Show topaz times as isai aeze t H F RC g page ERTI CP lis pv pat chance for the nisei to play pro basc baseball ball was A by TERRY ji grimn 11 1 M fai n forseen in a letter mit- EX STAR A pat bill kajikawa outten to browher from branch ex assistant rickey jr ir director of standing the brooklyn dodgers 1minor coach at the arizona state nov league iBa clubs in teachers college is now a combember rickey of the nisei stated his letter vas revealed that they would be glad to bat team it was 1 have any boys for their camps er and that mer m this if any an sum- of these boys have sul focient sufficient fici ent ability they would bo conea added Hs he adal sidered si that aro arc the fact those boys goodamericans too was brooklyn enough for the club k according to shiro the newest tho addition the granada pioneer manzanar Kran Kan zanar a is truly sports mans paradise the sportsmans me to ws frosh basketball five wes fresh winning also victorious winnins 10 consecutive garies dur12 1910 41 season ing the 1940 among his other laurels anong ia tean being placed lean and bein on eleven HIT PARADE V GILA BU AB 1 PLATER ITaka tabs R 0 5 5 0 5 H 1 5 ing baseball czar dis- ila rano ab 10 closes that baseball shoes 8 4 a2 which wore cf viere manufactured jTKamiya amiya ef 1 bs prior to the present TG 10 4 ra INObe hobens are not rationed itamura lf 11 4 4 TULE LAKE ILE ira cf 7 4 2 T a the tula stara M toova t 3 S 11 4 53 tuio lako all sta abass A caucasian hardvall hardball har dball outfit dumped gon all conall pro azo when tacy cali fornia O 16 8 ro their first in ia tho c stars ars 34U t 1b i t a mu raalb 0 1I f 0ata a 9 53 K 7 1 1I 7 90 4 0 1111 11 1 4y0 shi A tu 0 K n a 0 2b ka anost rf torf rf cantly 02 LS vies against tho the elan lib w pelicans hon whon they over blk esaa uh whelmed almed ed whelm 16 0 MOPIE PLAYERS MORE AT E RELOCATE among the nany many who kcf laftb the project for salt lako tho city early this week vack was john bohn all star allstar catcher for the project War chouse and blk aa tons warehouse ken nobe champion blk able buckshorn buckshort also alao departed to join his parents in chicago illinois kobe was originallyJ scheduled to leave last jhoo mock he deciding but due to the deci dirC he tilt lith blk rena ined to help culap the remained challengers challe rigers ii WINS VINS r GOLF TOURNEY taking first place in the golf tournament held last sunday at tars the course opposite blk ilas IT bik 122 was rollo ang takaka va in the second and third X was K casting CAST NG DEK ED CON considered FLY 1I 1 l henrysS henry sr fujita japanese nationally knevin Ta 9 are ere ia aich rod and reel expert is letters in school twice boing picked aaen considering the for for the all state football nation of a fly casting theall crosses a large mountain stream with mith trout THE ng r chere his teams copped 2 respectively consecutive border confervinner the gross winner ence crowns cro ans and played in yoda sua bowl twice the sun his 0 licked their second visiti- TABT TAIM ed is well ins were harry nisei for his feats as positing tins tanes G na and janes maata ata backfield coach for tempe ile he by shortest golf drive which the all conference a aruny is a 89 yard for t o years fairway in a note received from a sporting goods concern ken gilas lead- 5 i i 13 1913 1945 tuly 29 19 hidalg lp ka ura c f Tnot 10 5 7 94 4 7 tono 0 s a tsu 3 b 6 9 9 Ashizawa rf 12 1 of Iava hara cf Iatac ta aaso s 0 jrTcc 2 53 53 arabs 9 1 tojiro TOTALS 89 32 1 2 1 2 1000 00 inj the past the use of the sevier river eiver near delta has beon been denied by authorities ties but after segregation an appeal will probably again be made fujita T stated ARCHERY she following foll ming first announced by instructor 2212 30 YARDS Ni Nish AT inor isoby M Sa tofi 53 Oz ald onald the 4 Y 7 of 79 43 42 27 24 15 7 1 1 SCORE 24 14 23 25 16 12 8 44 oni auka I F ya the as funi HITS Mi MisonoB 6 53 2 2 1 1 hits represent the num- ber of arrows which actual- ff cori ly found their theal mara lar Sscoring is the total of 30 arrows and their evaluation therearrowss constitute six arro4 each end yive rive ends are equivalent qui valent to one round scoring is on the basis per round an arrow can tha8 score only on one of va J 0 0 0 0 0 22 17 is maxi rami scoring for week of archery archer 0 0 0 3 0 3 32 94 40 299 11 T Sono 2 1 pot pet group in copiz 1 1 0 0 0 following aine folio 1 90 ss miss 9 7 5 53 1 addad added membership that a small playing an effort fee will be charged for ten those interested in learnbaten less tussle the blk aa money this noney came one game closer to vin ing archery defray hinry the eastern league pea will be used to equipor general ec t to feeble the costs for nant by nin inc tto aa blk ns L suad q londay ment needed |