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Show FILIPINOS TIRE OF FIGHTING. THE SPANISH FORK PRESS. INSURGENTS IN THE ISLAND OF SAMAR ARE ANDREW JENSEN, Fnbllshar. SPANISH FORK, SURRENDERING TO GENERAL GRANT. UTAH. UTAH STATE NEWS. The millers of the state have combined to farther raise the price of flour. The officials of Provo have decided not to permit Sunday baseball playing. The schools of Salt Lake have a crusade against the use of cigarettes. Fruit and crop prospects in Davis county were never better at this time of the year. A case of smallpox has developed at American Fork, being the first case at that place for over a year. Gold ore of the value of $1,250 to the ton has been discovered in the Susan mine, in lark Valley district. During the past week 705,785 shares of stock were sold on the Salt Lake stock exchange for 8314,074 60, will investiThe attorney-genergate the "meat trust in this stale, and will prosecute if he finds any trusts existing in Utah. Provo has a juvenile band of which It is very proud. The members are youngsters of from 8 to 19 years of age, the leader being 15. Several flocks of sheep owned by residents of Salt Lake county have changed ownership recently at prices ranging from $3.75 to $1 per head. Congressman Sutherland has recommended the appointment of Samuel McAfee as postmaster at White Rocks, and Mrs. Carrie C. Jones at Marysvale. The Provo stores will close at 7 oclock io the evening except Saturday and days preceding holidays, all the merchants having signed the agreement to do so. Clyde Felt, the Salt Lake boy charged with the murderof Samuel Collins, and who confessed that he cut Collins' throat at the latter's request, has been released from jail on $1,000 bond. The base ball fever has struck Pleasant Grove, clubs composed of single and married men as opponents pulling off an interesting contest last week in which the married men came out losers. M, M. Warner, of Provo, has let a contract for completing the toll road between Cisco and Moab, The road ia now being traveled and tne ferry over Grand river is being successfully operated. The attorneys for Nick Haworth have not given up all hopes of saving their client from legal execution. They are depending uponamassof new evidence which is to be presented upon motion for a new trial. Word comes from Marciai, N. M., that Henry Thuming, a former residcut of Mt. Pleasant, was accidentally shot, death resulting a few hours later. No particularsof the accident were received. Mrs. Nellie N. Phiriot has been appointed postmaster of Park City, Mrs. Phiriot was born and raised in Summit couuty, and since the death of her husband seven years ago lias supported herself and three daughters. There are a number of smallpox cases in the graders' camp about twelve miles from Mercur. All the inen who are afflicted and those who have been exposed are isolated, and are being closely guarded by armed patrols. The Salt Lake Hike have inaugurated a campaign for funds for the big convention to be held in the capital city in August. It is estimated that $25,000 will be required to carry out the plans outlined by the executive committee. William Colton, of San Francisco, was seriously injured in Salt Lake last week while attempting to stop a runaway horse. He was knocked down and trampled on by the frightened beast, the horse stepping on his head. Mrs. Nora Larsen, the young wife of John Larsen of liluff, San Juan county, was burned to tleath in a fire that consumed her home at an early hour Wednesday of last week. Mr. Larseu was away from home and the young wife was there aloue. Farmers of Sunpete county are going on witli their crop planting aud are not at all alarmed alaiut the threatened invasion. The generst is the late heavy aud cold that opinion storms have given the insects a setback from which they cannot recover. Esther Williams of Richfield has filed suit against Thomas J. Williams for divorce, alleging that has, since their marriage, compelled her to occupy a sheep wagon for a residence and not furnishing her with other usual comforts. When she protested he compelled her to leave and go home. Mrs. Mary Clark, an aged resident of Coalville, was fatally burned last week. There was no one in the house at the time the sccidcut occurred, but it Is supposed her dress caught fire from the stove, near which she was sitting. Vernal wants a financial Institution in its midst, and the Express ssys of the need: "A banking institution would be of lursllmable value to Vernal and Uintah county. There Is not another county In the state with the population and advantages of Finish couuty that .is without a bank. d inaug-orate- al well-know- grass-hopp- er n GasTerra, Who Sarceerirri General I.uklmn to the Cfiimimml of tl Itehel forces In Suiiar, Hus Si rremlered. General Frederick I)!; Grants expedition in the gunboat Ilas'eo and Florida, several steam launches and native lighters, has ascended the Gandara river, in the island of Samar, and has brought the insurgent leader Guevarra and his entire command down to the coast. Guevarra's command consisted of Rafael Sebastian, Abaki and thirty-eigotiier officers, 180 inen and 101 rifles. Three hundred insurgents, with 131 rifles, have arrived at Catbalogan, Samar, and surrendered formally to the American authorities. Guevarra succeeded General Lukban to the command of the insurgent forces in Samar, when the latter was captured last. February. He announced his intention to surrender lust March. ht REAL COAT OF MAIL. e reel of Silver Wire Is Cud la Darning Mens Abdunen In Chicago. "When Isaac Ascher, who is at the County hospital suffering from an operation performed, recovers, he need not fear going to war, for he will have a coat of mail, said a young physician who saw the operation. Dr. Charles Davison and his assistants placed about feet of silver wire in twenty-fiv- e Asher's abdomen in darning a rupture of the anterior abdominal wall. The muscles had been spretffl so far apart that they could not be draw together, so the doctors used fine silver wire to literally darn a space of three by five inches. This is probably the first time this operation has been performed in Cook county. After the lattice work of silver threads between the muscles had been completed the skin was drawn together and sewed. The patient is resting well, and there is no fear that he will not recover. Six times before he went to the County hospital, a few days ago, Ascher had been operated upon. Twenty-Fiv- MONSTER WEAPON. Will llnrl Steel Twenty-On- e Mllri to be Given Trial Thin Week. The authorities at the Watervliet arsenal expect to complete work on the big gun to be placed at Fort Hamilton, jn New York harbor, by June 1st. The gun, which has been in course of construction about four years, will first be sent to Sandy Hook for proving. Last week the war department decided to mount ie gun on a disappearing us first trial is eagerly carriage. awaited by ail the guntnakers of the world. It is said that the gun will miles. This is hurl a shell twenty-on- e disputed by the Krnpps, who assert it will not throw the shot more than fifteen miles. In order to discharge the gun, it will require 1,000 pounds of powder and a projectile. The gun, when completed will weigh 150 tons. Gan Which 3,000-poun- d J. Sterling Morton Dead. J. Sterling Morton, former secretary of agriculture, died at 4:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Lake Forest, at the home of his son, Mark Morton. For several weeks Mr. Morton had been gradually failing. The oature of his sickness had not been determined and a week ago he was brought from his home at Nebraska City, Neb., to Lake Forest for medical attention. The change brought no improvement and he declined gradually until death came. was the author of The Arbor day, April 22, which began to he observed generally during his incumbency as brad of the department of agriculture, and which is now generally observed in all Urn states. Hon. Plague stricken Manila. The cholera situation on the islands does not show any improvement. Cholera cases are reported among the American soldiers in the Camarlnrs provinces of south Luzon and elsewhere, hut so far few Americans have been attacked and the disease is mainly confined to natives and Chinamen. In Manila there have been 555 eases and 445 deaths from cholera, while the provinces report 1,599 esses and 1,169 deaths. front Ihs Trark. A wiudstorm of almost cyclonio proportions thst prevailed in Pittsburg Sunday resulted in much destruction of property, and caused the loss of at least three lives. Edward G. Sperow, a fireman, was pinned under his engine, which had been blown from the (rack while entering Pittsburg, and was scalded to death. At McDonald an Italian was crushed by a falling derrick, and another death is reported Wind incurs sn Fuglue from Rochester. SENATOR FIGHTS CONDUCTOR CHAFFEE DETAILS SITUA- TION IN MINDANAO I8LE. Every Effort will be Made to Frsvsnt : General tlsr and Persuade Natives to Surrender. a MONEY OF, MISSISSIPPI CAR MAN ENGAGE AND A STREET IN A ROW. Corbin has made Conductor Forced the Senator From tha Adjutant-Gener- al Car fbr Kefuilng to Far aod public the. following extract from a It Cat ontht Hand with a Fen from received General cablegram just knife by the Irate 8ocUrner Chaffee, dated Manila, April 24th: "Hefore Italdwin could be communiSenator II. D. Money of Mississippi cated with he had taken the fort at an altercation with a conductor had lulas, after slight refcislence. No cas- on a street car Thursday which reualties. Very soon after neighboring in sulted the senator's receiving two town of Uanasi opened its doors, hoistsevere blows from the conductor and ed white flag and delivered red flag, the conductor cut quite severely being Datto Lampo and others, with strong in the right hand with a knife. asked following permission toca'l and It seems that the senator was on a make peace. Datto Amnnipack of which he supposed was bound for car Gana, who sent threatening message in reply to my letter, Is one of those the Baltimore & Ohio depot, but dishis mistake, changed to anwho have submitted. Camp is two covering other after asking for a transfer car, miles from Gaua, whose Sultan has which was not given him. Being In a asked Raid win to come there. Have directed him not to move. He Is ten hurry and thinking the conductor of the car which he had changed to had miles from Datto. seen him make the change, he calmly "It is my purpose to have Interview took bis seat, when the conductor of with General Duvis. Will goon Hanthat car approached him and asked for cock, which leaves today forMalabaDg his ticket. He then told the conductor with battalion Tenth infantry. It is he had not had time to secure 'a that our purpose to show a considerable force of troops to Lake Moros, converse transfer and reminded him that he, with Dattos, then retire troops by dif- the conductor, tiBd been a witness to ferent trails to Malabaog and Parang the circumstances of his change from and thereafter to send expeditions oc- one car to the other. The conductor replied that the senWe supposed casionally to Lake. wonld have to produce a ticket or ator GaDa was tliirty-fiv- e miles from Mala-ban- g, his fare, whereupon the senator pay e is but it actually short twenty-onhim that he had paid one fare and told not to (miles); fighting necessary overcome opposition to advance to being entitled to a transfer which he present location of troops; 775 men kad asked for hut had not received he would not pay another. with Baldwin, two troops cavalry dismounted twelve miles in rear. Every Thereupon the conductor told him effort will he made to prevent a genthat if be would not pay his fare he eral war, Davis says the situation would put him off the cur und immethis time very favorable." diately proceeded lo carry his threat Into execution. This the senator reBLOODY BATTLE FOUGHT. sisted by grasping an upright post Chinese Imperial Trimps and Rebels Enand engaged in a struggle with the gage lu Severe Fight. conductor, who was not making much Advices received Saturday from Wu headway when a passenger who had Chou, under date of 22nd, annouoce been sitting next to Senator Money that a bloody battle was then proceed- volunteered to assist the conductor. ing between a force of imperial troops By their combined strength they conon their way to Nan Ning and a large trived to break the senator's hold upon party of rthels. The imperial army the post and to force him from the car. attacked the rebels encampment in The senator says that when they first the Wu Chang hills, brought up two undertook to eject him the car was in s Maxims and two and full motion, and he feels that if they finally scattered the rebels and caphad succeeded at the time he would intured their leader. Hung Yung Seng, evitably have beeu badly hurt. who was wounded. Subsequently the The conductor aud his assistant did rebels-capturetwo villages of Nan not, however, succeed in their design Ning and established their headquaruntil the car stopped at the next corters In those villages. ner to let off their passengers. Senator Money says that both the Weds on the Day the Murderer of the conductor and passenger were very family la Convicted, Miss Maud Earl, the survivor of the gruff and abusive in their language, Earl family, for the murder of six of and that after he had readied the whom Ed Batson was given the death street the conductor hit him a severe penalty at Lake Charles, La., was mar- blow over the heart with his clinched ried directly afler the jury brought fisL The blow, the senator says, was in Its verdict. Her husband is Charles very painful, and in order to protect G. Ingram of Orange, a young man himself he took a small pocket knife who became acquainted with her from his pocket and opened it. This shortly before the crime was committed weapon the conductor grasped and in which made her an orphan. The doing so cut his hand so that it hied courtship proceeded while Batson very freely. was being sought far and wide, and After this proceeding other persons Miss Earl named the date for the wedstepped between the two, but notwithding as the day on which the murderer standing their presence the conductor, of her father, mother and brothers who is a very tall man, struck him anwas convicted. Directly after the jury other blow over the shoulder of a man had given in its verdict the young couple proceeded before a miuister and standing between them. Later in the day the conductor, who were married. to beO. II. Shauer, was arrested proved Boy Loses I.lfa In an Attempt to Save Ills on a warrant sworn out by Senator llllnd Parent. Shaner says lie did not strike William McCarty, aged 12, lost his Money. the senator until the latter drew his life at Port Chester, Conn., wbiletrylng knife and that he did not make any to save his blind father in the belief effort to put him off the car while it that he was in danger. The father lost was in motion. his sight a few years ago by a premaHe also brought charges against Capture blast in a quarry. The boy was itol loiieemsn Murphy, who also is alplaying with some companions, when leged to have taken the part of the he saw his father walking near ths conductor in the struggle with the senator. railroad and an express train approaching. The blowing of the whistle caused lTi;ali'lanl Graft Ilq. of Dogs Skull on , Human Head. the boy to think that his fattier was in Physicians of Suginaw, Mich., have danger. He started across the tracks to save him and wasstruck by the train performed a remarkable operation that of grafting s pieee of a dog's and instantly killed. skull lipoma human head. The patient PEACE IN SIGHT. is John Oiberg of Keuton, Houghton or nrlllah Neeretary War Relieves Rnuth county. He Is now recovering from A frlrao Trouble Will Moon bo Ended. an old affliction. Olhergs skull was Speaking In London Friday night, fractured four years ago. Over the Mr. Broderick, the secretary of war, hole, which was au Inch and a half iu diameter, there formed a foreign said; "We are perhaps In sight of peace, growth. This pressed on the brain but in the interval we are sendiug out aud caused convulsions. When it was men and material to darry on the war decided to operate ou Oiberg, the docfor another year or two, if necessary, tors chloroformed a dog and removed that being the only spirit wherein the a piece of its skull. The piece taken government can interpret the will of out was then immediately planted in the nation and approach the arrange- the opening in Oibergs head. ment! for the conclusion of peace," Revenge of s Wire l'taa Her lira-- at Husband. TORNADO SEASON AT HAND. Cruel and Inhuman treatment will MUsoorl and Nebrsaks Vlaltod by Spring be the plea of Thomas Foley of Eng4'yrlono, lish, Ind., for a divorce. His wife adA tornado struck Joplin, Mo., at 4:15 mits tint she tied his hands snd feet p. m. Friday, four fatalities being rewhile he was drunk and applied salt ported and many persona Injured. to his hands, face snd clothing, that Meager reporta from Galena, Kan., the cattle in the field where he lay and Webb City and Cartervllle, Mo helpless might lick him to death as a Indicate great damage. The damage revenge for a beating she received in Joplin laeatlmnted at $5(,imm. Houses during a drunken orgle. Foley's skin were blown away and the city strewn was raw in many places snd his clothwith the wreckage of the storm. ing in shreds. Iy twelve-pounder- Woo'twftrri'ft (shoal Hoi htn rrlonr, NICHTMARE KILLED HIM. Jim Adams, the lone prisoner in the Maryland Man Drops Dead Jim as lls couuty jail at Casper, Wyo., whose Mil Awakened. sentence will expire next October, has A dispatch from Hagerstown, Mil., asked tiie authorities to let him out says: Harry (1, Koontz, a const side f before he becomes Insane. Adams was died suddenly In lied at 5 Smlthburg, In jail with Woodward during the time oclock Friday morning of heart the murderer w ns confined there and it Is thought, by an the two got rather chummy. Adama attacksuperinduced, of nightmare. Ilia wife braid now claims that Woodward's ghost him muttering and making a peculiar appesrs in the jail every night and noise in his sleep, raised him ups talks to him. Resides, it plays the he fell over dead, lie was 26 old. years mouth harp, kings and whistles and He retired In good health after a hard otherwise disturbs hia sleep. daya riding serving summons. fall-ur- e, Spoksns Man Henris n Puffin ss n Tranent. to Ills risnrs Joseph Reno, on trial In tlifeilera court at Spokane, for sending obscene letters through the malls to his sweetheart. Miss Lulu Merrier has been acquitted, the jury deciding that he was insane. Just before Christmas Reno left a siuull eolllu on the doorstep of Miss Mercler's home with an Inaultlug note to her older sister. Ills arrest for letters previously written followed, resulting lu sn acquittal on tha grouud of iusanliy. INDIANA WH1TECAPPERS BEAT MAN AND WOMAN. Twenty Masked Men Almost Kill a Man and Drive Hit Wife Insane. Early Wednesday morning twenty masked men went to the home of Finley Stretchberry, aged 40, six miles west of Nashville, Ind., and only a few miles from the home of William Caldwell, who was almost killed by the whltecappers the night before, end beat their way into Stretchberrys house. The whltecappers seized Stretch-berry- s wife and forced her into the kitchen, Stretchberry was then beaten over the head with revolvers and clubbed until he fell to the ground. He was dragged to the woods and tied and whipped until the blood flowed. The cappers then untied their victim, carried him down the road and tied him to a fence post and again heat him. Stretchberrys wife, who was recently discharged from the insane hospital, becume insane from excitement. Both Stretchberry and Caldwell are at the point of death and Mrs. Stretch-berry- s condition is most pitiable. The two whitecappings occurred within hours. forty-eig- ht STORMED BY STRIKERS. D;e-IIelpe- rs In Fatterann, N. J., Start Riot snd Compel Plants to t Close Down. Striking dye helpers at Patterson, N. J., stormed the establishments that were still running, and by force compelled a complete suspension of business in their trade. They engaged in a eseries of running fights with the police and plant managers, and in one of the severest clashes exchanged a a volley of pistol shots with them. Many persons on either side were severely injured during the rioting. It was believed for a time that it would be necessary to ask the state for troops to restore order, but the police expressed confidence in their ability to handle the situation, and no request for outside aid was made. Judge Dixon called the grand jury and charged them to indict the persons guilty of rioting. t'ncle 8am Gets Islands. The session of the landsthing at Copenhagen, Wednesday, was one of the most sensational on record. The lie was passed twice and charges and counter charges were hurled back and forth while the opponents of the sale of the islands went so far as to impugn the accuracy of the United States department oflicials' records. The president of the house twice called a former minister of justice to order and he also left the chair and spoke against the ratification of the treaty. The treaty was then rati fied. CONDEMNED IN MISSOURI k FISCATED IN NEW y0i Judge Clarke of St. Louis victed and fined heavily a l grocers for selling baking 5 containing alum. The week before the Health ment of New York seized a of stuff boing sold for baking i which they found was midi alum mixed with ground roc j dumped it Into the river. The Health Authorities irJ taking effective means to prett Introduction into our market; jurious substitutes in place ol' some baking powders. As alum costs only two p- ' pound, there is a great temptat those manufacturers who fflalr stltutes and Imitation goods It Alum baking powders can y tected by the health authorit1 chemical analysis, but the or housekeeper, whose assistance ip tecting the health of tha people portant, cannot make a cherni? amlnation. She may easily kDo' alum powders, however, fromtt1 that they are sold at fromtr. twenty cents for a pound ct; that some prize like a spoc;! glass, or piece of crockery, or v.. ware is given with the powder t Inducement. As the people continue to of this subject am' Burners Insist on having baking der of established name and ct ter, and as the health authorities, tlnue their vigorous crusades alum danger will, It is hoped, S, be driven from our homes. . Libraries and hchoula to Taka Placa of Arm; Canteen. of t tie senate comThe mittee on military affairs has agreed to recommend the incorporation in the army appropriation hill of an amendment appropriating $100,()ii0 with which to supply army posts with libraries, schools, gymnasiums, etc., to take the place of the army canteen. hi s'n Dui low the Met c Close Call for tbe Dodos A Brooklyn clergyman, can ran j son whose re 11 is withheld out of deference to L ings, tells a story on himself, illy he had occasion to drop intoi dergarten where he is well knor where the ladies in charge arep, glad to see him. "Why, doctor, . the ladles, we are so glad to tr?" We would like to have you ti children something about the d ence between the Froebel and tl zllozzi systems of kindergarten i The doctor was expected to say thing to the pupils. He had i! mounted the platform and thorn, PetzilozzI? Who ii himself: What was his style? I was stun Now for a lit; said the doctor. He began, and r of diplomacy. the youngsters a few glittering f alities; then pulling out hlswa f said: My gracious, I have used. my time, and he left in a burn out ever referring to the strang1 j tem of juvenile instruction. Bat I quainted himself with this z very soon afterward, and the nee he visits the school he will In e-to enlighten the children. anc beti tve T. I Ind be eve cim toe to 1 Ha be A Cat hat wh sal me Ma a A of Tlppe.l senator UW;. oit Senator Hawley, chairman committee on naval affairs, pointed out some of the inter-decorations in his committee root party of elderly ladies the other; noon. They were strangers; in 4 Incton, and one of them, after ing him heartily, handed himi; ter, saying that such a very ot doorkeeper should always get i f Tbesenat.j tip for his kindness. too courteous to undeceive the old soul. , t- Rates vis the Aw Topeka tt Santa Fe Rullwsr. On June 10th, 11th, and 12'd passenger following first-cla- ss will be effective via above from Ogden and Salt Lake City, j E to c Cheap Excursion Missouri River and return St. Louis and return Chicago and return. C a C! G I) v $ A P Final return limit September 8tb f For reduced rates to other The British war office has shipped and Information regarding exiv loo miles of Iron fence materisl lo on other dates than above, apply South Africa. It is intended to reinC. F. WARREN, Genl Agent-force the block house barbed wire S. F. Ry. j rushes. Boer cattle fences and slop the 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake Cl', Confederate Vrtersna fleet Officers. Late I rovts In Spain. The United Confederate Veterans, in Spain, has been having a bai session ut Dallas, Texas, unanimously with frost and snow this winter, f General John B. Gordon snow has been thick on the commander-in-chie- f; General Stephen of Madrid and six Inches deep it. Lee, commander of the army of the Buen Retiro Park. The ornngt Tennessee department, and C. I. Walk- and sugar cane In the south ban er, commander of the department of seriously damaged. north Virginia, to succeed the late Plsos Cure for Consumption Is sn General Wade Hampton. "New Orleans medicine for coughs ami soldo. N. W.S was selected as the place of the next Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17. lWA reunion. General Gordon was given Strike Against User Bsllsi no cltaoce to retire. A curious strike Is in progff ' CHINESE INVADING AFRICA. Rokewood, near Ballarat, VI' To Sto t eve PUTNAM FADELESS DYES silk, wool or cot. ton perfectly at Sold by druggists, 10c. perp- - BOCAS IS EVACUATED. Former Colombian Uorerntnrnt Har Hern Imrefuhjr Secretary Long has received the following cablegram from Commander MeCrea of the gunboat MachL.s, dated Colon: "Bocas Del Toro. Colombia, has been evacuated. The former government Forces have peacefully been withdrawn. Their duty was very well done. Shall await usual condition before returning to Colon." ... IM E Doer Kiudies. t c s t C I a i -- t c ; Two llnnrirsd Coolies on Their Ws; to Johannesburg to Work In ths Mlnss, A ayndlcate of Chinese merchants of Vancouver, B. C., has entered Into a routract labor speculation, and "dans the Oriental invasion of South Aides. Two hundred Chinese brought by the steamer Empress of China are now In the custody of the custom authorities. They will be shipped In bond to Johannesburg, where they are under contract to remain for five years. Revolution In Venriuoln. Advices received from Carupsno, a seaport town of Venezuela, announce thst 1,200 Venezuelan government troops under General Castillo left Carupano about a week ago, and that a column of l,6so govern men t troops left Cumnna, msrcliiug toward a point near Maturln, In the Mate of Bermudez, to which place the revolutionists, under Generals Ienaloza. Duchsrme and Rolando had retreated. General Castillo nays he intends to attack the revolutionists shortly, and that be wilt surely defeat them. a c c c where, in consequence of the rel the local publlcam to reduce tin' of beer from 6 pence to 4 pent, pint, each resident has signed it) to do without beer until Mill prices are charged. f. s J. s( ir to A WEFK AND EXrEN'1 tom Id with rig to Introduce our 1oultr" bend t p. Juvtlle Mfg Co., Dept O.!1 c 1' sc Plant Trees on Irstriss- Hi In some ot the Western V trees are now being planted for" protection and beauty, In area lous sizes up to hundreds of ii ' i Fault of the Wlnrii rei51 the only Apparently there's anything left of Ailio1 is because the wind happened favorable to the saving ot a A city that Is built of great tinder box that cannot t ; pot'-it- . Will Mud; SutRlrsI Rlolh Dr. William M. Thompson &' sailed from New Yoik for make a tour of the principal tula In the old country foe posts of studying the .atet in surgical methods. L e f |