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Show 1 Maa Who Mads Millions In Nevada Mlaas avdbbw JKxinr, raikh SPANISH PORK, ELEVEN LIVES ARE LOST AND MUCH DAM-AG- E John Passed Awey In London. W. Mackny. of San Francisco, At Carroll, la., the danghw George 8imons was killed by p nlng, A typhoon of unusual caused considerable damage Coroner's Jury Inventlgatlng Dnly-WeAccident Condeme storing of Powder Underground, et FLOCK MASTERS MUST KEEP OFF FORBIDOR SUFFER DEN TERRITORY ' who has been suffering from heart The coroners jury appointed to in- CONSEQUENCES. died palpitati at accident since last, Tuesday prostration cstigate the Daly-WeFeeli: Handreds of Mouses Unrooted ond Many bla residence at Carlton House terrace, in the following report!' brought and vicinity, Cowboys Burn Sheep Camp, Wagons and dead kong Bonding Oistrojrod Storm Lasted Bat the declare London, at half past six o'clock Sunthat the We, jury, Outfit In the Sew Fork Country Twenty Mlnutee. Again the Genessee valley, day evening, the immediate cause of came to their death by asphyxiation Another Sheep Owner Eorcl-bl- y been submerged by torrential! has hie death being heart failure. Removed From Forcaused by an explosion of giant powder A fierce tornado characterized by a In born causing immense damage. bidden Ground. John William Mackay was level of the Daly-Weon the l,20(i-fowindatorm of extraordinary velocity, Dublin, November28, 1831. His parents Official dispatches announce mine In Tark City, Summit county, serious thunder, vivid lightning and a heavy brought him to New York in 1840 and unanimous from spread of cholera In Mancb I Lander, Wyo- state of Utah. It is our The report comes rain burst upon Baltimore at 12:30 p. thair home during his boyhood was on have Atlantic of accompanied miners by great the the underground conviction . that ming, that m. Sunday, coming from the southwest Park Row in that city. lie was among made a dead line and sheep owners magazine was the principal cause of Gowanda, N. Y., reports sdia,tJ Ith the net result that eleven persons the first to embark forCalifornia when must keep off the forbidden territory, tbe disaster, and recommend that flood that did great damage to u) lost their lives, hundreds of houses the discovery of gold offered such at and have given notice that they would hereafter the use of all magazine village and surrounding country. were unroofed, trees in the public tractions to adventurous, industrious move all be discontinued, end we sheep that entered. Io Leavenworth, Kan., TheodJ underground parks and atreeta were torn up by the and hardy men. His acquaintance in William Scarlett, the Beaver sheep- further, pray that a state law be enshot and killed Leila Majj ) Pullen roots, many buildings damaged and the Pacific const was very extensive man, moved his flock onto forbidden acted to abolish all underground mag17, because she refused to aged several people injured. The storm ex- and probably no citizen of that section territory near Atlantic City recently azines. him. hausted its fury in less than fifteen was more popular, if as much so, as and was given notice by citizens to 1 James A. Quinn. (Signed) The British government liasdecijj minutes. Mr. Mackay, move back, which notice was unThomas Jones. to take over the warships now in cot,, Tha damage done in the business Mr, Mackay went to California in heeded. Jackson Fairhcrts. of construction for the Chilian gonr part of the city waa comparatively 1851, via Panama. He at once entered One day last week the citizens rose And the said jurors, on their oath, ment. confined to the shovel with blowing a mine, working alight, being pick and in their might, and arming themselves do further say that the said George down of signs and injuries to roofs. It in the placers of the American river with In New Y'ork 25,00(t East aide rifle, pistol and shotgun, repaired Richardson, John Eckstrom and Richwaa in the residence portions along and at Downleville. In 1859 he went to Scarlett's camp and held both him ment workers have gone on atrih! to their deaths while the river front and in theharbor where to Virginia City, Nev., and began min- self and herder up and moved the camp ard Dillon came is and it predicted that 15,000 mortv in the work of rescuing the the wind spent itself violently. follow. ing on the Comstock with varying suc- from near the Caribou mine to the In. engaged st Daly-Wevictims of tbe Of those who perished nine were cess, His first real start toward suc- dian trail which crosses Twin creek, unfortunate D. G. Longworth, of Cairo, who mine disaster. drowned in the harbor from open cess was made when he became supernow in England, brings thenc about three miles from Atlautic. just boats, one was killed by a falling tree intendent of the Kentucky mill in Gold A DAY OF FUNERAL9. Scarlett had boasted that he would that the Egyptian Sphinx is rapid Mrs.X ing and one by a live wire. llill. lace. Chi like to see some person or persons move decaying. Accident ol 1nrk Vlctlme City Fourteen A hole several feet in diameter was In 1863 Mr. Mackay formed a part- his camp, so the miners of that district After Laid Awny Friday. Tremendous explosions have occg,. without i blown into the wall of St. Marys Star nership with Flood, O'Brien and Fair. showed him in real fashion. 1901, Friday was a day of funerals in Park red at the Waimaugu geyser at Eoln of the Sea Catholic church in South In 1871 this famous mining quartette A report is also In circulation that PerunA. when fourteen of tbe victims of rua, N. Z a height of 800 to 900 Is City, Baltimore and a portion of the atone purchased the site of the Bonanza ter- there is a war raging in the New Had pal range min Daly-We- st reached. in the being the explosion cornice weighing more than a ton fell ritory, north of the Opliiamlne, on the Fork hands at country between the sheep and were laid to rest. At 9 oclock funeral The United States government h, to the street Q No one was injured. appetite, celebrated Comstock ledge. cattlemen and that the cowboys on the were held at the Catholic nearly al not received an invitation to partly A boats crew from the German They began work on a lode aban- round-u- p had burned the sheep camp, services Buffering John anti-truTom over ehurch Maloney, conference pn. steamer Breslau at anchor in the har- doned by Sharon and other large operpate in the I believe wagons and outfit belonging to Jewel John Gill, Richard Dillon, the Czar, bor picked up two men from a boat ators. posed by The enterprise was a fruitful & the nick Wipper of Rock Springs. East fork James direction that had been capsized. source of ridicule in mining circles, is the east boundary of tbe dead line Harry Devlin, John Devlin, The president of Venezuela la that I an Thomas Kelley, John Lively, Murnln, At the foot of Concord street the nothing but financial disaster being and it seems that the idea abandoned of the attacking th enoti sheepmen in their Wade Gludoski, Pat ONeill, John Caryoti merchants and miners transportation freely predicted. Without losing heart search for feed had crossed over the at Barcelona, and is preparis; enemy be your McAlin-demended camp warehouse was unroofed and rain or patience the four men continued, ex- line into forbidden territory. The New ney, Thomas Cullen, Charles to return to Caracas soon. fourteen of the victims, and then neighbor poured in on the valuable cargo stored pending half a million dollars in pros- Fork cattlemen will not In New York, Hyman Hoffman, i permit any tbe bodies were taken to tlie city cemewish thi there, doing a damage estimated at pecting operations. The ledge was trespassing of slieep. Russian tailor, shot his wife throng: try It. from 8100,000 to 8500,000. tery. (ttruck and over llio.ooo.ooo was added truth. -mouth himMlfb killed the and then IMMIGRATION LAST YEAR. The gas reservoir in South Baltimore, to the world's stock of precious metals. Every available carriage in town was Over h carbolic acid. In use s.t the funerals, and several of swallowing some for No accurate estimate of Mr. Mack-a- ys containing about 300,000 feet of gas, Statement Showing Arrivals liy Countries, The introduction of the state moony ably, no the delivery wagous of the merchants was blown over, the gas exploding. In United Slates. holdings in California can be made, in in traffic Russia that the as bu service oly liquor into were but it will run up into tue millions. pressed Loss, 815,000. No one was Injured. A statement has been tinguish prepared at hearses. been almost universally foThe Hibernians and miners The damage to shipping in the harHe was the owner of valuable real the has been bureau showing the immigration llowed increased drunkenness. In by union together had the funeral bor waa general but not of a serious estate lu San Francisco and had inter- number of in who arrived Immigrants The steamship Premius, with IK and had about 800 men In the nature. ests in mines throughout California the United States by countries during charge The weather bureau reports that the and Nevada. A friend of Mr. Mackay'a passengers on board, was cut in two procession. storm was more io the nature of a claims that he was worth 850,000,000 at tbe fiscal year 1903 as compared with and sunk by the tug Hansel on tbt 12 oclock the body of John McAt 1901. Catholio whirlwind than a tornado. The wind the time of his death. to the taken was river Elbe. Only about thirty onbotrf The total of arrivals of the last fiscal Laughlin blew at the rate of sixty-fomiles ao Send were conducted, services were Baved. where church, an inch of water fell. were 618,743 immigrants and 82,-0- 55 hour and one-ha- lf year flfty-foGlenwood to carried IN TRAGEDY from there MONTANA. The storm lasted but twenty minutes. Thirty persons were drowned by the other alien passengers, making a and Total Vi Tark lodge of Elks attended sinking of a small passenger steimer So far as known it was confined to Balcemetery. entitled of total is This an increase of 730,798. Anaconda Man Shut Down Became Be timore aud suburbs. in a body and accompanied the body to on the Luge river near Proliroi-Scheany on Did Rot Believe In Murderer's 160,825 immigrantsover 1901. floral offerings at the skaln, Russia. The disaster waieuiel The the grave. Inventions. The principal increases during the RIOT ON BALL GROUNDS. were probably the Any by overcrowding. Enraged by an imaginary grievance, last year as compared with 1901 were McLaughlin funeral To th one in the express ever seen' Park, Nebraska Prmehert Object to Monday Ball John McGeary, formerly employed by as follows: Austria-Hungarlargest ol Uii A violent cyclone visited Chalon-Su- t 58,599 Games and Start Trouble. Second mi the Anaconda Copper Mining company Italy, including Sicily and Sardinia car of the morning train being half Saone, France, doing immense damsp Tnlrd mat There was a riot at the baseball at the Washoe smtlling plant in Ana- 43,379; Russian full of cut flowers, and of these about Several vessels In the river were suol pnimb OAi empire and Finland f Iftboetn John to went McLaughlin. grounds at Nebraska City, Nebraska, conda, Mont., deliberately shot and 22,090; Japan, 9,001; Sweden, 7,563 half Mtb brad and Tbe Alcazar was destroyed 6vntb nt The bodies of sixteen of tbe victims streets and 8unday afternoon when the Law and fatally injured William J. Evans, gen- German empire, 6,653; Norway, 5, 236 w litfhib flooded. were shops Order league attempted to prevent the eral superintendent of machinery of Greece, 2,194; of the accident were sent to other The Denmark, 2,003. Torn in Fred Lee Rice was hanged Tutu game. A warrant aworn out by mem- the Amalgamated properties, Sunday The principal decreases are: Ireland points for burial. to, Ont., for tha mnrder of IViUiu bers of the league was placed in the morning. Mr. Evans succumbed to 1,423; China, in IRRIGATING ARID WEST. 810;Turkey Europe, 200 Boyd, a constable, io June, 1991. Bt hands of Sheriff Brower for the arrest the wounds a few hours later. The are the names of the coun' Following the hangman smilingly mc greeted of the two teama When Brower arAp The assassin shot Mr. Evans first in tries from which the largest number of Government Expert Htsrts West to Investimounted the gallows withont a tremor ful inve Reservoir Hites, rived on the grounds an angry crowd the back of the neck, the ball finding gate Immigrants came during the last fiscal Ag surrounded and disarmed him. He an exit through the face. The second As far as can be learned five person F. II. Newell, chief of the hydro-graphistamp t year: Italy, including Sicily and SarUnited succeeded finally in arresting four ball was fired into the of tbe awept in were killed that tornado the department right side of the dinia, 178,375; Austria-Hungar71,' players and took them to a justice's back after the victim lay prostrate on 9S9; Russian empire and Finland, 107, States government survey, has arrived the region about Chesterfield, Ontario, office, where they were placed uuder the ground. in Omaha enroute lo Colorado, Wyoand fifteen seriously injured, Tbt 347; Sweden, 30,898; Ireland, 29,138 where and bonds. California, Montana' country for miles around is McGeary attempted to make his es- German empire, 23,304; Norway, 17,484 ming, reA number of city pastors were at the and information secure to he was goes shot by a bystander and Japan, 14,270; England, 13,575. cape, but justices office and when they left seriously wounded, when he surA Mexican woman in El Faso bu port upon the possibility of reclaiming HORSES BEING SHOT. friends of the players threatened and rendered. arid lands In those states and adjacent given birth to two healthy children territories. The shooting down of tlie popular Arisons Stnrkmen tw Thus jostled them. A rock was thrown at second one the being born six week! Having Grans Rev. C. M. Shepperd of the Methodist official of the Anaconda Mr. Newell's work Is belDg done unfor Th4r Cattle. after the first. Tlie case has cauid company is act of the last congress prochurch, striking a companion and the direct result of a desire on the part considerable comment among phTbe drought remains unbroken der the for irrigation of western arid ysicians. knocking him down. Mr. Shepperd of McGeary to have installed in the viding na a southern Arizona. The throughout was chased to his home. Later, alleg concentration plant a device which he lands. The work of Mr. Newell'e de Sica has all dried tbOUAAnf Ames Joe and and Jane in grass up Sylvia except log that his life had been threatened claims would be a great improvement few of the pi fltll partment is confined to the water supl Wb cai canyons, aud water is ob and the church property in danger. as compared with the his mission at sisters, were killed by lightning and of the now tom it country, ply machinery othtn talnable only in a few places. Two Pollock's C. N. Rotitldfin Ferry, Mr. Shepperd applied to the mayor for in use, McGeary, w best the determine to this time ill be I bATB IO according to his own were injureu. All five had sought sheReports from all sections are that a police guard for himself and the (till clni cost and value to the declares that he has invented a cattle are are locations, size, atory, church property. lter in aresthouse, which wasdestrojd dying by the hundreds of as a known for the simple piece proposed machinery country surroundiug The outbreak is the outcome of a rack to hold the screen in A prominent cattleman I We pu says he counted by a bolt. the and He said it was long and bitter fight between the Law this, he says, he wanted triedjig,at the 140 dead cattle within an area of four storage reservoirs. Hba o to rety commission The and Order league and friends of Sun- works in order in made be mistakes no appointed ;ble f necessury that that lie might learn mites. tie baseball. the announced has day Saturday question how successful it would be. Oklahoma portion and the if that the present beginning, it pi Above the was put to a vote of citizens, aud there ranch La Osa scores in effort proved a success there would be total population of the territory tok jtmtik Frequently McGeary lias called on of horses arelarge was practically a unanimous vote for m.thoui to fct save the Evans sud asked him that he be being shot i tavB on 600,000, with one representative in the irrigation no future difficulty Sunday ball. given an opportunity to improve the water and grass for the cattle. Tbe over 23,000 people ahd one senator fo yoa- but the official, believing horses are traveling in large bands and problem. Homesteaders aud land ownmnlrt4 CUSTOMS REVENUE OF ISLES- - concentrator, 45,000. will have be will got that there was little if any value in tramping out the ers, says, equal rights, Jvery notit w grass as well as eat- and water In .loscpbin Mrs. tirvlAH What tbs Tint Four Months Present Tear the device, had not taken the matter ing it. At another rights already private Oswego, Kan., the for in water place as earnest had up uhrm McGeary 9 desired, Shows. be Interfered with, will not Hart made a attempt granted desperate and this was the cause of the work- the cattle ie being pumped, s man g tby lotto Mr. Newell goes direct to Sterling, drown her daughter-in-laMrs. l'l The bureau of insular affairs of the mans hatred for the official. placed at the troughs with a rifle from Omaha. WE ter war department has issued a compara Colo., Fiber, in a well and, failing, and ss the horses come down to water MAN HUNT ABANDONED. nd suicide tive statement showing the customs strychnin by taking M'lirne they are shot. CROPS WIPED OUT BY FLOOD. Hum. She was demented. revenue in the 1'hliippine archipelago Ofllrwr Glva up Oman ami Trim Is I'lacsd Unless rain comes within ten days, child rp for the first four montha of 1902 com Upon Trney's llcml. The St. Petersburg Novoe VrefflJ hundred of thousands of dollars loss Eruir lu an Are 300 Mile Hqunrs Will ont Love Their Corn and Wheat. pared with the same period of 1901, After forty days of continual pursuit will fall on tbe cattlemen. published a dispatch from Seoul 1900 and 1899, For the four montha by men and bloodhounds, all Heavy rains in central lows are sendKorea, which snys that two Amerlet organDRS TRAOY DISAPPEARS. ended April 30th, loo?, the customs ized effort to capture Tracy, the esing a flood dow n upon prosperous Mis- missionaries have been stoned revenues were 83,894,975; for the same souri farmers which will ruin many of beaten on the line of tlie Seoul-Fu- u caped Oregon convict, has ended. Motor lont Outlaw IU VanUhnl anil period to 1899, 81,215,857; for 1900, them and cause losses aggregating railroad True or lllm Con lio round. LY( Tracy may now be considered as any and for 1901, 82,777,301. by Japanese laborers. at s conservative estimate 82,500,000. other from justice, with a fugitive has board Tracy Tbe completely disappeared municipal health Tracys Real Nam Is Ssvsrrns and lls Is price on his head. Unless he desires from the vicinity of Auburn, Wash. There seems to be no hope for the Manila has decided to remove 40,W From Wisconsin. hetwreu tho Mississippi river to appear and declare himself, no fur- The excitement of the natives from the slums to the ubci' past week lias country Harry Tracy, the fugitive Oregon ther and its Missouri bluffs between Keokuk will start after him. ,Lmd. died posses down and unless the ban camps in an effort to check tb resourceful and bandit, according to a report received 3(H) square miles, i To pursue Tracy through Clarke, desperado again starts in a Hannibal, ode mostly of cholera there. The object from Grand Rapids, Wia., is a native pread pilgrimage in eorn, with some thousands through some section of King county planted to clean and dislnfuct the discs of Pittsfield, Wia., and hia true name Cowlitz, Lewis, Thurston, Pierce, Kitof acres of wheat in the shock. Snohomish sud King counties has his name will . be II0 centers. ia Severeos. Hia grand-parentforgotten. For a it is sap, The corn crop in the flooded district cost these counties 8 10, (Mid, time Auburn was the scene of operaO' f III in A aid, live at Grand Rapids, Wis., and loss of life is reported PIpCMli large is all made and wheat is in the shock, In Washington he has slain three tions. Since the last failure near CovHilvm are prosperous. After hie conviction officers, fire at Gusyquil. The numbed great wounded one, who I n ns a and desperately tlie result farmers will lose all victims has The tot t and imprisonment in the Oregon pen! may not recover, and assassinated hia ington the people are beginning to bej not been ascertained. their work. Grain men lieve the year's has lid farewell to Green say Tracy homeless are being cared for asqulcblj tentiary be is said to have written to pal and partner, Merrill. The fact that Oregon declines to pay river valley and decided to give the foregoing estimate of value is too low aa hie grandfather, caking the latter to F and put the figures of the loss from the possible by government ofllci' Mrs. of t hehalis the reward Pierce officials an opportunity overflow undertake to get a pardon for him, but for Wagoner at nearer 81, out), otto between Action Is being taken to alleviate tb Merrill's body lias done much to chasecounty I iufl him for a time. Keokuk and Hannibal. the old gentleman declined to aid. toward the tint drop of the Tracy hunt. distress. WA Rubbers HI, ow Trnejr Skill In Train l.linllng A $3,000,000 box and lumber combHold I ers Avsns Dnath of Companion by CHOLERA IN MANILA. SCENE OF DESOLATION. Miff Pursuers. a Resort. Wracking ination has been formed with box shop Ml The chase of tbe Marshall Pass train Tnrnndu Cul Is Now DvrrcNsIng In l'lillliilns Mimim W Id Hwnth Near Chester-villAbout 1,000 soldiers surrounded and luiuberynrds scattered through lb !Pi robber Is proving to be a stern one, Ciltal. Gut. resort oo Main street in Leavenworth, New England states. Ills to be kuo ' A tornado of The cholera is decreasing in Manila and an immediate capture of the bangrentfury passed with ss the Colonial Box and Lumber coni' Kana., Saturday and demolished the aud In the lo a mile of Cheslervilie, and the hcklth dits is now considered doubtful. Lai provinces WH )nt., Friday, pany and will have It headquarter I doors, windows and furniture. This board has decided to relax the quaran- est advices indicate that the fugitives and everything in its path, about six was done In revenge for the fatal stabNew York. are from twenty to fifty miles abend of rods in width, was tine regulations. f lb w. destroyed. Tlie A sever bing of Eli Loucks, a member of Com typhoon swjpt over tlie In Cavite province The movement pursuers, with a good chance of country presents a scene of devnata Hb June pany F, Sixth infantry, by a negro in southern island Philippine is uot yet comcrossing the line nnd getting Into the lion. Dwellings were overturned and end the resorL Nothing but the walla and against the ladrones 15th. The United States cusW is of forests La the dead It that 81 cattle are mountains. anticipated The nany lb lying at nearly every steamer roof of the building were left standing. pleted. 5 Shearwater, was lost off Tha negroes io the district were panic-stricke-n ladrones will be raptured, butltHpos-aibl- e report that tlie robbers had been farm. Several persons were killed and island of Mai'induquc. Nineteen that the leaders huve escaped to trapped in Box canyon proved to be a a number Injured, The damag will and there was a wild exodua. her crew, Includlug three Ainerlc0' exceed fluo.ooo, canard.' the mountains. Quiet has been restored by the police. were drowned DONE TO PR0PEATY. UTAH. st ; UTAH STATE NEWS. The lake has fallen over three lnohei during the past week. The drought sUU continue at St. George, not a drop of rain haring fallen this year. Vivian Ford of Salt Lake, was severely injured in an elevator accident ot last week. 8ummit county now hss an assessed valuation of 86,500,000, an increase of 11,500,000 lu the past year. was elected Oliver Christiansen superintendent of schools of Juad county without opposition. During Tuesday and Wednesday of last week twenty men at Venice captured 121 bushels of grssshoppers. John Flint of Kaysville last wesk lost eight stacks of wheat, supposed to contain about 1,500 bushels, by fire. A Republican newspaper is being talked of for Mt. Pleasant, the paper to be in the hands of a local stock com-pan- NEWS SUMMARf I STORM STRIKES BALTIMORE. THE SPANISH FORK PRESS. y. Beatrice Johosou, aged 15, of was thrown from a horse last week and received injuries which resulted In her death. Burglars entered the store of B. F. Smith at Tucker one night last week and secured a small amount of cash and some merchandise. Fire supposed to have been started by sparks from a cigarette burned between 8,000 and 10,000 bushels of standing wheat near Syracuse Junction last week. Hans Rasmussen of Sandy fell in an epileptic fit on Main street In Salt Lake City last week, his sknll being fractured by the fall, and It is feared he cannot recover. Harry Anderson, night operator of the Rio Grande Western at Springville, dropped hia pistol on the floor and the weapon was discharged, the ball entering the right knee, Inflicting a ser Fair-vie- ious wound. The Utah baseball league is a thing of the paal, the men having received their releases. It is probable a two club schedule- - will be played out, teama representing Ogden and Salt Lake taking part. Grasshoppers have been doing con elderable damage to the lucerne crop in the vicinity of Santaquln. The little pests are ao thick that single bunt ers havo been able to catch from eight to ten bushels an hour. Cattle on the ranges south of 8t, George at Farashont, Antelope and other rangea are dying from, thirst, spriogs having dried up. Rains must come soon or practically no feed will be on the ranges at all for winter use. st Mc-Auli-ffe, st n, AF ur y, OU cal y, James W, McGrath, who was recently tried kt Nephi for murder, he having killed his wife, and who was acquitted, the evidence going to ahow that he waa temporarily insane, was examined last week and pronounced of n sound mind.. A professor of palmistry who has besn operating in Salt Lake City, has disappeared with a number of S20 gold pieces which he had taken from patrons for the purpose of magnetising, so the owners could hsve the power to read the future. Forest fires are sweeping through the Boulder mountains in Garfield county. It is said the fires have been started by an old Indian named Tlml-cawho has an idea he is thus sveng-Inhimself because his wife ran away with another man. I Harry T. Duke and Alexander Robertson plead guilty to the charge of embezzling funds from the Wells, Fargo & Co. bank and were each sentenced to four years imprisonment in the penitentiary. The shortage is es ti mated at about $oo,ooo. Mr. Elvira McKvoy was killed In i runaway accident iu bait Lake City last week while driving in company with her husband and sou. Mrs. jumped from the vehicle and her head struck the hard ground, causing concussion of the brain. Ephraim Madsen, a laborer of Salt Lake, was stabbed by a stranger last week, who made his escape, a danger ous wound !eiog inflicted. Madsen kicked a dog which had bit him, when the man whipped out a knife and stabbed him In the left breast. A search has been instituted for Joseph and Wilford Stewart, of Benjamin, who left Mountain View, Wyo on July 8, In charge of a bunch of borees and bound for Utah. Nothing has since been heard of them and foul play la feared by their friends. The gross earnings of the Rio Grande for the mouth of June Weatern amounted to 1454,400, an increase of For the fiscal year ending 15,000. June 80th the gross reached the highest point In the history of the road, il 15,323,004, ao increase of 1415,888. Lehl was probably never shorter for water tbao the present season. Vari ous schemes are betng talked over with the view of lneressiog tbs aupply, but the most probable teems the sinking o! surface wells and the Installation of tmmp to be operated by electricity. n, g Mo-Ev- t . dovu-tate- le-in- . a, -- ir |