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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING,. MARCH IS 18, 1921. poses of the corporation and promised to lend its organisation whatever assistance lies within the powers of the club offi, cials. IN THE SPRING ' e TAKE GUDES EASTERN SUOAR GOES UP. Advices received ' yesterday through Willett A Gray report that Cuban sugar distributing committee has increased the price on raw from 6 to I 'cents, which Js equivalent to (6 17, duty paid,, at New York. Warner A Federal, refiners, increased their price on fin granulated from 3 cent, to 8 4 cent a 1- -4 Business Men and Investors Demand Safety Instead of i Rapid and Large. Returns. Change Considered as Promising Era of Prosperity Based on Logic and Work of th present wholesome Indications in the body economic is the investment trend to conservative securities. market The vigor of the . Investment shewn in the gains of Jhe - last three days following the quarterly Income tax payments, accomplished without apparent strain, speaks very well for the availability of funds for conservative use. The most significant phase of the turn to conservative sinvestment fields is the Indication t gives that together with the readjustment of business generally to a saner basis of moderate vollikewise umes and margins Investors have gotten 'their feet on the ground, and are walking carefully. The war period of tremendous expansion, of large profits and huge turnovers brought with It qulto naturally a speculative fairer which induced many to seek rather for the high yields of securities 'than the inherent soundness they offered. This state of mind, for such It realty was, continued well on into last year. On Turn to Conservatism. Then in the fall came the down turn; and every step of that turn served to convert added numbers to the ranks of Now that the public th conservative. mind is pretty well determined tp go shead on the new basis of sober progress, investors are falling Into line with the new and much mors healthy business psychology. The demand for municipal securities has Increased materially in th last few of days, both because of the soundness the this class of bonds end because of tax exempting features they carry. There hasn't been any boom, and there will probably not be one, for 1931 Is not destined to be one of runaway markets. But there has been a notable better interest in municipal bonds that has carried some of the better issues to higher prices than have prevailed for some little while. With safety becoming the alms of Investors, who not so very long ago looked first 'for high yield. It is Inevitable that attention should be directed to the classes of securities which can offer the ioriner attribute. The same Is true of business generally that concerns want stability of output and market where a year and more ego it was simply a question of production at whatever the cost. When safety becomes the prims consideration in making investments -it s a pretty sure indication that sanity- has arrived to serve as the guide for the new period in American economic history. For It Is a new period for which the present is the threshold with the doors opening shead to what looks un like a time of prosperity mlstskably based on common sense, good hard work and clear thinking, nationally and inter, nationally. - Reports from Cuba indicate a decided drop in the 1921 crop of cane me compared with 1920. Current estimates run from a minimum of 2,480,000 tons to slightly more than 2,000.000 tons. last year the island produced 4,060.402 tone, of which 8,441,428 was exported. JAPANESE BANK DOWN. SAN FRANCISCO, March 17. The Nippon bank of Sacramento, a owned and managed bank, with Japanese, Japanese depositors, and having a capital of failed to open its doors today. In a. statement announcing the bank had failed to open, Charles F. Stern, state superintendent of banka, said: The bank Is heavily involved In rice loans to Japanese tenant farmers. Over a. period of twelve years the mortality among domestically organised Japanese banks devoted to financing of agricultural enterprises by Japanese has been practically 100 per cent. 'The present Incident is part and parcel of the highly unsatisfactory results, economy as well as social, where this alien race has extended Its influence over the soli of California either as operators orlhrough financing operators. "The matter will be given prompt and vigorous treatment. In an endeavor to protect depoeitors. The bank's called of February 21, sworn to officers or the bank, does not disclose by condition that would warrant the any bank in closing Its doors.' . Officers of tbs bank said the bank rlosed because It was short of funds. Rtc crop da mags, low for other farm crops and rains haveprices worked against us, said an officer of the bank. 9162,-00- PACKER INDICTMENT DROPPED. NEW YORK, March 17. Federal Judge Garvin today formally dismissed Indictments charging profiteering, returned under the Lever act against the "big five meat packers Armour A Co., Swift A Co Morris A Co., Wilson and Co. and the Cudahy Packing company. Dismissal followed the action of the supreme court In holding th Lever act in part uncon. stitutional. ' 0 RAILS AND INDUSTRIALS. (As reported by 3. A. Hogl A Co.) . Twenty industrials, 78 20; up 1,33. Twenty railroads, 71.62; up 1.48, Reading company declared regular quarterly dividend of 2 per cent common 12 to stock of record April May payable American Tobacco company for 1920 earned 913.89 a share on 939.M3.000 combined common and common "B", against 931 83 a. share on 940,842,400 on common stock In 1919. Wolverine February copper output was 902.665 pounds. Mohawk Mining company February copper output 1.069,270 pounds. Island Oil A Transport, year ending De cember 21, 1920, surplus after expense, depreciation and other Items, equal to 1.79 a share, versus 24 cents a share In 1919. United Cigar Stores declares a dividend of 1 per cent on common stock in January and l'4 per cent to February. CLEARING HOUSE REPORT, 92,276.814 87 Thursday's clearings Same day last year 93,074,000.00 see TRAM EARNINGS GROW. CHICAGO. March 17. Earnings of under an fare are shown by tlia annual report of the Chicago City railways for the year ending January 21, made puHllc today. Gross earnings of 956,227,284 and expenses of 243,300,209 were reported. These figures compare with earnings of approximately 910,000,000 In the preceding year. fares werq increased to 9 cent July 1 last. Slx-ce- nt IOWA HAS MOST BANKS. Chicago Tribune Balt Lake Tribes Leased Wire. NEW YORK, March 17. Iowa has the Disorders of the stomach and coo slips tloa ere so common with children. Moth- ers should know that Chamberlain's Tablets are mild and geatle, bat very effective. The little folk often need n. cathartic, and they do appreciate Chamberlains Tablets instead of ns sad mixtures. Oil iftinytos Yen should always keep a bottle on th shelf. A little doee at night and tbo fretful, feverish little ebap wakes bright and sunny in the morning. The liver Is stimulated, the stomach cleansed and the bowels purified, btg ell safely sad gently. They belp break up cold very quickly, ' Cet Chamberlain's Tablets at dratsista. 26s, r by aeail frees Ca-P- as largest number of banks of any state In the union. According to official figures there are 1405 state banka, savings .banks., etc., end 343 national banka Tn Iowa. New York state has 449 nstionsl banks and 666 state,, banka. Total number in Iowa is 1749; total in New York, . 1014. ' . Missouri has 1619 stats savings and private banks and loan trust companies and ranka first In this respect It has only 111 national banks Total banks of all kinds. 1627. Pennsylvania has the largest number of national banks of any stats in tbs union, 802, but has only (99 state, savings private banks, etc. Total capital and surplus of all banks in the United Stales was 99,104.166.000 on June 30, 1920, of which 91.106,259.000, or 21.6 per cent, was in New York state. Capital and surplus of New York Institutions are divided Into 9679,071,000 for state, savings, private banka, etc., and 9426,788,000 for national banks. Average capitalization for all New York banka la 91.090,590. Average, capitalization of Iowa banks la 962,322. Nevada has the smallest number of banks of any state, ten national and twenty-thre- e state banks Average capitalization and surplus of Nevada banks Is 9120.860. 1 be L For Coated Tongue Bad Breath, Sour Stomaqh, Bloatinf, Gat, Bilioutaets, Sick Headtake ache, Indlfettioa, Comlipalioo, the always reliable FOLEY CATHAfinCTASIHS They clear the bowelt, sweeteo the stomach sod loos up tbs liver. Do not gripe. T E Colver KULabsf Tample Ls4Aiale, Cal' "Altar 66 raan' aapartaacswKk all aorta 4 Uadi sf cathants reardtea. I 4ot wtae is Folev Cat Hants labials, saS tbs? sis lbs baa 1 over saad. v aunramm-Johnso- Drugs. AT PARTY Shampoo with one Soap. Cuticura i Industrial Board Holds Dam- Treasury Experts Engaged age Award Bars Employee in Survey of Revenues for From Injury Compensation Information of Congress. A, h t ' - J . J ;j Allowance for Death of V Husband, tsJ HKm - ..4, 'Vi . Vos V tr i ,'5S 4 v V 4 r Students of tho University of Utah whs "Little Woman, which will bs stag Standing, left, Mias Louies Hyatt ts the part of Jo; right. Miss Beatrice Bennlon as Beth; center, Miss Elvs Stone at Amy. Mi S1E PUT Mis a p 4, - s will bs presented by students of ths University of Utah at the Social Hall theater all next week. This is ths regular annual school play and will be under the direction of Miss Maud Mky Babcock, head of the university public speaking department. Costumes for the play have been secured from New York and Philadelphia, according to Albert Eccles, university dramatics manager. The scenery Is being modeled after that of the original by students of ths university class In theatrical scenery, under ths direction of Miss Florence Ware. Ths oast follows: Beth, Miss Maurlne Bennlon; Meg, Miss Beatrice Hurst; Mr. March, Charles Crawford; Mrs. March, Miss Elvs Taylor; Jo, Miss Esther HM1; Amy, Miss Grace Stone; Aunt March, Miss Louis Hyatt; Mr Lawrence, John Earl; Ijturlr, Harry Nelson; Professor Baer, Miss Marlon Davis; John Brook, Ellis Barker, and Hanna Mullett, Miss Sadye Eccles. ACCIDENT VICTIM WILL BE BURIED SUNDAY AFTERNOON GEORGE . F. HANSEN. - ar ar Failure of Legislature to Make Appropriation Retroactive Checks Payment. V s: KM Alonzo A. Hinckley of Hinckley, Millard county, was yesterday appointed stats commissioner of agriculture by Governor Mabsy, who had signed ths bill creating a state department of agriculture the day before. Governor Mabey also appointed tha new stats board of agriculture, as follows: Charles R. Pugh of Kanab, Henry Moss of Woods Cross, J. R. Murdock of Heber City and C. G. Adney of Corinne for the four-yeterm, and O. D. Merrill of Richmond, J. L. Wrathall of Grantsville and Thomea Chantry of Wellington for ths two-yeterm. A a matter of fact, since the appointments are all recess appointments and are subject to confirmation by the senate, they can bs only for two years, but the division Indicates ths nature of the law, which is written so that four of tits members of ths board of seven will have terms which will expire with the terra of office of the governor, while three will be appointed in the middle of the governor' four years In office. Mr. Moss is at present a member 'of the state livestock board, which la succeeded by the board of agriculture. The other men appointed have not held recent office, although several of them have been members of the legislature in years past Mr. Adney was for a number of years a member of the state fair board and two years ago was a member of th legislature from Boxelder county. - 4 r - i h, er Explosion. If Charles Leva had any claim' against ths Utah Fuel company by reason of being injured by a Rio Grande switch engine, he lost any right to collect front the fuel company by settling with the railway company for (1500. This is tha gist of one of seven decisions mad by the industrial Commission of Utah yesterday. Leva, who worked for tbs fuel company, bad. on September It last, cleaned up after work, and was walking on Rio Grande property when he was run down by ths switch engine,- - He suffered the loss of his left leg near the thigh as a result of the accident. .He made a claim against ths railroad company and was paid (1500. Ths commission finds that Le did not elect first whether to tak compensation tinder th workmen's compensation act, or to pursue hla remedy at law against the railway company, j Little WoHinckley Man Appointed man to Be Given All Next Commissioner of AgriculWeek at Social Hall. ture Under New State Law "Little Women in wilt tak part In the annual school play, Fails to Comply With Law. ad next wek at 'Social Hall theater. He did not assign his cause ot action Aunt March) Center, Miss Esther HIM In Hurst as Meg; eltting, left. Miss Msurlne against ths railroad company to th fuel Taylor as Mrs. March; right. Miss Grace company, and therefor did not comply with the provisions of the workmens compensation act covering injuries caused by a third party. He is therefor held not to be entitled to compensation, even though th amount he received from ths railroad' company is not so much a h would have received from the fuel com-.an- y had he complied with th law and .sen able to prove that ths accident was one arising out of hla employment. Had h elected to come under ths act he would hav had to assign to tha fuel company ths right to sue for damages resulting from his injurlea Alcotts th Restores the Quality of Blood. Drives Out Impurities. Builds , Up the Red Corpuscles. - . A Widow Granted Maximum The recent legislature passed as en emergency law an appropriation of 22oo to provide a fund for th apeedy handling of the sheep scabies situation on tn Colorado border, where several outbreaks of the disease were found in herds that were supposed to be entirely clean, but tn doing so, th legislators forgot to maks ths appropriation retroactive. The result Is that, while ths state livestock boara Incurred expenses during February whicn totaled more tlian 9300, th state auditor, Mark Tuttls, finds no way by which the claims presented for theas services call be paid The bin as It passed ths legislature was effective on approval, or March I. sir. Tuttls holds that under' ths wording of the law,, expenses Incurred before that time could not bs paid for out of ths fund created. Th 42600 was ordered transferred by th legislature from former appropriations made . by . the legislature, six or mors years ago, which wer not allowed to lapse. There has been s balance ot 993.0o0 carried on th stats books as a liability on account of thtse appropriations, but recent bounty taxes have proved sufficient to pay for the current bounties, with the result that there was no used to draw on tha general fund from which these appropriation were made. The livestock men planned to us these old balances, which represent a fund that does not exist,- except on tb auditor a books. Their right to do so was not questioned by the legislature, but th expenses of February, Incurred by emergency actions by th livestock board while th bill was on Its passage, and before It was introduced, wer not eared for In th bill, as Mr. Tuttls reads It Unless some way Is found of lumping tb expenses of the scabies situation. It Is that tb claims for Febquite postlbl ruary work on th part of two Of th board's employees may have to be carried over until e succeeding legislature meets In th meantime, th livestock officials out that It was s case of a amen fiolnt that saved nln. If th money had not been spent in February, some of th Infected cheep would have Scattered far Into other counties before ths money became available In March Several herns wer stopped at th Urean river bridge end compelled to dip before leaving th Infected ares. - bn Lip-for- Shave, Bathe and 4 Average capital and surplus of all Unit, Average capital and surplus of stats banks, comtrust savings banks, private banks panies, etc., is 9131.210. Total number Funeral services will be held for George of national banks 3019 Total number ef Freeman Hansen, victim of the automostate benks, etc., 21,109. bile accident at the Thirty-thir- d South Rio WASHINGTON, March 17. Th Inter- street crossing ofat thth Denver A ward Bugarhouse state commerce commission today further Grand atTuesday, 1 Bumlav oclock afternoon, insuspended until April 11 the operation of chapel terment will be In City cemetery. A firproposed reduction and cancellation of ing squad and bugler will participate In rates on sale from Burmester and th ceremonies at the grave. The body Is Utah, Reno and Heno junction to at Carl ths Eddington undertaking esSan Francisco, published in Western Pa- tablishment at bugarhouse, where It may cific Tariff 221. These rates had Pre- be o'clock from viewed Sunday mornviously been suspended until Maroh 11 ing until 1 30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. 30 was Hansen sir. years of age. He was born at Presion, Idaho. He received his schooling to ths public school of that D. S. MISSIONARY city and later was graduated from ths Preston academy. He spent some time TO BE GUEST In Artsona and - New Mexico, but the FAREWELL greater part of his Ufa ae spent at GarMr. Hansen enlisted at Garfield field. In ths latter part of September, 1917, In Walter J. Phillips and received only a month's th army who Irzves on Morel 26 training at Camp Lewis before he was for the Tongt to New Tork to go to France with tent mission, to which tu F company, Fourth division, englnters has railed bj ' He took part the L. D, B. church, St. Mihlel campaigns and later was sent Is to bs tendered e with ths American army of occupation to farewell reception in was honorably Coblsna, Germany. H th Emerson ward discharged from the army on August 18, amusement hall to1919. cams to back his former posiHe night, beginning at I tion at Garfield with th Utah Copper o'clock. company. Dancing will bs At th time b met his death Mr. Hanpreceded by a prosen was on his wav to Salt Lake to visit gram to which tha his slaters. Mlaa May Hansen and Mrs. ward choir, Leq, Spencer Whittaker. Mr Hansen missed Johnson, Beulah lib-lahis and C. L. English asked him If train Helen Fredrick- he would rot drive by automobile with son. Mrs. Cecil Man. W,lt,r J Phlllp' to hit car to Salt Lake. him waring, John Y. Smith, Helen Marehant, Mr. Hansen was a member of the WoodFlorence Scott. M, El nor Cnristopharson. men of ths World camp at Garfield. II d tha Richard Davtaa quartet and tha Is survived by his parents, two listers, Hawaiian quartet will participate above mentioned, and five- brothers, who live tn California. Mrs Bena Hansen, NEW DIRECTORS NAMED. mother of Ms. Hansen, will arrive this TWIN FAUJt, Idaho. March 17. E. H. evening from California' to attend ths C. A. McMastar end T. J. Douglas letney, were yesterday elected directors of the h Sainton River Canal rompany at an BETCHAI THE COM INQ VEHICLE. held of stockholders As things are going now In Nw Tork, at meeting pidchawer eland in back of a great big diiolllster. There were sis hold-ovthe wealthy of that city will t In the fat ladv boarding a afreet car, and hear rectors Shuras represented at tha meat-to- g field to exchange their limousines tor ar- the conductor holler out "Hoth etdee. ware JAM but of 21.900 Issued. mored eaia iPortiaAd Pres p lease 7 Lddctutevart Columbia Jaater. ed States national banks is 1376,000. 8al-dur- o, Maiaaw lava , rt . J - " v r 7 0, HELP 8CkjOOLS TO FINANCE. Announcement was mad yesterday by the Palmer Bond A Mortgage company of APPROVE FINANCE CORPORATION. the purchase by that firm of 976,000 of Official endorsement of the plana of the Nebo school district bonds and 926,-0the Foreign Trade Financing corporato bonds of the Uintah school distion, th 1100, 000,000 organization being trict effected by the bankers business interThe bonds were voted In both instances ests end farmers of the nation to pro- In order enable the districts to carry mote international commerce, was given on their to school work for balance of yesterday bv the boars of governors of the current year. Without the this financing the gait Lake Commercial club. the Palmer the by arranged company themThe board members declared schools would have been compelled to selves In hearty sympathy with the pur suspend. ' ' ' TjVV-- Af .v- O pound. . i No change was made in th local of 98.10 per hundred -- pound sack. price PEPT0-MANGA- N T. L. Hall Denied Award. T. L Hall, formerly a conductor on th street car line operated by ths Utah Light 41 Traction company, alleged abdominal Injuries as resulting from an accident suffered July 4, 1919. He first obtained medical attention January 12, 1920, mors than six months later, and subsequently underwent an operation which brought on a disease which kept him in- a hospital for a long time He resumed work November 10, 1920, and was discharged later for cause. AU medical and local WASHINGTON, March IT. Formulation of a treasury policy on tax revision probably win be ready for' submission' to congress when it convenes April .11. Treasury experts hsv been engaged to making a survey of revenue source and th extent to which each may be tapped. It was indicated today that, while Secretary Mellon had not taken a ptSblle Stand on whether revenue or tariff revision should hav precedence, h desired to hav ths nscessary data on tha tax subject read for congressional commit-tee- a Former Secretary Houston's views wer that taxation measures shouljl b considered first because of ths effect on business of changed tax kewa Thar has been no indication of a change 11 policy in that respect, because few of th officials connected with the taxation aid have been relieved. Among questions Into which th expert have been delving is that of a sales tax, which has threatened to cause a rumpus among members of congress. The treasury expects to have statistics prepared soon "showing the amount that can be expected from such a tax, together with data concerning its effect on prices. Change in th rates on larger Income and increases in exemptions are under consideration, with a view to determining the revenue. There has been an Insistent demand, for raising exemptions of th lower salaried, now placed at 93000 for married men and 91000 for single pert sons. Repeal of th excess profits tax appears to be assured. Recommendation to that end were made by Secretaries Glass and Houston, and Mr, Mellon's attitude la understood not to be different. This tax, revenue official assert, has been difficult sf collection. In addition to th tale tax. experts are Investigating the revenue producing qualities of higher luxury taxes. Most treasury officials who have studied th luxury taxes bell eve that many of them should be repealed, particularly those similar to tha soda fountain drink levies The expense of collection of such taxes, it has been said, has run out of all proportion to th revenue received. One of th main points to th efforts of th treasury experts now Is to avoid Involved and technical taxation methods Higher officials hold that enforcement and 60I lection of taxes under intricate laws is much more expensive to the government and not aa productive as simple and practical means ot assessing the taxes SCOUT TESTS ANNOUNCED. First-claex ami nations for Boy Scouts the Salt Lake council will be held at hospital service was furnished by th '6f traction company, which, in addition, paid the Lafayette school tonight at I o'clock, him 912 a week from ths time h entered under th direction of Oscar A. Klrkbam, head of th council the hospital, October 35, 19301 Ths commutes finds that he did not an as prove that ha had sustained injury ths result of an accident arising out of or in th course of employment, and the commission feels that the Utah Light 4k Traction company gave the appliant the benefit of every doubt. Further compensation is denied. Widow Given Compensation. Mrs Edith G. Htldlng, for herself and aa guardian of Golds Hilding, a minor, is awarded (J 6 week for 912 weeks, tha maximum benefit allowed under th act In death cases. Her hus-anAllen Hilding, was killed by th explosion of a digester" while working for ths Mineral Products corporation, February 26, 1930, at Alunlts. Tha necessary court proceedings war completed in Msy, 1920. Ths stats insurance fund is the carrier In this instance. Tony Pappas suffered a broken bone in the foot October 1. 1920, and was rsoov-erln- g when be suffered a refracture of the same bona Tha commission awards him compensation for th entire disability period, even though hs was at horn and walking on crutches when ths second accident occurred. Axel Bjon, injured by a fan of rock from an or bucket while working for th Utah Apex Mining company, was within a weak pronounced cured by Dr. Btraup, tha com-an- y physician, and went to work for ths Tnlted States Smelting, Refining 4b Mining company. He was obliged to quit work again within ftv days, and was off work for two months Hospital and medical expenses had been borne by th Utah Apex and tha United States companies, but ths commission finds that th Utah Apex and its Insurance carrier, tha Aetna Life, must pay ths compensation for th second disability period as well. That for th first period has already been paid. d, ss STOMACH TROUBLE wmmmmmmmmmmm It Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Prevents Food Fermentation, Sour, Gassy Stomach and Acid Indigestion. ' - Doubtless if yon ar a sufferer from indigestion, you hsv already tried pepsin, bismuth, soda, charcoal, drugs and various digestive aids and you know thee things will not cur your trouble to soma case do not even give relief. . But before giving up hops and deciding you ar a chronio dyspeptic. Just try th effect of a littla blsurated magnesia not th ordinary commercial carbonate, t, oxide or milk, but th purs blsurated magnesia, which you can obtain from practically any druggist to either powdered or tablet form. Tak a teaspoonfu! of tha powder or two compressed tablets with a little water after your next meal, and see what a difference this makes. It will Instantly neutralise th dangerous, harmful acid in the stomach which now causes your food to ferment and sour, making gas, wind, flatulence, heartburn and th bloated or heavy, lumpy feeling that seems to follow most everything you eat. You will find that provided you take a littla blsurated magnesia immediately after a meal, you can eat almost anything and enjoy it without any danger of pain Case Is Lost. or discomfort to follow, and, moreover, Ths commission finds that Timothy th continued us of th blsurated magReardon, injured while in the employ of nesia cannot injura tha stomach In any the Carbon Fuel company, died as a result way, so long as there ar any symptoms of la grippe and hot because of infec- of acid indigestion. (Advertisement) tion from a scratch by a wire on th hand, for which he received medical attention for two months Compensation la denied to the widow, Mrs Mary RearKEEP don. Compensation Is also denied to Edward B. Walker, who alleged that he was inEasy If You Know Dr. ured while carrying a box at Montpelier, daho. while he was in tha employ of Edwards Olive Tablets th Myers Cleaning A Dyeing company of this city. The box. it was claimed, The weret ot keeping your ti to fed flipped down hla back and caused partial to do this you must wmkdi your Tom The commission finds that he paralysis did not prove that th disability resulted liver and bew there so need ot from an accident arising out of or to th having a tallow ccmpfodoo dart rtaft court of hla employment. pnder your tree punpleoa bilkxa look in jrour lace dull eyea with do Not Morri BfMrkJe. Your doctor will teU yoa cent at all ackneag cornea , nnetF per U. S. Check to from inactive bowels and liver. sit-ra- Its Plead KG MiG Guilty Forging Dr. Ed ward, a phytidaa In Ohio, perfected a vegetable com poemd mixed with olive od to act on the Ever and bowel which he gave to his patients far yean. Dr. Edwarde Olive Tablets, the substitute far calomel are gentle in their acticei yet always effective. They brine about that natural buoyancy which all should enjoy by toning ip the liver and clearing the lystMn of impuritie Dr.EdwarthOhviTaUotaareknowa well-kno- Fred M. Morris, former rallroAd T. M. C. A. secretary at Pocatello, Idaho, indicted by th federal grand Jury at Pocatello on a charge ot forging government checks entered a plea of not guilty when arraign gl In the federal court there Wednesday, according to Secret Service Operatives W. H. Davenport end Hoyt W. Hoyne, who returned to Belt Lake yesterday, Morria la at under bond. It is charged that while secretary of th railroad T. M. C. A. at Pocatello In June, 1919, Morris opened two letters addressed to soldiers which contained their discharge paper and bonus checks for 60 each. According te Mr. Davenport, Morris copied th signatures of th two men frorq their discharge papers and succeeded to cashing th checks The secret service Is to possession of a writ-te- a confession obtained from Morris at Central City, Keb., where he Wes general secretary of th T. M. C. A. after leaving Pocatello, according to Mr. lib-ar- ty of Paper Making Explained to Kiwanian Proce John E. Jonea, local manager of th Western Newspaper Union, explained th process of manufacturing paper et th noon luncheon of th Klwerls club at hotel veaterday. th Newhouss Th that said ths cheaper grads of speaker paper ar produced to the northwest, ths medium welahta In th middle wsstsrn cities, and th fine grade In New England, principally In Holyoke, Mass. Members of th Klwanla yesterday received copies of th first Issue of the Klwanla Candle, en official club publication. It is to be Issued by th torsi chapter under ths direction of Dr. It W. 1111. Two vocal solos were sling by Miss Mari King. Joseph J, LsBes prt- - by their ollr color. - 18c sad 90g IMPROVES THE COMPLEXION Stand-b- y You notice complexions in the spring. People who have plenty of rich, red blood have lips a deep, rosy red, eye bright and clear. Good complexions are baaed on the solid foundation of good blood, with plenty of red corpuscles. When blood becomes clogged with impurities, when the red corpuscles are not absorbing enough oxygen from the lungs and distributing it to the cells throughout the body, good complexions fade. Not only that, but you feef tired and' exhausted all the - time. Your shoulders droop and you lounge around and lean against anything handy. You lack energy because your blood is weak and thin not enough red corpuscles. Call People call it spring fever. it what you will, it is bad blood. It weakens powers of resistance. ' If you feel that way you should tak that exceptionally good blood tonic, for a while, It Gudes will make rich, red blood. For thirty among years it has been a stand-bphysicians. It will help you to build np this spring. All that come from havred coring good blood with plenty of puscles will come 10 you. When yon go to your druggists b sure to get ths genuins Gudss with the name Gudes " on the package. It is sold in both liquid and tablet form. Both have the same medicinal value. (Advertisement.) Pepto-Manga- y Pepto-Manga- n, Pepto-Mangan- Y h - CATARRHAL JELLY Colds atabsts - Maks W t-fealr.adBaa. ss4 Easy to apply jQuicktoact 9 twstisMl Hn ntCfaWWM KONDON MFG. CO. Minneapolis, Minn. SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO. Notlc is hereby given that ther will b a special meeting of the stockholders of th Silver Shield Mining A Milling company at- th offic ot th company, room 320 McCornick building. Salt Lake City, Utah, on Thursday, th 24th day of March, 192L at 10:30 o'clock a. m., for th purpose of considering and ratifying or rejecting th contract entered Into by th Silver Shield Mining 4k Bailing company, under authority of resolution of the board of dlreotors, subject to th ratification of ' tha stockholders' meeting, with the Bingham Galena Mining company, whereby the Sliver Shield Mining 4k Milling company will sell and transfer , to the Bingham Galena Mining company ail of its property, ofwater rights, tunnel rights and assets every nature and description, tn consideration of which the Bingham Galena Mining company assumes and agrees to pay aii debts of xna Stiver Shield Mining A Milling company, provided they do not exceed the sura of 917,000.00, and will taaua to th Silver Shield Mining A Milling company, to bs distributed to Us stockholders, 900,040 shares of the treasury stock of th Bingham Galena Mining company, and gtve and grant to the stockholders of tha Silver Shield Mining 4k Milling company tha right and option to purchase an amount of stock of th Bingham Galena Mining company equal to tha amount of atock of the Silver Shield Mining 4fc Milling company, owned by them of record, on th date tha Sliver Shield Mining A Milling company shall transfer Its property to th Bingham Galons kilning company, at 15 cents per share, payable 1U cents monthly thereafter until the full amount shall have been paid, and th atock to bo delivered at tha data fixed fur th final payment for it SILVER SHIELD MINING A MILLING - COMPANY. R, , E. MILLER. President. H. W. CRAM, Secretary. , a204f NOTICE OF SPECIAL ' MEETING of th American Poteah Corporation. Notlc la hereby riven that a special meeting of th stockholders of th American Potash Corporation la called to be held at the office of th company, room 109 Clift Building. Salt Lake city, Utah, on Monday, th 28th day of March, A. D. 1921, at th hour of two o'clock In th afternoon of said day, for th following purposes: First, to consider and vote upon a prop- -' osition to amend tn articles of Ineor- poration of said corporation by adding to article four thereof a provision to th affect that this corporation shall hav power to buy, take, acquire, hold, own, sell or otherwise dispose of shares of stock In other corporations. 7 Second, to consider and vote upon ttyd proposition ef the Industrial Potash Corporation, a corporation of Utah, wherein and whereby tt proposes to Issue to this corporation or Its order eight hundred thousand shares of its capital stock to consideration of this corporation selling and conveying to said Industrial Potash Corporation, by proper Instruments of conveyance, all or th tangible property and asset of this corporation; and to further oonalder and vote upon tha rectors of this corporation to sell and convey to said Industrial Potash Cor. poration th property and assets of this of said corporation tn consideration share of stock or to make such other sal and disposition of th property end assets of this corporation aa th board of directors may deem advisable. Third, to consider and pass upon th report of th board of directors of this corporation, and for th transaction of such other business as may lawfully be brought before said meeting. By order Of th president. DUNCAN J. FREW, Secretary. Dated March 3rd. A. D. 1921. 638 Of Stockholder ' Around Your Heart Among Physicians for 30 Years. In Tablet as Well as Liquid Form. , NOTICE. Notlc Is riven to creditors and others concerned: The state highway engineer on March Ifi, 1921, Issued his final csrtlft-cof approval of th contract between tha state of Nevada and th Midland Bridge Co. for construction of a bridge over th Virgin river to Clark county near Bunkarvills, known aa contract No. 80. Nolle la further riven that' to th sxplration of thirty (30)previous days thereafter ths said department will receive claim of creditors on acoount of said contract. Notlc is further riven that any claim filed sfter thirty 130) day from and after ths above date will b rejected end will not be considered by th department ot highways, C C. COTTRELL. Stale Highway Engineur at relieved by Baal man a breathBo ar bloat. ing, restlessness, anxiety and nervousness. When you wako up suddenly with difficult breathing, that is from gas pressure sgslnst your heart. What a blessing It Is then to have a bottle of Baalmann't on hand; just a few will relieve you st ono. Many people think It's heart. trouble. No, It'S Oss that does and Tak Baalmann's Ga-Tblhow woll you will fel In a short Um. Bold by all rchabl druggists and th Owl lrug Co., Iq ths genuine ysllow parkas, pries on dollar. J. Baalmsnn, Chemist, o aa Francisco. (Adx4 Gas-Tsbla- ta stantly; opprd ts it In- 4076 . ' |