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Show x i rf r"' rr . . i, THE BALT LAKE TRIBUNE; TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 24, r , ; t Clerical Editor Says Religious Paper Will Fail i - -- i f 1921. Tee Cream A- By Universal Service. 'Senator From Oregon fen Amendment to War Finance Act for Growers Permit Issuing of Paper' "as First Liens Cattle or Sheep. Bill Would . Socil to Til Tribun. Senator ,Sta.n- hho deeply concerned over the preservation of the livestock Industry of the weqf, has iptroduced a bill adding a new section to the mar finance corporation act, under which that corporation would be authorized to make loans for the benefit of sheep and cattle growers during the next four yea rs. which time the senator anticipates t.iut the livestock Industry will again The Stanfield bill would add to the war finance act section 33, altogether new, , which reada ns WASHINGTON', field of Oregon, i; - May-3-3 s- That the corporation ahalt bf empowthe fiscal acting agent of the secretary of the treasury, loans or advances npon such terms not Inconsistent with the provisions of hi section vl" ecn,rary nf the IrtM. may prescribe, for ury- - by regulation periods not exceeding two 'year from the respective dates of such advances or loans ered -- May Lend to'Banks. or trust company In the United States which, at the time this section takes effect, has made a loan or advance to any person, firm, corporation or association engaged In business in the United States as a grower or breeder of tattle or sheep, To any corporation having a paid In capital of hot less than $400,000 organized under the laws of any state In the United "To any bank States and engaged In the business of making loans or advances to growers, breeders or feeders of cattle or sheep which, at the tlms this section takes has made loans or advances to persons. firms, corporations or amoi iat ions engaged in business In the United States as growers, breeders or feeders of cattle or sheep. "Any loan or advance made by the cor-- 1 oration under the authority of th, sec-- i ion si all he made upon the promissory roue or acceptame of the borrower, and -- hall be secured by notes, drafts bills of exchange or other negotiable Instruments evidemlng loans dr advances made by the borrower to growers, breeders or feeders of cattle or sheep, such notes drafts, .bills of.exihange or o.htr negotiable in. strum, nts to bear the unconditional indorsement or guaranty of the borrow or, with waiver of demand," notke and plot'sef-fe- 2J- - 1 th net When all May Extend -- Till 1926. Notwithstanding the limitation of wr-TT- T or This pet, the T a iuT nr- - iTC firpJT provided for b this section may be made until the expiration of the year 1926. "All loans or advances made under authority of this section shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-ha- lf per cent to'4 per cent) per annum. payable an nuall or at maturity if made for less than one year. -- lever-le-- - (Note Ph&ne Was. 3223 in Highway Construction ftiwcial to The Tribune. ' . a matter "of fact, 'Madam, RUBBER FLOOR VARNISH in colors makes a complete Job of varnishing and staining at the same time. Notice the lustre. You can, see yourself in it. But it isnt slippery like wax. ,? Cleaning it? Just a jnop thats all I I Now youve got a perfect tation' here of light oak. You know the McMurtry Company makes the same thing in Dark Oak, Golden Oak, Cherry, Green, Redwood, Mahogany and Walnut. imi- PEMcMuRTRYMFG.Ca Paint and Varnish Maker DENVER. COLORADO Sold by all Leading Dealers. An J Salt La ke City Suggestions side forportiere, pur- - poses. WOOL AND FIBER RIGS, purchase. Heavy quality. In tapestry designs.. Yard wide. Excellent for long and short curtains, portieres and country homes. -- EACH, $1.43 Strong nd serviceable. 30c CRETONNE SCARFS. r EACH, 19c uplendld lot, made from odds and nd cretonne. Finished with Uttls fancy edges. A 8lss 18x44. homes, Particularly good for canyonuses. Ttranda tables and similar P. 0. Box 1713 where government lands are not taxed, 0 this plan has been burdensome and the benefits accruing to the states have not been relatively at great as in the east The Phipps bill does not Increase the total allotment to any slate, but it Increases the federal government's share In the cost of road building by educing the amount of cooperation required of the state In proportion te the amount of privately owned land In that state. Under thin bill it 75 per cent of the area of any state Is public land, the federal govAsks ernment will defray 75 per cent of the cost Republican of building roads under the federal road 25 act and the state will contribute only in Toper cent, The house of representatives Ttf he last rongresa passed a bill similar to ttye Polls. Phipps bill, and the expectation Is that the house will give Its approval to the bill Which only recently passed the senate. The legislative tangle which blocked DUBLIN, May 23. (By the Associated so many bills during the short session of congress, prevented action prior to March Press ) Kamonn de Valera, Irish repub4 on the bill which the last house, of replican leader. In a message to the Ulster resentatives had approved. constituencies on the eve of the flection, says the voteS.ef northern lister can solve the Irish problem In the polling booth tomorrow. He adds. Tote tomorrow against war with your fellow countrymen. Vote that a brother's hand may not have to be raised against a brother, and so that there may be an end to the boycott and retaliation, and to partition, disunion ar.d ruin. "Lead the world by your example Make a genuine people's peace and live In history as having created a truly united Irish nation. Tha orange and the green Clerks together can command tbe future. Meeting Sir James Craig, premier designate of Station Employees Ends Ulster, In a final preelection appeal to the loyalists, issued today, says: around- - me shat I may shatter Without Agreements our"Rally enemies and their hopes of a republican flag The union Jack-jnusweep the polls. The eves of our friends are upon us. Let the throughout empire OMAHA, Neb., May 23 Representathem see that we era as determined as tives of clerks and station employees of they are to uphold the cause of loyalty." the Union Pacific, the Oregon Short Line Ablaze With Banners. Railroad A and the BELFAST, May 23 Sir James tow'ere In Omaha Navigation company last words to the Unionists on the Craigs eve of day to confer with officials of thesgllnes tne Ulster elections "Fly the Union was compiled with to the full In Jack on a proposal by the Union Pacific to reBelfast tonight. Not only did every duce wages, Affective July 1. , Unionist house- - dlsplay-th- e BritishAnnouncement by the company of its but along Shankhlll road and Its flag, bydesire to cut wages of Its employees was streets the house fronts, sidewalks and painted red, white and made from the general managers office lamp posts-wer- a blue here recently, but it contained no IndicaDonegal road, another Unionist strongtion as to how much of a reduction would hold, was brilliant wrlth British colon, as was also Ballymacarrett. confor be proposed. At that time dates Falls road, Joseph Devlins stronghold, of the and ferences with representatives other Nationalist and Sinn Fein quarclerks, shop employees, train dispatchers, ters were virtually barren of bunting. regard the election as a telegraphers, agents and others were Their people huge joke and the Ulster parliament as fixed, most of them for this week. esn never successfully that something Today s conference, however, will af- operate. Police and military are still keeping the fect only the clerks and station emadherents of the two parties away from ploy ees. , each other, the futility of anv attempt at R. R. Butzer of Omaha, R H. Moise, picking a fight being shown today when T. J. Pocatello, Idaho, and Cummings, Sinn Feiners attempted to Interfere with sidewalk painters 7 Portland, Ore., all general chairmen of theThev had hardlv appeared and heaved the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamthe first stone when armored care and ship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Repress lorries loaded with police with machine and Station Employees. Sr, representing guns arrived and mattered the rioters. the clerks and station employees of the Voting will begin at $ s. m tomorrow, Union Pacific, the Oregon Short LJne and continuing In most districts for twelve A. the Railroad Navi- hours, but m.In some of the favored ones until $ p. gation company, respectively. The conference was concluded without was any agreement being reached, It Troops and Sinn Feiners Clash. learned this afternoon. THURLES. Ireland. May 2$ Troop According to Mr. Moise, who acted as filling six lornes and seventy and chairman of a committee of representaat eighty Sinn Feiners claheJL tives of the emplovees, the proposal bv the I ppr Church, County Tipperary, night and one company was for a reduction of approximan, Mid to hava been the leader of the Sinn Feiners, was killed. Two others were mately 25 per cent. "We did not consider the proposal a woundF seriously, as also were a number reasonable one, Mr Moise said, "adding of civilian bystanders. that the case would go to the United states railroad labor board for decision. Bomb Hurled at Workers. A bomb was thrown at CORK, May 23 Decline to Accept Plans. four members of the night staff of the NEW YORK, May 2.1 The executive Cork Examiner aa they were on the way and wage committee of the Steamship home early this morning Owners' association, at a msstlng today, Christopher and Stephen Harman were declined to accept the proposals of Secreprobably mortally injured, while Frederick Murphy and Edward Collins were tary of labor Davis Intended to bring about a settlement of the marine strike. slightly wounded. Win thro p L. Marvin, general manager of the association. In announcing the committee's decision, said It was the the ship by alleged union marine strikers unanimous opinion of the members that today and severely beaten. the association should adhere to its previously announced stand on .the question of Strikers Ordered to Leave. wages and overtime. PORTLAND. M , May 23 striking Local No. $9, Marine Engineers' Benefiseamen not residents of this Uty were cial assoilation, took similar action reforty-eigto ordered leave within hours s Davis which garding Secretary proposal, The orders Issued chief the by was rejected at a general meeting of the today. of police were directed bv Mayor Charles , engineers yesterday B. Clarke, In a letter in which he said that the seamen s strike had led to so Crew Forced From J5hip. much violence at this port, Including a NEW YORK, Mat 23 -- The entire crew murder which he connected with It. that of the shipping board steamer Had not, hipping strike agitators should be run anchored here, was removed forcibly from out of town or arrested. ' Leader for Isjju Solidarity days Parliament 0. P. Coast Women Protesting Harvey s London Speech BAN FRANCISCO. MaY 23 A telegram to President Harding, protesting against Ambassador Harvey's speech at London regarding American participation In world affaire aa a violation of ona of Harding's preelection promises, was sent today bY Mrs Ray Lymart Wilbur, wife of the president of Stanford university, as president or the Women's 'League for the Peace Treaty. The telegram read "We protest against the unauthorized statement of Ambassador Harvey that America would not directly or indirectly have anything tu do with any assorts tio,-o- f nations. We feel, that as American citizens we have been grossly mlarepre- rented, since we were assured bv you in a preelection telegram that the United States wjuld enter an association of na, tions. ROYAL GRAIN PROBE BEGINS, t WINNIPEG, May 23 The roval grain Inquiry commission appointed bv the Dominion government to Inquire Into alleged price differences In the grain Industry aa well aa the general condition of began Rmetionln hero today. It wa expected that the hearing would a formal preliminary to be today the Inquisition that la to begin along the Gretna, Maniboundary on Wednesday toba, will be the scene of the first WAGE CUT and With - Any st Oregon-Washlngt- -- Its easy to verify our claims about the Oakland Sensible Six. Just make automoa list of all the biles offered for sale in Salt Lake, then phone the dealers in "These cars for their prices. You will find that the Sensible Oakland sells for approximately $400 less than any other car offered in this city. six-eylind- -- 'T er six-cylind- er Quite an important consideration when buying an automobile, is it not? Oregon-Washlngt- betm gladly given. Send for Color Cards . A special inches wide draperies. drapes and similar - A PLEA TD ULSTER Eiqhf Colors and Clear as pa rty - 3 -- Excellent older states, where the lands ars praotl-tall- y all in private ownership and subject tp taxation, but in the public land slates, McMurtky Rubber EoorUrnish rs -- ure centers. - A .. AH of the latest colors. In rose. " blue green, gold with colored fig- the children eat ice crcam dav everv its good for them. . Scores of leading dealers in four' 'states are ready to semryoiF prompt! yl with Keelevs ice cream at almost a moments notice. Let- NEW FIGURED SCRIMS, YARD, 33c 3 Mnv WASHINGTON, ?3.Westom states will get materially increased fedIn eral aid the building of roads If Che house nf representatives passes the Phipps bill, which wont througli the senate a few days ago. Thfs bill proposes to Increase the amount of government aid on roads built In states In which more than 5 per cent of the state area is unappropriated public land, which means an increase in all the western sats As the good roads law stands, the government cannot up more than 50 per through renewal, substitution of mentation and development for such pur- cent of the cost put of arty road, the state to nee obligations or otherwise, hut the poses to be under the supervision of the time for pavment of anv such loan or bureau of mines In the department of the contribute the balancb. This plan has been found to work equitably In the advance shall not be extended beond interior well as looks 35 73c SUXFAST DRAPERIES, YARD, $1.23 Keeley Ice Cream Co. 21 WASHINGTON. Senator May King has reintroduced cJila bill, wh.ch failed , to recelv e consideration last session. appropriating $500,000 to erect an FLOOR VARNISH dries oVer night. It wont show heel marks nor mar white. It is made for use $-1-- . homes. This company has been under the sann ownership and management for 15 years.) Basis Provides at Ogden Reintroduced Measure for Governments Share Special to The Tribune All through in time for your dinner party tomorrow night, Mrs. Jones! McMURTRY RUBBER summer the neighbors children came. And A pa rt . . 1 Verv fine quality of filet net 9 Vith figured ceuteri in different aeslffna. vhlte. Have been selling up to $2 85 yard. Ideal for bungalow curtam apartment windows and Bill for Oil Shale Plant The Good Tain ter says:- - Bungalow Nets in New Filet Effects. to children unless there were plenty of ice cream to eat. "in.order to make the advances or loans provided for in this sertion, the secretary of the treasury Is authorized to use the whole or any part of the franchise taxes paid by federal reserve banks to the United States. "The secretary may from time to time cause to be deposited with the treasurer of the United States in a special account to the credit of the War Finance corporation, as fiscal agent, necessary funds to carry out the purposes of this section, provided, the amount so transferred or deposited to said account shall at no time exceed the amount of franchise taxes paid by the several federal reserve banka of the United States which has not been used for the purposes authorized bv the act of March 3 1919. "The War Finance corporation shall keep & separate account as fiscal agent of alfetranaactlons engaged In under authority of this section. "No loans or advances shall be made out of funds belonging jo the corporation under authority of this section. Sertion 23. All acts or, parts of acts In anv wise contravening the provisions of section 22 are hereby repealed or suspended for such time as the provisions of tnn section may be In force The &g4r Rale of the loans or advam ea nmde to any one bunk, tru'd (onfimy or corporation of the kind deacrllMd in this re, tloti rhaU not exceed four times tin I aid in capital of such bank, trust com-pM- v experimental oil shale refining plant at or iHjrporation His bill provides. VII notes, drafts, bills of exchange or Qgdtn "That there Is hereby appropriated, out other negotiable instruments atcepted as so'urih for loans or advances under this of the mone.vs of the treasury not other$ertum ehnJl be sutured by first or para wise appropriated, the sum of $500,000. or mtuuiL Hen. on jrr Jtbeep having u so" much thereof as may be. necessary, not less than one hunappraised value of e dred and thirty-threper cent 133 per to be expended under the direction of the of the face amount of such notes, of the Interior for the erection secretary drafts, bills of exchange or other ngotia- - of an experimental petroleum shale reUe lnsiuments fining plant at Ogden, in tbe state of The corporation shall retain power to Utah, for the purpose of investigating and require additional security at any time, t developing the methods for the extraction Under reKulationa to be prescribed by of petroleum from oil shale, In order to I ne secretary of the treasury, the cor-- I Increase the supply of petroleum available oration inav, upon like secuiltv. extend for the uses of the t ntted Slates govern, the time of payment of an loan or ad-at- n ment, the work of Investigation, experi- ji jee cream was the ini"t popular of all attractions there. llirjasxage ( offer tke following attraction for tkis week: judging by the welcome it ' received'- - . four years from4 the date of of tills at-- t Curtains and Draperies Party-- - foreign tbs cheerier and cozier It cause of attractive draperies chosen at Walker's is A ome a Our department of Mary Had: a Birthday I Aggregate Limited. X 11 any The Rev. Dan editor of' the Herald, warned Mdthodlet minvenisters of Chicago today-agaitures into such narrow Journalism ae the religious newspaper." He addressed the ministers at their regu s ler weekly mooting. "Thoro are two reasont why tha attempt to produce a dally newscaper for and by the roligloua clement is always foredoomed to failure," tig said. "One la business, the other Is a psychological phenomenon. The religious public may be aver 10 religious st all times, but It' is not In tto Sunday morning mood when it buys a daily paper. It la just a part of the general public.! Tha "religious public wants all the news, just as any other Individual, tha Rev. Mr. Brummitt said. "It wants politics written by people who know the political game. It wants all the news that any other section of tha public wanto, and It is not averse to the sensational, ae wa ministers sometimes assume. It wants the cb!ea.the fashions, the pictures, the special features, the comic strips, the markets, the advertisements, yea, and the sporting page. CHIfAGO, Mix )t Oldest Dealer Automobile Established 106 Utah Cd Automobile SALT SOUTH 51 DENVER STATE LAKE BOISE |