt. tJ The False Witness "of (Re test $ Mr. .Buchanan, in the ljDgineertiil An operation unique In the history ' 01 f 1 Of Nova Scotia mining la planned by " j i ' Will Mine For Coal Under Atlantic Ocean s, W aey-ent- -- According to a SL Petersburg dispatch the condition of the winter crops in nearly all European .Russia is regarded as" absolutely bad. This condition arises .from the delay in sowing, whichwas due to the late harvest and the rain during the autumn and the winter; and the seed did not germinate sufficiently before the advent of early and intense frosts'. The "crop outlook is serious, even in several of the southern provinces of the country. J - in-th- e e for Winter Crops lo European Rnsslo. Z4! world.arch of any type In 1901 the Pennsylvania . raiioad built a stone bridge consisting of y forty-eigh- t segmental arches of , feet span ever the Susquehunna river. It accommodates .four' tiacks and cost about $1,000,000; hut the cost of maintaining it is very small.1 The address of Prof. Jacoby of Cornell university from which these figures are taken 'should be referred to ty all Interested and . who Is tot? !n reegnt progress of the sort It is printed in Science of July 4. " -- Outlook . To Sensitize Postal Cam. The popularity of illustrateTL cards makes it desirable (o 7' b them at home by piiotogranhv V inc that Is needed for this u p, ing of the card. .To do thi m,?1 'mdi I card Into a 1 cent chloride pf sodium, common salt), and When It Is dry ,, W, part it is desired to tensfib, ZS I V brush which has bean dipped In a 10 per cent solutiS I nitiate of silver, sun better rel? are bad by adding to the l salt solution an equal quantltv d phosphate of soda. After the r tne paper is washed only on that contains the Image; the? iL laid In the gold solution, and fixed with hyposulphite Then it be washed and dried. As thesso tions are all done 'with a brusk tk are accomplished rapidly. Doing the) e In a dim light, of course, glverm . best resuits. ,, - Borious itooi fit poc-- , Ed Coudln, a young halfbreed, was killed near Keller, Republican county, Washington, Thursday. Particulars of. the tragedy are lacking. Conclin was suspected of being Implicated in the. murder of J. A Lewis and wife, ear Almira, last Friday. He was" a son of the late Wild Goose Bill," a .notorious squaw man of central Washington. Ed Condin Is the third of the family to die with his boots on, his father having been shot to death' and a brother being fatally wounded by the accidental discharge of a gun. Brought Camels to Arizona Hi Jolly is dead at . Tyson Wells, Ariz., after a short illness. Hi Jolly was a Greek and an historical character, in that when the government brought a caravan of camels to Arizona at about the time of the civil war to experiment with them in crossing iesert wastes, Jolly secured the animals in Asia and had charge of them tere. The experiment was a failure, $nd the camels were liberated, roam-jig- , for years in the Arizona moun-uiinwhere some of them are supposed to still exist. a, ' -- . automol,iliDggh couraged In the cities, chines make no dust " , f thinks that been designed. The scale itself') be of any ordinary pattern, with t) upual hopper or scoop and the tffiJ beam. In addition thereto, the ventor provides a source of electric) energy, and a secondary hopper mounted above the scale hopper, ut The Largest Bridges. capable of cutting off the feed the iThe Brooklyn suspension bridge feet long Is still the largest nstant the proper amount of the co 1,695 suspension bridge in the world. Tie modity falls Into the scoop. Suppo new East river bridge has a span of the grocer desires to put up pggJ He places fit 1,600 feeet, and Its capacity is tar packages of coffee. ; greater than that of, the Brooklyn counterpoise weight on the bridge. Each of its four cables has notch of the beam, tilting the latte a safe strength ' of over 10,000,000 down and disconnecting the two a pounds in tension.' The Washington tact points which close the electrical, bridge over the Harlem river conssts ciruit , Tjie coffee Is placed In fit hopper above the scoop and laneft! of two spans of 510 feet In the cle-ir- . The Roebling suspension bridge at ately .begins to run . into the scfc When the proper quantity has inia iiagara , was replaced in 1897 bystfela the beam tilts upward, pcrflUtting fit spandrel-bracedto risk and tom arch of 550 feet span. It , accommo- spring contact bar ' dates the railway tracks on the upiMf the connectlod with the oppontt deck and a highway below. The wc-on-d member of the circuit closer. This Niagara bridge replaced the .C.if-to- n transqjjt lie current directly to s suspension bridge in 1898, and as its span Is 840 feet it 'is the larjsst 'Destroys Burrowing Animtls. There Is considerable difficulty In reaching rats, mice and,, other pests which secrete themselves in holes in buildings or in the ground, and unless they can be Induced to entrap themselves they are generally" j emitted free range without further effort to " 9 to The Hague. exterminate them, In the drawing Americans Would Establish Lin ol President Castro has telegraphed here shown is a simple device which f Steamers and Build Drainage will probably aid greatly In the work from La Guayra his accepthnce of the System In Santiago. of differdestroying burrowing animals, as it of A submittal., pending, proposal NewJYork firm has .made an offer ences to the arbitration of The Hague to the Chilean government to estab- enables the operator to reach the even when, lodged in the deeptribunal, subject to certain conditions, lish a .regular line of steamers b& rodent, of its hole. est pari which Include cessation of the block- tween Chili, Argentina and Brazil and The apparatus consists of a tribl ade and the return, to Venezuela of the United States. A representative chamber, in. which charcoal or .some fleet seized by the allied powers. Pres- the, of an American other substance whieff will "give off has sub syndicate been has ident Castros acceptance government an offer to noxious fumes is placed, together vltfi transmitted to the Washington gov- mitted to the construct a drainage system for th a compression cylinder and plunger. ernment, from which the proposal city of Santiago at dost of $7,500,000 The two parts of th device s m located on a common base and are Killed Man In Defense of fler Honor. WITH ARMS FULL OF PRESENTS connected by a tube leading from the ...4- H V-At Olivedale, Irs. Edward Bur bottom of the compressor to the top bf Man Freezes to Death When Within Few dick shot John fcydn dead1 In defense the fuel holder. To the o.terulp-ato- r Feet of His Home. . jut of her honor. Ryan entered the worn in action a fire is kindled In the George Ply dell, aged 35, with his &ns house perforatedreceptacle provided' Tor hqr. ab husbands, during grms full of Christmas presents for sence. She saw him that purpose, when the depression of fear and coming, friends and relatives, fell from ex- ing . trouble,, got the' pistol hut of a the plunger will force the air from the haustion when within five feet, of his drawer amd held It udder Into the top of the oppoher apron. compressor site chamber causing It to pass over home and froze to death. Plydell lived When he attacked her she fired once, the coals, and drive the fumes oht alone in a little house on West Fifth killing him instantly, A coroners through the1 pipe and into-thburrow. avenue, near the harbor front," Duluth, Jury returned a verdict of After continuing the operation for a justifiable confeca conducted where he Minn., homicide. Ryan, who was a laborei short time the animal will be .either tionary and cigar store. The thermometer has registered 30 degrees below employed about the place, had been suffocated or will make, his" appear ance at the mouth of the hole, when it drinking heavily for several days. hours. zero for twenty-fou- r Suspected Murderer Killed. of horses, ana the pulverlzinj, ganic mater by traffic. Much m could be avoided by the use and smooth pavements washed ard kept clean. bc-- S From Field and Laboratory. Prof. A ,E- - Wright of the A"3i Medical school, at Netley, lished the results obtained by Fewer typhoid inocculatloh. and fewter dehths'" occurrecrfc those who.iweret'imoculated than'fc- those who were not , ) . W. S. Simpson, a British invflft has produced a rapid firing gun .can 1)0 operated with only 15 p c3 of. the recoil incident to ordinary tillery practice. It is said .to t greater range and greater vel- -J than any other gun of Its calibre.; A company has been formei jf manufacture at Ampere, V. . P paper out of waste straw by a p 4 ed electrical process. The pnip sell for $50 a ton, and the lnvv says the use of electricity bleackJ to a fine degree of whiteness. 1 if-- ' V5e would all be yealthief if chetk could be cashed. tWT - J |