Show O adv QULiETj t kR D E 3 second of the interfaith inter faith minister j ji was held sept ocia tion vas sert 5 at 4499 h with thu Rev thurel goto presiding pres idin g as eh cioto ch airman charan rev I1 kyogoku as vic cha electing ting tho rov after aluc chair if IF of tnie group the recommended thit all co con ity activities bk the arria arrive of 11 young pi ants contingents conting r oevaa r pi ov cintr faith Fr int froeda ar consid under ta ken und sugi atod and taken tion Cit was lao ata kinod to r f lr all cinH to tl rj oo 00 Kiunity ion and und division divi llad t air aj tioio iran A sivate i following ice notice f ellov inc not adain rc leaved by the drain the wa irac 1 1 T i P 1 N N D ff 01 0 UJ tl I1 0A 6 1 C fe c 4 i t rat ion till th 1 fait 1 private employee lit oty port unities pportunities ios will lie availwho st to tho able first fir tgP to thea are workinggr on aorl erra creif pr oraas llwis be gratis announced as fo the church pro rhe procedure will fol loae follose ill DA DAY ADV SN al R C il6 fiut a private ca adl m1I L 13 young poo ply school ool saturday irr sabbath 36 r e qu t as parsons player abo aaa dc will preside at thy bervicj from 9 AM for work alic Lci vice brorn 10 ami ith adult and Y P saturday silavice of ice mr aso nan ao chairman as t contact chair tact tive various will coi i bo AT aid cr vs and arrange abrar ge for the Ppori tant cras sunday sunday school at roc rc rc yndfa english apalone leace through tha fore release hoz A M 1 frad ta vor 9 kiya la with i ron r I of the bost lor aj workers inan marl ith best kers f ae r lv fa kishimura Kishiaura as who are qu qualified latn lish 3 avico aatt ILCr alifi d to do t ov Rs v AK with J auy iro as apaka aith iila Apa krr and vie the type of work available i 5 from 10 ANI LI pt cv as icv nt t F akai in private priva 10 Japa nose s peaking sunday japanese corning service frue 30 Ja if a la for in ec 455 aith the message to be delivered by dv undid by ar i at oc boorer is be froia c bcd 5 r wor- J fujii rota 7 PH at etc pa foryan service v ill he for j ar ra wednesday eining Ev Haya ning L ltv hayakawa c r kuwa as speaker 3 iven nith kcr tatt ti lr pre FM with ir DT froni 7 PM canji ffirst conola rhen then service at rac 5 froza rev v ark tho giving and the exaltation aiding J for ia is j arr RO 4 availably out- CAT H OT 10 iii available avail abl ii m vasthi day ing saturday I1for all geeting aclo n hect side this pl a ii pr c dur bere arora fro a 7 PA will be in hero sunday rec T155 at 11 all 11 with II V op on sunda or morning ix et i ng at ree f rt jor nan chairman as cha x H chair iruan ini ath 2 th r acau mr ni 04 TY AMI L 7 1 T LL I1 fc yi 1 43 a 1 1I S alil U F L 1 c ti eions it ons ions ay W pa ra R A BUDDHIST ra 6 C g A at sunday school from 9 aja carmot cannot fa6 with mian Z aho do not de pra aiding as chalman and berv pi P it ain n vho do on atrat t ir giod iod cha ohl lir fukushima delivering livering tho th rev kyogoku atul Svinday ca v arra aa and aielt to cepro mhd va ean at aba chabi Yasa chabrian alcor ard and kar koshi the cha irian be th tQ us r th coirini 16 IQ fa 6 aa rec at tor 7 from ha t i s our i utation is at service frow L i topaz 1 1 i tiat a L LOt IAL K botial t C vat v A VA r alac A s AS oi 0 all I1 f I deraa are ay iy J harry lic kuan baer amsl repart rep ritti vc who w will il I1 attili pt to obtain 1 v inouye who pass bc hold for irs KF will be tom 7 PM on oct 5 at jos joby on sept 9222 Pfloii roc fa 5 of hirosuke inouye who exwao the bif she was sho pressed his appreciation to all friends lri ads from ideas hall lt 8 5 at manfo an for their sy sympathies a var orld war corli A rt t tw ay d ainlay at aan aan t 7 bo contact the 11 u ra 1 aoker to agricultural rt the f irst tha ir s africa roc 19 ah at fice 10 held on inar fiill lo ion the amp for sch on PI in are monday oct 5 at 7 i those coi c rn t coic T d to ito give their iwae dinini hall 5 0 IRA su co0 ob aka at u at the all persons W frim P 3 private employ i transportation asportation Z L L aab of 1 ICE office L0 0 1 abc hall lb0 was opened 0 Thu thursday oit oi ait for of bloc 1ay iy 4 and ac ib it vvill jcc open pt asunda un a from froiaa 8 isunda ac i 45 titi PL all t of- or rcck in the oi t are invited to attend c K0 of H- Y or 0oinant 0 u graduate college of agriba the saml cul turc will be culture assisted nar instructor assi stid Cor cornella nells by T daily ji la AM to and mat K laka- diviaio ti tiaa divisi ons acrivi 1 boand in a9 h r be ia la it wao announced 1 fonroe 11 fr with skilled workers coleaving the de nstantly sta for outside rork it especially diffi- apartment Part ment WANTED following machines tho follo thu tnt rested in are needed by the coain pr divi t ioor I1 ezot oriro ity enterprises division drori nii contini aror replacement for trucks se shortage of rop koars ors rs by also reported alj by Y1I kaa T calculator making ankin nance maintenance th maint lt in the of trucks more 11 11 ccult repair are nosed L and men to apply at the placement office work for rork is division this iaccino c inn ta electric adding inachin adding add ing to these problems na aa and at r uni electric accounting ha topa salona motor haulat AC 1 jtb Aanu S chiessi and chines mabkinie ma ing with the trucks makinde direction under tn dirce writers tion of uri filers to the trip round mile 30 joll aad1 theae 50 osco residents having caving these agriI1IK arc railroad eul turaL divia io sale aro cultural di liuio staff available for salo steff 11 at licati locations y A 1 4 tv i v 1 L |