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Show v r c' 4 V wk&i ari5 yVW 7 T"? w' ' '3wffi?''5'r" &j. . 'Z r,V,, rj4t t ;$ C e M h: ' r.: " h-- j ; x&hs cofiinug, daily jouprjAi.;i the firessmYimi.rftcrMI were in the ' furnaces of akrutsh i lighted Pity of Corinne, and steam ire Tiipfoilow tag gotten up to test the machinery. . lvnrtinemeata and aubacriotiona at onr very hiw- - I p ntt'K, to recehc money for the mime, and to 'tjfiDing worked admirably) and in our stead. day she will start on her trial trip across COBURN A CO,, COOK, the Lake. We learn that none except 87 Dearborn Street, Chicago. the boats crew will be taken on this GEO. P. ROWELL CO., 40 Paris Row, New York. trip, as she goes out to sound and get L. P. FISHER, California St, San Francisco. the lay of the river and lake. ix-rto- WHOLESALE n lulls v r N the steamer AGENTS. are authorized to rv & AND RETAIL DBA LOW CJ 1 ! II.-- ELLSWORTH, M. Kelton, V. SIMPSON, P. M., j. Brigham Cltjr. X. BEIDLER, j. IV. F. A Co.s Messenger. I). F. WHITE, ' Mnlad City, Idaho. tion State ooHcitcd from every secTerritory, a well a from adjoining Notice The proprietors of thispnptr "ill not I rwionHiblc for the acts of uny person not fully authorized, or a ho has not nil order from ui Hi ! j I ARY E. IIEffS?LE3AU, of Tin, Manufacturers WINES and LIQUORS, Hintrs and Freighters --OF- Grocerieo, Etc Liquors, Fall term will commence SUPPLIES RECEIVED fresh Rye and Wheat Bread, best quali- ty. At the same place tickets for sale of the Miners Home Association ; draw-inpostponed to the loth of July next. desirous of obtaining information in Rainfall 1.35 incite. Rarmctfr rorrccted for teinjxjrature, elevution end i lint ni mental error. The ulae report are synchronous. W , 1 1 Li m Mi Kir.ov, Wholesale g Queen sware, Glassware, Hilverware, CORINNE. In and Rctsdl Dealer Bar Fixture, Etc. my'idtf Etc., Etc., W. II. L0UTI1AN, H. M. ELLSWORTH. Farming Implements. Furniture and Bedding, It ()isoror. DEALERS IN CORINNE, STREET, Insure Safety and Palace, Salt Lake City, J. W. LESHER. jROCKER DIPPERS, PICKS, jiontaxa XTROXX Avoid Extra T7dght Agent ftor Barratt 4 Co., Crystal w At City Bakery, on Montana street j and west Goods Packed to --AND-, Monday, Sept. 4th, 1871 JmyltWJm CIGARS, CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, reference to terms, etc., will please apply at once R km km her that the benefit of the M. Gold Puna, Gold Scales, Quicksilver, to K. Church organ takes place REV. EDWARD E. BAYLISS, evening, on which occasion Mr. Philip UTAH SPUING POINT SHOVELS, aD TOBACCO STAPLE AND FANCY Tobaecoo,l?A.T Person , SUPPLIES, MERCHANTS. is progressing on the HefTernan works, on Colorado street. We learn they will be ready to SHEET COPPER, ROCKER IRONS, start up within ten days. , lot PROVISIONS, DEALERS IX ALL KINDS EtCo SHEET IKON WARE. Etc., - Atbear-ackaoBTiU- a, Botany Physiology - t t , ULaltnli aad EcUt) Cealtr FAC1ILY GnOCEqiEG COMMISSION Studies Thorough and Liberal. Copper V (TWO DOORS EAST Of UBTEOPCLtAN COTEL, t Bnglbh Ettrratnrc, A Goff reduction Cori.vnk, May 31, 5 a. x. XX v COKENNIS, ' - -- AND- AND days. War DrpartmentMrtrornloglcnl, Bnl lctln, for the Urneflt of Commerce. BIftaa 'ii . XXatkcmatlca reports m time to appear for the past Work - (Formerlj Pri ucinal of the Young Ladies IUiaoU.) am, ALSO Mr. McElroy did not manage to get Ins j t Supsrintesdgat implements. Mining Tcrritorie. 1 ; EEV. EDV7AUD E. BAYLIBS, AND Hie writers name, in all Owing to the heawa storms, and the t to the must manim-ripguaranaccorajany c&k, difficulty in working tllO telegraph lillCS, faith. ilalce short and newsy. tee rood b and ' P A VAolcsab Grcccro . Principal. Gone West. Mr. Alex. Cummings the popular passenger conductor of the C. P. R. R., leaves this evening for a months visit among his friends and relatives in the Golden State. We wish him a pleasant trip and safe return. Si'of Correspondence the 4 t V Corinne, Utah, STOVES , NAILS, IRON, j llardrarc, f rermE academy, 't tO-roce- ipt Sholf and Hoavy mmiwm&fh, Thoilccky tlcuntab , ELLSWORTH & LOUTII AH. AND AND FORWARDING AN- Dloading several teams with The Concert. A fair audience j,rovisions this week for the Snake River GOODS. Constantly receiving a fine assortment greeted Sig. A. Farini and his able assis- and Cariboo mines, Goldberg is still HOUSE FURNISHING tants at the Opera House last evening, willing and ready to load seeral more OF oon their fir.st appearance in vocal and and has the goods to do it with, ml 8 instrumental concert, and we heard none C II A R S, EVERYTHING FOR A COMPLETE OUTFIT TO JJ XJ R E A U S, INDUCEMENTS KELTON, UTAH TERRITORY, and remarks best most the the hut J. Strauss k Co. keep complimentary The piano largest stock of Boots and Shoes, Gents made of the performance. Agents Wells, Fargo & Co.s Exp. . REFERENCES. fairly talked under the able hands of Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc., that can F R E I U H T, HU NT lil I N E IDAHO. KITCHEN SAFES, LOUNGES, Sig. Farini, especially in his favorite je found in the We.st. Store on Mon- Bank of Idaho, National First and tana street, between Fourth and Fifth Greathouse Bros. Mocking Bird pieces of the mil Yankee Doodle with variations. As IX FKAMCISCO, IT. A Kellogg IT. X Bodge Co.A Wilsnordlna a pianit the Prof, is unsurpassed by any Co. IFrfls, Fargo A Co. Buttson Go to L. Huffman's if you want Barker, NATTRA8 SE8 AND BEDDING, in the Rocky Mountains. His singing some good Clothes made to order. He was also well received. Sing Birdie has a fine ALSO, A VARIETY OF 13" Mark PaclmKeM jtoek of Cassimeres, etc. OpMrs. rendered swcetlv was by Singo , m2tf posite Metropolitan Hotel. Ac Maggrc- Ivenyon and loudly encored. AND FOURTH FIFTH, BETWEEN Sai.e-BroAt Hardenbrook Mules for Merchants and Freighters May,by Prof. Farini and chorus brought --O. end Shipping Receipts to KELTON, mvl9 stables. down the house and w'as repeated. Utah. Call to Invited with each Consignment at UTAH, u Corinne, and Sweet BABY CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, Happy be thy Dreams Goods Spirit bear my Fray or, were both sung TOGETHER Goods Forwarded to all parts of --AND by Mrs. Glascott, in a manner that is Idaho. never excelled, the audience loudly callt- - Particular attention paid to orders by mail. myddtf WITH A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF was which for a granted. repetition ing HAND. MIRRORS, ALWAYS The Tnlor sisters gave perfect satisfac' v f v" tr Farewtdl tion in Winsome Winnie, N)DA WATER, CONFECTIONERY, ICECREAM C A. BROADWATER, E. G. MACLAY, Kiss me Mother Kiss Mother, and BRANCH OF THE STEELE. h CARROLL 1 four hande The piano LKKEKBAUM. L. Darling. i your - AT - LAYV, Hpecinl IV ot com. and Ojas Cretan, by Mrs Kenyon and L. SALT LAKE CITY. A M0I1H w itli the Tiavilei. Sportmuim, tli Sig. Farini, was an arlKtic piece of playT and the Immigrant Man of jnixim tH, the Miner, inySotf TYD ing. and allregrctted its finale. Messrs. Tonrit, "ill lind it to tlieir advantage to remain DDD Farini and Taylol in a duette were over at Ogrltn, at the Ogden llou-- ao a to be I3. f rrV I11TIXXX When the Swallows freh to take train for the Eat or Svit Lake City. Kirkemlalla Bloik, North Side of the Track. loudlya encored. ion as any house in GROCERIES, V GROCERIES, Homeward Fly, by Jit. McKay, was We oiler as good areommodat D. J. HEYFEONi Propr. ; OB to and fiom the hacks Free Utah Territory. CIGARS, CIGARS, JOHN MAHON, rendered, and Mrs. M. gae d. pot. , excellently f Kis-constantly on hand the choicest cuts of IB mv20-3Proprietor. evidence of a powerful voice. Miss JenPORK, TOBACCO, MUTTON, TOBACCO, BBEP, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. in her DR. R. R. ROBERTS. M. D., Physician and BACON, nie Black sang SAUSAGE, Pretty Birds NOTIONS, NOTIONS, EGGS, BUTTER, Dr. llolioita treats aneeeisfnlly all Curable LARD, i usual .sweet style, and her piano playing CONFECTIONERY the and VEGETABLES, Animal CORNED Magnetism Diaeasea, ly BEEP, G. MACLAY & CO., Proprietors. E. The misere scene from Cluonie was excellent. Etc. Swedish Movement O re giving medicines only lien Etc., Etc., - 0S.OOO.OOO mv2-lt- f Capital Btock, 11 THIS IS THE Trovatore, by Mrs. Kenyon, Mrs. absolutely necessary. Dr. Roberts baa established - 01.000,00 Capital, SADDLERY. CALIFORNIA McKay and Prof. Farini, was excellently bis offire on hecond South street, opposite the Re ONLY EXPRESS LINE HAVING Branch Oflcers, Corinne, U. T. House, Sslt Iaike City, permanently, until Occidental Restaurant, rendered, and was, in our estimation, the vere -0mj20-3further notice. IT. S. HAUOOIIOFF. Connection j Previous to the President, gem of the evening. H. F. FULLER, - - Proprietor, Through Eastern 27AT OTEIXT. Jobbera in nil kinds of Director, last scene" Mr. Taylor appeared before Found Drowned. On Friday last the Montana Hi., Corinne, the curtain and stated that Sig. Farini body of a man was found by J Ilanager , - W. H. GLASCOTT. ADVISORY BOARD i Rear of KnneyV Billiard Ialare. from Corinne to contemplated locating permanently in rupn the slough in Gale's field, about Days Eight MAKE FRUIT A SPECIALITY Y'k S. L. TIBBALS. ED. CONWAY, Corinne, for tlie purpose of giving its a injie soutb of Ogden, says the Junctiox. Meals From 2 Sets, to One Dollar. HBl6I1cL I of ladies and gentlemen an opportunity body was only clothed iu a shirt and Board by the Week fiom $5.00 to $8.00. jbe Attorney E. P. JOHNSON. And Dealers will find it to their Corinne Leave inTeams and vocal in BxpreM u instructions been had and vest receiving pant but a coat Advantage to BUY OF US, as one mental music, and urged that he be vj0bslv found about a hundred yards MEALS AT ALL H0URSi Jj; DAY. Seaof ottr Firm is, during the storks and dwellings, liolden FROM the Merchandise, at fair rates of premium. At supported according to his aTknowledgcd yrom SELECTING FRUIT son, inquest corpse. To Insure Speedy Trannporfataon mark Particular attention given to the insurance of THE OllCHABBS and i.uxu- Coroner Fife, the following facts were ability. As a whole the concert was a ' the and private Barns and their contents, mith all Dwellings sutplif.d tho market. The let Restaurant in Packages for a term of voars at reduced rates. Wo would success, and the musical talent repre- - j dicitod j From papers found in his Tables tow li. Oicn for onlers of any kind day or night. respectfully invite the attention of nil wish Via Far West Freight Company, Shipping by tho Car Load, most E. seated does credit to our city. ing insurance to this Home Company, especially trunk at tie railroad depot, the checks for myl.'Uf Time Freight. those whose Insurance Is about to expire, know in Tie are therefore Enabled to in his pocket, the dead man's were wfi'cb that we can give rates that will be entirely sativ . Lcmuek entcr Qwr for the South. D 5 was He name was Henri Koepke. O. UNDERSELL ANYBODY, factory. W. H. GLASCOTT, DD RR prising friend, 1). W. Iarkhurst, Esq., a RRR Manager. DDD lUrk ha,r n,u' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ..ioncor in the trade, ns we have before fe,'t 8 inches h'?1' ,in1 my2dtf Care Line, LLL EKE and at tho same time furnish the and appeared to be about: 3a LL EE stated, aware of the importance of the moustache, PEACHES, Hie hod) was so en APPLES, Co., E Huntington, Hopkins trade of the mining sections, and pnrtic-- 1 year3 f AND ORANGES LEMONS, i nJ IMPORTERS OF UTAH. tdarlv of the means of transportation, I from b!"g CORINNE, Niitw, out came ihe beard and hair the by has V made arrangements to establish my2dtf AND ALL OTHER He had a scar under the chin, lumber yarvl at Lake Point, and perhaps roots. from the n?ht jaw to w.th.n TROPICAL PRODUCTIONS, at other place, oa the south side of the cxted,nS if luft as lnch f oar. apanng " UTAH Powder, CORINNE, Lake. He will famish lumber to Tiutic, an been had his throat time some cut, at llontana Street, 13eltiti a, Stockton, Ophir, etc. Success. but the wound had healed up again. He Arrivals at the Metropolitan Hotel, vas itientified as the mau Mho arrived BOOk End StcltlOnBry ot0r6. CORINNE, UTAH, ranI San ofl G. Johnston, May 31st. J. MILLING, MINING Ogdon from the West on the 14th Alteuys on hand the Latest Jas. Sacramento OPERA MatVO-AZIlS'IC; THE HOUSE,) or cisco ; II. B.Welsh, (EAST AND au was found to be crazy, and a- W Cal B. ofHyde, & Periodicals, under tbe care of the railway Campbell, Ogden; Newspapers Wholesale and Retail dealers In M. Jas. k my2dtf W. W. ; No. 94 K Street, Hanscom, fornia; cers? but subsequently made his escape. and M Williams Lake was "Salt on in. ; Wallace, .pjie as tjme he was seen alive, two ladies, Boston, Mass.; E. H. Orth, my.Vdfim ;nstM when he was washing his BaltiFrom dothes in T.' Emmets water ditch. Ogden ; George S. Diffenderffer, found upon his person.it N. & G. W. CORINNE, UTAH. more; Hugo Holm, Denver; Oliver P. a bill of goodshe watch a that purchased gM Hughes, San Francisco ; R. Cotlm, -- baIt appeals THREE DOORS WEST OF POST OFFICE, d chain, gold shirt stnds and sleeve Francisco. San N. Francisco: j buttons ofF. Gruner, San Lake; Mayer, articles were found in his latter The on commenced The rain storm that Wholesale and Retail deeders In but the watch and chain were tmlJ And give the Trade the Benefit of ur in but with was S50 continued his gold pockets Monday morning missing. In de- Aou-clievaof the - and silver coin. effects The mornGovernment slight intermission until yesterday Coronor. the of hands the are ceased in Coin, Gold mg, A rcsulent ot tins county for twenLIQUORS, 0--0 them by which . TOBACCO, and severe most Exchange. the ty years says it was IOI 131 fricnJs can be traced. The person dl&l in CIGARS, gj-a- ll orders promptly attended to. ON DRAWN DRAFTS SIGHT were storm he ever witnessed in the Territory. purwhom' the watch, etc., CAN The succc.s of the crops of this Terri- - chased has been written too, but up to New York, AND LAMPS, FURNITURE, enr the present .time no repl has Chicago, tory is a certain tv - in consequence. 9 Han Frunciaco, eeied. The. police are on the lookout fiie as and watch chain, DIRECT FROM, THE .ORCHARDS, llrf the rrici1al Cities Fast and West. We - learn that the Carter theatrical for the missing PLATED WARE, was noticed on Koepke when he chain AIM TO KEEP A GENERAL Bar Fnrnltarej atpc, who delighted the citizens of thts he 16,u in5, at Kmmets of Freeh Onmria both for Family m OR, QMSCMSM. and the Jobbing Trade. place on a former occasion, are soon to The supposition is that .the un- G2DKZ3 PROMPTLY return. Their trip portions of fortunate lunatic fell into the ditch, and, PERSONAL I II IIOUCO as 6CC33 Desired. ATTENTION PROMPT FUmCllinO here, Pnrchaaen from the aaioM are requested t ex R- Repacked AD into the Xeada and Utah has a verv sc- - after drowning, w'as washed outwater. amine our prices. tsptitl mv3dtf my2d6m lough by the rapidly running After Commission OFFER -- erchanto, I I Tables, Bedsteads, J -- t Va shstands, Cribs, MONTA NA STREET, s. -- t Cure E. Metalic Burial Cases. I.. are my2-13- Examine their, Stock and Prices. m , CORINNE CITY niy2-dt- A. HUGGAN, ATTORNEY MAHKKT. C. e, OVERLAND PDDD l)l)I)DO KEKE KEE iSje EE v LEBENBAUM & CO. GREAT WESTERN HR RRR RRRRR LLLL LLL LLL LL Insurance Go., Fire , m EXPRESS LINE, 'AND vv m -0- FRUIT g I -- pre-str- INSURES YERY OTHER i I H. ELLIOTT, ae CHOICEST OF Limes, ar A D. CONWAY, HARDWARE, FRUIT, IRON, HTEEL, Fu, I ROPE, &C., HOSE, in J H, ta-e- BUILDING MATERIAL, n I m BANK OF CORINNE, qUE NSW ARE, CHINA, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, BUY AND HELL I , rut, I 5 Sacramento. STANLEY, Montana Ht., Corinne, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Lonjj Experience. 3I J J CIIANDALIKRS, I TOUITS fruit shipped K . CONFECTIONERY. WE in iL nuat) 1 I u t ' i 4 e :V -- t. a M - t. it t r JL Mr - i ' i vY t 4, r is r' J k fsis-- i &' - H , J.1 .... . ? vv sf fA j r f VL, - r 'J .'L rf t. 1 j5. , "J 1 C'H t " V ) f ' K , S vT. ' CftT Am T J |