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Show MEASURES UP TO THE E-RU-NA STANDARD NO FRESH AIR FOR CONSUMPTIVES Most Effective Weapon Available for Conflict With Dreaded White Plague e WiartVnewitAitoi aIVaweWaaaatA HwWWvjjVal The follow inn ahbtracta from an article by J E. Smbbert. M. D., In the Medical Record, bhould receive wide and careful attention. No doubt If these ideas could be carried out. the "white plague would be robbed of much of its terror: In ancient times it was highly Improper to expose a tuberculous patient, especially one beyond the first stage, to a breath of fresh air except on the mildest days In summer, while the night air was di ended and avoided as the plague. Thea the more observant and thoughtful men noticed that those who lived more In the open air did not die as quickly as the patients, and they began to urge an outdoor lite and moderate exercise as a prophylactic as well as a cure for those In the early stage! of consumption. Those in the more advanced stages weio allowed fresh air only when It was at summer temperature, but even this was better than being kept Indoors In warm, 111 ventilated rooms the whole year. There are several plans by which the victim of tuberculosis may continuously breathe pure, fresh air by nignt as well as by day. Sleeping out in the open air is not harmful to a large majority of tuberculous people. Millet, of Brockton, Mass., reports the cases of five patients whom he recommended to sleep out of doors at night. They were allowed no roof ever their heads except In rainy weather. They wore soft felt hats and cotton nightshirts, sleeping under ordinary bedclothes in beds arranged on the roofs of their houses. was noted In two weeks. Coughs disappeared, temperatures became noi mai, respirations were easier and w eight Increased rapidly. No attention was paid to dampness and drafts, and heavy dews were regarded as inconvenient simply because of the necessity of drying the bedclothes. Sleeping in a small room with an open window does not appear to be nearly so beneficial to the patient as when the nights are passed on a veranda or In ft tent where there is a free circulation of air on all sides. If a patient were fortunate enough to have a large room with a southern exposure and containing one or two open fireplaces, in addition to large windows on three sides, which might be opened at night, he might derive approximately the benefit Incident to hot-hous- e High Standard Is Required of Any Catarrh Remedy That Has Been Endorsed by so UNCLE SIAW f,A Many Trustworthy and Prominent People . Conviction Follows Trial When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happens to have in his bin, how do you know what you are ? Some queer stories about coffee that is sold in bulk, getting could be told, if the people who handle it (grocers), cared to out speak Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of housekeepers to use lion Coffee, the leader of all package coffees for over a quarter to all in not of a century, if found it superior they had other brands Purity, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity? tent Tkli popular aucce ol LION COFFEE can be due only to Inherent Merit. There to bo stronger proof of merit than continued and Increasing popularity. If the verdict ol MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince yon ol the' merits of LION COFFEE, McGraham, of South Carolina, LION COFFEE I aold only In 1 lb. crated peokngra, end resches 70a pare end elran m when It left oar factory. Linn-hea- d on every peekege. Save theee Llon-bra- di for vcluble premium,. u SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio, SING OF ALL LINIMENTS CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN Ck: Bm I Elm M acdl; MUMLOIA, J outi, OHIO AOHAQM1v CL iuhbago, Cj ABUtOCLft. ANf TtrP JO'UTt, CONTHAOraO Wllftft. FOSTI ANKCLte COHN Of UUMiATftOtt M CAAAVsJ OMIUUUMg A0 ALL h nT. COM ft, SUftONf VftVS. 0l 0 y READ THIS REMARKABLE CURE "I mnrb afflicted tu Co., with rheumatism." write, Ed. C, Nud. Iowayllle, Pedt-!rof Aul irrtmt alxiut on cruti'hM Aixl MtfTrrln tnrft was lodurcd to trt JlnllnnJ Snow Unlmfnt, thli h nirHl ave r. F Wo tx.ttlcH. IT IS 1HK UKEATKST l.IMMK.NT 1 EV It I Im nrntra , ihemM-lvean niUxI It to a number of te',na e,irr lewni, all suit am able to perform a great orw 01 by It. I now wnlk without crutches, light labor on the farm. k dl f, nr THREE SIZESi 23c, 50c AND $1.00 Ballard Snow Liniment 8. A. ST. LOV1S. V. DOUGLAS W. L. 5 tv. I.. in $3.12 & 53.00 SHOES altera la the .He. are the ,raae. H. B.I.IW wl4 bsssMtewrihflP rr W? i m lirjr rv 1 wsMriny (fiiulltira. iJl hnN HMISSl Lt liatti ? 4r ttlivrv rr 1 earn ant, , ii i.nwa ier ti, taurnw thetmph nr iU y- - w IlM 9 .v a.. ,r rM rmr othrr ukrs at Asr wr wra W.L ,n,n lie. hit kH,r .r M" 11 f f'P 7' trrrU, ,Us t mktrr fw CtihUtt y HKTTKR It. I,i Ihrrt w.ke.-.- . A mV Ant, n ,Sttni ( '" ' Boyt vtar W. L Doaglu $3.50 and $3 00 iboe Wu thiy better, hold their ehape, and wear loairer than other W.L.00UCLAS $4.09 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE W tuff II w, u ftMllMe Iwriltof ntm c tn M A ot.otthm1:1fit tl.irr U u g. IttfnrmniUm, f r wiwi, wM.4e!oT w r Wfmmtm Awlt ( dlin ttMIll fa kr iw wit ,T ! hbtMtHtfd t ue.Wto w ' W.L.DOUCLAsi BneCKTON. MASSACHUOTTa . .. pre- fers the circular to the army tent, and thinks it better to place It on a platform two feet from the ground, and to do without carpets and draperies. Draperies are not necessary, but rugs add greatly to the comfort and convenience of those In health, and their use can be made perfectly safe by exposing them to the sunlight for a few hours dally. It costs you bnt a trifle to buy a package. It Is the easiest way to convince yourself, and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER. m life. Co tion Is on safe ground. The person with an extra good appetite will bave to exercise self control or be placed on the retired list to learn wisdom by experience. Cigarette!. Tobacco Injures men and kills children. The Chicago school board has been having n medical examination ol certain pupils before allowing them to take part In certain athletic sports. Boys and girls were subjected to the same examination. Not one girl was found unable to pass, while a large number of the hoys, in almost every case smokers, were found to be In a physical condition which made violent exercise of any kind very dangerous. Twenty-onwere out of a hundred found unfit, and all but three suffered from some form of heart trouble. Almost without exception the unfit one; were cigarette smokers. MINGLING WITH Poles Hold hemselves Rigidly Aloof From Their Conquerera. Hugo Ganx In his book on Russia writes as follows of the relations existing between the Russian officials and the Poles: "They remain separThe Rusate, like oil and water. sian, even though ho Is the master. Is of no consequence here. It Is only necessary to observe for the space of an hour from some corner of the elegant dining room of the hotel the behavior of the Polish society and the complete isolation of the Russian officers or officials; tt Is only necessary to be able to dlntlngulsh the groups from one another the Baltic nobility with their almost bourgeois families, merchants from all the princifunctionaries pal countries. Russian and Polish society and Itwlll at once become clear who is at home here, firmly rooted to the soil, so that all others become strangers and intrudes; It U the Toles and the Poles ilnna." the welfare of their patients as they n.lght be. Here Is a story of one who went to the limit. He Is the proprietor of a famous health resort not far from . When he receives a pa tient for treatment he says: "Now, I want If understood that unless you do exactly as I Bay, there Is no use of your staying." This rule sometimes requires him to be very harsh, but he never hesitates. He acts on the theory that he can better afford to offend a single patient and lose him that to have that patient go back home and tell hla friends Dr. had dune him no good, relates the Washington Star. Not long ago a clergy man went to this resort for treatment. The doctor looked him over upon bis rrrival and said: "W hile you are here you must take long walks every day." "But I can't take walks," replied the parson. "I haven't done any walking for years. My heart wont stand It " They argued the question quite warmly. As the clergyman and doctor were good friends, the latter was more lenient than usual. However, he bided his time. The next after noon the physician said to the clergyman: "Ita a nice day. I would like you to go horseback riding with me. Riding they went. When they were about eight miles from the sanitarium the physician said: "Oh, doctor, won't you get me that flower by the roadside? I don't like to leave this o well-know- n EXPERIENCE OF HISS MERKLEY Was Told That an Operation Waa Inevitable How She Escaped It Bhe When a physician tells a womaa suftrouble fering with ovarian or that an operation la necessary, the very thought of the knife and the operating table strikes terror to her heart, and our hospitals are Ail) of women coming for ovarian or womb operations. It is often very desirable to know Low to seal a letter so that It cannot ho opened without betraying the fact Steam or hot water will open enve- Mittrfargi'et Aferkley lopes closed with mucilage and even a wafer. A hot Iron or a spirit lamp dissolves sealing wax, an Impression In plaster having been taken of the seal. By the combined use of water and sealing wax, however, all attempts to open the letter otherwise than by force can be frustrated. All that is necessary is to close the letter first with a small moist wafer and to pierce the latter with a coarse needle (the same applies to mucilage), whereupon sealing wax may be used in the usual manner. This seal can neither be opened by dry heat nor by moisture. , There are cases where an operation Is the only resource, but when one considers the great number of cases of ovarian and womb trouble cured by Lydia E. Iinkham s Vegetable Compound after physicians have advised operations, no woman should submit to one without first trying the Vegetable Compound and writing Mrs. Iinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free. Miss Margret Jferkley of 875 Third Street, Milwaukee. Wle., writes; Dear Mrs. Pinkbara: Loss of strength, extrema nervousness shooting pains through the pelvic organs, bearing down pains and cramjis compelled me to seek medical avice. Tha doctor, after No Chance for a Girl. making an examination, said I hod ovarian trouble anil ulceration and advised an opera, The accepted masculine attitude tlon. To this I objected end decided was well expressed by the small boy to try Lydia E.strongly rink hams Vegetable Comwho overheard the conversation of a pound. Tha ulceration quickly healed, all the bad symptoms disappeared and I am caller. He was one of four brothers, once more strong, vigorous and well." visitor a and the remarked, "What and womb troubles ars steadOvarian pity one of your boys wasnt a girl." Dropping his game and thrusting hands in pockets be exclaimed: "Well, Id like to know whod 'a ben'er. 1 wouldnt 'a ben'er, Joe wouldnt 'a ben'er, Ed wouldnt 'a ben'er, and Id like to know who'd 'a ben'er." aTaTiiTilias Hi. " ..lltia. ily on the increase among women. If the monthly periods are very painful, or too frequent and excessive if you have pain or swelling low down in tha left side, bearing down pains, dont neglect yourself : try Lydia B. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. leucor-rhcpf- t. ililAllfii J ipwr1 if TT Tu .ii . The Kind You Have J;! I 7 f. For Infants and Children. VlMl1,tr yiTffsr'Vn herse." As soon as the clergyman was on the ground the doctor galloped off with both horseB, and the clergyman 111 waa compelled to walk back to the sanitarium. Upon his arrivel he was very angry, and was for packing up and leaving at once. There was no train that night, so he was forced to Special Hospitals for Consumptives. A hundred years ago the city of stay a few hours longer. The next he came down radiant and Naples, Italy, erected a large hospital morning for consumptives, and required the good natured. Doctor," said he, "I was pretty isolation of all persons suffering from I torglve this, disease. It Is only recently, how- sore at you last night, hut I have had the first good everything. of authorities modern ever, that the Herecities have become awakened to the 6ltep I have enjoyed In months. order Implicitly. I'll after your obey measure. this of sanitary Importance Recently a number of cities have taken steps for the establishment of TIMELY VEGETARIAN RECIPES. hospitals esiK'clally for the treatment Cream of Celery Soup Ingredients: of caes of consumption by the tops, I quart cream or rich Celery r method." Excellent "open-airesults aio reported from this method milk. Method Put tops In saucepan, cover of treatment. with water, simmer one hour. Drain, The German government has a water to pan, add milk and return committee central numbering large hour longer, simmer one-hal- f stalks, more than thiiteen hundred persons, season to taste, remove celery, thickthe for purpose tf erecting organized en to consistency of cream. Serve hospitals for tho treatment of tuberculosis This committee has under Its hot One Sauce Ingredients: Chili such hospisupervision sevmity-fou- r s 4 tablespoon-fulstrained tomato, tals. and last year treated over thirty quart 3 minced celery, tablespoonfuls thourand patients, of whom eighty per cent were returned to their homes minced onion, sugar. Method Put all together In saucepractically cuicd after remaining Li to boll, set on back of come let pan, an a of on little average the hospitals A range and simmer two hours. less than three month. small piece of lemon peel and a cup of chopped tart apples will greatly An Extra Good Appetite. till apples A good appetite Is a symptom of Improve the flavor. Cook remove lemon cool, are peel, done, good health. An extra pood appetite Is sometimes a sjmptom of const na- serve. Candied Sweet Potatoes Roll potational disturbance somewhere. A samtoes till tender, remove Jackets, arto the and sent letter "Questions ple Answers column of a prominent range in oiled baking pan, sprinkle In slow health Journal was something like wllh powdered sugar, brown oven. this: Sweet Potato Cutlet! Pare pota"I am troubled with pimples, not to cover wllh boiling water, boll toes, still hut very extent, a great annoying. minutes, drain off half the twenty They appear prlnetpa'ly on Ihe foreand cook till soft. They should water, on other but occasionally places. head, bo almost dry when done. Mash or I often feel languid, and tire easily, rh er. Form In shape of and ennnot gain flesh, although I have put through wllh powdered sugar, sprinkle chopH. I Still am an extra pood appetite. oven. medium In Serve brown and not sick, and have not Wen In bed for wllh peas. sugar In life. nineteen Ape. a day years. my Porkless Baked Beana Wash bean, Will you kind.y advise me what you In heavy pot and boll five minplace remove these would think pimples?" nake twenty-fou- r Salt to taste, utes. There Is 'Ittle doubt but that the In slow oven, hours keeping bare"extra s,u,,l appetite" alluded to afwith water. When done, covered ly disituation. The tho to fords tho key the beana should le of a uniform gestive organs have more than the." dark brown. Longer cooking will Imand do of, care consequently can tuko not properly take care of anything fur- prove. Potatoes Lyonnane Chop cold boilnished. There will be frequrct head-achrSeason with ckln disorders and alternate con- ed or baked potatoes. In onions Stir while salt ehoppmg. such with diarrhea perand stipation too If n. lured, and stiff, thin a parsley son. rtmples are natural result of with nut cream to consistency desirsuch depraved blood conditions. With many people the habit of ed. Turn Into oiled baking pan, brush with cream, brown. hearty eating is continued when tho smooth, In Serve come. Food which square!. warm spring days . was appropriate when the thermometTurnips 8tewed In Cream Pare er was at aero U continued In the young turnips, cut In dice. Simmer same quality and quantity when tho till nearly done. Drain off nearly all the water. Add enough cream to theieiometer rise to ninety degree Salt to taste. Simmer In the un. and averages above slxtr barely cover Tblckea all day and night. The pel son who till tender (don't boll). Serve. loses his appetite under such a condi slightly AVOIDED OPEilATIQH Secret. A . How to Earn Sound Sleep. All doctors are not so careful of RUSSIANS. Always Bought JiVfcgetaUe Preparallonfor Assimilating die Food and Reg ala ling the Stomachs and Dowels of Bears the Tfomotes DigcsIionChccrful-nes- s Signature i and Rest .Contains neither Opium. Morplune nor Miner aL of ?OT NARCOTIC. jbnfoidursmupaoim JSmtfA m SmU' Alx .mum AtmArrd JtfKfrmmt Mrm In -- tUntud .tufa Fknm jfsji-- Apcrfed Remedy forConslipn-Tion.SoStomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverishness and OF SLEEP. Use ur For Over Loss Signature or Facsimile Thirty Years NEW YOnK. EXACT COPY OF P IB WRAPPER TMI NWMN MUMNV, ftCW FORI KTV. jCTgrTMnw mmrmrirr COLLECTED DEBTS WE CAN COLLECT SOME FOR YOU We collected an old note yesterday for $105 from a. party In Port- land, Oregon, for client in Nebraska. a SEND IN YOUR CLAIMS. '"protective associati SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS TOP FLOOR COMMERCIAL NATIONAL FRANCIS G. LV'KC, W. N.U., Salt Best Lako-N- o. Central Manager. IB. 1009. issasnspsnw tW turtl .. . 4nitfh ttjrup. IsaumUimmL In ttin .id hv ON6-U- P sasGcJJi OF BANK BAD DEBTS. BLDG., SALT LAKE CITY. Some People Don't Like Ve. RELIABLE ASSAYSII (It .Tt lin'd md Sllr- Cold Lvftil -r I Tt On rt Ilsrar Ould. Hvturu and Ogden A&sau Co. mi .or I Hit'll OrM . Ltd opt' nu,hu When Antwermg Advertieementa Kindly Mention Thle Paper |