Show oj 0 0 o ai mo xiMa y00 maxima 1 h do 1y s a at ar lar tam wkly akly aado W 0 01 A p ap I V N IV UN af fc A A ae l C ty rom ajaageel a hair art arthur dean dea L representatives university the tn i erdity of utah in CI 1 5 W teon idabsW Leonida rky Gs enge or of by ers instructor instruct lish left the city clay night uc t d day to0 b e inducted A army y at into the US fort t anpo n seminar at the topaz city aate tampon anan an af in bast sai dAle astion included dr saturday in urar y the delegation si jihijosh g PC Ls dru jansen ladru and L son and drr j t 4 aake city participated with salt take the resident educational social and activities and cor coupity activities HS idt N dif I1 by ve ite headed 81 bealey Y T TY llan J 1I S ja S V S 1 T i 1 IS E 1 KS december 5 1942 G iw al 0 0 1 td gc piergeorge dr geor ile was aclinass douglas utah he ivas ac bo gnap ziar jofs LT ferrii ht ain Dilia lidilia pro eject compa faculty phases project companied by nied in ions pertinent to elmr 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gif by gifts jp in paz present 1 bep Octo since Oc fober d as s ia mb popular hp st ios iha f all P c icv aed inter instructors ope sup en qt pi super by iiii erint his adenis arlisle tt r nr rP alf jl de t K 5 0 N NNE caa CASIAN STUDENTS 0 n t of deduc a b dent coleasoadd tkai mi complete roster of th d from tho register topaz lait topa ted fla f bilty staff faculty hiir cy of 10 caucasian students dizh school fa ra T ora ena dams they include aldon Sbadams announced last wweek as efi bills SA scwola hadj gaff all kiyoko date T ap as S L akl rolled IT dean caffall in topa edu ful aoka eleanor garard sumner fa3 fhe sons of two edv io aun C hn w ere the I hud t attio son doxson aff memb er s eiko rite nal1 at taff alla i ona ay are john C carlisle san son edwion lino ishidaa T hay iino ellis Mial esaac acuri isaacson bakari isad F FA CU L billed by alfeTlfe if1la john P TY4 TY fejt 1 I1 I1 W U ry C 4 L 1 9 1 11 1 amb VJ k ci H jenkins Ju icAro son of the superintenas ois buich alton iro kaneo toshi jr an Is obe ali kawaguchi kiyo acne kojiro kawauchi kataoka dent of schools and reed ij son of alden S ka sumine lottie lee lamb georgl ku zeda BR adams lebis iada mary mal vo ca aps A F tor of voca malf robert instructor in lisle 1 pj in the katheriae cui dance tic kather ine Ilakaap alror 6 ka SO j ty nal mitchell saiki al guidance warren R nelson avin JT jigli school melvin kelson ailio nish III 0 aice ae 0ba 4ar me roper d hn ra kra sakurai jo er Frait rohn sakura it vada both boys are register tt T ch les eshima r ade fanika su ihara shi atarau 0 d in the ath grade rose watanabe jileon A estaver NOV dver Masy oaly estt over akai tha MEETING at the Ps phoebe whiting doris E winters and masao odb 1I monthly dhove ecce coXf the sou hV aad supe arviso two westerners abid two auh supervisors ri p Is an A M r A S AN ap i erners aro arc the lat a demurs lemurs tion of salt lake da latent add pitr F n alty schools on november Ty to the topaz faculty p rom california oame from 25 in salt lake city dr ADDD ITT ION S ab potta johh C carlisle superia pol l d Goertz ell thili and jom eil of director brfill of hobert maggiora of niles atit of topaz schools is direct robert school miles pr guidance and placement and MagG praa an instructor of on the topaz School spoke instruct eau or cor rc afi s phoebe ate fety ys tera more than 50 edu of coninie hercial c way da tp ed hee t the in pa ca harbar floia tors parti cipa cahors aoh aar d division the in dials discussion alinas ENT OFF ICES f he I1 topaz educationali ranks was mrs opi i e 7 present th e bf aution de es 0 mta iq of education o the education elementary f fic baor i locatta heads are the educe ioa located the that th f i I1 n p dructor truc tor agre y t a cched following sites dl dr ito t 0 T9 p a PIC in C A uce Mis M isawa Cap mrs sli lisle awat maicy alice carl hisano carlisle isle marani ltv ko abe maj and mag of education and yadiapoto kindergarten ibay T hargood and mrs setsuko marie dr Reesey Maughan direct graftdea Mr mrs or hamachi 0of curr aull um in admibane toshiko Hamin chit 2nd seizu and nistration fusaye and yoshi arla la dr ratio n labb grade carpl pf ili aerne Fac lAsu ishida riyoko kushidaa mi aeme C af nakasha chi na Luchi s bia mabel jabel chiko adult educations 8 7 Ffi Ls and lillian Yam iuchi le grandd noble secondary aran gran 3rd grade M rs virginia jenkins eiko Nka izor fran ard mrs AB ces nd mrs L westover ath grade and school principal 32 10 AE sophie greened dray ton B nuttall elemen Greene Gree nei yasuko Kusunoki Shige matsutani ayako drayton gnp Chiyeko Takahashi and fumiko ToT ET and rade tary principal 8 9 efana imatsu ath grade tokimatsu ryo G mrs fforence date S ayo koito florence ell director directo naill masako victor G0oertz eliza oth nai ei atzell 32 ag 52 a ii 10 F takeda mariko taketoshi and mrs C0 co rmnwaali 0of guidance M masao a lile ra j T micnal ai T t arla 1 I11 ayi 52 i kt 1110 Z I1 I1 4 i CI L fw 01 sf I1 sLora 3 1 s |