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Show 1 awBaCf. Against Opening Streets. Hi Editor News: Will you kindly publish accompanying protest for the enlightenment of ytiur city readers, as I suppose said protect wijl tie circulated for signatures to aid, pur city fathers In getting a fair uaderstapdiugpf situation, shall avail .myself of the privilege the near future of presenting some additional views respecting the present and future status of bur city, jrkidi in consequence of other duties, must be deferred for the present. Iu si the meantime you may promise your patrons that any malicious and libelous stuff which has and jpay appear in print will be treated with silent esutempt. P. F. Madsen. To The Honorable Mayor And City Council, Brigham City, Gentlemen: We the undersigned residents and taxpayer of Brigham city hereby enter our protest against the opening of Fourth ond Fifth West streets , running north to Seventh North St. from their present terminus for the following reasons, t: First There is not to exceed a half a dozen persons living below said streets and with one or two exceptions none of these will practically ever travel said streets if ever opened. to-wi- m Lion, King of Coffees, 11 bottle, It Fourth Some years since the county court took cognizance of the fact that this city is located practically in the southeast corner of the county and in order to strengthen our claim to the county seat and heip to anchor it in this city, the court proj ceeded to purchase the public interests to the court house and took steps to overhaul, improve and modernize said building and in keeping with this move negotiated with the city far the ground which since was fenced, plata ted and planted as you see it today, r model beauty spot to our fair city all having for its object a prestage of this city as the chief municipality of this A 1 "r - An cut through pilvate property which was owned, cultivated and improved many years prior to the city extending their survey over that section of country and which extension simply contemplated the control of municipal regulations as to saloons, disorderly houses, etc., and never to claim the right to open streets only as such petition should issue from the land owners in question when their land would become more valuable for city lots than for farms and orchards. WHAT IS THE USE of suffering from indigestion if you eat what you want, ar of starving your self to avoid such distress? ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS taken after CROWNED KING eating .will digest your food perfectly Edward. King of England; Alphonso, King of apd free you from all the disagreeable of Indigestion and Dyspepsymptoms matched. sia. Eat what vou like at any time, There are two things the boys might and take an ACKER Tablet afterFit for any king; fit for you. Not glazed with any well consider if they wish to make the ward. Positively guaranteed. Your cheap, noxious coating; never sold in hulk. mr games attractive to the general pub- money will always be refunded If you are not satisfied. Write to us for a lic, one of which is to get to playing free sample. W. II. HOOKER & CO., nearer the time set. Many of the Buffalo, N. Y. players and spectators waited an hour opening of aforementioned streets The 58th, annual boat race be- and a half before enough of the other Clear Creek, Utahweald plow squarely through the tween Oxford and Cmbridge was wo n players came to start the game. The A was given last evening at ball center of said tract and literally ruin other matter, is the terrible ordeal the latter the school house fer the benefit of the recently in the fastest the It for the purpoae originally intended. by umpire lias to go through in the time ever made. In Sixth As a last and final reason the past 25 progress of the as the term ended that day. game. Someone is per- pupils, for our protest, we call your honors years Cambridge has won 9 races and suaded to umpire and though trying Amongst the numerous persons preattention to the fact that the county Oxford 16. to do his level best, it often looks like sent we noticed Mr. Chas. Kempton holds a good and sufficient deed from he wouldnt come out et the game " vi the city, for the .entire tract f land Good for Rheumatism. ' alive. Mr, and Mrs. Baker, Mr. Jesse comprising the poor farm and thereLast fall I was taken with a very The picked nine had the advantage Mayne and wife, Mr. Irvin Campbell fore ask that tins petition to open severe attack of muscular rheumatism of the Blues in being stronger batand said streets be not granted. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lookwood, which caused me great pain and an- ters. When they did hit a ball It Mrs. Rhoda Burrows, the charming WE SELL TOE GREATEST OF noyance. After trying several pre- generally counted. There are some All Blood PURIFIERS, ACKERS scriptions and rheumatic cures, I de- very good players among the "Blues" wife of Mr Philip Burrows of Bridge, BLOOD ELIXIR, under a positive and they want to keep up their good Idaho, Mis. Olive Kempton, Mr. guarantee. It will cure all chronic cided to use Chamberlains Pain work. Leroy Badger of Kelton, Mr. L. T. and other blood poisons. If you have Balm, which I have seen advertised The score was announced at the Campbell qf Naf, Idaho. eruptions or sores on your body, or are in the South Jerseyman. After two end of the game to be 14 to 15 In favor pale, weak or run down, it is just There were recitations, readings what you need. We refund money if applications of this remedy I was of the picked nine but It has since been stated that It was 15 to 16 in and dialogues by tbe children of the you are not satisfied. 50cts. and $1.00. much better, and after using one D. L. Eddy & Son, druggists. favor of the and another school and we must say that all of Blues, was rured. Sallie Enjoyable Event.. would require an outat' one thousand dollars for The wedding reception given at the least of lay Box over Elder creek and home of Mr, and Mrs, James By water bridges grading approaches and streets to last Thursday evening in honor of the make said roads at all passable and marriage of their daughter Lenora for the accommodation of the few and Abe D. Hillatu was in every rewho might travel that way, we pro- spect an enjoyable event. There were test against such lavish and needless present rslatives of the bride and groom from this city, Slaterville and expenditure. Third The proposed streets would Logan, besides a large number of Second The Baseball Game- Quite a number of people went down to the, ball grounds Saturday afternoon to see the game bnween the Blues and a plekel local nine. There was plenty of enthusiasm, the two siejes being pretty eveDly completely N. J. Salem, Harris, L. Eddy For will be played some game sale by after- D, noon to decide who are the bettor Son, druggists, players. them done well A sumptuous supper was served by the ladies and we TO CURE A COLD IN OND DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinina Tablets. All the multitude of rolaul the money if it fails to curs. Dr. Kings New druggists E. W. Grovoa signature a on each box. 25c. Millions marvel at maladies cutoff by per cent, leaving a balance of trade Life Pills the most distressing too. against her of nearly $300,000,000. Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, Imports from the United States in- Biliousness, Fever, Malaria, all fall creased while exports to this country before these wonder workers. 25c at D. L. Eddy & Sons drug store. friends. decreased, so that we are getting the A bountiful supper was partaken df best of the money end of the trade ADVERTISED LETTERS, April 7, 1902. and music, toasts and recitations between the two countries. made up an agreeable entertainment. The following letters it not called for la two The wedding presents were numerous A Nearly Fatal Runaway weeks, will be sent to the Dead Letter office. and valuable. Anderson W. A. started a horrible ulcer oa the leg of Cooke Hr, John L. (2) J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111., A Doctors Bad Plight. which defied doctors and all remedies Grieshanser Mr. Johan Two years ago, as the result of a Knowlton Mr. Sidney for four years. Then Bucklens Arnisevere cold, I lost my voice," writes ca Salve cured him. Just as good for Noble Mrs. J. S. Dr. M. L. Scarbrough of llebron, Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts Corns, Peterson C. P. then began an obstinate Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c Ohio, Petersen Mr. James at D. L. Eddy & Sons drug store. cough. Every remedy known to me When calling for the above state when adB. F. Boothe, P. 11. vertised. as a practicing physician for 35 years, Through the Heart of the Rockiesfailed, and I daily grew worse. Being Everybody knows that the scenic urged to try Dr. Kings New Discovery and most interesting route across the fer Consumption, Coughs aDd Colds, continent is by way of Salt Lake city I found quick relief, and for the last and the the City of the Saints ten days have felt better than for Tennessee Grande of the river, canyon two years. Positively guaranteed pass, Eagle River canyon, the Royal for Throat and Lung troubles by D. gorge, the black canyon of the GunniL. Eddy & Bon. 50c and $1.00. Trial son or Marshal pass, all of which are C.O.ANDERSON bottles free. views seen from the car windows of the Denver & Ri Grande railroad. art tripped fantastic until Harness Works ser- Brigham City. Manufacvice to Denver, Omaha, city, turer of light and heavy Two Fielding next Sat., Apr. 19. r Stop-oveSt. Louis or Chicago. priviteam harness, single and double buggy meetings will be held, one at 3 oclock lege Is granted on all classes of tickets. harness and all kinds of strap work and another at 8 p. m. State Supt. Personally conducted excusions strictly hand made. I also carry a full A. C. Nelson will be present at both Write for copy of Crossing the Rock- line or horse blankets stable and ies to Geo. W. Helntz, Asst. Gen. storm. Plush lap rbes, buggy whips, meetings and deliver an address to extensive county these Improveaxle condition powders, liniments, Passenger Agt., Salt Lake city, Utah. four oil, horse gall cure, and the genuine ments were had at an expanse of about the parents in the evening. All ' inSiberian horse-hid- e gloves the best eight thousand dollars. terested are invited to be present. The Salt Lake Tribune- en the market. wearing Fifth When the legislature enactNephi Anderson THIS IS CAMPAIGN YEAR WEST SIDE MAIN STREET, ed the law authorizing the counties us Co. Supt. of Schoosl. to which a and year give promises Utah Brigham City. to establish poor farms, the court much Important news in every avenue siezed upon this opportunity to Elwood Epistle. of life. If you want a great and fair NOTICE. our claim and add one mere Mr. Martin L. Hunsaker returned daily newspaper, you should take tho of the Interior, Department anchor to hold the county seat here. United States Land Office, The weekhome the 13th of April from his mis- Salt Lake Tribune. Lake City, Utah, Salt A square block of grouud of a little February 10, 1900. sion. He has been laboring in Ne- ly Tribune is an excellent newacres was purrise vt twenty-thre- e concern: whom Te It may in braska and Colorado and has been spaper And the The State of Utah having selected as chased from eight different individpart one Farmer and Ranchman, published also of its grant for the establishment and maintengone thirteen months. Martin is uals at an outlay of $5,000. Tho board of our brightest young men and reports by the Tribune Publishing company, ance of an Institution for the Blind, under the had In mind the erectiou of substana very nice time. He has filled will be invaluable to farmers and 12th section of the Act of Congress, approved tial and commodious buildings, laying having July 18. 1804, the following described tracts, rean honorable mission and we hope he ranchman everywhere. out lawns, planting trees, shrubbery turned by the United States Surveyor-Generhas done some good for we are satisand plants in short make It a veriof the United as Mineral land, notice is hereby given tbat Court Circuit the In fied he has done his best while he has the State will submit proof as to the character table paradise in the shape of a park District of Utah. been gone and we are glad to have him States, for the of said land, before the Registerer and Receiver, all but in the heart of this city. The The Central Pacific at this office, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of April, back with us. Railroad company, 1902, at 10 o'clock a.m., viz: 121 No. K .11. Fridahl, Jr., we learn, is still Plaintiff, ' and The N'A SEi and Ntf 8W, See. SO, Townvs. on the improve and we hope to have William Johnson, Geo. 1 No. 164 ship 9 North, Range 1 West, S. L. Mor., emhim among us prettv soon. He is not J. Marsh and Thos. braced in List No. 30, Institution for the Blind. I Maloney,- one that can stay in bed very long All persons olaiming any portion of said deDefendants. J scribed tracts as mineral land, or desiring to at a time. To be sold at U. S. Marshals sale, The seeding is about all done in our on the Fourteenth day of May, A. D., protest or objeot to tbe selection thereof by the State, are hereby summoned to appear on that No use to hunt tigers with neighborhood and sugar beet planting 1902, at twelve ocl-xcnoon of said date aad submit testimony in support of their bird-sho- t. It doesnt hurt the is to tlie front now. There are five day, at the front door of the court claims or objections. Fbask D. Hobbs, In awfully risky planters running this neighborhood house at Brigham city, County of Register. tiger any and early and late. Everybody seems to Box Elder, Utah: for you. 17 F be putting in from two to five acres. The southeast quarter (i) of section is a Consumption tiger It will mike the Ogden sugar factory thirty-tw(32) township twelve, (12) is diseases. It stealthy among hum to handle the crop this year. It north of range three (3) west, Salt but once started it rapidly looks like we ought to have a new Lake meridian, with any and all W- eats up the flesh and destroys sugar factory in Elwood as the most water-right- s appurtenant thereto. t raised be will here. . the of crop B. B. Hbywood, the life. No use to ai0m8 DRr light Lock-woo- Rpy Badger, an A nished the music. x musician, fur- We were over joyed to hear once more from our lovely Unfortunate and we thank her very much for her kind expressions! Would like to see her and give her a friendly squeeze! Our farmers are plowing now and putting in their crops; everybody seems Awarded Highest Honors, Worlds Flr Gold Medal, Midwinter F$Iir to be busy now a days even the tantalizing wood-tick- . Old Bach. April 13, 19O2, The Chicago city elections returned 39 republicans, 30 democrats and one independent, j.his being about the same as the present city council. is on every bos of the gaouino Tablet Thia aignatar Laxative Bromo-Quini- the remedy tbat LOCAL. MAILS. ne ooU raiM la OM day MAILS CLOSE. Northbound, Local & Cache Farmer and The 8:45 An Valley No 5 Ranchman. -.- ...11:41 a m Northbound No 7 6:00 pm A few weeks since .the KaltLake Northbound No 9 4:30 p,m Southbound No 6 Tribune established the .10 8:00 pur Farmer and Ranchman, and . No Southbound an it into invaluable publiMAILS ARRIVE. cation for farmers and ranchman From soirtluNo 5, fiqj throughout the arid country, Many From south No 7 12.21 new features will be added to It this From south No 9......' 8:00 am From No north A..,,...,.. 4:50 dola is summer. and but It spring 8:00 a m From north No 8 lar a year, or if taken with the Weekly From north No 10 B'JOJp m Salt Lake Tribune the two are only Office hours from 8:00 a m to 6.00 pm $1.50 a year. The Salt Lake Weekly r. O. opens Sunday from 10:30 to TriDune alone is $1.00 a year. B. F. Boothe, P. M. t 11:30 a. m Inter-Mounta- in Inter-mount- ain p-- A COMPARISON. 1 1901 mile profes. championship of Canada, July ist, Montreal, by G. F. Campell. 5 mile, 2 mile and J mile. Ditto, same man and place. All Bicycle Sprockets ran outside their bearings like Stone No, t. ezzet; the ee-::T: mile road race at Homey, N. Y. Time ahd won from scratch with two mile Hithdioap by Harris L. Brooks. 1801. The RACYCLE place. SPROCKETS 1(OLL BETWEEN their Bearings like Stone No. 2. 15 July II 1901. Neb. Annual Road Race, Iff miles. Lincoln, Note. June 25th Racycle won 1st, 2nd, 3d,! 5th and 7th places (36 entries) also time. Winner, Adolph Herman. 190L Road race. Six mile annual May 31st, Portsmouth, Va. Time and place, G. Northrup. Tie States (Iowa, Mo. and 111.) Decoration Dajr, mile road race, 27 entries. Racycle won 1st, 2nd, - 3rd,- 4th, 5th and 6th Place. 1st and 2nd Time. Moy Which will turn easier? 1901. 30, 15 SEEING IS BELIEVING. The RACYCLE ' races. Saves ike rider 27 per cent, in energy. - September 1st. Tampa, Florida, Labor 1 Day Every event won by Racycle riders. 1901. Wheelwright Bros., Brigham City, - , - Utah DO YOU TAKE THE MEWS? That is, ars you a subscriber of the ox Elder Mews? Bird-Sh-ot Fop Tiger . its 20--- NOT, look this copy over carefullv and see if it is not worth 2i-2- go hunting it with ordinary food and icine. Thats only bird-sho- Chuck, medt. April Good heavy Cecil Rhodes provided $(500 Emulsion for of historic Oxford at Scotts charges scholarships will stop the advance. The loo American young men, the awards disease feels that. to be made on the foiling bases: Scotts Emulsion makes the Literary and scholastic attainments; body strong to resist It success in manly outdoor sports; soothes and toughens the lungs qualities of manhood, truth, courage and sustains the strength until devotion of duty, sympathy, kindlithe disease wears itself out. ness, unselfishness and fellowship; Send for & free sample. t Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. pc aud JI.CKH ail druggist. BOWNE, -P- Glover, ROPRIETOR O-F- 14, 1002. It still advances. COTT United States Marshal. moral force of character and instincts of leadeiship. g, the price charged by the year. o, H. Ulvory and Feed x Stables, It gives you the local and state nevs; It is tilled vith other reading matter ot interest; Wc-havent had a dissatisfied subscriber .yet. Rigs, Up-To-D- At All Hours.... Hack meets all Trains at Depot. Brigham City . Utah ftwea The Factory writes us they have never heard of a Road Race where the Racycle Pacemaker entered that it did notwin either time or. place. Following are a few RacingNotes for I90L se Inter-Mounta- the Mr. Cream of Tartar an accomplished violonist, Mr. - Institute at Fielding. sleeping and dining car Teachers institute will be held at Through Kansas m. a. x sf fore firspg ... Wields a Snarp Ax. Germanys experts fell off 5 per cent in the last year, and her imports 6 are personally thankful for their kindness to us. The lovers of the . Give it a Trial; 'Only $1.25 a Year. |