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Show EVEN1NO FOE WOMEN AND ilOALE AND MATRONS. A Even ag Gown Business Girls, Not In th World of Finance, hut the IWoil of Home Our Cooking Schools. Smart Combination simple Word. A It may be- f orimis to write Though- , three tiiat glad the two or sjula. like there far stars that come in sight Once m a centurv . ' letter far it to speak One simple won!, which now and then hall waken their free nature in the wea-And lilt adit sa sells of null, Hut - k To write some earnest verse or line. Which, seeking not the praise of art, (Shall make clear faiih and manhood shine In the untutored heart. in verse or prose. May be forgotten in his day. But surely ahull be irowned at last with those Who live and speak for aye. James Kusscll Lowell. He who doth this, bread-winnin- close-fittin- coloring. d. e, Time and Distance Annihilated. In keeping with its past unapproachable record, Union Pacific R. R., the Great Overland Rome, will, on October 15th, place in service an entirely new, strictly first-cla-'limited train to be known by the old familiar nameof The Over'and LimThis in add it it n to the present exited. cellent schedule w heh will be eontinaed. Tbe NEW OVERLAND LIMITED will leave Salt Lake City daily at 11:45 a. m., Oi'denl:15p in , arrive Denver 9 a. m., Omaha 7:15 p. m , and Chicago 9 110 a. m., hi ample time for all eastern loniections to Now York, Do-t- o i, IV. sh nrt 11, it1., and be the most hand on. civ e ,uq p"d an 1 tiain ever riven to the ederu people. As tiicc w ill ho no han of cars to I), over. Omaha and Cm mo, and only one change 1 3 pnu i al eastern cities. Further particulars at umpany's ofice, 'Old btaud, --'01 Main sheet, bait Lake City. S Rooster Oh, say, this is a cinch. All the other chickens down the hill and the old lady with such a cold she cant call them. Of yellow satin; very on bodice and skirt; on shoulder. narrow strips of the satin interlaced over white satin, white silk fringe trimmings, large bow of black velvet Smart Combination. Visiting gown of drab velvet. Underskirt of black gauze embroidered Tunic of in Jet and black sequins. the velvet draped slightly at the left side where a few hollow pleats are Inserted. It is cut undulating at the bottom and is lost with a narrow band of sable. Corsage of veivet, shaped like a cuirass, with long basques that describe a scallop at the back and front. A g. hard-worke- t, England's Armored Trains. The magnificent armored trains used by England in her war with the Boers Witty Sayings. will protect her troops in about the same way that Ilostetters Stomach Where It nnrf. Bitters drives dyspepsia from the huWhy are you weeping? asked the man stomach and then mounts guard loving husband. The Bitters When little Harry and I went down that it does not return. ease of in won has indigestion, -' conevery town today, the she sobbed, ductor insisted that I must pay for constipation, liver and kidney trouble for fifty years. the child. "Oh. well, he said, I wouldn't let MUanUr-4toothat bother me. Whats a nickel to Her mother Dont you find Jack us? Wheeler rather rough, PrLcilla? PrisIt isnt the nickel, she indignant-- , cilla Yes, mamma. And yet he says It's the impertinence of he shaxes cv ry day Harlem Life. ly replied. the brute of a conductor in insinuat-- 1 Ton Tan Get Allen's Foot-Fn- e Free. ing that it is possible for me to be Write today to Allen S. Olmsted, Le ten more than the mother of a child Roy, N. Y., for a free sample of AChicago years old. a powder to shake into llens your shoes. It cures chilblains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy. An instant cure for Corns and Bunions. All druggists and shoe stores sell it, 23c. Foot-Eas- Woman' Sunday. From Monday morning till Saturday midday the majority of husbands tell you they are hard at work. They rise at 6, 7, or 8, and, having eaten breakfast, get to business. At midday comes an hour for dinner and rest. Then work fills up the time till 5, 6, or 7. The evening they claim as their lawful rest after a hard days d men When two of these meet they almost invariably, soonor or later, sneer or joke about the lazy lives women lead. Listen! If the head of a house rises at b, his wife must rise at 5 in order to hve his breakfast ready on a clean table in a cleanly twept room. The haband leaves for business, and liis wife settles down lo the necessarily dull routine of At the mhfday meal she housework. most probably has to attend to the wants of two or three Children. In Ihe afternoon she must call on her neighbors In order to keep up friendships, so that her husband may have people to talk to when he wants variety She also has to do In the evening. the necessary shopping. At about 5 the hardest part of her day begins. First, the evening meal, then the chil-- , be put to bed. then she must t ud be lively and amuse her spouse till such tint" as he chooses to go to bed. As to a wife's Sunday, every one who has ever been a child knows what that means. Good and Had Styles In Skirts. The skirt buttoned down the back from belt to hem, and the skirt that is fastened at the back with severe buttons and cord, are both fortunately, for the fashion was to extreme to be in good taste. The habit skirt, as is called the skirt that fits that has either a like a riding-habiseam in the middle of the back or circular, and fastens at the left side, 13 M yet the best. This requires to be carefully made, so that it is not too The tight over the back and hips. ugly plain look is obviated by four tows of tucks, very small, and put on about three inches below the waist. This breaks the plain look that is objectionable to the many figures. Satinfaced cloths, of both light and heavy weight, are to be used again, but there are also to be worn shaggy serges and eamels hair friezes. Cashmere and all materials of the cashmere and smooth finish will be extremely fashionable, as they lend, themselves particularly g well to the style of dress. They come in all shades and beautiful x Variety of Quips, Gibes and Ironies, FlotHSm unit to Cause s gmlle Jetsam from the Tide of II uinor Times-IIeral- Ituftlne Girls. I do not mean a girl who has gone Into some trade or profession, for the most domestic "home bird of my girl readers may be one. Indeed, if she helps to carry out her daily duties successfully she must do her utmost to become a business girl" In my sense of the word. And when, in course of lime, she passes to a home of her own, frhe will be at no loss in taking up her position as housekeeper and mistress, fthe will win the respect of those in her employ by showing them that slip understands how she should be served, end that while eomort is absolutely required, no extravagance will be allowed. She Will eaii o her husband's Jove lor her to in. by showing lam how truly his inteiest is hers by bring. ng into play lmr knowledge of To how to spend and how to save. make home uncomfortable by mean, unnecessary savings is no real economy, but to plan with loving thought bow to make every dollar yield its true value Is housekeeping in its best sense; for such a business girl will make small Income go further and give more real happiness and comfort than would one of double and treble the amount In Inexperienced hands. But lo make my girl reader a complete business one of the type which I write, ahe must also learn how to conduct her charities. Giving indiscriminately, Without Inquiry or thought, is often more productive of evil than good, and ebe must be as wise over the spending of the portion allotted to help others, and give as thorough consideration to it as she does to what she puts apart for her personal concerns. This administration is Life: Him as futile and ineffective and useless It is, John, it . His wife and Is. Why, there isnt a single letter-bowith a slit big enough- for you to mail a bundle of papers. SOME GOOD JOKES, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. ITEMS Or INTEREST FOR MAIDS fjk Proven. OUR BUDGET OF FUR. GOWN Already Mm II.kI Begun lo Prepare "If you kei p on as ou have begun, Mala 1, complain, d the young husband, running his eye over the weekwe shall neor be able ly account, to lay up anything for a rainy day. exHow can you say so, Henry, claimed the young wife, righteously when you knoxv that I Indignant, have two of the loveliest rainy-da- y skirts that were ever made! Stray a thick paste of starch; rub this well Stories. in, and then expose it to the sun and air for three or four days, when the Brought It Upon HimnelL If stains should have disappeared What is the womans offense? they have not, repeat the process, She threw a brick at a neighbor, sprinkling the linen now and ugain as your honor, and hit a man standing beit dries with a little water. hind her. The man is guilty of contributory Face Shampoo. Perhaps every one Is aware of the quite magical effect of a face shampoo when tired out. Its refreshing powers are so great that the little trouble involved Is not worth considering. Wet a sponge in soft, hot water. Put on it a little good soap and a few drops of glycerine. Lather the faee thoroughly with the rinse, and rub the skin with almond meal till it is quite dry. Wash the meal off with fresh hot water, then spray or sponge the faee with cold water till the flesh feels nice and firm. This closes the pores. Dry gently with a soft towel and powder lightly with pure Fullers earth. If he hadnt been an negligence. idiot, he would have stood In front of her. Case is dismissed. Stray Stories. OUR COOKING SCHOOL. Maude Mr. De Jones asked me to sing for him the other evening after we had been introduced. Clara And what did you sing? Maude Why, how do you know that I sang at all? Clara Well, I noticed that he didnt ask you to sing Chicago News. A Natural Inference. It seems strange that you never ceived a proposal of marriage, marked the sarcastic girl. "Who says I never received a prodemanded the posal of marriage? other. "Why, no one, of course, but Ive always understood that you are a Chicago Evening Post. spinster. Tho Salmi of Duck. Cut the flesh of a roaot duck into pieces no larger than a half dollar and keep them hot. Put the scraps and trimmings in a sauce pan with half a pint of claret, two shallots, a bay leaf, a spring thyme, a pinch of red pepper, and a pint of stock. Reduce this over a quick fire and strain, add two ounces of butter, half a pint of shrimps or mushrooms and the juice of half a lemon. Mix well, but do not boil. Dish the duck on slices of fried or toasted bread, pour the saure over it and garnish with parsley. rere- Loving Girl. to-nig- A Difference in Taste. I saw you kissing my daughter. dont like it, sir. Then you dont know whats good, Life. sir. Politeness in the Country Golden Spice Cake. Cream half a cup of butter, add one cup of brown sugar and beat well. Add the yolks of four eggs and one whole egg, well beaten; stir in half a cup each of milk and molasses, two and h cups of flour, sifted, with half a teaspoonful of soda, half a teaspoonful of clove, one teaspoonful of h of a grated nutcinnamon, meg, a few grains of cayenne and a few gratings of lemon peel. Bake in a square loaf. In a moderate oven, about an hour, and when cold invert and cover the bottom with a marshmallow mous- The careful housewife noyed when a spic span tablecloth is marred by a stain of food or beverage. These can, however, be quite easily removed if taken when frsh. For tea stains, spread the stained place over a basin, then rub the spot well with either powdered borax or pure glycerine, then pour boiling water through the material, allowing it to soak well in this. If the stains are not fresh, this may require to be icpeated. Coffee stains may be removed in the same way. Fruit and wine stains are frequently very troublesome, and should be attended to as soon a3 may be. If possible, at once strain the stained part of the cloth over a basin, and rub the spot well with fine salt, then pour boiling water through It to prevent A freshly cut the mark spreading. tomato nibbed over the newly made fruit or wine stain is also said to be excellent. Another way Is to rub the stained part well on both sides, with is much an- as 4,000 dates hav a single calm. from gathered beea If cost is the standard of excellence it certainly better .to give than to receive. 8100 Reward 8tOO. i3 The readers of this paner will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro In all its Hall's Catarrh stages, and that is Catarrh. now known to the Cure is the only positive cure medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutreata constitutional tional disease, requires ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood aid mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of thedisease, and giving the patient and strength by building up the constitution nature in doing its work. The proassisting have in its curative so much faith prietors Hundred Dollars for powers that they offer One any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists 75e. Hall's Family Fills are the best you will notice as often as Reliab'e Help Wanted 'Either sex. Ihe Humauiiarlan Hume and Sanitarium for Invalids and Health Seeker. ln orporated. send 12c In stamp for full Information. Address J. H. Tettiebaum, Treasurer, East La Vega, X. M. It is difficult to convince a schoolboy that the days in August are longer than those in December. Hand me my hat, Sehorch! What do you want of it? I want to take it off to the par- Chocolate Ffiflrfini?. As many The dining car service of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad is proving a great convenience to the traveling public. Elegant dining cars are attached to all trains leaving Denver on this popular road, where meals are served in a manner pleasing to all travelers, and at moderate prices. Th enjoyment of a trip through Colorados wonderful s' enery that abounds along the road is enhanced by the dining car and other conveniences that have been adopted. For information, time cards, rates, eta, address S. K. Hooper, Central Passenger and Ticket Agent, Denver, or II. M. Cushing, Traveling Pa.xcn er Agent, 109 West Second South Street, Salt Lake City. poverty. frosting. Take a quart of milk, mix a little of It with three tablespoon fuls of cornstarch and the same quantity of grated chocolate. Blend to a smooth paste, and stir it briskly into the remainder of the milk while it is boiling briskly. Cook for three minutes, remove and add a teaspoonful of vanila and the beaten yolks of three eggs. Pour the mixture into a buttered pie dish and bake from twenty to thirty minutes. Whisk the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, stir Into them a tablespoonfvf of powdered sugar, and pile It carelessly on the pudding and place it in a warm (not hot) oven for five minutes to set. Serve hot. d By careful observation one-fourt- RmoT Stain from Table Linen. west-boun- that wealth brings happiness one-fourt- Yoke and sleeves of jetted black seline de sole. I New Dining far Service. Effective June 1st, the Rio Grande West- ern railway began operating its new dining cars. serving all meals on all its through trains. The arrangement included No. 2 leaving Ogden at 7.50 a m. and Sait Lake City at 8:50 a. ra. ; also No. 4 leaving Ogden at 6:85 p. m. and Salt Lake City at 7:40 p. m. The through trains, both morning and night, will also carry diners. The cuisine is as perfect as it Is possible to make it. Service, a la carte so that you can have your coffee and rolls for breakfast, or you can select from a menu as elaborate and complete as th market of Utah inn supply. son when he passes! Blaetter. Fliegend TO CURE A COI.D IN ONE D Y, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All monev if it fuss to cure. druggists refund the 25e. E. W. Grove s signature on each box. It is often a good thing for a man's peaeo of mind that he doesn't know what other people know about him. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp. For children teething, soften the gum, reduces 20c A Forecast. a bott.a. The indications are, remarked the allay pain, cure wind colic. man who was looking at the sky with The man who can look his wife in the an expression of great wisdom, that It eye at 2 a. m. and explain to her satisfacwill be cold and raw. tion why he didn't get home earlier is an the with who has trouble The man servant girl problem meekly inquired: exception. What are you talking about, the Attractive Booklet Sent Free. Choice Kerlpe for making Cocoa and Chocolate. weather or dinner? Washington Addreae Waller Baker A Co. Ltd.. Uorcheater. Maw. Star. Frequently. When a girls father stamps his foot it time for the late male to start. Is Pa, what is a drawn battle?" cure your Catarrh or Cold in Head It Is one in which the enemy has useTo London Balm. All druggists refund rather the best of it fuck. 25c money if it fails to relieve. and 50a |