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Show Ip? gox STANDING llmva. & TERMS r PliOPKIETORS. WIXOM, or subscription: . . .. On Year, In advance Months ...... 1.25 .65 - 35 Three Months. Ualeied at the Post Office at Urlgham City second .lass matter. -- 7- head-Th- Euiroa. HYRUM STANDING, Copies of this paper may be found on file at tbe office of our Washington correspondent, E. G. Riggers, 918F St.. N.W., Washington, D. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1902. J TIMS Joregon Linei Short R. R. CARD f In Effect April 1, 1902 Trains arrive and depart at local stations daily as follows: ' NORTH BOUND. A (a 3 -- a 8 W 2? Sa. N08 OolllDston, 38 a m U 0 O,5 ego. S NO 7 942 am 130am 931am Dewey 921am Honeyville Brigham .. 105a m 1201pm 905 a pi 1253 am 1148 am 853am Willarrl J 1236 pm 12 26 pm SOUTH .BOUND. O S3 CJ es 5 it 3e t9 3S LCU No 6 Collinston, 4 13 p m Dewey . . .. 4 21 p m Honeyville 4 No 8 "a e.m tcU NolO 30 p m Brigham. 450 p m Willard.... 5 03pm M'Where no time is not Stop- - Through Pullman Palace Sleepers, Latest Improved Tourist Sleepers, free Reclining chair cars, Elegant day coaches. E. W. Dunn, Agent, Brigham. D. X. Burley, Genl Pas. St Tkt. Agent. Salt Luke City. SHOULD VOTE YOUR. FAITH oars if you try Consumption . and ours is so strong we guarantee a ctireor refund money, and we send you write for it. free trial bottle if you will cure Con25 costs cents and SHILOHS sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all cough or cold Lung Troubles. WiU cure aserious in a day, and thus prevent results. It has been doing these things for 50 years, N.Y. C. Co.. ft Wttts ft LeRoy. Karls Clever Root tea corrects the Stomach e Read it in His Newspaper- George Schaub, a well known Ger- man citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a constant reader of the Dayton Volks He knows that this paper zeitung. aims to advertise only the best in its columns, and when he saw Chamberlains Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weks had suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and could get no relief. He says: After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to mo, I feel as though born anew, and before using the entire contents of the bottle the unbearable pain had entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties. He is very thankful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for sale by D. L. Eddy & Son, druggists. strong as Shilohs .II I m Firemens Election- wUfaeas rw. At (lie anuu.il election of the Brig-- 1 ham City Fire Department 1, held June 7th, the following officers were elected: Chief, W. S. Taylor: Asst. Chief, Lorenzo Petersen; Secre- xf feeling. Leads Them All. One Minute Cough Cure beats all other medicines I ever tried for coughs, colds, croup and throat and lung troubles, says D. hcott Currin of Loganton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure is the only absolutely safe cough acts immediately. remedy which Mothers everywhere testify to the good it has done their little ones. Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip, bronchitis and coughs. D. L. Eddy & Sod, Brigham city, Corinne Mer. Co., pro-peru- oa harness treated lace to chafe and cut. harness not only keeps looking like sew, hut wears twice as Jongby the use f Eureka Harness OtL everywlw point, as the measure has been made Mads by PrD Sold in rta YES. The qualified voters of Brigham city will have the chance next Monday, June 16, to vote on the propositions ; Should the city construct an electric light plant, and For the issue of bonds in the sum of $30,000 or less to pay All that is necessary therefore. is for the vqter to write yes or no on his ballot opposite these propositions and a majority of such answers will decide. The News has heretofore expressed its views on these important propositions. We are decidedly in favor of a city situated as ours is owning and controlling both the water works and electric light plant. From the unanimous sentiment expressed at the mass meeting in relation to the matter of the city putting in an electric plant, it is scarcely necessary to urge the matter further upon them. Respecting Jhe question of . bending, we do not think it will add anything to the tax payers burdens. After the plant has got fairly started if it should be decided to build it it should make mere than the expense of running it, and each succeeding year, we believe, will increase its profits. If the election should result favorably to the city, then all adverse claims should be, and no doubt will be, fully considered by the mayor and city council. If Messrs. Rich and Knudson or Geo. R. Chase have superior rights to the city rights which it is more than probable the courts would sustain then we have confidence the city will not enter into useless litigation but either try to effect a satisfactory compromise or aid the others to make it a success. It will be expected that the city officers will continue to use good judgement and to act fairly and w'isely. The voters should not hesitate to answer yes to both the propositions to be submitted next Monday. For biliousness use Chamber Iains Stomach & Liver Jf ablets. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels, effecting a quick and permanent cure. For sale by D. L. Eddy & Son, druggists. electric light The greatest ambition of American men and women is to have homes blessed with children. The woman afflicted with female disease is constantly menaced with becoming a childless wife. No medicine can restore dead organs, but "Wine of Cardui does regulate derangements that prevent conception; does prevent miscarriage ; does restore weak functions and shattered nerves and does bring babies to homes barren and desolate for years. Wine of Cardui gives women fhe health and strength to bear healthy children. You can get a dollar bottle of Vtiins of Citidui from your dealer. of $30,000 or Now therefore be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of Brigham City that tlieie be called a special election on the 16th day of June, A.D. 1902, and that at such special election there be submitted to the quaiiied electors of said city the following Should the city conpropositions: struct an electric light plant? and Should the city issue bonds in the sum of $30,000 or less to pay therefore? Tne place of voting designated is the usual one, the meeting house in polling districts No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th wards of Brigham city. A special elecion is therefore called for June 16, 1902. Printed ballots will be furnished to the qualified electors which will read: Should the city constiuct an electric Yes. No. Printed light plant? ballots will also be furnished the qualified electors which shall read: For the issue of bonds in Lite sum of $30,-00- 0 or less to pay therefor. Yes. No. Both propositions shall be submitted to the people. The election will be conducted according to the general laws of the State. The city council has designated the usual places, the meeting house in polling districts No. 1, 2. 3 and 4 in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th wards of Brigham city as the place of voting. ml5 jl2 IIebeii C. Boden, Mayor of Brigham City. Dated May 13, 1902. le-s- 17H1E0F CARDUI wine Market Street, . Memphis, Tenn., April 14, 1901. 1 took one bottle of of Oardni and one package of Sd?iflk'D1ht' to 7cftr8 ad I hadbeen bad never a child until I took Wine l'C?n J?rth 1 ere mother of a fine w.as born March 31, 1901. T heys?siWh 7 T,elghs fourteen pounds and I VnL m AeU 18 Peond could feel. I never wiU be without Wine hPPy of Cardui in mv house Mrs. J. W. C. SMITH. wtoS?!5! SSSniJSSTiCS MedidaeXompaiiy, c'2!utowlS.Cl!noos Standard Oil If you are troubled with impure indicated by sores, pimples, head ache, etc, we would recommend Ack er's Blood Elixir, which we sell positive guarantee. It will always cure scrofulous or svphilitic poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts and $1. D L Eddy & Son, druggists. un-de- ra Probate & Guardianship Notices Consult County Clerk or the Respective ' Signers for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS- Pierce Cycles. (Awardtd Gold Medal Pan American Exposition 1901) FOR 1902. The Geo. N - Estate of Joseph Martin Wight, deCreditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at his office in Brigham city, Utah, on or before September 30, 1902. m29 j26 Lorenzo N. Stohl, Administrator ceased. important cliang ? adoption of a v . Pierce Co. has prepared . fhe most radical and since the advent of the cushion frames in the Front Fork made of Spring Steel Sides. ; BEAUTIFUL in appearance, Fred J. Holton, PERFECT in action, STRONG beyond its Attorney f..r Administrator. Estate of Ole Simonsen, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Bear Kiver city, Utah, on or before the 13th June requirements, - 9, 1902. Co Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat: This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gi ves i nstant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stomach, relieving all distress after eating; Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. cant help K but do yon. good Prepared only by E. 0. DeWitt & Oo.. Chicago. Thol. bottle contains 2 times the 50c. sSa, D. L. Eddy & Son, Brigham. Mer. Co., Corinne. in the Twentieth Century. All Others. IO cents a day will buy one. Sold for cash or instalments. Liberal discounts for cash . Old machines taken in exchange. Machines Cleaned and Repaired, Machines Rented. Carter Bros., 22AGENTS. OFFICE AT BOWRINGS MUSIC STORE, Main Street, Brigham City, now 540 now 35 BRIGHAM , in the county. Our line $40 Sterlings . J 5 Lrtbcents now ' i now $25 ; 25 CITY CYCLE CO. North Main Street, Brigham City. Corinne s i Monument Now is the time to order your monuments and headstones. 'Over 100 to select from . Stock the best 1 Prices the lowest It will cost you nothing to order, but will give us time to do the work Wagons, Carriages, Etc,, - the County to The Only Exclusive Cyclery and Repair Shop have a Branch Office in the First Natl, Bank building, Brigham City, Utah, where they have the largest and best stock of As in the Nineteenth so Mine $50 Spaldings 40 Stearns Line in OF UTAH 1900 Singer Sewing The Largest Choose From. STUDEBAKER BROS COMPANY OF A CENTURY. Leads J bloody THE CYCLE 1800 Endeavor Laxative la one day. construct an day of October, 1902. plant between Brigham city and M. C. Mortensen, Mantua with the water power of Box junl2 jylO Elder Creek to supply light and power Administrator with the will annexed. for the city of Brigham and its inNels Jensen, habitants and to increase the water supply, and that the same should be Attorney for estate. paid for by itsuiug bonds in the sum , MOTHERHOOD 143 Christian AND WORKS OFF THE COLD- Bromo-Quinlu- e Tablets cure a cold No cure, no pay. Pr!o 25 cents. aU sizes. Estate of Ingred Olson. Creditors will present claims with Dont try to play duets on the piano with your sweetheart; your hand s are vouchers to J. D. Call at his office in Brigham city, Utah, on or before sure to get mixed. Sept. 30, 1902. m22 jl9 Charles Olson, TO CURE A COLD IN OND DAY Administiator. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Tne Charleston exposition went druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. J. D. Call, the way of all others of recent years E. Grovo's signature s on each box. 25c. Attorney. by being successful in every way but PROCLAMATION. A resolution has been financially. introduced in Congress to appropriate To TnE ELECTORS OV BKIGIIAM CITY: Whereas, the city council has ad$150,000 to make up the financial opted the following lesolution: dePcit. Wheras, the people of Brigham city have made aud filed numerous petitions, and have at a mass meeting held May 12, 190?, at the Brigham city opera house, petitioned that the quesThis signature is on every box ot the genuics tions Should the city coustruct an Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets electric light plant? and Should the tbe remedy that rarrs a coM la mm day city issue bonds in the sum of $30,000 or less to pay therefoi? be submitted to the qualified electors at a special election and WnEREAS, it is and has been the sense of the mayor and city council of Brigham city that Brigham city should us appears. Ackebs will stop tlie couch the cold out of y0Qr quick and sure Sullivan. Wednesday morning re- chitis and all throat If does JK ports and certificates were given after willit refundnot you; Ootj which exercises refering to approachfor free samyle, w fit ing Memorial day were held. The Buffalo, NY. teacher gave a resume of the events of the Civil war, empharising the patriotic sentiment which should fill Services at the heart of every American citizen. Sunday school Preaching at 8:00 STOPS THE COUCH f with Eureka Har ness Oil. it resists the damp, keeps the leath er soft and pliable. Stitches do not break No rough sur- - Very little of the talk on the Philippine bill in the Senate has been tohe School. school closed May year Examinations dosed on Tuesday, leaving the scholars in a suitable frame of miner to enjoy the treat of lemonade and cake offered by Mrs. and Miss Rain and sweat Mortensen, Secy. the text for political recriminations between the two great parties. Camp Mission 29th, qfter'a have no effect tary, Martin Mortensen; Asst. Secretary, Ephraim Mathias; Treasurer, C. Simonsen; Foremao H. and L. Co , L. Berg: Atsfc. Foreman, L. Mortensen; Foreman Ilose Co., Jas. By water. Jr.; Asst. Foreman, Wm. Forsgren. M. The Boer war is officially ended, and this time, it seems to be for The price has staggood and all. gered humanity but the autcome has been much better than was expected for both belligerents, .and there has been a victory for peace and good "Camp Mission ! - VV. TJ X Struck With a Baseball. Rodney Fryer, the merchant at Deweyville, was severely iujured last Satuiduy afternoon by being liit with a baseball being rendered unconscious for over live hours. The Deweyville aud Thatcher toys were having a game of ball at the latter place and while the game was m progress Mr Fryer passed behind the Thatcher catcber just in time to get hit with the ball thrown by the pitcher which was slightly tipped by tbe batter over the catchers ball struck Mr. Fryer fairly on his nose betweeu his eyes. lie was soon after conveyed to his home in Deweyville and Dr.Freiday summoned. Mr. Fryer came to Brigham Tues-de-y and while slightly disfigured is getting along all right. JOHN H. BOTT & SOU is complete in Vehicles and our prices are as low as in Ogden or Salt Lake. We also carry a large stock of THE Denver & Rio Grant! Single and Double Harness which it will pay you to inspect. Our prices and' terms you will always find right. We solicit your trade and invite inspection of our goods. We trail vehicles through the county so vou can buy ' at your own door. AND THE Rio Grande Westeni I You will never make a mistake if you buy a 4 STUDEBAKER. Only Transcontinental Line Passing Directly Thro Salt Lake City, fstop-ew- t Connections made In Ogden Union Depot With, AU Trains of Southern Uaoiflo aud Oregon Short, Lina. OFFERS CHOICE OF , FAST AND Three Distinct Scenic Ecu tC E. C. WHEATLEY, .Manager. TRAINS DAILY Leaving Ogden at 7:25 a. rtv, 2h5 p. m. and 7u5 p, m. - MMVMMI THROUGH Pullman Falace and Ordinary Sleeping cars to Denver, Omaha, Karl at. Eouh and Chicago without change. Free reclining chair car,' sonally conducted Excursions. A perfect dining car service. of nearest ticket agent specifying U Jolders. etc., Grande Route, or write inquire - 'ror,,ras , .1- - A. BENTON, General Passenger Agt e Salt Lake City, Utah- - |