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Show i t I i FORK PANISH I. NO. 42. VOL. SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER W w. E. WARNER. UTAH STATE NEWS. and Residence Jnal south of City Square. ! Office It ia aaid that ot the f I jpMUh Fork, by the t ah. !)R. J. II. SLATER, (physician & fspiaUk Park Surgeon, at Office Drag Celll)laJr, Mere. jjTniOMAsi NOTARY PUBLIC gad ABSTRACTER. . Knight Block, PROTO, Room No- - Spanish Fork Drug Go, A full line of Driif;, Chemical. Medicine. Fancy and Toilet Arii eles. Soar. IVrfmnery. Toilet Sponges, Brushes. Physicians Prescrip. Comlions Carbfully pounded. . finish Ferk, SAXEY, 4 A . Utah. . Attorney-at-La- w, and Notary Public. Otrtca Over Oran lewis' Store. Utah. IpaaUh Fork, Conveyancer iiclelsoi ljppisoq. Don't Keep Wa HEAD STONES. We Sell The That' Ml. LORENZO THOMAS FAhHIONABLK One Idock tpisUh Ferkr CHAS. north of Bank, Utah. HARRISON, ph6tographer. -- Hyrum F. $ AT- Thomas' Residenc, Utah Frkf kfaaUh Ted Woods. (Lessee of Will Boy ark Stables) Sale & Transfer Feed, stables. Trains Hack Meets all Hpaaieh Ferk, I'tak. J. Pedersen. A. Blacksmith & Wheel-wrigh- t" Materiel always en hand" Oppeslle Beak, Ppaalsh Ferk. Flrsl-ela- B. H. si BROWN, Uivopy Pecd Stable. Hack Meets all Trains 'IHIUNK No. If. .Itak Milsk Fork, Spanish Fork Co-Operat- Institution, Valeri In, General Merchandise, Flour, Grain Produce. Harness, Boots Shoos. y.i John joni:s, snpt. Ilah. Byalh Furl, WAS REPUBLICAN VICTORY 1 MROUCHOUT THE NATION MAN. All Over lha t'oanlry Fxaapt la th Suulliern Ulates th Isapta BtaaUl by th Rapahllraa Calura. Fram ST.fTB TICKET ELECTED BT ABOCT a.eoo MAJOK11. all but three bare married again. B. W. Drlgg of Plesssnt Grove last week collected bounty on righty-lw- o l.(laUtHr Will be Cempneett ef El.vwe l Etttj-tw- e Deui'.vreli alt KepeMlea,,-Baracoyote pelia, gathered la Kush ralley. In N.lghbarlwc Slate. of cut-ofthe Malian Mapa f and another eectioa of the Man Padre hare bran epprored by the secretary of tbs The Republicans of Utah seem to inltrior. have woe a magnificent victory TuesI. E. Keltla, a miner, was injured at day. Howell and McCarty carried the Sunaystd by a fall of coal, hie foot state by pluralities estimated at about being crushed. Although paiatul, bia 6,000. The- legislature is evrrwlisluiingly injuries are not serious. The registration lisle of Proro pre- Republican, the Democrat elected but cinct show an increase of 408. About two aeuators and ix member of the 22.3 hare beau transferred, making a house, who, with the three hold over Democrats in tbe senate, give tbe 693 of total registered and transferred. minority pqrty but eleven voles on McClellan, who maOrgauiei ,1. ballot, a against a Republican joint the nipulate big organ la thn Taber- vote of fifty-tw- o. The Republican nacle in Malt LaUn City, it to compose state ticket carries tweuly-on- e of the no opera, in conjunction with a Deatwenty-seve- n counties of the slate. rer musician. Tits lilak The city fathers of Pleasant Grove SINATK. hare commenced driringa well near Republicans, IS; Democrats, &. Finn District. Box Elder aud Tooeie-- H. S. the Oregon Short Line depot for the establishment of watering troughs for Larsen (R ), holdover. -Second District, Csch A. O. Barber (D. i the general public. Third District, Rich. Morgan aod Davis J. The potato yield ia reported rery G. M. Barnes (D.). holdover. ( large In Proro this a0Ql moskoC tbe (K-l-Fourth District. Weber E. M. Allison, Jr., , ! holdover; Dsvtd McKay (It.) farmers baring raised what art Ktoowo Fifth District, Summit aud Wasatch J. R. as the Rural Seed potatoes, brought by Murdock D holdover. C. F. Peckar A Co. from Wisconsin, Sixth District, Salt Lake-- S. H. Ixva (R-)- . Martin Matthews, employed at lha holdover; Oeoige N. Lawronue (i.), holdover; Sherman (R ). holdover; William N. Aacie Laurie mine, Kimberly, while Hoyt . Williams (R.); Simon Bamberger (D.J Seventh District, Utah C. E. Loose (R.),; engaged In eplitting n block, struck hi, hand, splitting it up to the wrist, Henry E. Gardner (R.J District, Juab and Millard George lie came near bleeding to death before C.Eighth Whitmore (D.) holdover. medical attendance could be aecured. Ninth District. Saupote C. P. Larsen (R.) Tenth District, Sevier, Wayne. Pluie and The Mormon church authorities are Gartleid Willis Jobuson (K. .holdover. planning the erection of a Joseph Eleventh District, Beaver. Iron. Kune and Smith memorial building iaSalt Lake. Washington A. B. Lewis'll ) Work will be commenced within a Twelfth District, Caibou. Emery. Grand, Sun year, and it ia aaid tbe monument will Juan and Uintah U. K. McDonald (It , HUt'S. be the fineet erer erected in America. , Republicans. SO: Democrats. 6. With sereral thousands of dollars In Heaver W. H. Barratt (11 ) the bank and bolding titla to many Box Elder-- F. W. FNhburo R.) Cache D. R. Roberts (K ); W. W. Ilall (I! ); acres of farming landa, Christian Ricks, a German, 48 years old, has T. It Merrill (R.) Carbon Edwin C. Lee (R.) been serving a thirty days' senteaee Davls-Dsv- ld Stoker (D.t Ui Lake in Salt for vagrancy City -E. Johnson (It .) l.(tltur. . jail. Salt Laka Barry Bnros, a boy, died last week after having Inin Emery Joseph GarBeld Alfred Luther (R.) Grand -- A. Mollneuux (R.) Iron Morgan Hteha ds Juab Isaac H. Grace lR.( Kane- - H. S. Cutler (R.I Millard C. W. Walla (R.) Morgan James Anderson ( R ) Piute William K. Whim (R ) Rich Robert McKinnon (D.) Done (R ): Thomas Hull Salt (R.); Jams N. MaslamiR ): John J. Stea art. (R.); Albert H. Nash (R.): Heber A. Smith. (R.);JumssW. Cshoon (R-- : Daniel McRae Lharlea Brink (K.); A. I,. Hamlin (R) (R.; SaaJuan-L- .lt Redd (D.) Sanpete William Metcalf (It); Lorenxo Peterson (R.) Sevier Asa R. Hawley (It ) Summit E. P.EvanslR.) Tooele-Willi- am Spry (R.) Uintah- - J. Warroa Johnson (D.) Utah-- S. L. Chlpmaa (R ; John (J Stone (R ); George Austin (K ): Charles A. Tletjeo, (R.) Wasatch James B. Wilson (R ) Washington D. H. Morris (D.) Wayne Willi E. Roolnson (D. A. 8. Condon Weber Mary O. Coulter (R.); Arch McParlasd 1R.1! John C. Child, (R.) . sink for two weeks, receiving no treatment except that administered by a Christian Moira list healer. Tbe ease wae diagnosed an Inflammation of tba bowels. Tba ramalaa ef Jim Kieg aod Sam Lee, two Chinamen who were buried ia Ibe Provn cemetery I 1I9S, were exbemed to bo traasported to Chian This leaves Provo without a represen-taliv- e from Mile nationality, either dead or alive. Mrs. Mary Ellea Kimball, wife of the late Hebcr C. Kimball, who was oat of Brigham Yoneg's counselors at tbe time the Mormon nettled these vallev. died at her home, 49 Month Fourth East street, Salt Lake City, Tueeday night ef last week, of old age and general debility. The highest price mooted on floor la a year or more was reached iaat week in Salt Lake, when dealars marked the retail price on high pateot Lake-Will- ard (K-)- ; IN IDAHO. While exact figures sre not yet at 30, at 13.36, the atralght grade at 13 enough ia known to naaure a ,aoi, cause The 63.20. sad bakers grade at anU the nearcity Republican majority on the entire fit all is said o b of wheat. ttate ticket of aome 3, (Ms. Idaho price high cenneqneat en Lake The Salt le RepuUicnoa will have forty-sevia the Hooker A. L. a of the member! legislature, eooaty Jail charged with grand larceny. of majority of thirteeo on joint ballot. lady to was marryayonog Hooper Salt Lake, when her parents objected MONTANA. they Invest Hooper demanded tb.t did which Latent reports Indicate the flection they gate bia character, and found that ha was wanted foe of the entire Republican atatn ticket, la stealing two teama end bugglea while the legislature will be In the Iowa, bnnda of the Republicans, tbe election Frank Boacorl. an Italiae employed ot six out of seven member of the at the Annie Laurie mill, Kimberly, legislature being conceded. week. The game near being hilled last ie and WYOMING. starting mile became choked up them with a large crowbar they started In Wyoming tbe indications are that struck with lightning speed, thn bar knockth evotythree member of lit him in the pH of tha alomach, down of feet of a diatance thirty legislature at least seventy will be ing him a flight of stairs. Republican, and perhaps all. In every was a Reweek last arrested A Salt Lake man precinct beard from there 1900 and 19. over he being drunkenoess, gain of publican on the charge Chairman Vau Oradel of the Republound at an early hour In the morning that lican aisle central committee says that scantily attired, made the plea had not nod Monde! 1'a majority will reach 7390. was a somnambulist, off with according to returua o far received; He all. at got been drloklog that Richards will have a majority of flo for governor, and that the balance from 3,'itK) la typhoid Pleasant Grove freer or the of Republican slate ticket will have ynra, lhao tunny season fever thla ne-- og majority of 43oj. Th cause la credited to the people water more and less ditch water Twolv Killed la thenubnrbe of pyro from the flowing well le Ily a aerlea of exploaioua excepof town, which are considered tech ole bomoa aod other fireworks, tionally pure. among a vast multitude gathered in A Ron K. Thornton A. of office The Madison Nquore gsrtleo, New Yora eie burglarised Fork w.i American to witness the ascension of no alr at value t'ttv, week, but nothing of o Ight 4h(p,M(j ji.pi.y cf elretion returns, ellver A counterfeit was aecured. prrtou were killed outright. In Ibe till was no wa lor b,0WIJ ninioat to pieces, that dollar I aupposed Ibjured, many of t Ulist Ukeo by the burglar. It I that at of It them fatally. to be the work boy. at lha the well represented bn (mr tlironged will 30, persons Utah of Auirrh l th time of the exploshms, fifteenth annual exhibition wrrt succeeded by a frightful een palnilngsand sculpturealdilfsgo. week which hundred were thrown In last which opened 7lh. and lrmiled under feut, down Lake, , lst d Vaanfartureri of and US widow left Soofleld explosion in My, 1900, a3 ive & REPUBLICANS WIN IN 1 and WnsateU Valley- rnc, Elections were held in forty-tw- o states and tha return iudicat thatth control of tbe national coogrea remains with the Republican parly. While official return may wake lb working majority of th Republican party la the houaa acloie on, there la ao doubt that It will be sufficient far all party purpose. From a national standpoint, tha coatrtd f lha lower branch of congress waa the rral contest. Many of th states sniveled legislatures which choose United States treat ora, but Ilia result of these elections has in no way Imperiled the Republican majority in th upper boOyi In those slate which elected governors there was ao state iu which the party in power wa not continued in that position, in soid of tbe aisles, however, there was a decided change fromithe vote cast two yeara ago. In the east 'the interest centered iu the great slates of New York aod Pennsylvania, In the latter because of the conditions brought about by th recent coal strike, and in New York because of it bearing upon the Republican caudicate for governor. New York Governor B. B. Odell and the entire atate ticket, although the falling off In the Republican plurality as compared to 1D0) was enormous. At a late hour Odell'a plurality was placed at about 10,000, The Democrats made a alight gain iu the legislalure, but not enough to injure the election of a Republican successor lo Senator llalt. The Democrat also made gains in the congressional elections, the unofficial figure placing the delegation twenty Re. publicans and seventeen Democrat. . I'eunypacker was elected Samuel governor of Pennsylvania by a plurality of a more than I.vi.ooo. In New Hampshire the legislature ia Republican in both branches, Insuring of Senator Galinger. lha In Illinois, Connecticut and Maryland tha Republicans were triumphant, Io Virginia Ilia Democrats sleeted nine out of th tea congressmen, while the Democratic majority ia North Carolina is estimated to b about 63, ooo. In Tenors the entire Democratic state ticket waa elected by about 87.000. In Michigan tbe Republican elected Governor Bliss aod the entire atate ticket and eleven of th twelve con? greasmea. The legislature ia slrougiy Republican, thus assuring Die election of War Alger to lit of United State senate. In New Jersey there waa no change In tbe political situation. Massachusetts went strongly Republican, tha entire atate ticket of that party being elected, the plurality for the bead of th ticket being 37, Lb. In Rhode Island the Democrats have elected L. F. Carvln governor, but with thie exception the Republican atate ticket will go through. In California th returua Indicate that the governorship ie lo doubt. The legislature will be Republican. The latest reports from Montana giva the aisle to the Republican. In Kansas the legislature will be safely Republican. Returns from Nevada point to a fusion victory. Heavy Republican gains ar conceded throughout the state of Colorado. Returua from Iowa go to show that the Republican have elected their atate ticket by 73.000 majority. The result from the legislature In Delaware aeem to bring about a deadlock, as waa the case two yeara ago, aa a possibility. Ohio I claimed by the Republicans by a plurality of more than loo, ooo, aud possibly eighteen of the twenty-on- e congressmen. In Mlnneaoln n plurality of 30,000 le claimed for Yansant, Republican gov- S, mutter. Postnftlr Entered Feb. tl, 1902, as wond-cll Spaiush Fork, Utah. Act of Congress of March I, IHT9. 100: TRIBAL WAR IN PROGRESS. STOP Paying Rent 8EVE11AI. VILLAGES ARE I'l.l'NDKRKD AND BURNED. A Beme-Keeke- Ba AskrA la Freaeh Aslharltle Ha vs trail a War Vassal lo Pratrat Farther BltMMlaheal Batwsaa Ktvat Tribal, Assaolattnn rt Will entitle you to a home or farm og 1000 cash, or pay off your mortgage,, and may tie returned at the rate ol 8.3 30 per month on each 1 1000 with interest at S per cent per annum. Appl either in person or by letter to Advice have juit been received by Steamer of a tribal war which has resulted io heavy loan of life on Eapiritu t Bantu island, tha larges of tba New Hebrides group. The coast tribes have P. O. Box 71, Spanish Ferk, Utah, been attacked by a powerful inland tribe aad several villages were plundered and burned, The hill tribe, led by Nandai, a chief whose authority ia extensive, attacked ilia mission of the First-claFarms ef most any New Hebrides society, where several slxe desirable, and city prop traders bad goo for safely, Tha aserly with comfortable bntld-lag- s, sailing black wars driven toward the or vacant lets, for sate by hllle, where they mad a number of i raids on tha coast villagea, plundering JOHN (TIKIM HANNON, Beni Estate Agent, and burning, loiters linva been sent I Spanish Ferk, Utah. to ilia Freuch authorities ssking that John Christianson, teie. See I ss warship be massacres. sent to prevent further Four yeera egn Nsndti's fafher, who was considered the moat powerful chief Iu the Island at I hat time, massacred a wbola village of a neighboring tribe, beside murdering several trader. For thie eel bis own village wee bombarded by eailore from a French warship. All his huts were deslroyed and he himself was killed In the fighting. At Be otecoste (or Whitsuntide) Island the? native art stated to be at war among themselves. Th trouble has been caused through an excessive amount of sickness prevalent, which the natives believe to be caused by their enemies on the island. TEACHER D. Hotel Charlotte, .V. The heat service le the Traveling Trade both In the Betel and Liver; bnxlneaa. I; Commercial Men, Watch fur the Bax at the bepef. IV I.. X. J INAN, Prep. SLAIN BY LADRONES. I. Mnntfnrasrj, Suierlntsleut ot ! IDGSAllftVBlil11 Sellouts la Oriental Negros, Mardered, Mntllstsd ami Bobbed. I). C. Montgomery, superintendent of school in Oriental Negros, was TIME CARD. murdered Friday by iadronea, three miles from ltacolod. Mr, Montgomery Arrival and Departure ef Train frssm Kin Grande Western Depot! was going to Kscolod for a consultation with ihs retiring superintendent No. 7, for Springville. Provo, r Salt lotkr nmt all points and to assume control of tha division. East and West, He bad a large sum of money with him. Nix natives armed with boloe No, 2W. for Springvillo. Provo, Halt Lake and all points and apeara attacked tbe enperlnten-dent- , East ml West quickly killed him sad then mo ti- No. 8, for Eureka. Mammoth le ted and robbed him. The constabuand Silver City, lary have offered n reward for Mr. No. 2. for Eureka. Mammoth and Hilvrr tity, Montgomery's murderer and it la thought they will b esptured. RobDe 11 bery i understood to bnv been tbe Ceaaertlen made In Ug4rn Colon r motive for the crime. Tble ia th firat put with Ail Traia ef Heathens; Liao. and Short Pacific Oregon instance of a teacher in the FblUpplon islands being harmed, while ia dis0FFERN CHOICE OF charge of his duty. Mr. Montgomery leaves a widow, who ia a teacher In the island of Negros. D. C. Montgomery waa a Presbyter-a- n minister of Islington, Neb., and bia last charge was at Wayne, Neb. lie sailed for tbe Philippines on July j FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY. AND 23, IW01. t'obaa Cowers Is Asla In Smsloa, The Cuban congress, which adMonjourned October 30, day. President Palma, in his message to eoogrets, take an uptimlalin view of the falur of the republie. He refers lo the remarkably good order that has been preserved throughout the island, which he saye la proof of lha peaceful nslnre of the Cuban people. The president ssye also that the sanitary eoodilion of Cuba Is today even belter than it ws during the period of American Intervention. Tlr,4 sf Fating llssawaw Abraham Heber, a clonk talesman, has shot and fatally wounded tha woman to whom he was married on October 8, The shooling occurred In an East Hide tenement. New York city. Heber declares that his wlfn refused lo cook his meals, aod that he had eaten nothing but baoaona during the day. Becoming eoraged from hunger, he told the police, he procured n revolver and seeking Id wife In tbe flat occupied by frISnds In another building, he tired four shot at her, all of which took effect Three Distinct Scenic Routes. Palmaa ralare aad Ordinary Nlrepi1 to Heaver, Omaha, Kao ( Ily, HI. Leals aad Chicago witheak (ar 1 ehBge. Fra Reclining Chair Cara. Perseaally Caadartrd ExrnrsUaa. A Ierfrrl Dlalag Car Hervlce. For rains, folder, clr., inquire of n. j. looi'KH. Itrket Agent, r write i I. A. HINTON. General Agent. Passr Drpmf Halt l.ak ( ity. w ! w PftTH!TS-"IS- S; 1 j I kOVlCI IS TO PS.TlflT'UTr Hutln In " Idunliv, Ax. " Book "Mow k obtain iswntaH maitnUt. Wf till nstast t wxrund. 1 (Vw J Lr'Uni slurll. ennftlU(. Addrwn, C. Q. lbbE88. e.DsI Isuyw. wsstuegtas, 0. 6. FREES Tssssl Costslnlne In Fssswnerala Hastily Peril fut Msuy Hours. The steamer Princess Msy arrived It. C Mooday morning from ernor. Bksgway, having bad a terrible Ten Republican congressman and experience In n storm which lsslsd of from Saturday night until Sunday one Democrat, with tbe Governor Lafollctte, ar Indicated by afternoon. Th hurricane waa at its tbe return from Wisconsin. height while the ahlp wa crossing th Returua from Nebraskn show tbe Quean Charlotte eouad and for sight hours th I'rlocese May waa In great vote to be exceedingly close (or goverof th remainder the with Repubnor, peril, Th storm was the worstknown on Queen Charlotte sound for several lican atate ticket probably elected. vesrs. There were 183 pasvengere on Washington and Wyoming appear lo board, be safely in the Repubilceo column Ills ll( Holh llawils, Dynsstlls (' Indiana It estimated to have given A from Prstrl City, Or, from message 2.3,100 the Itepubllcen candidates died there on Robert Comer that stye to 40,000. The southern tier of stairs, as usual, Monday morning from the effects of Injuria caused by an explosion of a allowed n solid Democratic front. la little there dynamite esp Sunday, Corner, who was In Wist Virginia about 70 years old, was showing a tox change, of the caps to Alvin Ressc, when they Missouri elected minor Mnto nfficeri of fifteen election exploded, Ruth of Comer's hands wrr Return show the blown off and h hm trrrlldy Injured Democratic congressmen end one Rn about the heed Slid tipper pnrt of the publics", ' i body. 111, ryes were also blown out, DiihoU North end rrengsii at Vancouver, No-jll- the Rcjiubln iu cul' nil. YOUR HUBS. eealraot ia tba National OWIf Ilccse Inst one of Ids hands and was severely burned on hi ore and brad DiRicr IIM j rwa j EAST? ..VIA.. OMAHAl i T Qii I Y rt G 0 ForFasscngcrsorFreigh; L, L. OOWNina, f. I A8K Itll Ukt till, l)lh. A. f. . |