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Show High Position for Cdor From the Skin. Prof. Melville M. Michigan Man Bigelow of th medical review assert! v6ITh University of Michigan, who has just that the human skin possesses a cer- been appointed dean of the Boston tain odor which varies according to! university la,w. school, was born at Hie Individual, BEMDY the age and the race. Eaton Rapids, Mich., i 1846. This was noted by Rider He was Haggard In graduated at the University of Mlchl- - Allan Quatermain.Romans When S?Vn.1S66 antJ recelved the degree and Quatermain sat in the doctor of philosophy in Harvard tree together waiting to kill elephants university in 187 J. on a dark night the Zulu moved away from the lee of the white man, not Only one remedy in the world that will at the once stop itebine-- s of tne skin in white mans personal esrelishing part of the body, lioan's Ointment. any At anr3 sence. The nervous system Is said to 50 cents. drag store, exert much influence over the odor ol the cutaneous secretions. Hammond Financial Talent Wasted. cites the case of a woman who always been found that a Columbus gave out the odor of a pineapple when (Ohio) man whose salary is $7.50 a she was in and that of another week has been leading a double life. who emittedtemper That man is wasting his time. He fering from a violet odor when sufhysterical attack. should turn his financial talent to A Warning to Husbands. some account. A man who can lead a Solon Thomas Is the unwise Chidouble Uf n $7.50 a week ought to cago be able gentleman who Insisted that his even give Russell Sage wife should arise from her slumbers pointers on the handling of rnonev. and prepare his breakfast. Solon Is It was almost a miracle. Burdock Blood now nursing four bullet wounds In Bitters cured me of a dreadful breaking ont consequence. The original Solon all over the body. I am very grateful.1 would have been a much more disMiss Julia Filbridge, West Cornwell, Conn. creet gentleman in our unfortunate townsmans place. He made a great Pigeon Flies 1,000 Miles. wise and beneficent laws for the many A homing pigeon Counto belonging cilman Toltens of Mishawaka, Ind., Athenians, and we read that he fram...... reached home In a drenching rain ed several statutes .relating to marfrom New Orleans, having covered the riage obligations, but be was always ll,1"," 2Jd 1'rocr.M hos In the first 1,000 miles In 80 hours. This exceeds careful not to put himself forward MiT other msnufsrturer. ,S too in his own household. j ,Jhis !ont "h0 the time made by Ft. Wayne birds re- For obtrusively till "hl Pld this reason he died at the comthis cently, on which the worlds record was claimed. The Ft. Wayne pigeons paratively ripe age of SO. Verily the ancient were much more made the flight in 115 hours. 190,5 w" ' 1Af cia 1st 6 months. 52.340,000 cunning and discreet than the modern A HARD STRUGGLE. When you have a bad back, a back tnats lame, weak or aching its a f hard struggle sometimes to find and cure, .but its a harder struggle when the dargers beset you of frequent urinaurinary IsoideHs,-totion retention oi Cue mine with all the subsequent pains, annoyances and nsas i ills. It-h- as Is deslnj Th w P in lerefor , iav9 tll ly empi oot 01 ment,- .'tDOUGLAS i&9 SHOES. jWSHiSt?p?ES law-make- leathers, Heyls d, Corona VjBreaif.Clf,V Color Eyelets umhI. K Tlnutne have W. I.. DOTJGLAS' Itnl price stamped on bottom. eitra. Ulus. Catalog free. t fi'jT MASS. BROCKTON. gSubtAS. A! V 'YJ V if',- n i-- &?v 6 V' "5 o- - i - ,iA A v ,'N 'r4 v l ie-jie- Ai4r ... il'li .1 1 ardqrs? asked a tired, angv.ar woman, who came up on the porch and sank dejectedly into a chair, proprietor of the Sprig-vill- e House stood with hat in hand and gazed at her without the suggestion of a smile. On his face was a look of patience and resignation. We try to, he replied, solemnly. Id like to see your rooms, she said. He pulled a bell cord, and when a small boy came blinking around the corner he told him to find his mother, as a lady wanted to see about board. She appeared in a few minutes wiping her hands on her apron, and conducted the angular lady inside. The proprietor looked at the lone man wrapped in an overcoat in the middle of August, and said he thought there would Dries. here th hauled tlitles nOR IRRITATIONS OF THE SKIN, RASHES, I P lemselv and soi tilk the all t; their 01 with t for baby rashes and chaliugs, in the fona of baths rou,h.iti som lor Antov. lrr.tchuni and iitiiarximations of women, or too free or offensive ocryp rati.y i i the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many Sfi aiive. artiepic purpows which readily suggest themsi'ves, a, well as fof ail In- - r in oaes of the toiet, bath, and nursery, t U1ICURA SOhP derived from CUTICURA, the great dr1 ate eoubm molUent properties ' ' Inti work ly Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure. ve CUTICURA SOAP for preserving, purifying, and M.Mms 01 Wonn beatiiiy 1. r the 3 h, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, r.ff.u.in hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, wither ipp led on 1. Perspiration, Lameness, and Soreness incidental Hd.it to Canoeing, Riding, Cycling, Tennis, or any Athletics, no ether application so soothing:, cooling, and refreshing as a hath with Cuticura Soap, followed by gentle anointings hod. 0 ry can is that find milk nake hi time 0 I reamer s In 0 red by ) sacure, ' hhe w flower od kin purifiers Ni and beautiiiers to use any others. Sold thr ut the worH. Pritish Denot: F. Keweery & Soys, 27, Sq., Lutubti, F. t. Rottsr Druo akd Chbm. Cohp., Sol Props., Boston, U. S. A. ' eht m CepT ci fr r me: EMLT LIKE TR1BUKE TO CONGRESSMEN DISTRIBUTE $35,000." ESTIMATES ON THE TOTAL VOTE UTAH, IDAHO AND WYOMINQ WHO MAKE THOSE FOR Will ES3CASHB3 IN ch nbfHwhmm on ov enibcr There will be 1490 prises awarded, ranging; to 10.000 twoyear ihe total vote for Conere&Mvioii In the MateaAnvnamed, one may wlo a of tliH year? Aa 177.809. 11 hat wilt It be on November tt-wl.bifnum uf Dally or IVeekly Salt Laks paid, In advance, for the an annoal rwayou and for every dollar paid In advance hihhI minte f to lif luuruxiuntain and Ranchman; or ymi can make estimates nhuQt 8BlMTiuiou addressing nt oO cents each. Jburther particulars Forgery re, tanner jjt Lake Distribution Tribune A MEXICAN! the Lyon Co., 45 South 5th St., N. Y. ,for a copy Pen's front a Horse Doc-- '' 'oPs DLry." Jrite unpti ,i sxpeitt nt Book Free Little of salt l'akectyutah. Bureau, . Wl MUSTANG LINIMENT be high-price- 4 r ' SALT LAKE CANDY CO.S IOLASSES DAINTIES t Fi PST CLASS DEALERS SELL THEM. L PAY DON'T WHEN CURED. GET WET!'FOB If too from any cf th weakness or dl-senses anAd by lnot aow, exot?A or contagion you are the very person we want to Talk to. We have proved nr skill In coring all Cbronle d 8ftne by publishing testlmi nlilscf home peo- - moB&j. tout-ar- ilk I putu'h oi rmrad cures in private diseases ,;,n:d be,rHT we JtoprOT our skill la 'of vrouils in in,, u our p,c w IfccaBM M you ri a tu .? l A J i -- EXTENDING OVED MODE THAN HALF A CENTUDY l ) H TOWER'5 sarments snd hats are made of the beat materials in black or yellow for all kinds of wet vwk-- THE SIGH ,ou ir i fp We CURE war, for - m. to I p. m.; (oanl?-Bvtninn to 8. OY UVE, ZtSZtZr ESSSSL 7 ,a toll- - SHORES, 36 W. Second So. St SALT LAKE CITY. . FREE Brini on ASSAY CO. samplks.6t mail 1726 Arapahoe Deaftfi Cole city. Kindlu Mention This Paper. W. N. U.. Salt LaKS-N- O. 40. looa assays. iO j Gold and Silver... ! .75 M old. Silver and Copper IUJP k. Wben ftnswerinfl Advertisements SPECIALISTS. block. KEI.IABI.E W 10 A muL write wr Particular!. m. S.H Uk. City - IBundo and Holidays and for women, to which may he carried ail those cases concerning which the most learned men know nothing. inThis.will relieve a man Judge, for as questions determining stance, fropi to ft in sults brought by dressmakers It ought against their clients; and to . do away also with much expert testimony tn such cases. Monarch over pain. Si time. S' Sold hr drnffim. T O LL lu I Oi Salesmen make moret 'Lx PRI Quaint Cure for Quinsy. helling our tiecH. Wl outfit and pav Here is another cure, as quaint, CASH EVKKY WF.KK. furnl-.A f w more good men im nevertheless but as tor any, Write wanted. perhaps, particulars. plicitly believed in by the inhabi PIONEER NURSERIES COMPANY, tants of certain parts of Cornwall. BOX 140 The complaint to be dealt with this SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. time is quinsy. Most people have Pith-Ivdoubtless heard of the ruse said to I ft ft Inrport-terojS. liir s a.d have been adopted before now by 6n1' chi uow in our La ns, i,t t to J doctors of making the patient laugh IV Weight o,ir p k.s etn t i3 vlufmHt4fv and thereby causing tbe obstiuction Our oi.rhor-.to burst; but this particular treatWill impor itu.Q of 4i t l.ti ti J lu ur had s ment is warranted to be entirely paina'Mttl .fs fit 4. etl Short . , less! The remedy is as follows: tie Jiornutid Hi elord J i 4 "Fr OSUHA. Catch a toad and at nightfall hang it r.-i.y watson woods 'anus. i, twt in the chimrey (tae KELLY CO., Lincoln, Leor. In the open chimney, of course). morning the tcad should be cut down and the string by v.bich it has swung through the night should be tied around the neck of the sufferer. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH This method is stated to have been adopted times without number, and FOR BOARDERS 4 DAY SCHOLARS followed by astounding results. CONtHJCTtD BY MARIST FATHER3 THE and Stops the Cough vflo Conwi Works Oft the Cold OttwMeal. Comtnftrclal nnfl Si - m X I and traveling Local V Br'lk-iu- ju-- grt . , ie f. " s nii-i'. ni-- ni' immuo mm en. but Maybe not. she gtid; begun fo nprirkle now. Could loan me an umbrella? . Do I understand you to say you and your friends will take Teach Children Gardening. In many of the continental cities and in son e few American cities gardens are laid out in the neighborhood of public schools and the children are taueht to cultivate them. Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. Priee25a its you for ounver Bojs. Vrrparsiiorv j h partment bv an .Arinv Military IhiU PhyMc.il t u huh in kn exte imul Profes tor: jr'iusiutn f.iu it.es The reft rurlit'on row in prccis. t?i1 add cons'dcn.l'H to ths at ( nm.oi at .nm o the eoU to or f ui vucr a4 e. Japan Eocoming Westernized. The prisons in Jap in are gradually that becoming filled with Japanthe ese, sa'3 a writer in tae London " GUINAN. S. M , PrrsiOFNT. rooms? Leader. The director of the Nambu REV. J. wr zither clears," Net unless tU bank of Osaka has just got eight years will reIf It dove, she replied. for IiauJ; an author, named Matsu-molo- , E ELKTK13 CUT umbrella when we eiA,.r turn of the same city, has been arHe go', 4 for her, and as she disaprested for for. z a piom.ssory note 16.000 sterling, and In another peared down the road he turned to of And the shivering man and said: city all the chul fu ictionanes mayor, yet you ask me if aldermen, ar.d all have been promiswe try to keep cuously run in for couuption of n boarders? flagiant description. said the Well, The number of journalists who have Vs- -' solemnly, lately found their way' into jail i3 very man, Some months ago it WH TPM PAYS y, v,.- --' ecnsideiable. you have my symtVEA'ilM fltFE t flretinfne Sll etilT was over 3Cp. I have not kept a rec- TfimiJTOB.ewn fcnmP. pathy. ' Ibi ittic 8 Lib to hi .1H i,;n MU I dont want symord since. iDPheM in wr? It r of this r ul iy r PrCTS AU'GT t( pathy I want $7 a allot wroiee t rearm lm Wts WinMowN Sooitnnff Qt it 4 i i Hfc forwsr week. But its my Fot children tactbliw. Boit u luc Kunib, rotiaceu in ire belt' KO sinvss. On'y sure care fop ab neras dUaet aewlea eou last time. Remem- flammaUuu,alU) 'am, cures v, iutl cuiic. 25cabotUe than wnaltteves an4 Hsrdrs fur PompUto flL mb! cat1ru cut this ad. out aaa mail to us. ber, its my last kucbuwiC c Ci. tiuuU S. GAVE SHCCK TO BOTHA. time. Next year to wait Im going Eoer General Sees Pictures of 'Desfor St Swi thins truction to His House. then Im and Day, A to curious shut up experience came in the going fishing. Keeping way. of Geu. Louis Botha after the Not any more for termination of the war. He lighted your uncle Samuel, thank you, and by ebanee in a shop window in the he left the man with the chill to get streets of Durian on some photoas much comfort out of life as he graphs of the destruction of his own could find. Chester Peake, in New house, apparently taken by a British York Times. officer who was with the troops that destroyed the house. He recognized the place from the first of the series the world. He has the habit of genof pictures, which showed the soldiers ' erally finishing second In a match. round about the house with wagons, If Lasker is entered, Pillsbury will on which the furniture was being be second to him, but if Lasker is not loaded; on one of them was tethered entered, Pillsbury, who, barring Laska small monkey belonging to one of er, ought to be first, will continue to the family, and the animal was clearend second to some player of the secly to be seen in the photograph. The ond class. He has thus been second second view showed the house at the in more chess matches than any other The moment of being blown up. expert. Only once did he take first third depicted the wreck. place, and that was in the first international contest. In the recent match Plsos Cur-- cannot be too hlphly snoken ota at Hanover, Pillsburys failure was couch cure. J. W. O Buies, 3J2 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn.. Jan. 6. liXXX to due a chiefly very poor start. THE ATTRACTIVE FEATURE. Sunday Laws. We do not make the attractive feature of our Houses. Powder the price. It is Paper It Is still the law of England, though Three Crown Baking true the price is a very attractive feature, but There seems to be no end to the of course to practically obsolete, that the haiuug powder itself is a thing which apues for paper, and as a rule it gives do or exercise any worldly labor, peals to the appreciation of those careful buyt-- i s who are anxious to have the best possible prosatisfaction and often proves more business or work of your duct for their money. We have put into the durable than many kinds of harder calling on Sunday renders theordinary of this article Ihe judgment which worker manufacture means so much in giving the right sort of mamaterial. liable to a fine of five shillings or two terial to make your baking wholesome and A Russian nobleman has upon his The law have satisfying. Price reasonable and right, i&c hours in the stockB. estate at Savinowka, in Podolia, a occasion for the story of the two farm- per pound. HEWLETT BROS. CO. paper house of sixteen rooms that cost ers who happened to meet on a Sun80,000 roubles, and its architect deWhat would you give for that day. CARBOLIC SALVE clares that it will last longer than a calf? asked one, if it were not the stone building. Bergen, in Norway, will prevent blood If it were not the SabSabbath? has a church built of paper, seating q bath, said the other, I would give poisoning in Cuts,. thousand people. Paper bicycles have Then you agreed Wounds, been made to work, paper sails for both, we will consider it a bargaitf. and heal cents-Wou- ld ships are not unknown and there are too. 25 them, Catarrh Cannot Be Cnred such things as paper gas pipes. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot you have reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh la a TOOTHACHE in to for and order or constitutional blood disease, of the Coronation. Story it you must take internal remedies. Hall's It has just come to light that the cure Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts 15 cents? Our Japon tbe blood and mucous surfaces. anese Tooth Ache stockings of a hotel chambermaid fig- directly s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. ured in the pomp incident to King Ed- Hall It was prescribed by one of the best physicians Drops will rid you a regular prewards coronation. They were worn in this countryisfor years, andof isthe best tonics of both. It composed by the mayor of a seaport town, who, scription. blood combined best with the known, purifiers, DeCOSTAS LIVER mucous surfaces. The on robing for the historic ceremony, acting directly on the FILLS is combination of the two Ingredients is found that he had not brought long perfect what produces such wonderful results in curing free. Send for testimonials, stockings with him. All the stores were Catarrh. F. J- CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, a 25 cents a policy. closed and so he could not purchase Sold by druggists, price 75o. est What is your health Ball's Family Pills are tt a pair. A chambermaid heard of the worth? mayors embarrassment and blushing-l- y New Gambling Device. offered to furnish the necessary Diseases All Lung York A parrot fish In the New aquarhosiery. Her offer was gladly acceptium ia responsible for'a good deal of start with a cough. ed, and his worship looked as brave gambling among the small boya. It If you will cough up as the reBt of them in the borrowed has stripes of blue and red and has a quarter for a botfinery. yellow eyes. As the fish turns In the tle of Cough Balsam water It looks red at one time and youll stop coughing New Idea In Dirigible Balloons. at another. When a crowd is blue machines Flying steering by HertzJapanese Com Core abont the parrot fish tank cries of waves was ian Patrick Alexanders will rid you of. a red! bine! Come, you Come, you striking position at the late Berlin dozen CORNS for a finof with he snapping heard, may scientific ballooning conference. He are at as such crap games quarter. Which do players gers an claims that unmanned balloon, fish The to. love the best accustomed parrot big you carrying Instruments for- - registering stakes frequent "turnovers, and when corns or quarter? temperature and moisture at differit straightens out again the announceent heights, can be sent fifty miic-ALL DRUGGISTS OR STORM Red wins or Bins ment comes and steered back to the starting OR DIRSCT FROM I I I I i wins, as the case may be, and the point bets their settle gambling youngsters The sugar on Satans piiis may be on the color of the fish on tha rnr ffweet, but it is very thin. illu-Uk- 1- 1 walv-uhii- C?r3 i & & Bruises, Sores, - Kolao Municipal Ownership Experimenta. of the President George Wallace Haven, New of board of aldermen course of Conn., says that in the city that in conversation brief b dent Roosevelt told him that been much Interested in the Bcr had heard of his efforts for munlelptU reform and added that he eipected wm that in the near future reforms Columbia of District in the effected be In the nature of municipal to tie that will be an object lesson country. of the citiee n Arrested 'for Moonshining' Saved by Her Bulk. Kentucky Is famed for Us big men. A Kentucky woman too big to appear in court has been found. Jane Wool sey, or Leitchfield, was arrested for She proved to be the moonshining. big, full moon, sure enough. Marshal and deputies managed to get her up one Bight of stalls, but they couldn't have got her up any further even with the aid of a derrick. She stuck. The court house was not built for Her majestic bulk such as sbe. dwarfed it. She doesnt reach far,, only five feet five, but sho weighs 433 pounds. The United States commissioner for has asked permis to sion hold her trial outdoors. She has a v iath and weight that recommends her to mercy. She is a largo offender who has offended little. Recently a merciful magistrate of this town, dischargcJ without a fine, a Bermudan, six feet nine, who had been drunk in proportion. His Inches saved him. A monument of nature bedewed with rum still has a certain dignity and stirs compassion. Jane Woolsey has a name of queens and cardinals. Let her go and grow up with the country. New York Sun, Woman Health Burns, cuts, sprains. Dr. Thomas rtinrtO'tauUf. Oil At any drnS rtore' ? ' Insurance for trie CATARRH r , of tb tu of i. H Bl10er. Narrow Skill, "yorontc disease ot mtii, worn, s11 X.i.T s asSg VrunED-ffKi- Wenkneoa, Vsrioooolo. bo&orrhoea. ewh.Svpbllle and all 6,1 Consultation aod advioe free, win person. caU or write. d It is proposed In France to establish a Court of Justice run by women v II (luibood.genilnal TN THE PISH. d asked the shivTae ering man, waking up. Of course. They make up the majority- of the summer boarders the ones- that have two weeks vacation, you know. I pitied them, I really did. Theyd spend the night around the stove piannirg trips lor the next day, and the next day it would rain. Our crowd increased in August, but so did the rain and the chills. Taey all came to me with their grouches and disappointtheir And old St, ments. Swithin held on, and made us keep Do up the fires. you blame them hoarders for leavWe tried to ing? keep em,- but it was no go. They went, and said if Lord the good would foigive them for that time they would never see Sprigyille again. Yes, madam, he said, arising to the lady who had made her in snection. What can I do for you? - Do you think we are going to have clear weather? she asked. And do you think it will be dry and pleasant? I shouldnt want- - to stay, you know, unless we could be out in the air a great deal, ar.d I fear your hQiise might be damp in rainy weather. he echoed. In r.vlny weather? Madam It has rained so much this summer that I dont believe theres another drop between here and heav- Courts for Women. 1 BICKFOKU, wh!KV,hyfH.Vol P will receive quick slate la Stiff th Corps. ProsccutimLlAlBs 1 M w Uro. rf CLAIMANTS FOS PENSION IP to NATHAN I L write SaKj&s: lvaliiruKI',1,eT- IP TOU i-- y A. U. TOWEP CO- - BOSTON. MASS I0U can oaLuV00 OP . ' OTCI TO J 3ATWACUON IS CUABAKTKD , 1 4 DEPUTATION MADE FAMOUS BY addreaeee. first snd ren.on- - THE SLICtlER A I? 14' I" ASK YOUB DEALtfi a week In spite of the fact that pork was high. And when he said I told him quickly sirioin stefvX enough that steak wasnt in the agreement. So he left, but before going the ingrate went around among the other boarders and ivaid the table was tbe worst he had ever struck and taat the house was certainly damp. Soon the other boarders followed. We tried to keep them, but they had a telegram showing that their grandmother wa3 dying, and that settled it. Then it was the time for the clear weather before the week was out. Locomotives Still in Demand. When she asked may be the motive you if you kept Electricity ower of the future, but the fact re- boarders, you said mains that in the census year 1900 you tried to, rethe output of steam locomotives was marked the man more than 3,000, valued at more than between his shivers. What did you $30,000,000. mean? SHE CRIED WHEN SHE PUT HER Just what I said, CLOTHES ON. ing to since the middle of May. On the 15th two came. They slid they This is what Miss Jessie Stephenson of 30 Hartington Road, Aberdeen, wanted to see' the mountains take on their summer verdure, wanted t6 be says when writing to the Proprietors here before the crowd, to revel in naof St. Jacobs Oil, the remedy which ture. They reveled all right. Nature cured her: I was very bad with rheumatism. began business within twenty-fou- r hours. It rained, and then it rained I could not put my clothes on without crying out. I always had to have some more. Then it turned cold, and the house was like an icebox. Every assistaitee to dress 'myself. I of St. Jacobs Oil, and time theyd see me they would ask, after Its eontents were used I was Do you think we'll have sunshine? I much better, I used the contents of always said yes, but I never told them two more botth s, and now I am able when. Well, they staid a week, caught-colds- , got the rheumatism, and to do my work as usual. I would recommend anyone troubled with lost their religion. 'Then for a whole week the only rheumatism to use St. Jacobs Oil. visitor we nad was a young fellow who Miss Stephenson's present condibook tion is a very great contrast to what wanted to sell us a telling about the lives of saints. We it was before she ued St. Jacobs Oil; finally got it for two days board, and then she was practically helpless, suffered the greatest agony but now she the rest of the month I put in reading about the saints. I wanted to see if is free from pain, and able to do her work. Surely such evidence as this any of em kept a mountain boarding house in a frosty summer. is most convincing that St. Jacobs We did a heap of writing about the Oil Conquers Pain. firjt of July and got in a few, and tilings looked a little better. But one Pallbearers Crcsied in White. of these fools who are always seekMrs. GutiuJe Dtenuon, wife of a ing health ar.d distributing their comKansas City liveryman, died a few plaints arourd to everybody who will her with days ago, and in accordance listen knocked us out. He said his expressed desire six girl friends acted doctor ordered sir- as pallbearers at her funeral. They loin steak for him were diessed in white and the novel twice a day. We to spectacle attracted a large crowd tried it for two the cemetery. Mrs. Dtenuon was 22 days, and all the years of age and had been married ie&t of em began less than a year. to call for sirloin steak. And way up here siiloin steak BUSINESS COLLEGE. tests 40 cents a For Tuition Now Open at tlio 1 empleton I put the pound. School SIO, case before him, Cabinet Ellis We control the system and asked him where I was comof bookkeeping and the Gregg system He said ing .out at '?7 a week. of shorthand. They are the best. Visit that was none of his concern. us at the Templeton and make inquirWe had promised to board him for $7 a week, and he needed tbe ies about us from the business, professional and educational men of the city. steak to save, his life. I suggested Salt Lake that he go back and board with his We- - lead, others follow. doctor. But it didnt do any good. Business College. He wanted tbe steak. Then we took another tack. We gave bim pork and Nothing Doing. In his Story of the Cowboy, Emer- potatoes, and when he kicked I told him that we were boarding him for son Hough gives the following quarterly report of a foreman to an eastern ranch owner: Deer Sur, we have CARNEGIE TO BUILD PALACE. brand 800 caves this roundup we have made sum hay potatoes is a fare crop. Philanthropist Planning a Magnificent That Irishman yu let in charge at the House in London. other camp got so fresh an' we had to Andrew Carnegie is to become one kill him. Nothing much has hapened of the nabobs of Park lane, the most sence yu lef. Yurs truly, Jim. street in fashionable and London. He has purchased from the ExFowlers Dr. A boon to travelers. young Duke of Westminster a plot of tract of Wild Strawberry. Cures todysentaka nausea. Ileasuut seasick ground in South street, leading into nnss, tery, Acts promptly. Park lane, just beyondythe handsome house of J. P. Morgan, Jr. It is said Wealth of South America. the house will be as much like Mr, The numerous islands of Patagonia Carnegies great mansion in Fifth everwith covered are is possible as it archipelago avenue, in New York, imfor a London house to be, and that the green forests capable of supplying mense quantities of valuable timber, cost will he something like $3,000,000. while the mountain ranges, being of Mr. Carnegie will have for Jus immethe same geological formation as those diate neighbors' Lord Brassey, the of Chile and Peru, are probably rich dawager Countess of Rosslyn, Lady in mineral resources. Henry Somerset, Alfred Beit, the richest man in England, and Mr. Eckstein New Way to Lay Cable. and J. B. Robinson, two other South The French government is to plow African millionaires. across the a furrow 1,500 miles loug North African desert, from Tunis to Old John Brown. Lake Tebad, and lay a cable in it, This portrait of the great striking The both to be done at one operation. him as he was represents liberator plow, drawn by an engine and movbefore his martyrdom, few a years fur-roa will an mile open hour, ing a and is copied from his biography, by thirty inches deep and lay the John Newton, just published by Mr. cable In the bottom. T. Fisher Unwin. In his last years are he wore a beard. DYES FADELESS PUTNAM fast to light and washing. gold-edge- suffering. There are many medicines that relieve these conditions, but you want a remedy a cure. Read this statement; it tells of a cure that lasted : Veteran Josiah Heller, place of residence 706 South Walnut St., Urbana, In the fall cf 18S9 I pro 111., says: cured Doans Kidney Pills at drug store in Champaign, and after taking the remedy conscientiously I made a public statement of the results. I told how Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of kidney trouble, disposed of my lame back and the paits across my loins, beneath the shoulder blades, etc. During the interval which has elapsed I have had occasion at times to resort to Doans Kidney Puis when I noticed warnings of anotner attack, and on each and every occasion the result obtained was just as satisfactory as when the pills were first brought to my notice. At this time I just as emphatically indorse the preparation as I did several years ago. A FREE TRIAL of this great Kidney medicine which cured Mr. Heller will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address Foster-MilburCo., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggls.s, price 50 cents per box. FIT SU3JECT FOR MERCY. John Brown. Ha captured Harpers Ferry with fcis nineteen men bo true. And he frightened old Virginia till she trembled through and through. They hung him for a traitor, themselves the traitor crew, But his soul's marching on. Pillsbury as a Chess Player. Pillsbury, the American chess expert, is entitled to be called the great-In est second chess match player s Z. C. M. I. |