Show july r 1I topaz times 1943 58 si ism f isi SS TITLES BOYS 1I ME awe D Z S WARNING ISSUED TO TOPAZ RESIDENTS ON mia or rabbit fever toalthough there aeroplanes AEROPLANES day to reported cases any FROM been ins collins francis franc is coll tularemia is usually by louis adam- date the topaz health deLANDS LAMS warning a transmitted through hanpartment issued MIES partment ic THE DUTCH EAST IINDIES ica dling of infested animals on the dangers of tulare INby Amry Vandenbosch 01 BOOK MODEL by john gunallmii ther INSIDE LATIN AMERIgunther prinCA by john Gunthe by SIDE EUROPE 3 ciples OF joel hildebrand OF CHEMISTRY by FARM FAW TO HOG BE ENLARGED to HANDBOOK PHYSICS BUILDING T J ott AND the accommodate ra- hog sec- pidly increasing or from bites of some bloodsucking insects which had fed upon unon sick may also be animals it my contacted from eating uncooked infected rabbits for those who enjoy tion members of the diwild rabbits it is eating S under vision binder that rubber are fencing pastures in- recommended gloves worn be and vats ehtle preRADIO by OF dipping stalling principles paring the rabbits for erecting chutes K henney ARCHERY by approximately REVIEW A are there and keasey by john 1500 hogs in topaz the diOF ENGLISH FEVER uhler FIRST BOOK- IN GER- vision is planning to buy SPOTTED immunization shots for the MAN by bagster and col- feeder hogs until rocky mountain spotted feready C young are for pigs lins PRACTICAL MIAN RE by AND grammar GRA GRAAf MiAR Coc bran fAAR by cochran by william axling amling consultation ROOM by fre- illiam 1 11 derick loomis EXPANSION CONTINENT JAPANESE ASIATIC CU THE yoshi kuno by it the mess halls ported was re- all the members of the great division deserves credit for the interest to and untiring efforts ver are being administered thursday moaning every at ward tard 15 hospital Hoso ital to anyone topaz years of age 10 it or was announced by over dr J X chief medical simpson bring the completion of NOTES the most popular the plant up to the plan- officer said which ned specifications current magazines acting plea s e are read at the library william farrell black and A month old blackann blackand nevis head of the agricultural are primarily the news A 1I periodicals NEWSWEEK are the and LIFE also W M return white puppy with a small department popular YORKER LOOK POPULAR BUDDHIST SUMAY SCHOOL general meeting will nill be SCIENCE mademoiselle held by the buddhist sunCORONET day school teaching MOVIE RADIO GUIDE staff 7 NATIONAL geographic at from tonight and office the inter antor faith interfaith among the circulating ree rec 33 53 POPULAR MECHANICS A A I1 magazines ma na the POPULAR SCIENCE and POPULAR coming next BIRTHS BIRTH FU fukunagaA mrs to ura yo Fukunaga 1 mi III 6 6 vvi june ta a boy tune mrs lira TO fusako Matau matsutani tani 31 PM june 28 tune girl MOTO fujimato rUJI to mrs asako fujimoto 39 59 1230 PM july 2 a to zuko PM july r 2 F a m1 1 8 B boy mrs ka4 D 1 3 do a boy DEATH HIRANO 8 40 PM baby ba by june girl 27 SHI bu july Shin anouchi 3 pit his so it himself appreciate own home by he would Vii very much if some i ould direct kind person w him to 20 5 E I ME KEEPING CHANGES F FIM 1 GOOD housekeeping and rate the highest with the round spot around his eyes is not able to find f D RULES INSTATED incorporated the payroll authorized absence for changes in and timekeeping procedures tine effect as a re types from teletypes tole day and will be paid for auch such time but workers ex- put into cused for reasons other suit of sult washington received at to- than illness or bad weathleave paz within the last few ev er will be given not no pay and ivill will without months have been incorporpaid such time be an for ated in administrative instruction released by the instruction also es inthat evacuees may army the ducted into states the instruction cor payments for any worker absent for that rny far receive money ljra l on june 10 provides provide three days must overtime worked before throe departure from the secure a doctors doctorts certifi- their incate and limits sick leave center in all other must be overtime to fifteen days for any stances in taken one illness outside workers except leave to insure that correct those paid on a part time betime records are 10 daily vibo report for duty basis who ing kept instruction the the and in the judgment of division head are unable authorizes the finance auto make periodic to work because of weather given be dits conditions will more than |