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Show Thursday, March 21, Pulley, Tullis Take Vows Sampson, Drew Wed iDenise Drew, daughter of Mr. ahd Mrs. Robert E. Drew, Am. Fork, will marry Fawn Karl Sampson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fawn K. Sampson, Lehi, Friday, in the Am. Fprl Sr. Citizen Building. A reception will honor the couple Isai evening, o jj.iu. 8i luc run. Rork Senior Citizen Building. The event is open to all friends and relatives. Gina Pulley, daughter of Doris Pulley and the late Kenneth Pulley, Am. Fork, will marry Dan Eugene Tullis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Tullis, Las Vegas, Nev., Saturday, in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints Salt Lake Temple. A reception will honor the couple that evening, 9 p.m. at the Colonial House, 187 W. Main, Lehi. The event is open to all friends and fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM Bridal attendants are Pam A n as matron of honor and Debbie Jensen and Sherrie Wilcox as bridesmaids. j Best man is Rick Morrill, i The couple will live in Lehi. lie-ma- r ma, relatives. Kim Allington ; jWhimpey Allington it i in women's sportswear 5 BRITTANIA TOPS 1 5 JUNIOR BLOUSES 40 MISSES' TOPS 50 MISSES' SWEATERS 15 MISSES' VESTS 30 MISSES' SKIRTS 20 MISSES' PETITE TOPS 15 MISSES' TOPS 15 JUNIOR SKIRTS 50 ACTIVE COORDINATES 20 BRfTTANIA1 BLOUSES 15 MISSES' BLOUSES 20 BRITTANIA" TOPS 15 JUNIOR TOPS 20 BRITTANIA" SHIRTS 20 JUNIOR BLOUSES ct Renae Dahl Todd Robertson Her fiance graduated from Timpview High and LDS Seminary. He served an LDS Mission to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is working and attending school in Provo. The couple will live in Provo. . 6-- . i ' f " - Best man is Steve Robbins. The bride-elegraduated from Roy High and attended Weber State College. She is employed at Hill Air Force Base. Her fiance graduated from Lehi High and University of Utah. He served an IDS Mission in Denct Nancy Jones Michael Cote i.i The couple will live in American Fork. Howard, Jones Mark James Capell Ann Abbott 1 M Jm , mark. NOW 1 .98 1 The bride-elegraduated from Timpview High and LDS Seminary and is working in Provo. Abbott, Capell Exchange Vows Nancy Jones, daughter of James A. Jones and Kathleen Howard married Michael Cote, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Cote, Cheyenne, Wy. on March 9 at the Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wy. The couple will be honored with an open bouse, Friday, 9 p.m. at the home of the mother of the bride, 145 Maple Lane, Pleasant Grove. The event is open to all friends and relatives. Nancy is an LPN from Provo and is employed at Utah Training School in Am. Fork. Michael is with the VS. Navy and is serving in the Provo recruiting office. 2.98 3.98 3.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 6.98 9.98 9.98 Farmington, N.M., will marry Mark James Capell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Capell, Springville and Ms. Nola Capell, Spanish Fork, Saturday, in Provo. A reception will honor the couple that evening, 9 p.m. at the Gomez residence, 1690 S. Main, Maple-to7-- n. Gregory Rosi Lisa Rae Charles Charles, Ross Plan Marriage Lisa Rae Charles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Charles, Springville, will marry Gregory Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Ross, Myton, Friday in The Church Saints of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Jordan River Temple. A reception will honor the couple that evening, 7-- 9 p.m. at the Springville North Stake Center. The event is open to all friends and relatives. Bridal attendants are Anita Charles. Brenda Kimber, Helen Day, Deborah Nixon, Michelle Schroedter and Jeanna Phillips Ross. Seven Ross, Michael Ross, Richard Ross, Patrick Charles. Richard Scbroedter and Patrick Tanner. graduated from The bride-eleLDS Semiand Springville High Clark's from She graduated nary. Travel School and is employed in Salt Lake City at Universal Business Machines. Her fiance graduated from Union He High and LDS Seminary. in Japan. He Muson LDs an lined Travel graduated from Murdock School and is employed in Salt Lake City at Lincoln Travel Cenct ter. The couple will live in Murray. The event is open to all friends and relatives. Bridal attendants are Heidi r Rebbie Enright, Debra Benson and Karen Abbott. Best man is Lance Capell with Vince Capell, Ralph Abbott and Kelly Gomez as groomsman. Prenuptial parties were given by Gary Dehaas and David Doty. Showers were given by Debra Benson, Rebbie Enright and Rita Brazil. The bride-elegraduated from Farmington High and LDS Seminary where she was active in student council and speech. She is a senior at Brigham Young University and expects to graduate in December in microbiology and chemct istry. Her fiance is an honor graduate of Springville High and LDS Seminary where he was active in sports and DECA club. He served an LDS Mission to Phoenix, Arizona and is a junior at BYU studying accounting. He works for Central Bank in Provo. The couple will live in Provo. r nd guidance of proftont. Your Phormoc'utt Mping You Tot Cort of Yourulf 0-- M-- 5.98 8.98 1 0.93 1 2.98 1 6.98 23.98 large size fashions f 2U Wwt Ct 373-n- iW maternity wear NOW 3.98 9.98 1 6.98 17.98 15 PANTS 10 TOPS 45 JOGGING SUITS 15 DRESSES.: lingerie, loungewear "Your Instant Photo Center" 48c HAIR BARRETTS COSMETICS 48C NYLONS GLITTER POLISH BELTS 98C 48c 1.98 1.98 2.98 2.98 SCARVES 80 TIGHTS infants and toddlers buys for girls 45 HATS OR GLOVES. 15 UMBRELLAS 35 PANTS, 35 BLOUSES. WEDDING PICTURES Wedding Covrog At An AHot doOt scHrouti nil S7'i IN lW WHEN wrooiNO moTooiAPMY CIT 2 20 SLIPPERS. 40 SKIRTS. 4 t (Sfartinq At $125.00) CMh mMm fimm WcMMif A yyi''"1 rf"'M WITH THIS AO NOW NYLONS KNEE-H- I NOW 2.98 2.98 2.98 3.98 5.98 NOW 4 X Complot NOW 30 BIKINI UNDERWEAR 48c 20 MAIDENFORM BRIEFS 98c 40 TANK TOPS 1.98 30 THERMAL PRINT TOPS 2.98 40 HALF SLIPS.... 2.98 20 LAUNDRY BAGS (LINGERIE DEPT.) ..2.98 3.98-5.9- 8 40 WARM GOWNS 12 SWEATSHIRT ROBES 8.98 20 WARM ROBES 8.98 19 COORDINATE SLEEPWEAR.. 8.98-12.9- 8 at Poster Factorymm YOU A 4-- 12-18- ..: 41 RAINCOATS 51 ACTIVE VESTS .1 .98-2.- X X (GIRLS DEPT.) Orem 98c 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 4.98 1.98 48 SHIRTS, 8 54 ACTIVE TOPS, 4 99 PANTS, 55 STUDENTS' PANTS 99 SWEATERS, 8 33 LE TIGRE""' SHIRTS 26 STUDENTS' PARACHUTE PANTS .98 1 8-- 18 2.48 2.48 2.98 3.98 5.98 10-1- 8-1- NOW ...98c 3.98 4.98 4.93 5.98 5.98 6.98 9.98 shoes for the family NOW 80 WOMEN'S HOBIE" SNEAKERS 30 LITTLE GIRLS' NIKE " SNEAKERS 25 LITLE BOYS' CASUAL SHOES 30 MEN'S HIGH SIERRA" BOOTS 50 WOMEN'S FLAT CASUAL SHOES ... 4.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 1 2.98 for your home NOW 17 DECORATIVE BATH SOAPS 75 WINDOW CURTAINS 15 VINYL HAMPER BAGS 12 ANIMAL HOOKS 1 9 SHOWER CURTAINS 17 CERAMIC BATH SETS 15 CHILDREN'S SHEET SETS 98c 1 .98-5.- 98 2.98 2.98 2.98 4.98 8.98 1 5.98 17.98 3-P-C 8 AUTOMATIC BLANKETS 10 CHILDREN'S BEDSPREADS housewares NOW 300 NAPKIN RINGS 25 KITCHEN TOWELS 45 NAPKINS 30 MOLDS 20 OVEN MITTS 60 PLACEMATS 35 HURRICANE LAMPS 30 PIE PANS 25 CAKE PANS 20 VASES 25 MARBLE SALT & PEPPER SETS 35 TEAK SALT & PEPPER SETS 18 CAKE PANS 25 DESK LAMPS 6 CHINA SETS. 45-PC 28C 48C 48C 48C 98c 98c 1 .98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 3.98 4.98 5.98 44.98 jewelry buys 98C 30 CHILDREN'S NECKLACES 15 BRACELETS 40 EARRINGS 50 NECKLACES 98C-3.9- 8 0&C-4.- 98 98C-5.9- 8 toys, toys, toys 30 PLUSH TOYS 11 SNOOPY TOOTHBRUSHES 23 HELLO KITTY" ACCESSORIES University Mall, University Parkway at State Street 98 12-1- NOW 1.98 3.98 14.98 15 TOPS 15 TOPS 20 JEANS 98c 1.48 ..1.48 1 .48 1.48 8-- 18 4-- 75 UNDERWEAR 41 CHEETAH0 SHIRTS 42 SHIRTS..,. 51 VANHEUSEN" SPORT SHIRTS 61 SPORT SHIRTS 42 SPORTSMAN" SHIRTS 57 PLAID SPORT SHIRTS 91 YOUNG MEN'S SHIRTS 30 INFANT GIRLS ACTIVE SETS 25 INFANTS' PRAMS 25 INFANTS JACKETS 25 INFANT GIRLS DIAPER SETS 15 INFANTS' SWEATERS o Sot. 48C 98C 98C 18 JUNIOR DRESSES 25 MISSES' DRESSES 20 JUNIOR DRESSES 25 MISSES' DRESSES 20 MISSES' PETITE DRESSES COATS 35 50 20 30 50 20 30 40 you don't 0m Bui many Qm on. Vou my tlill riMd NOW 37 BELTS 99 SOCKS 37 HATS 43 PRINT TEES, 53 PRINT TEES, 7 22 SHIRTS, 7 44 LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS, buys for men women's accessories A PHARMACIST IS NOT A PHYSICIAN.... buys for boys dresses and coats 7-- Ann Katherine Abbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Abbott, available in our University Mall store . Honorary best men are Jim and may each grouping. ..colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! To Wecf Paul Robertson. Xim Allington, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Ben Allington, Roy, will marry Jay Robert Whimpey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Whimpey, Lehi today. An open house will honor the p.m. at couple tonight, 7:30-9:3- 0 the Lehi Multipurpose Center, 880 N. 700 E There will also be an open bouse, Saturday, April 6, 8 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, Bige-lo- w Rm 2510, Washington Blvd., Ogden. The events are open to all friends and relatives. Bridal attendant is Shelley Dick-amor-e. ...Ji many limited quantities. ..not all book. ', .. starts Friday 9:30 a.m. be sizes Dan Tullis Gina Louise Pulley Renae Dahl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Dahl, Provo, will marry Todd Robertson, son of Dr. and Mrs. L. Eugene Robertson, Provo, today in The Church of Saints Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Provo Temple. A reception will honor the couple tonight, 6:30-- 9 p.m. at the Rock Canyon Chapel. The event is open to all friends and relatives. Honorary bridal attendants are Jodi and Deanne Dahl and Diane Roberts with Ann Bracken, Stacy Clark and Jennifer Brown at the Jay Robert Wbimpey frl l3 J kXl The bride-elegraduated from American Fork High, LDS Seminary, Snow College and Utah State University where she majored in elementary and early childhood education. Her fiance graduated from Western High in Las Vegas, Nev. He attended Dixie College prior to serving an LDS Mission in the New Enland States. He graduated from Utah State University majoring in electrical engineering. The couple will, live in Las Vegas, Nev. Dahl, Robertson r pww 7-- ct ; - Page THE HERALD, Provo, Utah, 1985 Phone 226-260- 1 2.98 3.98 5 98' . . , 39 |