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Show - ' f ' k ' - PAF, 7. tev THE . IO9ff , f'SBSp&S? 'lire The home paper works for of its town and is dearly loved on teat account. Its columns are always cyn to every inhabitant. Charles S' Kent SK S5S m g 2 Devoted to no Party or Active- Sugar Company DURING HOUSE CLEANING YOU WILL WANT lew Wall Paper, Carpets, Mailings, Linoiieums, Etc. We have just received the Largest and Most Elegant Stock in the above and other lines ever carried. Our prices are right. CALL AND Ttie STOHL Bank of Brigham City. Henry D. Wall of LaytoD, Davis county, and Mary Ann Summers of Eoweville were granted a license to wed Monday by Clerk Jensen. N. T. Johnson and Miss Olga Han sen of this city were also made happy by one of these documents yesterday. 50,000.00 . depositors protected by lf Million Dollars ne-Ha- . , Arbor Day. Arbor Day was appropriately celebrated in this city last Tuesday by all tbe schools. Trees were planted and Interest paid on time deposits at 5 pet cent per annum. Accounts and correspondence Invited. Safety deposit boxes for rent Exchange issued on all the principal cities of the world at par to our customers. 1 the grounds nicely cleared off. Prest. Kelly and a number of will ing workers put in about thirty trees in the tabernacle grounds and spent the whole day clearing up. Many of tbe business houses and public offices J. M, JENSON, President JOHN Y, RICH, Manager. HOMER J. RICH, Cashier. closed. SUCCESS FIRE AT COLLINSTQN. Barns and Three Horses Burned Last Saturday MorningA fire at Collinston early last Saturday morning burned two large bams, three head of horses and a number of small sheds. There Is but little water there and It was feared for a time that the main part of the town might go but tbe wind drove the flame9 back. The fire broke out between 3 and 4 o'clock In Harry Mifflins barn. An elderly man named Davis was sleeping there and was awakened by the strug The barn was full gles of (he horses. of horses but all but three were saved. Jour saddles, a hog and some chickens were also burned. The residents turned out enmasse and were aided by a crew of a freight train. The origin of the fire is unknown though it Is lleved to be the work of tramps. To - v Death of Mrs. Burrows On Wednesday last at 4.30 p m,Mrs. s, Mary Burrows, mother of John died at the latter's residence south of this city of old age and debility. Mother Burrows was born at the town of Klnxton, Warwickshire, England, on the 8th of March, 1820, and was at the time of her death 82 years, one month and one day old. She, with her husband Thomas Burrows, Joined the Mormon Church in the year 1848 at their native town and were converted and baptized into the faith by Elder Alfred Cordon, formerly of Willard city. Her husband died Bur-Tow- at Kinxton, England. kept the church conference house at Birmingham from on June 8, 1862, Mrs. Burrows 1883 to 1866, when she and her sons emigrated to Utah, crossing the ocean in a sailing ship named tbe "Arkwright and was five weeks crossing the ocean. She walked considerable of the dis- tance scobs the plains but arrived safely in Salt Lake city. In 1887 she married Wm. W. Player who died in the 17th ward, Salt Lake cltyln 1873, since which time she has remained a widow living in Salt Lake city. Six months ago she came to Brigham city to reside with her oldest son. Her funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon last in the First ward hall under the direction of Bishop McMaster and Counsellor John S. Bingham and her remalas were interred in the Brigham city cemetery. IN MINING. Mesas Proiptrlty fer Merchants City, of Brig-he- m Mr. H. C. Baker, president and general manager of Tbe Consolidated Mining and Smelting company, has arrived from Chicagt and Boston, hav ing spent some time among his friends in these cities and In Tiffin and Urbana. Ohio. Mr. Baker says that it is unneces- sary for him to say anything about the concentrating mill. It is being budt on the property, under the man agement of one of the most capable mlllmen In tbe country, Mr. H. H. Crone. Mr. Crone is superintendent of tbe mines and mill, and expects to be at work en ore In June or July. This mill means considerable to Brigham merchants as it will be the oause of bringing considerable money Roasts a Conductor. Edicof News: There was a gentleman and lady from Honeyville got their tickets in the morning on No 7 train to go to conference and return back to Honey vllie and a little hateful conductor came and told us we could not getoff there, to get off at Brigham for they would not stop at Honeyville, So we did not know what to do for we could not walk home but we sat still after leaving Brigham. When we got to Honeyville they stopped and put us off after all the little snots impudence. When they get our trade agaia they will know it. Michael and Martha Wheatly. . Jurors for May Term. The following eigteen names were drawn yesterday to serve as trial jurors for the May term and they will be notified later by the county clerk of the day at which they must appear: Cba8 H. Davis, John H. Burt, James T. Pitt, J. F. Erdmann, Brigham into circulation among them and the city, O. L, Wilcox, Geo. Bentz, Manila. mines and mill will furnish labor for Peter S. Jensen, Bear River city. many people. James M. Dalton, Willard. Mr. Baker by his energy and perE. H. Jones, Kelton. sistency has succeeded in bringing our Ben Pearson, Terrace. mineral resources into prominence, John Sommers, Point Lookout. and he is to be congratulated upon C. W- - Richards, Fielding. his success in securing a concentratSolomon Hale, Portage. Ills mill for ing property. John M. Saunders, Jos. W. Watkins, The property of The Consolidated Collinston. Mining and Smelting Co., is now C . M. Jensen, Mantua. a of three board trustees, Lorenzo W. Rowe, Malad. nunaged by consisting of of George A. Weaver of J. C. Petersen, Snowvllle. TJrbana, Ohio, a prominent banker and business man, Samuel B. Sneath Card of Thanks. of Tiffin, Ohio, president of tbe Com- Editor News: mercial bank, and H. C. Baker of OgKindly permit me through the medden, Utah. Mr. H. H. Crone is sup ium of valuable paper to return erintendent of the operations at the thanks your to Bishop McMaster and Counmill and mines, with the assistance sellor John S. Bingham of the First of his son, W. W. Crone, also a capable ward; also Misses Amelia Gtaehl and millman. Lottie Jensen and the members of tbe Mr. Baker while east organized a ward choir and all those who so ably syndicate for the purpose of purchas- assisted at the funeral services of my ing good mines In Utah, and Mr. mother, Mary Burrows, last Saturday Baker, who is president of this syndi- afternoon. cate, says that he intends to expend John Burrows. large amounts, In the further development of the mineral resources of this Mrs. Chr!en Hamaan locality. lie will remain in Utah all summer, has moved her dressmaking busiand expects & party of friends, 12 m ness from her residence to a room Dumber, from the east in July, who in the Mortensen building, up intend te look into the resources of stairs. 'Miss Meda Jensen has this locality. joined her and they are now prepared to give their lady customers Cheap irrigated farms in Can- the best af service in Plain. Draaa. ada, a years without any payments Panay aad 8 yearly payments afterward. making. Send 6c for illustrated pamplet to HAMSON & JENSEN, Taylor Brothers, 104 Main St., Dfeaamakers. Salt Lake city, Utah. a 23 aa Chinaware. Last Monday Jehn Henry Smith, T. R. Cutler, John C. Cutler, George Austin and H. G. Whitney of the Utah Sugar company made a trip through the Bear River valley inspecting the property of the company in the valley and ia the Bear River canyon. At a meeting of the company Wednesday in Salt Lake city, it was to sell 1300.000 Of . stock for the purpose of making proposed improvements In this county but it has not been stated if the east-sid- e oanal is to be benefltted by this fund. A case of small-po- x is reported in the family of a lady aamed Hansen in the Second ward. ,,The place is under Union and baptismal services were held at the Methodist church Sunday, Rev. E. E. Mork of Salt Lake city being in attendance. A good sized audience took part in the services, Mr. Behning, representing the celebrated Behning Piano Co., was in town last week. Messrs. Christensen & Sons have secured the sole agency hero for this piano, D. L. Eddy of Victor, Colo.t had his residence destroyed by fire last Saturday. The home caught fire from adjacent buildings. It was insured, but not the furniture. The lofts was about $500. Wanted To rent one or two rooms furnished for light houseLeave keeping; no children. word at the News office. it i The local telephone exchange reports the following new sub- you Man Goods arc considered Standard. We have a bedy protector, nits, gloves, balls, etc., that are first-clas- s goods at very low prices. See eur window" this week. . Yours to Please, D. L. EDDY & SON, DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS. , -- . r- - Terma SIP to insure living coult. KENO, ia the finest Jack in the west. Come, and see him. - Terms a24 112.(0 to lnsare living colt. Wheelwright Brothers., MONEY C7S.000.00 ' Brigham City, Utah. to loan at once on good farms, either dry or irrigated, at Edw B. Kirk was up from Ogden last Saturday making loans . Judge Hart was over from Logan Monday and heard some It pays to trade at Fishburns, exparte matters returning to in the evening, Mrs. Christena Hamson and Logan A barrel of ext-rMiss Meda Jensen have an anlarge, fat LORENZO N. STOHL, nouncement in another column of salt herring just received. J. F, Office with Lee & Stohl over 1st Natl Batik tf Room 22Telephono No. 22. the opening of a dress making Erdmann, For Good Sale Cheap typeestablishment in the Mortensen DO YOU WANT writer all in good order. 'For block, Loans on Real Estate particulars apply to News office oc draperies loc at C. Holsts. J at lowest interest; O. G'Saow and A E. Snow Lee & Stohl are now occupying were up from Salt Lake and proofs; Homestead Entries last city To buy or sell Real Estate; their new quarters in room 22, Friday. The latter disposed of Titles examined and conveyed; First Natl, Bank building. 2t several pieces of land while here. Reliable legal work; There is only one place to get Wm. Glasmann retired as Kelly Bros, hand made shoes CONSULT manager and editor of the Ogden and there is no others just as Standard last Tuesday. There can be seen at good, will be no change ia the policy our store.Samples . of the paper under its new manUtah, Brigham City, The prospects for an abundance of grasshoppers this season agement. Can save you 20 per cent oa in their old stamping ground RICH HOMER graniteware. Jos. F. Hansen, tf southeast of this city and near Get in to a suit of Millers Per- Perry are- favorable te the hop- SUCCESSOR TO CLAWSON & RICR, fect fitting clothing and you have pers but unfavorable for farmers. RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE the best money can buy, R L The latter are getting discouraged BRIGHAM CITY, - UTAH. I tf Fishburn & Sons. in trying to raise erchards and Water Commissioner N. P. tree planting in this section is Anderson reports the following about abandoned. measurements of Box Elder creek acre land in 4th For Sale (Successor to Hyrum Standing.) taken April 11, at 6 p. m.: Flow ward. Good location and water ABSTRACTER, into city 24 cubic feet, over- right. Enquire at this office, aio CONVEYANCER flow 8 feet, total 32 cubic feet. 40 styles of baby carnages and and 10,000 rolls of wallIt pays to get your horses hod PUBLIC NOTARY paper at a low price. Must be first-claunderworkmen who sold this Elias by Jensens Room S3, First Natl. Bank Building. spring at stand the anatomy of horses feet. Furniture Store. tf Telephone S3. BRIGHAM CITY, We have the only foot leveler in UTAH. Norman Lae. Lorenzo N. Stohl. shoes to Hand turned county. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. weight. Try us. Frank & Bob. J & per cent - - J- Fred J Holton J, scribers and the instruments will a few days: The court house, Lee & Stohl, B. C. Roller Mills, J. M. Je nsen, J. C. Knudson, L. N. Stohl, Sheriff Cordon, John E. Baird There are three other applications and instruments will be ordered. This will make 38 patrons of the local exchange. Lion shirts do not cost more than you have been paying for inferior goods. We sell the Lion Brand. R. L. Fishburn & tf Sons. W. P.Burrows of Butte, Mont., Harry Burrows, Salt Lake' city, and Willard Burrows of Park city,' brother of John Burrows, and James H. Taylor, Miss Hattie Taylor and Mrs May Woodward of Salt Lake city were in attendance at the funeral of Mother Made Easy Burrows Saturday. They were hud maall taken up with the fine looks of Ladies, do not buy a washing chine until you have seen the FIRE INSURANCE the city and the vast improveAutomatic Washer," ment Brigham has made in the past few years. The greatest Invention of the Age, Room 22 over First National Bank, Brigham City, UtahTelephone No- 22Wanted To lease or rent a Guaranteed to do a family washing farm of 10 to 20 acres with water-rig- in thirty minutes without labor or and improvements on it. attention, and to wash cleaner than CARTHEY & DUMBECK, Call at this office. washing machine or washboard. it any Modern Plumbing and Will not harm the most delicate fabArthur Munns, who has been ric. Think of a machine steam having TELEPHONE 92. working for the sugar company power to force the dirt from each and planting beets on one of their every garment; a machine so perfect819 State St., - - - Salt Lake city, Utah. farms in the Bear River valley, ly constructed that' it will thoroughwas home last Sunday to see his ly cleanse every article placed in It by folks. He says the company forcing boiling water through them intends only putting in 500 acres until perfectly clean. In fact, cleaner of sugar beets this spring and than can be done with a wash hoard can hardly get teams enough to or any washing machine in the world, do this much. His brother has no matter how much labor is exerted. charge of one farm and has had J. J. DUKE of Brigham City, THURSDAY, teams and men busy who has the exclusive agency for this twenty-tw- o with seeders during the past machine, is canvassing and will he week. A carload of people were pleased to place it on trial and demonstrate its merits. expected up Sunday from' Lehi Every housewife will want it. Wait to assist in farm .work. and be convinced. the Laughing ' Comedy Sensation, - all be placed within Norman Lee, go-car- ts; - ss LEE STOJHlo Washing - - - ht DR. ROCHE, Office Corinne Drug Store. pera House, ......;prtgham. APRIL 24, 11 ... a. m. Corinne city, Utah. A. PETERSON, Inquiry Agent. CIVIL and CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS And all Kinds of Legal Detective Work Terms Taken. Reasonable-Offic- e over WIDERBORC 'BLOCK. Look Bor 96 Brigham, Utah. J. CHAPMAN, - Civil Engineer. Special Attention Paid to Leveling Work and Field Surveys. , Utah. Deweyvitlo - ' JAMES S. PERRY, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Office W, Court House. - - - - Brigham City, R. H. JONES. -- Utah. ... LAWYER. Practices in All the Courts. Brigham City, Utcfa D. Johnson Geo.- - K. Obese JOHNSON & CHASE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- Brigham City, - 'Utah J. d. Call, ATTORNEY Too Rich lo Harry. to Office hours, 8 House-Heatin- AND COUNSELLOR - Brigham City, AT t AW 'UtAh B. H. JONES, ATTORNEY ANI COUNSELLOR ATLAW Practices In State ana Federal courts and united State Land office. Office over Rosenbaum's store. ' Utah Brigham olty - (sIDS JENSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Practices in all the State Uourts and . Supreme Ooort. Office Union Block, . Brigham City, pRED J. HOLTON, Well Supplied With Money. Glad to meet or correspond with those who or opening up new accounts, To Los AngeleporSan Francisco and making changes ' Excursion U.S ' Utah, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR JM CAW Office Union Bfcck, Brigham City, contemplate return, 135.85 via Ogden and S.P. $48-' via Huntington and Portland and re5 PER CENT PER ANNUM PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. turn via Ogden or viee versa. Selling dates, April 22 to 28, inclusive, limited returning to June 20. Passengers have directors: LORENZO N. STOHL, choice of rail or steamer between Port- IiUeius A. Snow, John L. Edwards. land and San Francisco. For full par- James Nelsen, President. S. N. Lee, ticulars call en Nels Jenson, Alnra Nelson, r JOHN D. PETERS, S. O. Peter M. liftmen. F. W, Dows, Agent Cashier, -- --- ... 'Utah. ii ANDREW FUNK, Architect, v , office , WIDERBORG A RousiijgtRollicking Screaming Comedy with an interesting plot. UP - TO - DATE Prices 35, w I Ogden, Utah. A new lot of Glassware in the latest shapes and colors just arrived. UN sired - EDWARD B. KIRK Tea sets, toilet sets, and xdd pieces at alluring figures. The Corinna Ranch Co. will stand their FINE STALLION, MOTTO, JR., and their KENTUCKY MAMMOTH JACK, KENO, at the stables of Jacob Jensen, one mile south of this city on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each week up to July 1st this season. trottin 16 ham LOANS. Fine Decorated Dinner Set, 100 pieces, $9.45. This comes in sev eral desirable styles. MC We carry that lino aad believe you get full value for your money. Wo also carry othar lines, We picked up a Job lot the other day which we ean sell right. ' Now Is the chance for any any taaebal! team to get an outfit cheap. f ESTATE for "best on special occasions it isnt likely youll ever have another chance to get one so cheap as now. Sign of the big gun, quarantine. REAL havent a complete dinner set one that you want If Attention Horsemen. paging's 1. - A fresh coat of paint has given a neat appearance to Fishburn & Sons buildings on Main St. this week . Wedding Permits. (ESTABLISHED 1889) OAPITAL STORE. FURNITURE NUMBER APRIL 17, 1902. de-old- SEE US IN OUR NEW STORE. HIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. THE Just to All. Faction-B- ut BRIGHAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, fOlUME VIII. ALL ADVERTISERS who desire to thoroughly cover Box 'Elder County must use the paper that is read in . j the homes of the people, the Box Elder $ ft News. It also covers southern Idaho. SPECIALTIES. 50-an- d a 75 cts . - Roots 4 . L. BERG, JR SHAVING-.- .-J HAIR in , BLOCK, Brigham City. BARBEfV .LJt Bq CUTT-IlG-i.23V t $?' f V |