OCR Text |
Show s: comnriE daily ponnmftE. . .M Jb tkt iPeopU of Utahf , Go. Crr?QAgp'.ya TELEGRAPHIC ADDnCSI OF TBE CEBTBAIt journal. roam eocii aktjov ThCentitl Committse of the Liber- atzroaTZB spsciuxt vunu oneiMwm. st al Party of' Utah, believing that ".the ; Otime coqse for the kiysjcitizne of T7edneftay Herring, Jtca 14, 107L TpE LOCAL m this Ip Territory to unite - -- Owing to some ind Tact in coni1 ctO ?) ire failedto the mipport of right and the sup-- receive our midnight despatches: Sah Francisco, June 1. . The ' YiTA fj r bsvs bee tSJinspe Texas tLa for the here, past month, . I fin files Eastern of meet I papers, time, I Thir . an that 1 ? $ & ymztz Fisy , i " from-fo- si As3r;f tl ' nckneti. i iu. , i e ;y; .Tiiiayii wim r rthxtte ,tosstaln wh Two prettier sheets than those pub-- 1 mr ptXmt. to fa an IUM i Corinne re not ,o be .nr-- 1 ' JkCC3 rrSAHLS A K quite unnecessary j been raised f time briefly to 0. Parallel Railway Director went I n'UR' a where. Connne may well be proud of opportune on which our party is based, by reported A principles VzSM, Jacca Cnuma Os, tUard Maea. around the Bay to-- 1 speech made by me at the sapper of the them, as they certainly , are of Corinne. and by which it proposes to be guided. out on an excursion AHtactcrss Eat Fimackeo, CMifc tmms, nicn Uagn plnb of KefOdeahj ! t Iaaktpyy todechn toeiii. Where U tWlown of the same size that I The construction of the great contin- day, on the steamer McPherson. from of the and ental railroad and Ctty.: Rustin development Ames, tssncf ny hmgsxpsrhae. liber.!!,? S.H Ulre City 4-mitral r of . Yesterday all Wtrtl, I 1 iSaba her newspaper with so Ulab, in connection with the ncknowl- - rag housekeepers, met on the bridge Cftsiftraaryv speech made by me, committed a breach I tfitt EESaidTkbUs Ames of pro piety, fbt I WaA assured by the o. H. C2oaJEeae && Rustin shot I Portland,. Oregon. the and adrertiaenieiitx. does Nor of otir soil, Denver, edged fertility 1 many u UoU Cc Euiir3 The latter picked 'I society Chat no reporters' were present, I C tz nn we think, any town in the Rocky I vantement already made in agriculture saand that whatever was said would he tta Dr DunUltty. tmtk scarier u4 Mountain The Jockal for'.Tu now loose; la mort, u to epersetasss to be fatally wounded. ant. ' is to politic I think ufi ray whot has wy mmk aamled approval. tegular Corinne advertisements, besides I rerntory a position on the highway of Ames supposed C22ud I Thomas aod At A. P. bcdolphe know friends Roeeburg, Oregon, my deepeeatea j. o. Kimsr, Oovtsas. v&zz&n personal notices, specials, locals, etc., enough, on nations, bnt placed it prominently if not not or BlUiaidk. Vbh DitUias on the highroad to Hewry Gale, editors of the Entign, and autipatSry to the subject: ret, as the average, to make it nearly an hun- EA1TL HERMANN, eem not to have nuderatood me, I h?y Duh Oalt, 5. p. Wk-dPvCt Wm. Thompson, editor of the (C dred. We call attention, sod we tWk .weaI,h ci"HMtio Iibertr ond crlane oevUiat , Notary Public mean and all I I say, by atoto, ,5 who been on .had. tterfrr, . carrpug with jnst satisfaction, to the modest, .can-nerer Ithc,' have the political and harebo(.nd ' the tn afreet, warfare, Stei conducted President fought newspaper didate for m been which set are Uiah of affairs j that. If nominated elegant style up, temporal they I Basis nows. as if for people of good taste and good and controlled by a theocracy, contrary It is impossible to tell who shot first by Cither parfy, I should premntorily and the elected, even to if W. p.Cpaacw, 12oa- inimical decline, and sati unanimously in shot .was six gsint km Thompson places I theory to read. The habit of making ? M . decline asnnderstood should serve. to I tmitmt mentof republican liberty IiMtiaadCAi huge posters of daily journal is becom- - ftnJ practed by the American people, through the face, neck, shoulder and side. Uisck. Gale Thomas was shot KlrkwSlT through Water Power Patent. We were , L Dmmh, in its broadest sense the ing too prevalent East and West. Recognizing nsT to the j.'stimoaa sT CoJ, t There would be Just as mnch reason in I absolute and individual right of every the head, The wound dangerous, if not yesterday shown the mineral patent I mill-sitlode an end Rainbow hi own the enjoyment of a adjoining fatal. HenryGaJe w,aa beaten over the CmUar ?an tconviction, inteupenmg the reading matter with ious form D. J. yiayftoa, fflrtuflsmi Mock, Ibis c. and discTaiming any head P. Market, with, revolver, and badly hAl868hyMeraGeotgeStme.odGeorgel scare heads, display lines, huge uncouth re, to seek to interntentj or even B-DalUM! I Mti k 8o, Mootwxartraet. cuts, large aod small caps, italics, signs fere with any man's religious belief, that The wounds of Thompson are also dan-- 1 yfm Toil throtsgh their attorney, James AVlw CnshUns. Burrellj Esq It has tiling fire onac- and obelisks, as there is in doing so in being beyond the pale of political or In the United Sut ICS. KoesnhertX Patented claim" made the of and Ceiziam the Fiance our we breadth, declare of count In to Jesus is be sentenced affairs, the case of advertisements. Just as government Tejarra hung In Kareh, 170. . to any and all at Stockton, forthe murder of alterable opposition mUUite" Medina, much reuon to dres m an outrageous noion rf ch"ch and Stote) and t0 an, "ue'tethe We keep on hand the Largest Stock of Bll. ' on 28th of the and tin Com,, and seU LOHu in Hie latter. July. the ltsurd j in free in which a cut, the water style, garments strange and every system govpower upon Heaest Eestarnr uar than I 13. New issue the a f declined At pat-oJune to different flaming colors. The principles ernment seeks or tends to subordinate special Commissioner York, OriUn solieltsd boa the country for Ikbiet so as modified was claim behests of the or Material. to the unless eitizens Cushions ent of the the the stockholders uniof y rights of art are ' the same in everything, This the 87CAn&D A OO. the water JACOB leave out to a priesthood power. CS9 Ihurkst street, formit,, order, neatneas, perspicuity, , politically irresponsible case and the refused to of Contitution do, ,he BAN FRANCISCO. applicants was on the hooks when Commissioner harmony, etc. our fathers, ahd as good citizens insist jnodesty, proportion, Faaer Drummond succeeded to the'ofiSc. His There is a trick in advertising, of course ; that its provision and the enactments of kinds. nil Weeds of decision was favorable to the applicants. it is to catch attention easily, but that Congress as the supreme and hall be obeyed by Although the patent does not expressly respected doe not necessarily involve the gro- and all high and low, priest state that title is granted to the waterlayman, u ' the the read Ouly intelligent tesqtfe. power, vet taken, in connection with the throughout the Republic, contana coiincn sts., That we recognize and insist that The following were appointed usnch applic.iio ,o which lit refersno excep. papers al all, and they may be trusted to find out what they want to know if it every citizen has the frf e, and should committee : Edward Pierepont, E. B. I tion bemg taken to the same, it ix under Hn r. pBter, &. B. Dpet. UTAH, CORINNE, I stood as and R. R. Robtru, ,M. &tt Lskf city. . : . r at.pm exercise the untrammelled right of cast- - Hart and W. R. Travers. Including the water-powe- r Commission- C DUCH1NICAU. Prop,. the ?int his ballot without' dictation from, A Tribunes New York special says : Dry ing advertise who sometimes I an6d quesPeople TTAVB OH HAND AT ALL TIMES, T irrespective of any hierarchy, A special from Berliu says there are ru- er W llsofr. The plat also accompanying Ad. Knlm k Bra Montana ttreet. " tioa whether they get the worth of their church, priest, council, or other very beet faddl and Carriage Bonn, Bar- the patent shows it, upon stmet. and all kinds of vehicles. Geree, which is further evidence of an intention for it. If advertising a business ious organization or authority whatever. mors of negotiation between the Demen, Kirkendalle block, la tbe town. The best turn-.u- ts . n man and Swsdish governments, with a to grant such tide. Cen. City Register, Deeds in UorSM end Cattle oV all Kinds had no result hut the direct sending of TTJat fy8tcn? Implement, Farming to State subservient Utah re making view near to internal relations, that might Stock taken to ranch la enclosed field, by . , Geo. A. Lowe, . depot. . customers to it, it might be question- - Ae church) an the church subservient m-- 1 aerrish k street. dav Montana stone Artificial on most Reasoned is inlet, every coming Day, Week, or ZZonOi, ffUeM able. Bui even a casual examination to tbe will of one man or set of men, is suit in the union of Sweden am) Ger- to more general notice. A fate uumber Acnvfwt Gowda. Furnishing of Engineering contains an important SlMon, Wallace A Co., Montana street. will show th&t it extends much farther. inherently the very perfection of despot- - many before many months. large Corral for Freighters. D. furn Ilouae to is now suggestion in regard Conway. the use of the The Bavarian Government tubing In the first place, nothing but metropol- - ism, necessarily fraught with danger toBrown and Prior, Chicago. the liberties of the people and subver- proceeding against the clerical agitators. Rausome stone for caissons in the con- Philip Wadsworth k Co, Chicago. .tan towns could hare newspapers, were ahc of D. Richmond. Montana street. principle of republican in A professor at Munich has been dis- struction of hydraulic works. It is shown O. Stratus k Co.,-- Montana street. it not for the advertisers. And although gtltutions. tovcost 50 per cent, less than iron used J. XTAXJT STREET, OQRES. infali-bilitHotels. forthe same purpose. these might furnish the general news of That the system of espionage over the missed for teaching the dogma of 0- -0 Metropolitan Mahh A GreenewalcL Proprietors, Addresses have been sent by all Montana street. the world, and the local news' of the voter, exercised by the priesthood in the Tub Orleansf Princes have resigned Ulntali linn Montana street, between Filth and marlcing Qf ballots c believe to be .lie the principal towns to the Government Mis. Cordelia, Proprietress, places of their publication, yet what gal and know to be antagonistic to free not to tolerate in the Versailles Assembly, BearSixth, their seats of stretch River Moose, E. A. Stahn, Proprietor, oppo- any authority American towtk of two thousand inhab- and untrammelled suffrage and to the site the Depot. .' (V in clergymen, and protect those in oppo-- forsworn intrigues, and agreed not to Masonic Horae, GeorgeCbaptow, Proprietor, North' itants would do without a local paper or common weal. Front street. That among the fundamental princi sition to the Archbishops. A schism in allow their sons to stand as candidates Silver two ? Two are better than , one, because Star Hotel, Lewis Silvers, Proprietor, Mon- The Choicest Wines, Lfquon yd fill to election of the in the are tana street. of our free institutions XXstrkel Juljr 2d, the Catholic Church appears imminent. special . . . Clstn tn th newspapers are different, and readers pies of the Salt Lake Horae, Tilden A Lawrence, Balt Lake elect their to vacancies. freely people City. in the city. EVERT finest iiall are different, and thus the latter have a right Washington, June 13. Secretary own rulers ; .peaceably to assemble to The Ogden llouee, John Mahon, Opden, Utah. given to customers. What Cheer Horae, F. W. Behultx, Proprietor choice. This for comfort, for fresh concert measures of public utility anc Fish will sooo start on a tour, across Front street. H. DUCmilLLZIL on their to chosen the continent. carry agents Philadelphia news, served right from the by their jelMm. Bakeries. local governments untrammelled by am A billiard match Chicago, June wires, atul for the noticing and discus-sioCity Bakery, P.1- W, Schnltx, Proprietor, Front RS. DWXGGIXS HAS OPENED A RESTAU-raThat from church dictation. street. exempt will and diamoud cue ou and furthering of local affairs and championship Unton affairs to and Bakery, Georg Uhnf, Proprietor, Montana spiritual religion pertain treat. Filth Street, Corinne, .interests. The beupfit to the town may God and the church, temporal and po be played on Monday next between ' Graearfos. below Montana street, wliore cun be obtained, jnst the to and matters the litical best be estimated, perhaps, by regarding people, Cyrille Dion and Melvin Foster. at all hoar, Montana street. I. M.Bamtt, k Co Montana street. for a moment with the minds eye, the history of the world no less than that of The Tribuue of New York this morn- JtTcats prepare in a Superior XFanner Sisson, WhINos street. Montana Bros.. has1 Stanley atdemonstrated that every Utah by Lady Cooks, BansonofT k Co., Montana street. the Russian town ambitious of growth in wealth, statement the that says week. ing Board or the' day BF by 0. Goldberg, Montana street. tempt to unite the two and make the one AND Single meals, fifty cents. jelStf Henry Leiwea, Fourth street. population, business and social impor- - subordinate to the other has resulted in Minister had written home a letter disj L. Demers, North Front street. and the the of enslavement should the which unfounded. is what town is not, people O. D. Richmond, Montana street. tance, as paraging to Secretary Fish I obliteration of free Day, Allen A Co., Chicago. government. would to have no newspapers. Who go ! officers are but the' servThat public Hardware. busihave to seems become in live such a town to or engage It very dan ants of the people, properly responsible Gerrisb A Miles,' Montana street. for refuse to a a suitors gerous knowDOW NEWMAN, Propr. existlady ? would Who of its ness to them alone and not to any hierarchy, Huntington, Hopkins A Co., Sacramento. 1?Ver reje.Cte(1 Insurance. FORI f?Ila and ence ? How is such a town to grow in and as such servants and agents shoufd mHE VERY BEST ACCOMMODATIONS -tbe in killed, water wood Uliio, and j J j Corinne Branch of the Great Western, W. H. mother, for Cookhouse, KIRKENDALL; HUGH Freighters. strict accountability in the I free customers. the kill tried for to and the anything? It is seen at once that it be held to a of cott, Agent. bother girl their duties, ana espebecause he had fallen in love Fast Freight, would not. Among the agencies that performance Buy and -Sell Stock. distribution in the of the public herself, cially Coanraa. Fnomr Diamond Proprietor, j B Nonrn j with Stbcbt, line, her picture and afterward with the transform virgin land as it left the rough funds derived from taxation, and should I Hugh Kirken&u. I f jeli-tand , she refused him. From the Fruit hand of Nature into fine towns, the be compelled at least by public opinion, girl, Pacific the comes horrid I D. Iebenbanm A Con Montana street. a tale of coast centers of art and intelligence, of wealth if indeed thev are not by law, to render nine ort. In this case the disappoint-- 1 WILL LEAVE O. H, Elliott, Montana street. , detailed reports of their ed ana strsot. Montana Dehhaltsr, frequent Henry as wretch and power, there is none so potent S&lO f ftTlri jumped out. of;the busn and doings iu and about the affairs of their cut the girls de-- 1 was Each as tnroat. the newspaper. Thus the advertiser, roasters the sovereign people. REBUILT M. House, John Htil. ..a as liberate murder a ever w&s planned. I A UB, old at Stable their the stand, Territorial. town who is usually a That the officers. Int. Rev. CaDaetor. County property owner, Ex, Cumer Iburth and Odorods Streets, Cbrfwas, 0. J. Hollister, Odes, Bank st Carina. j aQd heretofore who have ostensibly is the local City, newspaper, FOR by sustaining Solicit the custom of the traveling public, end True enough, bat a few years ago, affair in Utah kave Lumber. public to beet eecommodetioas are to the pad and none give Vnefitting himself, acted and still do act in contra- - when' Mary Harris deliberately kilted menpeeps end bout. A good Cook House attached to D. W. Farkhnrst, west of depot. LODGE the less because indirectly, far beyond always ventiJon of the foregoing the Stable, and plenty of wood and water free of iAqmoru. DEER HELENA AND principles her betrothed' for braking off his en- charm. Week ranch to taken the Stock Day, by Sea. L Tlbbals, cor. Fifth and Montana street the expense he incurs therein. None of which, for ourselves and onr party, we hav- or Month. a her of Ronsohoff A Con gagement, acquitted I jury M 8RODGRARI JTYCOCK, his investments, be they what they may, proclaim to lie at the basis of free gov 1. M. Bervatt, done any harm whatever. What is jell-t- f . Proprietor, CoM ing k Eeawiaeate, Lindaly EVERY DAY-- & wic T 1 er?rnent ,an Rtxrn( pay him so .well as those made in sup-Leonard Sweet Chiafe Ct T pride and the glory of the Nmeteenrh fair for the goose is fhir for the gander. Bisson; Wallace A CoM Montana street. port of the local newspaper. In noli. entu. and ,b American people j and Stanley Bmml, After" April 10, 1871On ing does Corinne give better evidence of our efforts will not cease until more Stable. lilwerjr The Democrats of the Twenty-firs- t Hoataas C treat. J. B. FniCELL, Herdenbrook Brno, Front street v Tier sagacity than in her liberality in faithful agenis shall be installed in their civil During s Continue District of Tennessee have adopted COMMODIOUS CORRAL and stable J. It Tegert, Mcptene drset s v this respect. May it coutinue and in- places, and these; principles recognized a HAS the accommodation of Freighters. . Stock HeeHnafea. and adopted. preamble and resolutions, sajring that, bought and the Season. sold. crease, and may her newspapers prove W.W.HuU, Bricklayer and Plasterer. That we earnestly commend the fore Inasmuch us the present State ConstiH. H. Horae Good Hi Saddle and Cnrrftaig Shepherd, aptd Sign Painter. deserving of their patronage. going to all good citizens of this Terri- tution gives the, colored man every civil For the accommodation of Freighters end CampZlethlncry. ers, good cook house, with free wood and water. tory as worthy of their acceptance, and and political Oeo.-A- . white the tows,' near the depot' AgiifltunJ rails enjoyed the by Denver Tribune right call 'The says STUCK TAKEN TO RANCH upon them to unite with us as we, Steam Engine Hawkins A Cartr)!, San Francisco Jell-t-f may be laid at once on the Rio Grande and those whom we represent, irrespect-Railroa- d the validity of the XIVth and XVth ve of class, creed or party, stand ready Amendments forms ho substantial issue from to Pikes Denver, See third page of this paper.' grade on of the them with unite to FROM platform before the no and of Tennessee, people mile, wkenthe, erPeek, aeventj-fiv- e Constitution at,d law of thi greet A. W. Deotaaa street Taylor, rive, and they are overdue. The conn Republic, and devotion to our countrys person or paper continuing the agitation r Ptaaraa,, is entitled to the confiHelena J. Baser A Co Chicago. try along the route is fast being taken flag, Republican institutions' and the of that question . and the of dence ef Democracy support settlers. It is proposed to build a people! rights. Plskst. A.r; D. Xf. nrtr Parkhurst, State.de?ot f : also the resolved The route Tha meeting Peak. hotel at Pikes large V '3 Dztzm&U j J A . ? 1 STEAD-SAOTLL- , themselves to into a organize from Colorado City south has posse 1871 , jet Salt Lake City, June 12, DaQy Journal Cee, Fifth street f et tot ty-fif- ad.erti.o jangmy depre ad 1 ad-no- ips tijtj th J i)tbe!.h XLB. lracteLAOe. w r, ftff? , ohinrS h. J pif, cim. I pre-eminent- ly, 'ndr wil, 'SKyears . ti I VHD1 13EOT: a co.o 1 enjoy-cywig- , ui ii '.I ' , 4 e, BILLIARD TABLES -- -Ult- rstOi Lto - ad flo6 ) . 1 I Va nil Zj-Celffo- ld 1 PcdiHc Stable, teiapft - aod. de.n 1 water-power- relig-raone- y ee 8. jeO-Df- c BANK EXCHANGE, y. BILLIARD HALL I 1 0-- f t , 4 first-han- Restaurant d 13.-fo- n MONTANA r nt FAST FREIGHT IF MONTANA Feed and Sale Stable, - EXPRESS LINE! I Glas-sh- ot , . CALIFORNIA StflblG, ?0g(i 1 Ic' CJOIEbllCTIISrE , -- .,.,1, . j - tzr CORINNE STABLE and and . r P 4 - - - DATS I LKMiBBSi. li.i'. I ECLIPSE lf V Corinno to -- , . - -- ! -0- -0- ooo-itatu- s, heeu definitely determined. This i a narrow gauge , road, and the builders Judge Chapman, of Massachusetts, the has solved the .problem of getting unbought tha right of way and most of ited on A mote, at aboout Govern- - prejudiced jurors, which has been forced meat price, considering it cheaper than into sueh prominence of late i He says : Those who take the daily papers are to beg it of Congress.. f" SutT.m, mil koown clerical and I Paired, b Dt tkt Episcopal Church, Ur d re by odhera. TjogJ F auch a lire .ldr and lo disqaalify a opimou wh.ch lie Ear. Cotte. totli, Ur. Jay Cooke, .teted by Chief durtiee Shaw, and Ur. Columbus PeUuo, ban anited most be ; more than a vague something the to Bey. Hfcbey,,the in a Httpr derived from newspaper re whieh is, M We bear of your impression purport That a man who haa some am ports. We rid urrMr,, pRsedos bition to keep posted, and to 'that end wiA jrqa the .same as before- - Year read the newspapers, should be nourg? wo eoaaider ibj& te IfeCwvdi. therefore held1 to be disqualified Go on with your preaebing, ditsiphoo or from jury duty, as he practically is, is no discipline.1 ,r an absurdity, if not worse. Tn JVibwu ojr that twenty r, Sr lbs i writes to die Tribune from Z2ss loads cf cm and that csj hundred Ophir, that Mies Kerrison would begin mine ca the first quarter of school last Motrday, teMAday wiU bo'Wt from Ihe mint the with about twenty five scholars. ; jfof the next Booth or two. - mate, ,.ger pl.d P Jr, i -- i to be ready at the call of the United State Marshal or Sheriff, to ar- CORINNE, - , - f UTAH, OcclSeatal XL FlTcfter, Frogriethr, Montana st rest and bring to justice any person vio- 1 Sootftwfci; lating the provision of die Ku Klox act J A. C1AJQI1S C SOJS, PrCp?0. in Tennessee, and binding themselves to The Arctk, rretans pursue with the uhne and cry, the , of-CatcW:i. I Kwrik pPOt fender beyond the confine of? the di-- 1 RUILEING dmd, Hed Lewk, MA TERIAJL - prietor. trict ; offering a standing .reward of A thebe fso-0coU,HoCtii3( tenet, -9100 for the arrest and conviction of xctaxnSKXtwjx. . wad civil offender Core. the .in district, every ROUGH AND PLANED LUMBER, W 5.' tf ' requesting the Democrat of other conn- Gears EeaACoaMaacftpwt. .x O; ties to organise '"dabs Wader these resoAUOiaem Gftamr A lutions. This is a new.depcrtrse t VszAzz. r t T V s j tv. ' indeed. If the same resolve were made I PARTICULAR ATTLUTICCX CF and kept by the Democrats everywhere, yjjflrn CALL i ' 'r 'f r ir i dmi last of we should sooa katae b eard 1 Kn Klnac-ifD Conctcirtly oa Hcnd. u , " o i 00T, These Is an Effort nriftg to tmite the Sabtf and ClsssM ! Id cefebradon oftfe Anniversary. &ve ceeu between Ing asd Uttfe fishes end by the I T7e former swaHowiftg the latter. 'U. ip z rvj 4 - - - i:tsxi tftivrtfts' tftmsf , . "i 4. r i t ctb i rr3,r-ev- c:i ... ' foe ' ' , - ) . .Bp - J)BBB ifQ VSl - r fcsficsxnxns, tut HXiV., I ;V', : i i i. ' dss3J1 UOZ&& t l 1 1 -- gf , t yJ 1i F- - f-- i' i -1 v 44' . 1 .'J lv I 3 -f Eially .oe ! V-- h- !S 'f ... as fijclJVFk si hJ n X ' sul,ACjt2s2z .n , o-- 7cxfte Wl B U I L; ERS .i 4 ft "Si'aV & 1 v ahd E.I 'k t frry, -- v - Ip. p.: dm Jij fr' f I . -- vr f J3AHXX GOOD9 CAR I Tf V f s i h ji. it i. i |