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Show - s - -v- V'.V?. -r. i 4 n. viAVi; i i VL VOL. I. CORINNE, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY Care of the T th. Ax Incident in the Laura D. Fair & best and safest tooth-wasin the Trial. The San Jose Patnot of April Published Every Momlug, (except world is tepid water. , There is not a 28th is responsible for the following : tooth powder in existence, or a tooth-wasMonday,) IN On the night of the day that the jury, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS BT that does nOt inflict' a physical injury to the teeth and . promote a , decay. Each in the Mrs. Fair case renderd a verdict, KENYON Ac MICRKICIv, dentist has a powder of his own, which the case and the verdict were the subjects JiilliHlerK mid. In sells at a thousand per cent, profit, o: animated discussion in all the salooi 8 I Sholf and Heavy Hardware, which he may honestly do and other public places in San Francisct imagine . will . . . Terms by Hail nr JIx press, I'ustaye to be n positive jroou without any positive in- - Two of the, jurors in that case happened I Ititl tit Office of ltd! very. jury whatever ;but he is mistaken. The tobcir. out-.- f those saloons, .tail, quietly CORINNE DAILY JOURNAL 1 he E. P. JOHNSON, MILES, h raiur Wadsworth, e. x, surra. a. a. ADS0nT!l Attorney & Counselor at li w. locks. ' Cl Co. Solicitor CORINNE, : i ini Clmnccry. UTAH. : : : : AND - GEORGE L. HOLT, Gents- - Furnishing Goods, DKAUCR IX ' , never intended to be pearly ai.d unobserved in a corner, where tl e IRON, STOVES, NAILS, ?!) 1 One Ml, Month, !X Not. 31 and 30 Lake Stmt, white. Every intelligent dentist knows verdict was being discussed and the case STATIONERY , BOOKS, commented with on much animation. that the whiter the teeth are, the sooner WALL PAPER, AND CHICAGO, ILLC70IX and more certain they will he Mory of tlie Green C'nqet Bagger. all Notions of and Pocket Cutlery A good story just at this point is told aso knows that those teeth are the. f two were the of in that s the last myself the and are case, a Post OfSIce Building, mildest, jurors longest, who came about a green carpet-baggeMONTANA and will I tell how was I decided. it which mo.t - - J - 'UTAH. have a yellowish tint ; you useful, CORINNE, to Washington some time last session , IIIIRICHIGIIIO. Burin- - tlie progress of the trial not one FOURTH ST., CORINNE, file of greenbacks, then why provide .powders to take ofl with a considerable had to fellow his spoken juror jurors of and more curiums cunning, and vrho fell this yellowish' surface ? tl10 case- ono had his is useful It to wash once a the teeth opened lips to of cappers and in one night with a ALSO HENRY LEIWES, otlier in t,ie the to evidence or the TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE week with white the mouth regard soap, making ropers in for a faro bank not far from the QFFERS sul-b- e seemed sealed It country, the I teat quality of a be to full as possible with lather, so as to arguments Wliolmile and Retail dealer in National Hotel. They took him around as LAGER RE MM. close to every particle of every tooth Jec't to us all, and when we retired to Manufacturers in a very genteel way treated him of Tin, Delivered to any deni red place on the most Copper GROCERIES CIGARS9, make a LIQUORS, knew no one llI verdict, juror onable terms. and showed him some sights, for a tew minutes ; because the tarter on nyfidtf of the his fellow of is the teeth the anything a opinion of Tobacco, Etc., Eta. product living thing, and then, when they thought the proper On entering the jury-roothe T. O. AND time had arrived, propo.-e-d to light a little which is instantly killed with soap suds. JurorsFourth near Montana, to flrst was a Street, of tlllnS dne few persons have another living thing cut, piece - - CORINNE, MONTANA ST., game of the tiger. The carpet-baggeto and twelve luto not pieces, the place a about affected bv teeth but UTAH. Palr soap, CORINNE, followed them to their loath, nothing wliich is instantly killed with salt; lienee nu,n1)er on each Piece from one UP to headquarters ; and in order to make it each twelve. These were placed m a hat and person is advised to wash the teetli fair they proposed that apjear perfectly and the drawn was the nuin-wee-k drawn, with GENERAL- DEALER IN slip white once a a once and week, soap IN SEASON. FRUIT the man who had the largest amount of bor ot the each On these juror. also slips with salt. Omoney should be the dealer. The green should be washed with a stiff jlror 'v.rote his fiding in the case, and The teeth r A FULL ASSORTMENT OF revealed his pile, which my3dtf a,s aarnklr was called put it into SHEET COPPER, ROCKER IRONS, the crowd were very anxious to see, and brush every morning on rising, by dip- tliehat. AV FRESH VEGETABLES, NUTS. hen I wrote my finding, mu: it once in tlie water and rubbing AND to their delight it proved to be the big- ping 1 first the rm degree,' hardly thought the teeth slowly front and rear from side O C NFE CTIO NE R Y, gest pile. North Front Street, Close to Depot , and finally twisting the brush so there would be another such finding on Gold Paus, Gold Scale, Quicksilver, You are to be the dealer! cried all. on at hand tlai were the when Constantly an'of tooth-picslips CORINNE, UTAH. at ,bat Oh no, hoys," prototed the green that each bristle shall act as a HEHRY DEHHALTERS. a deposited anil taken out and read, to on so the Reataurant the the the as of more Kept Stylo. joinings teeth, I cant deal ; I dont great astonishment it iva found that SPRING POINT SHOVELS, Corner 4th and Montana Streets, - - Corixme. Modern Luxury Good Clean Beds. know nothing about it. I've bucked thoroughly to dislodge anything which my each on the first and oily ballot, my2d3m in" juror, remain the the hollows between Dealer In had voted just as I had, murder in the many a time, but Ive ncer dealt; I might ridges. The water in the brush com- first aiaad LIQUORS. can't deal. GROCERIES ROCKER We UNION this incident obtained RIPPERS, PICKS, degree. BAKERY, bines with the saliva of the mouth, and, They all protested that as he had the MIXES CHAPL0T7, FRESH its great softness, mak.es one of the last night from authority we eonsiderd biggest pile and had wou the chance, lie by reliable. best solvents in nature for any extraneous Proprietor. BREAD, PIES AND CAKES, must be the dealer. The teeth. about teeth substances the And a Good Stock of No, no ! cried this very green C A. RROADWATER, E. G. M ACL AY, each should be brushed after immediately CIGARS Ill give ten dollars, twenty meal with a soft, old brush, with LIQUORS ANDon hand. CARROLL & STEELE. plenty Kept constantly dollars, ves, fillv dollars, to any man who of AND water, twisting it up and down as beGEORGE HANF, Propr. ill deal in my place ATT fore. the each brush After UTAH. CORINNE, washing, should deal. he that all REPORTER OFFICE, They f He took up the cards -- in an awkward should be placed far back on the tongue E UTAH. CORINNE, and turned from side to side, so n.-- to HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS., TX way, shntllod them with many a grimace, clear otf the e roySdtf DUD tongue this does much and as he was about to put the cards into 1 1 FT mtTMT odor of the box -- from which they were to bo ward freeing the teeth from UDDDD SILVER STAR HOTEL! Othe eaten. last LL.L.L. KKKK thing -drawn, bis hand accidently slipped and V LL.L. MONTANA STREET, If persons would brush their teeth' well CORINNE. (Opposite 3Ictroiolitan Hotel) the king of JtGliiK revealed, under the UTAH. lust meal of the the after CORINNE, OClee. FIfl Tilt Opposite --Poet hearts so that they all saw it. Every immediately EVERYTH1NG FOR A COMPLETE OUTFIT TO OA bed ' until otf of instead K Jt day, putting GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. gambler .nvnediately coppered on the lini tbe teeth would be clean for four COMMODIOUS CORRAL hearts. of king BOARD and LODGING per week, AND , Bet at once or five hours more in the twcuty-fou- r, The greeen carpet-bagge- r 97 in r.r T.l I N E 6004 I G H T, H U ti T a slight advantage. is R which not F E Fnishten - Ml cried out : . id Immigrant. SO is and'unphilo-sophica- l EB. MACLAY & CO., Proprieto-sLODGING, It absurd, unnatural, this Xow, now, come bovs, come, my2-lt- f with have to theteeth separated SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, THIS IS THE won't do, youre taking advantage of me. a or or by threads. saw, OR picking, frequent There is something wrong or you wouldnt LEWIS SILVER, Propr. ! ONLY EXPRESS LINE HAVING ( Hair.n .Journal. till bet in that way together. I wont f --oplav unless 1 (a i have another sliufilo. htusiMNTs. From Tin: Connections. Eastern Coast (T.or ' .T. Throiujli They all insisted that the game should Mr. who art MONTANA STREET, CORINNE, go on j ust as it was and after many proObi.-p- o oowe are LuD San rum County, TO THE OF CITIItENS CITY THIS testations that it was not a fair tiling to ut OFFERS in of in hia of line. regard goota light poes-fiotake iiHi stranger so, the green carpet to jn Cor. 4 ill and Montana, t Corinne. of country run Eight Days from Corinne to AT AUCTION PRICES! thecrops inJo.--ao strip Bar-mrbagger proceet e 1 to deal. He slipped ning .Mmtli to Santa from San CONSISTING OF otr the top card, and there bmieath sure N. Kanady, Helena ! j, c. Thomas. San Juan, around that He reports School I Cutlery-- , Dry Goods, etc. Books, ot hearts. hey in enough, was the king A BETWEEN FOURTH XJ) FIFTH, Second Hand Good t Bought and Sold. Monterey Comity, and in the coa-f- i OSCEOLA SALOOri Tennis Leave Corinne . Express :ill pushed forward to svuep off the feed Luis San of good Obispo, valleys AND money, but the very green carpet bag- or stock exists, and some prospects of a DAY. exof tbe otf hearts, king ger, ((rawing Barbara CounUtah. Corinne, crop oPgraiu. W. McNUTT & CO., To Insure Speedy Trunsjmrtataon marie posed another king for the third card. ty feed is short and stock are dying. At This made split.-- . va feed has all been dried Far kay MONTANA ST., .Salinas CORINNE, 'Wholesale and Retail oIll take half that pile, boys, said up, and Crossing stream is lower than ever that NEXT POOR TO THE METROPOLITAN HOTKL. JVia Far West Freight Company, this greonet of green Saliend of lower the before known at ; d out with a mild expres- nas And Tie TIME FREIGHT, plains, the grass is very short and Xft) Particular attention paid to orders by moil. BAR IS ALWAYS STOCKED WITIITHB sion of countenance to look at the statue where DEALERS IN THE 000 sheep could be kept in D 5, brands of the of summit Capitol. former Freedom on the DD RR cannot 2,000 years, Tmn RRR PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Wines, Liquora and Ciffars, JThev'play no more with green carpet- now. Below San Jo.e herbage is all A no, I Cure litre. direct from San Franciaco, Cala. nLUK--baggers LLL dried up with an occasional wisp of Tn,int, EE I.L dried grass only to be seen. Stock rais"V'a.riiiHlieH, Window Glass, E & Champagne Cocktails a Speciality, A Rcmurkahlc cast- A IHaii Grafted ers in the seetjou south in the country FINE TOILET ARTICLES, mentioned are driving their cattle ea?t-- 1 CORINNE, UTAH. Like a. Tree. AS' GIVE US A CALL- .in of Sierras search LINE the ward across EXPRESS STAGE & pasAND my2dtf From the Fcdali.i (Mo.) Times, April 2(tli- KANADY A THOMAS, Props. ture. His "judgment' is that in a considFROM my2d3in GOODS. The case of George Gardener of this erable portion of the Coa.--t range there I BBS' iuy2d3m & City, who as our readers may remember, will be nothing whatever produced this bad hi-- foot crushed on the M. K. and T. season. lie craws a picture of desolaVj3 Defiance Cigar Manufactory, H&rdGnbrOOtl FAMILY TO Kailroad, sometime since, has given rise tion that is fearful to dwell upon. ValHo. 174 Water St. HEW YORK. LIVRRY, FEED A SALE STABLE to an experiment and a result in surgery lejo Chronicle. desVIRGINIA and the to CITY, of great interest profusion Tlu AND CORRAL. of 130 firat premiums in two : attention of scienM. Uenrie de Rochefort lias a mani- season!.Champion tined to command-th- e Accommodation for Freighter HELENA, tific readers every where. A report of festo, in his journal. the Md de O'rdrc, IN seam is stronger and less liable to rip than Defiance, The Lion , and Travelers. Jsx-the Stitch. Judges Reiort of the Trial. AND the case will doubtless find its way to the Falstaff, Universal Standard, Corner Front and Sixth Streets, CoUHMt. on the Church and its treasures, in Send for tlie Report and samples of work conRower medical journals, but we may, without Success, of Fashion, same on kinds stitches the of loth piece taining FORT BENTON, to the recent requisitions at of - reference goods. RANCHING RY WRIGHT 8 Rig Thing, The Golden Eagle impropnety, cgive au outline of tlie exhe AND NIGIIT HERD. STOCK TAKEN not Dame. He Notre that AY. Game only j says Rooster, periment MONTANA, Pelican, from these Stables, to Ranch, im It has always been difficult to cause does not disavow the supports he has Legal Tender, Tipites, Reasonable Terms. CORNELL, WARD A COMINGS, The Lone Star, the healing oY wounds where any large given to this speculation but if he knew tke Carrying 133 Lake St., Chicago. El JHeshisto, surface of skin was gone, as nothing but ny2dtf my2dtm-wlto other treasure the of belonging this any and Gulliver , only skill will produce new skin, And various other brands of the Choicest Cigars. for a short distance (less than an iueh) clergy he would indicate it to the com- AND in makiug mune. uOur eternal belief, he says, is around the margin. lienee Barber Shop & Bath llouco, considbeen has it always & Christ having been born in a amputations, Jesus that Wells, Express Fargo CORINNE, UTAH. ered .necessary to preserve a flap of Notre treasure that'' the' stable, only H. W. P. SPENCER, the of skin to fold over the cxposeiTend &, bundle of a is to skin Dame 0. D. CASS, possess ought limb in order to form a covering of President,. COACHES LEAVE CORINNE" WHOLESALE BUTCHERS. Hut in Garxlener s straw As for the goods of the Church : W. T. FIELD, and a good stump. Cashier. The Helens and Fort Benton, Montana,daily and HOT AND COLD BATHS1 connect with passenger trains, both ways, of the Corner 5th and Montana Streets, - - - Coum. case the patient was too weak to adinit We do not hesitate to declare them naRailroad. Pacific Central ot a of amputation, and it was tpiesfiou 0 for the siugle reason that BEEF, PORK, and MUTTON sold life or death to save the ankle joint and tional property, Side or Quarter. Good Stocky by the Carcass, to form a skin covering for the crushed they proceed from the generosity of those Government Y'ouchers, Madam Spencer will Paradone has was his 1 the Church, cel ve Ladles desiring whom by to promised and mangled stump. Coin, Gold Dust, Choice Meats for Families always on hand. Nciv Coaches, transthe ; viz a wonderful process, By 0 dise ; and the promise of imaginary reand Exchange. MONTANA STREET, CORINNE. wounded the on or to. attended grafting is planting All orders obtain to made any promptly property turns TIME. and mjirdSm. QUICK SIGHT DRAFTS DRAWN ON part from time to time a small portion The hlghectPrftees paid for fotstoek. of skin from another portion of the body. qualified as swindling by every code. my2-dt-f TIM. HENDERSON, Agent, ork, Your purse or hell -- such is in the IS" ew Pieces of skin not so large as a grain of CORINNE. Chicago, wheat were taken from the patient s arm present day the only programme of the Wholceala and Retail Dealer la San Francisco, my2dtf and grafted on the lacerated stump Catholic nathe French WIN SCHELL 18 PREPARED TO FURN- - APPLES, clergy, and And the Principal Cities East and West. where they took root, as it were, formec. PEACHES, natuis it y RIVER BEAR HOUSE, ORANGES a nucleus for growth and gradually tion no longer believes in hell, and LEMONS, ease ofsneed, it should take spread till the whole surface was com- ral that, .in Corinne, on the car at the depot at 9&00 a perch. This is COLLECTIONS WILL RECEIVE Front Street, the purse. pletely covered with a souud and new back far superior to any building material in the conn- AND ALL OTHER the inan and of swot,) skin, young (orvoams integument myadtf try for permanent improvwssats. PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION of 21st on.the April, At Cheyenne, has a good ankle joint and-- a beautifu TEOPICAl PttODUcnono, E. A. STAHN, Proprietor. my2d3m a Cheyenne brave, after being Boyer, in charge (whose stnmp. The surgeon was ISAAC. D. HUNT00N, Conrans, name we are notat liberty to use) does duly tried by a lawful court and jury, otaxz RICHMOND, form. in D SALKS IS proper not claim to be the discoverer of this hanged new, and is travelers house mins I will find the best accommodations in the city. FRO treatment, the credit of which is due VISIONS, GROCERIES, "The table will always be provided kith the : to a celebrated surgeon of Paris 4llever The Womans Journal sensibly says Comer Battery and WaMegbm SO, Q00 an-- J Canned California Fruits, who Hmrket the CtaliCHCry GfcTO. women Rest Affords, want not does is world case the But we The believe. ' din, present and CAL. Grain SAB FRANCISCO,, Vegetable er mothers-clevbeleived to be the most clearly defined are good lawyers and bad and no pains will be spend to make k goed Always on hand the Latest . comfortable. HA GOODS wives ND , COND unfaithful SE ' and and eminently successful one yet treatec physicians Bar always supplied with the choices tnndso MAGAZINCd, Coanrss Sold. hearted k and jjgjrgo. and empty in the. United States, and as snch wil Bought ELLSWOSTH k LOCTUAN, Kslxok Newis UTAH. r com CORINNE. t a papers & Periodicals. come shall Liquors end Clear- myftfta these from in excite much interest for not undoubtedly ' wfldSS cysar fccientific circles. pleted womanhood. MnIltllK, Oiip Yt nr, - MmitliH, M-Thr- ?3 00 teth were . j 1 bea; myo-tlO- .BREWERY r, Umn(I , sc-- my2-dl- m F. P. WIN8CHELL t ? I . KUNKY, m - r, SHEET IRON WARE. my2-d3- BILLIARD HALL, m - BILLILARD MATBRIAL -- .... carpet-bagge- MASONIC HOUSE, to-sid- e, k carpet-bagge- r, I Farming Implements. carpet-- my2-d3i- .... ATTORNEY OVERLAND in-fiste- d -- my2-dt- to-th- I JC1 toji-cnr- d, RHR LJ PV L LLL J. It. TAGEST, Quaker City Stables, -- EXPRESS LINE, 1 Auction Prices Ip H O S -- -- PE I. C T mv2-U- J. W. GRAHAM, M.D. FARWELL, OFFICE, n MONTANA STREET, a. my2-d3- EVERY OTHER In-Sa- nta LAW, 1 1 Ge-fior- n. DENNIS J. TOOHY, bagger, m CLUB ROOMS, . J. -- carpet-bagger- s. DRUGGISTS, pa.-se- be-pastur- ed my2-d3- m rri Gilmer Oil, Salisburys t FANCY UILC0X SEWING MACHINE. s ooiRjiiisricsriE BfOO J BRANDS k -- D AGENT8WANTED. United states Mails y BANK OF CORINNE, SAINT LOUIS my6-dC- m Cos B. MARTIN . SON, Pr?r. BUY AND SELL Y 1 BUILDING STONE. FP. s a-- UTAH GRANITE Commiooion Merchant, O. H. ELLIOTT, 1 Limes, Nuts, ... . f 7 - : . clear-heade- d j xny2-d3-xa r . JOBBERS OS Irops. 1 NO. 8. 10, 1871. i ' ' i |