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Show WELCOME SFKING. The xuiiiinpr Is coniine, r.n uoft winds born.;. To riiit-- thu wluiitt, to mnUa yellow the w(n ; When; the violets lie on the guu-- earth, The yeunu leuves dancing in tn'Cu.y mirth, Their Halit -- wm Uirlll to the Ji.ymie stroll,:., And kprlnv abroad In her Kroon duwalns. l'UBWSRP.R ANDREW syjsctia'iow '...'Rates ,nc yn I'AY.'HT.R IN ADVANCE Local News, line Farra. New Miss 4 full line of furniture and hnhy carriages at Y. M. Stake conference will be held at Jayson on tho 21st and 22nd hut. A Co-o- p. For la, the winter is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing of birds is come, und the voice of the turpi? is heard in the land, so uaid Solo-ujoin his eong. Gloomy winter with its snow, frost and muj is now uway, and merry spring in this merry month of May is skipping oyer the mountains with its light and Bong, making the voice of humanity to sing with gladness and hope, the gentle soft winds making tho flower; to spring forth with their delicious Calvin Cramer is ; town ngaip from the southern part of the tate. fragrnnoe, the ever industrious bee is sucking the hojqey from every Don't wonder at May James flower, the husbandman is smiling all over these days; Milton opening from kept early morn till eve in is home. tending bis crops, which we hope Carl Saxey has returned from a will yield a bounteous harvest. trip to Cahentis qn business and Yet withal, lingering winter chills d the lap cf spring; the pleasure combined. still remind us of winter, Mr. and Mrs. Ip F. Ilodson have mountains while spying is quietly tapping for moved into the Jacob ltobertsou admission, the orchards are putting place on the bench. on their spring robes dressing the See the Emporium window this troes with white, purple and pink week; new line of pattern hats blossoms. This once desert laud b now asjust in from tho east. and beauty fair The dance was a success last suming grandeur like the rose in June, and lively nigiit, The music by the Hawkins the richness of the valleys are Orchestra was excellent. sending forth its hud and blossom, Don't wait for gold to roll into whilst ever copious streams are your pockets. Call on lloldayway ready to guard the thirst of a hot and get some m your teeth. summer, making the wastes rise in verdure and mingle in song. Found A childs No. 7 shoe. The season of spring bears a Call at Geo.. Moore place of busir close analogy to the spring time of ness and pay for advertising. life, with its ruddy cheek, glistenresident Samuel Taylor of i?ay ing eye, the robust stalwart frame, seif will speak at the Fourth ward and lightsome footstep. Let those meeting house next Sunday even- in the Holiday of youth imitate nature in autumn bringing forth ing. the fruits of a life, in The graduates of. the southern of virtue, truth and part of the county met in Central bringing crops honor to gladden and cheer the bailing today for their final examspirit of thoje well done and faithination. ful ones in a never ending life. All graduates of the public All llie air In Illlt'g with sonml, Soft uitil warm ns the trrouml; schoob, and all others who desire Faint wlinls whNprr n they pass, to nttend, are invited to the grand NAbl nail inir. While the bees' uncut nitik stt'ulls, party tonight. snow-cappe- well-spe- In their e About 1000 feet of pipe baa been laid in the waterworks trench and everything seems to he working very satisfactory. wood-stav- O. Eiriksson ia the only man in town who sells and buys scrip and duo hills for cash. See him for prices before you spend your oash. Cl. The nt honest, straight forward young man who will meet with sneers wherever be goes. The vacancy at lias berll the Young Mens . tilled by lrntt Thomas, son of ,1. Co-op- 8. Thomas. The friends of Carl 11, M ireusi will ho doubt be pleased to learn of his success in his present situation. He has been iimuiiinoiisly selected ns principal of the sell owls of Price, and provided lie can be released from position, the way is clear for receiving the fuiperinten-deucof Curbuu county schools. All interested in no energetic and y ambitious young man's pivgre.e join in extending their hearty good wishes for his eum. Ptdatot.y for CiUbD'H V EAIH. ar 3E3 KT S ES IKT p, vt . j The comfort for tin. visitor to an Exposition was never Ilia subject fur so much intelligent thought ami preparation an it has bt.cji at the Louisiana Purchase Expositiqn at St. Louis. One of the features that eaunot tail to appeal to the visitor is tho ronvenkuicr and comfort afforded by the Inside Jen, a structure of 2.2.V7 rooms, covering au area of 400 by SHU feet, vvjmily within die World's Fair grounds. Probably no hotel ever built commands a view so diverilied or grand. From tlie wide verandas that surround (lit, mammoth structure a wonderful panorama spreads before one. Many of the state buildings, with their giant and magnificent structures, present their most attractive facades. Some of the foreign buddings may be seen, and die forest of towers and turrets, domes and minarets, rising above tie great exhibit places and seen through the forests of real trees that surround the lm telry, give token of the other glories that lie beyond. A leisure walk of five minutes will land tho visitor on the main terrace in front of Festival Hall, tho center of the "main picture of the Exposition, the grandest spectacle ever produced by man. Another live minutes walk and the isitor may find ldiuself mi The like. a street of amusement, a full mile long, with the shows of all nations in gay and enticing errny. In tiie ten minutes walk many of the main exhibit palaces have been passed. These comprise the largest and grandest collection of arihitectural triumphs ever assembled in any one place. Not withstanding Sts close proximity to those scenes of gaiety and splendor, noise and confusion, the Inside Ina offers a delightful retreat. During the noon hour the visitor may retire for a brief rest and resume his refreshed delightful task uf sight-seeinand all tho more able to appreciate and enjoy the World's Fair wonders The rates at this hotel withiu the grounds are no higher than those charged elsewhere. A good room may lm had for $l.b() per day. including admission to tho grounds. Other rooms may bn had up to ffCi.tHI per day, according to the luxuries demanded. Tlum is a restaurant in the building with a seating capacity for 2. .VO persons. g A r water dams fit Y. M, Cunva-jCo-o- AT THE COMCuliT ' nt thu V'. M, Bujo Co-o- FOSMTIVF. NECESSITY. Get your little pigs of W, F. Howen, Leland. Win, F. Howen ol Leland Las asparagus roots for sale. Cult and see tho ples at wall-pape- r AGrBNC ! If Rum- last TuesJoseph fiwonsen for a u;j.;gion to the day morning Northern States. or. have any Farming Land or Ciiy Properly for Sale List it with us, pa 0. Eiriksson's. (1. L Grow ing Last Thursday night a 11 year-old boy living in tin lower part of town broke into the D. A It. (I. depot and. not being aide to secure any cash, ouiied off two bundles of expre-- s and an old grip; these being no value to the boy he left them a short distance from the depot, I In ul'O broke the grass in the slot maebiiio in order to get gum, but found a hoard back of the glass which prevented him from inside, getting tl a goodie-goodilie next went to the creamery and took bit rents from a pair overalls, The ox pi'es packages wrl'e found the same night by two of Win. It', Johns' bo s ,ii'd Geo, (, Thomas' I) It k t beui to y, Mr, Halt h d tbo 'itu I'edro depot, who at once uotilied Marshal Hales. ur-titl- e ' t 1 I is pleas-I or sale . 1" l.t!,. ' W, Harrisons S Marble Works Granite block west of Co-o- p. , .V.'. The CHURCH NEW full city lot to 18,5' 1(5,118 IIF.UBINE will overcome NOTICES. . h-- Ther be drlv rol ilirtF IKH'M', E JUD gootl location. housi and lot. 1 block om i In j perm fieri AT PRESS CALL OFFICE FOR PAkTiCULAfi Cliil died: titill SAMUEL GORNABY NOTARY PU8LMS Money Loaned S nrms low imtut'sl seis ial lions of piwttal payu-i'iilOltlce at iTsidi ueo, one block east cifCo-- y Spanish Fokk. - - Utah. on IrriKitu d lot be The IiiCioi , IfflOOC s. 1(1531 ( Old . title in my family, ami find it a most lrbjxljifiotl Meeting. J re'!.-- A rKUlir Monthly excellent Its effects upon medicine, I f i v N Pi tc-tEl ip.e u the Pviji;,;. 1'a.jsri.ajie at myself have been a marked benefit, 1 .v... lu a. m.. Huy 7. ret'oiniueiid it unhesitatingly. bOets. a J. ?. PAGE HYHIJV L.EYYON, bottle. Sobl by City Drug Store, HENRY DA hi N K R . P'ruaiiency. High Pr'cstN, T.f H'nU Frif-'t- r of V e Stake will rm r . in . ,n the P tvs ;. T it'."; t Th"- "! r.a ' n i Uke at a bargain. Main street. indigestion and dyspep-mu- ; reguhiti; the Itoweis and cure liver attend. anil khlney complaints. It is the best blood cnrielier and invigorator iu the .world. It is purely vegetable, perfectly I. armless, and should lllurli Council. you be a sufferer The rDular rngufitlv msetin? :f the from disease, you w ill use it if you are H..'.-- Cuncil of th IbiL') r.tt.ie cf 7.:oa ll wise. in he Veer,' rl the layj-ji- . 'u T insr:,J3le at 7 p. m.. tv r. li. N. Ami rows, editor aiul manager J S PAGE. HYMJM I.f.YYON, Coeoa and Boekledge News, Cocoa. HENRY GAt.'..NE'l, Fahi Presidency. Fla, vvritis: "I have used your Her--I W. HOLMES, (ONTKACTOR K C. a ted titelt l It pjrel Cement Sidewalks, Cellars, Waler Cisterns, Garden Walks & Concnat Foundations, Sewer Water Pipes, E1; t. tract. The to ery SiKixfiviu.E a Spanish Fork j prlite .' wchi cated. E.-l,- CHARLES bRE VVERTON J. o. PAGE, JAMES ANDERSON, :.Iuy 7. PreMder.sy. Belief Society. of The tffiers the Relief t Vtfr- of Mae Payoou Taler-r.aUi. at I.10 a.-. in., Mxv 7. H.LILLIE PAGE. MRS PT.TEA PIX'JI. te rtifc-.- wn . DEALERS IN Lak chare General Dry tie li Ion: e V If vour bread is not good t lie Leland Hour was uot Used. h- Cltj IfSI 'h Three Clocks East cf City Square. lie (hrt JOHN HREINSON, Manag. That's I 6. AILj WOSIH ITS WEIGHT U berk GDIS lud FOR FARMERS la m ia DAIF1YMES Mr. i The Peoples Cream Separator, lnann-f.ieturcd by the 1 copies Supply Co. of Kansas City, JIo., is a new and wonder- f ful invention Ibatsavvij time, labor and money. M N WANTKH- - Trunmoptliy hulynr It dH-- the work euuaiiv j tccniU 'iuu to muhtttfr Duhiiiohm in HiN ounty mI uiljniuuu: ti iT'lury for Hell nnl as well, if not bette: ! iurr;ili)v known iiuUMa uf sulitj flnnncml Ktnmhnir. fjn than or.e that roxtsfifl Nir.kikfht rush salary uui rxpi'hMh. ii.iiiK'rtfh to jflCO. The leojtlrl Monduy ly hm k ihnvt from IdH'lfiu.irtfr. ! s fUe, mi tho hxiMUM n'Hify rnlv.tm$i! iit Ailtlips pivo, ill, MnniitfiT, I'ositDMi HIO I'oinu j rm;i-- Crcuiu Separator can be bought for a very suull price roni'idering tl'J nine j mi obtain. J t no engine, nr linn him ry. Tin m Fancy & Staple e.-tr- Peoples C lemil istheeasiedi llie If you have farming laml or property to HI, (,r waiij to buy either fanning land or eily properly, call on, or rite o -- in t pimple and bestSeparatorontbeiinikd. livery Farmer ami Dairyman should have one. Write me a posf.il card w letter or send me word, and I wid Coll ud show you the Separator. nVI Green Groceries p.il.1-to- leamd, strongert, n 4 Joint Uhristianson. Agent, Spaniriii Fork, I'lnli. vv I A few u i: i. i xtei J. eon ' , itra eeati W the hop ihCll the' 15C! 8t Mt season. John Christianson BRING YOUR EGGS. oppoill! Dahle Building, Spanish Fork, - Utah. ('.tsh paid for wax. Hera bungld nml sold Stewart A: Dart. po'-lollie- Spanish Fork, Utah Location notices for suit at oflici latest anil Imst. Pet irg te tlii h t) ett hot The tor.; CREER & NIELSEN his Largost Implement House South of Salt Lake City. If i lliml-rs- livers, At! kinds of extra in stock, . alway yicht Treatment tin, e jtiii Ly. 2nd save you money. I eau have been ill tin T a N. Main. (u p 'll bj. (I9i Ilia; A H Or n liCIIIl'Iltller till lilirliligtoil is till elll V line running it own traim over it own rail from Denver to St . Loui siti.oi tity. - the U, dm to Kxp.- - 79 W. Second South St. LSiht Terms, C.;l cn it will pay you to write me, THKKT UFFDH TU;Ut Prices. 3 mi are, passenger Imniiess thirty years, all ..f it with the Darlington, and my experience and know ledge are entirely at your nervine. Hakes, Stuekers, linlb IV 1.1 and Harden Fence. Wire, v probably Carload Lots M Spring tui; the Holt III) Drug Mott', The (li pi g the war-Wi- Chas. i xp TUM 2.-- Yngoii. lluggies. to cold draughts of toe. n keen nml euit'iig w inds. Midden changes of tern . pcisinre, stunly clothing, undue postii'c of the throat nml neck.alni public speaking nml singing, bring on Bnlhad ibu, cough ami colds. hound U the lici cure, ,trs A, Bor, H"U'"ii. 'lexis win,, Jan ,'i lino I lm clone. "One bony ol Bn 'bird d i bad curt very Nyrup fugl;, 1; The n The school fair opened today at 2 p. m. A large number of patrons and students viewed tho beautiful display of school work arranged in the lower room. Tonight und tomorrow will bo enjoyed by all who N'4 k REAL ESTATE tu-d- EF. lit Bui-lard'- s , ." FXl'tlM Gore Thirl FAIRl-ANKS- Mr. Joseph Fominville, of Still- L Salt , ami Pains. Ache-- . water, Min ii, after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach troubles, without relief, Was advised by 'bis elruggi't. Alex. Diehard, to try a box ol Chamberlain's Stotmuliund Liver Tablets, lie did so, and is a well man today. If troubled with indiin the imnith, gestion, a bud link of itppetita or constipation, give those tablets a trial, and you nre certain to be more than pleased with tin results. For ale at 2.Te. per box bv City Drug Store. 090 Mi". lowie Sumner, Bremoml, Tcmis. his home Monday evening. All wriiti-i- , Aju'il 1, lUO'j: I have use.! Snow Liniment in my family, for had a very enjoyable time. three years. 1 vvould not be.w itluuit it Superintendent J. L. Hrown ex- in the house. I have used it on m.v amined the Eighth grade in read- little girl for growing pains ami aches in her knees. It cured lmr right away. ing or, Tyesday last. The class I have also used it for frost-bittefeet, A LQT 5 rods 4 fiet by 11 j passed a very good average. w ill) good It i. the best lini- First iu'ckis. Ward; good orchard, shade m e, ment I ever iiM'd, 50e, $1.00. and fence $J00 come quick. When you want a pleasant phy- SoM by City Drug Store. A SNAP Twenty acres of good fjir.ii sic try Chamberlain's Stomach and ll lautl, close to town, plenty of ing Liver Tablets. They are easy to be solil together w it h farming i ii take anil pleasant in effect. For Stone Grave Covers j plements at a bargain, sale by City Drug Store. -- ATHOUSE AND LOT Good Incutiun-- j . bered in times of sickness is un net of kindness to in always remembered and cherished. Such nets help us to think tiiat this world is worth living in after nil, and make us hope, and strengthens our faith that we shall he permitted to enjoy similar meetings in the "Great Peter NieNen. W Dorii HUAI The teachers qf this district met and surprised Principal Prior at MRS SUJANNAH PICKERING, enjoying a visit front Hisiiop A. T, Money, his counselors, the choir, and other members of Palmyra ward; a religious meeting Was held and a very enjoyable time was had, It gives me much pleasure to acknowledge their kind visit and to thank them for it. To in remem- gocl rCle AT THE PRESS OFFICE. t J Co-o- nil Eggs taken at tho Emporium. IN THE WOODS, Having to lay upon my lsd for U Primary Officers Flutters are sheildlmr beauty's tlliw. days from a severely bruised leg. I only The hn Primary Ai30.:ati'.r. In the pardon gnm mis below. ! found relief when 1 used a bottle of .v . i :r: inual .n - fayaon Peon. a at 10 a in., May y. While the tender Illy' grow. Ward A.iua rr.eot.i.c Ballard's Snow Liniment. 1 can cheerJAN PI AR3YLE. I.lKhtly stray, PPIcJILI.A oYENSF.N fully recommend it as thu best medicine In the woods the breath of song. EMILY JEX. Presidency. for It the to afflicted. bruises ever sent MB Winds do play. Y. 1.. 31. I. A. Officers. bus now ls'fomo a positive necessity r.-ulThe monthly rnfet.ne cf th-- s Cured liis Mother of llbeumatism. ar; 1 Stake Y i, ..I 1. A. ffi -- rs upon myself. D. U. liyrnes. Merchant. '.Yard NYho te r.o.d in the i ay.r.n will no,. ward rr.e:' vq a I;l My mother has been a sufferer Doversvillo, Texas. 2 V, ,V)c, $1.00. .'yjt.d ANNA NE: EKER, May 7. . L V. for many years with rheumatism, Sold by City Drug Store. EMMA L ill, WILL. says Y. II. Howard, of Husband, l'rjidn:y I was sick ami ye viited nip." Fa., "At times she was unable to -- Matt. 2o ch., ib v. Last Sunday move at all, w hile at nil times I lmd the I iiuspeakiible pleasure of walking was painful. presented er mid accepted a position in the U. S. mail service Michael is HOTEL lay. daughter of Sir. and Mrs. J. l Creer has recovered from a severe case of pneumonia. son has also had her with a bottle of Chamberlains Their ttttach of pneumonia Fain Halm and after a few uppli quite a severe cations she decided it was tho most but is improving slowly. wonderful pain reliever she had The son of David ever tried, in fact, she is never Larsen died Tuesday afternoon without it now and is at all times from complications believed to have able to walk. An oecusiomd application of Fain Halm keeps away been left from scarlet fever. The the pain that she was formerly remains were brought down from troubled with. For sale by City Ilobinson this morning, and fun- Drug Store. eral services were held this afterA successful surprise party was noon. tendered Mr. and Mr-- . Thomas I). It is expec ted that the danre to, Evans May llh. The occasion he given next Tuesday evening being Hie ti'Jtli birthday of Mrs. will be especially well attended, as Evans. The evening was spent in the Fytnphia Orchestra is a favorite singing, recitutioiis ami story tellthroughout the state, having fur- ing, Aunt Caroline Fine carried nished most all of the music for off the pri.e fur telling the best Tint ie tho last year, as well as play- story. At 11 oebiek the cloth was ing ftt some of the best balls given spread for thirty-liv- e guests, ami a in the leading towns of tho state. dainty repast was served. At a late hour the gue.ts departed wishing Michael Stoker has resigned ns Mrs. Hums many lutppy returns of at the Young Mens the day. book-keep- JIG Tavern Inside Wmld'., Pair (iroumU, Surrounded by a orrst, Offer a but urjous ami lLiS,tiil Retreat, n tins week at of hat's - F, NKSLl.'N, General Agent, Salt Lake City. Hi lh t ot J.( l t4 hoi Aqi |