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Show MAKE NEW CUM3ING stion 1 r.K i t f V Yv, Himalayan Peaks Ascended by Adven turous Mountaineers. Mountaineering records have re broken in two respects Hum Nagar peaks of the Himalayas, on the northwest frontier of India, says the Chicago News. For four years past Mr. and Mrs. Bullock Workman have been carrying on climbing operations in those parts with the aid of Swiss guides, and Aug. 12 last Dr. Workman and two guides climbed an unnamed peak near the Chogo Loongma glacier to a height of 23,294 feet. They did not quite reach the top, but this is higher than the previous worlds record, which is the summit of Aconcagua, In the Andes. 23,083 feet. Mount Everest, however, the highest peak in the world, still remains unconquered. On the same day Mrs. Bullock Workman reached a height of 22.5GS feet, which breaks the previous record for women held by herself by 1.5G8 feet Mrs. Workman is and middle aged, with gray hair and a by no means ath- few months ago the dinner table used to be covered with all Linds of ribbon and lnee decorations. Now vou uever see a bit of It. There used to be dozens of queer kinds of knives and forks and spoons by eaeh plate. Now there Is only one knife a id one fork, aud they are changed for eaeli course. The trend Is toward simplicity. Its a good thing, no doubt, tint its a very bad thing for women like me. Still, fVeea SV M i P&tA I'i fJ RECORDS). SISTERS OF CHARITY Use Pc-ru-n- fop Coughs, Colds, Grip and a A Congressmans Letter. Catarrh we manage to pick up a living. Many hostesses dont know how to combine simplicity with elegance, and so they have to call us In. BUTTER GIRLS OF BERLIN. Girls dressed In gaudy red. black and white uniforms are selling butter and cheese In the streets of Berlin for a new company. jjWra-- - DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR WOMEN. k The Daily Mirror, a daily Journal ianta, Ga., escaped the sur for gentlemen, is soon to be Issued 'ons knife, by using Lydia E. In London. It will be a Journal which illlnj. Jtetf t has as its first aim the giving In very akhanis Vegetable Compound. readable fornt of all the latest teleto wish Mns. Fisebam: I Secretary Shaw reports that women Dkib Governfor news of the day, to- are In charge of thirty-threthe restored and other grams gratitude mj out, Sth and happiness Lydia E. Pink-sin- s gether with a mass of nil that vast ment lighthouses. Vegetable Compound has letic figure. fund of information In which women Rauavnlo, of Madagascar, tassiu night into my life. take an interest. will pass the winter with her sister theG I had suffered for three years with WAS HIS WIFES HATPIN. In the and her niece at e mb rible pains at the time of menstrua-- a FANCY VELVETS. of south in Cantal the of and did not know what the trouble leteri, Department And He Had Wasted Time Trying to It Is a pity stamped velvets were France. m h, "s, until the doctor pronounced it inFind an Owner. doomed because they became common. animation of the ovaries, and of all the employe ichej Nearly Cosed an operation. In a In theater man About two years ago these velvets In the Government a down recently eas departments at I" I felt so weak and sick that I felt one of the front rows spied on the were shown In a wonderful assort- Washington are women. Several resing t that I could not survive the ordeal, floor a large It hatpin with an amber ment. The stamped velvets 'Vaught ceive over $2300 a year and a large taut ti si ao I told him that I would not un-- it The following week I read top. Looking about him, he saw that on at once. Imitators found they number from $1200 to $1000. Of wh in the paper of your two women and their escorts had Just could reproduce these vrlvetR cheaply. j advertisement Arrangements are being made for sat down. To one of the former he In fact, some were sold at sixty-riu- e D'l ft; igetable Compound in such an emer 300 College gills to assist presented the pin. A shake of the cents a yard, and the woman who had In Wellesley ocy, and so I decided to try it. Great yes. t: census of Bosthe religious taking head indicated that he had made a paid seven times this sum for material nsy joy to find that I actually 8 prac lie conducted under which will so two ton, I after bottles, to taking mistake. Then he tried across the for her carriage robe felt impelled sew m staking it for ten weeks, and at the aisle. The women seemed to be In- give away ber unfashionable gown. the direction of the associated of that time I was cured. I had terested. The pin was a curiosity Crushed velvets are always good and churches. The following letter is from Congressman In fined eighteen pounds and was in country of the civilized world The rublie Improvement Society of Sistersevery and Its amber of a unique carving. tnany women will return to gun metal of Charity are known. Not only Meekison, of Napoleoa, Ohio: now. am salient health, and S. s Denver, Col., of which Mrs. W. r. A. do they minister to the spiritual and intel- The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: They hesitated, but the pin was hand- gray and pure blacks. Fashion "You surely deserve great success, is president. Is an association be robes velvet For U, d Peabody wishes. ed back. lectual needs of the charges committed to best these that he the have Gentlemen: "I Desperately, began my very you Boule-sr-d, Bearch anew. Two ladles unattended trimmed with fur and net lace, as for- of men and women for the purpose of their care, but they also minister to their have used several pe :m Ai.ice Bailev, 50 North the public parks and bodily needs. bottles of Peruna be U beautifying Atlanta, Ga. -- $5000 forfeit If original seemed likely owners. To them he merly. itoM Itttar proving genuineness cannit b pro- With so many children to take care Of and feel greatly ed p driveways. showed the pin. They took It and enand to protect from climate and disease, benefited there-- .' ad tro Sir John Coekburn, an eminent EngU1 sick women would bo wise joyed Its pattern. Just then the man DRESS GLOVES. these wise and Sisters have found by fiorn my caPink-uns felt a tug on his sleeve. It was his lish authorities on matters medical Peruna a never prudent they would take Lydia E. failing safeguard. tarrh of the head, for of dress Correct gloves styles Vegetable Compound and wife and she remarked: Dr. Ilartmau receives many letters from and feel encourWhy are women to wear are now seen In the and surgical, says that women fire less well. nervous than men In surgical cases, Catholic Sisters from all over the United aged to believe you showing my hatpin to strangers? are altogether better fitted than States. A recommend recently received that its conand He, blushing, went over to the femi- shops. White, grny and tan gloves In glace men to become doctors. from a Catlnhc institution in Detroit, tinued use will nine pair and explained. "Its my ' and Suede or soft undressed kid Mich., reads as follows : wifes hatpin," ho said, but in such kid has fully eradicate a The Governor General of Canada material. In request In hand-seware B Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: disease of thirty Dr. S. consciously guilty accents that the to Miss Tope Georgina Just presented The strapped wrist glove, and also j The young girl who used years standing.' David Meekison. Dear Sin women handed it back with doubting the Royal Red Cross in recognition the Peruna are Dr. llartman, one of the best known was the by purchased gauntlet, suffering from laryngismiles. South Afloss of voice. The result of physicians and surgeons in the United women and for driving and of her nursing services In and tis, rica. She Is the first woman In Canada the treatment was most satisfactory, States, was the fust man to formulate A Rare Good Thing. riding with horses. to become the recipient of this honor. She found great relief, and after peruna. It was through his genius and Am using ALLEN S FOOT-EASE- , By this time the girls have usually and Mrs. Caroline Seott, of Frankford, further usa of the medicine w e hope to perseverance that it was Introduced to the ran truly say I would not have been without come to the bottom of their glove it so long, had I known the relief it would boxes, and they are glad to replenish Pa., is a member of the Philadelphia be able to say she Is entirely cured." medical profession of this country. Sisters of Charity. If you do not derive prompt and satisgive niv aching feet. 1 think it a rare good the stock of "hamlselmbs, a lwind-shoSociety for the Prevention of Cruelty The young girl was under the care of the factory results from the Use of Peruna, thing for anyone having sore or tired feet. Is to work Her to Animals. ridiculous special and Mrs. Matilda Iloltwert. Providence. H. L as the literal Sisters of Charity and used Ieruna for write at once to Dr. Haitman, giving a Sold by all Druggists, --5c. Ash put to death painlessly animals nilllet-c- d catarrh of the throat with good results as full statement of your rase and he will be translation from the German has it. with Incurable disease or wounded the above letter testifies. Ontseam Cape gloves give satis, pleased to give you his valuable advice Chamber of Commerce Districts. Send to the Peruna Medicine Co., Co- gratis. faction for hard wear and knockabout beyond hope of recovery. The German Empire is divided into uses. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Rochester. N. Y., has a Connell of lumbus, Ohio, for a free book written by 145 chamber of commerce districts. Dr. Hartman. , Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. of two representWomen composed Each chamber of commerce has conative fr0,n earh WOI1,pn8 rlub ,n tllP Ask Your Druggist 1904 . A NEW FAD FOR WOMEN. k i- - ''it Almanac i trol of its own finances and ts comof city. Five members of the council and work 4the Enamel designing an to able and law appoint pelled by a commit Jsweled ornaments have become seri- have Just been appointed In experienced man as secretary. the city woman on tee suffrage ous, recreations for the artistically I HALLS CAHKER AHO DIPHTHERIA REMEDY minded members of society. Our New- schools of New York State. Killing Pain. Left In quick order after taking 10 port woman produces beautiful speciThe office of nmsier of hounds has doses of Dr. tikirvlns Rheumatic Cure, mens of enamel FOR BALI BV ALL DAuatIBTB SO TM MOUTH. THROAT, NEVER FAILS work, as the friends Just been conferred on Miss Greta in tablet form. 25 doses 25c. postpaid. AND GEN EH AL STORES....... STOMACH AND BOWELS.... sumfashionable of the one of fortunate Who are the roineroy, recipients SK1RVIN LA DU. CO., CROSSE, WiS. Mwir MonNelden-Judso- n Salt Lake City, Utah. (W. N. U.) Specimens of her handicraft can fully mer residents of Newport, by the Drug; Co., General Agents. le Fof Club. Fhe Is a daring mouth her in Is Country ihMid. and happy singularly testify, Natural Rights of Parents. combination of colors and metals; horsewoman anil Is always the most of natural The do right parental )6ec while there are not a few other smart persistent member of the chase. She aw r is held, in State vs. Jackson women minion Is also a skillful sportswoman. who are prodigiously proud wtottn WE HID (DDE lOOtfO' (N. H.) fO L. R. A. 739, not to render and lint so of the exquisite rightly (sum a statute unconstitutional End Thro! TrouNn requiring It CATARRH pins and medallions anil quaint chains roiirhuln1 Lons bles. Ktnd Kur children to be sent to school. nmch. Llror aud HUJnef 'I mulur, Aoihran which their clever fingers have fashTroubleI'nm Fcmai tilaocpr ttaUM ioned. Truly a pretty pastime, and a to !( Ncrvontof WomcuBU'biid Mr. Wlnslo plittin Chronic Mm--- , Chorea, lti.m liiilren trethliiK reoi, useful one to boot; and !n view of the iHt V It on ItaDcat, Kiokeia, Hpinat Troub'a, fliuum.Uua,.liiiy.pln,cun:. wlmi colic. Sc bolU. fact that the era of Jeweled lace has hkln lM)Aea Kciatlcn and Rueiirnattuni. Id ensq of ihc itowela. Jllo. Klatulaand Reoial already dawned this is a craft which Troub . t.ol'ra (or big uei'k). litood Using Short, Lamp Wicks. Tup Worm. iUf frarar liynora, Lpi'cpiy, Fringe Is very popular. women will do well to cultivate. and all Karvoua and Cbrouif d to t By cutting a piece of flannel or cloth combinations are as good ti IliftOUM. Magpie aDd .to ok the width of wick sewing it on to Treatment Cnrca. Writ for fra TOWER OF THE WIFE. ever. tlocjruiplotn cannot caiL lint If the latter, It will conduct oil to burner til tj DR.4L W. ORB or for wife of louauitallou Irrr, the smnrl Oft. A. 9. PHONES. influence are good The the Chenille among fringes was of a wick. as If it long length lathi Home should be things. Is evil irresistible. nerally the seat of happiness. A good wife Drooping wings are ft rretty black We enr oo flrt and then ak a RKASOff AU1.9 ff yotiiuffar from mrv of lh wcliMtaa W dl FK.tt I. NIDI vtifD you are mired, Yon ran depend Qpui Is to a man wisdom, courage, strength finish to HgM'i ctiiiMfd bf lunorttti(a. dllpCo or contagnr word tlioumid of petlrnia hue Indirmed tta many a lmt. chlellj ion YOU Alitfi 'UiU VhUY TLUua Wit WAKT A wife bad one. MAN in and endurance 'lo I UK YOU with ! dla NOW, w TO. TOTAL then The over and over stllcli In embroidWe b4a proven nnr akllt In curing CHRONIC iinn undnrfctaiidihg that we will not demand a confu-dnn- , of weakness, sows seed the ITr.K we ou. Thie appUe to Loat core Bntii dlteasca bjr publintntu he Dianv vnliiutarf Than wh, not keep In view the al a Is used a great deal. Var4 Orgunle YYaknr, hpermatorrboea, mouiali from home peopia, giving eeiue picture fact that the farming lands of discomfiture and despair. Where a ery oorele, ltMaeor the lnndrae (.land, I nnatuni and aildretMA. H rlmure. e'r. ( mtimrifd In i'oid Mer Ixoaftra, wife possesses firmness of decision and Black chiffon with Chantilly apK IM A OI CTRKtt WE ( NT RI.Mf over white is In high favor. liriou Uiood I'oleon, aud ail W tfi AaN ikdriKB d IN CHI AIK iJlhtA'KW economy no situation Is hopeless. The pliques w Btrn, won Ilrma id Bccauae It A bmray eon!dne. eli. Ofrt'tril IfOURd: Bvealagt nh'il in DiU elate of Iroublea la bravest man cannot long endure bail Twisted plumes are a variation on have V prove or l b f tod; gnoday Ida. tn. to IJ. aour plau: another war ostrich curl. needs He the Indolence. nml regulation management W, BiOONO BOOTH BT. DUS. SHORES & SHORES. Scecialists. all his moral force and courage In his AIT LANS CITY, UTAH Cords, as edging and drapery, are even these and costumes. the world, on cloth with battles cl ions conspicuous will soon give out under bad domestic ha las Zibelines boast all figures from 4jtati C0V are tufficient to support a population of JO.OOO.OOO to lilm n msheli. COTTON ft IT or over? 1 ha uiimici.iion for the pat six (Mil Influence. Home should be Scotch plaid suggestions to snowflakes. DRUNKENNESS of and relaxation haa been of phenomenal. riATTRess place of repose, die dwindle that little capes triple Quaint happiness. But If he find none of these FREE Homestead Lands to nothing at nil at the front are CURED,. he Is Justified In becoming completely away nd effective. ea.I1, aceensible, while other lends m, be discouraged. and Toe and from K.ilw., Companies. Chinese or Indian embroidery In ar. the If a wife does not exorcise her powirain and irazing land, of We tern Canada the host grain, be- -t on the comment, producing colors Is used for collars and Hu Keels Institute, and cattle (fod on grass alonel read, for market. ers and prerogatives ns a wife she falls brighton cuffs of jackeis. mission that in her other highest Markets, Schools, Hallway, and all Rhinestone buttons and handsome Mrs. S. Carpenter. rendition, ntalte Western Canada an enviW. CURRIE, LHhMls?. able spot for the eettier. enamel nml oxidized silver ones are Deal mttre In h world, 70 W. Third South SL than Any La.lorn moko. ration. Ottawa, CanWrite to Superintendent il.tlf, FREAK DINNERS NOW BAD FORM used a great deal. FOR WOMEN Will coot you lo monoy. ilclnel ada. fora dekciiptive Alisa a '(1 other information, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH BOX eni. 565. It. A Boston buttons for P. 0. Ask Agent-Dof dis- a York number braid, New your Government gold Gold luce, gold or to the anlhorired ( anadian dlor There are in physicians Look lor our trodo mark. lot F Davies, Koom 4 Dunn Dlrck, Central Avenue, of darkest make the handsome a women who corery which cleanses and make and living embroidery Volt Great halls, Montana. Utah Bedding & MTg Co., CRISMON & NICHOLS, CHENlhI 2 heals all inflammation of the mucous by arranging dinners and table deco- cloth gowns splendid. 34 West and SIS MottS SUM Salt tala City. cW embrane wherever located. BIND FOR FR'CS LIST. rations for people who have more Baby Iamb silk plush mny be had lniMi In local treatment of female ills Tax SL One of these worn, strewn with bouquets, which Is pecutaste. than wealth L tit line is invaluable. SALT LAKE douche a wJmsis it Used as jlasMf s business that fur-ilken other i eald the day fabric. ft for liar I revelation in cleansing and healing if Chi OGDEN, UTAH was dull In her line, RELIABLE ASSAYS bIsl paver it kills all disease germs which Trlmmiugs which hang pendant nd -.1 .7, Gold and Stlvar ...JSat Our best time, she said, "was when I hjl7hefcgeuerar Buie Inflammation and discharges. c. effect re dropluz I Ik Gi. HIlT'r. Copy.. US Lead.. Thounawlsof letters from women so much freak entertaining was being still worn to extent Prompt ratnrna aa mall aamplaa. great Prove cure Is It the that lor greatest done In New York and at Newport. IB,-taffeta is one of Ogden Assay Co. '"iSKfSK1- A new I tsaeorrhura ever discovered. Tarls set that fashion with peacock laxtine never fails to cure pelvic shirrs which Furls Mrlcs from CURED PERMANENTLY tA dinners, rose bower teas, nml all the the atarrh, nasal catarrh, sore throat, tore stiff sort BICHAHO E. EYANS, FLORIST i homo, without Knlf, ar Caua-tirrest of It The pink tea, the yellosr moro easily than the Boath and sore eyes, because these phoni aar u Inf MTml dlr-- lim em- with combined ure M Rhinestones Flortl Dangn, and Immortal Work a Spociolt,. K. H. the and luncheon llAUiusn, tt l. white inflammation are tho caused all dinner, by I LJnltd jses All Cut Ftoaor, in Soai-1Seoiiull.t year. i. Writ Ihe mucous membrane. other color fads for eating followed broideries for evening gowns and lor fro. and lull particular. SALT lAKI OITV, SB S. MAIN ST. grsd For rlcanslng, whitening and pre effect ft particularly was hostess scintillating and every Hr4lno' Crlt Cancer Curs Cs. gguai rvlng the teeth wn challenge the OGDEN. UTAH. I PAY SPOT CASH FOR log with her neighbors to produce the I attractive. form to produce its equal. idi f are the rule, and most bizarre effects In her skirts and latest ialists 1'hysicians gored and Many everywhere fib apei d Conducted by SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS LAND WARRANTS and endorse Taxtine, and thou Itilie dining room and her ballroom. Of- theres a tendency to emphasize the up H odsof testimonial letters prove iti value. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. leeued to rolillere of any war Wrllem alwreo course It was ft harvest time for wont- number of gores ly buttons, stitching At druggists, or sent CAPSICUM VASELINE rSAbft E RbOLft, Berth block. BXBVULCOIA postpaid 50 cti. cn like mo, who live by that sort of aml braids. A rrr vs iu eoi.tstatt best ar rraa) the , Tubules book of Eye and trial large Rtpane on scon package AND THOATftlOAL COSevery ,nJe d Soutache braids nre rto or an, uiedh-tnever made. A thing. A ,ut)(itin fur ami Pep-i- a ifiitrucUona absolutely freo. Write MASQUERADE TUMES PpN KENT . . ., at least. thn ,ewcj ou luUch In an do now-- or, of them have .B01 hundred mUln-nand mil nm blister Ilia mort "Theres nothing other Paxton Co.. Dept. 8 Boston. Hns. In k 1 btatee end wild United h ttie In curative been Aelirata .Ion. bond son OATAioauos and onions. Freak entertaining as I offecU Blue cloth gowus braldod all k,c" a single jreur. Uonetlpetlon. beerv very little. unalmeaoMht. anirla eie wonderful. It will unf 8ALT LAKE COSTUMINQ HOUftl b- Tarts has given dlzalne.., bad gone out of fashion. bum. .lea beadat-lieand teller al onra, tonlherba smart. ro (he bJaclt lQ lnp stelh Acry ovpf aud ever. breath, a,, re thr-e- t. oMoxn ros. or state st.. salt lamb em end icialire. V a recommend ll a ill bee! m'l art.lng fP'in a dlanrdered It np, London frowns severely upon and aafet! etlernal rmmlerirrnanl known, aleo metal buttons are lndlspensa- ! cbi-e-t tomerh ar relieved nr cured li, PI pane Tabulae, It, and most of tho Innumerable wrj lor pern in th When Answering Advo'rtlssmsnts I. ,n enetnelandreniedr on tho cown for fall wear. Flat, give relief within twenty line will general!, all thenmeno. neural.io and ! andetomarh t Is enuugB lot ordinary of Amerlcnn society are begin- terles The w too, will A what are Kindly Mention This Paper. used, loel prove buttons mitr complaint. occasions. All druggl.M sell them. e claim for ll, and ll will b found to b liiveln-ablnlng to look upon it as hnd form, blcU lU eown clolU ot wlth l il Man? ter tmueelmld. In ilia people "w7n. U., Balt Lnks No. 1, 1GQ4. though one still hoars of freak dinner. Is made. Piles th beet or all preparation, rpit "N'ot hr w rlics p, hut how pnefl highest cash eeics haid eo In Chicago nml Fitislmr?. or hr U dmi:. i in uu.t r di reno. iutlU an evening I In v mi in n M J arndii-- lb "It Is now the correct tiling to have, V dainty trimming on suit tang RAW FUR, and GAME HEADS bv " ik N1' auc-- l ehuirld v u n ml takers, Dallas, Makers, CITY, will or clilfiou are 0 0B tulle UTM "Idle I " en-FURRIER. but n THF, C' table nnt MEHESY. CJUI ttniK iu iuc U'l?r dinner the simply richly llie pn1 bn l;j Kr'NHL , Hell ( "UU hyfip. 1 v tub yt'n I SOS SAICS LIST, salt LAAB CITY, UTAH ia ll I not ueinmiw. to serve nothing which marguerites made of while chiffon crime out baits nml 1m t mi. adorned, by itrm "! , j co iwrn. oil in on ukot ctinsi IitVM highest ptlee gruuTul Forced fruits and j "hh yellow centres put 17 Sr.ae Sii"i-I- . brw Yuan City. ' n pArt JUNK CO. Water Is not In season. Eys ou and skirt corsage. festoous e A no r, brs longer provided. tllv. L'Utb Suit vegetables aro oy.-t- Miss Alice Bailey, of mvDQj&g mild-lookin- g e -- one-thir- d im--ov- n I auto-mobllin- e. for a free Peruna 3 When for ( r) 'i MfAHOUISH igIbrow, AHIHSTERIKG 1 TIEBI A ANOELTHOII: 'C Pay When Cured Weak Men Looking for a Home? l1 m. Haa-boo- Sold Evbrwhere. L 1 help-.mee- t. J. Sacred Heart Academy an ? It; Oil I soft-finishe- d a, c.i Cuni-i-- y, f , ( vle-ldu- ESST .m-tlu- mu-uu- all-ov- s rin-llerl- , heed-ach- e min-uie- Bven-en- ( , nr I iJinn? am-ni- - arr-p'- ed lult-1- I iw-- J :Sfi-"2iTli33i;- s5a's yiraeEn3S3Efa:y |