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Show a: jThe Daily Herald Xhurtsiay, January 23, t9T Mixed rain, snow to fall in Utah, Nevada By The Associated O AM MXKIHI JR j&eninj: then liecotuui -- Press Htmihi chance of snow showers through the partly cloudy mid cold late. Lows jfliirtly cloud) with a few .mountain snow showers. iHihs 3lKs;to;low 4Us. tended forecast. 'Suturduy partly cloudy .with a chance uf (mountain Highs 40s. Sunday .chance of .snow mountains and powers. Lows Bin or .snow valleys. Lows 20s. jHighs upper 30s and 40s. Mimda ;part-i- y cloudy with u chance ol mountain showers. lLows 20s. iHighs 40s. 2 -- HOITHKR t'JAH: 3'onight .mostly cloudy early with a :lew lingering showers then becoming partly .cloudy and cold late. lLows .Extended forecast. Saturday partly cloudy mostly sunny. iHighs jwith a chance ol niountain showers. Lows iHigbs 30-4Sunday a icbance of mainly mountain showers. Lows 20-3iHighs upper 30s and laOs.Mondav partly cloudv. Lows 20-3iHighs upper 30s und 40s. HJDAHU ! -- 'NOK'JJil JcA IDAHO: Ifonight snow showers .decreasing west ,to '.ejtst. lLows in the 20s. iFridav mostly cloudy w ith scattered snow showy forecast, Saturday ers .Highs in the upper 20s to with a chance. of snow. Lows il5ilo25.lHighs25;to 35. Sunday land Mondav mostlv cloudv w ith a Chance, of snow Lows il5;to25.iHighs ; . : ilU-2- 30-4- H5-3- 0. 5. 0. :. ;part-cloud- . to 35. 2-- 5 " -- ( Tonight partly cloudy with achance of flurries Jiuith. J air south. (Colder with lows ,zero ito 5 .above .except Zero :to HO 3x'iow in the higher basins. iFriday partly cloudy. Slight chance ol flurries least. Highs in the upper teens to around 30. Extended ;foreeas't.:Siituiday land Sunday snow likely. Moderating :tempenttures. Lows Saturday ero .to :15.iHiglis20 to 30. Lows Saturday might i!0,to20. Highs "Sunday ,tnid-I0- s to lower 30s. Monday mostly .cloudy w ith a .Chance of snow.Low ,in ;tht. teens to lower 20s. Highs in the upper 20s and 30s. SOL"J'HIiKN IDAHO: Ilonight mostly .cloudy ,east .with (isolated Sliow showers. Mostly .clear west. (Colder with lows !l 0 to 20 in the to 10 in the mountains and higher basins. iFriday isolated morn-in- g snow showers east, otherw ise partly cloudy. (Colder east with highs lip the 20s to lower 30s. Highs west in the 30s. (Extended forecast. "Salur-idji- y "Sun-let,sikiw. likely. Lows 0 to20. Highs in the upper 20s to mid-30snow likely may mix w ith lreezing:ruin. Milder with Jows in the 20s. '.Highs in the 30s. Monday mostly .cloudy with a .chance, of snow an the .mountains and rain or snow in the .valle-vs. Lows in :the tnid-20- s ;to ;low 30-t40. Highs ;1 s. By The Associated Press leiiitfi'aiure itiditale previous day'. ineini'jhl Ion Kia.ffl.-fcSTHi ;Lo :Prc '67 44 44 47 .Aiicljoiatic IX 6 Aiijuu .AtljiitwCiu (5 $7 .AuMiii 'JlMIUICk 76 ,Boi.- M ;:i l&V.xion 511 4d .Mi .tSiirlnijiiiMi.Vi. 41 37 3(1 .(C ,A)ikne.Tex. Mlmqutfrquc X .ccly Mi ,tdy .(II lVd ,tdy 4S cdv II .(.tpcr ((.furloik-.-NX'- .(iuiuiiuoja Cl.'ciiiie ;5iiJuj;ii JCo1umbta.S.C. vSIl .(C ,ctK .(W 4d .51 31' 19 ,cd .cd vn 4(. 71 X 2. Kimi OH 45 Jiaivilk 57 31 47 22 l.in Wavnc ' -- 41 4fi 27 52 .13 cdN cdv cdy .1)4 Ml 51 26 .33 ..V cdy cdv 74 42 sn 47 ,1V cdv 5V 52 52 Ji.iii!!iiii ijjkoli! 33 lulu-Kuc- 711 tii-- An.wlo- - 57 46 53 Alfinpliis Jijin, Beach 6U 4S' cdv 77 W 5S a(v 3" cdy 4(i IS 3U 3 .Id cdv 72 .V 53 .23 .22 5(. 77 .U5 4X 42 62 46 cdy cdv cdv cdv 5" 3v cdy cdv 32 cdy cdv j.kMiii;Miv tii.CiU 3B.ivilk I-- , cims Mididiitl-tWeos- Afilvvjukiv HjuI ,Mf MtfUk' Ait.iil!;iiinciv ' NuMivilk- fu Orleans irv. oik Cuv u fklaliitnui 32 V 61 31 Mhhi.1 45 16 Eitiiadeiplna 5(1 fUki-m- cdv cdv 55 cdy cdv .3" 51 ,(W cd'v .22 cdy cdy cdv rii cdv 5(1 34 .14 47 .w 46 .35 . 51 2n 12 43 cdv .H5 cdv 27 .XV cdv mi Kiaimkc 4V 41 .04 d'r 44 43 26 ,(H Siiaiiienio 54 it.ouis 51 44 25 cdv cdv cdv Anloum Uk-)!- Si, ifilak- - Suulli Bend hjJoUm- Soii!;lK.-li!.ll- l Sjmiij.'lwld.Mo iXiacUM- - 17 in 4S 31 45 31 M 43 56 5" 76 62 62 2.2V cdy in i" 37 Hi 44 .'2 24 2( in .13 cdv cdy VwJiifiMnwii VJiim OJDUDX Hia Assoaalecl Press McAllen. Texas: ;the!low .of minus llll was recorded in Deviil 'ss Lake., ' "N'JD. 40s ,in ithe 'Northeast .and 5iartb- west, ithe 30s in tthe Midwixfl ;and tthe 20s iin tthe Wains. Highs ttoday w.ere .epecltd itw iteach :the 0s in Florida, .the (dOs in :the Southeast .and Southwest, ithe Power over time NOT JUST A PROMISE. vCOM (CON'bULT WITH bhNCAra BL JK THf BtST YCJLIK bKtts X.A WhCIALIbTb With any lArJUMl"-- Kl-nlkg- .hukghas!;, i;(.:w.vt uu-L-x- r TKA't;L UIOtMONtitlAi tftipietnle De Keaute Allay ,,jol- - Feflornunvf masque, iPrimurdiale WfHikJe'fmnrt Visibly Kevilalizinj; Sulution (an supply),. -- ay .NClftMI ye Plus a white., aeme beadband, One bunui :per .customer, jplea;rf pa-sty- le wliile supplies last. Renercie AND DOUBLE PERFORMANCE FIRMING TREATMENT ANTI-WRINK- LE Scientifically proven in its dual ability to firm and strengthen skin while diminishing the appearance uf wrinkles, fortified with proteins and lotion elements. Now in an oil-fr- ee age-defyi- for face and throat. Classic Ckiml ok Nt w Lotion 1 .7 uz., $54 f vr Cki.m( .05 oz., '37.50 Ml x 47 .16 cdy 51 1 16 33 4X 21 )7 53 idv 'Zi i 31 PT.iGLQUDY LANCOM cdv 7- timu SUMIY ,IC mi .U4 cdv cdv cdv 5v FLUWtlES cdy .113 71 WSTOmS cdv 17 ImKlo mtM ni 1.14 2 35 73 Vimiiiij!1oii.U.C. mi 51' Hutuo? SHQWcftS cdy 53 47 L HOW cd'v 211 kJJclic'Nier JiwcKloiil JJp H HIGH hi .2" fintiamt.Ok'. Fividciuc 5ii AiijWlu fPwsswe mi 61 iiUkctil STATIONARY cd'v A,tJbiuij!li fcJicni.Uic mm cow cd'v 3 43 52 KjpitKuv ftiHi FRONTS: fi 16 Unando fUlucah 4S 53 Mks-sissip- pi rn A3 v 47 Pyhln Southerly iflow across ithe Valley will :bring ilight irain showers tto .southern areas, while a iband of freezing rain will fall over .eastern Kansas, into western Missouri. Snow is forecast worth .uf that area into the "Nebraska and ;the Dakotas. iRain showers .across ithe (Ohio Valley will end early this morning. !but w ill persist across ;the (Gulf (Coast area of the Southeast. IThe !high temperature in :the Lower 48 '.Wednesday was $4. iin cdv 32 44 vkoy?is i dle. ii 2 57 Mfiiiilli' Washington. Moderate now.uf K ;to 112 inches could ifall across northern areas tof ithe (Cascades, .while ilighter amounts are predicted 'for .eastern '.Washington and the Idaho panhan- aos cdy cdy cdv 74 'tflihanapoiiv 50s ssnow iin Syv.: cdv ;2(l lCi nvuii: (Houii4i 30$ iregions iby imidday. iRain .and snow will move .off no ithe .east, .afleeting .areas ,of Utah, northern Arizona and "New Mexico, and linio western (Colorado where itheJieaviest snow w ill.ocuur. (Cloudy .conditions w ill (persist acrosslhe "Northwest, w ith iram and ,cd 43 4S Rjpids lenperature zones for Ihe day. cdv Jl .IV .01 Jjinl ffngfi ,cd 3(1 .54 57 jl'mki sepate cdv 55 m 4( Juvioiui Beach Bands 24.. ..d 51 3 The AcciVVestber forecast fcx tnooa, Frctey, Jan. cdv f2 in Uciivcr cif .cdv ?3 4') iUayion .tt: 73 W 54 'OiIuiiiIiu'-.Gj- . 3:1 ,Otlk cdv ,tdv 311 5 liih ;! By The Associated Press jRain fell this morning. over (California, while snow dropped on the (Great Lakes .region. Mist and .Clouds covered parts of the Last. iRain showers across California will gradually be decreasing today, though isolated areas .of flooding w ill ilikely .continue. Heavy snow .across .the "Sierras w ill also ibe decreasing. An additional ifoot .uf snow .could iiatl in ithe highest .(16 eh idv idv cdy C.l' IStU UtUKMW. bHUI' All SIOKtS MtJNUA 1HKUUUH Okuik h bAUIHJAV kh(jni k Sai.i 10 O Iyl I A.W.-- Laki, VihH V KM. (UUH1 Wt Lit U'JWNIMVVN ANIJ ZCMI lUtJfJlHILt: uslwhiki in Uiah anu in ihi U.S., us on thK inteffnrt at wwy.uni.uMn 579-000- 0; 1 iAU!JA 10 A.M KM.). Cl'MU iUNUAV |