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Show TIIE SPANISH FOIUv PHRSS, SPANISH FOUK, UTAH AST F Relating to ELISHA WARNER, Editor EZRA WARNER, Manager Published Ever Thursday Subscription Price, Entered February c!iu matter, at Spanish Fork, Utah. 12.00 per year. 22, 1001, M ao-on-d the FostoflJce at Act of Congress J" ORDINANCE to 0, Cltaptar P, Compiled Laws of lha State of I'lah, 1 P'21, an Ordinance Guar an letlug lie Payment of AlHittera Warrenta and Wetting Aside Sluoey for SKdaI Improvement (Juaram lee Fund. HectJone 1 HOW DO YOU LIKE HER SHOES, GIRLS? r Historical Sketch of Moses Jex Its Value Is Incalculable Tba following paper on lha history of tba Moca Jcx family aa reed at tba Jcx family reunion, ablcb was bold recently at lha high si bool, by Mrs. Louisa Jcx: I T ordained by the City Council L- - . eit March S. 1197. value of Telephone Service can of Spanish Fork City, Utah County, be expressed in terms of cost to State of Utah: Section 1. There Is hereby creatod the user. Its measure runs outside and "Muses Jex, tba son of Richard a special fund to be known ae speo-ia- l and cents. dollars Jex beyond and Hannah Ilout, was born JUST AimiVED ft Improvement guarantee fund." at tba ft which said fund shall be used for the July ICth, 1620, at Lltlla Plumstead, hurried call for the doctor, the The Norfolk, England, and died Septempurpose of guaranteeing to the a cost of aid for nature, nurse, any m3y ber 9lb, 1(98, at Spauish Fork, Uuh. of eald fund the payment of few cents, but the value of the call may be ft OVKH TUTS IilLMAIUI IIAU, ft special Improvement warrants, and Susan Marla Smith, tils wife, was incalculable. Interest thereon heretofore or here tho daughter of William Smith and ft LATEST LEGHORN HATS $ luaffnr issued against local ImproveMaria Colo, was born December 2nd, FOIl LADIES AND It is difficult to think of any of the necesment districts, for the payment of 1329, at Nestsioad, Norfolk, CHILDREN . ft local Improvements therein, and for life that costs so little sities of present-da- y TRICED ALL SPECIALLY and died December 3rd, 1902, ft the purchase of property sold to the ft in proportion to its actual value as does at Spanish Fork, Utah. ft Como In and aoo the nk-, city and tax sales nr under foreclosService. Telephone aortmmt of trlmmlnpi. ft ure for delinquent special ImproveThese two were married about the ment tax. of life business, In every department were year 134S and Section 2. Creation of Funds. Service has social or domestic Telephone born In two to thorn, dylug infancy I Correct Defective Eyes The Mayor and City Council shall become an indispensable factor. create and maintain aald special Imand tbo oldest son, Richard M., dyDR. PETERSON provement guarantee fund by approing March 9th, 1920, at SpauUh Fork PARAMOUNT JIWLUIY (X). Telephone Service can be as effective priation from the general fund, or by Utah, leaving a largo faulty. SATURDAY FROM 1 to 5 p. m. and as adequate as the public demands levy of a tax not to exceod one mill 20 Trovo Office Wist Center in any one year or by the issuance All of tho ton children who reachonly when the public and the Telephone Phone 62. Provo or 02 Spanish Fork of general obligation bonds, or by apin united in and ed are adult Ufa wore married, and there Company harmony This Is the latest Jn footwear a propriation from such other source are at the present time 43 living cooperative effort. modification of the Russian boot as may be determined upon by said new footwear is seen only on The grandchildren, 17 having died, makMayor and City Council, the mency financial sup- - , moral and flapper, who in summer time, With adequate CO. nnccKtary for that purpose. Said fund the take ing living and dead, 66; there are to simply must have something port, the Telephone Company, through the puce of the unlatched overshoes 19 169 living shall be held by the City Treasurer efficient and economical management, is UNDERTAKERS and shall be kept by the City Treas188 having died, living and dead, enabled to render service satisfactory to apart from all other In all 266 direct docendanta. LICENSED EMBALMERS urer separate and making All or any part of For Sale funds held by him or her. Payments the public. OPEN DAY AND MU I IT , : Moses Jex and his family embracbe said 7 room modorn of 206 ahall made out fund acres of only lund, Full Line of Durial Cuakete and i . , ed tba Gospel whllo In their Dative upon Warrants drawn by tba City Re- borne with outbuildings and 6 city Funeral Supplies corder. lots. Sam Jarvis. Prices to Suit All Conditions land. Patriarch William Jex, brought . Section 8. Interest and Penalties. N. Main SEt. 182 Spanish Fork the Gospel Into their boifte In 1884. ' Phone 119 All excess charges and penalties Friends .of Mrs. William Flavcl Two of their daughters,, Margaret collected by the City Treaaurer for have received letters stating that her KIWMSH FORK, UTAH and Ruth were first to Jolo the the benefit or credit of any special im- health has Improved very much since new and at that time unpopular faith on fund and she to went Idaho. provement remaining band after all the bonds or warrants and gather with the Sulnts to tba Mrs. W. II. IIulsU of Provo, spent together with Interest thereon, drawn valleys of the mountains. The new aguInBt said special Improvement Wednesday visiting her mother and religion was very hard for them to fund shall have been fully paid and other relatives here. understand, especiauy Grandpa, but 1 cancelled, ahall ba transferred by the LAWYERS T.vo hundred a short seasun, the seeds that after and IN nine LITTLE district MUCH Zelml Miss Clerk to Johnson ta returned last City special improvement PRACTICE 'N AU. COUPS cl."o!houcs have been burned ir. were sown bore fruit and tho family Saturday after visiting ton days at , , guarantee fund. Ohio In the last six years. Canada nmy have a 100 ier cent VV3SO ECRaLk-DaTVt- UH came one by one. into the Church Section 4. Payment of Bonds and Magna with hor cousin, Mrs. Rue There are more cities supporting denomina.dckel coin of the dental clinics In Massachusetts than Grandma was baptized September 1 , Warrants. When any bond, warrant Packard. tion. In any other state In the Union. or coupon drawn against any special 1883, Grandpa about one year later. Thirty different peoples, each speakA tuln tube tunnel 1,500 feet Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Corbett, their Is fund to long the improvement presented In the ore found a different dialect, ing hns been completed recently under the They emigrated to America in 1889 City Treasurer for payment, and twin daughters Reva and Rada, and Philippine Islands. I.lver Elbe at Hamburg, Germany. . with their Mrs. Julia motored here Woolatum, ' daughter, Mary, her husthere la not a sufficient amount In Calexico nud Mexicali ore one town Julius Caesar took an elephant with H. DROWN band and three thildren. Grandma said special improvement fund ag Monday from their home at Kamas on the Mexican border. The first him to Britain and terrified the ainst which It Is drawn to pay the and gave Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lewis a named is the California ond. ' lived to see all her children gathered ; , Lircry and Feed Countess Giulia Perslco Della Congress recently voted to rename same, unless otherwise required by pleasant surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Lewone daughter, Annie Jex a sister of Pope Benedict XV, Is here but Stables the holder, payment thereof ahall be is and their guests spent the Fourth the Grand- river the Colorado river, Rowland stream of the Norwich Confernece. the latter In In a that to mny order Fork movement leading canyon returning for the restora-UoSpanish made by warrant drawn by the City Hack Meets all Trains She felt very sad about her at times. bear the same name throughout. of Italy's d home their churches. , Wednesday. Clerk against the special ImproveSPANISH pOBK ment rhone S0w While in England Moses Jex folguarantee fund. lowed the occupation of coachman, Purchase by City, Section 4x1. In the event that any property la sold taking care of horses that were nsed A. L. Booth I. - Rrorkbank for hunting and driving for Mr. Clare to tax sale or under forethe city by J. Edward Johnson closure for delinquent special imSewel, a prominent farmer and memBOOTH, BROCKBANK ber of Parllment. He was very Interprovement taxes, aald purchases shall & JOHNSON ested in horses and could not stand be made by warrant drawn against Attorneys and Counsellors at Law the special improvement guarantee to see them treated unkindly. Provo, Utah Spanish Fork. Ut fund. All proceeds from the redempGrandma worked for the same famRocichiU Bldg tion or sale of Knight Block property eoldsnnder as laundress and seamstress, doily foreclosure or of certificates of tax all the washing and sewing by ing sale held by the city shall be paid Phone 130 aa no. washing or sowing machhand, into the special Improvement guarines had been Invented at that time. antee fund. Both were paid very small wages. Section 4x2. Replenishment of Graduate Veterinary Surgeon As it waB the desire of our grandFund. Whenever there Is not a sufand Dentist that all their children should parents ficient amount of cash In said special Interstate Livestock Inspector learn to be useful in life, they did SPANISH FORK improvement guaranivt fund at any 178 N. 2nd East work In the home. time to make any and all purchases George Bearnsons Home of property bid by the city at sales Grandma was of a very refined and of property for delinquent special She loved her quiet disposition. home where she could sit and sew taxes,' the Mayor and improvement Co. City Council shall replenish said F. and knit for the benefit of her family UNDERTAKERS and EMIIALMEIW special improvement guarantee fund and others. Always on Saturday Main Office by transfer or appropriation from night, however, her sewing basket PAYSON. UTAH the general fund or other available would he put away and the Sabbath sources as may be determined by the Day would be taken up with a study Telephone N'j. 07. of the Scriptures and attending to ' We are prepared to remove bodies Mayor and City CounciL Warrants drawing Interest at her religious duties. She was a great from hospitals or other places If to rate not to exceed eight per cent (8 believer id keeping the Sabbath Day desired by oar patrons. Motor Hcnrse Equipment and a per cent) per annum may be Issued holy. Many good things could be said of Grandma, especially in her full line of burial supplies on hand by the City Clerk, against said fund labors with the sick and preparing to meet any financial liabilities acA Coat at we race track on Lost at all times. ' of bodies for burial. Fourth. the Finder at but time the to return or Onr prices are right. Night cruing against it; please making its next annual tax levy the Elias Jones,. Reward. day calls promptly attended to. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Fernsten reMayor and City Council shall provide turned home Friday after spending for the levy of a sum suffeient with a few days visiting in Salt Lake. the other resources of the fund to pay Miss Hazel BrOckbank, who was warrants so issued and outstanding, a delegate of honor at the Kiwanls Mr; and Mrs. Lewis Evans and the tax for this purpose not to exInternational convention at Toronto, ceed one mill in any one year. children of Price, spent the Fourth to the Columbia and several days of thd week visiting Section 4x3. Subrogation of City. Canada, has gone New York City, where University, Mrs. John B. Evans here. Whenever the shall have paid she will take a six weeks summer city OPEN DAY AND NIGHT under Its guarantee any sum on acschool course. Mrs. J. H. Bailey of Denver, Colo., count of principal or interest on the Corner 2nd North and 2nd West bonds or warrants of any district. It arrived here Wednesday to visit for a month with her parents, Mr. and shall be subrogated to the rights of Attest: J. P. CHR1STOPHERSON, 2 to 4 p.m. VISTTING IIOURS Mrs. Url Stewart, Sr. the holder of such bonds or warrants Published 6th day of July, A. D .1922 or interest coupons so paid, and such ReP. I, J. Christopherson, City A REAL ESTATE Mrs. Janet Green entertained aa bonds or warrants or coupons, and corder of Spanish Fork City, Utah, dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. the proceeds thereof, shall become hereby certify that and S. C. Bellgaard, Rev. Theo. Lee, Rev. a part of the guarantee fund. foregoing is a full, true and correct J. D. Spratt and Dr. W, M. Paden. Section 3. Any person violating copy ft an Ordinance, entitled "An the latter of Salt Lake City. We have hundreds of buyers for any of the provisions of this ordin- Ordinance Modifying the Present City Business so as ance be with In to shall as Ordinance the Comply punished provided Farms, Ranches, Livestock, SUS3.WSW Paramount Pictures Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hinrichson and Opportunities of all kinds. If yours Section 4 of the Revised Ordinances State Law Relative to Section 1 to Rudolph Valentino, who plays op- He was horn In Castellaneta, Italy, children of Richfield, Utah, arrived 6, Chapter 9, Laws of Utah, 1921, Is for sale, let us hear from you at of Spanish Fork City, Utah, 1906. Section 4. This ordinance shall Guaranteeing Special Improvement posite Dorothy Dalton, in "Moran of and educated at military and agricul- - Sunday to spend the week here. Mr. once. ' . take' effect upon its publication. Warrants and the payment thereof. the Lady Letty, is one of the most tural colleges in Italy. He was on Hinrichson returned home Wednes- THE WESTERN REAR ESTATE Passed Council of Span- Passed by the City Council of Span- popular screen favorites, by virtue of the stage three years playing In vaud- day, but Mrs. Hinrichson and the the by City DIRECTORY ish' Fork City, Utah, this 6th day of ish Fork City. Utah, July 6th, 1922. his remarkable work In such success- eville and musical comedy. "Moran children will visit a week longer es as "The Four Horsemen," "The of the Lady Letty" will be- shown at with Mr. and Mrs. Morgan M. Thom- J. P. CHRISTOPHERSON, Write us when you want anything JulyTA. D. 1922. ts, JOSEPH HANSON, Mayor. City Recorder. Conquering Power," and The Sheik" the Angel us Friday and Saturday. In Real Estate anywhere In the west .O; Bo It THE ex-ten- Hayes Millinery $ Eug-lan- d, aa-jf- -ft twelve-childre- n 4b ANDERSON & s We Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. BMsEReMKEB flve-ce- nt 0. J Chi-es- a, - n war-ruine- I- G. C. TAYLOR John Harris and , Hughes Memorial Hospital V 'd the-abov- ANNOUNCEMENT RodolphVoeniino - I ... I |