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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, 23 rOK 8JUE-X- E8XATB AI. Improved and Pnhnprovad FOE SALFi EEAI ESTATE FOX EAT.B XmproTd tnd Unlmprord A RICHARDS, "LaaS Merchant. H 4 Maim t il Street, OSS. PBIMITTVB pet through their own deele ad without the aid of a lealtoc. Bat tho aa the keenest tergal, well AX. sharpest wea. Than w, aa court la tboae daya where Today, however, aae might air kit grtovaBU. are twee courts, aad plenty of them, aad the la to desired moat keep clear of each thlaf fo BT il a halt too OWNER" BALI ftaa aaed to catch the new buyer. It Is a a agent without carbar'a trick, office ar barrarc "Prim lire. " Yoor lateresta . aa bf properly mfeguarded by realtors catab-llahad for yean aad srlth offices using as et bod a. Wa offer a serried that la equal la raise to say profession la the laud. Do you know rallies? Do you kaow food workmanship I Do you kaow the laws ot contracts, mortgage, aad titles? If not, then you should deal with n naltor. It assures you absolute prelection and fair dealing. .It' coats you no am aad oftentimes much lean. 5250.00; 500.00 down. G, FOB BALE rox BEAL EfiTATB Improvod and U&improvod SAXE For a strictly modern, hard pressed on Highland brick home, located Drier; with til special assessments paid for, willed tneiude sewer, street ps if Hirst, curb ead gutter, and sidewalks. This house le of a eery late arranged, with type, beautifully Preaeh doors between dlalnr and Helnf loom; spacious . fireplace, feabookcases sad other built-l- a tured. The kitchea la of tbe same Bodera type. Ironing hoard, wired Rear hall confor electric range. nected with bathroom, and two beds rooms. windows, Fall piste-glasscreens, blinds. Tho basement ts full slied, fully cemented, and ban one of tho finest type new furaams that can be secured ; connected with the sower. la all, a beautiful, saw. bouse, at a sacrifice should be rememIt 500.00, pries. low down bered, la aa extremely payment nowadays for sack aa extremely flat boms. . ILEAL ESTATB FOX anid BARGAINS. FEITSCH LOAN A TRCBT 00. LB GRAND RICHARDS RKALTT CO. ASHTON JBNKIMB COMP ANT, ' - FELT BLDG. WIDOW IS COINS TO BILL REALTOR. , II sno. 00 Large borne, email investment, 4 flue regardless of price; will Include furniture WABATCH 124. S3 BOUH MAUT BT.rooms la brick and large glaseed-lThis home to located oa son ag sleeping desired. whr HI rant! Now to porch, partly modern, well cared for lot, good aiost desirable cornets la the city, facing south 4854;. Is the aortbeaat neettonw8 sf tows,a tlm to buy. Wn esn secure torau. N. car service, very easy terms. Ideal hut for aad went. 100x132 ft. paring paid oa sack $160 taw sesr Bemad avnaa, tevrotmrot enter thus nsl totem. It mod-eside. This hoaa to strictly modera, with . elderly couple. MI4 birfsis la cuk credit. Improvro L a 4060.00 New red oak floorm, mantel, bungalow with bookcases, kitchea lines press, ironing board and fine cemented basement- - New district sear Liberty park. glOOO.OO down, balance like rest. . Can make special offer oa down payment If able to pay 676.00 pec month. preaaed-brte- built-i- n j I roams, gratae, hot-w- a Ur heat, bardwoed No. 477. floorm; to la perfect eoodttlon, and a small home will be accepted ae first payment. eoosloa at oaea. If you need a largo boms, dont pas this up. GlLMfcB PARK BUNGALOW. Owner leaving city anxious to sell at once. This bungalow has 7 rooms, $ bedrooms and c fire-bric- k bun0800.00 Vary attractive music room which could be used u n f room if desired. Thin is one ef the best fin galow with bardwoed floors, gomweod finish $2500. 8 bedrooms, very fine electric aad plumbing lahed and best arranged bungalows that wa Term. fixtures, good cemented basement aad furnace. have on eur list Hot-watheat, hardwood No. 93a floors rooms 11500.00 one ea sear sU down. Only Very good location, floor; large throughout, lot, good garage, paved street. If you can use Liberty park. a home of this sine, we will take pieaiure in rms. and porch an showing you this property. The price In lour $00.00 Double brick, for also brick such a home. aide, partly modem, good house end garage In rear, sewer connected. Very HATK YOU A SMALL HOME Renssaabto good lental proposition. tqrma. had need a larger one? If so, we can make a 3800.00 New pressed brick , Ws have a bungalow satisfactory exchange. with tbe usual butlt-l- n features, good cement modem hems ea Capitol hill, 2ft blocks from the Hotel Utah, aed the price Is soiy $7900.00. ed basement. Only $500.00 down. This home Is thoroughly modem, 4 bedrooms, 2 $8250.00 On large lot in' deslrabte Beet section, grates, dining room, dan and kitchen e brick cottage, mariera, well preserver location. Can bn purchased m easy lanes. and newly decorated. nay terms. A BEAL HO MB FOR 6000.00 6300.00 Fine brick btfialew with comer This home to within walking distance af the store ef aaiE material. high- - school. Junior high and tho university Very popular thoroughfare. .prltV gll too cheap because 8 room and sleeping porch, bedrooms, I owner must sell at once. Easy terms. bathe, oek floors, one died room oa first floor, good heating plant, all' reams are large aad 2250.00 Well-bui- lt For a large family than ts net an brick dweUiag to Forest cheerful. Dais, large garden lot. Thin place to under-price- d other home la the city to equal tMs at the and is .an excellent Opportunity. Easy price; the lot Is 100x160 feet, with enough terms.. fruit for family ass, good chicken runs and a bam which can be ueed for garage. 4600; $3300.00 Thin bungalow will plenee you. It to 600 well arranged, la good condition, attractive ap- A BUNGALOW FOR $8000.00 $250.00 CASH. euab. Fine ce- $30.00 per month brick on the west pearing and Includes some extras. uiod town and trees. In side, ft block from the 2nd South paving. No. 678. mented basement, new and popular xectlon. Thin baagalow on the east side would sell for $4500.00i It is located within calling distance 5500.00 A wonderful offer, very deetrable of the D. 4 SU G. and the 0. S. L. station. modem home, rooms Urge end very attractive with beautiful nek floors and special lighting BEAUTIFUL 2 STORY HOME, affects. Garage to match. Would coat JU00.00 built S years ago and Ass always had the beet of care. There are 7 rooms, nil having hardnon to build today. Rasy terms. wood floors. Tbs bedrooms nsd sleeping porch 2000.00 Do you want a good comfortable are especially attiactive, unusually large liv1 borne in good location, besting easy term a ing room, one ef the best a, This to the place. The 6660; systems, basement completely finished. location Is the best, near the university nod cash or fea8880.00 Bungalow complete with bullt-lWasatch school. Paved street, with paving terms. tures, sleeping porch, basement and furnace, paid. If you need s boms of this sins, you will No. 076. be interested ia this one. also garage. Good location, s. e. t red brick homo. This homo ta vary anbotaatialiy bntlt. Tha rooms largo, light had well arranged Tha farnoea ia a very good one aad la perfect condition This bargain should interest moat any homeaseheg. Let as shew It to yon ar JENKINS ASHTON jen, 8000 Within walking dtotaacc of ban Hot-ai- r 2100 antrer-si- tj sa modem hardwood beat, bom. floors, four large, light bedroom; good lot. with garage for 8 cur. This property belongs te aa estate bud moat be cold. The house to of frame coaatructtou, bet to a home. Gee aad coal range sad gal beatar, window abide. ,te will be toft Is wn raenu, draperies "tected Tcraau. 148048 roecu, ctrietl, COMPANY. COMPANY. MW brick bungalow, artutlc dcccrattonu; Located on tha northeast bench. 6300 This most and will bs a rush sale. It ia a splendid walus in n one-storesidence, Tha location isird ideal. The lot ia easily worth one-thof tha ml price. Thera U n Urge reception hail, a large living room aad dining room. These rooms 4000 are each separated by a massive colonnade ftpeaiag ; tha floora nr oak and the woodwork af n good, attractive quality. There sre three we$l Ttll$ed, large bedrooms aad each has a large closet. Alas a large sleeping porch. There ar two bathrooms, oaa aa tha main floor aad ooe in tha basement. Tha 3800 basement is partitioned into five ... rooms. Stationary laundry tabs am room. Tha installed ia the laundry 3700 hasting plant in air and tbs furnace Is la good condition. Tha extras Included add value to tha bouse. Dox't delay calling for an appoint 13004 meat ta aaa thin beautiful boms. ASHTON - JENKINS Bccuttfsl 1600 1 odern. to wet cldc ncMcnen meflan, brick, lot luos 143 to 11(7, tor$c rarafe. (bade Inca, brabber,. A RRAL HUME. Terra, m trade lor mltor bora w tost ntto. Strict! 2 rox XllA BEAL ESTAtX Improved and Vnlaprovsd ra en u . ESTATS laprorad sad PnlmproTd BRCNEAU-HIL- KIMBALL XXAT. r SEPTEMBER 26, 1920. SUNDAY-MORNIN- iiImproved TTwimfllOVd D. BARNES, Warn Bostea I Bldg, 4032-403- 8. BOME8EEKERE. decrease to the pries ef is etc. the cemAedlttoe antomobllee. Them Is a attaatkoa to different. hectare nlfo vet the world, and the apnag bn tiding array will jb&ea with a Mg demead for time to Wa believe NOW to tha material. bay. and adthlag Is te be gained by delay to boms. purchasing your APAETldnrr HOUSE: Fonr apt ; front porch, sleeping Jeatarva. porehea. disappearing beds, boilt-t- a buffeta. fate.; splendid heating plant; alqp looking place; close to, ea tha east (Ida. Price u.ooo, " r bei-a- ir -- at-tr- 7to Il KEAR 18TH AND YALE: fire-bric- k and room medwa brick boagalnw east i Beautiful baagalow, 8 rooms, cpmeat; nothing prettier and bettor to tho city; i buck. Rasy tarma. aad comaat flan town, driveway, run, garage, by other beautiful 4 room framn. on nvwoan, large ntoeplag Mrreoaded, oa all (Mae homes. I10.6OO. gnrara, aawly pointed, ate. 1600 cm Worth a quick aala. JjnRJjtk, par mtoth. aide, 8200 down BUNGALOW CLOSE a it. na1 IL ii base!, t ' - wait; balanca. 100-ac- re , stock farm to Ulatah baste, aaar good sum mar aad winter range; R dwellings, aheda. corrals, etc.; Independent water 30 right, 80 acres alfalfa. 18 acres grate. can acre plow toad, balanca unbroken, bat be farmed; $1600 worth of new maehlaorj,to$1000 worth of hone and dairy cows; ea th line ot the aew propoaed R. R . with ft mil to tewaalt aad modera echeel Thin farm with half of 1820 crop house. ran be bought at tho very low price of arf dowa and balance 10.000, ranged to suit. Owner will coo alder 40 to apply oa tha porch farm or " yoa he aura aad price. If this interest to and seo us. as thla la. aa opporcom tunity to double your money to a very short, time. Tha above an only a few af tha any good bays wa have to offer. uted yoa with to BUY. BELL OB EXCHANGE real rotate, ba aura and aea aa. If DUPPIN. BTONB A JONES CO. WMatch 3948. 807 Deseret Bank Building. 7798 IRRIGATED IDAHO FARMS. THE8R farms are touted around Barley, Idaho, aad arc noted far their productiveness, deep, smooth roll; abandanu. ef waaleetrte ter. fin traveled highways, lights, daily mall aad echooi facilities. V ask that yoa investigate Itstowondera Ret ful epportunltlre. The following ef good buys teat will totanet yea. 8 ACRES touted ea gravetod road. Stt at line from Burley, 8 miles from loading atatlea. loll ia a deep ready loom. Thera anbal-aa-7 u acres to alfalfa aad clover aad tea te to wheat. Th improvements am to to good coadltloa. Thto farm priced, of the crop, at 114.600, ealy with roe-ha- lf $4000 cash and tha balanu 81600 per year. 8tt mile from Burley oa a graveled road. The roll to ef the best aad toys Improvemeata perfectly 'to Irrigate. Th ar fair. There to 80 acre la hay aad tbe ba laare to wheat. Priced for quick role at 89000; only 82600 cash aad tea balaare ocg Urn. 48 ACRES 8 miles eat oa graveled road. Good improvemeata, deep, fin eolL i acne poll tare. 40 aerro wheat, 48 acres hay. Price I2M per acre; 17000 cash aad tea balance te salt. 00 ACRES to very high etote ef ealttvattoa. Ley perfect te Irrigate. There are 11 aerro potatoes, 10 aerro elover, 40 acre wheat, 16 acre hay. Dandy Improva-meatpriced 8283 per acre; 46008 aaaA ad balanu fine tarma. ACRES WRITE aa today for booklets and literature ea Burley and tha Minidoka project, which will auwer all questions ta da tail. IDAHO REALTY COMPANY Burley. Idaho. modera, bungalow; nicely decorated; good plumbing fixtures; mantel and bookcaaea ; la fact. It has everything bat the fnrnnre. Located la beautiful Forest Dale, oa good, hard street. Large lot; towns, walks, etc. Good crop goes with place. Price 83800.00, oa terma. Itx bargain No. 1. 4 room and xleeplng porch; clean, neat bangs low. Located south on 0th East. Thla place haa good cement aidewalke; latprovementa; fruit trees. Only one block from school sad car 11a. Price $2700, oa terma. stucco plastered bungalow, with built-i- n feature. This bouse is almost saw; Its won built ud would make a flnu horns for a larg family. It has tots of sic chad trees, ad tha lot is 50x140. This plan was takaa In trade, and tha present owner say ba ua afford to roll it tor $3000.00. oa your owa u room honsdf eaat oa Bhermaa arena. Thn owner built it for a home. It would bo use-to- w tor ua to attempt to drecribe tho and lability of It. It has everything te buuty make a real home. Furnace? Yes. Baaemeat? Oh, boy! Prlu only 88600.00. At thla prlu w must have a subatantlal dowa paymut. brick bungalow; modem except but. Located to Homefteld Acres; H acre toad; torga, new chicken coop; 100 chicken go with Place. Jf you ar looking for a real home, with a garden spot where you caa raise vegetables ad cMckaaS, yoa ought to aea this ooa. It haa a alee hedge ia front, two Norwegian spruce tree, sad fruit trees. Little house to roar far Prlu $4800. Would consider smaller shop. huso ctoro to, aouthroat. Must ba seat aad well-bui- lt coring, ctoro to tth Broth and trd Wrot Hu alu town; vary good outbuildings. Yu caa acvr Had a batter kept-u- p Plau. Its clean taslde, and la good coadltloa. Yoa caa taka It for $1460 If you spank quick. ! THR REALTY EXCHANGE, O. A. Frickberg, Manager. Booth. n ,, Wan 4234. ' ' ' 87842 lad 84 West ' REAL BARGAINS. LIST OF NEAT LITTLE COT4, 8 and 8 roams, modera, all condition, located aaar cut side. Alt price, rawingLiberty from 82364, 82650 np to 88600. Bold uay pay maate, $200 usk aad ap, balanca mm rent. BEE OUR TIERS, s alaa ia flrat-ctoapark ud u u $3254 to 14200 Naw baagalow, 4 aad 8 rooms, toclosod hardwood sleeping porch, floors, bullt-l- a features, located southeast, amt AU assessments Liberty park. paid. Vary uay terms. $4234 A flna doubls bourn, thru rooms and sleeping porch to tack apartment, good aa mw, good Income property, aaay terms. 86280-5-r- oom bungalow, to food condition, hardwood floors, full remrat basamsat aad furnace, la fta touttoa. Boar 11th East, faring Gltour plau. 8640 cash, balanu assy terms. 85850 0 room below pro-wbungalow, prices, wall arraagad. recaption hall, torga living and dialog room with uk floors, gam finish, thru lovely bedrooms, full baeemeat. bigh-gra- d furaac. Located within 4 blocks f. court Mow; assy terms, sr wlU trade fod smallsr uttsga. , . $7500 Oa af tha atoat attractlva bangs Iowa to tea city, touted oa tb moat beautiful pared sveaua ta restricted district, d large living ud dining room, gum finish, bullt-l- a buffet, bookcase, writing 8 sun lovely bedrooms, desk; fins baseporch, ment with htgh-gra- d furaau, larg ecmaat driveway, everything to mak a-garage, koma com plate. Terms. 23 HOFFMAN BROS. Rut tot Broth. g4 rot small pay. 70 acres at Springfield. Idaho; full water right. 60 acre alfalfa and balance ta plow toad th roll to except 8 acres, which to velcaaie ash, has a good well and storage cellar, to about 1H miles from towa aad R. R. station. Fries 19600, with only 61500 down; good terms caa ba arraagad oa tha IN: t a alfalfa aaa had. an. tho m modera brick; glaaoed-l- a sleeping porch; paved avoaac; nice homos all around Price 83160.00; $440 cash. 824 pro locality. Math. 13 PER CENT INCOME. AN UNUSUAL BUY FOR 12400.40: A CLOSE IN DOWNTOWN CORNER, IMOne-flocottage; large tot, near 1st 12 PER CENT. PROVED, NOW PRODUCING Bast; flat neighborhood. By YOO CAN BUY THU FOR 846,000. TERMS. loath aad 10th 1104 5400.00; Will secure tor you one of tbe to repairs, thla place wilt abeat spending COMPANY. 1800.00 ASHTON JENKINS greatest .bargains pin Utah. Tble make a fta boms. Pries 82400 cash. NonFB1TBCH LOAN A TRUST CO. borne Is being sold for the mortgage wants owner cash at oaca. Tarma resident FELT BLDG. with rooms, Five Within walking distance of boalace pries atone. Wn Have Others. colonnade hardwood openfloors, center, n bungalow, sew and Enamel anis If the above Is aot suitable to your Beads, ings, big fireplace, mantel, bookcomplete to every detail. room cases. . In fact. It to thoroughly finish Living throughout. coma Into the office tad chat with us, or call The lower across whole front ef honac; beauticomplete and modern. BETTILYON HOHE BUILDERS CO., at oa the phons. Ws may be able to help you basement! to floor (or properly ful mantel, oak floora, aad French HanJtor. find a home. To make a profitable torrrtmeat Experts most modem the with doors. hitaben is absolutely comequipped 8000 00 Oa 11th East pavement, an elegant $3678 00 $875.00 CASH call ea us. Night or Sunday phoa Wasatch conveniences. The Oa 8th Exit, within wxlking distance of laundry room bungalow of popular floor plan, unusually good for a snappy bungalow g rooms and sleeping 734-plete. Tbls place wee built hy conhee laundry trays, stove, tractor for bis borne, but be must aalveroity-an- d East Side high school, we have workmanship aad finish, every modern con- porch, best, oak floors la living smooth-tile- d cement floor; venience. H treat assessments paid. tank, sell a magnificent, room, dining room and 2 bedrooms. Is in per built brtk Ask for Mr. Murray. bungalow, connected with the sewer. Tbe 4 yearn, that can be purchased at actual coat feet condition. Beam ceilings in living room - JENKINS COMPANY. ASHTON 3800.00 6 large rooms, bungalow type, special sod dining room, and fins woodwork; this separate Stonge room has proviat that time. Tbe lot to Improved with terBARNES, sions for every kind of storage, closet apace aad bullt-l- a features and cement-a- bungalow is now vacant and you can have raced towa, aad tows sad garde, to beck, 2 Was. 4082-408Boston, Bldg. Oae-baMr fruit and vegetables. Aa additionalo 1000.00 cash. A CITY FARM. basement. Would consider possession at ones. A bungalow such as this 5600. U7723 with garage and chicken coops. Them are oak alee for $3676 00 $676.00 cash sad $35.00 Terms. aaed car la good condition. of fruit trees, with lavatory, a living room and a nepn-ratfloors throughout tbe entire bouse, including coal and wood room are found cot tag. This home to all modem the kitchen. Gam wood finish and tUa n, month, including interest ts a wonderful bar- No. 484. STATE LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. here. Everything to finished la the 110,500.00 An elegant borne of earlier deela. gain. W are offered $40.00 per month rent aad to one of good value. It ia lothree rota bookcases, bullt-l- a neat, Itoea W. 8170. 1120. 28 Wart Broadway. finest ef material and the beet of large airy rooms, many special features, for it. At the price, we can show you n good cated Just off 8th East, thto side of closet, 8 large, bedrooms, gas ran teed light 1a down Tho rate Interest the of ss ns speats eluding good Thla placn investment Just workmanship. finished beaemeat with laundry reran, heating plant aad meet Bugarbouu. furnace, from from the gotten oa both sides of beautiful comer tot math evergreeae and ether partly modera boms, only 14 Jatock Pries aad children's playroom. thing for a good stand family who fruit room Only Southeast. tho bouse ran to a separate reWR WANT AN OFFER trees. Very dose to business center. We era pared rt. and ear lias. work to the city. They can do 87000. Terms arranged. To the rear of the propa sacrifice price. Tble will please you this week for s bungalow oa the esst beach, 1850; 8800 cash, butanes 828 per month. Why to them with ceptacle, naming keep farming enough ? If looking for such a home and to surely a near the Uintah school. Built three ye the year aad vegetable erty Is located a splendid fruit beautiful bun- pay rent Right eu 6th East, a structure, which may be used either bargain. Contains 5 rooms, 2 finished in gum ago. round. finished la oak with oak floor, bullt-l- a galow, room blk. from paved st. modera or cement brick, for a garage a barn; ith oak floors, other rooms white enamel ; buffet, very attractive breakfast room. large tad ear 3060.00 Bungalow of good deeiga, attractive In addition French doors between living room and dining line, south!. 8600 cash and 630 per COMPANY. ASHTON floors; s shop room. JENKINS cement buement, beautiful yard. - 87600.00. 7 coat. 82840. Price n built-imonth, to this then sre four lots, giving features end located oa car line. per buf 760.00 cash room, bookcases and grate, s nest Easy tarma. 160-fofet in dining room. This bungalow was built 4600. frontage. All assessments required. On East 2nd South, walking disS to. northeast. Price room close modera home, by tbe owner for s home. Is now vacant and No. 467. paid for. Located to the south and Near 8 th ave. and J street, tance from university, ws offer n modem 2760; $300 cah, balance 824 per moath, 7 A rapidly growing business Isenree us ef the ban been newly papered and thoroughly cleaned. oaet. Hardwood brick cottage oa lot 41x146. Owner must sell. borne. brick cent. per confidence of the public. We are aot- un- Let us take you to see this bungalow. beat, two mantels. Pries ldO6U.U0; 8760.00 cask, 822.60 monthly. floors, bot-a- lr 3800.00 For s modem, A full bouse. Thto propbungalow; appreciative of your Interest la ns, aad renew room modern brick homo, furnace heat, ghot aad cold water; furnace; fire- eur solicitude for your patronage that we may BUNGALOW, . Close to north yards, a will compare with any 6680.00 brick modem erty ang. close to, bet. Tth and Bth B. ea 2nd Bo. located southeast. This horn was built only la Highland be mutually benefited. place, etc. Located modem oa a large lot. Live All offer la tbe city. Owner has left sad partly Price 65500; good terms, three years ago aad la exceptionally well arWants cah, to oa aad rent the other. Only 83000.00 far or aaaeeemeataforpaid. park. Small payments will be city and mast aelL double home. will trad LE GRAND RICHARDS Tbe finish is red gum, brick mantel REALTY CO. ranged. wa can arrange sale it yon pay both. Easy terms. bat 75 West South Temple. Was. 4631.- ta living room, buffet in dining room, 3 at 1000.00 down. brick heme, modera troom Beantifn! double U7821 hardwood stucco a bedrootao, Foe floors, tractive frame and A beautiful $8764.80; strictly modem bungalow, Rested southeast near Lib-art- y 844.08 to gum wood. heat and garage. Will make someone a very baagalow, finished all ballt-l- a feature. Improvement all paid; 76 ft. frontage, JENKINS ASHTON COMPANY, one aid and Rent lire to the tor be leee Can than boms. Connected a deep flowing with cosy purchased garage. Ideal location on east bench; lot 44x ether. park. Price 86260; 8600 cash, 860 per month, the contract to build auck a home today.. well. Faces 6tb Esst streets sad 2500. A nice, ED. D. SMITH A 80N8, baagalow. located 180 feet. Owner leaving city October 1st. This 7 per cent. lCS feet 88 West 2nd South 8t. built ea a lot 40 foot by No. 666. Juet off 11th East, Thto home be- Is a real bargain at $6000.00; $1600.00 cash, Was. 465. BUNGALOW, IF IT IS A la depth. The owner of this propbalance easy. longs to aa estate aad mast be sold modera bungalow. Beautiful Larg lot, and you want something different, we have It erty works to Ranks, sad consest once. A bargain to anyone. flower aad soma fruit trees; good not this if to to decide is Will leave home. it you at cannot this lies brick strictly modern bungalow, hard- all la lawn, quently A very neat, 5 room, modem, brick sear Libcar 8800.00; aad from 14 blk. lias garage. beat finished and one of the beat constructed, wood Tbit to shargsln price, ss It Is loCOMPANY. floora, full cement basement, furnace, ASHTON JENKINS cottage, reasonably close in, oa a best arranged erty park. Price 84260; easy terms, 7 per cent. butlt-t- o bungalows ever built is cated Is Homefiskl. one of tbe gar- cash glasaed-t- a features, sleeping porch, assess600.00. with all street, special paved ooe the city. Was finished fix years ago by den spots of Our valley, sad It offers lluouiOO Price 84760.(81; Let us shew, yon two new homes ws walking distance. ments paid la full. The owner baa of room pertly mod. home. Lot 40x10 rods, all for hie mother's 66500; architects tbe ta attractive proposition to anyone have for sale. They sra wlthia caab, balance Uk rent. $1000 Just spent 600.00 In painting, pa home, andleading In towa and garden. Located 1 bth. from paved w assure you there has been noth on wishing a moderate atoed borne. of distance pavetowa, walking near car street paring aad other Improvements to ing left out. The finish is quarter-sawe- d line, aad park. A barLiberty oak, cssh, modern frame cottage, southeast, good mo. ment, with newer connection. Dandy the property. Very few bosses ae at 4144a Moat have 8400 cash, balance heat, tils bath, living room 80 ft. $66 For a 83764.00; ahlagle baagalow. model with sooth ,, location, torga lot, near liberty park. Only gain No 470. brick, one 1124 per moath, aa desirable this looking are 7 offered cent. at per bookcases sod Rookwood tile mantel, with wide em Com8600.00 Terms This property to located arranged, front. Cement floored porch, wltlf j 832ua00. this price aad upon nhch easy window sent. This would make a wonderful mon weeltk arenas, down. which Is apterms. Phone Wasatch 465 early home. good exposure. Two large front livmod. brick kome. Lot 84x10 rod, all near 3rd ere. and K sad 2nd Large brick, proximately 81st Booth rooms, eoloaaadea, by besomeone separated will ing this la towa aad garden; ea 7th R, near 21et So. Monday buy East streets. Bath, toilet, baeia, fireplace, 8 bedroom, improved Pries $3400; 0a aide of street, with with places lor books. fore many days first pennant $400 care takas It. BARGAIN A RRAL a re. semen ta paid. A bargain at 84UOO, esemnt oufflclently large for fruit mantel then are butlt-t- o china rioe-et- lot, all balance 830 per month, 7 per cent. for $4500.00 on terms brick bungalow, 6 storage and other arrangements. The kitchen, - with Torau arranged. big Dandy float inclosed oak rooms nod sleeping porch, lot to M feet front. The house ie bullt-l- a corner lot, cupboard apace. Pull base-mea- t, MrBT BE SOLD IBY OCTOBER 1. in 4 rooms, hot-ai- r partly mod home. Large heat, cement basement, a Near 11th East, below Bth South, a beautiful, neat and attractive tad Is well with furnace. If you are Price 82100; 8400 ear 21at So, end 8 tat 84000.00; Owing to aa accident, ia addition to good lot, located ft block off paved street. fire-bric- k gam-woo- d oak worth an Investigation. floors, bungalow; bera Is for looking month. something ot a daughter This home is now vaeaat and la good Terms. the MrloQi Milieu tar, flnlrh, latest bullt-l- a features; sewer cash, balance 826 per yuur chance. who hee beta le the hoepttel far and etdewalks paved; Immediate possession; Far a 3460.00; frame, neatly built modera brick home, with extra thie oweer oust tell ererel weeke, 84760 ; 81600 836 1676.04 constructed The in cash, per month. aad only every way. COMPANY. JENKINS ASHTON clow by October 1. Tbe home it a modera partly modera home. Lot 214x20 rods, OWNER IN CALIFORNIA down, party owning this house Is obliged between 8th and 7th B. and 4th So. A1I brick bungalow of 4 cosy room end has wired to sell he& home oa First are, at New mottled brick bungalow, at great in, to move awty. If you bopo to tako 22.64 on lettered streets, walk Price 84260; Northeast, assessments aad e elecping porch, Incloted in' gleet. paringpaid. a this wo consider this At pnee $9000.00. lacriflce. Full brick porch, slash grata fir snath. advantage of a good bay, you should Hardwood floor, built-i- n say terms. lag disuses from towa, ws have bookcases, has 7 rooms, living china cabinets. Ingreat bargain. This boms breakfast It Is investigate thin property. ' cemented choice Hat of homes that you can finish, maatai, bookcaae. room sod room and dining room, basement, end every condirect cm ted oa South Statu street. fixtures, oak floors, 2 bod rooms lighting rent. venience necessary to make g home kitchen on first floor, with three bedrooms buy Ilk partly mod. brick home, Air 8th 1, finished la Ivory, white enamel kitchen. Ironbet 8th and 6th So. New .reedy for occu- comfortable. porch and bath on second floor. sad floor hot drain, cemented sleeping board, ing basement, to aew a frame. This rive-rooFar mod 8760.40; On P street, brick, Price ealy 82960; A50 cash, balance 8640; All taxes paid. New garage; let improved by aad cold water to baa a handsome home aad has Just been 6300.00 eacy. month. em except beat. Three rods 600 Dont faU la ara thto bargain. shade tree and shrubbery. tabla soatb cellar, front, to located 81st It down, at completed. cash. strictly modem bungalow (4800.00; quick aala. 26.04 Sooth sad Mala strata. noma each, ctoro to. 8 678. am brick BRUNEAU-H1LNo. on INVESTMENT CO., bangs towa, a large lot, near ttecoad cottage, Easy oath. oaths at, ea paved street, all aaeaaemeau paid. NO. 16 EXCHANGE PLACE, avenue and K street. WAR. 4000. Terms. Colopaade baagalow, near the state eapttol, a Pries 1 peg cent. COMPANY. 8600 kalaaca ASHTON JENKINS cash, 84600; Ground Floor Boston Bldg. beautiful corner tot, 4 bedrooms sad a large opening between two front Thin to ear leader, tad eae at tbe 88640.88; u7721 and can be need as doable living glaseed-l- a sleeping perch, hardwood floor, lat464.68 beat bay we have bad tbe p lee sura y with D street. On modera sleeping porch, lot brick, room or living room end den; two 5660; est hullt-l- a features, garage, laundry, furnace, 37 10 dowa. ef offering for some time. It is lorode, some fruit tree, good garage, 41 iiiooo bent; hardwood floors etc. Only 810,000; 14 cash. brick; hot-el- r nice bedrooms, dining room, kitchen 27.60 cated west ef tbe Granite stake loutheaat. must have 8700 uah, Price $3600; and garage. cash. and bath nil on one floor. Cemented and to a large, oath. KIMBALL A RICHARDS. frame No. 072. red brick balance easy. 8th West sad 8rd South, basetoent, with hot sir bent. Let ns Merchants." "Land bungalow, built oa about a half show you this one we beMeve yon The cottage, oa improved tot, with garage. 54 Main Street. era of land. Whoa wa say this to - JENKINS ft., COMPANY. ASHTON n 111 like it. partly modera home, tot 60x220 1 btk. house to aewly decorated end reedy to be moved a large, Was. 686. house we and other outbuildings only A 830 chicken coops Into. at 82860; $300 cash, bargain greet 88160; mesa Just - what we say. The Prlu from ear 11a cot-taand street, paved street. brick K On 4850; per moath. Why pay rent! kitchea to modem la every respect We have aa unusual list of bargains at this Hot-ai- r $600 uah, balanu 826 per moatb, or will trad heat. A real solidly-bui- lt 1600 A BARGAIN CL08B IN. acre with email hero. What hava aad very large, making it possible If you sre interested la the purchase caab. homo. This Is not a baagalow, n home that cost the owner time. twit beautiful bungalows oa Tala for 2 or 8 is Here Wa have $5250.00; to to to read interest would be for yea breakfast la the room, of a home it your but It to worth a lot mors than pries aveaua that can he bought at reasonable you ta offer! $6000.00 three yearn ago, but the over of No. on. of tome a brief aad for family wa think the bonne cash description carefully tatsd. Will be glad to show to ia tarns ted Brest! fu! $760.00. price ia cat to thin figure in order to them. prices. in Ideal. Thera la a glaseed-l- a home, partly modem, aver aa y t . effect n quick sale. brick, partiaa. era af toad, about 60 trait trace, touted scar very - JENKINS sleeptag porch, large hack COMPANY. ASHTON cemented modern, including strictly frame a very homelike, front porch. Liberty perk, half block out of Ath East drive porch, and beautiful basement and hot-ai- r heat. Clone in, $2650.00; For Naar 8th West tad tad North, bungs Mwt roll tela week or will trad far small The hones to as torga as say ordl home, with large rooms; good-sise- d Oa 8th aveaae, sear 0 street, on one ef enr bent paved resident $600.00 3200; with bardwoed mantel, floors, modern, low; Prire $4640; $1000 cask, balaoatheaat. house oa tbs market. nary bathroom, with all tbe bathroom 600 m this house suits your story brick sad shingle bookcases, eotonnade epealnga between living tom' streets. If 1 per cut. ance located to Connected roar. tho with in flxtarea condition; good Garage to room and This for Ss sure to sell $25.00 net cash. comontod family. It large boose, bnsrment. needs, room; quickly dlaing a dam flowing woU. It to possible oa a large lot, with fine fruit tree, No. 408. month. a bargain. within tha next few days. Aak for H. E. Baird. Only 86000; 8400 cash. 830 par moath. that this boms could he sold oa a lawns, shrubbery, all fenced in. Thin a of is payment af 6800.44 dowa aad 626.04 accommodating capable plqce Five-rooCOMPANY. ASHTON JENKINS madora brick Fun strictly modern, brick rooideaoo, LOAN A TRUST COMPANY. TATE strictly good-alseia and a mouth. At toast wa ask pod to $5500.00; comparafamily, a. a.. Bear 8th Bast car lino and elegantly finished ta - 24 West Broadway. baagalow; street, make aa iovuattgattom aad firs us Terms. tively clone ia, being only about ten 61204; Wert and 4th Booth to a 4 large, light bedroom a apatairn, paved 8th wood Oak Near enamel. aaa sad white bedroom gum 1170. Wae Wae 1130. on in ea car the a after the street this very splendid bay. minutes eat frame boa, for 91200.00. downstairs, flreplacn, largo stooping porch, furBuilt-i- n fleers ie two rooms. 204 7714 cantor af tha city. aa 8200.00 cash and 816.00 per nace, content b earnest, tot 80x180. linen kitchea cabinet Pay closet, Only rath, Far a 1860.04; frame, belli aae year , month. 6600.00. 16 me. Term! arranged. sad ireming board. Cemented base160.40 wttb 4roon For boose, good go. This booeo to partly modem. very $8700.00; W. I. HUBBARD, No. 67a ment, with floor drain sad hot-ai- r Has chickens on lot. Is located Just elqepleg porch, large, gleeeed-iWae 41A4. 28 fsH?lON - JENKINS COMPANY. Clone to, southeast, mottled brick Broadway, room a heat. Care in . planning, , good ma- 11500.00 20.44 west ef State, comparatively dose about 16x20 feet, room for two or dews, with firebrick glaaocd-t- o excellent terial sad sleeping porch, rjff workmanship AU tbe room month. ie la. Thto bouse to surrounded by bed. three $32.00 large BARGAINS. HOME near 8rd buffet av.aoa, Oa H afreet, mantel, bookcaaoo, have made this s beautiful home. kitchen, plate rati y this bouse ere of good else end ere 60041 lavra, flowers aad trees and fenced-l- a offer a 7--room eemlbangtlow brick aad window seat to dialog room, wind tor ' 1000 ' Phone Wasatch 465. We want you nos the ' well arranged, making e very fine cash. lot; plraty of outbuildings, borne, , Was large room.; 2 mantels, electric 81350 4 range; eemoatod baaomeat. Improved to at least ess this house before yon house., on a tbe ckickei for above corrals, coops aad eeey term, garage. bullt-l- a buy, tot hot-ai- r bal8700 with 88200; 8x10 with frame buaalow, SOT. bath, Only cash, driveway lot, rod. No. Larg wit. bay. y -price. The .basement ie cement. The Uk ance cement front aad back and only 81000 reatj baaemeat, Price 85000.00, feature, VP underfill bargains ia lota at 86 00 bouse ie ' located on a large lot. cash, w ' porebre; tot 80x128 fact. Marion at. aaar Ath a echooi, end Bear per asoath. todera brick facing tooth. near Tth East North. 824 per month. Interest $500 cash, FBDKRAL HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. lf block from ptk Kaat. only . ad 7th South. Only $2860.00; 8600.00 case, Included. JENKINS ASHTON COMPANY. very well toy $12,500.00; Beautiful KIMBALL A RI0BARD0, Tbe immediate eurroandinge ere 80.00 per moath. Terms. ceteO in Federal Helffhts; terye M "Land Merchants. end the neighborhood 1 pee ef good near 82700 Broom 4th I Oa street, aveaue, end food eurrouadUfs; 2078; $ rooms, 64 Mato Street. the beet in the city.. modera baagalow, eoeth Beastlful 400 tth West Rear Bth Norik East front, brick, with modern plumbing; rawer floora thronybout with feardweod Wan 688. a. corner hardwood firetot, cblckra frost, floora, a, connected. booses, etc.; lot end beautifully fluiebed in every brick; Aud bare, brick cash. For bed-m- a, very attractive, place, bookcaaoo, baffot to dialog room, 8700 exsh, 828 pro mute. In8214x148 ft-No. f83. detail with maid's room in basewell 7884 ho an borne; arranged, cemented eoltdly bqilt, sleeping perch, largo 7 per cut tot ment Be beet, yarayt end La very good condition. - Ie loat. Only $4400.00; 8700.00 cash, 836.00 par cluding y ASHTON JEN KIN 8 COMPANY, eod. in feet, every convenience cated on tbe weet aide, just off moath. 8 1278 " to make n borne comfortable. ' Second near South the from paving, . WABATCH 12a aew frame; water and a. L; tth Weet THR BARGAIN OF BARGAINS. Tbe owner is leavtny tbe city end 82 SOUTH MAIN -- distance within walking $th modem Weet; Broom Juat aertk brick, af Liberty ear 1st North; lot 4111x140 ft.; $300 eash, wishes to dispose of it this week. ef the Rio Grande ebope. Tbia to park, haa furnace and I aire , bod room a, daop $20 par month; Interest 7 pro coat. Shown by appointment only WE HAVE SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. $7,660.00 lu Wasatch school district, ea excellent buy for anyone desiring, tot. Only 84300.00. Tarma arraagad. two-stor- y .7728 brick; lawn and shadt. to locate to tbia vicinity. . -4- 4000 Hardwood floors la every room. Beautiful, strictly mod am. 4 and aMdroa except brick, thoroughly ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT HOUSE , NewAy decorated throughout. Paved 8 room an excellent. for aala to Individual hems buyers. For apartments $4500.00; 8 huotlful maatrla aad fireplaces; lot street. New furnace. Large brick INVESTMENTS. $600.09 4 borne, located juet off from Fifth Buy aa apartment Juat Uke yoa woo 14 pur- but; from two blacks Meek. 7x14 rods; We have n number of apartment bouses don garage. chase a bouse and tot; a reasonable down pay- Ground a Iona worth more than Temple naked. Eaat, facing eouth, in a good localfitted et prices in effect three years ayov prlu ment, balance Juat Ilka teat, will pat yoa to $1000 ity. Thto. home le very well A balaare tremendous 8466.84 Oa the seat beach. Bear a paved With tbe present high rentals some af these $40.00 mutely. ueh, oa the inside end to now ia permanent peeeeeitoa of aa tpartmeat-hoaM- , aew baagataar; are paying exceptionally good returns, and gre .month. street, tbe very beat of condition where yoa wont bare to fire year own furnare bargain. la ca .4 nace, hardwood floors, largo tot, proving very attractive to Investors. We should Own your own a port-ma- n mow your own towa. or a ef peble accommodating large 84000 shade trace and lawn. Buemaat. like tha opportunity of explain! to you per-talt If oa ar ran ting, ( then t. to tho EMMA or DRAYTON apartment family. South frost. Racy turn. Broom, thoroughly modem brick; a bread-fu-l whet excelleatfeturne such an Investterm should b attractive to yon. Cbolcoot location to Bolt Lake City. Full deEast 10th ment will net yon. homo; to room around There great deal ef tails glady furnished ea Inquiry, Phone, write cash, balanu to salt aero trd South; $1601 6,650.04 Five man, nearly new brick the bom for tbe children to play ia, WE have four beaaflfnl twa-atorhomes ta or call at enr office. fireplace. Near Utb Rant SO to ea Jbe let, feet froet Federal Heights and BeaaevlIto-ea-ths-HIl- l. Brawn lag 47504 ED. 1). IMITH A SONS, aad aveaae. Worth almost ready for delivery, all exeritoatly de- 848-7- BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. 64560.00. Cement basement. Wat. 46S. pr. brick, tbarooghly modera dxeept Very SS Want Sad South St. EIMBALL A RICHARD, Mata. Was. 484a , Each boos has fear bedroom, beet signed. well built. long the boms for a basement, partitioned eff heat;- fall cement "land Merchant. .7728 beating syetam, high clam plumbing with brick walls tote for roams, with laundry; rvsUve buyer. Terms 64 Mala Street. . fixture. JM-f- t. chicken doabto gang, cement floor; MONEY TO LOAN 0NBEAL ESTATE. Wae. 656. ea throe houaen will surprise , The low price cement floor; I acres richest of eolL $4,264.04 Oa Log as aveaae, sear ttk Esst. U7834 yea. hot, ' surrounded flat th A la city, homes; by sight rooms; furnace heat; good 7830 Bight H. J. MKEAN, INd. brick bulldteg. Lot T8 feet wide. us block from Itsto street paringas aad nr. a Ask far Mr. McKcaa or Mr. Hills (ndt- 4864. bungaTkie to a steal, and Beans a profit BY OWNER Very attractive Ground alone uu readily ba sold building FOB FARM DRY' SALE. . low, artistically decorated, modem aad up rpags ta let BS show yon these b tote for $7200; 82004 uah, bateau ta nit. Imla say speculator. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, to tbe minute la every partlcalar, favorably Wasatch 1374. Wa are affertog for eato at a real bargata East Beach. , provements a tow would coat more money toEast ImMi tire farm heMIngs ef the Dry Farm A 11th tea . 801 Dessret Bask Bldg. tocatvd bear pavement. Highly Raw. 417 Perk 84,404.04885 MeChllaud avenue; Troom day. This uaeot ba duplicated. proved surrounding., raved driveway to aew gtock Co. at Veraea, Tooele county, Utah. Thto 1647 1.008.44 to Go Boat aa eouth 8th tan loath, brick; extra torga lot; (well tere- double 4500 seres ef ef A bargain at 87000.00. aleoaalea a4y, property Hyland gang. . clem 11864 te ah. a. but not cold; flee Park Row to No. 817, second houao ooutk of tloa; 01288 luvial vlay learn aril, with abeat 86.4 aerro all 6th Smith. cuaut boaae, with bath; tot 88x148 I per et. neighborhood; goad nchooto and ear 4S17-ef ealtlvatlea. The state as4er balance high WTOMING 8 rooms; gamweed finish! Pleach drain; oak ft West lat Boatk, ctoro to. 8250 rash, $28 service and clou to tbe city's to cwvend with a heavy growth af sage e las4 i Needs farm raw to mgag la general farming. Urgent perk. floor; comaat ba Samoa t, and fnmare; new $164 pro mo., lacladiag T par rut tot. 4 rabbit break, with m warts 14. Thera Splendid pprartmittoe, Ideal climate, good yoeto to a Hughoa electric range; 4 toon of coal. farm hem a4 aameraus eathuUa-lag- s A PEW d READY TO UBR. He. 814 South aad markate close te growiag cities. 11,404.44 Large lot, 144x16a earner, with ritr 60-f- t. aaffletoat to take ears at Ik housing ef toads. Writ, for Information! Comm lo7th Rhet; 11 brick bucgtlow bonding lot; 81004 worth af garb aad gaUoc, Great farm bargain. 44 ta 144 acres reek; The farm maMeek a4 term machinery. 838 ttos or tor. to Utah. A Ne. 1 heat aid newer aad It ssctloa Immigration, Capitol and alneplag porch; good furnace; Bonding, cs laary eeartrts ef eee caterpillar ga aegis walk; paid productive nl718 eae eteam tractor eegtoa, two combined cement benntlful fire, Chapman. Wyoralng. s, basement, Oarage; chlckaa rune, nemo aa garage; lot-tir- e sad alfalfa tend. $115 pro sere. Easy torero. 1114 604 town corner fine all ta Ctoro to 81,000,400 sugar factory. and shade; paved two otto ef plow for eegtae, together strawberry pleats; faore; place; a treat. We can get owner to con aad roam; small with all tea aeceleery Imhm ameklsery af ovary BY OWNER Must toll, four-rooA BEAL HOME. boar low, lawaa, f to ware, shad tree W. I. HUBBARD, to beadle a farm ef this etoe. sider 85000.00, Do yea -- want ttf ataff, raspberries, red earraata, rhubarb. . N dncrlpttoa large , lot, chicken coop, and garden home leaping porch, to a little beaaty; rioe to Ulatah insurance Loans. This There ta 1144 acne pleated te tall grain ea runs, good garden soil, newly decorated. Will 7766 A home, ooe block from FedWas. 4184. fallowed ground, Federal Heights. Right-rootwe--, 4 the prospect far also eellv nrtatns, shades, kitchea rang and school aad East High school. Home to worth 28 11,604.04 Broadway, roots 1 eral Heights and three from the aalveralty. simmer hot-w- a to more. thto deal 7824 aaceltoat a a year F275 crop groat aad ler beat. Fla Promisee ead aurroandlaga very ( attractive. chickens. Call evaalags story brick; sscsptleaally Sundays, 8428. Coma oat and Phono All hardwood floors. Brand owner, U7T81 view. Be. Hylaad East. from a which fib room, leads ball Larg. reception a tlmo. this eo far sra It Ws the property ay next affertog new, with nobodys dirt to clean. Into the first of three aad exFOB I ALB BY OWNER. brick resldeace FOR SALE Splendid two-ator-y Tea eae (elect year own atortrtc ceptionally elegant bedrooms. Tbe Urge en- 44 day at a reel (aerifies aad will coo eider la choice location, large living room, recep- 104 LOTS la Bart Soldier Summit addition $60 Salt Lake real . flxtarea ted da coca float. peri per meator aelacemberod Easy trance ball and living room aad dining room aa aaeNew aad . sleep-to- g tion kitchea up. room, hell, bungalow; also glssssd-t- o dialog pastry Pkeae write, CAEDON COMPANY, la china (Inset give yen aetata. wttb Its massive ea first floor; three torga bedrooms, hall, bathDuo to III parch; modera sxrept furaseo. Logan. Utah Itager-loege- r borne. the feeling of 104 af acres Soldlar at room aid closets ae Large rocs. frouid of Out roll coad. must bardwoed sawiks st health and Summit, fleas; belt; RRFRRf HCR ANY BANE. it basement. In which yon will find tho ctoro te car Vine; Just artistically decanted. fleers througbsut, tile bathroom, splendid fur-lrenal oaokarita mining claims. best ef Round Oak beating ptoat) t tondry aad IHiN rede with modem five-tea60x128 feet;- - eae1 block from ear brick Ta appreciate this hosts It mass be sou; $3200 . HALLO RA ! JUDGE TRCBT CO , a ckaory light room fa thn maid. Such homes aad garage; Beer nth Beat. .d 8th Beet; Use, near Uintah aad Bast high arborist etaea-Sbew- a JAMES D. PABDBE. reek will take this piece. Alee some flro new Mala and Broad way. Van. 488. am sailing for 88660. Thto will Boa fall for 6640.04; Eaealvar, Amortrea Chemical .A OookvriU Co., furatter sad rugs. loull hero ta harry. 181 eeiy tarma. Apply vvaer, box A eat loeattea ta Balt Lake. bytowaer. BUtf'84Mh UUBj. I41AX 814 Bottom Bldg.. . IZM Burns JDuste Oeto aTA48 Bast Robert arenas. nst Ml By load 8882, with abunbonne with good wall, from pared road, school and church, aad about 2 miles from sugar factory. Pries 14,000; a small dowa payment will haadla with good tlmo oa tha beta are. , $440 CASH: 4 room brick etotaga southeast, bath, FOR-- room brick baagalow; garage, towa, com eat baseman t. 8604 down, baL $Wi par mo. driveway, pared street; paring aad special imDoubls bonna, brick, modem, 4 rooms provements all paid; 8. E. . Price 83860; 8440 esch side; sear 4th So. sad 8th Wsst. cash. 834 per month; larger each payment will redan tha monthly paymeata. Bargain. A-- l tovutmmt. g room, , an northwest tad 814 a month. farm. Sou threat; good soil brick dance of water, electric lights, cement collar, good family orchard, balance la sugar beets. Price 80600, with meaf dowa; good tlmo caa be balance. 46 --aera farm at West Jsrdas: good water right, room bouse, stable; all but about 0 aeroa miles to alfalfa; located about , bow Fdrl NEAR HARVARD AND 1STH EAST: Two-storsubstantial, brick home; paved Tbs frost bedroom tract; flu srrssgemcnL extends entirely acres tho treat, msktag aa Meal place for twin beds. Price 80000; easy terms. 44 la alfalfa and tha balance to grata. Aa Ideal place for a homo, aad tho pries to only 8400 per acta oa aaay terata. - BEAL HOME. trtctl7 raed. brick boacato. lull cemented beeemeut, beat, on tout blocks to U. ot U. Raaj torau. beneb, nu. mod. brick bom an H street I 8th ere., except but, terra tot, fruit tree, sad flower, tire terras. ii 15 acre farm southwest oa paved rood, half mils ts church, school aad beet dump; tho sell to a rich nady loam, aad tha place la one-ha- lf Hot-ni- a , , ud tocdnra brick bean, 4 roora mccU; 7tk Rut nusr 1st Beutk. FEDERAL HEIGHTS; lepiuf r buacBcut aad funuto. with flu $ from buBfnlow-tyTwotory trait ooe, cans, ecracnt drlrawuj; me; In local th beauty spot tract red. all la;prcroracstu paid. Height. Price 811,000.00; LRU AIN. REAL p and TTnlmpromd- -r n iniji DUPPIN, STONE A JONES CO. Wasatch 294K 807 Deseret Bank Building. then While some HOME EAI.ft RKAT. ESXATB LOAN TRU8T CO., Was. 232, 73(4 TODAYS SPECIAL strictly msdsra brick bam with waadl front aa 10th Eaat Bt- with torga Orold aot build tbs house today far I12.0O0U rmr. -, Our price 88600: treat rage. cask. oM-ka- bungalow, strictly np 1st Booth, with larg Price $1)000, Ath for Mr. BTATB LOAN 28 West Broadway, ' bona. ft. to allay. ROOM hot-a- ir gang Mayo, gontl lot aad ga on Jeulws, TRUST COMPANY . Wan 8174. 7a 178 East Bo. Temp la; tot 44x140 eta ternary fnmare, ta roar. McConlck Bardwo4 floors upstair aad waahataaM la all bedroom reman ted cellar, laandryaal tarma. Apply H- - N. $18.00 u775M bldg. |