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Show 1 Rr4" For 8Ib- - Poult rv aud HAM HATi Agricultural rational AIM lit Bees. B. Ft Stock old cku i...ing rotlrgr n.-nr- HAD (.. lllllt rhli iirak. Supply njuioii of While iu.i Bala- Bprelali da Ihrdrr .iu. Itu.iird. II Ulud -- all. ' .' i. bug 121. B. - i urmturr rarpr,, res. I siafir drum w a I 1' I SEE Ml. 3 lilgau iukk TrlBun. If urallur Mat engine on, binaural I "f T3 r BEAL ESTATE Irurjroved .and rOB BALE OH UoiliiproveU Improved REAL FOB SALE ESTATE In proved Improved and Unlmprovod and Unimprovod lisn Wl kick grid plwn., Ill.'i WliulM.i ' Buudaj. ar w. Addrra I OB SALE For Sala- - Mlacellaucoiu .i .... Bofc a ' t Will tie and u. 1. Beds halrh jour out tgga Login Hatchery tad T. i. Ri cub. Poultry niMdim, Luge, buii 1.1 JUW. Atk lor wir .ileal UiU price nacr Uetiusij. FOB SALE FOB BALL FOB SALE I wlug all. hr mi plow band far w i rlraalag D. .Injin ii. If" In aaw. plan, . .ml ..ui IMUOHAN Jl IK.E TBI ST I lag "THIRTY 'turner. on filling rrt, k tlaahrrt. PANT wmioii CLIENT" Ml FOU k.M.k rutSKK AMI APAMTM1 lloltE derrlrfc flttlaga yoke, air an. i i,.,..!.i,g .i.i-K.irnt mn a heel loir row, Hi'.ltar hamrwr tM-.- i ' ireows. ,.... , CtwitMre, M rjjtiff on.r... ii.a.i bucket uail fearret baetri. handled lit derrick wr cable . yr.An TO A i f 'DM I . Oil Ill II. Ill cirr V. a loss till VMIY PltlcBB. ew Sail. tod uaed sited hunch trail' Ml I ha r'trr .ui I roan i.i k. fruui Mi. la lrr.i tilalrkl. ta) iraKhaltal iiaalala ..f ria)M, i ImmJi l n.btaat kllrbra, rra bath, fraat aaa) rrar rkiaal aiari, iarv firij ..!( Iwallaa unif kvl an he. pi aad ..r l... I. 1, ami equipment lak ar tarrrl. raH tnaaka. faugi nu. k. II lark aad cmilu, nnm . hall., big lichee rang, rail at ! Flrat ai ws lion aud $et food i.,',- ,i . rrldrarr aa Ikaa al , f the l,nr r aantan a two For tal la rltj rra aaal'ap la 4a(a to evarjr ruaan 111. ill. fluvra la All Willi lu fcaiaaaaV t'uur brdiuoaaa all flour Lou af rlaaria rail Coaalrui lioti ana) llalak fWat a railr.1 awl la a kii no. H ".HAOie irr rat la (I7 0W, taraaa If II Mr. I'alairr. Waaalrk MM . 4. I. HOME at. 401 402 HOME i rar arl Batf. tart BAMNM I"- momb -. i.rr." aWJJ Mttl M1MO0 .plraai.l bar la a T reaaa Iraaar Ira a r. aa a kirfr Ia4 Ta hou-- a polal-x- l 'I .rat koal. baa bo-- o rwlyTbrro ar aad la la rirrl.ro I olalr of rrooli air lawaa. ahahr and alum.. lota ot "inlaid. Hrra la lla. lu. a .... 1,1. k. i. ImiirtiTrniroU. aH k aa inrifioTl faornl .Lot aail mo., aad Ikr mi U It latr la Im Boron ahow ;a lfrral. mlairal. inr aaat, Boalaa BEAL ESTATE aad Unimproved u. d .irrri s t Iom to Unorty pork on a a reey fine 4 rsoss p. h bungalow, mod ay e aaa fsaaotols ot one niaai; rirran boat. dining room. Urge, well lights,! bodromi, hnfft inches finished la wall raoael. nemi art of plumbing furor., hat I. wltk e ladlrrrt lighting Matures 830 cask ae Bel-ears like rest. rtlln.M.i IIKI..IHB IIOML. . aim a baarmiai win baaaaloM. aud leiuan la. ine.. llwt routil iiair J ui 3 pica rumvs fla iiaj I'atb. 88oOO.tat Wc.l latnd ufi al lllllo ripoBav: ehw uhira for ihjw Iriaga IIU Oa Laird are l'fl.rt joat off ttb Baa sareojOBt luiUard roMoa or oagtar hall. I.i nag rooaa rkl-la I In r vl ihj la e splendid S 100m while prrsord briek cat . VI gahaalatl MOi n ball air llalahrd la Mrth. raarrala iiaik . . Illllare Boaeas ell Urge sad an- rooroOai roll I."i ..f ilp. at I Kra mrd a ad eiaiag nuiu in oak , lark. tag. ar. larb lark. ).. r I bmieali Imludlng Inrg hath aad psstrf. The r aaard aik fkwra; arraaesd lark. lira aad inga i,uarl. tot la a corner gad has tod serag. leva and rn egg. Ira bar. f tarkuua alavla. kl riiaai"'! buflrt kiiihra a ud 1.14 flour In of MJ ...ill.. ... - i.u Vor Hlghoal aedr. 81100.00 will put jou In posoroahag oral liloaaMog. Hoar .laaalMas how. this I and 'a hot of larloaa lfagika kra lag ulaBi. "i li.viri g.xir lo laapn-r; airet i.i Willi.- r uaatrl ratnti "llaloa. lte.1 iK'Htui HEL'. . luraar- - and real rwoeia. Largo lot. all Mnodaj" iimrai-igMill. owaer Is loerlag rlty end bes tnstrarted I H". ttl. ,. Pilots' H . Hlarkaaillk luula. iniurorrd. liiro oal- glO.euu. aad IH as The tolf earll le sell this flee 4 room prooood brick baa Thla i and rla-- . buuar llavir Bat h belli for thai This home Is lorstrd S Woch from a. low Ha I tat Hfe' mtmal lo laalrraa. ailory trraia raa be Modern eerrpt ea a good street. Oar 8 She a oal; by kupolalBrai. Cell Lbrrty perkfall wlMffrr Htulor heal: with rrairnl baarmrnl. Thr Is e QI'AI.ITT. ill. raliurr, Waalrh l.ivi. aad rtiair. - II i alee etalng noes, with belli la bwffet. Brlai tie.uuu. l4j a uak NATIONAL COMfAW room with hall I la msatrl sad bookras. large 0 BOOM III M, ALOW .11 Uan.aa Ar.. Hall Lair 1.1 U) IMK is I NO white eaaeaol fhalsh: Urge oath m.Khra. lot a tod on pared ar. buffet kltcboa. aet I i: l Mrullj of plumbing fuiurr. large with reaeplete '., 11. hi In ii hrniir. Mh I'd. ell Kaal. lint riO.' AI. "'a ah In sleeping porch, fall cement baseearBt Yo glaaeed c leal. imnis uald. brsallful lews, shadr, r iiiKmaa for .I lata hm aasaV drlirwsy. j The uu.lr room, llrhag 0b half cash, betaer like real. ay itn.i "ma-.(K-riirurr ..ua aad dining rooaa hare mspis floors, ' n rvum III .Si .. 881488,80 Ba4l aad tonruidr nprning: nee sieatit: wr bate a Ob I. atreet. rloee lo ftk set for lory brtrt - rref ar teslrooms in:, i i in l. enough tkr large Mil I. null.i.i.'IH This h,.-- la H oltk "en fine 3 rooea brick bungalow -nth Kai . two 1. .1. diaa rtT lltf"'k kltrhrn ilalalird la whit i.j.i nma 4, wife bard la 'a Lur fir. modem aad floor rialeaed oaol strictly rhcbjig Krlre basesarol erutrut full .iiamW. wood floors, fall rrmrat nasaseat. with heal-el- r file. Xjaf "hut iiLsjii. set lerajs. .tlSUU 'trot pajnirot. Is s 3 to there 'la addition thr Beat: rem., For furthor lalanee 878J uo' prr woalh. Larae tel. rtceptlea hall sad alec Hag porrh Mr. Ln . Wesatrh 423 iaiurmaltua I! Is This All la beamed built frslurrs. rollings. 4JH HAl.K rlralrlaaa al lulvi--.- , rauiu. 19 I Bl e retr eltrwrtlre home sad , susot br dupli T:,,iim'i iurillun-- . '"ViiafoVr'sh-- "i anh drawn, and blua. cuituarl aoii ti Bl'NUALOW. Apply iliu :'n I ' as aad asked ftooo for the cuh Ui.uk uuil pries Kit I gear, alau guvd isas eeted M largr a. womr 8 room nouses Iv 111 tuiln at.. mi Him or foar years, ead gar caa he errsngod to soil bayet. - ihavr ead W in Tlrst rTa Frfrpksoo 81300.00 Betfrt kluh boohcasn hs liviat rooea. I all. I II.BKIt'l A KAIto.ll caa )Uia. allh I This haaae Is wnrlh mors. It I hers ted e. . ell lot. besrnsrel. Crutral Large l"ll-- ! a ail aavUr ootrii' rlgat aliaohBaht I e good street, eed ceaolst of firr rooas" all akahjIU. nl. ki. kHiLin ob Prler 88373. Now t hlrhoa cuops. i hanging la largot tauat ily. W. (Ill Aula Co., kaj.. I'rulu. In fraterra. full eroarat bessiBt, herd m ii i t ,. . r AIAUTUKM ma ' Call Mr. Pelsstr for aa built k ; sa easy tab. bra, l Layiue. eaaaH-la hitch whit wood rooms, froat fhiers UVthK. avw MM. Wl , ayi" "imuicnt. ea: a good Urge lot. I100U ash aed beleBr UAI h liar, rimil Imr. .1 tMrlliiuaa. Mir. offl" i like real. laMra. t'halra. rrataaraul I.IBO6M f TEN IBM BO Bl N0AL0W. log ntvaall rut i 8170ft mi No rofftw rra a ih ca rollrrfloe lukrn uin. modern .in Bird mar lAiKvaaa af Libert) park, A.V'ONA ecitlug rgi. Id BI.&0 MBaeMe W. latretrd a. . m a good lot Is s splesdtd Amu Irodlt eight rrfuaril. 3 room aiunanirnia. nllb lira Oak Ihrrr ktOIki , IB All Iraturra. built Si". heal Wh feoi. eveept Hi Two seed laal,. ktisui , .'K Jiidg.. bblg.. Mr raltrrooa fur room sirirtlr modern bnegalo llraial 111 art mohih. li.full irmmt liasroirBi. sae nm briliooma. with Urge clothes closet, alt lams lor balvhiag. ll.Sj vr Will i t: MBoB-tlmows. Urg lot "rn 3rd ai ITI III huh M . ?rd PLBTBI 1 11 KNIBMSD. ilmoat bra. hill laugr. In mantel hardwood built with room, floor, Oara PJldru li. L. II. kilary, rial 21 U Bo. "m Lnai. all Mr. il.AIIK HlBlBg aaaraamral. XerWt. kBW7 rma. It tkls lotrrrals you loll whit in.iuri buffet kItrhrB: full rtatesl boa kaaW lot fiaajid; Mjan i.mi i.kioi, 1213. 1 nor laws VhTHV l.,i- - ..f iheil an 1 liood sad with heel, old garage, Lahr: boo a. moat, 2 aad raw thrUa. alM taraaa. Kaay l a bargaiu. HU alghtly, k'OI Ml leylag Lagttuil. inn 70 Irei i luaiKlolla. Iroel b.v Addroaa L i's. Tribaa. gardra spot. Hrdg on both sidM of lot. sTofln kv.i 0 M. goldrn oak MALE I'M AN orrEit Hi rollrr lou itik ; iiror kkOtV-l- l 1ST per aaeata. ti room ead lA.h and i.e OK CASH On 823 Mouth 8tll East. i. iiii n. ai loo ........ . Iii aulmdH KOIt OS 11. rnieel Hiift imtiiliHl: y. modern .ierpt heat. rMIUiUtfll Nrar . man.l KAI.K Mllhr lai.g1 1.IIMS. with 0 room modern brick oe lot alinul nwillllnD. no! BBCloBMl. kVJ.ill I" : " . 11 Apely loom 411. AtToo hlorV. rii.l ol looe to seho.il. ItlKl . mom era. l l"t. a ad ,i,n ni, tleae, DK Ll'Xst. uti. 137 krt ohl. KESTOBNCr but watfir Jai a la rather This OlilSO laa Is e ;;ja bhlg. ry eabnteatlal cnafalow. loreted for wiimiae with a . No. lat Wral. b flao for a le Here Would ENGLISH SrVM or All HITEf TURK in. vi; hume today, an irauiua inrKil--His sew and la Is epin . nearly Magsrbouse; bsrselli d"r i. t all I. Krda. WLllr roll HAL, i hraii. t roaoaa of ftrrollurr NOW mill Rix'.a p.iri. wiktnng to remodel C.late ea i,w aort nttr, 4 gallon, milk The honor is atrnrtly modern did condition .. MTK !. miim W. O. lata lii the H. of buildlnj la. i rttu or nir home 10 aaaWB (h Meal. Ire fretnrea. built all with lurludlag buffn . kbT Most woadrrful bar 817. 481 al. I.J y 8301100 Was fiooon. We hair been holding this property at Imnlwond toll r.n ' n ahre teth floor . 0 1 aori nt tipowitti-rw ili affrred la Belt Lahr. 8 UktO. consider sny of Irr erar nnd whit enamel gamwerat r 111. but vr now. gs.a Il "aw at I lu.iaal l all trading inriril, kltrha. Nvam bbhj. lie,, ninth iS that lea: rbcap. t all rral. on Melt laskr's fiural Korea Mr. Palmar for further M aXt. BThl Bb Later lid Ui.UUW I' " mrl lot. with .vinl. I. I'.prrt Korknirn. hot e air films wtlb l.args Jkatt-nilUi d ,v or ajuiolBlBjrnt. latrrtor la froisti' lormutioB li oudoaj drers street. Mfg. lo ili raa konaii(l7 i:ili Part cath, I'j.i for ui Mailra gsrage. rhhrhra reaps aad run- hardaood selected ftnrsl 88 lb Mi. I'bonr oTaaaleh XMt. . UM 8 ft. ke box. good inadltioo. (20.IKI. Wee. Ira. amlili. H W n bjleur tafhly. : Iiaed ditiraled. oil and tapretrhs. lilHJM t OTTAUaT.jJj'MjCla Ill klcv 7 IIUOMK. lot llitbta bouackrrpiug . nag gg:, !5l'a!d 4lh South llli West; 73 foot potnung. ua cairaa b.v fauvu. urtlai we mrK a m mum; or PI ATI libit n"; -.111 r.i-liihatli. ell done tit rtiuinrl n NLW inntUlni rgnget kitclieu arrdi. jl Koulli Jr. Koal. lailli. n All thrrr ry rooi" large, frontage; good garden ground, artrslan IN DIFVERENT PABTM OP TT4. LOCATED Jfseseh: fcardwoorl fVta liironglioiti . ermidit . at. Hi rtrraiin Ihari crdar la bodrwiiu. t and outbuildings. CITY. IP VOf DON'T PTI WHAT TOI' w.H pioiub. llli ri'llMTLItB flrrplacea c,pk a la This nl earesl sBrnl. . or VA-V. ill twoear 'MOMOBILE nook, garage 21. t hiiib. If yoa heo ay i hrrakfasl II IIMUi IB ; n ..ill1 ur WANT it.mHERE PHONB AND 81 WILL BE iio'l i.. a harghtn in,.. 81230 rash, i saroVtis - lirtt naimrnt. as e trry t lot' 'laid oul 18 wouilrtrul aril or trada lor now . call AM li,: r rvrd erw . otm Oirrledil llrro, PLEADED TO SHOW T0L' OTHEItS. Cell Ihn't. . waH-a- jll of hauffcur "juarorrs. tstes W e a. 471. smtill H."lnd tab. Wr bavo a large al a.ala . .iliOUi . var 4'.. i'V po-ipoesessloe. 12(1. pmmrnt furnltura to Mhrct from at half arlir of M .Hi. ,V lor an appolnlhieat. en pidulBirot. Weaeteh Mr. Lir -r 21 u,l baiol Ml. I 0 II. BARNES 17300 r.u OiMiUktoa rgga, IroBi Ilnrat nrw. 42-jrTMB rtlrbarda at. ii.3W' s 401 102 Boston Thoae Was 40,12 40:: : Hur la s nrw presard hrlch hungiil.ie . Just Bldg. Kftrat. lnrn 1 tiom o(-- . Nr, Vara m28 -:n MONOUI Kl KKiri'lth K'POHh'. m W. Third" HAM) PAIN I Ll ra. Oaly ID wlilag. fof aalr ikia or II. ami ins r.aiin rotn)lri.. In., thmnil nri.n cliiua. ljuge chrep. N11AL0W. HI . BOOM 7 Hi. bin, Hi Bu.. ".mis aud riihaBg' M. It. Nay-" llBda of 1. Inn. Baiidaja n'oki Hi,- irotit wiih Kremli Ntierrn. i eveaar. apt. ... ni:itsj:i Ur. s n,s. o ro im in 1.. a in not 110 foot laid buy Waa. IMI33. lr line tiircllcar. 4ja W. 3rd Bowth. g bCitkil 1S0. uraulKul gj..l lBjo-Ironing Utli Karl. romu or 0111 y7!4 'IVInr iliiilog . I lultrr ON I 1) heh Oak rang.. HOME MEEKEB. ATTENTION. Iningah'ii laous laulirul nasi and floner iHi "iihtiiaiid.. room Impure HVl ,ntrl In the viitheasi. lis. ufifnlug. all finished In IlttiN bnlalrud atth aaiag. and Biattrvae, a tilluUNis. II. I. litio. W.iaauoitea lor Ml,-- . seen. I UtJB likr of nloeti is B..dom bvrti llreil la about three months. This 2nd Baal. n.r.i7 .md gumwniel. lao me. hshl lalroii-- . klirln-ClrraMlaJi diraarr aad rug Call We.. 3ims W. lat Norlb f la well ajSjaee flui.hed In gum wood, with ek DELTA'S LANDS PROM DELTA LAND CO. !, heme eishl I large, in ihox' hath -riumi hard ' (ialah: one .rlnbt. peautifHl Inrkrns p ami misau ll'.t plea"". other rooraa fle ioned roout. two ftrcfilarre, all irood floors ihrodcboHt floors In front n.imt. : hn-- i 2n-- l s.. til IprBe est end furnilurr Appi. This Is the best hay In In. ill In features, oak floors tip snd ishrrl ia ekoimel. Why pey 8300 to men! Iniarruoul .111. i per srre for laada an eveellint furita,. This . in2',7 l Was. 7712. For Sale Pianos and Pnocosraplu Price HAVi Im bailt new e lli.e. UaV'lil'k. in finlati hme. . . ink better than w her far ITS to 3120 per acre? slai rtli for roo a.y i. reodi I v c:tt in. ami l.t Bre a ilar atratn. It. I. Iiita aad and 1. , barjalu tor VUOB.ou PBkll, HpB aa terms of SIMM resh bnlsnre 8SO.t la lo at I boot the follow log bargatnt. Writ A K. I lli:i h WKITKit AUENl Y. 37.1 Maiu. feaiilhc r. cjor. belaw 11:1 lenas J Itrouo I.rgliorni.. llocha 7 IWtti iiionlli a Huron. gliiiiss. Kri'll Waa r20. lard uinehinrs of sll mskee. finr toer $125 giirage that ensi SW), , pr cnt. Ownr Irerleg i.w, knn rh.l Alltqtotli. By, 71. .10 hJi'lltrd n.nr but not oil. fStCO ISO lot frBi-ei- l; fall wheat, oil. plow as town.lhls buv S4a npilty. Act at oace. MM (llHiri . go.,,1 ro'ldltlull . I'rt school 7J per acre, raey terai. Good waler Wusntch Watetch 423. Mr. liur. Cell Itad. Vlavri-and 1L 1. .... Jockiusn, i... tar I'tr, peial Kgga (a trtiniraral Near I3!h 'Bast, no s pared street, we have I'oawaj. roll KALK- - Naraji lilauh!, neht Iroru M 7 7 22."i ,'. Wm looo right. a ki7 aott t'ahlr rlooa, rlrKent bcuutirnl California Uinalow slung!"' with I iasI. Call 1001a 031. cullra bolel. I HO BOOM Bl NO A LOW bur cnimiut piiino. a Mdi-adlaireli. iliiimi omt gara Tliirlolf aaM 100 tcrrs. F4(S nli Ihls is n Bnrgsia lor nus Ijpe of g.H.t mor . b.i.em."..t bout, oufbuildiags aad farm Tliia Is a klHU.1 ajal furnace. urj .1 7 h one I.I ONS h t'liitbeeet. on a pt red merhlnrry aad llvsteck, BO terra in alfalfa, lit In llanl al., lrtrol.1., ami ha. lurk p. ipiart ice ,nam friveer, lutnc naira. aad il Is btutlful 40 acres beet land, near to rbnrck tad orhool. with IK vy layiag atralrj. .Irani rtiglar. Nntl. ler Ir.sui Co.. T7tl Ho garage. slnet. lii.ihr.1 iri ."iillirm cnmwraid. iiirpe .niitag f'ohinil.ta Cratnnnla!-- . 812 AD1 rOH INSPeat 7lo i:' from sad cnsmrl: 812O.0W nor acrr. ratr trmt. East Ill,,- I'. d in irumwood outilr rrrorda .37- to rek 11 orlrlloa. brilliant ml..l brrlrooT.il". l.nili and ul- - shjad kllelnn. nil done .magi : Vlrlnr . nod t'oliimldj N0K1II BLNlJI. M M p r rrltlug. Haa hrea lived is Just 1, nil! In fi alurea. ksiatt (jirtiiu-HjlalMl 1043 W. In oft. IIEMINUTON emniMfl ghileht, Biaalellhi . 11..I111., bt'itituffl oak floors fhrihont. 10. 8- -l Also motor-ryile- . cmdltnu 40 IS tcrrt wheal. 22 teres ready for lw , pnt la good shape The entire house ha. been lie.uiif ujiy decorated long enouglt to IT REAIH4 IjOOIt -- VEH IT LOOK.-'- liOOll II. I. Hod "ondilli'B. 22li "'- ItrtlUB Aotuaaa 0 (Slu plK-ril8o,.l Linoleum shades go with plac. beets, amtll houm. ertrwlaa well. $90 per and HMIr;H S Ml KU STOIIE. 01 A nod is a bnigniu f ir 82!UU caeft, bautste terms. l..-.IT llOBBVT COST KS ANI rii24i"t 4143. m. bide tOwiuai, iwr 10. IM7 K. Mfj south. tsOO f: more arrr. 8600 bal. eeay teraje. raah. l onlraitnra arc Baking 8300 lo wb.. 0871. BeeMway, CENT TO INSPECT. kttJ34 ... r.i :i . .1 1.. I. '111. Prtre ..,.,t,..--- . UA n:hkVl li,.. JM03- 0for a duplicate of tola place. j I'hlrka B0 lniau'.ed fiAHY ell si.-racres, Barrrd Hocka, hlhndl Mee tin. model Inirgahiw . Irw nttd on a deliicicd. Was. MU $0,400 Brand new . aili $IVi0. balance monthly. Will fBd. 4 acres closer. 36 srre sewn room. Iir, ru k rutt SALK 1 raw lord Audn o;i ulano. large I7 lirat, 8. in pet lalawd Itrda. Itluok Mlrairrua, . ..n.lder Make appAlatBicBt I, Itrnwij ready for beets, lno per a ere. 81000 resh, MnM Worth bungalow w ndrrml rlrW tile fh.iM dost. rn, I ti iilll illi decorated and all fur Baa) Ban. u31H 13 oe Vi 6 per cent leterett. . bal. irtra l.g l.,r lul, ,lng. Wauich 4283. l.rghorn t. Ham wiih. Mr. Jack lllr the new owner to nn.rw rtrht In; dargc living and bathrooi:i; ahu .im leri raua,', ljol Mo. $to,ouo in kitchen water haw. 2113 Oih K. By. 30i!S. Write or wlrr. roll BA LB. CoBorrr piano; mwat aril al .W.'lOK'l room across I be front, opening Into a tood liv heel: hot latMBM walls: m2nl Mh East. .120 30 teres. A ra rr l.argain .iu high arret elf .. S room house, I rrTTAi; "Oirr ; trarlng clt). E. mllSl used diniini r,.,,i win, Prem-fng. dining and breakfaat nanus. C n com ,!... 2 rlr I lltMOl Lnrnfed d m WeM 11IOMAM KLEl TK1C HEP IU., 344 Btatr r ,: I muHm-;with amilh form :iiiplrnantk comphpt. nuthnlldlng tan arraugo Irrma If llhvlshsNi In ..- -: plen to 'ear. Tempi, rlew. cluae plot gwowooii; rallry liaillng inririlra. Caanrl Bno. graih. owt. calres, poultry. Moot ell rrady New ueed motor enuetar end allfgjB This place Is modern, con wladlng. fn earaivl: eir Hghl. fr,mtaer. tchtiol and hurches. trio ry, lllvrraide. Cel.; rnutirlty Wli. WI1BJ. bedtj. m. 0n lo for 70 acre fall boot. artealaa wheat. 1210. welle, Waa. I kOeetj lie rao and red and uniier nf brhk. houglit eeneruior lepetre. kirurti'd N .i arm seed that It htrajtrraal- room, ivhi Lake offkc, 117 E. 2nd Mouth. i.i. 1:1 ThUC uuyor ptauo. la A No. 1 anapr. 3 houses. 8129 pr acre, Eaty tornit. ,.f 82nO lo 8330 cteh nil,! In- ehi . .iei for an ettfre bedriemi. Tin- fur 82700, on ten 1" , in snltsble for restaiiraut. soft drlek or dancing OAHAltE raau regiater; pine 0u, uargsle. nit bn a tihil Ihmr. feePM tub ami whower. balaae omutlily at 7 per cent. If la kMSiJ t echo Auto t'.i Must he .old I'tab. our. rraaouabli al ISO Any psrlor. 2 until hout. 2 trtetltn wells. Ujua. acres. ud Wli li' I.i klM.ni Mr call r.. of In i iirtuln. thl i rested honi. with tllw aud the are r. thiBe null,, W. fn 70 11 1.1, hn 8i0." ijvK. 2nd M stfr: arrrplnl. IIE11E IS VOI til. CHAM i; .. 140 aerea llhr gmln or fall Oil H. I all Wa. A IIKAI TIH I, L..!ln. .Aaif. liiliidrid. IS.'i Wasiitcli 20 acr.-wflh while eoeinel IW In .i... mi. .111 fee an appointment. Tim klteblB l il Wilt wrll enltlntsd. $128 per terr. 0.1211. bta. tmd rn.1tl.Mi OPPOIITt'.NTTY of joajr Ufa lo orrurr Iwrgalu. m2lU2 inwlel one aed ha. nil of tie la leal built in timg-iloiJtVtOl hoi healrd of down pt,- ni. nl. for 'i , ."'00 room, litlf wnier I02U-WSis f,. arrept . I'larer mi.--plan", II). I ri.HOUN I bhV Kranillul heen new. lnid fttt II Mil like hill ion! paska Mux. .jp. Mi he i. a car hel. raugr. terett. ttarguin. will uri.-plight aiiiyllnder rath, m2tlr:2 eety h", it the in lie Loo,.-Thi. tviiike has LOTS. m2l7U III32I2 latr .t. Ilj. 301B Thi. Itonie Is 1", Logan , part paynient. a W m'iii h:.entenf. fnrnece, co8l room, hare teveml hargtias hj .train AN rtnlah. MB.M, on .ne of lire main upiiiTlit piau,,. inalmguu;. 90 tcree. nenr IJl-rthout. herai and granary, pjrk. um - can hO malr 1ri.li nalrr rriutil ami lor on ailed iroiu 8tu TerirMr flml luii'iu.' at AiiSrl'i' one lie suite; loth We bav sic. 1 t lent. bargain II Brysn air mS02i arrangtvl. Phour Hy M )l acres hey, IS teres fall wheat, btl. boot tli'ironghfari.t. one block bs eat Ufa; U47U rlana buetlng .. HI32IU 218 Male at. 10 820. Was 701.1. East front; 33 Baal im,: Below (till Souili. land, ti tall from h"-- t dump. $140 per acre. tho ruotns are wondenilll- - llelil; corii-ph- t MI'slcliroKK buys used plaoolirTaiir Mr.IHI .1 Hi 08 fool UhllEK r.nv 107 wrth wu right E. 1st i,ii si 1. tutu and khowcaa. term.. net uf awdera piiimMiiji; Flour and Foed records, inu.ical luairumrnls. lug maeliinea, TATLOB nrit niNO CO.. 011 rrtr aud I0fi.itIn right of wayua n $0000 cash. btl. reey ml 71)0 ti.mlh. car garege. laBSlethd arlfji s're.-- t wiin Waaatrh 4871. tMM) .,, 11II1 .1,1,'. and mak 2if"!i hoath, M. ia Mir-o- t. WK ran aave you nionry 011 floer, hay. grain win,' SO arret, 43 Beret Blfttfa. rieas. tirouwi is fenced. This hel. boot crt,iial , strip.. paved driring A BAlltiAIN IN A PEW il ' Phone Waa. 2181..- offer. As, for Mr. Jtckmen. Wtaalch land. fir. prr ten. $2o00 raah, bal. eaey light prliva prompt iirllrrria.. Bailey A OKN'ITN'B hlgli gru le plarjo, like new; will sell hlTTb an eicrptlotial lk.rc.ilu and alrauld be I N L ALLEO r OK Si ITS. 1UL TAII.IIIILII Kens la, Wasatch 300. w inrl,.d2420 11 In .1 Cloae al a .bargain tor cash. la. can ea We mako very iliveHigatrd. (JV. to 12:30. Kumlaj ; Was. SHS olhrr CAN SAVE 120 TO 830 It' WE CAN rTT (111 m.liMI ' m TONH. '.hut. terms on unpaid Wl TONS. TONS. ... In lAILOltlNu CO.. U LAST 1ST SO. A r el barg.itn. m 31 MM RltllEY A tOMPANTr 300 loa htr. 200 aerea beet lead, Wild Hay Mixnl 1817a 4 room 'The Live Wire Realtors.' fenced. All been in alfalfa; house. IIItill-OIIABf7.MI.lkt ida.rer piano, hurguln: MAEEH aud vault doom, ' uew and used; iciaa1lie.) Net Bids. Flour. 4th aet wall rnltlvatrd, chvoi outbuildings, (10. len-iticomplete onrr. bo 80200. drllverrd at Caa Phime niuat tell at near, Atrrady bulrd. 42S0. Wasatch to one a from. The In. 8123 per err. 814,000 rash, btl. caty , epoooe good sttxs t " linker rrrlek Sli nhn Mrh-ll-y At e Low lrlir, !6n,1 und arrange tee lii.tnimriit and get ARE YOU INTBIiESTED IN PINE HOllLhy m270O mn,rn terms. r.O.B. holt Lair. hiriited mmom. This ho u la prh.. ISEkTl hhinly Safe Co.. iji W. Bruadwey. fSU 0K81 Mi: KM AUENCV COMPANY, "' and ready to move mto. OWNER wanlt to tell one 7 room modern brick. IUI.000 TO 820COO. ..iplte 3X1 40 acres beet land. $100 pr trr. 0b beet Hid mid Oraronulu CABINET mailt records, llaFor Ha. oak Dmra iu rrout mom., with all Cousunirr. fly Hie Coaeami C. bout. MUM; one 3 and 3 room, $300 cash, bal. eaty. Seal; 8113 tntli. Apt. n, 333 K. 1st tjotttli. SIT Nraaj Bldg. lu Icru built-ifeani." .. foil rem. nt boa. rtmaj; mlutu AN uptodate nickeling plant and n home one frame bungalow, weal. dump. m2210 riui-a- i. jo Nicks, Issj ptaui m per.ect or inrasce, riesi piumlilng ami pnwoi motor. j A. Hroivn Html, sit 111a tut it. 120 ready for crop. hout. good . . .. , ...,. momr new. ." k H 11, kTSaw at ' der .' anl ' IOJ WHAT HAVE V0C TO SELL? EOil SAI.E, -- JI.1 fine pliomigraph. large ubimt flowing well. $80 1 pr trr. Will eccept tin t.p In , late home, this mil suit you 1'h.lU'Ll TTON t.ASOLINE VENDOR CO. Must U' sild t.alay. in. small paymrat down if ctah. alsi'. ji,-Cull Mr. (Tot trad. G bVuus See 410 M, Walter V Mr, Meaatirh brick 4238. OWNEH I' ,lern. Phillips. bldg. look listen: for old SoretiM.n. riaim 402. New ,rand leitrl in2:i.".3 .INK FARMS WITH prard LIST lOl'lt rilOPEItrll - I tare stop: 1WKI pbiggeS imri-l- i and sleeping porch; lylug sut." to bo WE HAVE HI A LIVE OEKI1T1 Writ direct to ut aad tare youmelf money. 12 rrsMrils, ROOM BifWJALO.Wr k701S 12 to su for oil SUM. cuali. Vl.tndn. itl.NET hot air fiirnai-e- ; Will pay am) gat from gaa ran! garagert rlollR'a CLASSES HEAL OP AH. FOR , 43S4-MM,,!li'.-bilci V. 1.1 021 1884 or Must lw sold licfore April 1:1. Be. Ternis. on a tor Hy. lintir. aulta and orercoa ra. .1 am Just buagahne hcafd nth natir SECTION'S ALL IN OF EHTATE MILLARD COI'NTY THE REALTY CO. Poll SALE Cumblnutiou and desk. Eilat. on,, of the m20S, ni21. b:ik In inc. cirr. liili Eaa. aad nerd tun cloture. Tliet is wny 1 pay mors North. STATES, BkaTM CITY AND SCKUOl'NDI.NC Delta, Lteh. Ill Lucy uve. awk lu fare front rooms i. lln. then othrre. WantrU Odd coeti,. puuis. sboas. m.moi ; brlrk Kr.iti.-vithre t; ROOM, l ntodrra. win grauu I t lake ill bungalow; A S 10 11 parior piano; N". T und or KElllNi. Inirfel hiii'lien. library. coniltletely anythlug of ralu. truaks, stiltceere, tools, EXCLL'SITE I.ISTINiiS ITIOTOliRArllLD glassed In eieeplng porch; hot sir fur-livi dv. ruiuituir, 010 00. --male ami "lialnf rieun. full cement ovcrliuuieil, Inst cIbm inudltliiii; a bargain atuulion to all calls. M. htubeck. , ;., large living HALF ACRE IA)Trl. AND DlSI'liEU. lroaipl at. 673 Bo. 13tk IL will baadle ktttcl cash $3000 rn.ee, ... M UU. Hn sot". lo-.22o t l U'Be 7718. tstli t. ward st IHatd basement neon store, hoohl end hot I as et. Ioctted netr Mth Bast aud 21t South. Pin Urgrut I w are hen ling iialit III Mi ll A liKBTE concert (rand piano; eXeei- - UN ti Ills ROB1 cu bo I on. half acr tola $700 tch. Good water HAIXORAN Jl I:i: Til! ST COMPANY. fi.; one m font ma- j rrf.tgeiatoi. 4Ahii2i TKiinriif Tor SkkOiai)- '.n trnuje. .hie Mr. riiil- FOR SALE BY OWNER. Itnt condition. Just tuned; without cabinet; a ami fin anil. This la a rhanc to buy old ubd new right uiillcase. showraaet. LISTEN TO IIEASON ! LARGE MODERN 3 I 0ZY. Klth-8370. HtlOM. jpMi inu.tc at iVmiifi BR1CE; Apply tips, dept., bulgilin t la th of ut Irr A Hovnr, tifrs. will acreeg right (wher A LOSS bank, office and alor city THilEE TEARS WITHOL'T THIRTT ralut Thr trruirndous- coot of clotulug is Ihr rraaia ON o d60U t LOT, llrlen ROOMS; PINE ;,iiL-ieTO A CLIENT." kSsl2 keep un rising 1. and make a 1" Bicbateja st. Hi for your old I will pay jnu Irons A EAST BARGAIN. BENCH. nome. very rtay terms with bcncli; ) Jit sale-- l.illichrcum ' mulnigauy suits. 1 alii short ol suit, and Ibo prior la r, , BEAl'TIITT, plaae, AUTO. ADDRESS hluAuiu Live TAKE ea,. Ol: MB, WILL Wli tile TEE llljres. HIGHLAND DRIVE A REAGE. MAIN AND H110ADWAY. utlOU? must iiaerlfii'.'. 27VI 41 It arc. itiject. 1 bay rrrrylbiug 01 valur. Mas. iw k2SB4 I arl i r kiny. L 1. TBIwXXE. Three and a hi If teres In II. ill ids v, with Wasatch 7320. I'honr me. and I CNUEIiEE.MiiLi. Ltegcat st. n great at n very fie grade high 3 aoid piano aau exwatr right. Locatd on corner room motors El. modem on brick OWN hi WASATCH Ell i'V nilu the tliic ..ui. bougbt. J. rottage, spot repaired. will be uiy Lank roll. j I: ...,.le Loan Office, tit) E. 2nd and Highland Orlre. bargslu. Ooiuer Tbo.uaa Eire. Lu , SJA bo. W. Tempi- -. black letmr 833. 12038 lirat; one block from city and county stret Dp S...111.. y mSltU bid--cept k710 car asrvlc. sold. 572 Street h70M Hamilton UM. Wat. term.. : pleco. l'lpe.l water and ATTENTION ! elect rlr tlghf. Evry onvnlnre for a modem n kind nrda 1 for MCTUOLA Coil Vfri sale. Was. A BA WANT AitV fill hALCr-one uanu fr.'2 2nd soi tuuntaiu and lull I pay from 10 to 803 for srrond hand m- n 82HOO, LOf ATED s. . on a good, large lot. I bav a home. Term arrange"!. , ,1 7 room bri.i boiie"', on paved - .irei-tIl41i C2II counter, sail llrseoa: I am e leilor and her no ctuiuei tikturo to. nii-brirk and ceraeat bungalow. ThJt Tea teres In Wlndrr rlethtng. f haih. wtnl on l. eK : nil improi, ire 's j Hlgbltnd irn. etc. : 1 luual 52 Ktcberds St. uavr colhlug , 111 ln ballroom. Sale Musical Instiriinexits tnd ripairmg. For me. Drlre. li.i. nice and a half thtrt upper eaaat Twlv dining ine i npinar lor in. ..... l LOAN j BROS. nt HOFFMAN i. lltli ihc H.il), i.V,i7 fur. TKT'S'I; pul ll, - j "m ,1111 k.'i mora 111 i ll, hen and bath; also scrrenral hi slep-i- . ai auj piw. buffel used semes anil meat .ilcers. loam soli. liAltl.Ai.v mountain Fin.. insplendid vlw 1171 Illll. uhpne Uy. for valu BBrlshi 14.1 your old ciothiug t.OOli lulled l.i.iri . eMvlhUit eu4tlon (haa the ftnoo rath orer the valley. $0000. Easy trms arranged. tf ,,l, .n S. ... Co.. 247 So. Slate. ml740 Pprebi full cement basement, 81730 4 rooiu enllte. portly Dtrsleru. cmH, Waa i3tu. mm K. utli Bo, Hoi Blovlu. 00 li. 2nd South. 1111122 A haegaln. tiOOD Ill.Tf.DINil LOTS t IN IIW.VEsiJ Phone Was. 40$2. Mr. mouth. Ef MI'RItAY ACREAGE. per tad Jil Slav tUe caahs near terata. lot, park. easy Chevrolet amutl rudiatnr ..lovrtlKN 11 B7IM BUT. BMKK740N AVE.. ItiTH AND I1TH S.nrii.. mSSMA S27-"three arret, located clot In on Vine ALMOST li'Virlp.i ami 83 vutNi .f Narly Th tVVatf "null lion!, skid chains. At tire and WIH-J- . WASATCH EAST. L..SV TEi.MS, klN'ii pays nil It's worth for mro's m: m flneat gardpn toti- - snbirtigatlon. reran Unt. brick coltuk-e-, $.1300- - (ioorl high grade r.n.r.l. t all UylaBd 74H It ru24Stl ' el, : Mb. 2 red brick modern Apply 1 runlieni, al luu liimuK'ri-iaImueet It Y OWNER tnaooB tnd tract fur $1000. Only $100 rath and whole Tb dlrs' second ha ait suits, maairal Instromvnti null. lot ,17 square rods, facing balance $ln I ml,, 7 Ib. P Bt. fA'iO raab, TAri hoot; btiiT-lifliilmonth. This It rhotc and a end guns. Call Wes. 14(17. 30 West 2ud Boaih. owner SALE 9 pr tratTtag I'tiK city: , gumi busiuesa corner, nlngs. I OK sale t.lt kattf A Nothing einpr tnywhere. great burgtin. rauiie, like uw, haif price. e.swl 8.10ft , Alh- - lloukft . brick ivtrace Id fine furul.leM 1itu:i;aloTV. on WA.I.NO 1 in comer; ga-- j track; Wl- -. f7hO-R- . iwychology, mi ' FARM LAND DEPARTMENT. 00 lTau?B84k 83733 firHeast So. hill with nhade new'awn and terflts. condition, ami HAND h:s. all occult BnUecttt, Sand fir Eaiy trees; iajfe;'two Ihtathl CI)THES MARKET. BEtONl) A8HT0N IENKI5N COM PAN V , modern, muoi P0R BALE by' owner flew, Was. HH3S.J. hnithahl Bollrltots esil pvddlrra: Vou ran now obtain fhtaleA;. Tneeter Bili: f5..r. 76 Kaet 1st Houth. WILL pa; man for good colilblnttiou 2 Main Mlrret. 'iri'-iluogtlow; hanlwood fhiom. finished IB SII8K1 Will hit' a beaatftsJ b room bunaa-lo- . alau a guod h ur Oh. p. fnl. raluc for your clothrs by aoHtnit direct to uiucuine; W'UKBtrh :: in 120. nil A built latent fratur.a. Built by 'W NKI: 4'J7S. For Sale Vatibin; Machines frain. hou., with si. gumwood; Wo also buy from all built-iaa fealnrrai: liar.iwo.wl floor., hol'a, Weeeti.-kH4..J '.tlic uintoi. Phone Up. 300 a. block E. 1, from List veil 5th yonr Situated a drire. ownrr. chlrkn raBrht tnd firms, S"i. h:. nod new; street. acrrtgr. aunosi Slttte $100 artrstr partl. iva 1BS3 BpbT,. j cash. Wa1kbBAii4a t machines with thai elecliic molor. VIOLIN free lo all . hom-30V us L nt 10 So. with Htm if tubnrbnn 88634 ,4th Eatt. Im ;,nxi33 to alley; jll.t otff Inquif you want to aril .!.:! Terms. 2.ira,-847...0 aad up. Electric tiupply Co.. 240 Stale Will lOL'll ui'l clothing. cad. Phoue Wat. O2o. Hon bb$g ulvatioo 2l!'i kT36 1.1th m2717 thm. lucul 8011!!; bulauce ranii, piv, 48 t. Wat. IVOSO. xISSI rilDI new Army. Phnnr hni 3J87. FOB SALE HY OWNEH Now rartnt, .VH.n--beinitifiil sr, 'MU mm one table btnifalow, ..ulflt. ami Pairpool, complete, to Liberty park. 4 rooms rlose very bungalow, cloth-bsg- . oak wood KfMtlti OHEI.N pais hia-iietor neavpa, in liiri; rooini. firit finis!, prtrei uaasa .iv.'i tcaics. can ooo vs. .uj Jwiuin. for city real rstnr. ami built In sl.eping porch. 418 Wllliamt it. I farm lu AkiSA YESS sc. shoca, tullikates, irniiks, Wsn.iten ismditlon. Full cement basement, fin' hhdui rliis v.'S VV 'ni318a Linoientn tnd window kim-iMM OWNER 8848I LEAVING firnue. eery luree lit ,it172 fi,, fine garage CITY. $700.00 cash, $2.00 per meat. Waa. BTKEL safe, hotel rang. showcase, ceah leg-t- and chicken eaosei. I rrm. MI ST SELL THIS WEEK. LE fcj .iw:i.r Mrsiirn bungalow , drink soft end ; lunch ::7tiJ. r, counter unrtliw.-s"cutnpleie t c.-ie!ii the f THE LUCKY ONE? WHO'S heat!, ST E AM 3JFIIP TICKETS ajjj R. H. 0PFICE1V A: CO.. Wcstiru turuituio cv. htabr at. eatl outfits. real t,are,iln in an N rncm biniyai;s,.i Iitli I..' anl Itrjan are.: paving ami all loi- iJlTo7 MODERN tOTI'AOE ON 3RD AVE.. A6U3ki liroannar. 7m0 ctsh, TICLKTti 1o ami f Asaayem sml Shipp-is- ' Agentt. all Atlantic and Pactti-Prlre J.T7S0; low: built 3 years ego: laiire living rooms ' proveme ns paid. Ml ST BE SOLD AT A BIG. SACRIFICE. Bd presaed brick cottag. bungnlow $;v 3C0 So West Trmple Slnet. .Salt Luke. ' In hanlwi.-Kl- . tours arranged. J. u. Hie tli. The trnai.1 will sh.,w. VNasafrh C.lre lis an nrt-- r. ficlslied all" Hsa garage and line bark four rxtra la raw roomt. clothes closet, pnrrrltla front, bitobs three ports, bi.-c.apee FOB foot SALE j soda Wtlrut til ltlu founttln; Scud fur sa'-p- ld -, Hikieloii. siGeue. jl Sti amshlp 8 goat; office. U'llni l pin-.Call Wat. 8141. bedr....m. .men! nt nod 3731 InltWlV aud ftuBt ycrdn. i Will be hath fixtnrrt, remrnted htapnirnt. and a fine in vtcetleui marble ccnttruetion; evadltlna. Neto:. Salt Lake Cltyr auuwn by appointment only. mli'j '"' "" r'"tThe Wright Co.. EraMira.. Wye. large gardra lot. No. 2337 South 3t Kaet. A OWM.K lens s II a --CI bum. Traom ntnta rtjM EBEN R. T. BLOMQl'IST, real home, cnnvnl.it to school. Tli'wTrTTir TO .Tl7PAirTM OPTUE WOULD. Onr prtct for ! wild with full lsj!ieBt; in liou 0ooi FEET e inch wood pipe, good aa aew; 237 n. Constitution ctfWAN h. mid c. three k4S0 chemial. Bldg. lhu dtyt. $2S0tl.(iy. Hare un expert figure BI'TCAL XtVIOATIONB. 443 SOI Til a H tinidrrri 0 used m. EkBtraBd. flat. setaet , tot u BKAI-TIPL M AULBtMtOI . II 'ak. eorlhjuikt heBch: houee aad eu what yon caa duplicate It bdOli l't.,,l..- Was I. .1 4114 the " UTAH MalV ST . SALT LaVLE Irees. Waa. and 8S42 ksttuj j JSVeft JTctpplr. halfalr. frah. l( ItSiiJ PLACE, near Liberty park, and wi will build with lantc yard room brick for. or trade, by own, r: BLAI i A BEASON. aaaayem and chemiett, lk ni2SAt FOR tal WE have a snap for someone who wauta aa rn n home w cording 10 .our Ideas, and yon hefweiw th aad Tth Soulh Waal Troiplv. Was. 121L Iniute, on 2nd N ,rth, U2hji DETECTIVE3 Mi BELLA R- BEAL ESTATE A INV may pny lor 11 on our easy liniment plan, Edison notary iu!nie,,k'ia.li No. 77, fu fimtLOOK at V": le.'i 80. Sth East 7 room brwa. CO West. Eree of iBcunibrance. Will trade for tl.l-MOA NICHOLS, 410 Welker Bank Hldg. modern excT)t heat, can Im ooed for tte taoall attayrra ami cuenilst.. .class condition. ll ll. i an lholnpsoB Co.. Eb In. us- - rioter te crater of town. Addnat CPIOflN'.'.L. tBCnelrla!, Inrctitigatlnr.p .1,111 KP l.S'Btlon In West south fiueBt , feka. hit wl7S3 tots. ' rtah. Timple. Ojtio kl3Jll i7. TrlbOBBj II Saart-nb6037 ing. ibari ftrily 2001 So. HOFFMAN BROS LOAN A TBI 'ST III. See owner. State at. llilaud reda. BRAND-NEm7I invalid chair, never been used. 22 East lat Boutii. B":: K74. Palt l.a'.e bMMB UNION Assay office, lac. 132 134 South West k.i.Mi Was. 2232. 40121 HAVE 12100 equity ua my place; would tell p. o. box I44S. Temple 11' 72.' Hj m l 341 I J. Addreaa 1. P. Chrltta- a good dltrotiBt. at L I' TO APABTMENT HOl'SE POR 8AIJ6. I TONK XYEAJiEKS shirts. The Sinclair Shop, ti if! m2l B2718 m Sto. 4.18 Ett 8rd Sualb. CHiaOPOUlSTS Ea afMMT y. I'patalr.. N I A '. O. -s- jetlcTB lo all kind It cloae In. $110; F.. .. harg-aifor quick tale: Eight f L. P. HIT. h lipK.. Ei.spilnntl ;nlj; raaraa. wool -- for met GOOD land $2 00 per i r. huo-i in 40 acre trains and leather, mod. bungalow; a map: 82300. apartmeBta of fit roomt rich. Well built tnd bar Lip sack; paying and telling leggings OlflHallst. 00c raah acre. 2 minis! isivmeBtl of and western. Nubby bwlturlum. .Th Bute it. . n. up. t hole narrow rlaaa flirnisheil; ,wtiatiy. U W. Brudivay. high 81100 throughout, location. Trrmi. g7u hit; aTasf 8T , MTU loth E. 3rd So.. gVahll AaArttt owner. P. O. box SI0, rlty, bungnlow, axMtA in: . Ji'SK 11. Call as to buy nint Xperienc . W. 'ae black' t leather eotn-h! GENTTNE ,JjgMaV.aC Temple. OWSBK WILL liaVf'BIFIciR a good heating ctk line or th. fiirnilBio lim. nivut A. WELL BI'II.T m27Sll J ota A BOOM MODERN famsc blarjesmith's: Ei23E. BRICK HOME. m34l PI LL I B ., TTik. 1MB. 'eel. Prtre ami terms' right, BkMlt if, PL'RNACE. IDEAL IA1 TWO 3 rra. bouse.. 12U2 8 Pac. ar.. $1788 00 VENT BASEMENT c.s hk iu. -- ch ,1 us to bat U VVlSalEB, , urr 412 dhaa-A.;..iil at fotniiwi.-rn. Bib son Eatt Ob ,..,,. r besel BY wab. OWNER ... gtaduaia. eatt FORD Iraet.-rr. per da.- 8170. nrw. pluwa i each. 10 pel last for raab. Paul Utla, Ida. cation, ig 111 im Junk ilao. Hyiaad SSK-E- . Bf apaa ...j. . aa bouts Mala. klOHCi IrMBgatow : full hwoemefti. il. ep J Bt20l7 . 7 m3213 Waa., 70T8. ulf I use, MM bill BJ7 corner Get lot. ;tlu'. iarine (mil P0U ttl by owaerI TO BEN I TWO l .t. in ULghliad park for iakt cheap far FOB SALE hy owner Beeutiful. ttrirtly mod arrr, tarden. N. 842 So, "rd porch: M A ti Y ATT0B,NErS U. BITLKll. UH. trees., thrubbery. Iiwb; j, In six fureislicd Hy. 1843. ' cbiropodUt, arch rm. West. Tel. Was. 0230. nungaiow; large room a : bar, I Ul2': ciib, or will tell aa irnaa. Was. gusl-w- . rouble ' J corrected. 83a Judge bldf. oa large comer lot ir arStl Wit. od floora; all hulll la fratuma: KING. Bit A FEET at SCHI.I.DEU altururyt lnntd on SPSS. tnd bam: futal Is tI02l vsll GAS rang- - like uw ; eery law. Suite 031 Judge bldg. north bench, out nf amok BDOe. Musi be teen BY OWNER rise-remod, ateeplite; potrefe. which Y Sir from ownr I rn. brick bungalow, mod BI mor thou It A N IT. to DI: - J HOCTBN. be Owner foot Lawns, fredt P, 114 trees, appreciated. enlist. aydgarag. , letting city. Price FUEL bureau of legal Information. B. X -e ra steep, neat; xceiiat location, aoutbeaat $7300. 8lum hldg. Was Pbnn Krllh Waa. "BOM. A real bargiin. fem. Inv, rr-.'e. kl47 TWO guy derrick! for sal: IS inch limben. m21J mi wind Pri"-..- 8U000 for huIc 11 hardwroud floor, two aiattaewt laryrr aud couustiur front rvome. buffet ra-- St.. 10 a. m. to 12 80 Mumlay. Was. MM era to,, i.i." rhalas and guy wires; forgo, Fiat III Mluth. OWNER okce bath, ghltn ad la sleeping porch LEAVING CITY. itcbee, bbMJM other dais. SECOND-HAN184 W lit South nril and tod. Inquire r STOKES atrlr-tlextra Urge lot. with garage. 1881 So. 8th Eatt inndern .Vrm Nerly Bw. attractive, Phoae Was. 7270-M- . n.24.11 EOT 1TY In 4 room ml ., redared to $3000. Hy. WT Term. If BfHM hungalow, l. I.HKVrkATISSt AKD LUMBAVrO EMGHT all kilt, rltrruiw era a tuuntata. Bait aoreosar Hr. 2AIA-J- . fir hiffef. fKK waaii, r, Ttkr hookra. in.'.lfi ', M) Bargala. fee CabSaaH PTH. A Lake 32 Hataakti PUntr Co.. and aserythlag UUharda at. HflV taflrr with rheamat'jvra. gout light flag full basimic; coop, m217K larg as. partitl laigao 21 Flrat arum. LOT. 89x123. Highland Perk, cheap for rah fnrnl.lied. k8B48 shai I caa give you - lief aril Impro-Brk- i an be l Term. s Will beasda T3 Ltbrrtr Kuril. loonies rept la 21 lixmrr. free. Prof w 4374. Laier call II HY OWNBB -l- liwitn rottag; rkias (a. tenter WK cam houerbold will pay yoa I.AHIES' end geais' khaki ouilrw rhitkUtg: all II goods 1 .aw..,. 2 ttaer It.l. Waa Bin J 402 Boyd Pork bi.t. , M. kinds. Nobby 8i itoriam. 221 Stale. ruroj! 'esse C. hi. 81712 eiis-w- . ere worth. Save annoy In' J ur gorals ireei. via., Ttf " aD he brtck: arekl. Por appuialuieni cwT' aae. patment. mi like lo 3 p. in Honrs. a4 s it Lake lumitur Co... FIVE ROOU nwklon ,.a , . ,i. ecssi fftlt iIaLK Pht first rrup-Ttfanor a ha7y O A NEB mui M il new S mow ' k 2UUI W So. 8 id Phons for 238 Ml k , at n ' Hy. B1VU7 apartnisrta. Waa. ..W7. Brws l ... I 717 Lacaaia CI a.33 mlaaO ' la., W. IKiugiat . aau ibo am East, 'O'1" caiej 87288 tUci hte, heal jctr prre. Term "wlr. Uj. 3A32. Trh Soulh, it Malt tr r lf Li ui ,. ljIji. " trs .mil l.T. r;a aei , ". Si'lPP ar M J.U ,.ul T.i in fi wikti tr. ert tor. l:I '' pll. 'hit. ai. (., tna. trs. iil. trr. ll. trr. ,,..., urn kt L. .. h9 lrt. fft; .'i.me'' '" i, ' 3 il. t !;.., Kt. 1 |