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Show Last Tuesday evening LOCAL NOTES. the Third amusement committee met. at the residence of Morgan Beck and drew up a program for a sc dal to he held in the meeting house In honor of Ralph Boyack, who has recently returned from a mission to Texas. The program will consist of songs, recitations. speech of welcome, toasts. Ice cream, cake and lemonade will be served. Principal David Prior feels very happy to learn from Superintendent J. I.. Brown and the trustees of this district, that his work as principal of our schcols has been very successful. Following is a recommendation from Superintendent Brown and Indorsed by the school board of this city. Provo City, April 25, 1904. To Whom It May Concern: This will certify that Mr. David Piior of Spanish Fork has been a teacher in the public schcols of this county for a number of years, during which time he has also filled the position as principal of the Spanish Fork schools, In which he has been very successful. He has been an earnest, consistent worker and an enthusiastic suppoiter of the educational interests of the county. He takes great pride in his educational work and Is untiring In his efforts fer success. Ills enthusiasm will Insure him success In any position he may fill. J. L. BROWN. (Signed.) County Supt. We heartily endorse the above recommendation. . QUET JOHNSON, BENJ. ARGYLE, DAVID MORGAN. School Board, Spanish Fork. Chester Young pigs for sale White, by Soren Peterson. ward Mias Lydia Jonps of Provo made a brief visit to the Forks Monday. Z. P. Romeral has moved into Jack Jones place in the field, north of town. Your attention is called to the advertisement of T. Peterson in another column. Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. Baxter gave a 8s ial party to a number of friends la:t night. Mrs. Shebe Freshwater of Provo is visiting in this city with her sister, Mrs. Geo. AInge, this week. Twenty per cent eft' on all street hats at the Emporium. Thos. Drage has secured the paperhanging contract at Castilla, and left for there yesterday to commence work. N. F. Witson, representing the Salt Lake Herald, has been in town several days, in the interest of that paper. in numThe graduates, exercises ber, will attend the closing to be held at American Fork on Friforty-thre- e day, May 13th. Carl Saxey Informs us that while at Callentes last week he saw a towel at the hotel there that greatly reminded him of the towel in The Press t office. ' A seedless apple company has been organised at Provo and 50,000 seedless apple trees have ben planted west of town, which will be on the market In eighteen months. .... Coming The B. Y. U. Concert Quartette will give a grand concert Saturday evening, at Central meeting bouse, consisting of quartettes, duets, solos, vocal and piano, The committee on exhibit for the Worlds fair has selected five phases of educational work from our schools. .Principal Prior has shipped the work to Professor East mend. Tomorrow we leave for the Worlds Fair at St. Louis, and while we are away Carl Saxey will act as editor hustler for The Press. and If you have any news items, give flem to Mr. Saxey. , The daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. Jack Mordue has recovered from the scarlet fever. During the little girls sickness, she and tier mother have been staying at Mrs. Cured His Mother of Rheumatism My mother has been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism, says W. II. Howard, of Husband, Pa, At times site was unable to move at nil, while at all times walking w. s painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlains Pain llalm and after a few applications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Hu m keeps away the pain that she was formerly f Ilelma Hales. troubled with. cAoer For sale by City C. Chas. while Last Saturday, was about to start for the canyon Drug Store. with a bunch of cattle, he was thnwn INSIDE INN" ADVANTAGES. from his horse against a post, sustaining a badly bruised hip, which is qujte Why tha Only Hotel in the Worlds painful, but is not considered dangerFair Enclosure Promises to Be a ous. Popular Ho:telry. Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas gave a veiy neat prty COM TORT AT MODEST PRICES. to a small number cf friends at tlelr There Is one largo hotel on the residence In the Second ward. The of the Worlds Fair at SL grounds evening was spent at games of vari- Louis called "The Inside Inn." It haj ous kinds, social chat and music. (At a with cf accommodating capacity was served. 12 a most delicious lunch comfort and safety. 6.000 guests. It 13 sen of Mr. ,knd The lerated nen- - the southeastern corner Mrs. J. P. Creer died last Friday of of the greunds and convenient to two Funeral services were pneumonia. of the entrances. In Its immediate viThe held at the residence Sunday. cinity are maey of the beautiful buildSnell Geo. p. Patriarch were speakers ings erected by the states and terriand Joseph Hughes. A large cortege tories. followed the remains to the cemetery. The Inside Ion Is embowered In natJames E. Jameson has commenced ural forest treat. It Is in fact a tit suit against the Utah Sugar company a big bit of aubirbnn enterprise act for 125.000. Mr. Jamearn was Injured In the edge tf a great city. From the on the 5th of last November whl e lay- dcors and windows rf the Inaida Inn ing brick In the employ of said com- one is net compelled lo lex It upon sunpany on the sugar factory at Garland, baked stone streets, sweltering a leys Utah. A sraftold breke and let him and deid walls. On the contrary, the fall nearly fifty feet. Mr. Jamesrn Is gtie- -t has an cntlmk upon a prlreoval represented In the legal proceedings forest In which appear here and thors by Bagley & Morgan. They will be the Inviting cut 'let's of new hcuse3 built without oinlnts as to cost ard assisted by Hon. W, II. King. s embiTil.-howith all the artistic W. J. Rrckhlll lias leased the B can arihlbeture that supply. yack House, taking .possesion on the Locking farther, th- - kuoR may heholl 1st Inst. Mr. Rochhlll Is an tower and the stately hotel man, and knows all the the graceful the mint wonderfn- city on domes rf business. Mrs. Ins and outs cf I oulslana Purchase Expothe earth .Bcyack Is now taking a sition. rest. We wish all concerned success. In short, the guest at the Inade tnn will he practical) a summer roerfr. Mr. Joseph Pouiinville, of Still- awsy from the din ard clamor and d heat cf the busy city, ard water, M in it. after having fent dut em h lo the World's Fair rear yet with the bed doctors over si me of them from glc rloa to 1cht for stomach troubles, without re- his window a I lo rfih any cf them he lief, was advised by hm druggist. In a few mlrutes. If of the wonlroui Ales. Richard, to try a bog of shall rerun Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver wea'th of t'. Irvs to eei and hear, for may hie him hack Tablets. He did so, nod is a well tie litre bring, lo where In hU cwn to the Inside Inn, man today. If troubled with lounvlng-roin the cr eery apartments a bad e in the month, ns or rntlors cf the Inn he may lack of appetite or constipation, enjey a delightful ost. fitting h'm for give these tablets a trial, and you a return to tie heart of the Worlds are certain to Ih more than pleased Fulr, reftca'cl arc! revivified. wl I be The I'uerla at the Inside Inn with the resuds For Side at liic, the only visitors who can see the per box by City Drug Store. Worlds Fair from their own front door, so to speak; for at the Inn they will be at hi me. and whl'e viewing ary part of the great Expcsltion they will have the Mtlsfactli n of knowing that a short walk or a brief ride cn the Intramural cars will take them home without going out side the d d I , three-week-ol- d adorn-ment- t - e long-earne- d a-- u-- 1 1 kxpoi:r;; to cold draughts of air. to keen and cutting winds, sudden change of temperature, seamy clothing, undue exposure of the throat and i.eek after public speaking ami singing, bring ou Ballards Hore-houneouglis and ends. is the l,e i cure, .drs A. Barr. Houston. Tevi. writes. Jan 31.1902: One bottle of Builard', llorehouud Syrup cured me of a wry bad rough, ll is pleasant to Hike." 2.V, 50c, $1.00. For sale by City Drug Store. indi-geetio- n, c tu-t- -- Th. Peterson Rraet'cnl .... Horotahoor WEonrnkor grounds. Expert lta Broad In Ilow-repnlrln- And tr alolcrials noclilnei-y- . Always on liau.l. ncr innrE clous eht of iitt sqhci WImmi yuu want a jileusnnt phy-hi- e try lh"miwrliiin'e Smunrli ami Liver it Tliev ur easy fo h. take ami plmmiii it cUVct. Fur sale liv Cit v Drug Stun. tf OUR GRADUATES. Ala The following members of the graduating class of 1904 successfully passes the county examination given in this city Thursday, May 5th: Archie Broekbank, Annie Davis, Hattie McKell, Phcbe Brown, Eugene Hughes, llorrace Argyle, Jennie Gardner, Albert Malcolm, Mary Miller, Mattie Darger, Laura Christensen, John Dodrickson, Mitchell Beck, Geo. Swenson, Vernon Rife, Mary Thomas, Annie Stringer, Emily Johnson, Wallace Jones, May Lewis, Nena Johnson, Jane Argyle, Irene Beck, Annie Thomas, Emma Beckstrom, Martha , Johnson, Willie McKell, Maggie Ruth Beck, John Hretnson, Lillian Ruth Antbon, Matley, Bell Rebecca Flcra Hansen, Edwin Nelson, Stringer, v Alice David Stocker, Byron TutThompson, tle, Smardua Snell, Bert West, James Jensen, Ethel Morgan, John Bowen. We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will tit cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but V rtf In Addition fo the itodar Free Premium iitj a Lion-Head- lie j jUIlt TWO GREAT CONTESTS vein tor Grand First Prize of SS.9S3.00 Five to one vote in WORLDS 4ept 'it 1 littei till Tk es-- J ti mate is recorded, FAIR CONTEST What will b the total July 4th attendance at tha Louis World a Fair? At Chicago, July 4. 1893, the attendance ft.2BJ.27.1. mi Cora-Pn- y For nearest correct eitimatei received in Wool ton Soice office. Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 30th, 1904. we will give flrat prite ior the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc., etc., at follows: S2.SOO.OO 1 Second Prise 4 ,000.00 2 Prixea 600.00 each Prizes 200.00 e- 100.00 Prizes 60.00 Prizes 20.00 Prizes lOOO Prises 6.00 IO Priz- 20 60 . 260 1800 3139 that your you either contest: B tis Tk age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense our acknowledgment to ular free premiums) His Cther Self. Is there a me Chat I dont know? A mKtic, welid and ely young elf Who love an unde trick to ehovr When It concerns none but myself? Wlio turns same each well-lai- d plan And makes It subject to mischance? 1 think tneie Is! an Inner man! And when he plays the pipes I dancet He has a gentle humor born Of know edge, heaven knows how So- quit cd, lie lucgns my little whlins to scorn. Behold! My vanities he's tired! I am a puppet In his hunds. I sue lor peace or Ureuk a lance. Aye, ull my heart he understands. And when he plays the pipes i dunew I fret my soul o'er little things. 1 make mistakes and feel affright. My htuih-- soul then pulls the strings Behold! The wrong Is turned to rightl lie demonstrates that two and two Are five! I ee ll at a glance! lie plays me (also, t know he's true. And when be plays the pipes I dance. He makes me ure wrong words at times. The thought will worry me o' nights. He plays sad tricks with eiiey rhymes. It is his greitest of delights. And then It Imps that wrong was right! '1 he thought expressive, though by chance. He prove his case in fashion trite, And when he plays the pipes 1 dance. skull's too thick, my sight not keen Inniigh to let me sc the elf. And so it hops I've never seen My frik sn, antic other self. So all a.ooe he plays his part. His stage the whole wide world's ex panse. He rules my head, he owns my heart. And when he pl.i)s the pipes I dance! littHbuig Dispatch. two blanks to vote on found ij every Lion Coffee Pack! Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp entitle you (In addition to the reg y Dei Pitted cut from Lion Having to lay upon my Iced for 14 days from a severely bruised leg. 1 only found relief when 1 used a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. 1 can cheer-fullrecommend it as the best medicine for bruises ever sent to the afflicted. ll has now become a positive necessity upon myself. 1). R. Byrnes, Merchant, Dovprsvillo, Texas. 2.V, 50c:, $1.00 Sold by City Drug Store. vgre stto contests, and thus your estimates have opportunities of winningabig cash prize. Lion-Hea- ds f IB Tk The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. ton is Worlds the second relates to Total Vote President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $ 30,000.00 will be distributed Fair; in each of these contests, maltinj 940,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, Jn addition to this amount, we will give! possrriVE necessity. Growing Aches ami ruins. Mrs. Jnsio Sunnier. Bremontl. Texas, vv riles, April 15. 19U2: I have list'd Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family fof tli ree years I would not be without It in the house. 1 have used it on my little girl for grow in); pains and iiclica in her ki.ee It eured her right away. 1 have also used it for frost-bittefeet, with good sueeess Tt is the best liniment I ever used. 25c, 50c, 11.00 -Sold by City Drugstore. n s the same will entitle you to estimates in our $ Grand Prize Contest ft, which will make tome of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in0,000.00 as many estimates as desired. There will be .000.00 1.000.00 1 ,000.00 2,600.00 6.000.00 1 PRIZES. TOTAL, Pabllo-aggreg- atlng PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will be the total Popular Vote cast for Prezldent (votw for tli candidate combined) at tl:e election Novembers, 1901? u 19U0 election. 13,959,653 people voted for President. For nearest cot ? rect estimates received in Woolton Spice Co.'s, office, Toledo. 0i on or before Nov. 5. 1904. we will give first prize for tho nearest torl rect estimate, second prize to the next nsa est.etc.,etc..a follovi f J Flr651i!? 12,600.00 1 Second Prise 1 ,000.00 2 Prizes 1 .000.00 500.00 each 6 Prizes 1 000.00 200.00 10 Prizes 1 .000.00 100.00 1 .000.00 , 20 Prizes 60.00 1 .000.00 ' 60 Prizes 20.00 . 260 Prizes 1800 Prizes 2139 SCO.OOO.OO Distributed ta tha to Grocers' Clerks (sea particulars 10.00 6.00 PRIZES. TOTAL, J45, OOO.OO- -ln addition to which v?3 shall In LICK CCFFEE cases) making a grand total of COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS WOCLSON SPICE C0. 2.600.00 6,000.00 S20.000.00 glvi $5,000 $50,000.03. IN EVERY PACKAGE OF! LION :22J x2TT21 (CONTEST DEPT.) 1:WT1 TOLEDO, OHIO. to.: y.qi'sy.iunMMu CREER MEU Largest Implement House South of Salt Lake Ci If you have farming land or city properly to sell, or want to buy either farming Fancy & Staple land or oily property, call on. or writu to John Christianson opposite Po.stoilice , 00 All kind.4 of extras in (dock. would hii'cil When I was italic J to mount my Dahle Building, Spanish Fork, - Utah. bread is not good the Lei u ml Flour wns nok used. The seed, a word that wounded one poof heart; The uoe was time. 1 found when lova I nought: Mv cm s the woe that rever will depart Beeiu.se of one forgotten, careless into T tak m, ight Terms, light Treatme Orof Fork, w c ! store Riel 2nd I. Call on ns before yon buy. wphe a SAMUEL CORNAEi Slone Grave Covers That's All, thought. Ah me, the woe! I might have known good Ar.d leijuj u harvest of the choicest grii'ii: But I'm my fate, to bear my cross ef Wood, And wlllt mv htnvy burden sleh In nnln. Lt'wchyn Vvtlliun.s, in Bunulo a hreat always (Ight Prices, BRING YOUR EGGS. P'if your unb' 1 in season. Sow'ng and Reaping. 2 planted a seed, and then forgot th t'eid, And lo! In after years I found a treo Which m.ole tl.c c i oss on which my soul (i !tbi (hr Wagons, Huggins, Mowers, 1 era, Hull Kuke, Stackers, Wire, Field anti Garden F Green Groceries n A Carload Lots- - rocerie Spanish Fork, Utah -- Cbai W. Harrison NOTARY PUBbKS $ Granite & Marble block west of Lorin nsd: Money Loansd AT- Works n-- Co-o- oa Irrlgutrtl Kurmz low intom-- t np lion of purllul uyn nl. Offive nt rimlilnnre, out block rtutofb Spamsii Fork, - - It' p. A.1 he vi lu-L- , la -- i 'hca it a Rep Ter Ttchn'cal Education, AnuM'or Hep In the direction of tcchr.cil education has been male in tl o city of Dri- - den in the establish-uen- t cf driver at a school for locomotive rentier. The iritlallve was taken by the I oeomotive Drivers of Saxony, which succeeded In interesting the members ef the Dresden city count 11 In the scheme, ns well as the droctors of the technical sciitu I am! the administration of the Iloynl State ralinads. The school Is for arprertlccM between twenty-fivand thirty years of age who era employed In the Dresden, car shops. Among th subjects taught are German, arithmetic, graphics and tho mechanism of luromotlves. h Icelandic Mercantile mJ.c.l yervift, strongly ommends as a ration fir auldiers army Go. etltl 'hr General If you aro, it Dry I Merchandise e Cccd Fsn.iaceous Fcod. Dr. Fmi hf R')vs, of Lie Spanish aoott DEALERS IN Goods Three Blocks East of City Square. JOHN HREINSON, Manager. C. W. HOLMES. CONTRACTOR PUR Cement Sidewalks. Cellars, Water Cisterns, Carden Walks ft Conereat Foundations, Sewjr Water Plpes,Elc. rec- In warm tllmaics. rl gofio, which Is SrRlN'tiVH.l.E A SiANIMi FoUK manufactured irom whilst, corn, 'barley. r)e mil tiior rproals. Ta doMANAOKR W ANTN.lt-TrIxdynr st erderts of the gigantic Guanches, tu Mmmvp Ihi.Iiih- - Inttorihy thl r, unity grntlrmnn U rr't T he a)x, arc (till a hcrtultsn raeo, n J for wi'll unu fxvorwiily tiling known hou-- n of ml hi ftnnmiHl itnnUIng .ti on and yet D ry suinht upon Lis niralghl noth ulrv Mini nl,l Kwh Monday liy rhnvk dlro, l (ion, hr.,uruT ft.oj aluioht exclusively. CM-unmnni-- Uli will puy you to write me, AdUrua III. ndvam's.!. i'ontmn Mauagvr, NiOluuto Bldg,, Cbt-eug- o, Stilt fobbet ti 'tua, Mi 'W( Remember the Burlington is the only line running its own trainn over ita own rails from Denver to St. Louis the Exposition (lily bit o 1 is eu, 1 lot! toc TICKET OFFICE 79 W. Second South U. Th St j'i site F. NKSLLN, General Ag'1 Hoic !llb Salt Lake City. "Pin fart-Lutco- n Ai truck probably nave you money. I have been in the passenger biininpKH thirty yenra, all of it with the Hurlingtuti, and my experience and knowledge are entirely at your service. ail (mm, O Lion-Head- s, Ges-Ilson- ce 1 m Away to Users of be |