Show pa T 0 raz tiree ry amny AZ V t published tuesday Th thurida s ani saturdays at Conf the contral utah rol 0 casioa center THE RE L B i qc 1 0X tho paz 77 fop VICTOR i lit I1 f catching tho th to- sr pj ling the poor fish fire ai gj aiee 0 o gu a thy chrt cv n bat the ev lib a your lit ln fi aer bae at i1 have just sont ny copy to a0 pro- rn nan who 1is but Are rican legion man ant american we re not wm ining beginning taj light montio mentioning ning choat in t is just bear ii to see th others will for at heart most of colu colutha we feel that there us whit fiks be an unwritten ton f iks are fair minded if ought to bo custemporarily aa A goodly hysterical codo 0 rby all code fi ara n minent r KY RY tat car 0 hear dumb caroo 0 creeke I1 kikm straw hats it the V I1 1I 11 y C hovi closely our attitudes 0on nu number iber STO are nov realizing how may kay our a 1 racial motters parallel those of hitler tribe increase that you will return to 1 I predict a country ashamed of its hypocrisy a country nore de your volunteerunderstanding and friendly av al ing has speeded this awakening in dumb A carp undo three I JL 1 abes are gie thrown back into ra eve the str canss sinco tho since re bitten by a vicious in ceat insect sofai time ago wove been violee conscious of our neighbors ebors and camu to the pasadena california jevc cion that a kichty nice way nater arlee word it carriss ajay to clivi carries of the approval of the te tho af ats che enlist the pf arsts clirina by nera of american citizens of Japa pier Tapa was nose parentage japanese allowing tho carp bax allol is dy the to live so that they child tardy could si nalo justice if ta dorir overdue it ia only simple tady cat only oJe at tho numerous larvie in cion 1I have to the policy is that the Tunits rrat osecion kro cleans aro to be separated units I1 seo the 0 tho streams japanese amo of aias ricans aru no cint in a esre ted array of american citizens on 11 f a basis of race nation all ancestry or color red tape in if oil all the paul E topaz wore vere put end to end zes univ of connecticut it would stretch around tho camp twenty five times the 43 barb wire is good to know that all amerithe barbwire it cans aro arc ar anxious and willing to fence some one should try serve their country and it is to to trace the merio iro of an be hoped that you cn find places of offida f 1 ca memo you can serve servo where T FIRST best granger you K know MC HC that P odid id walter r was ae reports from the fi st utah representative deot a hington DC S thenn the other divanion devla ion di vinion os slit t ness mess halls which used riess balls ac I1 have always had faith that persons born in the U hall tables and that no r tates here in our public school camp moss hall tables are fates and educated hero oy cy but become good americano american I1 still being used costens could not help hut IM say that because american opportunities and Ane american rican ideals are such that thoughtful persons cannot help 41 have an understanding of his but embrace them thoa if they havo any theoryf about the purposeful korv and if they have nes of lif tho of men on the lifee and the wor vs will leara that we earth I1 loa a in this war that men forejtt of their blood can become and do become ree rile AM living Axierica IB good Ari the oldest uvin nisei is sema raz retopaz thpmas 0 or io in a tz in senator elbert of utah albert san gomi atee chairman of ma bonate committee franin born sident on education and labor ou ie over 60 years cisco he is ciaco t ijo ich thero are two old 4 ak am 1 un s in the center the fortunato unfortunate iam i clad that tho topaz has an embalmer neso japanese tuition in regard to our Sapa aund around ar zons is being eldrod up and I1 undertaker citizens citi were V farodily go h opa that it will dily co far people in topaz fez waChopa ather mers prior to evacuation aher than it has already I1 ghiza with you in your difficul- over half of them SS thea being 1 men gardeners id you nurserymen nurseryman a nursery es nd and greatly tho fine espirit that erdmon t I aid ties and hava carnival shown orner add as tao former hav in this circular inay ving living mary now are our men topaz a have in college student from that circus li one ono a one having tra ons lias has r abc a place for herself in our midst and in topaz we ilia meled all over the world frt likes hore so far as 1I can learn horo 1202 are working in the am 1 y young youns very and glad lady I thin e is a vury vui fino fine who v ness halls out of 0 ro as one of our students bor ber harre oiin city president are ore employed in the DT hi Col lops arri loge ohio marietta collage f william 0 carr tiny angad r 1 0 1 VT S lit lc ivy tc tal 0 lia 1 40 s- fr i |