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Show ) IE -Vol. No. 3. 1, SPANISH FORK, UTAH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1902. yyvvyo-c-f WARNER, Otliee anl residence three J)R. W, SCHOOL yvyyvY COSJPOS1TIOHS. and a half blocks north of Drug Store, J)R, J. II. SLATER, pilleo and residence in Benjamin Jaaea rrsitleni e. Thone No. 2, Vtrti Spanish Fork, 5 w f HEAD STONES. y i ' IVe Don't Keep We Sell Them, That's All. LORENZO THOMAS FASHIONABLE One block north of Bank, 1'tah. Spanish Fork, EROMAN & PARK, fresh and pnutd Staple and Fancy Meats. Groceries. inchest Cash Price Pai for Bides atyd VMs, W ft ah. t Spanish Foks T. JAMES, CONFECTIONER, Candies 15c. jer pound and upward. Best candies can be secured Lera! Fruits in their right season. Cigar and Tobacco, caned goods and stationery always on hand. Call and supply your wants. Utah. Spanish Fork, JOHN ELLISON, j A from J UTAH COUNTY DEMOCRAT. U11010GKAFHEU UAUTSOOkS PHENOMENAL RECORD. Yi HAT THEY -- Tisn,xi. '" variety of work done in sheet metal. Manufacturer of Wash Boards. Headquarters for all kinds of sewing machine extras. Bring your old sewing l.,aednc and I will make it new. East side of Main Street, Utah. Spanish Fork, B. H. BROWN, Til I My OF US. Adolph Under this head The Press will print The Utah. such articles, written by the pupils of wus Twenty-Fou- r Thousand Ovey Ifiotos the schools, as the teachers may bp f for a ;hat Us finished During Stay pleased to hand in. Copy must bo in Months. no later ba Monday night, pf Thrpo Spanish pork) (iclelsori ' $1.50 per Yefir, Powlsen, representing Salt Lake Evening Telegram in town doing business for pappr yesterday. Bankrupt The Spanish Fork Press is the Must be closed out once prices to Suit. atest new publication on our table. It is seldom that the presa ia justified n co,mmeudiug through jts It is a neatly printed and newsy pf tfie transient iaper, and independent in politics. Ladies' and Childrens Goats and Reefers. Cuf 5 found in paany form oolumps tho vyorR Andrew Jenson is the publisher, So into come photographer. many Varying gieatly in color. 1$ is cer: our ipidst with the bqo purpose iouccesp to it. Manti Free Press. tain that cpal is made by the trans-characteristic of he fakir, to get To forming of vegetables. By taking our Thp initial number of the Press money without thought or re. A microscope the same structure of tfard for hat which is offered in published at Spanish Fork, Utah oellq which exist in wood is found return. It js with pleasure, there- County, has made its appearance. to exist in coal. note the exception in The pew paper contains consider- Dress Skirts, There are different kinds of coal. fore, that wo the case of the gentleman abov able advertising which'goes to show Among the different varieties there that: the business men of the burg to. are lignite, cannel ooal, bitumin- referred ih our city Mr. really appreciate Mr. Jensens effort During his ous coal, samibituminous coni and Corset?, delivered over 24,000 al giving them a local newspaper, has llartsook anthracite. A conducted miniature photographs, which, it properly weekly paper Fancy Aprons, Lignite is of a brown, woody is safe to say, have been distributed can do more toward ottracting Gloves, structure, and is often called brown to the half of our citys entire pop attention and capital to a town or coal. It has so much of a woody Mittens, ulation. When we consider the district than any other thing and look, that to look at it you would for this reason, if no other, the number of people Mr. llartsook Silk Hoods, I hardly think it was coal. business with, it is signi- residents should assist in making done has Cannal coal is of a grayish black Soaps, ficant to add that general satisfac it possible for the promoters of color, dense aud lusterless. In tion has been given. Ilis work such an enterprise to cat legular Hosiery, some places this coal is called parif nothingelso. Success to the Press. rot roal. In England it is known has been uniform aid excellent. Eureka lleporter. in Provo is without as gas coal because it is so well Hardly a home Vests, the of for evidence an this, by adapted to making gas. It got its The first number qf tho Spanish Union Suits, "system of exchange the little natqo cannel from a habit, still fol Corset Waists, cardboarcjs of his work Fork Rress is now pr our. table. tQWed in Scotland, of using a piece sample e mantle-pipcof It is neat a little four sixsculuiqu adprn mqst every 'this coal for a candle, Handkerchiefs, two cf widely are home Uia tP.vfh. page paper, Bituminous coal is one of the Waists, Iia phiriQuiinhl is tq be priqt, published and edited by commonest of coals, it is h(aek, Stock Bows, lusterous and very solid, and hums ascribed entirely to hjs excellence Andrew Jansen, a practical nows 1 and in are the honors wel man in kuown work, Rrovo, equally paper with a large flame. It contains from 40 to 50 per cent of volatile divided between Mr, llartsook It comes out in fine dress and its matters. Coal which contains and his amiable wife. Mrs. llart advertising space shows that the is a daughter of Newcomb, people of Spanish F ork appreciate about 50 per cent volatile matters sook softens a great deal in burning. one of Balt Lakes foremost photo- it and are willing to give it healthgraphers, and gives to each photo ful support. The news columns are This kind ia called coking coal. Childrens Flannellette Dresses. Some bituminous coal is very turned out the benefit of her long replete with Jive local matter of interest to its readers. Spanish Fork yaluable to keep fires in engine experience as a retoucher. INFANTS WARE A SPECIALTY. The picturesque scene of his fa should support a good local paper boilers, and make fires to produec steam, because it is so easy to start miliar wagon going through our and we wish Mr. Jensen unboundoi In W. O. Building, Spanish Fork, Ut. streets will be and the success. The is missed, to flame, and burns without send paper independent Utah norance. But rise above these ing off much smoke. This coal crowds which have lined up, circus in politics and religion. contains from 15 to 20 per cent fashion, but in best bib anc County Democrat. petty fellows and make them respect your superior intelligence, volatile matters, and is rich in hy tucker," hy way of natural regan for the camera, will be seen no Old Grat. A newspaper, called The Spanish drogen, Anthracite js dense, hard, brittle more. Hotel life will seem more Fork Press, has made its appearance, and very lusterous, containing dead when dimple cheeked lasses It makes a very creditable showing THE MU ELL GOES BOUND, about 20 pey cent fixed carbon. It quit calling to enquire fibout their and D evidently well patronized, burns with little or po flame. The pictures, and town albums will get In making its low, hqweyer, it A roaming along thmy aro strange things to see; makes the unfortunate announcecoke made from this coal does not a much appreciated rest. Tho rich are applauded, the pour must In bidding good bye to Mr. and ment that it will not be a political differ a great deal in appearance the fee. pay Mrs. llartsook we can say we are nor a from coal. religous Press." We would Intrigue ia promoted, justice i frowned Charcoal is produced by taking glad they visited us, and congratu rather see the Press have a more de dow n. all the volatile matters from wood. late the next community they visit. fined purpose than that. We want But cheer up comrades for the wheel goes 'round. It is blaok and brittle and solid. Provo will long have reason to fee to see the new paper, nevertheless, of the faces has he repro- flourish and be a power in Spanish There Is no use repining, tomorrow it To broduce charcoal make a pile of proud will tell. wool and cover it with dirt, then duced on cards pnd remind the Fork for good We rather like its If tho storm b st ill a raging, or the of his by gentleman way fire inducing utterance make a for a Logining, and hope at the bottom of the sunshine in the dell. return is Zion that growing." the Press will continue on that line, So pile, Enough of the wood will never borrow trouble, if sorrow- you for if it will do so it will be only a burn to produce heat enough to RESOLUTIONS OF UESl'ECT would drown. tako the volatile matters from the question of time when it will bo Hold up your head, for the wheel goes 'round. rest. Do not allow the volatilo By the Third Ward Sunday School to recognized as having both political Alice Brown. Sister Margaret matters to ytaste. Charcoal con. and religious views of a most pro' If the load be rolling heavy, the harder tains all the fixed carbon and ash Whereas, Our Iluaveuly Father has nounot'd character Provo we must pull. culled from among us one of onr he The pocket may 1.0 empty, the determs of the wood. Charcoal is very loved and esteemed ination full; and readily absorbs moisture. Whereas, By her being called, tho For reward Is ever certain, where inCoke is produced by tuking the odicers, teachers and pupils of our Sun From the Icn of 014 Gray." telligence nismnd, volatile matters from coal, leaving day Sihool have lost an excellent Gather up the fragments, ns the time Prof. Purasite (to workingman) all the fixed carbon and ash of the student, a systematic worker, a leader rolls 'round. one her and who cn dont friends, among Why you get a new ha coal. Coke is porous, solid and the Holy Spirit in all her actions. like mine? Well, sir, I prociv, sir, Tho spoku that's nt the bottom, the burgrayish-blac- k in color, and has a joyed den It must ts ar. Therefore lw it deram enuf 5 dollar huts riding But If the wheel medium luster. 11 be bnllaneed right, tho tho That Third Ward wo, evolved, or. 5 cent heads, sir. is Coal with those 'round School, convenient for a top wi'l take Its share; at CQflU at ; Close Remainder of Capes at Cost Underskirts, Wrappers, Garters, Under . suc-co- s Perfumes. Habbons and Laces Creer's , Livery ANU kj Get a Stable. all Hack Meets PHONE Trains No. 12. . hpanlsh Fork, Utah, , WE MAKE THE Low TRICE STAPLE UOOPH, 0 Quality ;is our motto, Singer - and all our stork si is bought and dd upon honor, Our Stock of Staple Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Gents' Clothing and Furnishing Goods is full of good hoaest values, is Attention Special given la Shoes and Furniture, Young Mens Consolidated gas Co-Operative Inslilution In General Merchandise, Flour, Grain and Produce.1 Manufacturers of Harness, Shoos. i very Sunday sympathize Each fellow- - In position, hy the tire of fuel, but it is not used very exten- who are railed to mourn, and that we Prof. Egotist Stand aside ol duty bound. pray our Heavenly Father to endow sively on account of it being so ex- them with His Holy Spirit of love and horse, you are a back number. Old All will ts ar their portion, as the wheel Horse pensive. It is used mostly in pro- peace. Bo it further I admit the locomotive goes round. ducing light, though it is used Uesolvf.u, That these resolutions he draw your freight, the wire con- Then when you reach tho top. Oh, acsome in gasoliue stoves. This gas entered on our Sunday School Record 8, vey your messages, the girls fly I he cept golden plan, is very dangerous, owing to its poi- and that a ropy lie given to the around on kikes, and you send asses F.xtcnd a willing hand, to nssUt a folfamily, sonous properties and explosive low limit : to the legislature and congress, so We miss y?u Slater Alice. will Ids heart Is Just as honest, his brain For nut u re. Eonui Grade, uo have for more use the horse. When we say our Sunday prayer, is just as sound, There will be thoughts of you Sear, Dear friends lu looking around lies only been pinched as the wheel When we see your vacant chair. Card of Thanks. I seo much noble tallent going to goes 'round. You hove left U3 here to labor, is Kelly J ameson of Spanish Fork For the advancement of the young; ha to not it wondered waste; at Time now Is the little ones are desires to express to the good people While you're working In the Heavens, when we little boo bo encouragegrown, 0 Fcr the rest reward, 'Weil Done." of this city, through the columns ment in theRe part for true tallent. The harvest It Is ripening, you will renp Your mission her among us of this paper, his gratitude for their as you have sw n. Has been crowned with great suececs, But wake up, look around and see And we re to With Dear rroud know, Stater, your orchards all (tearing, your if you cannot find a little gsnious generosity to him in his time of That our G;sj el you've confessed. hearts with Joy abound, need. Especially would he thank hiding within yourself, try a few Never once We were greatly disappointed. forgetting that the wheel Key. Theodore Lee, Mr. Ih J. JohnAt such an untimely call; lines for tho Press, proso or verse, 'round. Old (iiiAt, goes son and Miss Dene lleurnason for Cut we realise with sadness, wit or gem. news, etc., thereby of all. it Theimportar.ee their activity in soliciting help tor We ts helping all. There are all the know that beautiful future. !( him. Will bring bright scenes of the paat; l,,rM. within you to fit you for any lY's .1. nt In - velt's new horses, When we meet our Dear E'.o'er, in if life will ! position you After being true to to the last. develop A'l'idr nn I r, together' B. J. Johnson, real estate agent, , ,, ,, IJM n ? R" them. o i, You will run HIH mime ngniiM Dm Id lYior. Committee Lizzie r we luuisoH and lots for sale at reasona.."i- - aid Id ua cot kiolrs who delight ia o,. Rowe. Nora 1 Liles, John Moure, (,'. W. egotistical h.-h w' oie Worn by Jrgsr- able prices. Booth. narrow minded Jg. iliating th'-in r ; M .is uni d l?,LS o-- nl. John Jones, supt. f'panlih Folk. Machine . A. fi John When ho Comes To Town t.d-len- Boots' i por-ou- of Co-O- p, Spanish Fork Dealer Sewing Utah. i r - w-l- gh Again. |