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Show - A . .S' - 1 I ? J ' - ' -- ' - .,' t 'T' V i ' t , ) J 1 ' , :.i:.i yju: 3H!tUD ViL ' VOL. I. CORINNE, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY GEORGE L. HOLT, rKALR CORINNE DAILY JOURNAL. published IX Evry Morning, (except BOOKS, STATIONERY, NEWS, E. P. JOHNSON, A. HUGGAN, Attorney & Counselor at Law ATTORNEY - A.'T - LAW, NO. 23 27, 1871. Beecher After the Bible Balsa. Ball Ai Yesterday Plymouth Churchwts From the Cleveland Nacs of April 10th we copy this for the benefit of our base ball players : While the ball players in Cleveland and elsewhere are getting their hands toughened and their muscles strung for the stubborn contests that will take place this season, the spectators who wish to a wonder of floraf decoration. Lilies tud? WALL PAPER, nr choice exotics bloomed upon the plat --AX I SAXT CITY. LAKE Cutk-rhr 1ocktt and Notions of all kinds. form, and the Rev. Mr. Beecher-waKENYON & the bower. In a the evening perfect myiotf In. Post Office Building, I'libli.-wlier-s and. Prop's. Reverend gentleman preached upon tho. COltlNNE, : : : : : UT1II CORfNN e UTAH. A. F. TILDEN. and its use. He said the sacred, Bible LAWRENCE. C. J. t Trim bij Mail or Erpress, Postage to be V was full of half truths, and that volume HOOT AND SHOE Void at Ojjlce of Delivery. must MANUFACTORY. get to half truths before they understand the coming games accurate- men FRUIT IN SEASON. u 00 $10 Throe Months, could arrive at whole ones. OH added: - One Vtr. 00 Montana Street, Corlnne. Street East ly, and be well up in the piuts, will 5 000ue Monti l, Temple - 1 25 J,X Molltllii, O(Opposite Metropolitan Hotel) need to scan with some care the amend- that we were, not to take the Bible as A FULL ASSORTMENT OF SALT LAKE UTAH. CITY, made boots to in order the ed rules for the season. We give below wholly true. All that David said wasnt Gents must approwd styles and satisfaction FRESH all that the prophets said wasnt TILDEN A LAWRENCE, VEGETABLES, NUTS, guaranteed. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. true, and the essence of the amendments : ' AND Proprietors. 1. The ball now weighs from five to true. l Repairing Neatly Done. bf tbe C O X FE CTIO NER Y, myiy-t- f the of authenticity measures It ouuces. UNITED .STATES OFFICERS FOR VTA II : Speaking five and a quarter A. GUNN. II, Constantly on hand at Governor Gtorp L. AVckmIs, Orejfun. nine and a quarter inches in circum- Bible, the Reverend gentleman declared O. A. care if it was proved to Utah. George Itlaek, HENRY DENHALTERS. ?rrt'iry ference, and the weight of rubber used that he didnt KirkeudolPs I'haf Juftirc J. II. McKean, New Ymk. Side North the of Track. Block, written in the third cenwas him that it ISAAC. D. IIUNT00N, in its composition is just one ounce. Aitorhitr Juticrs O. F. Strickland, Mit h., ami Corner 4th and Montana Streets, - - Corixxe. Moses never lived.' The D. J. HEYFE0IT, Propr. ti. M. 2. The pitcher is now obliged to de- tury, and that , . M. T. Patrick, r liver the ball tb the bat, high or low book was there, and it was a good book, Cal. I'. S. Attorney C. II. Keep constantly on hand the choicest cuts of Corner Rattery and Washington Sts., BEEI-'- , ROND, striker calls for it. If he asks and that was all he wanted. Mr. Beecher Surv !r General C. O. Clnmenth, Ind. MUTTON, PORK, as the low THE ONLY read the Psalms prrnrer of Public Moneys .1. 11. Owiton. Pa. for a SAN FRANCISCO, ball, then the ball must be advised every : one to CAL. BACON, Hnfliter of Land Office George it. Muxuwll, Practical Scourer & SAUSAGE, Solomon had He continued If M ii. pitched to him between the knee and carried out his own King Repairer RKFKRENCRS EGGS, LARD, BUTTER, maxims, how much I'. A Assessor Joint P. Taggart, III. OF waist, or balls will be called. If he CORNED & MUNRO, VEGETABLES, CORINNE CREIGHTON U. BEEF, iS ( 'olkitor J. have been I" would old man Hollister, tJ. (' asks for a high ball, then they must be better the - K Kl.TON LADIES SILKS AND SATINS, ELLSWORTH & LOUTH AN, Etc. Etc., Etc., sent in between waist and shoulder, or Then, with an emphatic slap of his haod my2-dmy2-dAND TERRITORIAL OFFICERS : he added: The Herald may put that; , the peualy will be inflicted. GENTS CLOTHING. The Bible was gento Wnt. II. Congress JhUyide 3. In case the striker calls for a low in if it wants to. TIERNAN & WILLIAMS, H. H. SHEPHERD, (Nearly opposite the Post Office) Attorney General Zeriibbabel Siam. as a species of charm or MONTANA STREET, ball, for instance, and fails to hit at the erally regarded CORINNE. Marshal J. 1). T. McAllister. no saw he House and Sign Painter, particular sanctiAi'ddi r Win. (ia ton. first low ball pitched to him, then strikes amulet, yet Juim-Jack. as any other made Tieayonr muMt be called on him ; but a strike ty about it. It was Paper-hange- r, Etc. Sitp'vi ntcndrnt if Common Schools Robert L. Olazier, Past Temple Street, Salt hake CUy. canuot be called on the first ball pitched, book, and possessed the same attributes. Heil and C ii.iid 11. 4. If a pitcher throws a ball to the bat You might build a house of Bibles, then House. Salt done with neatness nml dispatch. Lake Opposite aud you would n t be any ho-- , WORK left al the shop, corner of Front and either in the ordinary way or by an un- - ljve in SVI.T I. ARE COUNTY OFFICERS: Fioth streets, will receive prompt attention. throw, as so many do, then the er Once, he said, he wrote an article Probate Judge Elias Smith. Bullion Ores and mv7tf the Ledger on Cain, in which he Bought. umpire must call balls on him for foully - CORINNE Srlftmen Reuben Miller, Isaac M. Stewart, MONTANA STREET, P.i mentioned that it wasnt very clear who JijuiJ inton. delivered balls, and after a sufficient myl9-t- f UNION BAKERY, Curontr II. S. Reatie. All heat the qualities of number of balls have been called to give Cains wife was. hi ext day be receiveav Sheriff U. T. Hurton. FRESH ! three runs, the game becomes forfeited a bushel of letters inquiring his views Prostrating Attorney Z. Snow. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS. and Collector It. J. Golding. Cains better halt. Now, .tMer AND PIES CAKES, BREAD, by the partv whose pitcher thus throws concerning Treasurer Themlore McKean. Mr. matter1 what said does it And a Good Stock of Beecher, This docs not apply to ordithe ball. ibuiity Clerk E. V. Koat. .T. who Cain s wife was? us Edwin I. AVoolley. to I'ouut Recorder Other, unfair to AND but CIGARS MONTANA LIQUORS only CORINNE, nary balks, however, STREET, O. I). 32 Shoot Superintendent Robert L. Campbell. con- were the people, Kipt constantly on hand. preacher averred, TO THE CITTRENS OF THIS CITY delivery. kiim.fr i the about themselves GEORGE HASP, Propr. OFF variety of goods in liis line, 5. If the fence back of the catcher be tinually bothering m UTAH. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CORINNE, nearer to home base than ninety feet, greftt horned beast spoken of Scnp-ever- y AT AUCTION PRICES! should live and die f California Canned Fruit, passed ball touchiug that fence ture. Such peopleLew COXSI8TINO OF a lurk Sun, March Grain and Vegetables. m'enagene. Scliool Bookii, Cutlery, Dry Good, etc. ives the base runners a base. . G. Any pitched ball touching the umt Corlnne. S E C 0 NIT II A NJ) GOOD S Second Hand Goods Bought and Sold. Cor. ItH mul Montana, and no man . IlusB CaAIlACTER. O OC Of th MS-pire becomes a dead ball, WHOLESALE and RETAIL , , n Bought and Sold. Mrs. H. K. PAINTER, M. D. suc nor can a sachusetts editors is out be can UTAH. CORINNE, put T. M. LIXDLKT. Dealers in E. M. FRY. YM. KLEIX80RQK journeying in Irebase be run on it. , I1Um 1 lours from IMo 12 -- V. M. land. He tells in one letter of the pov- 7. A player running from home to DRUGS, PAINTS, and squalor he saw in the worst por--t OFFICE AT K. It. DEPOT. first base is now allowed to over-ruhis erty HENRY LEI WES, tions of Dublin, and adds. : I should im- -' OILS, PERFUMERY, that he does not attempt (Successors to Lindley A Loliman,) base, provided agine such wretches would be as desperWholesale and Retail TOILET ARTICLES, ' to run to second, but returns to the first ate S. A. M VAN. TUu., 1TC11. in mind as in Circumstances', but IMPORTERS, directlv. GROCERIES LIQUORS, CIGARS?, Etc. Etc are not. They indulge in chaff and. Etc., 8. Ibe first game of aser.es bay.ng they y SMma ,BS mcougruous as, hulor Smdh side of Montana Strut, near oth, Tobacco, Etc., Etc. been placed, the return game ATTORXEYS-AT.LA,lanco.mu3io in a charnel hoise. This I'nVilh Sired, near Montana, AND DEALERS IN played w.tum sixty days ot the date oi elasticity of mind under' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. the' first game, or the game will be for ms7" dlstmssbgi.d depre"" niyll-t- f UTAH. CORINNE, felted by tbe club fa.lmg to play the h is a phenomenon of the Irish challenging club, J he same, too, in character I am unable to understand the case of a third game. 46 and 48 K Street, 51. K. LV5li:i El. With superabundant causes for losing i. i. stowfll. 1). Any member of a club who has vrr Ar'roitTsricN' &ith jn flbemaelvea and everybody else, AND RETAIL DEALER IN SACRAMENTO boon expelled from bis club tor dishonor- 111X32W1CTXY. yyilOLESALE REPORTER OFFICE, Jt enough to in3Ure the wUh of Wholesale and Retail dealers in rule does conduct the not define -- the aro. Irish UTAH V vi expectation, earthly UtmiNNE, DRY GOODS, BEAR RIVER HOUSE, tlie term- - is prohibited from taking part prob-!lbiGROCERIES, 1HA 3dtf coutauted o nation as any m a match game during the season of Orders front a Distance J'romfdlif Piled the BOOTS and SHOES, Nothing dampens their, gphe. chills Front Street, and j emits Iteasonalde. Corinne, his expulsion. their spirit, nothing O. ardor, nothing WINKS AN1 CIGARS AT THE PAR, Tj a 1 0. With clubs the best can take professional defot,) (opposite FLOUR. their LIQUORS, unconquerable hope. Colorado St., near Steamboat Rinding, three in five constitute a regular series Life at itsaway Collector Inimud lie venue. CORINNE, is a very rigadoon to. darkest A. STAHN, Proprietor. E. UTAH, of match. the of a In KIRKE.mtLLS BLOCK, games m OdJniJ them. When other people drown and OLf FICU, Amateur Association the old rule of best Corner North Front and Sixth Streets, themselves, the mercurial Hiber- hang out-ostill three two HANK OF CORINNE. 1L prevails f uiau borrows a pipe, whistles defiance at HOUSE IS NEW, AND TRAVELERS 11. A ball being knocked out of the UTAH. 11IILS find tli best accommodations in the city. CORINNE, m7tf and believes undoubtingly in a .WHOLESALE BUTCIl IIS. Tlic table will always be provided with the hand of a- fielder while touching the fate, tomorrow. Corner th and Montana Streets, - - - C'ORIXXE. base runner, does not prevent the latter brighter Y. V. JJest the Market Affords, R. B. V. UHKK. VIOLIl WAPSWOllTH. G. R. UMITH. from being decided out. Our correspondent at Spartanburg and MUTTON sold PORK, BEEF, and no pains ill bo spared to inako the guests 12. In the Amateur Association no learned that and within a few weeks, in a Side Plasterer, or tile comfortable. Bricklayer Carcass, by Quarter. PHILIP WADSWORTH & Co. Hai ulnars supplied with tho choices brands of club can play a game in their nine who ftCarolina South county, three men None but Good Workinm Employed. has been or is to be compensated for his single Cho ice Alt alt far Families always on hand. or killed, thirty forty were shot, f JOBBERS OF Liquors and Cigars.ui.v2d3nt services, either by money, place or weie 0 but not 'one fatally, and hundreds were emolument. All order promptly attended to. In only one instance was an w. The above forms the principal amend- - whipped. SA5I. 11K0WX. pkiou. ma(le for th'ese crime8 and in that The lilghet Prices paid for fat stock. ments to the rules. W1NSCHELL IS PKEPAKEI) TO FURN-caae f Qran(j Jury found no bill, aud Lp . p. AND ish any ipuntity of the Justice who issued the warrant was I Took Bail. druven out 0f town. Revenue officer AND IMPORTERS Gents Goods, Furnishing a perch. This is are i1 danger of their lives, and appeal on the c.u at the dejKt at Mm. Hattie buuk, confined in 'M North Front Strut, Close to Depot, tur sujxTior to any building matci i.il in the coun1o ,he President for protection. ' .Tof--' 3G Lake Street, Nos. 34 and UTAH. niyddtf CORINNE, try tor permanent improvement. County Jn.1 on the charge of killing her fenM u cba d the victim9 of " in Eureka, got away from that husband on Restaurant the ILLINOIS. CHICAGO, Style. Kept . . ot ivian tbe that T. O. ICUINKY, voting tor tne1 eleven oclock institution about half-paModern Luxury ,niy5-il6Good Clean lleds. R);publi.an ,Jty. In the most 2i5turbed O- - CORINNE, a. the to and m., jlONTANA ST., yesterday up present The Celebrated Sam Brown Shirt the freedom of election-i- , for C. CORThLl.. E. C. ALLKX. I. C. IAY. VVM. T. ALLKX. Dealer in has not been heard from though dis.icts tbe abolisbcd time execution and anting of Made a Specialty. GROCERIES and LIQUORS. Spires and others are out trying th aw3 of The 3uspended. object JAMES CHAPLOW, 185.3. ESTABLISHED 1853. to strike her trail. The jail contains two Klan is 'cannot GENERAL DEALER IN If they cells which at present are occupied bv Ll contro1 Proprietor. of A State GovernraehW by ' No. 93 male Wabash three the For sake of 111 Avenue, Chicago. T.VI prisoners, AllDMATET?mvUdtf the exercise of the suffrage, they will and in order not to crowd all decency, it by means of the bullet and the SILVER STAR HOTEL! the male prisoners into oue cell Hattie get lash. N. Y. Tribune. W. McNUTT & CO., MONTANA - - - was allowed in the day time to stop in MONTANA STREET, CORINNE. 34 & 36 Randolph St., Chicago, the front room of the jail, which is used Office. FOURTH ST., CORINNE, How She Had Him. It wont do to Wholesale and Retail Opposite Post Oas a jailors office and bedroom. She of Wabasli Avenue.) (Comer tricks on some women. A man GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. was undoubtedly supplied from the out play 1C. named Hotchkiss, the other night, HOARD and LODG1XG per week, - $0 or side screw driver or a FFKKS TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE HOARD per week, would have 3ome fcn ia th he on ?7 (.") and Mirroundir.g country, the lct quality ot SINGLE DEALERS I- Nfor yesterday, at the time mentioned ; ought wife MEALS, f0 ORDERS FROM UTAH TERRITORY loose brick shall be filled at lower rati than she proceeded to don a suit of d 50 LODGING, n iii:mt. above, the the dJineycinlo j: in PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, mans clothes any other rate. my5:d6m e Fnnto Ivlivered to any diirinl place on the most J. belonging SA TISFA CTION GUARANTEED, her TO0In- - Sohe crept softly out of bed, terms. nijJntf ston, who sleeps there, and hich was and with nothing ou ,nt Oils, Paints, DAHLER & LEWIS SILVER, Propr. HUSSEY, hinight drea2 CO., over the bed, end plied her Hnea;ed Window hanging' Varnishes, stairs Glass, and ICE, f up got out on the roof, screw-drive- r until she loosened the lock Mr. Hotchkiss (Succcsssore to Wilson A Morton,) Ileal In the Mnrkd.'otl dropped nineteen bricks FINE TOILET ARTICLES, snfificientlvto enable her to force utonoor down the Delivered Every Day in Quantities to suit Purchimney, each with a vigoronj with the a to AND poker belonging by but bis wi(i; ncrer screamed sol- chasers, stove. Previous to taking leave of her 3,anl) ila t!mc. So Mr. Hotchkiss gave it up LIVERY, ; FEED dr SALE STABLE GOODS. tall companions she offered to set them andJlhought he wou!d UTAH. CORINNE, g0 don my2d3m aU free, but they declined; when she Orders from Ahrond I'linnptly A f AND COR RAH Mrs. Hotchkiss but hadher hejvd out th teudetl to. told them to The Stockholders of the and left, remarking Best Accommodation for Freighters uiw'Jtf him all the watching time, aid be caught. she that wouldnt Hattie and Travelers. is finished, he she shut up tha First National Bank of Utah T. IX. Corner Front and Sixth Street., - - - Corixxf, a very had egg. ll.e awful enme she ,hn fa3tened and ou the ihsida. it Compose the Firm. has committed beam no harder on ber M. HotchkiM .forward intimated to UTAH. CORINNE, TlAXCjriXG Jir WRIGHT'S GOLD DCST, COTX AMD F.TC1TAXGE mmd than would the killing of a rat. her frirads (hat .he thought' STOCK TAKEN AY AND NIGHT HERD. She may be caught, though the chances sjje coofidiDg (Opposite Metropolitan Hotel) Sold D. CASS, and 0. from these Stable, to Ranch, n Bought President, . . UTAH. tORIXXE, A Eureka chum of favorable. Collections will receive proic.pt attention. Reasonable Terms. 7. T. FIELD, Cashier. are not ' A who New Remedies for Burns. Two warf acquit&d not long since hers, my2dtf my2-dCOMMODIOUS CORRAL of the charge of grand larceny, had a new remedies for burns are added to th AND Jiand in her escape, and everything, no long list. The first is chartoal. A piece Occidental Restaurant, d Accommodations for Freighters of vegetable charcoal bid on a burn tX doubt, was ready for a rapid exodns. Government Vouchcw, and Immigrants. Reveille. Austin once soothes the pain, and if kept H. F. FULLER, niy2-dtpi Proprietor, SPORTING, MINING Coin, Grold. Dust, jahed for an hour cures it compWtly. i The Style. Wedding invitations The second one is sulphate of iron, ENTIS-TBY- . Montana StH Corlnne, and Exchange. now AND contain mow eards than ever, vis.: This was tried by M. Joel, in the t, SIGHT DRAFTS DRAWN ON the bride a card; second, the drena Hospital, Louisiana. Inthiscora Rear of Kuney Billiard Palace. New York, grooms; third, the. brides mothers; a child, four years of aga, had been ex Meals flrom 95ets to One Dollar. Of Suiter ior Strength and Cleanliness. then the Ceremony card; then the tensively burned. Chicago, Suppuration was ' nrgicnl and Mechanical Dentistry. invitations to the receptions; than the abundant and so offensive the Week Jiom $o.00 to $8.00. Board San Francisco, by that they AMERICAN METALLIC And the Principal OMei East and West. containing the married name of dered the child a tepid bdth, containi: Artificial teeth inserted on Gold, Silver or Vul- IMCsiAlLiSj JAjTj jAjLsLI HOjUlRiS! Monday,) y MERRICK, Solicitor Chancery. my2-dli- a SALT LAKE HOUSE -- s -- I. ck a- - of 4 P. MARKET. - ' my2-cUii- u. -- II.tAvl.-v- , Commission Merchant, my2-d3- m GEORGE I x , --- --- A -- tf tf my2-d:l- Assayers, ni Fischbachs SALOOIT der-han- d fr Auction Prices I. mv2-d:i- m Id DloND, J. W. GRAHAM, M. D. OFFICE, E'ARWELL, mj'2-dt- ...... IIUKLCUT BROS., my2-13- niy2-(13- m T ni LINDLEY & CO., -- n iav7-tl.i- ni r 1 FITCH & MANN, Wholesale W, CORINNE niv2-lJ- Grocers, m 1 DENNIS J. TOOHY, my2-d.l- layv, LIQUORS, L. DEMERS. m I I CITY -- mv5-ul- BEER AND ALE. I J V y J. HOLLISTER, 3IAliTIN ria ni SON, - inv2-d(i- HULL, -- , rnv2-dt- BUILDING SfrONK. .... U , MASONIC v-- iuy2-dt- CLOTHIUG-- HOUSE, i arrt te BROWN & PRIOR, Manufactururs of Fine Furnishing Goods .f. st -- HILLIARD HALL, LLIL DAY, ALLEN & CO., 1 WHOLESALE mv2-d3- . my5-d6- m O-IROOIEJ- IS, J. BREWERY -- 3. WINSCITELL dao DRUGGISTS, -- I w-lt- h case-knif- j, t. reason-n.tW- lUVKIt e, fire-pla- ce f my2-dt- Hardenbrook Bro.s M. XIOTJXI. I BANKERS. ... TAGERT, Quaker City Stables, i FANCY I BANK OF CORINNE, trap-doo- r, ,00, D 1 tf Oriental Powder Co. BUY AND SELL tf Dr. H. HADLEY, A CLSl-Firs- BLASTING POWDEII 41 or-car- ds AMMUNITION All Operation Warranted HA MONTANA COMPANY, A. W. TAYLOR, - STREET, CORINNE, (Three doors west of Tost Office.) Agent OFFICE SECOND DOOR WEST OF IN O. mv2dtf COLLECTIONS WILL RECEIVE rnARLF.S SUPPLIED WITH ALL THE LUXU-- 1 ries of the market. The best Restaurant In PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION tow n. Open for orders of any kind day or night, rnyiatf . y2d3m bridesmaids, ushers 'and groomsmen; j minutes each flaythe suDoSstb nd last, a card engraved with Please its odor, and the child' wasconvalescS? " ( this door. ' the r; at Medical Press. ' present . j u j rTTTTr .y,9 " |