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Show THE SALT LAKE T1U13UN HO SI 11E DEJECTS visit Cleveland end see for yourself that It Is a city wheis the spirit of genuine friendship I very real. IS HOST Halt Lake Eulogized. 8. Wiiaon. praaldant of tha. affiliation of tha YVfatern milt amity, waa tha aacoud vialting hia apaakar, and inatead of following of Truth In Advartla-injr,- " lu Led uled aubjt ha but IlKhtly touched tha advfrtii-tlt- g theme and !()' Wa knew ii(Ua of 8 It TAka. Ita Matorio Intereaf and Ha tradltiona and ill wonderful paaaihUUlaa in raaouxraa until today. Facta ara better than mara opinions, aa haa been proved by our vialt, and wa not only find you a progrraalva and people, but a peoplt not retarded with religloua prejudiea. Wa feel that we now know you better and wa can do buflneea better with you In tha future. Today la. period where aervlca la tha watchword. Thing of yesterday have (hanked and no bngrr wtli'thla great ha controlled, but, fountrywiU politically be controlled by the buainesa men who ara going to step on tilings that r not right. Let tna say tn coslng that wa thank vnu for your kindness and we are gal that we came. Wa find fUlt Lake a 'nlMtratnrv of a wonderful country of vaat taaourcaa. a Myron J. Jones of tha company of Cleveland, told of Industrial (le eland," and joutiined tha five great ma of tha city which, he aatd. wr Machinery." money," represented In and merchandising" manufacturing," manhood." Fie paid tribute to tha west and ita people, and thanked the Halt loike people tor their warmth and hospitality. Kidney II U.S. REQUEST Ifl (Continued from Pag One.) Ha-ter- 1L-T- 11 L USL)A Y MOUSING, MARCH 4, 1020. Idaho Woman Aids Brother in Budapest M Tk lpotl RUPERT, TrllwM, - (Continued from Pag One.) Mr. shown the Haibrd riort at the state department, and that high official, including the secretary of state, hd given their opinion that with certain deletion to a letter there waa no reason why the report should not he sent to the senate. That Mangold, wa seven week ago, the aenator aaid, store In Budapest, Hungary, asking con-- I but effort to fmeure the president Testified sent si nr then had been unavailing. her to send a draft 'through the 1 am Senator said afraid." American food administration relief Comthat this U anbther instance of of warehouse to save his family from the studied indifference of the president a to courteous request of the senate." starvation. Refused That ; habitual," Interjected Senator . Mr. Mangold writes that it 1 'Lodge of Massachuaeus, the iiepublioaa nearly Impossible to bny food at j leader. Senator Poindexter, Republican, Waah-- 1 any price and that the value of Hilton, told the aenate he understood the to Induce Harboid report was adverse to iMump s money had fallen to over tion of any American mandate a cent on the dollar. Through the of and Turkey, suggested that the presiBan It of because dent be withholding might American food administration plan the effect It might have on ratification of Coal Worth Trillion Dollars. has been made possible for him to ouf early shipmdbt of high and low It the treaty. Refusal. Meets a Ac online to the government report. occasion for o ho There is expresany twenty-twget pounds of flour, Utah ha 13.130 inuare rnilea of actual built on the fastidious Echo last. sion of surprise that information on for-- j ill workable coal. which, it la entlmated, tight pounds of beans, eight pounds etgn affair requested by the senate ia ton of fuel. AHiKn These yield shoos, of soft, pliable, almost woar- not forthcoming, said Senator Knox, of bacon and eight cans of milk for WASHINGTON. March 3- .- Blunt re- log thla.a value of J6 a ton. It repre. "Surprise ' Republican, Pennsylvania. " e $l,00,ijoo,-Therof to atate the Cordovan t!0. leather, will please the man proof would be occasioned if this administrajection met the effort of the state de- sent rteourra are lo known copper Business Constructive. tion had furnished Information. Mexlmn to the governInduce partment worth who wants to be comfortably yet stylishly Out of the sturm nrt stress of labor $1,207,506,600, hydrodcpoelta Kinoe IWg it has been part and poN? ment to permit Hrnry Forres, an Amer- carbon bed which tan produce $0,000,-mirelations," Mr. Jones said, "there Is grow. of this administration to keep from the s shod. mutuof , the of ore at valued tesIng iron appreciation Mexico principle after to ican cttlien, Wilson, Major F. W. Wood. Jess Wilson senate information upon foreign affairs flou. whu-lmake the total revonr e of the ally. of partnership, of the worker's part and Lr. A. K. Bpurney. that it is not only the senate's right, but tifying before the aenale auhcommlttee Fundafrom mineral wealth $1.011, 37, 6 hi,- - In what Is doing In Industry. For those who prefer the Jazz last we the senate duty, to secure for study on Mexican condition. Answering a note U1M). mentally the labor policies practiced by and consideration that may make ita deare constructive. In the sivtthern part of Utah there ore American employers presented by George T. Summerlin, charge have a splendidly 'made cision considered. Cherry Red1 shoe They aeek to Improve th standard of mountain ramie, one of at the American embassy, Hilarto Med- - two Senator King said ft wa to be renon ore and the other of coal, which Jvlng for American labor, and by appeal is model. new which also a TJie heel is a of foreign affairs. said , ina, eubaecretary gretted that the I'nlted States had not so together that the production ti loyalty and Intereat In the production declared war on Turkey and Bnlgarla. that In view of the antfot dents ' of of Iron and sled Is destined to become of goods n quantity and quality, to make trifle higher than usual and the style is pointso that this nation might have an efmore products available at home end Korrea his entry could not be permitted, 'me of the great Industries of th state. tn fective voice" consignment abroad for preventing human service. our manufacturing and "To ed in keeping with the vogue of the hour. of Asia of Medina also charged that Jorree h.,1 mining supiiort the Christian population the Progressive employers avoiding resumes, the highly developedo Minor to the Turkish government, which of hveterical and short-live- d conducted a propaganda against Mexl-- 1 ,,greult oral industries of Utah are program E ha embarked on a policy of exterminaCome in any time between 9 a. m. and 6 p. ra. In 1919 there were some belated representatives of capital couragingly ample J'among persons attending the ses-- ! ll.H3.ooO tion toward them." acres of land under cultivation. and management have been thinking and . Biona of the subcommittee. rea our new business hours. more more as end humenelv fmm whlch UAg bushels of wheat. The American request, according to un- - la.i'itOioo tons of hav anil large crops of gards their workers and are building their V. MAY S. official text, laid stress on the fact that corn, oata, barley and potatoes were har- polb lea and programs from the bottom (Continued from Page One.) up not from the top down." Utah' Greatest Clothing Store American citizens could not refuse to vested PREMIERS TO The musical and Ariel furnished under are Millions of quartet each the before dollar committee, produced testify bf!l hom vocal numbers during the luncheon. is one of the most beautiful year by the sugar Industry, and the revepenalty. ARMENIA Th Cleveland visitors, many of whom in Nevada. nue from oeef. pork and mutton and wool are accompanied by their wives, were No Right Denied. onstltutes a formidable accessory." met In Ogden by a unlied comm'Kee of LOS ANGELK8, Calif , March By Universal Service. In view of these extenuating circumThe comcivic organisations. halt Pickford, mho waa granted a divorce from Praised. WASHINGTON'. March 3- .- The T'nited Hospitality a note .Summerlin Mr. added, stances," mittee waa composed of Freeman P. HasOwen Moore at Mtnden, Nev., on the States may protest the of and without denying the right of the We are deeply impressed with the ten, representing the Klvvanls club; Na- ground of desertion, waa reported out Armenia according to thepartitioning plan of the Comthaniel the of towrv" Jackson, at the representing studio J&ARNS&UH.OWQ welcome and -f' allied premiers. The protests against the moving picture given mercial hospitality i'iflcsfrab';" aucns, club; Adrian C. Pembroke, rep- here. 0 are flowing into the proposed partition ment believes that in these rases an ex- - UB by the Salt Lake people, said Pree8. J. the Miss club; resenting Rotary Earley, pickford and Mr. Moore havee been stato department. They are coming from lection might b made which would not dent Charles L. Fish of the Cleveland representing the Manufacturers' associaseparated for several years. all sections of the country. Their char- destroy the principles of International b(mrd tion of ttah, and A. C. Rees, representworked at the same studios, but never aeter will not permit to Mr- jn-.ir- , re,pon ,d of their being igIn Associated Industries. the Utah same the ing no we but are less impressed with company, since their separanored. It was stated at the state departThe Mexican reply dealt only ,,, .t,.1 dress, tion. ,h(. ment ond(,rfj .tatllc, of yoUr resource. today that they were receiving Arrive on Special Train. Miss rirkford's family and friends' have most serious consideration. There were re- - whlch have been outlined 'M.fnf.iTL at Mala mores, Mexico, i.n.1 who wascon-to afdeclined discuss marital her intimations that the protest might lead J A special train was provided for the always 1 fused passport vise by the Mexican but 1,111 because f nd her of faith fairs, th to hat religious the formation a of definite policy on aul at Eagle Pass, Texas, when he sought It was a surprise in motion picture cir"rned. and we. instead. visitors at Ogden hy D. 8. Spencer, genthe part of the United States, although hv ul,e to go home after having testified. Life. the former emperor a fixed sum for Attempt on cles of when word was of decree the the eral re Short state department officials are Just now voting passenger agerit Oregon lnfor,7'..Von hlrt!, urPrl,," his maintenance. Peimlt me to point out to vour ex- - n' rf7, ,,n us we are Bv the In March 3 aa a to ran done. what BUDAPEST, be in primarily delights arrived Line and Salt railroad, quandary they a Socialist, ceilency, the Mexican reply aaid, that Graef, Deputy majority our The allies propose to divide Armenia Press.) An attempt was made this at 11 '30 o'clock. Members of the the Mid Mr. Forres In testifying before lm 18business n trip to sell Cleveland, had failed to that the Into four unequal parts. Its Mediterra- declared and In Commercial club met them at the depot Grace Larue Defendant. morning to assasalnatc Stephen Friedacquaintanceship the subcommittee of the I'nlted States live up to the historic precedents of hla rich. e former of feel nean that been richest has Its and countryautomobiles learning your escorted them with to littoral, premier and minister of war portion, senate, stated that conditions prevailing" race. He had not died at the head of hla in the By Universal Service. tour It an excellent Idea In bringing the Commercial club luncheon. e present Hungarian cabinet. Sevassigned to France; Its central provinces troops. at present In Mexico w.re chaotic, chose the lie Instead, deputy La1. NEW March E. Grace were shots eral YORK, fired at his motor car will a of mutual ti( und about to been have annexed Kurdish great proposed During the afternoon thev were taken A midnight hlblttng as evidence of his assertion that- benefit In the future.prove flight to Holland, as he was croasin? the Elizabeth brtdtro. for a sightseeing trip around the ity aa rue, vaudeville and musical comedy star, Htate under British protection; its north- continued, aaw-iii- k the president of the republic, on the ornow le "he where and promenading wa not injured, howHerr Friedrich Let western portions have been left under aalon of Ills visit lo Cuatro Cienegas had kep r acquaintanceship fresh guests of the club members. A special was mads defendant today In a suit yor Turkish wood. ever. The war minister' asaauant esafter we are again back at our desks, and orsan recital has been arranged for and what remains of ths $100,000 for alienation sovereignty, been escorted by 7000 soldiers. the now take The committee Judiciary .of affections it is to be made Into an Armenian repub- bill under advisement and conferences are caped in an automobile held in To do tnt tlll members of the party at 12 o'clock today acquaint!. will of the preoent tour, which, In the tabernacle. lic, which comprise about They will leave for brought by Mrs. Myrtle TannehiU HamilIgrtthe purpo a to last many weeks. could Chevenns, Wyo., at 3:15 o'clock this aftercalkd tiade extension Turkh Armenia and parts of expected ton, who obtained a divorce 'from Hale Russianof Armenia. The motion of the majority Socialists, rorres expreaswi he tetter named as a friendship trip, Mr. noon. extension . Eloplng Couple Arrested. providing for action by the national ashimself in harsh terms with regard to ar- - j trip. Hamilton, actor. In New York on January The members of ths Cleveland party 24. OMAHA, March 3. The father of Anna sembly, has been temporarily tabled. Miss Larue as corespondent. Would End Turk Rule. ticle 27 of tha constitution, stating it naming merchants and of We manufacturers are. Kerstetn, 13, H9 Rees street, Chicago, Mrs.sHamllton, who also Is weU known simply provided for confiscation or rob- - Cleveland want to know the business men H O Atkinson, Mr and Mrs. Fred Th protests received at the state de- Will Resume Negotiations. broke Ills promise that Oito Gomoll, 32, In general his statement were of the ry. w want to see bow you Rail. Samuel H. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. W. on the stage under her maiden name. ct. could demand the rule of the that Mexico and this marry her If she was found after TannehiU, reiterates the charges partment only deroyatorv to things to sense the Ideas that are H. Rotten. W C. Rrown. Mr. end Mrs. Myrtle LONDON, March I. The supreme disappearing, Gomoll told police made in the divorce suit. Ehe saxs her Turk he brought to an end in Armenia council today government hut were also sarcastic. B. A. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Comer-forand Vour In progress will at assemble development. April early after he was arrested at a hotel with tha wrthelesa. the said Mr. F orres has not ou 0f our r. and Mrs. H. M. husband met Miss Larue In 1906. and and th.it Armenia from Arrarat down to San Remo, t we hope there will come A. C Cook, with where negotiations Italy, tire The an to coast be unlimited then decided se to fa his statements himself girl. confined (jilinan given couple elope, ? a healthv interchange of trade linking Chisholm. Mr. end Mrs. Ram W. Emer- by giving him money and following him Juyo-SlaThe he said. The will be resumed for autonomous development. arrest was made at the rewith regafd to Mexico, but he has been our community with and drawing son, Charles L. Fish, president of ths about the country, weaned him away opportunity or he gathering at San Remo i of Chicago police. It certain that the proposed division quest. from (falnat u cloer t ogeth er." yours lawful also engaged in active propaganda wife." hts She her, and whole manufseturers merchants' j of Armenia bv the allied powers will not j hat It was felt that Roma waa too far Mexico among the persons attending the board, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Forbes, Miss oltr meetings between her husband and meet with the approxal of the government I dHdnt and lee suitable for conducting having furthermore offered in- ripvplantl Intlliqfrinl D. W. Gobbett, Miss Elsie Miss Larue In various cities. Janet Soldier Given Jail 3entence. Forbes, ! eesaions, conthe United Htates. The ontv question the negotiation with the Serbians. Pre-l- s to to tone the locular Mexican Wiy. go Hamilton made an international repu- of wimt F. Guenther, Mr. end Mrs. William M. eulate and edvlee himself as to whether the attitude of the United States niter Nlttl of Italy, who la to proceed While we survey your Industries and Hardle, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Hill, Mias tation as the star In PHOENIX, Ariz., March 3. Henry not ha to almost yet Italy, ill he and how it will be presented to immediately O'Brien, former British soldier, charged t the vise of his passport would be denied, i your civic progress, we should like that Julia Hill, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Huber, Wallingford " Miss Larue married United a from the State received Is one of reply allies The much ue. too, and something of the Mr. end Mrs. W. O. Hulbert, James L. Byron Chandler of Boston several kou know the of with violation confident that It woiWtlenot be. the immigration Wet in question The allie In x lew of the antecedent of Mr. I city of Cleveland where we live. Located E. Jappe, Mr. and Mrs. John Jaster. ago, when Chandler had arned theyears embarrassment. the alleged bringing of Vera Mort. arexpressed with regard to President Wilson's statey of the on ment communication I last the to on have model the I'nlted States the shore of Lake Erie, Cleveland 6 Henry Forres my government and former ambulance driver, tists pained the millionaire kid," by his their willingness J. Jones. E. B. A. Kellum, W. H. a mandate over Armenia but the allied premiers. to Arizona from England, was today sento advise your exeeilenev that It cannot fords a splendid harbor for the vessels Myron Kelly, George W. Kinney, Mr. end Mrs. lavish expenditures along the great take tenced by Judge David P. Dyer In fedpermit the entry Into Mexico of the gen- - that ride the great lakes. With vast Brewster P. Kinney, Mr. end Mrs. Henry white way. They separated after a few United State was not willing to accept Peace Terms Denounced. General James H. eral court to serve three nionthj in tha tleman. responsibility. quantities of ore coming in by lake from F. Klein, Tom Knight, Mr. and Mrs. W. years and Chandler has been living that detailed by President the northwest and a constant supply of George Korta, E. E. Yavapai county Jail. A Moscow wireO. F. quietly In Massachusetts for some time. Hnrbord.to who was t. March LONDON, make a study of the economic, less Wilson coal from the near-b- y coal fields of Ohio President Jess Wilson. George Will Meet Obligations. received here says the proand Pennsylvania. Cleveland la a city of Leopold, military and political conditions in Ar- posed9iispateh R McKay, Mr. end Mrs. F. 8. Macourek, Trouble Came In Bunches. peace conditions with Poland have MEW' YORK. March 3. Th Interlwr-ipan- y Industries. well needs a as humanitarian the It affords the moat economl- - Samuel menia, WOULD R. as extravagant. The Mason, George H. Miller, will have cal point In the country for the manu-b- o of the Armenian people, reported that it been denounced ough Rapid Transit PINE BLUFF. Ark., March 3. As M. Mr. Mrs. Hunter and Morrison. In William at a adds that Lenine, speech of 0O,(HKi men effec- dispatch difficulty in meeting Its financial ob- - facture of Iron and steel, and turns out H. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Poplowsky, Mr. OF VESSELS would totake a force If the L. Harre'l, 40, under custody of a sheriff, the Cosaaek congress, said: ravfare countless metal products. In the manu-.o- p and Mrs. A. E. from Armenians the ligations on the basis of a five-ceprotect tively for the state penitentiary started Mr. today and Mrs. Rlester, Polish aggressor Invade our country we to July 5, Frank Hedlev, president of facture of automobile accessories. It leads r ages by the Turk and Kurds. senA. Rltxmsn, C. G. Sankey, Elmer J. will give him a blow that will not be at Little Rock to serve a March 3 DeclarWASHINGTON', the companv, admitted today at the hoard the United States and holds second honors Sapp. tence for K. S. Schulte, Jesse Seldman, Sidforgery, officers informed him forgotten. .. of estimates' inquiry into Its resources. n the manufacture of automobiles. had died at a local hospital It wife Mr and Mrs Adolph I). ing that opposition to the sales of for:' Victims of Attacks. his that ney Saidman, Mr. Hedlev, who repeatedly has pleaded also turns out vaat quantities of women's t mer German vessels and after giving birth to their twelfth child. cargo Feldman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. For years the Turks and. Kurds period- No Yankees in Dardanelles. for a higher fare, stated the company's wearing apparel. The child died also. The mother was Henrv A. Taylor, Clarence E. Ter- vessels wa based on absolutely false ically nave assailed the helpless finances would be uncertain after July. 3, We bring the greetings of entire no ha been There March 3, B. Terrill. William of Influenza. Harrell was alleged to have LONDON, Nina Miss J. rill. Senator thoumassacred the them by Edge, Republican, he asserted, the cOst of operations land and ws thank you for ths warmth Van Aken, Clarence Walker, Mr. and premises, Is of none now, Intention, and there forged checks for about $1000 over a New Jersey, today introduced a joint sands. They are Incapable of detending American .Would increase. of your hospitality. W'e hope that you can Mrs. Werthetm, Mr. and Mrs. In Darnaval the S. participation Bldney resolution which would' permit the ship- themselves against these assaults of their danelles, according to announcement hers. period of two years. savage enemies. The contention of the' The formal American force in Turkish ping board to dispose of all vessels to allies Cell for Bank Statements. has been that If an Armenian rewhich it has title, with the provision which would embrace all Armenia waters comprises six destroyers and the r WASHINGTON. March 3. The that they be retained under American public were to he established and left unpro- Galveston and 8corpton. Two destroyers of the currency today Issued a . all tected bv foreign troops the Armenians were recently sent to the Black seatem-to for registry. the condition of all national hanks others, snd remained Action on the resolution was deferred quicklv wovikl be wiped out bv the re- relieve two The allied porarily at the request of Rear Admiral at the close of business on Saturday and Kurds. atithe request of the author. A bill lentless Turks be needed who feared February 2. Bristol, they might premiers have contended that the division for designed to prevent the shipping board of refugee work tn consequence of the Armenia which thev propose is not from selling the German ships pending reaching the coast. prompted by a desire for territorial ag- Bolshevlkt formulation of a permanent merchant grandizement The Brlt'sh admiralty states there Is but is designed to prevent no confirmation of th reports that the marine policy is now on the senate wholesale massacre of Armenians. British Intend to send more ships to the calendar. Dardanelles. Senator Edge said he presented his S. U. resolution for the purpose of termiHere. VIEW Peace Not Really nating as rapidly as is consistent with OTTAWA. March 3. Speaking In the good business the government 's adt. house of commons today, W. F. CONCERNING ministration of the merchant marine Unionist member for Brantford and its destructive competition with : d a prominent manufacturer, expressed the business interests of the country By Universal Service. the opinion that a large part of the prevand in order that the present burden of WASHINGTON, March 3. The millions alent unrest was attributable to the fact taxation can be reduced and a return of people In the United States who are that peace was not really here. He drew situation In the- United to normal conditions be encouraged. undernourished and uneducated because attention to the States, saying that our neighbors to the of lack of food and opportunity should be soutb should be told that they have no assisted before this government consid- right td involve the other nations of the chaos while they fight out their We will advance you ers lending and appropriating more mil- world In buttles." IN political for relief in Europe. lions WHO NEEDS DAYLIGHT MOST? In is the attitude of substance, This, money on anything from 3. March Two Senator Poindexter of Washington toward Ilorthy a Restorationist. WASHINGTON, To those who think that daylight saving is a adthat congress sanction a tin watch to an auto at LONDON, March 3. Alexander earthquakes occurred in the South Pa- the suggestion device of the plutocrats who want to play golf, let appropriations for new loans to cific ocean last Saturday, resulting in ditional premier of Rumania, In an Inin a letter to he which expresses Europe, the lowest legal rates. it be suggested that the boss plays golf whenever the breaking of both South American a constituent, a copy of which was made terview printed In the Pall Mall Gazette cables, according to information re he wants to. The time clock iiint much of the appointment of Adtoday drag regirding ceived here today. Further details are Confidential, courteous, miral Horthy as regent of Hungary, is on his inclinations. lacking. quoted a follows: low-rat- e loan The time clock doe, however, curb the emservice. The new Hungarian regent will try In Seismographic records at Georgetown every possible way to effect a restoration university disclosed that both shocks What human ployee's zest for the of the dynasty, with Charles a king. recorded there, the first, which were prefers to remain inside until early dusk when he Horthy's direction the aHted su- was of considerable intensity, at 1:50 proximatelv $4.10.00 0.10 a year and an Under councii wm, at a ripe moment, be preme would may be out absorbing the full measure of the sumto sum the second he fi:48 raised have and qt equivalent p. in., Saturday, clouded and a kingdom established. In make to deficit the the taxation first up m. The continued 2:25 by mer sunj until p. The Hungarians believe ths allies are federal revenue. too weary to take serious action. There p. m. Poindexter credence Daylight saving means nothing in the golf little Senator puts has been a secret mobilisation In HunThe centers of tho disturbances were In the statements that the' peoples .of of all men between th ages of II program of the millionaire. He ean close his desk estimated at about 3800. miles from Europe Bank- and starving. Re- gary destitute ae 26. have been obtained In and whenever he feels moved. cent reports of the department of agri- Austria andArms Daylight saving does Washington. mumade to efforts obtain forculture disclose, he declared, that mean something to ths paid worker, because it nitions In Warsaw." eign farm products are In actual comd M. predicts that th forGOLD Jets him out into the sunshine an hour earlier. petition within American markets with mer emperor's son will be named as king Amerh an farm products and the same is If th The opponents of daylight object to tamperto MINE STRIKE ENDS true reatore, the emperor fail. plan of many lines of manufactured arwith nature and meddling with Father Time. ing ticle. which, the senator adds, does not Next Meeting in Paris. Union of South look as though Europe were in serious JOHANNESBURG, hours Daylight saving is neither. The twenty-fou- r ress die 3. The March PARIS, March 3. (Fyench Wireless strike the Africa, among of the evelo remain the same. Council ordinances Behind the plan to have this Country Service ) The league of nations council native workers In the crown gold mines extend credits for rehabilitathe will further hold Its next meeting In Paris March been In progress In the Rand, which has eanuot disturb the precision of the second hand. for some time, ha been periled. There tion of Kurooe are powerful influences, 12. Organization of the commission whfch is the of desire a whose Folndexter Daylight saving states, purpose la to Investigate conditions in Russia simply great had been complaint among the men of Senator It i to maintain the .high prices of foodwill be token up. It Is understood.' many persons to rise an hour earlier same clock, unjust treatment tievaus of political stuffs. Let your home overflow with the Iron Muter Is Dead. opinions. same nature and quit an hour earlier so that they he for It the is govabsurd, continues, During the strike there wa no disorder ernment to be fragrance of June, with th lovelia. Frank P March C. READING, to reduce th seeking high ness when to mounted riflemen of Summer. .Sunday, up may enjoy their parks and gardens and drives and Thursday, FriFmink. a leader in the Iron trade of the cost of living and at the same time encharged a crowd In rescuing two poll, day and Saturday we are offering golf courses and picnics. tertain a proposal which, he contends, country, died her today. He succeeded who had been stoned by natives. as a SPECIAL the Jate as F"Baer George president of stones were thrown st a party of can have not other effect but to keep it the The rural population enjoys the Reading Iron company, when the Baskets of Sweet Peas, white on their way to a cemetery, this at the present level. became The city worker spends most of his life of latter th president always. Reading in In which two natives a Sght resulting $1.50 and Up railway In 1902. Recently he had been within four walls. An hours compromise ought were killed. Th troubles were finally TO serving as chairman' of tha Iron comto end d an patrols. by deliKhtfulIy ani put Btotes-burT. not disrupt either form of society. pany's hoard, succeeding E. ixiauUfuily artitlo; displaying a KAISER ( of blended Men. Bestful Besults for variety mildly Mr. Rmlnk his career as a hank colorings See them in our ehuw window. OPENS BERLIN clerk and wasbegan later Identified with the You will tnjoy, too, our Only a person who has experienced of he entered the iron until display railway Reading all night that awful specially prepared natural graasos cough that trade. He was 74 years old. both attractive an novel sometimes follows influenza can appre- to RERUN, i hiTmm'Iav. Mfi rrh 2. Th former mpror of hi prop ciate what a good night 'g sleep can be. erties and forturitf Cargo Carriers Launched. hrsan in earnest toMrs. Annie Davison, 2080 Mvrtle S when the motion of the majority day. UHTUADELFHIA March 1 Two n The reml( of the diet to rafer the Long Beach, Cal., writes: cargo carriers. Hog Islands eighty-nint- h of using Foleys Honey snd Tar was a to the national precipitated an snd ninetieth ship., were launched Wasatch 1310 and 1S23 The majority Sodftl-i?- l todsv. Miss Msrv McAllister of this ettv restful one for me. Foleys Honey acrimonious oehata ib tndepenlnt in denun10 E. Broadway,- and Tar rheeks hsrxh, racking coughs, ciation ofwith sponsored the Cottrso snd Miss Beatrice Judqe Building. In the an former ruler effort Wasserschield of Washington, D. C.. cases 'Wheezy breathing, atop tickling to defeat the proposed settlement hy niece of J. J. Flaherty, secretary of the covers sur in irritated raw, throst, tne ronflscaMon of the shipping board, christened the Connerant. (Contributed.) faces with a soothing, healing coating. Honeno,Jrn poMieiomm. This would Le Both vessel were named by Mrs Wood-roSvhramm-Johnson- , Drugs. Wilson. (Adv.) dot through constitutional arA ndment, CASEOFFDRRES at American Who Senate Hearing mittee The coniny will Important Industrie also make hydrochloric acid and sodium sulphides from the g.suher salt and cake, sn I laiistle soda from the nature! salt taken from the lake. Chlorine hydrogen, chloride of lime and silicate of soda or liquid glass ars also among the byproduct "The Utah Copper company, which In II.!,. I'll, 97 and a Ills paid a dividend of Siia.lOf. stoi k distribution of making a for the year, total of In a mountain ltingham canyon ami comentratlnn plants and carrvlng It lo Its I smelters to ad to the wealth of society. The company hrfs su.oftO.isio tons of tailings width average 6 per tent potash, and the balance of which can be converted into cement of high tensions! strength. The region also yields silver, lead, guid and otner minerals. com-mrn;i- $11 Passport Carranza Effort Government ta Lift Flat Idaho, March 3. recently responded from her brother, Charles who owns a Urge shoe j Wad-wort- Are' You Looking for Shoes High and Low? h, seven-eighth- Sherwln-Wtillam- SEE ; . d i huch-Kra- d film j i sn m en-c- PROTEST PLAN PARTITION re d) Adams Gardner Company S.-- j v i They-"hav- , j - lt. Asso-elat- . er ex-'h- tr one-ten- tb I- Nev-ihttr- j( d, ' I , I f- -i ) AUTHORIZE SALE , nt j two-yea- I- . war-buil- Sef-frle- d, 111 Armen-I&ndwa- Cleve--whe- oomp.-trolle- Editorial AID FIRST, POINDEXTERS from Chicago Tribune of February 28th, 1920 Its no RELIEF disgrace to be broke, but it Cock-shut- is inconvenient - at times. REPORT EARTHQUAKES SOUTH PACIFIC ' Vaida-Voevo- d, Uncle Sams Legal Rale Loan SOUTH AFRICA 16 E. 2nd South Yalda-Voevo- -- " FIGHT DEPRIVE OF WEALTH IN nsw-mM- ine Aweet-nrente- y. Miller Floral Co. 7S00-to- w |