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Show IS? It I , t , ' ' swuwnnwiwusiwAwiiti that the boys at the is reported Boyack galoot gone qn a have Memorial D$y Call.' lyjother And Daughter Djeamep&y. - , strike; what thpy want is longer flEKKLy, drinks anc shorter hours between 'JTiq funeraj services over thq reANDREW JENSEN, Publisher. mains of Mrs. Annie C, Hanson drinks. EEE3 , were Ijeld ip tne Fqqrth ward mpe: FORK, yTAH pFAbjISH Within the next wo or three house lagt Tuesday. The speakT" week? the county ppmmissioniere ing SUBSCRIPTION 1UJR9 Carl Grotogut, C. 0. will appoint registrars in he re- ers vyere line year $1.50 of Salem, Andrew Swpuson, Clqas, of Uah 75 spective election districts Six months Monk ancj- Bishop Larson. ifrs. 5 county, four months Hanson was born in Denmark 25 Jwfmopths The regular monthly meeting pf March 4, 1847; joinoc the Church PAYABLE S ARFANCE the Ifigll council qf the Nebo Sake of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y ! 1' Irr - that our anti old, inept at qtizen?, young the city hall pn Saturday evening I respectfully request npxt, May 3rd, and eeleot a mittee to have in charge the exercises of Memorial pay, that we may fittingly qbserve pup Natipns most sacked day, and learn of and recall the deeds pf pur honored y. , f. Local Nows. ! dead. "Oh could I w prsjiip aught beneath he skips, 'hat earth' hath seen pr fancy can device, Tjiine alter, Sacred Liberty, should stapd, Built by no vylger pieriipj.ry hand Vith fragrant turf and lowers as wild and fair As ever dressed a bank in scented summer air Heber C. Jej, Major. Co-p- m-m- -- com- of Ziajt will be held m the vestry rfaintp in 1807, being baptizecj by of he Fuyson 'i'adprnaelp at 7 p pi, Eldey James Hanson; canto to Utal iq 1808 with her husband; tornorpw. All changes of Ads. must fie iq no her oldest and only child was laid Samuel L Cornaby left Monday to rest in the Auntie Ocean; tps jatci; (ban Tuesday night. morning tplook after a contract on to walk almost the entire John obliged the Leamington cut-ofdistance across' be plains to Utah; Covyens of faysonaccompanipd Mr. " her fiusband, Henry Hausen', died Cornfiby. in 883, leaving hey with seven Bepj, Argyle ms returned from Dave James, while helping to children to tight the battles pf life, panaja. fix the water box in front oF the the pldest 15 years and the youngThe people pf Lakti Shore held a store, cut his knpe with an Ladieq' white and Persian wajs ts 18 months p(J; she worked est him will up probably lay ax, whiph fit Parsons, meeting last Saturday fpr the purfor a few days. faithfully for hey children, and pose of considering selling the outMrs. Mary flickers has returned tuuht them in hp path of truth. side school A few years ago a man thought sights and buildipg to from Scofield. 6 he leaves 7 children and 3 grand tho he had discoyered a way to produce central, After discussing its children and Ladies new style black lace rain at friepds to merits will, but lately it has been they proceeded to vqte on gloves at Tarsons. diacoyed that steel-- e wjll produce a mouyu her death. the question, which were ap folhale-- s storm, Mrs, jKjersten Olsen, mother of Mat. Hales returned home sick lows: to pell, 30 votes; not fo sell, Mrs. died only a few Ilanson, Roller Mills was The Springville 17 votes. As it takes pf jast Saturday evening, hours before hpr daughter, and was fire last voters sell school to the by dietroyed property, Parley Dargers little Enrl is completly but the walls burie4 Monday; she joined the not to sell wero pinners. Nothing night, sick with pneumonia. very The fire was discoverd church in 1SG7 and camo to Utah remain. in 18G8; hey husband died 2 yeqrs Arthur B. Simmons returned about 2 oclock this morning, from Frovo this morning. Marshal Hales has arrested a after coming here; was a faithful Latter-daBant,and was loved and Just two year? ago today since goodly number of cows during the week for roaming the streets, some respected by all who was acquained he groqt Scofield Mine disaster, of them were fined small sums for with hqr; she leaves a son and two A baby gql arrived at he home i daughters, 28 grand children and resisting an officer of the law. London, All well. Grcpr Tuesday. if 10 greaf grand children. Her Families that have been quaranBeylin, Vienna James Lf. Ccpqe has returned tined for contageous diseases miut funeral services were held Monday the Fourth ward meeting house, in York from his bueipc3 trip to Vernal. qbserve the restrictions or qoarar:-tin- e the speakers were Carl Qrotegut, more closely, or all such cases James Published and James Harry B, Hughes of Eureka has B. will be hold to the strict letter of Anderson. Cbristenseq monthly in moved his family to Spanish Fork the law. Both died last Saturday. New patterns just in at Oran The flqral decorations were very Y. B. For the Academy Reunion Lewis'. Ten cents for any pattern, pretty. at Provo May 29th the Oregon To the wife of Harry Short Line will sell tickets May 28, Born Kelly Jameson of this city inHughes, Mouday night, a boy, All 29 and 30, at one fare for round forms us that he ft p's much better trip; final return limit May 31st. well. M. DeBolt, agent. b, today than he did one year ago, Take this notice to Oran Lewis The graduating classes of the Last night at G;30, one year ago, he store and receive a Fashion Book 8th and 9th grades will continue in had the misfortune of losing one 8 inscriptions taken by us, free of charge, their work until MavlOth, at which of his feet.itPrqvo. Saigle copies 5 cents. Mrs. Elias Jones presented her time a State examination for the A fashionable divorce has been All seams allowed in patterns, hvband with a fine boy last Tuee? Utah county graduates will be held started by Mrs. Pearl B. Girard of No guessing for a lit. A high in this city. grade pattern for a cheap price. day, All well, were married Fork; they Spanish After The Press was out last one year ago, and now she has Dont forget the meeting Saturweek we received an anonymous filed suit for divorce against her day evening to select committee BAZAR the postoffice Containing husband for threatening to kill her in letter for Momorial Day. To the writer as soon as he has a chance to meet several good locals The new fence being built we We regret the say, Thanks. her, also to kill her infant child, Call and get the latest fashion ground the city square is com' locals are too old to print this sheets free at the and her mother to hoot, She asks week. the side. north on pleted the court to bring him in and give The last two issues of the Kanab bonds to Mrs. N. D. Castle of Salt Lake is keep the pence, for this in Spanish Fork visiting her Clipper shows signs of it coming Co-O- p, purpose a warrant for his arrest down with a bad case of yellow has father, John II. Houghton. beer, placed in the hands and besides turning vellow of Sheriff A daughter was born to the wife fever, Naylor, as he is employed Spring house cleaning calls for it is now only half its usual usual Of the Lake. new paper on your walls We Salt of Chas. W. Booth last Friday morn- We in course, the Clipper pulls hope are showing about 250 beautiful is to also failure well. and Mother K. charged provide, all 0. baby ing. through designs. Goods delivered in 24 hours. against him. Samuel Cornaby has a choice lot Ted Woods has the distinguished At the First wnyd conference last of Curnation, honor of having in his possession In your spring decorating dont Pansy and Daisy plants for sale. the tail of a rattle snake with 23 Sunday President Page gave some that we can frame your forget and good instructions, tspe. f the picture pictures at Dr. Warners new residence is rattles; this, it is believed, cannot timely mans price. to the young men aud woand be in beat that isnt the State; daily nearing completion, and he will all, he received a fine dog from men who were in the habit of gosoon be located at his new home. Eureka Monday morning. ing to dances, and cautioned them from Bowen arrived the Wm, to be more discreet in dancing Mary Jane Loser, of Benjamin, East yesterday with a fine stallion. He told them that filed a petition for divorce from round dances, It weighs a little over 2000 pounds. has her husband, Jacob Losser, on the these were not allowed by the free Hotel at tested Boyack Eyes The church we belong to, and told us grounds of drunkenness. for a few days only by J. n. parties were married in Benjamin of some that worked hard all week Sehey, optician. All work guar- November 8, 1882, and they haye and spent the most of what they TIM CAR 11. nino minor children. Provo Dem- earned at the dancing parties, and anteed. ocrat. Arrival anl lirpartnre of 1 rains from advised, if possible, to get some The Spanish Fork Drug comlilo Grande Western Depot: The commencement exercises of other kind of dances than the No, 7, for pany are fixing up their fountain Springville, Provo, lie held at round dances; lie did not condemn Salt Lake and all points and expect to serve cool refreshing the public ohools will . Hast anl West, 8,05 a in the pavilion tonight, and tomorrow dancing, and people, both young soda soon. No. 20. for Springs file. Provo. have amusement. should aud old, afternoon there will be sports and Salt Lake and all points Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ilomney of amusements for the cl.il Iren and Ea- -t and West, 8.42 p m Mrs. Lyda Anu VanSteeter of Salt Lake have been visiting with prices will be awarded in athletic No. 8, for Eureka. Mammoth Lake Shore died last Friday, aud and Silver City, 040 pm Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Simmons contests; a grand ball will lie given was buried in the Spanish Fork No. 28, Eureka. Mammoth the in the in pavilion. evening this week. and Silver City, 6.15 a m last Sunday, She has cemetery Three of Pay sons elderly ladles been a citizen of Lake Shore about There has been sixteen homes Connections mad In Ig'pn I'rlun d quarantined for mensels the last had somewhat seri ms accidents thirteen years. She leaves a with All Irains of vbIIippi week, and every one came from the happen to them last week, each oi.e Pacific end Oregon short blue. Left idiildieii. three her and same school room. E UK having her right arm broken. n dive country. Holland, .for the OFFFRs They are Mrs. Jacob Schaerrer, The regular monthly Priesthood Mrs. Lucius Elmer and Mr. Hettie. gospels sake, and was a faithful meeting of the Nebo Stake will be All are progressing, however, as Christian. It Was very seldom she held iii the Pay son Tnbern.n le well as can 1h expected. Enquirer Kit her bouse. She pent Sundays DAILY. in leading her Bible On her lust at 10 a. ni. Sat unlay. Last Fridiy afternoon, while the .1 N ti Bible has in this she The Lake Shore Irrigating com- pupils and teacher of I.eluud school photograph Threo Distinct Sceric Routes. her hand, and it was placed in her pany's well is now down 210 feet; were busily engaged in their closing I'uluian Palace and Ordinary Sleeping hand after death aud buried with they have struck quick sand. which school work, the patrons of that to Denver, Omaha, kanm nrs She had many kind friends, is very hard to drive through, ( lljr, St, I o u In and ( lile ,go without district entered the room with her. aul died witout an enemy nt the rln n bp. For the Oil Convention at Price cheers and acclamations mil gave of M years. Her ago Free Reeltnlnx t hair Car. the It. 0. W. will sell rouiil trip an effective surprise to the teacher nun ally Cu'iilucted Fxeurl ms. Work Was suspended and teacher Henry VanSteeter, is very old uni tieketa for one single fare on May A Perfect and pupils united in giving a pro- feeble, though he hus a kind and Dining Car Service. H and 51, good returning till the 12. gram, after which refreshments For Ann rates, foldiir, etr.. Inquire of loving daughter, Lyda II. J. COUPE', Nicholas Smith i authorized by abundantly furnished - were served. who will take pleasure in shades of evening thick-eneUntil the ticket Agent, the publisher of file Pres to soall the comforts in her or write games and sports were in- rendering GEO, W. Ilk licit ami collect for subscriptions console him in bis dulged in. All united in making the power to Ami, General I'nmYer nent, this viper Oivcbirn your order event one of social iulerest. ' sail lake All bills for Advertising will 1;q presented PE the first of each montfi. PRIHC y two-thir- ds 8 V FOR fe THE Suit of Qlothos from A un Mow Stock is what your boy wnnts, You will enjoy paying for them, as the is so Small. ()ban Iewis, Spanish Fork, Utah.! y Paris im and Jew The Largest Implement Dealers Scull of Sal! Lais,1 Have Just Received three Carloads of Spring Gpods. They are prepared to furnish you the follow ing at the lowest prices; ! MS CALL. IS Young Mens Consolidated si. oul-do- or field-grow- 3 3 n one-hal- fr Myers and Red Jacket Pumps. lie-p'- d bus-bin- FAST THROUGH TRAINS -- - hu-ban- d, If liar-inoti- d, 1 1 d, Barb Wire and Cedar Posts. All kinds of Extras Furnished. ' mz. Prompt Attention given to Orders. (It, Corner 2d North Main, Spanish Fork, Utah |