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Show BOCHEES SYRUP BETTER had pains In back not aund caused by female trouble. 1 felt so tired all the time, had bad headaches. and for six months I could not S work. I was treat- -' physician ed by and took other remedies but got no relief. A friend told me about Lydia E. Finkhama Vegetable Compoynd and T. jt has helped me rTImwell and string and ft do my work 1 canno recommend enough and. I to my friends who are L J-- could ' ' t feint, Perif,' 'Jliedn r , had, "i IE 'i laiMl'n, Btajt tat. N. J. admitted by every fair-ISlige- nt person, that a in popular-'- r not live and grow and today hold forty years, ; I ejr wonderful success ,.Z e. Pinkham Vegetable possessing great I without worth. Such med-K- S ft tie such fC)tt Mini, fort!, it 25 Sacatansky, Susie Bayonne, Of not looked upon and termed and dependable by every Srd hi), w person totk, do are distant from heaven, ), ij to f. o?rn n I orchw MOTHER! ora the the po or Hr lnn, tt to Best i!ds P4 k on tiinj he U dra to Syrup of Figs omia Laxative t Throe hoys ut Furmlngtou, who poured kerosene and gasoline over a dog and then set It utlre, kmrnlng the anltniil so severely It wus found advisable to chloroform It. are to he g. orotisly prosecuted. The dog, lorn ling with pain, run Into a wheat Held aad set lire to the grain. Ibiisy ltanford. aged id, u reeent arrival from Seotlaad, Is ladng sought b.v Ogden pollee Oil the supposition that she lias been nbdiieted or met with foul play. VMieu last seeu she was at the Ogden depot, where she Intended taking a train for Klko, Nevada. Italpli K. Lewis of Salt Lake and .1. Morris (lirlMeiisen of Logan have been announced by the secretary of the I'tnli state committee of selection of llhodcs scholarships as the successful applicants In the unuual dcsig. nation of students from 1'tuh. A letter received by the chief of police ut Salt Lake ou September 21 contained the warning that the Vermont building, across the street from the temple, was to lie djiiamlted. It Is now believed that the letter was went by some "Joslter." Governor Hamherger has Issued a proclamation naming Saturday, October U us fire prevention day in Utuh, ami urging that special attention be given to Ihe Ideals of the day In the public schools and in tire departments Alonzo Wheeler, 2S years of uge, was accidentally killed mi the farm of his father, Fred Wheeler, near I'laln 1'lty, when the rifle lie was carrying was discharged as lie was passing through a fence. A red's" warning that the Vermont building, at Salt Lake, opposite tlm temple grounds, wus to he blown up Friday came to nothing umt served only to frighten some girl clerks anil stenographers. Eight directors of the I'tuli-MaliSugar compuny were hound over for trial before the United States district court of South Ihikotu on charges of profiteering as a result of the preliminary hearing. When a section of the bleachers ut the race course ut the Cache Vulley fair ut Logan crashed to the ground, six people were injured. About .VMl persons were ou the section when I, Crumbled. Assessed vuluatimi of Wasatch county this year lias been finally fixed at $C,!t.p) 1,240, according to u report to state officials from the comity auditor. This compares with $.",00:1,4 15 for lust Sidn; he herii lertooj i tect Mu hnnjli; tlthoart it oil sr at the us toil' eme It atiet rlint ir Syrup of Figs au aline. I for the name California on then you are sure your yo mo nlng the best and most harm tO hli cfor the little stomach, liver 'll Children love Its fruity year. At the opening day of the Sanpete ill directions on each bottle. fair at Mantl fully 0000 peocounty "California." Adv. mj lit'n: ple were present, the fulr being reled log makes a the garded us one of the most successful good fire. roverb. ear i ever held in that section of the state. Not1 The state Industrial commission has utleura Improve Your Skin. woo waived its prior right to purcliuse for and retiring gently smear htffc the state Insurance fund $."kmnni In with Cutieura Ointment. paving hands ami $10,000 in waterOintment In five minutes works bonds of Murray city. ran Soap and hot water. It ilih George Kawamura, an employee of ful sometimes what Cutieura 4 it a cafeteria at Ogden, is In the hospih r poor lij complexions, dandruff, tal suffering from Injuries received il red rough hands. Iser Adv. when he was badly beaten as a result nre, P that cheers was a noisy of a fight with a burglar. iral r roperty. Enrollment at the University of Utah afl the first day of registration exceeded the record of the corresponding day of dll last year, which was the largest In the 4 I history of the Institution. and The Uintah county public library right to drag along feeling 1; las been formally opened at Vernal, sick. Find out what is i:M wi feel so and $1."iU0 worth of new hooks are badly and try to frrhapa your kidneys are being added to meet the needs of the mt throbbing backache or public schools, .tabbing pains. You may lkCiuurkuhle crops lmt- - been grown l?m lamenoFs, too, headaches, season on the :t2.(Hi-acrthis project nd irregular kidney action. Millard East the of (anal eompniiy, MU. 'Kidney have 1 They Rwanda of In Hie custom part of Millard county. ailing folks. Ask ibor! lractieal failure of the nut, peach mid apricot crop in soul hern Utah, Idaho Case near lixie, Is reported, hut the melon Mrs. Vf. H. Palm- 615 wHe Pari crop Is the best in many years. rfcjr. Black foot, The state road commission has resays: "My back lame soro and from Utah county u check for ceived ka nJ to lift anything to In expended ou the slate $42,427, VTfau8ed sharp, dart mK palna Ilensant Grove. road through through t4r "y kid nay a. I over a month from Infor Suffering alto hav J I z WTi rEwJJyould t y spells and when lie was scalded, received juries nervous headaches. son of A. L. Allen of the h WdlynB:Wbyth?haroway Huntsville died last week. that trouble. Dr. S. W, lludcoii of Ogden lias been coiplalnt quickly." director of the Utah State were appointed tgs Fair association, to succeed S. T. Whitallow aker, who died recently. ,;lced. S' CT0 CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Utah' allotment for the construccam ct: " were tion of national forest roads and trulls r up it la $215,204.37 for the fiscal year, which the begins July 1, 1021. uterested The annual meeting of the Utah w. In Association of Veterinarians State cow )0t will he held In Salt Lake during the state fair. Ins fwf lturglurs entered a drug store at ' ion u" Eatonic one night recently, stealing a Ielta Bd nl Stomach large amount of goods and some money. .had 8'uce I bad Ui Librarians of Utuh will hold their Ea L.thpred m badly ,.(r on omy a week and annuul convention in Salt Lake, Ocrifted 80 years W." John tober 0 and 10. Hni H. E. Gordan Is to he extradited iflnion7 1,PT08 Bour atom-tadr ms from ,urn Oregon on the charge of having bloating aftiw PntlnK because it stolen an automobile belonging to an and c !1 PM,ut b excess employee of the Arthur copper plant. I lmen, l',h cuse most It la said that Gordon took the maI" Vhii J!?u bnve "tried chine to demonstrate to n prospecPVLTr-n- t give tive on gopurchaser, and Just ket lf,Bands liLn 'ro,!Kht rp,,ef t0 In located who" Oregon. ing, being finally trifle with 'i011, Ahlgbox w our druggists i eye Fifteen hundred acres of hind In V.M. 1 tali southern Wyoming uml northern Avoid r In Inclusion for will lie recommended 11 'i !: land Hone w in,'i The a: ,,'iu forest. national Wasatch the o liftclal has been carefully examined following t the receipt of requests from stockmen to wvf I e'i Slum rJkl nuw tor tr ; Utah and Wyoming. of Abury I'a,., N, f ,.ft rial California Harmlcu Here FEDERAL ROAD BUILDING AID Construction Hamoorod by Traniportation Difficulties and Lack of Material. HlQhway In addition to $!!MiiHi.iMiti for forest road construction, congress bus made available to July 1. lir.'O. the sum of ?27."i,(Hi(i,(Kk for federal aid mails. Of this sum $17.V(hmi,(hiu was available up to ami Including June Iio. l'.r.u Of Ibis uinniiiit the states had made application covering $iri2.1'.t.i,(M0 as of April ,'io. This federal aid Is to Upply Soothing, Healing Remedy for Coughe and Colds. N a rr.tiedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, throat Irritation, and especially for lung trnubl, that has been sold all (c- - he elvtillzed world In many thousumis of hon.4iohs for the lust fifty-fou- r years. Its merits have stood this (cm of time and use, and surely no tet could he more potent or convincing, it gives the patient with wciik iiihI Inflamed lungs a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expoi toratlon In the tnoriilng. Try one bottle, accept no substitute. For sale by all druggists uml dealers In medicine everywhere. Adv. A Way Around. Wife Hear, cun you give me some money for n toor, deserving wmimii who wants to go to church, hut who hasn't clothes enough to go In? Hushainl- - Ucrtululy. We must do some charity with onr means. Who' Is tills poor, deserving vvoiuuit? Wife It's me. Papes Diapepsin" Corrects Stomach I jlupepsln" Is the quickest, surest relief fur ImllacBllon, (lanes, FlalU-lencHeartburn, Sourness, Fermentation or Stomach liistreas caused by mmpB Tapes e. few tablets Rive almost Immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomnch Is corrected so you can eat favorite foods without fear, case costs only W cents at drug store. Absolutely harmlcse end pleasant. Millions helped annually. Best stomach corrective known Adv, A & Surface treatment of Macadam Road With Bituminous Material and Stone Chips. The gentlemen who enme to see pupa while you were away wild I was the smartest child they hmv ever known, mid each gave me n quarter." "Oh, that pleases mother very much. You recited for them all the idee pieces yon know?" "No. 1 said I knew a lot of pieces, and then I didn't recite any." miles of rond estimated to ' 0 cost $3Tsi,?r4,79n. As of May 1st Important to Mother Examine carefully every bottle of mills of federal aid road were nn-dCASTOIUA, that famous old remedy construction. Involving over for infants and children, and see that it In federal aid. The total mileage of completed road built under ttie federal ahi law since It became operative In 11H Is 4,301.15 miles, as In Use for Over 30 Years. of May 1, 1920, an average rate of con- Children Cry for Fletchers Csstoria struction of over 1,000 miles a year. The dlflimiltles of transportation, Puzzles. the lack of materials, the Insufficient "Wlmt gets me," said the caret, number of contracting organizations, Is why a man thinks it Is the worst the scarcity of adequate equipment thing that can happen to him to be and the general shortnge of engineer- floored." And what puzzles me," replied the ing personnel In connection with high way construction during the past two clock, is how on earth It can worry u man to fear his hands will strike." years have reduced rond building acof the full protivities to about gram. The bureau of public roads. United States department of ngrleul ture Is ready, the states nre ready, the funds are available to push high way construction on a 100 per cent Buy only Diamond Dyes program as soon ns the national w nomlc conditions will warrant on the Cause! e -- - 1 '5 ' kS ANS kidnct as rsOld Sick ClYound Alter H lor rrl'evr i. RIGHT 27,71X5 13,-S4- The flavor I Blasts After every meal 3-- 7 .152 DYEJIGHT ' 'I aids to good looks, sound teeth, eager appetite and digestion are only 5C a SEALED package Smart of the state. o s. A HIGHWAYS MAINTENANCE OF DIRT ROAD So many cases of Rheumatism come from a tiny disease germ that infests the blood, that physicians are beginning to realize that this source of the disease is becoming quite prevalent. Of course a disease that has its source in the blood cannot be reached by local remedies applied to the surface. One remedy that has given splendid results in the treatment of 'Rheumatism is S.S.S., the fine old Essential That No Water Be Permitted to Remain on Surface- - Repair Ruts Quickly. To maintain an earth road so that It will adequately take cave of heavy traffic it Is essential first that no water be allowed to stand on the road surface or In the ditches, and secondly that defects occurring In the surface be repaired Immediately and In a manner that will form a crust sufficient to maintain the lends and resist the wear caused by traffic. The first can be accomplished only by grading and draining the rond In a manner that will permit water to drain quickly from the surface after every rain, and the second by adding clay and saml In the proper proportions as required, shaping lip the surface with a light grader, and keeping the traveled surface smooth and even with the road planer, after which the earth surface eventually beeniues smooth and an Impervious to water. The result Is extremely satisfactory road at a very low cost to the public. SAVE KANSAS MANY The road materials laboratory of the Eansus engineering experiment station Is In charge of the testing of all materials for use on federal aid roads In the state of Kansas. More than (5 car loads of defective cement and bricks submitted for test In the past year have been rejected, thus saving the state many thousands of dollars. FINANCING Each package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can diamond-dyworn, shabby skirts, waists, dresses, coats, gloves, stockings sweaters, draperies everything, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, new. rich fadeless colConsiderate. ors. Have druggist show you "DiaJohn, age five, had put In an unmond Dyes Color Card." Adv. pleasant evening trying to keep himself nniusei, while his father and mother were entertaining company. Unconsciously True Mollle met a skin doctor who says The evening wore on with no one payb- - can take awny wrinkles and make ing any particular attention to John, M faces as good fis new." who. In desperation, finnlly approached I guess be docs It with one of his mother and said: tltem "Mother, we'd better go to bed. things they call I These people wnut to go home." wrinkle prevaricators, e new-fangle- d that has been sold by druggists for more than fifty years. S.S.S. acts by driving out of the blood the disease germ that causes Rheumatism, thus affording real relief. Begin taking S.S.S. today and if you will write a complete history of your case, our medical director will give you expert advice, with- out charge. Address Chief Medical Adviser, 151 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. blood remedy . Quite Appropriate. "Whnt have you oa lmml for row afternoon?" .A lot of fresh air kids." tomor- which Bayer Cross on tablets is the thumb-pripositively identifies genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over 20 years, and proved safe by millions. The nt SYSTEM0F ROADS or DiProper Procedure of County strict le Matter Open for Much Discuieion. Just how a county or district should of romli proceed to finance a system It Is a matter open for discussion. need they how rapidly depends upon them and uon how well they are able valto pay. la other words on tlielr conwork of the cost uation and the templated. Crown for Earth Roads. Well maintained earth rotul need and flatvery little crown. The wider If It ha the better, road, ter the earth Is kept conetuntlj and drainage good smooth. To Control Weevils. Clean grain bins carefully before to ceutrol putting grain Into them, grain-weev- Provide Plenty of Water. provide plenty of water for your jtock uud the birds. Safety first! Insist upon an unbroken "Bayer package containing propel directions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago and for Pain generally. Made and owned strictly by Americans. HS. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablet coat but a few centi Larger package ttU warti el Payer toaaafaeture et UoaoaeeUeaelduter of EailcrucacM Aasliia to Ue I Little Amenities. noiseless gun has Just been Invented. It will now be possible to wage war without the enemy complaining of heudache. Front Punch, London. A In DOLLARS Engineering Experiment Station Tecta All Materiala to Be Used in Road Building. Look Out for Rheumatism As Winter Approaches |