Show 0TAURUS 7 w vM wpc wo V in by page topaz tines times 1943 x aiu w 4 owr i T FR LJR ALJ U U 4 i 1 UV tomoye ka pa 0 m 0 y e taa ka 4 I1 MEL 1 H I to appreciate fully tho the ni- feeling with which a sun it appears too many vear sei need glasses near parched resident hies himself open mouthed in a glasses and that all who out to stand openmouthed I1 1 IR need or do wear them faulty vision find great in- a convenience is to those interest of rainstorm the rigors the relief who would im- lies in teaching and crue relaxation outstanding dr harold LI11 peppard of new york out in this field has written sight without glasses even cataracts cross eyes and other s pecific defects can with supervised treatment be strength1 ened to normalcy countless numbers of professional and theatrical Holly people especially hollywood stars and outstanding public personages have learned that way of complete visual relaxation and regained nornal sight since myopia or near sightedness sight edness is the mostt spectacularly cured type of vision fault and nisei and other young people find it their most common affliction of a undergo topaz heat probably the meal time is most of the residents are when apt to succumb to rising temperatures pera tures one of our leading residents has solved this problem by goina to the laundry sprinkling both himself and his clothes with water before entering the dining hall by the time he has finished eating he is completely dry so the sprinkling does not outlive its welcome another method of heat control Is a tall cool drink of water vater some clever people are roon and prove their sight perhaps to discard glasses theory which we were taught in the traditional thear chanc chanoine nEinE tho the shape school that the eye focuses by cha of the lens was fallacious the late dr william Hai vas convinced the claim is that bates was instead ace oni dation ion is effected by means of eye visual acconio strain therefore the theory expounded by the sys- using tem goes on must one wave friend has an inter the estina book called estine art of seeing by aldous huxley the author sufbecoming nearimpaired fered in aired vision from childhood be cominE nealbut when he the principles of ly blind the bates system miraculously much of his normal although adrae gy in tho book vision returned parts because of his detailed description of the A technique 5 at liberally water the torture a a time on an outdoor icebox to good effect total result is a cool inner being if not an outer drop ANID COMING UP AND life in topaz is going at a breakneck pace of work as more and more of our high and high school youngsters junior bieh take positions in essential departments throughout the cenre there are scurter everywhere as enthusiasrying energetic and endrus n thee in th un unss eengaged 0 ung tic young 3 wheel task of seeing that the etre n smoothly baz topaz run of to the heat fails to dampen irh spirits they frisk through bo to the day and emerge f-resh and amazement the never ending amusement arru s e e n t of those who have frankly given up the dutruc ofru gle zie I1 en we worth lookfeel this is north ing into and practising practicing these series of exercises said asti astigmaolm it isfarsightedness tism and sightedness far 41 e contradictory paradoxically the child en are also easily restored to normalcy it is all a are kt and unhapphappiest the happie promatt of rest and proper exercise in the preiest residents these days beampalming which rests the eyes is scribed manner Pal are the tots who can 1011 loll ing done by covering the eyes with the alms in a cerith a garden under sun in suits tain way closing the eyes lightly endeavoring to gloo gloomiest are the babes boss automatical- hose let the mind go blank until blackness auta cannot voice who but hot aro are ly results this requires practise as no adult ravdiscomfort in theia their is made to intentionally le see black grown up they miss the grownup ings ou nisei eirls yo ia particularly good for ryo birou rgirls the telling of up side rea dinc Whhaddye is upside sido down reading addye know turn your prerogative large larye at world that rid reading matter away from you and practise read thereby a word at a time long ones by syllables practise slightly under par important psychololosing that you can read a short story this way take off till iani lift your specs to do this and keep the paper fourteen gical f L J V inches away one finds pet iin the above mentioned books deas such as the necessity of colored or tinted glasses for wear in bright suns sunshine binel blasted to smithereens they toll us the sun is good for them e dont think our optometrist friends will like the books much but aee n w you all ill find the reading and practise of their tested mc thod agnf ua ainful aw V |