Show h j it 7 9 rr i P 1 ava vol 1 THE no AT it 1 J ewt t CL PAYCHECK encourage mutual understanding between the communities of topaz and delta an exchange of receptions has been started to A ach ej arl receptions TO EXCHANGE y 1I Z DELTA TOPAZ CITY afes rt october TOPAZ 4 A I1 A good number of notices will have to be into crammed this today column to begin with theres therea the matter of paychecks four council 0of topaz were guests of wednesday night a stream the delta lions club wednesday evening at delta high of people came up to the varnon ichisaka old copt office to claim school they bere ernest iiyama maruyama oraa but the tha ofand lapato Maruy they wore accom- their checks james open jack H panied by mr and mrs brandon watson fice Nic bols fiscal accountant plans for a0 return reception are now being made by nichols set for wednesday nov 4 explained the next morning explaincd th the council rith the date sot MEMBERS since oct 21 5 more new block represen- that lack of heating facComra unity council rais- ilities in the PO building natives tativess have been added to the community ing the membership of that body to 29 the full membe- cancelled the arrangement evening ling the bevc announced rship will total 56 36 he added checks 36 bachi however the ite new councilmen are tsune baba block 56 re yunsan 4 taketoshi 33 shinsaku koyanagi will be given out friday 55 Ua 55 and hiroshi Va 40 had been named to night tonight at the old baba has PO from 6 to 59 PM as well the constitution committee members of the community I1 1 to investigate the education activities offered in to EDUCATORSS jav as during the day T ANITA CHECKSS TOO also Santa Arite checks coveral I paz VISIT CITY 7 lj M ing the period from aug 53 state and 2 county offid 15 16 to sept education the of visited zill be cials visite available at the same city early wednesday morning a rles H during durigg the same place duri the group included ch charles skidmore state superintendent of public instruction hours dant pf and emil Seker akl abst david gourley assistant state superintendent af alty enterschools director head of community cecil 0 samuelson assistant state Ai of vocational rehabilitation WA paxton superinten- prises has announced that county EC ana loure dent of schools laura henderson the checks may be cashed hoole and rec co op office at the coop primary supervisor of millard county AM to noon ana ani while here they participated in an informal orzal con 12 from 9 se 1 J till 4 rector 1 1 fernee with the leaders of the education division to compare the school systems teras of topaz millard county and the state SPOOK 5 spooky TO TAKE CO 3 i 0 d 4 ored by the pons sponsored va 1 yoshitomi general ch birman for Hallow elen parties halloween kimbo promised today that spooks shooks ga community activities section will vill be in charge of george suzuki kimi klai fujii mabel koba yutaka kobayashi june or iok ki 6 ay orick Ane clyo okli anne An kit Ori eiyu yuki Yone kure and T d cirota who after the rush FM 4 FY subsided for cashing has checks may be cashed most he anytime at the office addad POST OFFICE post office has the entire now been topaz this moved to the new building lore will take over lopaz cast of the former PO saturday tay be in will and Satur fun reports ts hideo iyeki sustore for everyone young and rapo 11 pervisor of resident work- the parties will be held saturday afternoon and evening and will feature holiday games fiest story tell ing dancing and spooks shooks youngsters broo 7 to 11 years old will have their fr PIM 9 and 27 from PM parties in the evenin ahe PM ing from 7 PY the junior high age group will share 9 and 27 senior high age group in the fun at at 20 and 23 and the older group at dining hall 32 leaders parties are I1 to the different ichiro goro suzugeorge ers all be claimed the packages at the placement should new PO office the building vacated by the PO BOYS WANTED US MJ roper of the topaz high school industrial arts departloys announced that boys ment 16 years and over who have access to a saw or hammer and who are not already has moved into employed in winterization to work are requested volunteer for employment at 32 7 |