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Show KPinnnii)niui in Sunday, October IJ, Jarrws Avril and Doris perscn will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary fcdav. They were married Oct 13, 1936. One week after their marriage. Jim left 10 serve as LDS missionin Buenos. Aire. Argentina. He returned in July, 1939. Twenry-si- x year later, they were called to preside over the Andes Mission in Lima. Peru untif 1968. Three of their five children accompanied them. Ira January of 1980s, they served e as regional representative the Andes area and laved in Quito. Ecuador. Two year Lfcr, diey were called Bo preside over (he Ecuador Guayaquil LDS Mission to replace an ailing mission president. In. they presided over the Missionary Training Center in Mexico dry. Mexico. Recently, they completed lour years presiding over a branch at the Missionary Training Center in Prove. Joseph and Loree Berryhill will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at an open house hosted by the Christian family today from p.m. at the Church of Christ, 662 E. 1300 South, Salt Lake City. Joseph and Loree grew up in Mississippi. They married on Loree" 1 7th birthday upon Joe's return from the war in the Pacif- 16 They moved to Orem in 1957. They are the parents of Mary Spencer. Magna; and Patricia Vasquez. Orem. They have one grandson . James and Doris Jesperson They are the parents of Jenean Godbold. Yuba City. Calif; Pat Pritchetr. Mark Jespersoru Jamie Rasmussen and John Jesperson. All of" Orem. They have 29 grandchildren and seven ' ) . ' Iff avis Larson to mark 80th Mavb Peck Larson; will celebrate her 80th birthday at an open house hosted by her children on Wednesday, Oct 16. from 8 p.m. at the American Fork Senior Citizen" Building. 55 E. Main. She was born Oct 16. 1916. to Richard Cart and Margaret Saud-n- er Peck m Hooper. She attended schoof in Henefer. Silver City and Salt Lake City, graduating from East High Schxi. She married Harold S. Larson. April 25. 1934, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. They raised 10 children and were foster parents to five Indian students. She worked at Bayly's in Piea.sa.nt Grove. They served in the Mississippi Jackson LDS Mission in 1984-85- .. 6-- Harold died Jan. 12. 1993. She has served in. many positions in the LDS Church and is s. now teaching the y She has done genealogy work for 40 years and attends the temple regu7-- ear-old- larly. She has crocheted afghans for all her children and grandchildren. She is the mother of Shirley Elaine and Keith Batley : Batiey golden Roseman. Lehi: Sherm Larson. Pleasant Grove, Ellis Larson. Tooele; Eric Larson. Lehi: Robert Larson. Sandy: Marilyn Park. Lehi; Jay Larson. Lehi; Avonne Goff. Salt Lake City; Susan Snyder. Lehi and Rande Larson. Montclair. Va. She has 42 grandchildren and 51 and Elaine Batley celebrated their golden wedding anni versary at a family gathering at the Lion House in Salt Lake City. They were married Oct. 12. 1946. Their marriage later solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS TemKeith ple. They are the parents of Jerry Batley. Mapleton: Carol Ann Brodie. Salt City. Vera Peterson. St. George; Beverly Paxman. SLC; and Miriam Dowdell. Provo. They have 15 grandchildren and Where to find more help on teaching teens about sex By ALICE GREEN Hariingen Valley Morning Star For more information: Active Parenting Publishers: 8(X 810 Franklin Court. Suite B, Marietta. Ga. edu30067. Produces video-base- d cation programs that are used throughout the United States. Call number for informathe toll-fre- e tion about classes and programs. International Network for Children &. Families: t904 740-644P.O. Box 7236, Gainesvrlte. Fla. 32605. Oversee Redirecting Children's Behavior, an educatiort-a- l course that teaches practical parenting skills in a supportive, fashion. Call (407 4 for information. "Raising Sexually Healthy Children; A Loving Guide for Parents. Teachers, and Caregivers." by Lynn Leisht. R.N.; Raw son Associate (t 988,$ 0 "Sex Education: A Bibliography." A listing of educational 825-006- 740-644- 1 five materials for children, adolescents and their families. Available from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Send a stamped envelope to: American Academy of Pediatrics. 141 Northwest Point Blvd.. P.O. Box 927, Elk Grove Villasre. HI. 60009-0927- . "What Should I Tell the Kids? A Parent's Guide to Real Problems in the Real World." by Ava L Sieder; PlumePensuin (1993. may need to stretch a dollar Di Newspapers Smart buys for Di: You're not the only one who has to stretch a dollar. Now that Princess Diana is divorced. SmartMoney magazine has put together a helpful list that Diana might use to figure out the cost of living should she decided to move to the States. The magazine surveyed the costs of a number of items and services in Aspen. Beverly Hills, the Hamptons. Palm Beach and New London. Conn. It found that Dom Perignon champagne ranges from $90 in Beverly Hills to $118 in Aspen, and a mansion would run Di from $2 million in New London to $18 million in Beverly Hills. Knight-Ridd- SKX95).. Parentimr Without Pressure: 1330 Boyer St.. (407 Longwood. Fla. Parent support service based on book of same name. Parent Resource Center: (407l 42 E. Jackson St.. Orlando. Fla. Provides a wide range of parenting classes, counseling and referral resources. "'Decent Exposure: How to Teach Your Child About Sex." by Connie Marshner; Legacy Communications ( 1994. $10). 767-252- 415-366- 4: 3: pebbles W. Lore Fee. your memories to ara 17 proAicte to 3 rL ' c. WOOD PERFECT WoodPerfect' blinds either a 1 CRYSTAL PLEAT Double the beauty of your windows with our double cell design. Cnap uniform pleat wrinkles. A superficial wrinkle generally requires only one pass of the laser. Deeper wrinkles may require passes. The operator can see the shrinkage of tissue, making preci.se control easier. These lasers can also be used to remove precancerous and noncancerous grow ths, as well as acne scars. Anyone considering laser skin resurfacing should know char it is classified as a surgical procedure, associated with the usual risks and or Antibiotics complications. antiviral drugs can be given before retention Fabric soft, yet superior in rengtb two-to-fo- ur Anderson, or Crown Regal Crown style with leaded edge. One week delivery extremely precise removal of T.1D I Beats Wood Ewery Time Easier to clean, blocks -- Z, iai High degree of privacy One week delivery Heritage WOOD BLINDS 16 Colors and Stained to Choose from FASHION PLEAT EVEN PLEAT 100' s of colors 1 and patterns Available in top down, bottom up Light blocking fabrics CLASSICS SUPREME ALL MEVT BI.CVDSj and lip g Hidden -. brackets ladder Tighter spacing y One week delivery Specializing in Family Medicine & Obstetrics a VERTICALS Currently Accepting New Patients Free get acquainted visit for new patients PVC Fabric 100's of colors and 190 West 800 North Orem, UT FirstMed Office Building A nnAintartAnfo .Inform npwiiiuirciiiafiiiiuiiiiauuii wuw patterns if One week delivery r SHUTTERS I, help brin fe. ar.d plenty of creative workshops to neip you aorq. Mtchmet (with ptper purchase) fret us of Die-C- OREM SHOP . j 0rmUt MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE r081506 84097-823- 0rnUtidO53-l5- 2 tPCi 0 oKJs mi mm Dana A. wtmd infection. J Because the skin is left raw jind pink for weeks to months, Jit s advisable to apply ointments treated area and avoid sun eipo-sur-e during that period. j Laser treatment now is bting applied to hair transplants. Che laser can make skin openings bloodlessly. providing sites fori the transplanted hair. Cosmetic applications of Jkin laser are usually not coverej by medical insurance. Laser treatiicnt of skin cancers generally is Covered. Dr. Deborah S. Sarnoff is assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine. er (800)438-815- ma ESerryhill the procedure to prevent r- (801)226-263- "vr a and Joseph The Doily Herald's policy is to run birthday announcements for anyone turning 80, 85.. 90, 95 and HX) or above. Pictures may be submitted with the information for birthdays 90 and above. The Daily Herald will also publish information about wedding anniversaries for couples celebrating their 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 or 75 wedding anniversary. A picture may also be submitted. The information and picture, if applicable, must be turned into the Herald office one week prior to the desired publication date. Information must be written or typed on a form available at the Herald office and may include information about education, employment, honors, children ana" interests. There is no charge for submitting the information or the photo. Information on birthdays, anniversaries and weddings is printed in The Daily Herald on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays onlv. ?ocQti' mV iH a complete ire of acid-fre- e ..a' good about L yourself Vfci. ILser treatment is the newest and most effective solution to the problem of wrinkled skin. L'sed properly, lasers can help to avoid the dangers more commonly seen with older methods of treating wrinkles, such as phenol peeling and dermabrasion. Phenol peeling is performed by the application of an acid to wrinkled areas of the skin. It can be painful and it can leave scars. It also leaves a whitish, porcelainlike tinge to the treated area. When phenol is applied, there is a potential for causing an irregular heartbeat as well. With dermabrasion, the wrinkles are scraped away by a metal diamond-covere- d o- wire instrument. It can be a bloody procedure, raising worries about possible transmission of infection, and precision is hard to achieve because the operator does not have a clear view of the treated area. Carbon dioxide lasers have been available for clinical use for a decade or more. But the first generation of carbon dioxide lasers, which emitted a continuous beam of powerful light, carried a high risk of scarring. That risk has been virtually eliminated by a newer generation of carbon dioxide lasers that emit ultrashort bursts cf light. These lasers make possible an Herald milestones guidelines A Gathering of Scrapbook Supplies OODLES of affordable scrapbookinq & stationary suppiis. INVITES YOU TO S3 By OR. DEBORAH SARNOFF For A? Special Features JPU. ic. full-tim- Paiif GJ : Berryhills to celebrate 50th 1 luh THE DAILY HERALD, Pre Laser treatment can remove some wrinkles LIEastonoG to mark 50th Jespersons L lev I! A (ArlPx Of Cell Shades S. OMh Ufrrf?(L((.iliQBI!ir m The Scaredy-Ca- t rJ -- ml Special yr v 25; AGAIN WITH... The perfect mastectomy breastform. Now available in a wide range of sizes. 1 'S''r-- jit jJditiorul I Shooting Stars caters to tk timid by providing: J Taiented, sensitive staff For your own personal fitting, Professionally directed photo sessions VISIT US! Immediate viewing of video proofs No pressure sales, see before you buy fJFZ 9 A PM.S. pftfb;fn' MEDICAL SUPPLY PROVO, ;Tah f" ; V. Magnificat, Fancies, Five Chitdhood Lyrics, and others Lois Johnson e I ' Satisfaction xso'ufry pjorrteed! SHOOTING STAGS (OITfKIPOMIT fHOTOGUPHT MAKEOVER CauTooay! LMvinsmr DAYS n BLIND CLEANING wj Larry Johnson October IS, 1996 225-88-- 8 Mui Mfjnw's Ca rt wr SALT LAKE (Provo TaBernacCe 7:30 p.m. Affordable packages staling at $34,93 Before Vil 90 Chord Society conducted by Onlv Porrraits 'teatunng 2432 So. State 487-566- 2 1A 1.800-444-655- 3 f HOURS: generatjlifmissiom $6.00 ' Students & Senior Citizens: $4.00 1 Mon.-F- rl Ca 9-5:- 11 O II OREM Informal chat ivttk the dincton 225-697- 7 479-18- 0 1300 Soatb PirkviT Center 246 et 700 p m. hi . k 303 S 8ura K. Coantry Hilli Pj |