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Show The Spanish Fork Press No. 18. Vol. 1, SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902. iTwTiT WARNER, INTERESTING Office and residence three and a half blocks north of Drug Store. Utah. Spanish Fork, Subject on Arizona Mission of 1881. SLATER, jjitpi. physician & BY IIOBT. Surgeon, HOLMES, continued from last issue. and months went on there were lundreds of dollars worth of horses Fork Drug Companys Store. and cattle stolen from us, after which trampled up law suits were Bl'CHHOLDT, he order of the day, which took many hundred more from the DENTIST. Office Spanish Dr. IV. at OrnCEOver Spanish Fork Bank. m. till 5 p. m, Examinn'-tiojIoubs- -0 a. people. While this fiendish business was Free. jeing carried on four of our best Utah. men were sent to prison under i Forks alse pretences in order to break up he place. But in process of time F. THOMAS, an unseen hand was manifest on ;he wall of St. Johns. The men ABSTRACTED who had taken such conspicuous and lart in the dramma were now Boom No. 7, Knight Block, PU01 0. doomed to their fate, such as Sol Go. Bartch, a Mr. Stover, and other Fork n j notary public Drug Spanish officious men, white and brown, and he fear and dread that had seized Chemicals, Medicines, Artiour people at the beginning now Fancy and Toilet cles, Perfumery. Toilet seemed to vanish with redoubled Sdaps, Sponges, Brushes. uryt and it seemed to be a ProviPhysicians Comdential stroke. At this juncture Carefully pounded. Judgtt Janies Wright of Missouri Utah. SpanliB F'flrlh was the chief justice, who showed no favors of fears to any man. To SAXEY, jegin with a Mexican Was sent up or a long term of years for stealAttornsy-at-LaPublic. and Notary ing some thousands of dollars from Conveyaueor & he county treasury, And Sol Bartch Office Over Robertson Store. Drug Argyle's was sent up for ten years for tak full line of Brugn, A luted for their courage and manhood to combat the obstacles confronting them in the way of dry seasons with failing crops. But it is said tliut perse verence brings deliverance. Yes, but like justice, it sleeps a long time. In conclusion let me say that I was deeply impressed the other day to write a piece on the Arizona mission. I have done so, not to create any ill feeling of the past, but to show the condition of things at the time we lunded there, and the good we have done for the people who lived there before us, and I am of the opinion that the Mexican people themselves will be satisfied when they learn more of our people, they were benefitted by us coming into their midst; the proof of this was seen when the Mormon store was opened, as they could buy things cheaper. Now let ine Bend my greetings to all friends concerned, and may peace and prosperity ever abide in your habitation is the desire of yours respectfully, Robert Holmes, Spanish Fork, Utah. s w, Utah. Fork, Spanish lficlelsoi w We lfaifuisoq. w w Don't Keep We Sell Them, That's All. LORENZO THOMAS FiMllOA(!LE Tailor, One block north of Bank, Itnh. Spanish Fork, ERDMAN & PARK, Fresh Staple and Fancy and Cured Groceries. Meats. Highest Cash Price Paid for Hides and Pells. Utah. Spanish Fork, 1 After my five mouths trip East, where have the large wagon and buggy factories, also plow works, 1 am now manufacture Wng"ii iireparetl and lliiggy Wheels. Poles and Buggy Shafts; also Plow Work. Always keep a large ipiantity of wagon material on hand. J. Pedersen. A. First- - class material and workmanship (luaranteed. Opposite Bank, Spanish Fork. B. H. BROWN, UvGpy Stable. Hack mm"' tih Llnh Fork, hi H. snow. Joe Jefferson refused to be isstid by agang of female admirers, he old man knows that the bus. sers are the hoodooes of any mans PAR80N ame. A Motions, Ladies young man can seldom account or his and fathers lack of knowledge, Trenton, N. J., man celebrating the birth of mby. It is sate to sty grandchildren will never swumt of 79 is his first that his have the irivilegeof pulling their grandpas chin whiskers. When yon think you have troubles of your own compare them with the trials and tribulations of the eople on the island of Martinqup, dioitsands of whom have just been juried in burning lava. It is too terrible to contemplate. In W. O, ive Institution, curi-ousi- LUMBER ty Merchandise, Flour, Grain and Sa-in- u t.f -- , NiauUI, 11 S .!. a JONES, Supt. Iarl, . - SUNDRIES. WHEELS jex. 79 West Secd South St., State 1 ....... of ; Yice-lV-b-n- rn. i nh. A Tod Wood Wm. T. James, d-- Boots Shoes. I Spanish Fork, Utah HEBER c. "!, Produce. Harness, ""i BROOMS Building Material. Commercial Men, General Ut. Bailed Hay & Produce IGY3L.CS - l'alcrsli, ,iftr SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of The names of Guv. Heher M The graduating exercises ttf the Wells and Theodore Roosevelt were AND eighth and ninth grades of the pub- mtcribed on the register at the lic schools will be held in the city White House Wednesday. The followThe pavilion thiseveuing. circumstance excited a little ing program will be given: until it was ascertained that PiauO solo, Lillian II. Slater, he fellows who so registered were Invocation, William L. Holt, a couple of sheepherders who had iisClass mhlrcss, Claude M. Saxey, ten thousand dollars from the become bughouse. ing suddenly Class history, Jennie May Hughes, same place, or used it without pittSun. Vocal solo, Maggie Evans, rein after but it back, M. years Simmons, ing Prognostication, Regina Ten years ago last Monday the placed it and was banished from Class humor, Ruth Jones, publisher of The Press and vV;u I Vocal solo, Jennie Rowe. ;he territory, and his brother Nate Address to graduates, Prof. W. E. Kenner were busily engaged in also. Mr. Stover, by some means at Right Prices and Fully Guaranteed. Rydalch. getting out the first number of the ost a hand, over which he was very R. William Jones, Vocal solo, Spanish Fork Sun; about one much humiliated, so much so that Class poem, Annie Johnson, month later Ntf. Kenner left for he seenied to be wanning toward Valediction, Edith Ellen Canmmek, Odgen, where he went to work on Piano solo, Prof. B. F. Ilodsou, pauperism, and others of like caliI hive the agency for the lending firm of the werld, The American the Odgen Post; he tlmn drifted J. Hanson, Benediction, George to have down seemed per dropped Cycle Manufacturing company of Chicago. Master of ceremonies, Mark Johnson. into Idaho where he died about one boots so far that their into their Our Bchools during the past year year ago. After Kenner left Jessie feet were iso pinched that they had P.Holt bought a half interest in the to seek more congenial climes for have done an excellent work, nearly business. We stayed with The their nefarious work; and as the 93 pet cent of the enrolled students four Sun abont followmonths, wheu we have been promoted. The judge told the writer that if lie gold our half interest to M. L. Scott. could get A jury to work with him ing members of the graduating the Holt stayed with Scott about six he would wipe out all these bad classes successfully passed held iuthiS city months; Scott succeeded in winchatcaters from the surrounding State examination and was IB, and are therefore grad ing enemies everywhere country. I Assured the judgo that May here about one year altogether, if any of our people were on the uates of our schools: when he went to American Fork, EIGHTH GRADE. jury they wOuld be equal to his from there to Mercur, from Mcrpur Annie Johnson, honor; his answer was: They are to Proto, and started a paper in I This want. of men Frank A. Johnson, the kind each of the above named places. Was the fear that struck the otlmr Regina M. Simmons, As a newspaper Undertaker Scott Side with such force that any place Jennie .May Hughes, was a success, his record almost Fern V. Lewis, but St. John would sdt them, and coming up to that of James T. and Jennie Rowe, many got out, some by force, Jakeman. We returned to Spanish Claude M. Saicj. others, as it Were, by the skin of Fork r,even months ago and started their teeth. And while it canhut Maggie Evaus, The Press throe months later. Our Fdith Ellen Caminuele, be said that a full brenst was made prospects for success nre gAod, William I). Holt, in that line, but the inodificuG xn Houses and lots and farming (lara Briiuhull, seems to liavo hud its effect to that at idw'st I'Vlcei. 1L J. John- land is seMinnie Bradford, degree that a strangers life son, real ettate rgeii't, Htst wfei'J, George Hayes, cure by keeping out of bad comSpanish Folk, Utah. TICKET OFFICEt a people whose Hanson, J. that nnd George by pany, Clura Ieckslrom, inti uence is felt for good in all the of the Johnson', Mark pith world, and herein lies HALT LAKE CITY. that ami the Isaac, lhebc glory mission, that Money n Ivnnctd (o It. F. SiESLEX, General Agent. will accrue to those who took part Margaret E. Thoffiafe, Jennie C. Jensen, in the redemption of Hint little Willuim M. Evans, Sugar Beet Growers corner in the domain of the windy Ruth Jones, bear territory! and while we tray At Reasonable Kales. Lillian II. Slater, the nniiia for its redemption, the 8. larger, Provo ETs.13 Bank Ierry IJuzel Argyle. herd mut share the glory rf it. 8 BUNK OF SPANISH FORK. np other power could have wrought ninth OfilbB ST FKOVt), L'TAII, c euth with out the 8lvntio H. MiPer, A. Francis $25,000.00 Capital Paldujh Lenora Holding, pi etc ness, V. II. Kay. PicHiib'iit, Arthur Nehon, Now, th refer let mC fonrriatn V, II. Biim.ms. in I on that Brown, ti mif'doniiHes latl tny fellow Miihwick. CasUcri John Hylvnnuo llnyitcl1, ull our trying ordeals Wo hau to iioAiui iK niurt Mary Ann Jensen, curstlvea V. It, Rav. Nv. II Ho'Muiit ,1. K. pu- -i through Lehl Id ll go These students in Hawk. II. A.'Bavtn. Mi.. Kii'v iCm-a- , so far hh wo did, let it ho borne and Livery bulnfM. their dephmiii receive to Young eud V. II Wood, not all in vain, as Friday mind that it w round trip. fer- - Oi.c fare for TIilA Bank iloio a irctivru! banking I done "tu lids good I d a and fay do buxliiPM, pcf vent Intrreat to so if we suffered of the ! (be Depot. on formic Von llu the for Match lng annual Vnr the life mid t iwie otlieM Iliuiurv Association, Moving M'Ui vain ii not was OUT tniM"ll L. M. JUNES, Prop. nnd Young is certain t .Mutual Improvement mid that a re war A- Pure and Mellow; wlietlieMn Ladies' Mutual Improvement L ce ol Will lloynoh Mablei) tl.ee who saw a J"m of .f tluirrh the i socintions this life r for that which Rich and Delicate. Saints, and the & dimtof Latter-dabanished, la come; so let nil regrets of l or bale by out "f the C, notion of the Birthday ConlEGtionaiy, na the good that came to le fining, Brigham balI'feeideut the ,.,il - Milliumit to hi ing W. L, BOYAGK. ., in Silt Luke .May J'J to June our to and ance d.iwn in our favor; round tin for to hold , a rale of on fie W . friends who stayed there Spuulxh Fork, Itah. will be made by the K. 0. the fort, they mint be umgfatu- trip 4 inniju A Jex Lumber Company. Hotel Charlotte, Co-Ooerat- i INFANTS WARE Creers Building, Spanish Fork, I t Hats and Flowers. LADIES SUMMER UNDERWEAR. M Spanish Fork to. Childrens Furnishings. but in after years, when he has sons of his own, hebegins to realize he ignorance of youth. A oods, Dry Morully speaking, limburgerl cheese has one great advantage over olomnrgine. Nobody can accuse it of trying tc pass itself off for some-- 1 ;hing else. 4 Meets all Trains Spanish d MONEY TO LOAN. AM) iMloSB NO. hard-packe- s , GENTS and LADIES STONES. HEAD Graduating Exercises In Lapland they sometimes make ire places of Entered FetJ. 21, 1902. as Second-ClasMatter, Fost.cfflce at Spanish For.-c- Utah, Actol Congress of March 3,1879. Ico Oroam Broad and Cakos. Feed, Sale Transfer stables. Hack Meets all Trains mm. |