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Show THE SPANISH FORK PRESS. SPANISH FORK. UTAH Equinoctial Storm Period HOIT TO SEE Sleep and Daylight Was Always Welcome. "With Urn exception of little milk which comprised my diet for Dior tluin elkM wroks, I could tiot t anything," Mid CnpL (ico. W. Wumhle, residing at HH Jennings 8L, KnoxUlc, Tciiii a highly respected citizen of thnt city. 1 otu now Rhl," continued Captain Womlile, "after taklrg two bottleo of Tniilnc, to cat practically anything. 1 had a had form of totnnch and trouble for a long time and for month my condition hod bron wuch thnt I differed agony, I got ao I could not ent the simplest food. 1 tried doctor after doctor and all kind of medicine, but nothing that waa pre crlbed for ma aecmed to do me any 1 had a terrible .good. pain In my Irenat Jut over my heart and for week and week I got no relief, "I finally got ao nerrona that 1 dreaded to nee night come, aa 1 could not aleep, and waa always ao remit that 1 would rejoice to aee daylight come. I mi nlao constipated 11 of the time. In fact, life seemed burden and 1 woe so miserable that I was almoht on the verge of despair. Several of my neighbor told me aoont Tnnhic and advised me to try It. "I am personally acquainted with Mr. Pan 51. Oiambll, of the firm ol Kuhlnmn A (Imnil.li and when I told him of my condition and how I suffered he advised mo to begin taklm Tanlac without delay and hat It had relieved hundred ef the best peoplt In Knoxville. 1 have now taken twe bottle of Tanlac and am giving yoa tide testimonial In the hope that may Induce other! to take It. Slnct taking till medicine I actually fee like I had been made all over agalr with the youth, enprgy and nnihltlot of a slxteen-year-olboy." Tanlac la sold by leading drugglstt everywhere. Advertisement. lU only one medicine that reel) stands oat preeminent as a medicine fol curable ailment of the kidneys, liver ant bladder. etanda tin Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t highest for the reason that it baa provei to be just the remedy needed in thousand! of distressing cate upon thousand make friend quickly bo Swamp-Roo- t cause its mild and immediate effect is sooi realized in moat case. It is a gentle healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at at drug etores in bottiea of two lizss, medi urn and large. However, if you wish first to test thi I great preparation send ten cents to D Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y for i ample bottle. When writing be sure am mention this paper. 1 WHERE LITTLE DICK SCORED In Marshaling Example, Mother Ha Completely Forgotten th 8tory of Jack and Jill. Dick almply woult not go to sleep. When he had asket for water eight times his exasperate! mother said: "Now. Dick, I am not going to glvi Little Jack you any more water. Itorner went to sleep In the corner and he didnt hnve any water. Llttli Boy Blue went to sleep on the hay stack and he didnt have any water. Dead silence for a moment Thei Dick replied: "But how about Jack and Jill, wht went tip the hill? They lmd a whole pall of water." Needless to say Dick got bis ninth drink. Three-year-ol- d WELL imp-ulu- d SIMS PUBLICLY REPRIMANDED Secretary of Navy Takes Action and Denonces Naval Offlco Washington. Secretary of the Navy Denby publicly reprimanded Bear Admiral William S. Sims. In a communication to Sim Friday Denby said: "On June 8, 1921 there appeared In the public press throughout the country a report of certain statement alleged to have been made by you on the occasion of a luncheon given n London the previous day, at which you were the guest of the English Speaking nnlon. Tour letter of June 22, In which you furnished the department with an attract of the speech delivered by you on the occasion In question, confirmed tn essential point the aforesaid press reports. "The department Is not unmindful of your record and achievements as an officer of the navy, but the position you now hold, coupled with the fact that you hnve previously offended in a similar manner, merely erves to add to the gravity of the present offense. Canadian Wage Reduction Winnipeg, Man. Cnnadain railway employes affected by proposed 12 per cent wage cut will delay their referendum until after the meeting of the railway brotherhoods In Chicago July 1, H. E. Barker, leader of conductors on the Cnnndlan Nationals western Ines said Thursday. -- BOOKKEEPER WESTERN FOR LOAN A BUILDING CONFESSES TO FALSIFYING BOOKS . S AGREEMENT ON NAVAL REACHED BY HOUSE AFTER MUCH DISCUSSION APPRO-PRIATION- Detectives Sucplcton Youth and Place Idaho Senator Wins Battlo Against Him Under Arrest; Plunder Crest Odds; Speech by Lloyd George Was Influential Fae-to- r Practically All Recovered; In Senator's Favort No Charge Preferred Suit Lake Walter W. Sharp, 13 year of age, bookkeeper, confessi-to the theft of $10,200 from the Western Loan and Building company of Salt Lake, while In its employ and was placed under arrest Friday, lie Is also said to have confessed to falsifying the company books to the extent of $7500 at a later date. All of the plunder with the exception of about $2000 has been recovered. Detectives Roy Larson and John Burbidge found $2000 of the stolen gold beneath the porch of Sharps home In Bountiful Thursday. "I do not want to discus the matter," said Sharp Friday, "I will make a complete statement of how I handled the affair when company officials and the chief of police are present Just now all I will say Is that I took the money." The robbery of the companys vault and safe, which took place January The 2L attracted much attention. vault was protected by a strong combination and the safe In Its Interior was protected by time lock. , On January 21 Sharp reported to the police and to his employers that on coming to work he discovered the vault and safe open and the gold missing. The proprietor of a rooming house above the bank said he had seen a man working about the vault the previous night, but believed him to be one of the employees end had not reported the matter to the police. Sharp was placed under arrest a short time after the robbery upon suspicion of having coinmltteed the crime, but stoutly declared his Innocence. He Is a clean cut, Intelligent looking youth and made a very favorable Impression on all with whom he came In contact. No evidence having been discovered Jo connect him with the crime he was released. Eight thousand dollars of the missing money was In gold. Several weeks after Sharps release, Chief of Police Burbidge received an anonymous letter from Ogden saying that If he would search in a certain place In the Western Loan company's office he would find something of Interest. The chief followed Instructions and turned up 34200 of the missing gold. P. W. Madsen, president of the company, had In the meantime reinstated Sharp and placed full trust and confidence In him as bookkeeper. On Jung 4 several false entries were discovered in the company books. It appeared as If someone had made the entries with the purpose of taking $7500 and covering the loss with fake entries. The police were Informed and Chief of Detectives Riley 5f. Beckstead ase signed Detectives Larson and in an to again engage investigation of the case. Suspicion pointed to Sharp. The booxkeeper left the Western Loan Company Inst 5londay and secured a position with a local ' , bank. . IIo was confronted with the new e In the case and mnde a confession at once. He told the police where they might recover the gold at his home.. Although he has been plac- d Bur-d'.dg- An agreement has Washington been jenrhed by the conferees on the naval appropriation hill paving the way for the passage of the Borah amendment for a conference on International curtalincut of naval expansion. The house leaders. It Is understood, have agreed to abandon their substitute for the Borah proposal, the senate In turn yielding the elimination of nearly all the $98,000,000 Increase made by In the naval appropriation the senate. Charges have been mnde that the substitute proposal was designed to kill the Borah amendment. Republican leaders In the house announced hist week that they would press their substitute to a vote as an entirely separate resolution on 5Ionday. When they began a canvas of the situation a they discovered that there was strong sentiment ngnlnst their plan among the Republicans and that they would have to combat a healthy Insurgent move, The Ohio delegation, composed entirely of Republicans held a conference and decided to bolt, although there were differences as to the methSome of the Ohlolnns od of bolting. announced that they would stand by the Borah amendment, while others wanted Representative Burton, one of the lending International authorities In congress, to draft a substitute. Mr. Burton drafted a substitute, but the Republican members of the foreign affairs committee turned It down. Then the Wisconsin delegation went on the rampage and decided, almost unanimously, to support the Borah resolution. With this situation behind them, the house confrees went Into the naval conference Tuesday In a badly weakened condition. The argument was made that dragging In the whole question of disarmament on land as well as on sea would Involve the question of cutting down naval expenditures In hopeless entanglement On the other hand, It was pointed out that the United States, without waiting for action of other powers, has cut the size of Its army to 150,000 men, leaving hardly enough for policing purposes. Another Influential factor In the' situation was the speech of Premier Lloyd George Monday, In which he expressed willingness on the part of the British government to enter intc a naval bulling holiday with the United States and Japan. In this connection, Senator Borah Issued a statement, in which he declared that public sentiment In all three countries is practically united In favor of cutting down naval expenditures. The opportunity is here for the United States to lead the way," said Senator Borah. Clash Reported In China have China. Hostilities Canton, broken out between the province of Kwatigtung and Kwangsl, in southern China. The Kwangsl forces began the fighting by firing in the Llngslmn district British ships are submlttng to search In the West river Cunton of army and through the customs officials. , Mary Roberta Rinehart III Mary Roberts IHnohart, novelist and playwright, Is In a serious condition Mowing a major operation for gallstones, performed shortly after 1 oclock Sunday morning. The authoress was stricken suddenly In her apartment In the Belmont hotel and was rushed to the, Alston sanitarium. Dr. Albert E. Soienlngs, who performed the operation, reported Mrs. Rineharts condition as good and said her condition while serious wag not extremely dangerous.' I nto HwawMnaaaBeaBanaHHai Selected fuf When the early uiiiiner spple ara largo enough they are very good served with sliced onion. Ue a pint of nlieed spple ami one cupful of nlieed tba doubling onion, amount If the family I fmnl of such wholesome d!lie. Cook th onion In a lltt'e fat until they are well softened and yellew before sliding the apple, sprinkle with a little flour and Ktigar, a sprinkling of suit and pnprlka and add a little water from time to time, as needed. Btlr slid cook until well blended. Serve around pork chope or steak. Fried AppIsyThl dish will taka large Ann apple which does not lose Its shape when cooking. Wash the apple and core them, then slice In rather thick slices and cook In baron or suit pork fat until well browned on both able. Sprinkle while cooking with a very Utile salt and a hit of augnr. Kcrve In overlapping slice around pork chop, or sausages. Those who huve been forehanded In sowing some tmiHinrd seed will have the best of green to rook or to serve with fresh lettuce. The green mustard cut In hit am) added to tnto salad I especially appetizing. In fact added to utmost any vegetable combination, It I fine. Baked Bananas. Remove the peel from half a dozen hnnnnns; scrape them to remove all conre thread, and lay In a well liuttrrod baking dlh. Grate the rind of an ornnue and half a lemon; mix together with the Juice of eueh and three-fourt- h of a cupful of sugar. Pour over the hnnnnns, dot with two tablespiMinful of liutter and hake until the hnnnnns are tender, Unrljie hnnnnns are best for thl dish, aa they keep their shape when cooked. !ook until tender, Spiced Carrots. very young carrots; nprlnkle with flour, powdered clove, butter, .lemon Juice; reheat and serve with tutored paralcy. . Flemish Applet With Onion. Slice thinly unpeelcd apples; sprinkle with flour; add hits of butter and augnr, and place In layer In a baking dish, Using buttered grumb on eneh layer with a few thlnly-slleeonions. Baka until well cooked. d , What we need mors than any other quality Is an Increase In patriotism, mors of ths fighting blood of our ancestors. The true patriot lives for hla country and dies If necessary for It. Ws need more of ths kind that live for It. who give time, thought, money and energy in making ths world bet- -' ter. W may each have a share tn ths great work. ' , THINGS. 8EASONABLEGOOD Now that strawberries are pleutlfuL let us try this tempting recipe: 8lra wberry T o asL Have ready some slices of toast, well buttered. Mix well two tablespoon-ful- Business I waking up to ths fact that a better outlook depends In a Urge measure on a better lookout MauJIa Bulletin. A dozen good turns you do another will all ba fogotten after the ona had turn you do blot Mammoth (UL) Record, The host way to cor snakebite with bootleg whiskey Is ta let th anaka drink It before ha bits yotb Beam I (UL) rrwwk Chicago Short aklrla may lamed the number of accidents to woman, but they Increase Injuries to men. JUb ' burg (Ida.) Standard. When you hear a man any ba leelg like a throe-yea- r old ask him whether he meant a homo or a fllver Dole so (Ida.) Enterprlsa, , . j Statistic show that less than one tenth of one per cent of all the wometf who faint fall to the ground or tht floor. Shelley (Ida.) Pioneer. Edison Is disappointed over the In telb'ctunllfy of college men. rerhnpg they hnve spent too much time enjoy lag phonograph. Milford (UL) Newt, We asked one woman the other day If her husband was the head of th house end she replied: "Yes, the hnnclicad of the house." Sudthfleld (U.) Sentinel. "Marriage 1 a gnme of g.ve and take," says a model wife. T) ere h Ing no model husbands, we are unable to record their views. St George,' (UL) News It Is reported from ration section that housewives in their spring cleaning this year didn't turn up as many hnlf pint bottles ns they nsed to. Blnekfoot (Ida.) News. When we ate rittle boys we carry a lot of trash In our pockets, but jfter we grow up nnd get wise like oxen nnd owls we carry It In our heads Box Elder (CL) Journal. Because the courts sanction the use of the word "kick" In legal documents Is no sanction for suiting th action to the word In a literal sense. Kimberly (Ida.) Tribune No nse getting Jubilant when th doctor says, "I guess Ill have to writ you a prescription."' Walt and see what kind of a proscription he writes. Butte (Mont) Miner. The most miserable fatlure any ajan can make Is to try toap-pea- r s and a cupful ol sugar ; put ths mixture slowly Into a cupful of boiling water, stirring constantly. Cook In a double boiler uiytll thick and h of a cupful ol clear; add orange Juice and remove from ths fire. Stir la gently a cupful of ripe berries. Pour over the toast and serve Immediately. Cherfy Dumplings Remove thl l connecting tissue from a of auet and chop fine; mix with two cupfuls of flour, of salt, and cold water to make a dough. Roll out an Inch thick and cover the surface well with pitted cherries. Dust with sugar; roll and tie In a cloth; place in boiling water and cook two hours. Serve with hard sauce. Banana Trifle. dessert which is easy to prepare and Is equally good Is made, using one-hacupful ol chopped peanuts, one cupful of mashed bananas, and one of grated coconut. Arrange after mixing well, and serve on Individual plates with orange Juice for sauce. Breakfast Bacon With Mushrooms. Take a dozen good-sizemushrooms, cleun and lay aside; cook the bacon until crisp; remove the bacon to a hot platter and add the mushrooms to the hot fat ; cook until tender, season with salt and pepper and serve with bacoo and buttered toast Broiled Lamb Chops a la Savory. Broil the chops as usual ; these are seasoned nnd of course may be leftovers, If there are enough leftover for the number to setve. Slake a rich white sauce nnd add of a cupful of chopped cooked ham to the thick white sauce. Spread this over the cold chops; dip them In egg and crumbs and set away until serving time, then fry In deep fat. They ar The white salics very delicious. should make a thick coating nil over the chops. ITenched chops should b used and the bone may be nsed to hold them while they are being covered. half-cupfu- lf half-cnpf- d NowppOf Unto After thl, If Germany want to gd to war, she should first l required to put up an Idonuilty hum. New York World. Do-bol- se of cornstarch one-fourt- WebU-T- li nliuoMt every homo (lie husband economy--an- d th wifa prtsuiie practice It. Smlihfield (Utah) DISHES. TRMED in Editorial Hilites ) rrt CHIEF COUNCIL ALFRED D. VAN BUREN OF KINGSTON N. J. HANDS IN RESIGNATION Washington. Declaring that the country la "drifting toward prohibition anarchy," and uiiIcm culm and mine r Judgment "displace impulnr cxdte excitement and hysterlu," all reaped for Hie law, ao eentlal to will be lost, Alfred 1. Van Biiri-nf Kingston, N. Y., ha resigned as chief counsel to the federal prohibition eommlasener. In no Interview explanatory of hi action, Mr. Yun Burcn asserted that the Volstead enforcement law has carried thing to extreme and thnt the people are Just beginning to realize that the effort to carry Into effect national prohibition I affecting the practice of medicine, pharmacy, chemistry and religion. Mr. Van Burcn said he ha alwuys been a prohibitionist, hut he believes that If national prohibition la to succeed It will he necessary to maintain respect for the law at any cost and thl cannot he accomplished by further curtailment nf personal liberty and "abusive and ruthless" restrict one. "The situation I critical," snld 5Ir. Van Burcn, and dosorvea the most careful consideration and study by all who believe thnt thl government should not suffer from an abuse nf those principle upon which It wa erected. From all over the country professional and business men, ardent supporters of prohibition ngnlnst beverage liquor, generous contributors to the cause and among the driest of the dry, are raising their, voices In vigorous protest scnlnst further encroachment WERE SAFER ON THE LOGS upon right guaranteed In the pursuit of lawful occupations." Cut Really ft Would Seem There $100,000 STEAL IN FORESTRY DEPT Were No Pleasant Pathway Through the Everglade. Fiscal Agent of Service. Arrested at A Northern man waa proeeedlnt Missoula, Montana through the Florida Everglades wit! Sllssouln, Mont. J. A. Urbanowlcz, a guide. This worthy, as they fol for thirteen years fiscal agent for the lowed the narrow path, would ta) forestry sendee here, charged with the each hollow log with his foot embezzb-men- t of $100,000, Is In custody "Why do yoa do that?" he wa here, following lii surrender Wednesasked. day. "Lookin ont for snakes," wa Urbnnowlcz was arrested at a social resiMiiiHt1. function ort charges of embezzlement. "Snakes? What kind?" He asked to take a shower bath and, "Moccasins." while the officers were engaged else"Heavens!" exclaimed the North where, escaped to the bills. Offices erner. Then, uneasily, he asked: In vain for him, but later he searched "Why do we walk on the logs, o Surrendered. o close to them, when they ore ful "I thought I might as well face the of snakes? Why dont we walk of Urbanowlcz said Wednesday. music," there, where the ground Is aolld?" to face my friends." "I hate as anbl the he klcket "Well," guide, Urbanowlcz has been a social lion another stump, "ye niought nt slnl below your waist oft there and thei here for the last two years, and has astounded his friends by his liberal again ye moughtl" spending. lie elnitned hs mother was wealthy. 5Iuch of the money spent SWAMP-ROO- T FOR hy Urbanowlcz went Into wildcat oil and other questionable speculation, a KIDNEY AILMENTS well as luxuries It Is said. Noavr llll, If there were no such thin sa dla-l- y In the world ne mlht set on a deal belter then w do, n4 nilxlil be tnnmielv more MreeeUe company limn wo sro, "Drifting Toward Prohibition Anarchy" says Officer to Prohibition Commlo-slone- r; Amtrlean People Getting Tired of Continued Legislation Inter-Mounta- KITCHEN fov CABINET ME Was Sa Hostess Ha Couldnt There THE 0 unconcerned when someone points to him that he Is growing bald. Dubolse (Ida.) Enterprise. It Is true that America wants nothing In the way of territory out of the great war. We don't even care much about Yap. The yellow press Is glv. Ing us plenty of yap. Beaver (UL) Press. How can you expect a girl who Is ao dissatisfied with herself that she cov. era up her ears, whitens her face reddens her lips and plucks her eyebrows to be satisfied with a husband? Cheyenne Wells News, are becoming too much of a multiplicity In this country. We will have to use greater discretion. In this rapid accumulation of weolth, or there will be no poor men left to do the work. Box Elder (Utah) JourMulti-millionair- nal Montana Is going to tax bachelors) and we suppose the result will be that Montana bachelors will get so mad about this attack on their personal freedom that theyll move right over Into some other state and get married, nalley (Ida.) News-5Ilne- r. 5Iaybe the former service men wh sre so Indifferent about their Victory medals hnve forgotten there was a war. Quite a few things have been forgotten In the 20 months It took the war department to Issue the medals. Idahome (Ida.) Inland Empire. one-fourt- h Los Angeles Girl Best Swimmer Santa Cruz, Cal. Thelma Darby of Los Angeles won the national amateur athletic union mile outdoor swimming championship for women here Sunday. The race W8S run on a course and 5Ilss Darby made the n minutes, eight laps In thirty-on- e seconds. Louise Barry of the Milwaukee Athletic club was second nnfl Florence Friehnusen ol the Saa Francisco Swimming club was third. Miss Ethelda Bllebtrey was called away and did not enter. 220-yar- d fifty-seve- Trotzky Says Well Fight London A war between the United States and Great Biitlnn ns a result of maritime rivalry, will occur In 1024, according to a prediction made by Leon Trotzky, bolshevik minister of, war, In addressing the third Internationale at Moscow Friday, says a d'spatch to the Dally Ileruld, the labor A swollen gourmand," was organ. his descrlpt'on of the Unite! States, While he deolnml that Great Brltlan was losng her .td;.on of world " 3 A lot of the fellows leave the farm bemuse they want to rise In the world without getting up at four oclock ta the rooming. Dubolse (Ida.) Enter" ' prise. We editors are at heart a truthbun.h of fellows says the Malad Enterprise: "And yet when death overtakes some skate we have to pay glowing tributes to his virtues when ve know darn well he Is shaking iands with the devil." KUuberlJ ilda.) Tribune. ful |