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Show BUS CANDLELIGHT SERVICE SET FOR NEXT THURSDAY By Connie Lopez Fifty posters by when? This cry was heard clearly by everyone in the office. The office staff knew it could have only come from the Art Department. Dean Bishop, head of the Art Department is working so hard that he doesn't have time to get mad; and that's hard. With ink smudges and papers scattered everywhere pieparation for Bingham High School's Candlelight Service must continue. Posters advertising the Candlelight Candle-light must be ready before December Decem-ber 21st, which is the night of presentation. pre-sentation. The service will begin at 7:30 o'clock at the Bingham High School auditorium. Students Lee Parker and Lawrence Lawr-ence Martin?, are being kept busy by the constant appeals of Mr. Bishop. Lee is making the habit of ft -t,"vN 4 f ! Iff -5 -v-cY- ;j I ..''Vv ... "t . "i v ;:7' ' ii? f - - y ' i m ; I , 1- " . 3 J f , " ' Dean Bishop Busy on Production taking papers, ink and food up to his room in order that he may cross out a couple of posters that have to be made, while Lawrence's mother mo-ther can't get him away from his poster-making job. Lee and Lawrence are a great help to me," says Mr. Bishop. "They are carrying most of the responsibility respon-sibility of the poster-making in order or-der that I can help Mrs. Betty Gil-law Gil-law with her tableau setins." Mrs. Gillam is in charge of the tableaus, but Mr. Bishop, Mrs. Beatrice Bea-trice Bates, and Mrs. Verna Jones are all helping as much as possible. Mr. Bishop's whole commercial art class, which includes the following fol-lowing students, Cheryl Cochran, Mary Louise Jones, Carol Smith, Mathilda Tso, Joe Gutierrez, Philip Kastelic, Lee Parker, Tommy Rabb, Ruth Duran, Donna Oliver, Myrle Paskett, Kenneth Crane, Lawrence Martinez, Pete Pacheco, and Ronnie Ron-nie Coward, has been doing all they can to help with the poster. The Candlelight Service is celebrating cele-brating its Silver Anniversary and Joel P. Jensen, principal, is very proud of having the honor of instituting in-stituting this program 25 years ago. The programs which are being made by Mrs. Agnes Steele, Mrs. Helen Peterson, Floyd Graham and Miss Clair Wells will list the songs which are to be presented in four sections. The first section includes "And the Glory of the Lord," "Glory to Cod,'; "He Shall Feed His Flock," and "Halleluja Chorus." Duets, solos and quintets make up the next section. The numbers are "Oh Holy Night," "Jesu Bambino," Bam-bino," "Star of the East," and one other by the clarinet quintet. "Christmas Symbol", by F. Meluis Christionsen will combine with "Coventry Carol," "A La Nanita Na Na", and "Fum Fum Fum" to complete the third section. "Carol of the Drum," "Ave Maria" by Schubert, "Yuletide at Yorkshire", and "Silent Night" are 1 among the concluding numbers. Speakers will be selected by Jay Clegg, speech instructor, and dance numbers are to be presented with the help of Mrs. Virginia McDonald, head of the dance department. |