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Show Notice. NAn Etaifi lif-OU- d v aBSSIUXZLY&UBE Notice is hereby given that there will he a meeting of the stock ptmyj)iER EUKWQ POWTT CO NPW YOOK. ramnBHHMBMMB Judge Stout united in the bonds of matrmoy yesterday Wyle Strange and .Maggie Tex turi us both of LearuiDgton. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. lward Lcht and Sou, drup, notion, etc. Dr. C. I, Wilcox, plivMcnn and surgeon. r, Dr. C. S. physician and of Mercttr cameoter Wednesday to attend the funeraiof tiieir daughter Mrs Rose Wk nner. and Ferriii, Meat Market. Robert By per, piper tianei. W. T, Ii tin, Wati lira ikf r and Jousler. Ir. J. A. tooth, Dentist. Ostler and Allen, harness makers. Thomas Rase, James Gairett, James Gueoli i!gh. Joseph Park, Mark Iligler and Bert Carter, came in from Cherry Creetr, Tuesday. The Juab Stake quart ley conference will be held tomorrow iunl Sunday in the Stake Tabernacle. Some of the Apostles ill be in attendance. Mr and Mrs L Ho-ine- I tint I W. I, itogrew, harness maker C'has Fooie and Son, General Merchandise. Genei il Mereli n;.isc Nephi Co-o- p, Eieelsior Menantile Co. Genei al . .Morris - mg; j Me have luid enough experience to know that only good ami reliable Merchandise produce j enduring trade. We give you the benefit of the years of expei ienee we have had in buying goods, and now otter yon the very best mer-hamli- of ail kinds at the least possible cost. We wish to call special attention to our ehild-len- s and boys clothing. Our hue is very strong here, and prices are so low that everyone can easily alibi d to keep their hoys warmly aid We Noll Coles well dressed. Come and see them and get our Prices. St! cet Supervisor John W. Ellison is determined to enforce the city ordinance in relation to clearing the brush from thi walks a. id streets. Mer-crinndi- s- holders of the Xephi Irrigation Co. in the Court House Tuesday Jan nary 30. at 1. p. m. FJnO. for the following purpose. To devise a plan to settle the S. J. Vickers and Charles Foote, eases and for other important business. By order of the board. T. II. G. Parks. Seeetary. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OVAL j Heating Stove, Hyde and Wlntnmre Cu , Genera Mer chandise. I nut and Burton," wine-- , Inpiois and Many persms ate having the spring tigars. fever, judging from the energy disT. B. Foote, wines, liipimaand cigais. played in clearing the brn-- h from the J. II. Edgheill, wines, liquors and ci- sidewalks and graveling the paths. gars Mi Liie Andrews lift the home of Sparks Bros, i on tion uy. her Liith Tuesday for Salt Lake City Felton B ms. eoufei t i.nic v, she will stay a few days and where Chas. Wright, ristaurant. to then for a long visit. California go Foriest lit nisi, lleurv Foire-- t piopiietor. Mr. Lottie Fanner, bearding house. Joe Dunklcy ur new Short Line Hotc IKnnod, G,is. lluirind Agent has already' made some improvePmp. Union Hot 1, Mi.--. C. II. Foote Plop. ments at the depot. Two new lamps Nephi lieu so, Mrs Zee Whittakrt Plop, hare been placed at eidicr eud of the Hi) Maiy Mwigm, inilhneiy, passenger platform whi h give ample JIi-s- . H. W. Wheeler, lnillineiy. light to the passengers boarding and Mlss Mary Typei, diessinaker. alighting trains. Miss Millie 8t broiler, r. H. D. Gold'brough, Parley P. Christ-iso- n Bigler and Hollins, bbrk-mitl- i. W. II. Sperry, James Jenkins and Kparks and Chase, blacksmiths. otheis are forming a Stock Company Franei, Sells, lurniture Warehou-e- . to build a tiist class race track, The Mrs. Bella M. Pune, P.akmy. will jc incoiporated, just the company Loren o Webb, Wheelught. amount of the capital stock has not yet Cooper, PyperACo., rinncisand Timbeen dctei mined, but suffice it to say ber. that there will be enough capital to (r,ne Bros , Lumber vaids an 1 Plainin' the build A What it will do. It gives cleanlinss and uniformity of heat dav land n. ght with soft ci .al, 'slack or I f It requiies sifting. tion only three tune tweLty-fo- attenin It gives hour. ur Happy mid Prosperous New Year to Everyone. an ever heat, is smoke proof .so t proof and gas proof. HYDE & WHITiOHE CO. Always Reliable. Wo S.li (list-make- Oscar Booth. Ar hiteit. Winn, Dialer in Coal and A'i-- 1 agent r.a Justice f)r Stadebakei t Co, J. Clayton, B. Manager. , Wool, Hides, Grain, etc. W iliiam Stout, Shoi'itiaker, T. X. C s'loem iker. Unde 11 m t.i.kls.no ,Jq Fted Stable. I ; Wo Joll Earth. Wo ?ioll Card of Thank; COOK STOVES, II YNGF.S to3inccicly thank all my Irinds and everything eis m the hardwho bo kuuliy assisted me and rny family ware line. dunng tlm late sickness and death oi fudge .Hgi:is opomM c o rt at our daughter Gla lys, by their words of Leaver Tuesday morning. sympathy and the many acts of kind ness show n. W. L. Conk, courtCall ana Ses Us. stenographer, is loom is Booth nine shi ep camp Sunday. in from I lus That Nephi has got a new paper? Well she has, and they call it the Blue Ribbon Axe Handles the Best on - from West did you know Tha Best Washer Made. et AROUND TOWN. in t Court. Leech of Mona, vyas up before Jmtic William Stout last Friday Hay, night, charged with unlawfully killing a horse the property of Joseph Biddle-- c me. The defenoent pleaded guilty and was (itiei ftt pHIIars and ;J-- o ;aiii goto liby days lu tnu euuuty jail. Tin- is trie only case so far out of the 21 horse holes that were brought in and sold last week, all of which, it is s isposed wore uni twfullv taken. Co Ruben Stanley came Tintic Sunday. r" j j F.um Implement. T. II. G. Parkis, wagon to. rt v - - the track, grand land, stand and fence the same m. S. R. Ilay-Andre- i 5 buy Mills. Juab County it; wit-- I : atterding court at Beau I .Sinceiely Vouis, Mn.s. ,s. E. Cole. r. State Land Commissioner T Leas, was in this e.ty ytstaiday. Cooper, & Pyper Co. Resolutions of Condolence. Anew lot of Novels and standard Looks just in. hunts Drugstore zsxFzsrzrr;ii 'zsssxssastMsrsiMcssafssa H Critidiund ef "Denmark" was m this city eduebd.iy, on business. A. WIIRLAS; An allwino Prcvulence b;i8 removed fiorn our iuidt, Gladys, daughter of our belove sister, S. E. Postmastir rlhyger-n- n of Levan Cole, theref.ire be it gave us a pleasant call yesterday. REsOLV EI: That the members i f Tm street supervisor had a road the Nebo Rehckah Lodge Xo. 10 extend leveler at work on the streets yestertheir heartfelt sy mpathv to t he bereaved mother in her hojrot tiul. day. That a copy of there IlEsrtLVEL); Jorl Jen, for one of E irekas, lawyers or, s be Betit to Sister Cole, that resolut was in this city on legal business yesa copy be sent to the Nophi Ilecord for terday. public ition and that they be spread All kinds of legal blanks and the rc'mrd of the Lodge. mining upon Mas. J. S. Coocer, location notices lor sale at the llEronn a dice. Mns. F. C. TiCAsoAi.i;, Mr. John- Oooprk, h MwsMihel McCune returned home Co:miiutee. Friday, from an extended visit to alt Dated, Nephi, Jan.2l, IDO.). Lake and O tgen. sudden clenatic ehanijes. X'i Our Tooth Brushes at lo ot. each . For your Protection mu-are just the th.ng for children. we positively etalu I'eit t. Luats not .oinin rm. iy Drug Stole. mernnrv sr other You should call at their office and get a sample copy and have your name put on the subscription list for its so cheap that you and nil your friends can afford to take it. Why just think, it's only 1 $1.00 per year. 50c for six months. 25c. for three months, j For an newspaper. up-to-d- H iS'-lVk- F. sU NOTICE. 1st, ions rin. any te ' oroct -- i Mrs Prank H .oper of Mimmoth b ruled the funeral ol her sister at-iy- 1 Mrs' Rosi Wklem.tr. yesterday, James T. Latimer came up from the Utah arid 1aeific 'Wednesday, just ir t me to welcome bis tirst heir. i A, Lunt and SonS, Druggists. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Sj s. Now is the time to subscribe, call onor addres s. Hqt , q .i.j-- r- 1900, we will positive- Elys ark now c' rt! t.) hn fne ly not grant credit to isNasal t rUtIi.I'o J in Pcol five column eight page F? - After January. ate J Cure for of ai a es, remed.es. It open, a.nl ri.-rr!e rt ; (he on. mflammat a., arn allays pam too memhru e from coins, re-- t. ris the senses of taste and nneil. ImeM'e.at Dnnrci'tsorliy mail. ew iork. ELY BltoriiEH3, 46 Warren i d ! ty the nral p?r Wno can think of sonu simple thiiij? to oatent Ptfco'i our tiers: ih rrny brn you weilrh Patent d trot dt JOHN Vli,a,)LRBUR;i A Wanted-- An Idea 'J.. D. C. for their deyr, -- 1 I tVvahlnetoi, n at tr?o 1 )' idr d 'nvOBtion aoi pr.. ofw wn'e: HENRY ADAMS Publisher. |