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Show .....ion or the Packetinterest bus been government investiga-of Into the mode isiness by the large rh.aT0 ond elsewhere. - r"V man-Pryfnn8t- ted I no UJ" set laS "'Ik ie 11Iegal H i i modes of Author of I Scted with the ll'd?.sntrJliarge of any king no JOHN BURT kind has t illegal While a wave of this great Indus-wer- e 3Sslng over the Sight be well to remember no h!lVc had as yet denial, specific make to ,Bt !t lorCiintty TER 'of ly, answer could be rpnort of Commissioner te- - embodied the results 'id nilc!a investigation undertaken and S,m Department of Commerce was a vln-b?- r9 It certainly 0 th at-Jp- d s clamor are now being ap-treatment Fair overlooked. ac-- ! country has heretofore been as-l- e all citizens whose affairs in the public eye and prominence that bear upon the I ! facts the com-r- e S of the packers to at of the country may La the this time to. It would be the benefits gained the country result-th- e the fanners energetic enterprise of whatever is of benefit farmer is a gain to the entire the And con-cte- d amerce of the country. , with their continuous aggres-work no feature perhaps has been alluded Clt to estimate of the; eeot It 3 3 I! me ire is 3ID0C- - char. ior, ii eh Ii gooc nd ii s tti :ard r, de-- to! pipe con; sent:, ectiof Ice i! water heat 1 la t: . M- (I ; than their efforts In the world for surplus products of the farmer,, total exports of agricultural prod-,have gained but little In the past entv years, and leaving out corn, i. total of all other farm products ,re important "r than In 1891. But products there was period, gain during this and -- powerful ause an organized ce has been behind them seeking and broader markets. Besides the benefits reaped by farm's on account of the enterprise and 1903 far less in j'isiderable packing house exercised by the packers in at-- i Ding commercial results by foreign rie. the great development in the uiufariure of par king house bas added enormously to the fine of all live stock raised in the rergy an enty years ago, e packer, Is now converted of great value, and, as o! e is The waste material of then expense to sited States. tOtt ra outlets all over eking Continued. remarkable," said John Hurt, folding the map. "How did you happen to seleet this particular spot, Jim? Just happened to. that's all, was the laconic reply. I iaj,j all along here, but this the most likely. I suppose your claims cover the ground indicated on this map, don't they? asked John. It don t make a bit of difference whether they do or not, asserted Blake with much vigor. "If you find ore, the claim is jours, John, and don't you forget it! Supposj we go partners In the Sailor mine, suggested John. I have a tidy sum of money, and I'll offset that and the map against your claim and experience. What do you say, Jim? Its not fair to you. John, but I'll gladly accept, and here's my hand on lt! After breakfast they set about locating the sailor's vein. In less than an hour Jim Blake sunk his pick into a quartz rock which allowed free gold. While Jim was gloating over his find, John appeared from behind a ledge. He handed Blake a nugget which weighed fully ten pounds, and a glance to say nothing of the weight showed it to be almost solid gold. Blake grasped it, devoured its dull gloss with sparkling eyes, and hurled his hat high in the air. We are rich! We are rich!" he shouted until the rocks resounded. United States, Western packers, but :sllLlt having been unexpected discredit It many Quarters to if rie'of the Situation as it now proper-callehowever, attention may to a few facts that owing ,ihr Xl! P,ast il a hunlred times. a pick all around there and ore' sai, Fllake reflectivety?d that proves nothing. A thoupeople walked over the Little sand Calaveras before I found the gilt. Wall, John. he concluded, relapsing te familiar Yankee ? dont this beat time, as Unde drawl, Toby Haynes used to say?" formulated M Sfcjorlcl Miillonalre, bten wrong. k I kldnappeS into an ar-le- eco-mi- a c fact, this must correspondingly .crease the value to the farmer of ieryheadof cattle marketed at the Lmerwis stockyards of the country. Lt these facts be remembered while V t lt Ii so popular to regard the ip at packing industry as deserving of wademnation. At least it must be that so far. there is no ade-at- e reason for the almost unanl-,w- i lo! that may be hoard every-r- ; :en la the fare of the Garfield alluded to which praetioal-exoaeratc- s the packers from the inrtefinlte charges that have e for some time past made the sublet popular comment AmerUnn ad-ue- d t never n Monte Cristo was a beggar compared Hurrah for with Burton & Blake! the Sailor mine anil John Hurt! Vou can't keep a good man down! Hurrah! TEA There are fewer nerves in -- he CHAPTER XIII. countries. tea-drinki- a nervous Imagine The Quest for Gold. The two young giants performed folwonders in the three weeks which Glowof gold. lowed their discovery and Ining with health and strength, Dutchw- oman! Tow aXo ro-- w rritirsi our mono? If yow 4ooX loUiltoy'i Bool, Value In Food Material. A a rule the Increased amount of oliibl or extractive matter In i I In direct relation to Ita dlges Mlity and nourishing value, not that extractive principles are In twelves nourishing, but because V are appetising and promote the f of digestive Juices. Do You ty '1' jcnnts, Want the Earth? tel'a t opportunltlea for stock-raiser- fruit-grower- and professional men in southwest. t describes climate, soil, crops, In fjt I, an1 Uf. It contains that cannot be obtained 0,her source. to, not deal in theory and hiiTJr'.,nd its facts are In all cases v mately obtained and correct. - THE EARTH IS FREIS. pr wrlt0 C. F. Warren. A. b F. Ry. co.. Salt Lake City, i? ,DT Thoroughness. tha tw,u brother of PutaiL cn'Pioye gets th ,,n don th,n not Pretty auLnVhut.P5tartly rlRht u haa n,or 1 ,h hla u'P'oyer than brll-r lalnnt. Success Magazine. n, 11 7 TEA Mow ty a Uch strange that so dainthing should possess a power! Would Pawn !rn ?hn)c,illB 1 HinaHnrr a Baby. f f btln by ambition, they gnawed spired holes Into the side of the ragged mountains with their picks and drills. Several nuggets were found, but these were of small value compared with the broad stratum of ore which opened out from the Bpot selected by John Burt. The claim chosen by Blake soon exhausted Itself, and he turned his attention to the third, expressing a fear that he was a hoodoo." "But 'there's luck In odd numbers sang Blake as says Rory O'Moore, ani vlK' a on helv,nR he po8,d Into a crevcrowbar a drove orously below the ice. Ere the sun dropped another wide, uncovered had he range deep vein of gold bearing quartz. the The spring rains set In and brook became a foaming, thundering torrent. Avalanches tore down the way mountain sides, plowed their which roar a with and, cliff, over the shook the cabin, hurled themselves lost into the valley. Tho pine trees In a and sang of snow, their plumes which told of higher key the refrain complain-lnglcarried relief from burdens months. for tunnel Piled In gray heaps near the than fo.ty loss not was ore worth flight of the With dollars. thousand of tho snow and the birth and spilmt. longed of (ask his wearied Blake for Its rewards. In "Tell you what let s do, John. go "W" supper. after said ore night to Auburn nnd negotiate the to those n,ne. We ought John." bailor. the for money aftc How much?" asked John, moment's pause. po I Half a million." replied Blake the on accent tlvely, With a bn lug nillHon Is dead a H't'f million. Dont you think so. John cheap. the 70 111 moat a neighbor' an J.Vhtn earing R n K pawnshop, hby ... "c,7k refused It ho left the W'len nd coming 1 offered tho ct(nh,,H wjnj0. IW3. bt Duiirl Biudli We can try, John. said Blake Two hundred and fifty hopetuily. thousand dollars is a lot of money. I would taki it In a minute if I could get it. They discussed the matter for hours, but Blake would not recede from his position. Dangling before h.s eyes was a purse containing two hundred and iiity thousand dollars, to be obtained without further work or It meant pleasure, affluence, worry. ease, liberty it was enough. Not so with John Hurt. When the rock crumbled beneath the first blow of his pick and the ton pound nugget gleamed in the shale, he recalled the parting words of Peter Hurt quoting the lanI will give thee the guage of Isaiah: treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places, We'll talk no more about this matter Jim,'' he said, when Blake had finished telling of the great things which could he accomplished with a quarter of a million dollars. Til think it over for two or three days, and then we'll take the question up and decide it. Blake curbed his Impatience and worked and waited. He knew John Burt well enough not to mention the topic during the days which followed. One evening, after supper, John spent an hour or more figuring in an . old "I suppose you are still determined to sell your share in these mines Jim? said John, "I am, if I can get an offer of a quar ter of a million, replied Jim. "You're making a mistake, old man, said John Hurt, laying his hand on his friend's shoulder, "but you have as much right to your opinion as I have to mine. So we will call that settled. I told you I would make you a proposition, and here it Is. There are two mines, and they look equally promising. I propose that you take one and I take the other. We will You know them; I dont. Go an'l see John Hawkins." said capitalists. WORK FOR HEALTH Exercise Absolutely Necessary to Keep the ' Body in Proper Physical Condition The sedentary man is like a stag- six to four that consumption will carnant pool, while tho active man is like ry off Its victims before the age of the mountain stream. In the stag- forty five. per cent of sufnant pool reptiles of many descrip- ferers from this disease die before tions crawl and croak, and from lt they reach this age. Above sixty, the noisome odors rise. The mountain per cent of eases Is only twelve. In general diseases, such as smallstream is pure and sweet and crystal clear. pox. diphtheria, measles, etc., the The body Is a form through which chances do not differ widely. Thirty a stream of matter flows. Exercise per cent of the deaths from these disIs the means by which the movement eases occur under the age of 36 per cent, between of the stream Is accelerated so that 34 per cent, above sixty. and sixty; the blood is kept pure and the tissues Apoplexy, softening of the brain and clean. The Bible says that lie that paralysis chiefly afflict elderly people, will not work shall not eat, and Nature says the same. A man who In- 55 per cent of the deaths from these sists upon eating, even though he causes occurring above sixty, and only does not work, pays the penalty for 12 per cent below The probabilities are that sufferers his violation of natural law. The food he eats becomes poison In the tis- from other nervous diseases will not sues; his bodj is not only like the reach the age of sixty, only 27 per ocstagnant pool, but It becomes even like cent of deaths from theso causes a cesspool, and ready food for germs. curring after that kge. Heart disease afflicts principally Exercise increases the ability of the 11 body to resist a disease. It encour- the elderly and middle aged, only cause of from cent this deaths per creates function, ages every bodily years of .appetite for food and the ability to occurring before digest when eaten. It strengthens the age. Although pneumonia has been called heart, clears tho brain and enliven "the old man's disease," the chances the spirit. to thlrty-Riagainst one How much must one exercise? How are of tbts disease after the age of dying to do one must much muscular work Twenty-ninper cent of the maintain good health? According to sixty. from pneumonia occur under recent English authorities the average deaths e , cent between 35 Fifty-nin- e forty-fiv- e; forty-fiv- David Parker, as a faint smile froze forty-five- . on his face. He is honest but hard-h- ard as granite. 1 hope you may succeed with him Mr. Burton. If you and Mr. Hawkins cannot come to terms, 1 I might refer you to others, Good day; good day, sir and good luck! As David Parker predicted, John forty-fivBurt had little trouble in securing an interview with John Hawkins, millionaire mine owner and Investor. He wrote the name John Burton on a card end gave lt to an attendant. sixty-fou- r Two burly men stood In the doorway, pausing to make some parting remark, which was followed by roars of forty-fivmerriment. The attendant brushed forty-fiveper man should do, daily, work equiva cent 36 but and and past them as they closed the door. per sixty, 'Tell him to come In," wa3 the or- lent to climbing a perpendicular lad above sixty. Other respiratory disf mile, or twenty-sibun der given in a voice sonorous through der as bronchitis, pleurisy, dred feet high. If one lived In the eases, such the heavy partition. a little longer lease of etc., grant Switzerland, or John Burt's education in the eti- vicinity of life. In the neighborhood of certain deep quette of servility and In adulation of Derangements of the digestive sys- ' mines, he might actually climb such tem defec material things was singularly do not glean from the aged s some other more tive. This may have been due to his a ladder. Ordinarily, very large number of victims, the must of method exercise convenient country training. It never occurred to be chances being more than two to one adopted. It has been determined John Burt that he should stand in awe those so afflicted reaching the against a on feet level, of the Hawkins millions. He was im- that walking twenty sixty. Thirty per cent of the at the rate of three miles an hour, Is age of from deaths this class of diseases ocpressed by the leonine head and githe body perpen- cur to 38 under the gantic proportions of the magnate, as equivalent the lifting age of forty-five- ; distance of one fiot. forty-fivan artist is when he contemplates for dicularly and sixbetween cent, per one may. If he chooses, walk 32 per cent, above Blxty. the first time some stupendous work Hence, ten instead of climbing a lad- ty;Victims miles, the great of nature. Ho returned of Brights disease have a a mile high. Of course, hill man's gaz-- before which most strang- der half of reaching sixty, only fair chance will climbing 16 In 100 dying of this disease before ers quailed and faltered, with an an climbing nnd mountain the same thing as ladder swering look which calmly asserted accomplish and If one chooses to do forty-five- . climbing, deference only classified as "genitoan equality, yielding Complaints the work indoors, he may work out bis old to a seniority of years. are age diseases, 77 per In stair climbing. Going up and urinary" How do you do? What can I do task cent of the deaths from such cases ocIs Mr. down a flight of stairs ten feet high at ages above sixty. for you. sir? Take a chair. to raising tho body about curring Hawkins glanced again at the card equivalent per cent of tho deaths from Fifty Hence, tossed it on his desk, and wheeled and twelve feet perpendicularly. amount of violent causes occur under forty-five- . confronted John Burt, who had ac one might do the required Fully 68 per cent of the typhoid fework by going up and down such a and ver deaths occur under forty-five- , cepted this gruff invitation. one hundred and sev"I ow n oi control some recently dis flight of stairs 9 per cent at ages higher than only do he may covered gold mines, and am in San enteen times. But, first, the work while standing In a corner sixty. Fsancisco for the purpose of Interest nnd raising himself on his toes. In A Preventive Measure. tog capital in their development the body Is elevated said John Burt. "I am Informed that such exerciseIncheR. A practical plan for checking the s four about Hence, three you are an investor In mining properspread of tuberculosis In public conwould be equivalent to raishas Just been proposed.' The ty. I am In a position to submit prop veyances one foot, and to raise the ositions which may result to our ing tho body Tulierculosls Anti league of Cleveland, hunor twenty-sibody half a mile, mutual advantage. received the sughas tho Leader, says be necessary to Where are they?" growled Mr. dred feet, it would conductors be supthe that gestion four thousand ten toes rise upon the John Hawkins. plied with small cards on which Is a exdeFor an answer John stepped behind hundred times. One might easily movement at the rate of printed request that passengers on the fhxr, togeththe capitalist and placed his fingers ecute this from sist spitting fifteen on a point Indicated on a large map of one a second, which would le 'mr APZMCTf! with a copy of the law on the subfeet a minute, or nine hundred feet er wall. on the which California hung 77ZTJVGff3 VN71Z. When the conductor notices a &XX77D. an hour. At this rate the days task ject. the rule he Is exThey are located on the west slope would be accomplished In about three passenger violating of the Sierra Nevadas, at an altitude offender one of the hand to hours. But it would he very tiresome pected call the south one Sailor A and the of about two thousand feet above the to do the work In this way, for almost the cards. He avoids all dispute with north 'Sailor B.' You can have your river, five miles south of the Wormley the entire amount of work would he the passenger, the other passengers Here is a rough trail." said John. note what has been done, and lt Is choice. thrown upon a single set of muscles. of the detailed surroundings. map tho expectorator will "I'll Jim. fair! said not That's the hands upon the back thought that embarrassed and leave become for the He handed the chart to Mr. Hawkins. By aplacing or either play jou a game of seven-uchair upon a table the arms is no gold there not an of In good There the take suggestion ten or of three stints the first choice; car, games You may be used to assist In lifting the tho ounce," declared the magnate. from abstain and repeating faith each best two out of three to tak movements can be have found a mare's nest, young man. body so that the offense. first choice." over ten years executed much more easily. More or All right. responded John, as I looked that nocountry The league, which less weight can he thrown upon the there." There's gold Blake produced a well worn park of a co. Is having a was recently, organized arms. "My partner and I have extracted But before to discards and shuffled them. of deal literature printed great By raising upon the heels and bendforty thousand dollars worth of high workwe play, let me finish my proposition the the schools, tribute among In three weeks, said ing the knees, the body may be alterthere You wish to sell your claims for two grade ore and la districts tenement the Here Is a spool nately raised and lowered through a shops, hundred and fifty thousand if you can John Burt quietly. Is of educatloa seed where the all places exe Here of it. something else." distance of about two feet. The find a purchaser. Will you give me an men and sanitary lines tenda sample of ore and the ten cutlon of such a movement requires along hygienic lie placed I'll claim. on your you give the spread of tubercuto option prevent ing In outHawkins' to the pound nugget nearly four seconds, or fifteen five thousand In cash for the follow show would losis promise of growth. stretched hand. minute. The body would thus be lift ng option on your claim you to deed be an hour a continued.) (To ed thirty times minute, and me all your rights in consideration of HEALTHFUL RECIPES. and a half would be required to do one hundred thousand dollars, payable GOT. ANSWER HE DESERVED work. By placing weights the days in sixty days from this date; one hun Salad Sandwiches. Boll three eggs upon the shoulders the rate at whlrh ten dred thousand payable In six months minutes; drop In cold water two In Calling the work Is done would be Increased, Was Head RaHroad Wrong from date, and one hundred thousand peel, and while still warm, minutes; Machinist. Down" and time shortened. But, on the whole, payable in one year from date. And mash fine with s silver fork, work la MexiA. of A. of the method Is no When Robinson, I accomplishing there "You bet your life will, Interrupt two was the Inspiring the work so good as walking, and par- a tablespoonful of thick cream, ed Blake, extending his hand. Make can Central railroad, to salt of lemon Juice, teaspoonfuls of the Santa Fe, he often vis- ticularly climbing a hill with a modIt two thousand in cash, John. That watercress a little taste and chopped In ited the big shops Topeka. One day erately steep grade. will be enough. Make lt two thousand fine. After cutting off the crust, huts while on a tour of Inspection he watch and I'll go yon." Bicycle riding, if not overdone, Is ter sparingly the end of a square loaf execute a of ed a machinist pJece excellent exercise. To accomplish the of good Graham bread; then, with a "We will call it twenty five hundred work. Now. Mr. Robinson prliA.-- him same amount of work riding a bicyand you can hate the other twenty knife, cut as thin a slice as lf upon his knowledge of every cle, one must cover about four times thin, sharp five hundred If you need it. said John and cut until you Butter possible. had not finished branch of the railroad service. Upon the distance required for walking. But smiling. have slices to make the required numhim struck It the , that occasion of the pro this Most city people, outside the labor- ber of sandwiches. Spread a buttered You shall have bis work coeds from the sale of the ore already machinist was not doing ing classes, take far too little exer- slice with egg mixture, place over It cise. As a result the deficient oxida- a lettuce leaf washed and dried, then mined. That should net you $25,000. correctly. In "My friend, he said, "that Is tion of the body wastes and the accu- another slice and press well together. You need not shake your head. I may make with wrong. mulation of uric acid and other tissue Trim the edges, removing tough crust any arrangement The machinist, who did not recog- poisons after a time result In rheumten per cent have shall outsiders you cut across twice diagonally, and arof all profits payable to me. I wish to nize the railway msgnate, replied: atism, neurasthenia, apoplexy, prema- range the triangles on lettuce leaves It InIs business It what Is; "Suppose ture old ago and a great variety of on a wooden bread plate. feel that yon will alwajs have an of yours?" disorders which may he traced more terest In the Sailor mine. Toasted Granose Flakes With Nuts "I :n A. A. Robinson, the railroad or less directly to uric acid accumulaAll right, John." said Jim. finally. and Fruit Juice. Toast the flakes la sevenanswered sternly. of manager game tion. Now well play that the oven delicately, hut enough to The maelilnlst turned white. ul'" them well; sprinkle over them Raid. he crisp tu a thousand John and "I pardons. g first game won the Vital Statistics. Blake of ground pecan or other a not will cost cupful "1 John hope my Impertinence who Is troubled with the second. In the third game Everyone dust five lightly with sugar and nuts, I have a wife and had two to go. and Blake lacked six me my Job. symptoms will le Interested In the servo with fruit Julfe, would to turned lose and my He place children, statistics prepared by a leading life points. It was his .leak Baked Bananas Beat two eggs and mean povrrty to them. I am sorry I insurance company showing at what two Jacks Ii. fore the trump was ro we have see a many but low. said you It, cup and a half of water together. Jack, and then made high, ages different diseases may be expectono dozen bananas, dtp In egg who give us advice about ed to and Tocl here rubber labors won The the and human machinery. and the game, stop one damn tell we roll In granola or bread nnt e work our that butter, of the first choice. figures deal with a period In love, fool from another," repeat. Place In oiled pan, crumbs; which 1898 In unlucky during ISIS cards, years "Lucky of Is tafull who minutes In hot oven. humor, hake the Mr. reRobinson, front arose twenty under he time- 46.525 ccath passed laughed Blake ns the ma- Servo with of tell of nothing course, "Sailor A H mine subject to laughed heartily and assured view. ble. They, hlnlst that his Jolt would not bo In individual cases, but of the average Orange Sauce Mix thoroughly half your option, John." an with. and terfered a much. reveal cases cup of sugar and a rounded or John drew up an agreement they tjplcal and the Investigation revealed that the maof cornstarch. Then add, In are connected Skilful physicians option, which both signed, dissolved. chinist was executing the work cor- with tho large life Insurance offices, the following order, a tablespoonM film of Burton & Blake was hundred rectly, and that Mr. Robinson was to examine into the physical condition of lemon Juice, the Julco of on! Blake accepted twenty-fivlater wrong Topeka Capital. of applicants for Insurance, and to orange, a little of the rind, three quardollars In cash, and three days town mining little In the make a careful Investigation of tho ters of a cup of boiling water. Cook arrived both sent a Desperite Remedy. causes of death In cases of policy hold- In ten minutes In double boiler, stir of Auburn, from which they to Singleton I'm getting awfully gray, ers. Remove from firej ring constantly. trustworthy man bark to tho cabin, re Is there no remedy for It?' doctor. Burt John until of the company In ques- whip la the whites of two eggs beaten records The remain on guard Dr. Gruff Yes. Get married. tion show that the chances are about stiff. turned. t, e x e note-hook- one-bal- x e , x nearer to Washington than at city. Coptkujht, J. M heel-raising- Booth's Avoidance of Washington. Booth never acted In Wash-Stoafter the assassination of Present Lincoln by his brother. John ' ikes Booth. He acted in Baltimore, Etc. Doctrine, !Vf 1 matead. Edwin lS UPHAM ADAMS Colonel Monroe' All rights reserved finMUl.lo nublir. f'ed Criticism of Jntry Th By FREDERICK Bidding Blake adlett for it week or moro, Burt proceeded to Sau Francisco. He engaged rooms in the Palace under the name of John Burton and made Inquiries concerning the leading mining experts of the city. He decided to present his case to David Parker. He wrote the famous expert a brief letter, and was duly accorded an interview. During the brief preliminary John Burt studied David Parker ani decided to trust him. Then he related the story of the discovery of the Sailor mine. 'I have always believed that those hills that those hills contained gold, said David Parker hesitatingly. Why do you come to me, Mr. Burton? he asked. "I am not an an investor. I'm an expert at least, an an alleged expert. I wish you to refer me to an Investor, replied John Buft. You are an expert In metals ami should be In not nt ,r,wnt. Ve enn and I advise ou not to trouble, without handle this property It thnn and make more In d veloping If w doubt I by selling It. Besides, a million." can get an offer of nn'f p s s 1 one-half- lirty-thre- - table-spoonf- ul |