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Show THE SPANISH FORK PRESS, SPANISH FORK, UTAH The Treasure - W. H. Vurk, Husk in bub bin unrln. Lord C'hbv, A Armlr ttll,v,a. noitflrn llugb of bin unci' Mil N lid lor torn Al in dok llunb and bin rhum, Jack loom from Wniklnn, Ijird Ch torn nnlnt. Ihallhn old ganllaman baa ln(l with anirannar, purport-li- l elilr Nh la N l frland of llunb A m myaitrloua l, trillion in In noiiflm llunb that ba um-ln boapilal, dvlnn, nlrlini l an naaaaain lief or bln daib r balililan of Ihn Iraaaurn, and lll Ibam bn ma afalb,d br "Ton tou." With Lord Cbaabr'n bud llunb and dark aail fur England In Londun llunb and dark marl Ihalr war buddy. Nikka Zaranko. famoua nypay vlolinial. and po' cvar noma oil forummia ain-Ingl- jr bavlnn a bear inn on in Irtaaurn and Ita location A bd d to a lb room, Prior' Vanl," la fraquanily man lionad. Mont ILlytr. man of abad repuiaiion, bul ownar of a naiabborinn ratal, rail on llunb with a parly of Irlanda, nmatl foiatnnara Convaraatlon turn on I ha Trior1 Vanl Thai nab dark awakana lo And ibraa man in lb library. A Aabl anauaa. In htrh on man la killad dark la rartain on of lb man la Tou-liu- " dark and bla frland And In h'ddan room, and in H duiu.nant tall'nn Ibal lb lraa ui I loratad In lb palar of rfrr4 lb Knrolann In Conntanllnnpl - f big feel fha Iwo pationgera rot u road ! ao me body fetched Iba pullet. To ,. latter 1 fold a baiy rock and bull atory. Uaudlta bud swelled um. aoarrbod mo for taluabloa which luckily I did mu pnanoaa, and lef mo aa I aa found Tbo polli', Improaaotl ' Hugb'a lltlo aud our aaertln Iba w bad uo Importaui bualnra fncnxp-meri- t In Manwlllea, placed no uMg t. Aarvlr Copyrlfbt Iff by Uranian, Ida Copyright III, Tbo Rldgtway Ca, Cltv, Knlih World sr vtian, n in tnr of traur i In th iIoiomw l ConiHnoii Nw SucoSeoHii By Arthur D. Howden Smith SYNOPSIS In the if N'h Youi md I bo Aral, Ur I'm going lu ink Him I gag tuff, ami Toa "U la going lo all Imnlilo you arltb bl. IimihI on Ilia barb of yottr imib ami If gnu ao ntmli aa atari lo jlp bo'll brook It Juj a If you wrrt a rblk on." Iln eye gllninl bnraltly "IK mo? Thai goo." roll I nml'lnl my bond Toiitou nmron up lutllo mo. ami a abhor wratulimi my nplim. aa bln baml unfastened the dug and rnilunrd my neck Wo or iwrfwliy aala," aba omlln urd "Yon ara my Imutno bnduml Wo art American a and I an taking you lo relative In Imiy Toulon la Iho Idtyalt'lan In rbargo ol Iho rao." Bln roarbod Itoddo bit bmllt. and ro lured ooiuo itiary. "I loro .tro youi luuuor and a molli'al cerriflratu. tv aryiblttg i In odor. n la: aro you go "TIk olio mg to do biialnoaa with ua willingly or muni no nuiko you?" I mrdnirned nty llpa. I "I d iu'l know wit til you moan. nnaworod aa coolly aa I could "I Union I got anything you might wutii Search mo. gl qtti-ai- I will." She dug out orrry porket She IMtird nt ret. frit for a money Ml Ml IhhIiIo my ahlrt. took my bra ft. oxniiilnod Hietn tur-fullby Ihi alt llg tit and ntmla aura I bntl mulling In my clra la tbo oay of our departure fa lb oiproaa aieamod out ol 101 oilnutoa luta, and llugb and hd Walking eacortod mo bach our 0B cwmpartmenL Aud when rtat'ird ihert, and waa aafo from nhentlon. I Jungtod lb handcuff be for ihclr oyea and lay back and latiyhr.l entl Ibry Ibougbl I waa bya tcrical. "It may have been funny fot you," nnnppd Hugh. "It certainly wasn't for ua. "It's funny for all of ua." I (Misled, wiping lh loara frout my ck "IT a Joke on ua ivm't you c IL Hugh? You were claiming that wa had shaken hew off. Iliat wa could aouud tb Hols Away.' And tbea they ran sucked our haggnga and kidnaped me on crowded train. I tell yon then ar artist a ' Thera never wa auib "Hero il.ero ar tutiy uurmohoi." ab l bow bolding Iho door wider, llugb cursed bluutly lu Anglo Has u. aud lb guurd fitted bla eolco In hot Ur pbrumudogy Tbo woman alowly vochaKd Iho door. "Th Jlgl.t unco BMrs, Toutnu." alio hliiercd and then aha sank on Ihe oui M.d laughed aa sla bad befora like a schoolgirl on a lurk. Phe ourrangod boi hair, picked up her w a Ut and skirt, and put them on as casually as though al wa In bet boudoir. This writing that yon found she returned her ques'lotilng, I It definite? You uiny uod or souk youi Minurt-- houd." I did neither. "V.Ty ol'." the answered putleutly Wa will try you further." And fur two hour ha shot quca Ilona al ma, attacking ilia problem i I I I gun." Nikka grinned at oa font he downhearted, yon chap The law of averages work In Iheac affair aa tn everything. And anyhow, I've got plan." from every cuurolvuhla angle, ah a) with her oyea glued on my eyes, CHARTER VI any algo of acqul always vlgliuni em erne ol dtiilnl. Al Inal she louued We Spli) thw Scent took a trifle woatlly, "Wa upprouch Lyons," alio suld. "I Mkka'a plan wsa simple enough. hall lot you go I bla 1, lie. Mi Nash, "When I wsa a boy and traveled CHAPTER V Continued prliiclpilly because II w killed you wltb the tribe," ba said, "and w s It might frighten youi away wished to cross a frontier without ( Theyre on lop now. So are my we Above If learn Ing bothered by th customs officers runnol everything. hru. lira Everything In order, but flrsL we muni gel you lo or the royal forenlen. wa divided In the secret Vi' hit t do f lh! lo ruin you any ghlog to two parlies and struck off for out I'onstunilnopie. a Imk over. Jack? If there are any destination hy two different route." Toutou Icoi. (rout one of Ihclr bit Ir. y"' f.imliiiir furoa aboard wa ought In lie a length of stout rot, and Hod my Hugh nodded. nt le to omi Hiem Nikka. you and "I see Yon split the acent. legs from nukle to knee. The woman Wufiy cm it iitounl guard hero and pro doimed hat and furs and patted my Cxoctly. Our trailers are expert, tort CHt'h oilier until wa coiue buck.' aa I told you chaps they would bo. If shoulder. In enr wna ibir abmil the middle ol I w'xh you wore with us. my friend you will take my advice, yon will adopt ti e irttln. nnd at my suggestion. IliiKit Ain well, one wishes for thw imam. IW gypsy tactic against them. Toutou Wi'itt forward. while I followeil Hie of ntuul lien it. and rontombet that gang are using gypsleA Very well, lei ' rrhho inward the rear. I did not Helene do Ospetlcs has saved you un use gypsleA e e any otto who looked at till 'Ike any Rul how can we? Interrupted from the knife. I fancy wo ahull meet of the members of Tnufnu's gang I Hugh. cannot orouilse anti lo I always again, whom knew. In fuel. Hie putupnger "My name still menns something to tie no kind hearted." . were the iixtutl lot one sees on a Con Hie tel Toutou Cutlecl llielr , two my people." said Nikka. My father' Miieiitiil ihrongb-;rnln- . tribe will light for nte. Rut In the I wits t el timing and bud reached bugs, saw hlui lo the door aud then switched otT the single IlghL They first place, this Is wl.nt I suggest. Intie rear end of our cur when I beard went out. Hie door dosed, and I wan stead of snlllng for Constantinople hy a scream Just behind mo and a door In darkness. Suddenly, the doot was the Messogerles Maritime from ernidied open. I turned Invnluttiiirlly let os take the train to Rrln-111- . A woman In black, with a veil ll.vlng reopened. The bond of Helene de CVs Our trailer will expect oa either Showed the in the lights against around he pule .nee. ran Into Hie pedes to sail on the Messngeries packet or corridor. corridor, hesitated, and then seised else go hy roil to Relgrude aud eon "Here I the key to those wristlets, ne b) the arnt. "Oh. Ilonnieur! My husband! lie I she Whispered, sliding il along the sent nect with the Orient express for Con stantluople. ao III," abe cried la French. "He die Oh Montieurl My Husband! Ha toward me. "Your friends cun unlock Ry going to Rrlndlsf we shall surat t bla uioinont I pray you. bare you litem when they find you. I don't bo Is So III. prise them, and perhaps disarrange a Husk?" llove In Itelnji tint hard on an enemy Rrlmlini we can conThe tears were streaming from her socks. She waa t methodical person out when rut don't have to be. Well, their planA At a boat for riraciiA When nect with that searched she me, lady. so Having with her convulsed fuce boy." long, eyes; we board that boat they will begin to put everything ba k In Its proper I chuckled to myself as the doot d lef. I reitclieu 'or my Husk. t'alin yourself, tnadnme." I said. place, drew on my shoes and Inced clicked Hie second time. She was a believe that they understand our them. Then she sal buck and stared character, aud uo ordinary woman. I plans, because at llrneus one And I hi you take this. I will isk the guard at me. te help In finding a physician." was stilt reflecting on the amuzlng frequent sailings for Constantinople. And theie was oothl.ig In the bag He "Oh, no no,' she protested. throe hour I had experienced In that And we shall hook passage from PI his fallen lie la so heu y I cannot gage, she commented. "What about railway compart men), when the brakes rena for Constantinople, a they ex your friends, Mr. Nash? liff him. And 1. d'es. monsieur I Oh took hold, and the train slowed to a peel-- Rut after we have gone aboard "None of them has anything." with our baggage. Jack nnd I will Meul Mon OleuP stop between the brightly lighted plat "Hut yon found something. You forma d the Lyons station. There leave the boat hy stealth." I slipped past her Into the compart Rut w'lmt then?" demanded Hugn mu, have. Wb: t was It?" waa the customary clatter of arriving meul, flask lu hand. Hue of the elec That ntnkes each Kbe leaned forward, and her eyes and You divide force tiles whs on. and by Its light I dls departing passengers. Footsteps sounded on the corridor outside; a party half as strong ns we sre now." corned the body of a man huddled bored Into mine. I stared back an There'll he no harm In Hint," Nikhand wrenched at the door; and a face down on the floor In the midst of ronipmtnlslngly. "I dont want lo have to let Toutnu guard bundled In. with two ieople ita reassured him. "Our shadows will I a II. lei of baggage and wraps. soon find out that Jack and I are hart yon. she warned softly. hint A b turned n the light dropped the flask on one oi the seats At that something In me burst Into not on the Constantinople boat- - and his fuce wua a study tn consternation and leaned over lo bolst the man up. flame. they won t venture to tonch you and The two people with hltu bolted pelt As ' did ao she reenterod and closed I "It matter doesn't whul be Watkins nntll they have located uo does," In Into meil In the the door s'lll babbling brokenly corridor, shrieking spat at her. He 'tin t make uie tell tetior. The guard stood fast, amt which I assure you they won't be able French. you an. thing Aa a mutter of fuel, I stared at me. stroking his rhlu. lo do." "If you will help me. please, mad haven't anythin) definite, none of us I "Why not?" He Is nine." "Sucre bleuu!" he uuttered to him very heavy suggested. has Rut If we hit'!, we wouldn't tell self. "Jmk and I are going to take an a yon say. other boat for Salonika, and from S.i "Hill' gladly, monsieur. If you win I'll die before I'll help yoi gang." Al tl.ul moment Hugh, attracted hi That like sounds hut we shall go by train to Seres lottika heroics, stage turn him over so ha! we may see U the rumpus the two startled passen I could 4ec i wag In an exalted mood in the eastern lip of Greek Macedonia lie breathes." In were the corridor, gers making Toutou's grip ou my neck, nnd I ImAt Seres Jack and I disappear. I braced forced his way into the compart meni. iny hands beneath his chest I didnt have long to lire In We shall cense to exist. There will lie agined I started on to lift him and my wrists the shoved headlong guard two additional mcmliers In the band any case. were caught in a human vise. S and grubbed me by f lie arm. a question ol rime," she It's f Wusso Mikall. my mothers brother, only I could not follow his Are you ail rigid, old man?' he iiui'kl) Hull went on "You dou'i realize that you and that band will he traveling tn Con ii.i'teineiits. the Inert man on the floor aud what "For have cried. Oods they sake, yotit friends are ulore in this, stuntlnople with horses from the Onb li.nl twisted uie down beside him. bis done with you? a great organization again! tou tpive rudja to trade with officers of the Al kin-was on my chest, my wind was I motioned to Hie key on the scat cham-thiYou as much have tied s you. de..,cl)tnentt In Hie efty." cm n IT a pair of steel handculTs fet nnd he tilted if clumsily to the hand Aud Watty nnd I?" questioned rty after he touched the flypaper. All loro. I n. j. and as I opened my mouth Nikku nnd Watkins ran In Hugh we have o do Is watch you. and lit cuffs. to scream a cotton gag was thrust In i lie werst we can rake the' treasure about this time; the guard regained (TO BE I'ON'I INUED.t to film e by the woman who had lur 'O away from you when you find It. Yon me in. kumv you are Id a helpless position QtKH0OOOQlK!ftW(KHaiSKIOq0HKHOOKlHKHIfH?OKO0HKKKH? Voilu t she said complacently, knot my friend Why mu talk sensibly? ting the cords uf the gag around in) We 'an easily get rid ol yon aud yom Lucky When nek "tit if you'd rather have It In friends if we cure to. Atnorloan. Mr Nash, youre It. Here Youll find it harder, the longei "lotitou, get oft him. You wont belt If a family of loads take up their res Jorify of the things the toad loves are You you delay, I flushed at her. li tils chest In." deuce In the garden It is time to feel in their siute pests of every man who are educating os. puts seed Into the ground. With few Nlie gave my eaptot a stiove. and tie that good luck has smiling!) descend She laughed as merrily as a convent exceptions, everything In the shape rose witli a growl and a menacing ges ed upon the place. schoolgirl of an insert goes where all insects The toad Is an asset. As a worket tute of clawed bauds to take h neat So I see. Stie leaned closer cu x eliould go to a stomach oblivion. but hours, in t short not I now believe does tie door. could he he that tee by Now, Just between the two ol mgly. With the toad If If can go info Hie fit on hand is constantly was Touton or Teodoresclii. cleverly throughout us were Americans, arent we? mouth it Is edliile. day. He u?ks for nothing what did you tine behind the chlrune)? disguised his i!et up." said the woman. i.'ome, let's get this over with! We if only that he he left alone. And make an aceouuiiodntiou. presence means better vegetables and She stooped and put her hands un Pacb Grower Friend. Think" There was a buzz of voices In the lovlier flow era and richer grass. The ladybird bedttes aie perhaps the dot in) arm-pits- , exerting a strength of eut t beard a dry official mono One Joy in life Is hls-tl- iat most benetk'Iul of the Several Ins, a mazing 'or he size. I staggered up ft, tug. He Is at It so continuously it that act as a check on t he peach tree mol ooihtiisfd on the seat opposite tone, then Hughs clipped English a re as almost I Milton be Nikka Trench '8 i from as and d might him smooth regarded as far accent insects. They prey upon scale Inai awa) A hand rattled on Hie knob of the ligion. .The biggest eater among the sects, aphids and th.ips. oould get. Inwardly. I cursed utyseii The fu a fool. I had been neatly trapped door. The woman ripped ofT tier waist, field hands Is a novice compared P beetle Is usually ladybird con at tbo veij moment I was r riding my dropped tier skirt to the floor, and Him. lu i hours the toad will prevalent on peach, trees that are rumbled sunie insect food of a volume four hei hail over bei shoulder, sell in being on the alert. heavily infested wltb the San Jose fold the rapacity of his stomach. all In two consecutive movements settle. It- - is Jet black In color and The woman was of a Latin brunette As she unlocked Hie door, she clutched has two orange or red spots on the Variety Is his long suit, and Hie ma type, with masses of wavy black half her. about Touton her a reached t back. latd.vblrd beetles take their und brown Inst ons lingerie eyes, pi great nourishment bv sucking scale insects up one hand and switched iflf Hie sin ipnint beamy of face. Saagull' Infamy. Afiei a muttered interchange oi gie light; his other .land compressed dry They a'so asskd materially In CnH Cod folk are beginning to checking infestations of the rusty winds with Toiitou In a language my neck and tbrort ro that I could i did not understand, she fastened hei hnrd.'y breathe. She pushed open the doubt Unit the sengu'i Is as much .l brown plum aphid or other aphids. a blessing as lore would make It Syrphus fl'es. lacewing flies, tuchina gaze on me. und evidently something door. The birtis, regarded as friends of the flies, ground beetles and some of rhi of my thoughts waa reflected In my "Why the disturbance, messieurs? French lo ruin much property and are assassin hugs and praying mantis i with out sailors, gilkily for she burst she questioned laughing. face, You can f make me out T'she Jeered the I'uiisiaii tang. ?n here we have unted thieves of Clams and fish taken are other Insects that ara beueficjji I ' i to the peach grower. from the seA American accent illness Is It necessary" tn h d.ok Naaha muatn, Hally Kina with bar utola, I in Conalan-tmopla- , and llunb, Nikka. da k. arl Walk In art out for lb Turklah rapital. ntMXDDIMD Ly-on- fr 1 frl-nd- RSI WMC1 Buy your radio just as you buy p your farm machinery WHO nJ bow? MAKES IT So, when an Atwater Kent rotnea into your borne, it i absolutely dependable and it ataja . You do not have to fun and tinker and If Atuater Kent apologise i in order? V krep on doing it? Aren't these the question you want answered before you invest your money in a tractor and every thing else you use on the farm? Jta the same way with radio, lb-ran instrument your family will depend upon for yearaand yeara. You want to know iia al way a ready to go. Atwater Kent Radio cornea from the largest manufacturer. It is made of better materials than are ... maket if; il a ritf tone, volume everything. More than 2,000,000 owners know it. range lltxj e current or battery acta your cltolro ( Quality Atwater Kent Radio firt choirs of rural families everywhere ia offered in two formtt 1. For operation direr! from the same house current that lights your home; you merely plug la. 2. For operation from batteries. Hither way, you gel e plenty of power for reception, natural tune, and instanlaoeous selection with program Dial. tha FcLL-vrst- o T here are aeveral model and Iwo ballrry models. Let an Atwater Kent dealer advise yon as to which ia best for your ordinarily thought long-rang- necessary. So strictly ia ... ita reputation guarded that one out of every eight worker i a tester or inspector and every ct ba to pas 222 tests before it can leave the factory. locality. Mar-mdlle- . n r Gardener uaml.-t.iknb- le " -- 7J Mb wdbnfT flbiMia DuL 44. MwM 4s mm fw Madri 44, lanfwd la lux-VHt- wm 0ibteMry Co. A. Smmdmf ibf dwwte Model 40 (Electric), M Fr I1A12S Iim J Kami MmdttBm wimt I bulk 195 feet Into Roaring Its the air, a giant water tank stands ou top of the new offices and warehouse building of a pineapple company In HnwalL Shaped and painted to represent a ripe pineapple. It will aerve as a water tank to provide fire protection, and as a beacon to ships entering Honolulu harbor. It baa a capacity of 100.000 gallonA The pine Is lighted at night by flood IlghtA Lights come from tbree aourccA with two searchlights at each point Each light has a capacity of 1.000 watfA although at present only 700 watts are Installed tn each. The supporting tower Is painted sc that, when the tank ts lighted, only the tank Is visible, the effect being that of a giant pineapple suspended In the sky. 30-to- Poor Donkey I "Yes sir, said Mr. Gallagher, "It was funny enough to make a donkey laugh. I laughed till I cried." It you are up against a hard Job that seems Impossible, kick out the Imp" and work heartily nnd cheerily Sir Robert l. H, SS4 lUgiiMi Mctifyiaf tetog rl late (AC B! (imUhm lhli to iim am, ho 4700 WiaaahicLon Ave Water Tank in Shape of Gigantic Pineapple z Baden-Powel- volt, tto bfwtei itwaler Kent Blfe It Mnanh iUffiiif MmI RhMryri wd I r MwwriitA. C. ilMte htbuJlH IlfyiBg mb & m Model 56 Th MV nil te M (hat to M fcMtetfoily MywbM. Iuu Philadelphia, Po Tbs Pool of tha Air Teter Supf is a German poet who has dedicated his talent to aviation, aud so conspicuous has been hla success that he baa been given a general and permanent pass on any of the Lufthansa planes. In Germauy or abroad. This was Jn recognition of his service to aviation through bla verse. Supf waa a flyer himself In the World war, and It was while flying over battlefields In France with one band on the control and the other on a machine gun that his Inspiration came to sing of flying. Later be waa shot down and severely wounded, and It was while he was on his sick bed that many of bis successful verses were composed. Supf has done other writing and editing, but bis main labor and bis main Interest has remained U aviation. Pathfinder Magazine. Facing tha Music , What do they mean by the witching hourY "Don't yon know? Thats the hour when the wife greets you with 'Which story Is It this time'?" . Tlt-Rlt- Bill on th First Girl's Father Young man, are yon able to support a family? Young Man Yes, sir; how many are there In your family? Life. Father Toad Locates twice-stubbe- 2-- S1 Rattery Seta, fells Words dye or coat, or sweater. real anilines to do that Thats why Diamond Dye contain from three to live times more aniline than any other dye by actual test Its the anilines in Diamond Dyes that do thd work; that give the colors such brilliance; such depth and permanence. Its real aniline that keeps d look; fronj them from giving things that spotting or streaking. Next time you have dyeing to do try Diamond t i Dyes. Then compare results. See how soft, bright, the colors art Observe how they keep their brilliance through wear and washing. Your dealer will refund your money if you dont agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes. dye for The white package of Diamond Dyes is the original any and every kind of materiaL It will dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon or any mixture of materials. The blue package is a special dye, for silk or wool only. With it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest professional work. When you buy remember this. The blue package dyes silk or wool only. The white package will dyo every kind of goods, including silk and wool Your dealer has both packages new-looki- Diamond Dtjes I&sp io usu AS ALL VUVQ STORES |